% \newdimen{\leftwid}\setlength{\leftwid}{2in} \newdimen{\libwid}\setlength{\libwid}{0.5in} \newdimen\rightwid \setlength{\rightwid}{\textwidth} \addtolength{\rightwid}{-\leftwid} \addtolength{\rightwid}{-\libwid} % \newbox\Defbox %\newcommand{\macx}[2]{% % \phantomsection\pdfbookmark[subsection]{#1}{#2}#1} \newcommand{\macrodef}[5]{%\begin{samepage}% \phantomsection\pdfbookmark[subsubsection]{#1}{#2}% \setbox\Defbox=\hbox{\tt #1#3}% \ifdim\wd\Defbox>\textwidth% \setbox\Defbox=\hbox{\parbox{\textwidth}{\tt #1#3}}\fi \ifdim\wd\Defbox>\leftwid% \box\Defbox\hfill\break\hspace*{\leftwid}% \else\hbox to \leftwid{\box\Defbox\hfill}\fi% \hbox to \libwid{#4\hfill}\parbox[t]{\rightwid}% {\raggedright #5}% % \end{samepage}% \vspace{\parsep}\\}% \newcommand{\seesect}[1]{ (\SR{#1})} \newcommand{\Letter}[1]{\noindent% \pdfbookmark[subsection]{#1}{#1}% \hskip-2em\hbox to 2em{#1\label{#1}\hfill}\relax}% \newcommand{\LR}[1]{\hyperref[#1]{{#1}}\hskip1em} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vspace{\abovedisplayskip} \noindent \LR{A} \LR{B} \LR{C} \LR{D} \LR{E} \LR{F} \LR{G} \LR{H} \LR{I} \LR{J} \LR{K} \LR{L} \LR{M} \LR{N} \LR{O} \LR{P} \LR{R} \LR{S} \LR{T} \LR{U} \LR{V} \LR{W} \LR{X} \LR{Y} \\ \Letter{A}% \macrodef{above\_}{above_}{} {gen} {string position above relative to current direction} \macrodef{abs\_}{abs_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {absolute value function} \macrodef{ACsymbol}{ACsymbol}{(at {\sl position, len, ht,} [n:][A]U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}) } {cct} {draw a stack of $n$ (default 1) AC symbols ( 1-cycle sine waves); If arg 4 contains A, two arcs are used. The current drawing direction is default, otherwise Up, Down, Left, Right, or at {\sl degrees} slant; \seesect{Twoterminal:} e.g.,\\ {\tt ebox; $\lbrace$ACsymbol(at last [],{,}dimen\_/8)$\rbrace$}} \macrodef{adc}{adc}{({\sl width,height,nIn,nN,nOut,nS})} {cct} {ADC with defined width, height, and number of inputs {\tt In$i$}, top terminals {\tt N$i$}, ouputs {\tt Out$i$}, and bottom terminals~{\tt S$i$}} \macrodef{addtaps}{addtaps}{[{\sl arrowhd} | type={\sl arrowhd};name={\sl Name}], {\sl fraction, length, fraction, length,} $\cdots$)} {cct} {Add taps to the previous two-terminal element. {\sl arrowhd} = blank or one of {\tt . - <- -> <->}. Each fraction determines the position along the element body of the tap. A negative length draws the tap to the right of the current direction; positive length to the left. Tap names are Tap1, Tap2, $\cdots$ by default or Name1, Name2, $\cdots$ if specified \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{along\_}{along_}{({\sl linear object name})} {gen} {short for {\tt between {\sl name}.start and {\sl name}.end}} \macrodef{Along\_}{Along_}{({\sl LinearObj,distance,}[R])} {gen} {Position arg2 (default all the way) along a linear object from {\tt .start} to {\tt .end} (from {\tt .end} to {\tt .start} if arg3={\tt R}) } \macrodef{amp}{amp}{(\linespec,{\sl size})} {cct} {amplifier\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{And, Or, Not, Nand, Nor, Xor, Nxor, Buffer}% {And, Or, Not, Nand, Nor, Xor, Nxor, Buffer}{} {log} {Wrappers of {\tt AND\_gate}, $\ldots$ for use in the {\tt Autologix} macro} \macrodef{AND\_gate}{AND_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {basic `and' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; {\tt N}=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{AND\_gen}{AND_gen}{($n$,{\sl chars},[{\sl wid},[{\sl ht}]])} {log} {general AND gate: $n$=number of inputs $(0\leq n\leq 16)$; {\sl chars:} B=base and straight sides; A=Arc; [N]NE,[N]SE,[N]I,[N]N,[N]S=inputs or circles; [N]O=output; C=center. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs.} \macrodef{AND\_ht}{AND_ht}{} {log} {height of basic `and' and `or' gates in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{AND\_wd}{AND_wd}{} {log} {width of basic `and' and `or' gates in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{antenna}{antenna}{% (at {\sl location}, T, A|L|T|S|D|P|F, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees})} {cct} {antenna, without stem for nonblank 2nd arg; {\tt A}=aerial, {\tt L}=loop, {\tt T}=triangle, {\tt S}=diamond, {\tt D}=dipole, {\tt P}=phased, {\tt F}=fork; up, down, left, right, or angle from horizontal (default 90) \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{arca}{arca}{({\sl absolute chord linespec}, ccw|cw, {\sl radius}, {\sl modifiers}) } {gen} {arc with acute angle (obtuse if radius is negative), drawn in a [ ] block} \macrodef{ArcAngle}{ArcAngle}{({\sl position, position, position, radius, modifiers, label}) } {gen} {Arc angle symbol drawn ccw at arg2. Arg4 is the radius from arg2; arg5 contains line attributes, e.g., {\tt thick linethick/2 ->}; arg6 is an optional label at mid-arc} \macrodef{arcd}{arcd}{({\sl center}, {\sl radius},{\sl start degrees},{\sl end degrees}) } {gen} {Arc definition (see {\tt arcr}), angles in degrees \seesect{Positions:}} \macrodef{arcdimension\_}{arcdimension_}{({\sl