.PS # Csource.m4 cct_init # Set small text size iflatex(`textoffset = 1bp__; ifpsfrag(`textht = 9bp__', `latexcommand({\scriptsize)') ') linewid = 0.4 # Reduce element sizes define(`npair',`[define(`m4lr',ifelse(`$1',,ljust,rjust)) J: mosfet(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),uHSDF,E) "$Q_{$2}$" ljust "`2N5464'" ljust at J.nw+(-4pt__,9pt__) G: J.G line ifelse(`$1',,right,left) dimen_/4 from J.D Q: bi_tr(up_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,L,R),,E) with .B at Here ifelse(`$1',,r,l)label(,"$Q_{`$3'}$" m4lr "2N4239") E: Q.E S: dot(at (Q.C,J.S)) line from J.S to S then to Q.C ]') define(`ppair',`[define(`m4lr',ifelse(`$1',,ljust,rjust)) J: mosfet(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),dHSDF,E) "$Q_{$2}$" ljust "`2N3819'" ljust at J.sw+(0,-8pt__) G: J.G line ifelse(`$1',,right,left) dimen_/4 from J.S Q: bi_tr(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),P,E) with .B at Here ifelse(`$1',,l,r)label(,"$Q_{`$3'}$" m4lr "2N4236") E: Q.E S: dot(at (Q.C,J.D)) line from J.D to S then to Q.C ]') R2: resistor(down_ dimen_) llabel(,"$R_2$" ljust "\unit{150}{}") dot Q13: bi_tr(down_ dimen_,,P,E) with .E at Here rlabel(,"$Q_{13}$" rjust "2N4236") line down 3.1*elen_ from Q13.C Q14: bi_tr(up_ dimen_,R,,E) with .C at Here llabel(,"$Q_{14}$" rjust "2N4239") dot(at Q14.E) { line left_ dimen_*1.3 then up_ dimen_ R1: potentiometer(up_ dimen_) with .Start at Here rlabel(,"$R_1$" ljust "\unit{20}{\kilo}") { ground(at R1.T1) } line from R1.End to (R1.End,Q13.E) then to Q13.E } { dot(at Q13.C+(0,-elen_)) line to (R1.R,Here)+(-dimen_/2,0) { arrowline(right_ dimen_/2); llabel(,i_1) } V1: gap(down_ dimen_,1); rlabel(+,V_1,-) line down_ dimen_/4 chop dotrad_ chop 0; ground(,T) } R3: resistor(down_ dimen_) llabel(,"$R_3$" ljust "\unit{150}{}") dot(at Q13.C+(0,-2*elen_)) line right_ dimen_/2 A1: opamp with .In2 at Here; "A$_1$" at A1.C "Nexus" ljust "`SQ-10A'" ljust at A1.sw+(0,-10pt__) below line left_ dimen_/4 from A1.In1 then up_ dimen_/2 then right dimen_ dot { resistor(up_ elen_) llabel(,"$R_{14}$" rjust "\unit{19}{\kilo}") line to (Here,Q13.E) then to Q13.E } line to (A1.Out,Here) dot { line to A1.Out dot resistor(down_ to (Here,Q14.E)) llabel(,"$R_{13}$" ljust "\unit{91}{\kilo}") line to Q14.E } R6: resistor(right_ dimen_) clabel(,"$R_6$" "\vphantom{x}" "\unit{15}{\kilo}") dot line to (Here,A1.In1) then right_ dimen_/4 A2: opamp with .In1 at Here; "A$_2$" at A2.C "Nexus" ljust "`SQ-10A'" ljust at A2.sw+(0,-10pt__) below line left_ dimen_/4 from A2.In2 ground dot(at A2.Out) DP1: npair(,3,4) with .E at (A2.Out,Q14.B)+(elen_*1.25,0) line from A2.Out to (A2.Out,DP1.G) then to DP1.G line from DP1.E to (DP1.E,R3.bottom); dot D4: