.PS # Eye.m4 gen_init define(`eye',`[ u = `$1'; v = 0.47*u; w = 0.25*u shade(1, arc thick 0 from (u/2,0) to (-u/2,0) with .c at (0,-u/3) arc thick 0 to (u/2,0) with .c at (0,u/3) ) circle diam v fill_(0.25) at (0,0) circle diam w fill_(0) at (0,0) circle thick 0 diam last circle.diam/2 fill_(1) at last circle.nw circle diam last circle.diam-lthick at last circle outlined graystring(0.9) ] ') skale = 2/3 Bx: box wid 11*skale ht 8.5*skale fill_(0) at (0,0) ane = atan2(Bx.ht,Bx.wid)*rtod_ d[5] = 0.92*Bx.ht d[4] = 0.78*Bx.ht d[3] = 0.62*Bx.ht d[2] = 0.40*Bx.ht d[1] = 0.25*Bx.ht da = 1 dax = 360/64 C[0]: Bx.se; C[1]: Bx.nw for a=-int(ane/dax)*dax to 180-ane by dax do { T1: (Rect_(1,a+da)); T1: intersect_(Bx.ne,C[(a>ane)],Bx,T1) T2: (Rect_(1,a)); T2: intersect_(Bx.ne,C[(a>ane)],Bx,T2) line outlined "white" shaded "white" from Bx to T1 then to T2 then to Bx line outlined "white" shaded "white" from Bx to T1*(-1) \ then to T2*(-1) then to Bx } for i=5 to 2 by -1 do { C[i]: circle diam d[i] fill_(0) at Bx for a=0 to 359 by dax do { T1: (Rect_(d[i]/2,a)) T2: (Rect_(d[i]/2,a-da*2)) shade(1, arc cw thick 0 from T1 to T2 with .c at Bx spline 0.55 thick 0 to 0.8 between Bx and T2 \ then to (Rect_(d[i]/4,a+30)) arc cw thick 0 to (Rect_(d[i]/4,a+32)) with .c at Bx spline 0.55 thick 0 to 0.8 between Bx and T1 then to T1 ) } } C[1]: circle thick 2 diam d[1] at Bx fill_(0.1) eye(d[1]-4bp__) at (0,0) for a=0 to 359 by dax do { T1: (Rect_(d[1]/2-1bp__,a)) T2: (Rect_(d[1]/2-1bp__,a+dax/2)) line thick 0 from T1 to T2 then to 0.5 between Bx and T2 \ then to 0.5 between Bx and T1 then to T1 shaded "white" #outlined "white" } .PE