arcspec},{\sl offset},% {\sl label}, D|H|W|{\sl blank width},{\sl tic offset},{\sl arrowhead })} {gen} {like {\tt dimension\_}, for drawing arcs for dimensioning diagrams; {\sl arrowhead=}{\tt -> | <-}. Uses the first argument as the attributes of an invisible arc: {\tt arc invis }{\sl arg1}. {\sl Arg2} is the radial displacement (possibly negative) of the dimension arrows. If {\sl arg3} is {\tt s\_box(\ldots)} or {\sl rs\_box(\ldots)} and {\sl arg4=}{\tt D|H|W} then {\sl arg4} means: {\tt D:} blank width is the diagonal length of {\sl arg3}; {\tt H:} blank width is the height of {\sl arg3} + {\tt textoffset*2}; {\tt W:} blank width is the width of {\sl arg3} + {\tt textoffset*2}; otherwise {\sl arg4} is the absolute blank width} \macrodef{arcr}{arcr}{({\sl center},{\sl radius},{\sl start angle},{\sl end angle,modifiers,ht}) } {gen} {Arc definition. If arg5 contains {\tt <-} or {\tt ->} then a midpoint arrowhead of height equal to arg6 is added. Arg5 can contain modifiers (e.g. outlined "red"), for the arc and arrowhead. Modifiers following the macro affect the arc only, e.g., {\tt arcr(A,r,0,pi\_/2,->) dotted ->} \seesect{Positions:}} \macrodef{arcto}{arcto}{({\sl position 1},{\sl position 2},{\sl radius},[dashed|dotted])} {gen} {line toward position 1 with rounded corner toward position 2} \macrodef{arrester}{arrester}{(\linespec,{\sl chars}, {\sl len}[:arrowhead ht], {\sl ht}[:arrowhead wid] )} {cct} { {\sl Arg2 chars:} {\tt G=} spark gap (default), {\tt g=} general (dots), {\tt E=} gas discharge, {\tt S=} box enclosure, {\tt C=} carbon block, {\tt A=} electrolytic cell, {\tt H=} horn gap, {\tt P=} protective gap, {\tt s=} sphere gap, {\tt F=} film element, {\tt M=} multigap. {\sl Modifiers in arg2:} {\tt R=} right orientation, {\tt L=} left orientation, {\tt D=} 3-terminal element for {\tt S, E} only, with terminals {\sl A, B, G} \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{arrowline}{arrowline}{(\linespec)} {cct} {line (dotted, dashed permissible) with centred arrowhead \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{AutoGate}{AutoGate}{} {log} {Draw the tree for a gate as in the {\tt Autologix} macro. No inputs or external connections are drawn. The names of the internal gate inputs are stacked in {\tt `AutoInNames'}} \macrodef{assign3}{assign3}{({\sl var name,var name,var name,arg4,arg5,arg6})} {gen} {Assigns \$1 = arg4 if \$1 is nonblank; similarly \$2 = arg5 and \$3 = arg6} \macrodef{Autologix}{Autologix}% {({\sl Boolean function sequence},% [N[oconnect]][L[eftinputs]][R][V][M][;offset={\sl value}]} {log} {Draw the Boolean expressions defined in function notation using {\tt And, Or, Not, Buffer, Xor, Nand, Nor, Nxor} and variables, e.g., {\tt Autologix(And(Or(x1,~x2),Or(~x1,x2)));}. The Boolean functions are separated by semicolons (;). Function outputs are aligned vertically but appending {\tt:}{\sl location attribute} to a function can be used to place it. Each unique variable {\sl var} causes an input point {\tt In}{\sl var} to be defined. Preceding the variable by a {\tt \~{}} causes a not gate to be drawn at the input. The inputs are drawn in a row at the upper left by default. An {\tt L} in arg2 draws the inputs in a column at the left; {\tt R} reverses the order of the drawn inputs; {\tt V} scans the expression from right to left when listing inputs; {\tt M} draws the left-right mirror image of the diagram; and {\tt N} draws only the function tree without the input array. The inputs are labelled {\tt In1}, {In2}, \ldots and the function outputs are {\tt Out1}, {Out2}, \dots. Each variable {\sl var} corresponds also to one of the input array points with label {\tt In}{\sl var}. Setting {\tt offset=}{\sl value} displaces the drawn input list in order to disambiguate the input connections when {\tt L} is used} \Letter{B}% \macrodef{b\_}{b_}{} {gen} {blue color value} \macrodef{b\_current}{b_current}{({\sl label},{\sl pos},In|Out,Start|End,{\sl frac})} {cct} {labelled branch-current arrow to {\sl frac} between branch end and body \seesect{Branchcurrent:}} \macrodef{basename\_}{basename_}{({\sl string sequence, separator})} {gen} {Extract the rightmost name from a sequence of names separated by arg2 (default dot ``.'')} \macrodef{battery}{battery}{(\linespec,{\sl n},R)} {cct} {n-cell battery: default 1 cell, R=reversed polarity\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{beginshade}{beginshade}{({\sl gray value})} {gen} {begin gray shading, see {\tt shade} e.g., {\tt beginshade(.5);} {\sl closed line specs}; {\tt endshade}} \macrodef{bell}{bell}{( U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}, {\sl size})} {cct} {bell, {\sl In1} to {\sl In3} defined \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{below\_}{below_}{} {gen} {string position relative to current direction} \macrodef{bi\_tr}{bi_tr}{(\linespec,L|R,P,E)} {cct} {left or right, N- or P-type bipolar transistor, without or with envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{bi\_trans}{bi_trans}{(\linespec,L|R,{\sl chars},E)} {cct} { bipolar transistor, core left or right; chars: {\tt BU}=bulk line, {\tt B}=base line and label, {\tt S}=Schottky base hooks, {\tt uEn|dEn}=emitters E0 to En, {\tt uE|dE}=single emitter, {\tt Cn|uCn|dCn}=collectors C0 to Cn; {\tt u} or {\tt d} add an arrow, {\tt C}=single collector; {\tt u} or {\tt d} add an arrow, {\tt G}=gate line and location, {\tt H}=gate line; {\tt L}=L-gate line and location, {\tt [d]D}=named parallel diode, {\tt d}=dotted connection, {\tt [u]T}=thyristor trigger line; arg 4 = E: envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{binary\_}{binary_}{($n$, [$m$])} {gen} {binary representation of $n,$ left padded to $m$ digits if the second argument is nonblank} \macrodef{BOX\_gate}{BOX_gate}{({\sl inputs,output,swid,sht,label})} {log} {output=[{\tt P|N}], inputs=[{\tt P|N}]$\ldots$, sizes swid and sht in {\tt L\_unit}s (default {\tt AND\_wd} = 7) \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{boxcoord}{boxcoord}{({\sl planar obj},{\sl x fraction},{\sl y fraction})} {gen} {internal point in a planar object} \macrodef{boxdim}{boxdim}{({\sl name},h|w|d|v,{\sl default})} {gen} {evaluate, e.g.\ {\sl name}{\tt \_w} if defined, else {\sl default\/} if given, else 0 {\tt v} gives sum of {\tt d} and {\tt h} values \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{bp\_\_}{bp__}{} {gen} {big-point-size factor, in scaled inches, ({\tt *scale/72})} \macrodef{bswitch}{bswitch}{(\linespec, [L|R],chars)} {cct} {pushbutton switch R=right orientation (default L=left); chars: O= normally open, C=normally closed } \macrodef{BUF\_ht}{BUF_ht}{} {log} {basic buffer gate height in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{BUF\_wd}{BUF_wd}{} {log} {basic buffer gate width in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{BUFFER\_gate}{BUFFER_gate}{(\linespec, [N|B], {\sl wid, ht,} [N|P]\char42, [N|P]\char42, [N|P]\char42)} {log} {basic buffer, dfault 1 input or as a 2-terminal element, arg2: {\tt N}=negated input, {\tt B}=box gate; arg 5: normal ({\tt P}) or negated {\tt N}) inputs labeled In1 \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{BUFFER\_gen}{BUFFER_gen}{({\sl chars,wd,ht},[N|P]*,[N|P]*,[N|P]*)} {log} {general buffer, {\sl chars:} {\tt T}=triangle, {\tt [N]O}=output location {\tt Out} ({\tt NO} draws circle {\tt N\_Out}); {\tt [N]I, [N]N, [N]S, [N]NE, [N]SE} input locations; {\tt C}=centre location. Args 4-6 allow alternative definitions of respective {\tt In, NE,} and {\tt SE} argument sequences } \macrodef{buzzer}{buzzer}{( U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees, size,}[C])} {cct} {buzzer, {\sl In1} to {\sl In3} defined, C=curved \seesect{Composite:}} \Letter{C}% \macrodef{c\_fet}{c_fet}{(\linespec,R,P)} {cct} {left or right, plain or negated pin simplified MOSFET} \macrodef{capacitor}{capacitor}{(\linespec,{\sl chars},R, {\sl height}, {\sl wid})} {cct} {capacitor, {\sl chars}: F or blank=flat plate; dF flat plate with hatched fill; C=curved-plate; dC=curved-plate with variability arrowhead; CP=constant phase element; E=polarized boxed plates; K=filled boxed plates; M=unfilled boxes; M=one rectangular plate; P=alternate polarized; + adds a polarity sign; +L polarity sign to the left of drawing direction; arg3: R=reversed polarity; arg4 = height (defaults F: {\tt dimen\_}$/3$, C,P: {\tt dimen\_}$/4$, E,K: {\tt dimen\_}$/5$); arg5 = wid (defaults F: {\sl height}*0.3, C,P: {\sl height}*0.4, CP: {\sl height}*0.8, E,K: {\sl height}) \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{cbreaker}{cbreaker}{(\linespec, L|R, D|Th|TS, body name)} {cct} {circuit breaker to left or right, {\tt D}=with dots; {\tt Th}=thermal; {\tt TS}=squared thermal; default body bounding box name is {\sl Br}\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{ccoax}{ccoax}{(at {\sl location}, M|F, {\sl diameter})} {cct} {coax connector, {\tt M}=male, {\tt F}=female \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{cct\_init}{cct_init}{} {cct} {initialize circuit-diagram environment (reads {\tt libcct.m4})} \macrodef{centerline\_}{centerline_}{({\sl linespec, thickness{\tt|}color, minimum long dash len, short dash len, gap len}} {gen} {Technical drawing centerline} \macrodef{Cintersect}{Cintersect}{({\sl Pos1, Pos2, rad1, rad2,} [R])} {gen} {Upper (lower if arg5={\tt R}) intersection of circles at {\sl Pos1} and {\sl Pos2}, radius {\sl rad1} and {\sl rad2}} \macrodef{clabel}{clabel}{({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl arg4},% {\sl arg5})} {cct} {Triple label along the drawing axis of an element in the current direction \seesect{Labels:}. Labels are placed at the beginning, centre, or end of the last {\tt []} block (or a named {\tt []} block). The labels are treated as math, but copied literally if in double quotes or defined by sprintf. {\sl Arg4} can be {\tt above,} {\tt below,} {\tt left,} or {\tt right} to supplement the default position. {\sl Arg5} is the optional