reversed(`diode',up_ dimen_/2 from DP1.S) D3: reversed(`diode',up_ dimen_/2 from Here+(0,-dimen_/7)) llabel(,"`OMC-V'" rjust "$D_3$" rjust "$D_4$") DP2: ppair(,1,2) with .E at (DP1.E,Q13.B) D1: diode(down_ dimen_/2 from DP2.S) D2: diode(down_ dimen_/2 from Here+(0,dimen_/6)) { "$D_1$" rjust "$D_2$" rjust "`OMC-V'" rjust at last [].nw } dot(at (Here,A2)) line to D2.bottom line from DP2.G to (A2.Out,DP2.G) then to A2.Out line from DP2.E to (DP2.E,R2.top); dot T: dot(at (DP1.E,A2)+(dimen_,0)) DP3: npair(,7,8) with .G at (Here,DP1.G)+(dimen_/4,0) dot(at DP3.E) line to Q14.B DP4: ppair(,5,6) with .G at (DP3.G,DP2.G) dot(at DP4.E) line to Q13.B line from DP3.G to (T,DP3.G) then to (T,DP4.G) then to DP4.G R11: resistor(down_ dimen_ from DP4.S) rlabel(,"$R_{11}$" rjust "\unit{20}{}") D5: diode(up_ from DP3.S to (DP3.S,A2),Z) llabel(,"$D_5$" rjust "1N4729$_{\strut}$") line to R11.end C4: capacitor(right_ dimen_*1.3 from DP3.S,C) llabel(,C_4); rlabel(,\unit{0.68}{\micro\farad}) C3: capacitor(right_ dimen_*1.3 from DP4.S,C) llabel(,C_3); rlabel(,\unit{0.68}{\micro\farad}) dot dot(at (Here,R6)) C2: reversed(`capacitor',left_ dimen_*1.3,C) rlabel(,C_2); llabel(,\unit{0.1}{\micro\farad}) line to R6.end R5: resistor(up_ from R6.end to (R6.end,Q13.B)) rlabel(,"$R_5$" ljust "\unit{100}{\kilo}") dot(at R5.top-(0,dimen_/2)) line left_ dimen_/2 capacitor(down_ dimen_,C) rlabel(,"$C_1$" rjust "\unit{1}{\micro\farad}") ground(,T) line from DP4.E to (DP4.E,R2.bottom) resistor(up_ to (Here,R2.top)) rlabel(,"$R_9$" ljust "\unit{910}{}") dot resistor(down_ from DP3.E to (DP3.E,R3.bottom)) llabel(,"$R_{10}$" ljust "\unit{910}{}") dot line from R5.top to (R5,Q13.E) resistor(right_ elen_) clabel(,"$R_4$" "\vphantom{x}" "\unit{100}{\kilo}") line to (C4.end,Here) then to C4.end DP5: npair(L,11,10) with .E at (C4.end,DP1.E)+(elen_*0.8,0) line from DP5.E to (DP5.E,R3.bottom); dot line from R3.bottom to Here+(dimen_/2,0) dot(,,1) `"$-E_{CC}$"' ljust at last [].e D6: diode(up_ from DP5.S to (DP5.S,A2),Z) llabel(,"$D_6$" rjust "1N4728") DP6: ppair(L,12,9) with .E at (DP5.E,DP2.E) line from DP6.E to (DP6.E,R2.top); dot line from R2.top to Here+(dimen_/2,0) dot(,,1) `"$+E_{CC}$"' ljust at last [].e resistor(down_ from DP6.S to (DP6.S,C2)) rlabel(,"$R_{12}$" rjust "\unit{20}{}") dot { line to C2.e } line to D6.end Vr: dot(at (DP6.G,V1.top)+(dimen_/4,0)) line from DP6.G to (Vr,DP6.G) then to (Vr,DP5.G) then to DP5.G reversed(`arrowline',right_ dimen_/2 from Vr); llabel(,i_2) V2: gap(down_ dimen_,1); llabel(+,V_2,-) line down_ dimen_/4 chop dotrad_ chop 0; ground(,T) dot(at (Vr,T)) resistor(left_ to (DP6.E,Here)) clabel("$R_{15}$" "" "\unit{200}{}" ljust) line to (DP1.E,Here) dot iflatex(ifpsfrag(,`latexcommand(})')) .PE