.PS # Btree.m4 # One way to draw a binary tree using pic macros gen_init circlerad = 0.35 define n { [C: circle fill_(0.9) $1 if "$2" != "" then { L: $2 with .ne at C.s-(circlerad/20, circlerad/2) line from C to L.C chop } if "$3" != "" then { R: $3 with .nw at C.s+(circlerad/20,-circlerad/2) line from C to R.C chop } ] } # Redrawn from T. A. Standish, "Data Structure Techniques," Addison-Wesley 1980. # Node data: define Sirius { n("Sirius",Canopus,Vega) } define Canopus { n("Canopus",AlphaCentauri,Capella) } define AlphaCentauri { n("Alpha" "Centauri",Achernar,Arcturus) } define Arcturus { n("Arcturus",Betelgeux) } define Betelgeux { n("Betelgeux",BetaCentauri) } define Capella { n("Capella",Rigel) } define Rigel { n("Rigel",Procyon) } define Achernar { n("Achernar") } define BetaCentauri { n("Beta" "Centauri") } define Procyon { n("Procyon") } define Vega { n("Vega") } # Build the tree from the root S: Sirius .PE