name of a {\tt []} block to be labelled and is {\tt last []} by default} \macrodef{cm\_\_}{cm__}{} {gen} {absolute centiimetres} \macrodef{consource}{consource}{(\linespec,V|I|v|i,R)} {cct} {voltage or current controlled source with alternate forms; {\tt R}=reversed polarity\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{contact}{contact}{({\sl chars})} {cct} {single-pole contact: {\tt O}= normally open, {\tt C}= normally closed (default), {\tt I}= open circle contacts, {\tt P}= three position, {\tt R}= right orientation, {\tt T}= T contacts, {\tt U}= U contacts \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{contacts}{contacts}{({\sl count, chars})} {cct} {multiple ganged single-pole contacts: {\tt P}= three position, {\tt O}= normally open, {\tt C}= normally closed, {\tt D}= dashed ganging line over contact armatures {\tt I}= open circle contacts, {\tt R}= right orientation, {\tt T}= T contacts, {\tt U}= U contact lines parallel to drawing direction \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{contline}{contline}{({\sl line})} {gen} {evaluates to {\tt continue} if processor is {\bf dpic}, otherwise to first arg (default {\tt line})} \macrodef{corner}{corner}{({\sl line thickness,attributes,turn radians})} {gen} { Mitre (default filled square) drawn at end of last line or at a given position. arg1 default: current line thickness; arg2: e.g. {\tt outlined} {\sl string}; if arg2 starts with {\tt at} {\sl position} then a manhattan (right-left-up-down) corner is drawn; arg3= radians (turn angle, +ve is ccw, default $\pi/2$). The corner is enclosed in braces in order to leave {\tt Here} unchanged unless arg2 begins with {\tt at} \seesect{Corners:}} \macrodef{Cos}{Cos}{({\sl integer})} {gen} {cosine function, {\sl integer\/} degrees} \macrodef{cosd}{cosd}{({\sl arg})} {gen} {cosine of an expression in degrees} \macrodef{Cosine}{Cosine}{( {\sl amplitude}, {\sl freq}, {\sl time}, {\sl phase} )} {gen} {function $a\times\cos(\omega t + \phi)$ } \macrodef{cross}{cross}{(at {\sl location})} {gen} {plots a small cross} \macrodef{cross3D}{cross3D}{({\sl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2})} {3D} {cross product of two triples} \macrodef{crossover}{crossover}{(\linespec, [L|R][:{\sl line attributes}], Line1, Line2, .{.}.)} {cct} {line jumping left or right over ordered named lines\seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{crosswd\_}{crosswd_}{} {gen} {cross dimension} \macrodef{csdim\_}{csdim_}{} {cct} {controlled-source width} \Letter{D}% \macrodef{d\_fet}{d_fet}{(\linespec,R,P,E|S)} {cct} {left or right, N or P depletion MOSFET, envelope or simplified \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{dabove}{dabove}{(at {\sl location})} {darrow} {above (displaced dlinewid/2)} \macrodef{dac}{dac}{({\sl width,height,nIn,nN,nOut,nS})} {cct} {DAC with defined width, height, and number of inputs {\tt In$i$}, top terminals {\tt N$i$}, ouputs {\tt Out$i$}, and bottom terminals~{\tt S$i$} \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{darc}{darc}{({\sl center position}, {\sl radius}, {\sl start radians}, {\sl end radians}, {\sl dline thickness}, {\sl arrowhead wid}, {\sl arrowhead ht}, {\sl terminals})} {darrow} {See also {\tt Darc}. CCW arc in {\tt dline} style, with closed ends or (dpic only) arrowheads. Permissible {\sl terminals}: {\sl x}{\tt -}, {\tt -}{\sl x}, {\sl x}{\tt -}{\sl x}, {\tt ->}, {\sl x}{\tt ->}, {\tt <-}, {\tt <-}{\sl x}, {\tt <->} where {\sl x} means {\tt |} or (half-thickness line) {\tt !}.} \macrodef{Darc}{Darc}{({\sl center position}, {\sl radius}, {\sl start radians}, {\sl end radians}, {\sl parameters})} {darrow} {Wrapper for {\tt darc}. CCW arc in {\tt dline} style, with closed ends or (dpic only) arrowheads. Semicolon-separated {\sl parameters}: {\tt thick=}{\sl value}, {\tt wid=}{\sl value}, {\tt ends=} {\sl x}{\tt -}, {\tt -}{\sl x}, {\sl x}{\tt -}{\sl x}, {\tt ->}, {\sl x}{\tt ->}, {\tt <-}, {\tt <-}{\sl x}, {\tt <->} where {\sl x} means {\tt |} or (half-thickness line) {\tt !}.} \macrodef{Darlington}{Darlington}{(L|R,{\sl chars})} {cct} {Composite Darlington pair Q1 and Q2 with internal locations E, B, C; Characters in {\sl arg2:} E= envelope, P= P-type, B1= internal base lead, D= damper diode, R1= Q1 bias resistor; E1= ebox, R2= Q2 bias resistor; E1= ebox, Z= zener bias diode \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{darrow\_init}{darrow_init}{} {darrow} {initialize darrow drawing parameters (reads {\tt darrow.m4})} \macrodef{Darrow}{Darrow}{(\linespec, {\sl parameters})} {darrow} {Wrapper for {\tt darrow}. Semicolon-separated {\sl parameters}: {\tt S}, {\tt E} truncate at start or end by dline thickness/2; {\tt thick=}{\sl val} (total thicknes, ie width); {\tt wid=}{\sl val} (arrowhead width); {\tt ht=}{\sl val} (arrowhead height); {\tt ends=} {\sl x}{\tt -}{\sl x} or {\tt -}{\sl x} or {\sl x}{\tt -} where {\sl x} is {\tt !} (half-width line) or {\tt |} (full-width line).} \macrodef{darrow}{darrow}{(\linespec, t,t,{\sl width},{\sl arrowhd wd},{\sl arrowhd ht},{\sl parameters})} {darrow} {See also {\tt Darrow}. double arrow, truncated at beginning or end, specified sizes, with arrowhead or closed stem. {\sl parameters=} {\tt {\sl x}-} or {\tt ->} or {\tt {\sl x}->} or {\tt <-} or {\tt <-{\sl x}} or {\tt <->} where {\sl x} is {\tt |} or {\tt !}. The {\tt !-} or {\tt -!} parameters close the stem with half-thickness lines to simplify butting to other objects. } \macrodef{dashline}{dashline}{(\linespec,{\sl thickness}|{\sl color}|<->, {\sl dash len, gap len},G)} {gen} {dashed line with dash at end ({\tt G} ends with gap)} \macrodef{dbelow}{dbelow}{(at {\sl location})} {darrow} {below (displaced dlinewid/2)} \macrodef{dcosine3D}{dcosine3D}{({\sl i,x,y,z})} {3D} {extract i-th entry of triple x,y,z} \macrodef{DCsymbol}{DCsymbol}{(at {\sl position, len, ht,} U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}) } {cct} {A DC symbol (a dashed line below a solid line). The current drawing direction is default, otherwise Up, Down, Left, Right, or at {\sl degrees} slant; e.g., {\tt source(up\_ dimen\_); $\lbrace$ DCsymbol(at last [],,,R) $\rbrace$} \seesect{Twoterminal:} } \macrodef{delay\_rad\_}{delay_rad_}{} {cct} {delay radius} \macrodef{delay}{delay}{(\linespec,{\sl size})} {cct} {delay element\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{deleminit\_}{deleminit_}{} {darrow} {sets drawing direction for dlines} \macrodef{Deltasymbol}{Deltasymbol}{(at {\sl position},keys, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}) (default {\tt U} for up)} {cct} {Delta symbol for power-system diagrams. {\sl keys:} {\tt size={\sl expression;}} {\tt type=C|O} (default {\tt C} for closed; {\tt O} draws an ``open'' symbol); } \macrodef{Demux}{Demux}{({\sl n},{\sl label}, {\tt [L][B|H|X][N[{\sl n}]|S[{\sl n}]][[N]OE], {\sl wid},{\sl ht}})} {log} {binary multiplexer, $n$ inputs, {\tt L} reverses input pin numbers, {\tt B} displays binary pin numbers, {\tt H} displays hexadecimal pin numbers, {\tt X} do not print pin numbers, {\tt N[{\sl n}]} puts Sel or Sel$0$ .. Sel$n$ at the top (i.e., to the left of the drawing direction), {\tt S[{\sl n}]} puts the Sel inputs at the bottom (default) {\tt OE} ({\tt N=}negated) {\tt OE} pin \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{dend}{dend}{(at {\sl location})} {darrow} {close (or start) double line} \macrodef{dfillcolor}{dfillcolor}{} {darrow} {dline fill color (default white)} \macrodef{diff\_}{diff_}{({\sl a},{\sl b})} {gen} {difference function} \macrodef{diff3D}{diff3D}{({\sl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2})} {3D} {difference of two triples} \macrodef{dimen\_}{dimen_}{} {cct} {size parameter for scaling circuit element bodies \seesect{Circuitscaling:}} \macrodef{dimension\_}{dimension_}{(\linespec,{\sl offset},{\sl label}, D|H|W|{\sl blank width},{\sl tic offset},{\sl arrowhead })} {gen} {macro for dimensioning diagrams; {\sl arrowhead=}{\tt -> | <-}} \macrodef{diode}{diode}{(\linespec,% B|b|CR|D|G|L|LE[R]|P[R]|S|Sh|T|U|V|v|w|Z|chars,% [R][E])} {cct} {diode: {\tt B}=bi-directional, {\tt b}=bi-directional with outlined zener crossbar, {\tt CR}=current regulator, {\tt D}=diac, {\tt G}=Gunn, {\tt L}=open form with centre line, {\tt LE[R]}=LED [right], {\tt P[R]}=photodiode [right], {\tt S}=Schottky, {\tt Sh}=Shockley, {\tt T}=tunnel, {\tt U}=limiting, {\tt V}=varicap, {\tt v}=varicap (curved plate), {\tt w}=varicap (reversed polarity), {\tt Z}=zener; appending {\tt K} to arg 2 draws open arrowheads; arg 3: {\tt R}=reversed polarity, {\tt E}=enclosure \seesect{Twoterminal:}} %\macrodef{DIP}{DIP}{({\sl pin count, attributes})}% % {log} % {Dual in-line package diagram. Default pin count = 8. % Arg2 ({\sl attributes})= semicolon-separated list of optional terms: % {\tt bodywid=}{\sl expr} (default 0.25$\,$in${}={}$5{\tt *L\_unit}), % {\tt bodylen=}{\sl expr} (default {\sl pin count} $\times$ {\sl pin pitch}), % {\tt pinpitch=}{\sl expr} (default 0.1), % {\tt pinwid=}{\sl expr} (default 0.06), % {\tt pinlen=}{\sl expr} (default 0.05), % {\tt direct=U|D|L|R} (default {\tt U} for up), % {\tt type=I|Q} (default {\tt I}; Q=pins of alternating length) % \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{dir\_}{dir_}{} {darrow} {used for temporary storage of direction by darrow macros} \macrodef{distance}{distance_}{({\sl Position 1}, {\sl Position2})} {gen} {distance between named positions} \macrodef{distance}{distance}{({\sl position}, {\sl position})} {gen} {distance between positions} \macrodef{dlabel}{dlabel}{({\sl long},{\sl lat},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl chars})} {cct} {general triple label; {\sl chars:} $x$ (drawing direction) displacement is from the centre of the last line rather than the centre of the last {\tt [ ]}; L,R,A,B align labels ljust, rjust, above, or below (absolute) respectively \seesect{Labels:}} \macrodef{dleft}{dleft}{} {darrow} {double line left turn} \macrodef{Dline}{Dline}{(\linespec, {\sl parameters})} {darrow} {Wrapper for {\tt dline}. Semicolon-separated {\sl parameters}: {\tt S}, {\tt E} truncate at start or end by dline thickness/2; {\tt thick=}{\sl val} (total thicknes, ie width); {\tt ends=} {\sl x}{\tt -}{\sl x} or {\tt -}{\sl x} or {\sl x}{\tt -} where {\sl x} is {\tt !} (half-width line) or {\tt |} (full-width line).} \macrodef{dline}{dline}{(\linespec,t,t,{\sl width},{\sl parameters})} {darrow} {See also {\tt Dline}. Double line, truncated by half width at either end, closed at either or both ends. {\sl parameters=} {\sl x}{\tt -}{\sl x} or {\tt -}{\sl x} or {\sl x}{\tt -} where {\sl x} is {\tt !} (half-width line) or {\tt |} (full-width line).} \macrodef{dlinewid}{dlinewid}{} {darrow} {width of double lines} \macrodef{dljust}{dljust}{(at {\sl location})} {darrow} {ljust (displaced dlinewid/2)} \macrodef{dn\_}{dnx}{} {gen} {down with respect to current direction} \macrodef{dna\_}{dna_}{} {cct} {internal character sequence that specifies which subcomponents are drawn} %\macrodef{dnm\_}{dnm_}{} % {cct} % {similar to dna\_} \macrodef{dot}{dot}{(at {\sl location},{\sl radius},{\sl fill})} {gen} {filled circle (third arg= gray value: 0=black, 1=white)} \macrodef{dot3D}{dot3D}{({\sl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2})} {3D} {dot product of two triples} \macrodef{dotrad\_}{dotrad_}{} {gen} {dot radius} \macrodef{down\_}{down_}{} {gen} {sets current direction to down \seesect{Placing:}} \macrodef{dright}{dright}{} {darrow} {double arrow right turn} \macrodef{drjust}{drjust}{(at {\sl location})} {darrow} {rjust (displaced dlinewid/2)} \macrodef{dswitch}{dswitch}{(\linespec,L|R,W[ud]B {\sl chars})} {cct} {SPST switch left or right, W=baseline, B=contact blade, dB=contact blade to the right of drawing direction, Bm = mirror contact blade, Bo = contact blade more widely open, Cb = circuit-breaker function, Co = contactor function, C = external operating mechanism, D = circle at contact and hinge, (dD = hinge only, uD = contact only) E = emergency button, EL = early close (or late open), LE = late close (or early open), F = fused, H = time delay closing, uH = time delay opening, HH = time delay opening and closing, K=vertical closing contact line, L = limit, M = maintained (latched), MM = momentary contact on make, MR = momentary contact on release, MMR = momentary contact on make and release, O = hand operation button, P = pushbutton, Pr{\tt [T|M]} = proximity (touch-sensitive or magnetically controlled), Th = thermal control linkage, Tr = tripping, Y = pull switch, Z = turn switch \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{dtee}{dtee}{([L|R])} {darrow} {double arrow tee junction with tail to left, right, or (default) back along current direction } \macrodef{dtor\_}{dtor_}{} {gen} {degrees to radians conversion constant} \macrodef{dturn}{dturn}{({\sl degrees ccw})} {darrow} {turn dline arg1 degrees left (ccw)} \Letter{E}% \macrodef{E\_\_}{E__}{} {gen} {the constant $e$} \macrodef{e\_}{e_}{} {gen} {.e relative to current direction} \macrodef{e\_fet}{e_fet}{(\linespec,R,P,E|S)} {cct} {left or right, N or P enhancement MOSFET, normal or simplified, without or with envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{earphone}{earphone}{( U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees, size})} {cct} {earphone, {\sl In1} to {\sl In3} defined \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{ebox}{ebox}{(\linespec,{\sl lgth},{\sl wdth},{\sl fill value}, {\sl box attributes})} {cct} { two-terminal box element with adjustable dimensions and fill value 0 (black) to 1 (white). {\sl lgth} (length) and {\sl wdth} (width) are relative to the direction of \linespec. Alternatively, argument 1 is the \linespec\ and argument 2 is a semicolon-separated sequence of key=value terms. The possible keys are {\tt lgth, wdth, text, box}, e.g., {\tt lgth=0.2; text=\char34{}XX\char34; box=shaded \char34{}green\char34}\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{elchop}{elchop}{({\sl Name1,Name2})} {gen} {{\tt chop} for ellipses: evaluates to {\tt chop} $r$ where $r$ is the distance from the centre of ellipse Name1 to the intersection of the ellipse with a line to location Name2; e.g., {\tt line from A to E elchop(E,A)}} \macrodef{eleminit\_}{eleminit_}{(\linespec)} {cct} {internal line initialization} \macrodef{elen\_}{elen_}{} {cct} {default element length} \macrodef{em\_arrows}{em_arrows}{([N|I|E][D],{\sl angle,length})} {cct} {radiation arrows, N=nonionizing, I=ionizing, E=simple; D=dot\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{endshade}{endshade}{} {gen} {end gray shading, see {\tt beginshade}} \macrodef{Equidist3}{Equidist3}{({\sl Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, Result, distance})} {gen} {Calculates location named {\sl Result} equidistant from the first three positions, i.e.\ the centre of the circle passing through the three positions. If arg5 is nonblank, it is equated to the radius.} \macrodef{expe}{expe}{} {gen} {exponential, base $e$} \Letter{F}% \macrodef{f\_box}{f_box}{({\sl boxspecs},{\sl text},{\sl expr1},$\cdots$)} {gen} {like {\tt s\_box} but the text is overlaid on a box of identical size. If there is only one argument then the default box is invisible and filed white \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{Fector}{Fector}{({\sl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2})} {3D} {vector projected on current view plane with top face of 3-dimensonal arrowhead normal to x2,y2,z2 } \macrodef{Fe\_fet}{Fe_fet}{(\linespec,R,{\sl chars})} {cct} {FET with superimposed ferroelectric symbol. Args 1 to 3 are as for the {\tt mosfet} macro \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{FF\_ht}{FF_ht}{} {cct} {flipflop height parameter in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{FF\_wid}{FF_wid}{} {cct} {flipflop width parameter in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{fill\_}{fill_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {fill macro, 0=black, 1=white\seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{fitcurve}{fitcurve}{(V,n,[e.g. dotted],m (default 0))} {gen} {Draw a spline through positions V[m], $ldots$ V[n]: Works only with dpic.} \macrodef{FlipFlop}{FlipFlop}{(D|T|RS|JK,{\sl label},{\sl boxspec},% {\sl pinlength})} {log} {flip-flops, {\sl boxspec}=e.g.\ ht x wid y \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{FlipFlop6}{FlipFlop6}{({\sl label},{\sl spec},{\sl boxspec})} {log} {{\em This macro (6-input flip-flops) has been superseded by {\tt FlipFlopX} and may be deleted in future}. {\sl spec}={\tt [[n]NQ][[n]Q][[n]CK][[n]PR][lb]} {\tt [[n]CLR][[n]S][[n].|D|T|R]} to include and negate pins, {\tt lb} to print labels } \macrodef{FlipFlopJK}{FlipFlopJK}{({\sl label}, {\sl spec},{\sl boxspec})} {log} {{\em This macro (JK flip-flop) has been superseded by {\tt FlipFlopX} and may be deleted in future}. Similar to {\tt FlipFlop6}.} \macrodef{FlipFlopX}{FlipFlopX}{({\sl boxspec, label, leftpins, toppins, rightpins, bottompins, pinlength})} {log} {General flipflop. Arg 1 modifies the box (labelled Chip) default specification. Each of args 3 to 6 is null or a string of {\sl pinspecs} separated by semicolons ({\tt;}). A {\sl Pinspec} is either empty or of the form {\tt[}{\sl pinopts}{\tt]:[}{\sl label}{\tt[:}{\sl Picname}{\tt]]}. The first colon draws the pin. Pins are placed top to bottom or left to right along the box edges with null {\sl pinspecs} counted for placement. Pins are named by side and number by default; eg {\tt W1, W2, ..., N1, N2, ..., E1, ..., S1, ...} ; however, if {\tt:}{\sl Picname} is present in a {\sl pinspec} then {\sl Picname} replaces the default name. A {\sl pinspec} label is text placed at the pin base. Semicolons are not allowed in labels; use, e.g., {\tt \char92{}char59\char123\char125} instead. To put a bar over a label, use {\tt lg\_bartxt(}{\sl label}{\tt)}. The {\sl pinopts} are {\tt[N|L|M][E]}; {\tt N}=pin with not circle; {\tt L}=active low out; {\tt M}=active low in; {\tt E}=edge trigger \seesect{Logicgates:}. Optional arg 7 is the length of pins} \macrodef{for\_}{for_}{({\sl start},{\sl end},{\sl increment},`{\sl actions}')} {gen} {integer for loop with index variable {\tt m4x} \seesect{Looping:}} \macrodef{foreach\_}{foreach_}{(`{\sl variable}',{\sl actions},{\sl value1, value2, $\ldots$})} {gen} {Clone of Loopover\_ by a different name: Repeat {\sl actions} with {\sl variable} set successively to {\sl value1, value2, $\ldots$}, setting macro {\tt m4Lx} to 1, 2, $\ldots$, terminating if {\sl variable} is nul} \macrodef{FTcap}{FTcap}{({\sl chars})} {cct} {Feed-through capacitor; example of a composite element derived from a two-terminal element. Defined points: {\sl .Start, .End, .C .T1 .T2 T} Arg 1: (default) {\tt A}= type A, {\tt B}= type B, {\tt C}= type C \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{fuse}{fuse}{({\sl linespec, type, wid, ht})} {cct} {fuse symbol, type$=$ {\tt A|B|C|D|S|HB|HC|SB} or {\tt dA=D}\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \Letter{G}% \macrodef{g\_}{g_}{} {gen} {green color value} \macrodef{G\_hht}{G_hht}{} {log} {gate half-height in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{g\_fet}{g_fet}{(\linespec,R,P,{\sl shade spec})} {cct} {left or right, N or P graphene FET, without or with shading \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{gap}{gap}{(\linespec,{\sl fill},A)} {cct} {gap with (filled) dots, A=chopped arrow between dots\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{gen\_init}{gen_init}{} {gen} {initialize environment for general diagrams (customizable, reads {\tt libgen.m4})} \macrodef{glabel\_}{glabel_}{} {cct} {internal general labeller} %\macrodef{gpar\_}{gpar_}{({\sl element},{\sl element},{\sl separation})} % {cct} % {two same-direction elements in parallel} \macrodef{gpolyline\_}{gpolyline_}{({\sl fraction},{\sl location}, ...)} {gen} {internal to {\tt gshade}} \macrodef{graystring}{graystring}{({\sl gray value})} {gen} {evaluates to a string compatible with the postprocessor in use to go with {\tt colored}, {\tt shaded}, or {\tt outlined} attributes. (PSTricks, metapost, pgf-tikz, pdf, postscript, svg). The argument is a fraction in the range $[0,1]$; see {\tt rgbstring}} \macrodef{grid\_}{grid_}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {log} {absolute grid location} \macrodef{ground}{ground}{(at {\sl location}, T|{\sl stem length}, N|F|S|L|P[A]|E, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees})} {cct} { ground, without stem for 2nd arg = T; {\tt N}=normal, {\tt F}=frame, {\tt S}=signal, {\tt L}=low-noise, {\tt P}=protective, {\tt PA}=protective alternate, {\tt E}=European; up, down, left, right, or angle from horizontal (default -90) \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{gshade}{gshade}{({\sl gray value},A,B,...,Z,A,B)} {gen} {(Note last two arguments). Shade a polygon with named vertices, attempting to avoid sharp corners} \macrodef{gyrator}{gyrator}{({\sl box specs,space ratio,pin lgth,}[N][V])} {cct} {Gyrator two-port wrapper for {\tt nport}, {\tt N} omits pin dots; {\tt V} gives a vertical orientation \seesect{Composite:}} \Letter{H}% \macrodef{H\_ht}{H_ht}{} {log} {hysteresis symbol dimension in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{Header}{Header}{(1|2,{\sl rows,wid,ht,box attributes})} {log} {Header block with 1 or 2 columns and square Pin 1: arg1 = number of columns; arg2 = pins per column; arg3,4 = custom wid, ht; arg5 = e.g., {\tt fill\_(0.9)} \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{HeaderPin}{HeaderPin}{({\sl location, type, Picname},% n|e|s|w,{\sl length})} {log} {General pin for {\tt Header} macro; arg 4 specifies pin direction with respect to the current drawing direction)} \macrodef{hatchbox}{hatchbox}{({\sl boxspec,hashsep,hatchspec})} {gen} {Manhattan box with 45 degree hatching, e.g., {\tt hatchbox(outlined "blue",,dashed outlined "green" thick 0.4)}} \macrodef{heater}{heater}{({\sl linespec, ndivisions, wid, ht})} {cct} {heater element\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{hex\_digit}{hex_digit}{($n$)} {gen} {hexadecimal digit for $0 \leq n < 16$} \macrodef{hexadecimal\_}{hexadecimal_}{($n$, [$m$])} {gen} {hexadecimal representation of $n,$ left padded to $m$ digits if the second argument is nonblank} \macrodef{hlth}{hlth}{} {gen} {current line half thickness in drawing units} \macrodef{hoprad\_}{hoprad_}{} {cct} {hop radius in crossover macro} \macrodef{ht\_}{ht_}{} {gen} {height relative to current direction} \Letter{I}% \macrodef{ifdpic}{ifdpic}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if dpic has been specified as pic processor} \macrodef{ifgpic}{ifgpic}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if gpic has been specified as pic processor} \macrodef{ifinstr}{ifinstr}{({\sl string},{\sl string},{\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if the second argument is a substring of the first; also {\tt ifinstr({\sl string},{\sl string},{\sl if true},{\sl string},{\sl string},{\sl if true}, $\ldots$ {\sl if false})} } \macrodef{ifmfpic}{ifmfpic}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if mfpic has been specified as pic post-processor} \macrodef{ifmpost}{ifmpost}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if MetaPost has been specified as pic post-processor} \macrodef{ifpgf}{ifpgf}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if \TPGF~has been specified as pic post-processor} \macrodef{ifpostscript}{ifpostscript}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if Postscript ({\tt dpic -r}) has been specified as pic output format} \macrodef{ifpsfrag}{ifpsfrag}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {Test if either {\tt psfrag} or {\tt psfrag\_} has been defined. For postscript with psfrag strings, one or the other should be defined prior to or at the beginning of the diagram} \macrodef{ifpstricks}{ifpstricks}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if \PSTricks~has been specified as post-processor} \macrodef{ifroff}{ifroff}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if {\bf troff} or {\bf groff} has been specified as post-processor} \macrodef{ifxfig}{ifxfig}{({\sl if true},{\sl if false})} {gen} {test if Fig 3.2 ({\tt dpic -x}) has been specified as pic output format} \macrodef{igbt}{igbt}{(\linespec,L|R,[L][[d]D])} {cct} {left or right IGBT, L=alternate gate type, D=parallel diode, dD=dotted connections } \macrodef{in\_\_}{in__}{} {gen} {absolute inches} \macrodef{inductor}{inductor}{(\linespec, W|L, {\sl cycles}, M[n]|P[n]|K[n], {\sl loop wid})} {cct} {inductor, arg2: narrow (default), W=wide, L=looped; arg3: number of arcs or cycles (default 4); arg4: M=magnetic core, P=powder (dashed) core, K=long-dashed core, n={\sl integer} (default 2) number of core lines named {\sl M4Core1, M4Core2,} $\ldots$; arg5: loop width (default L,W: {\tt dimen\_}/5; other: {\tt dimen\_}/8) \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{inner\_prod}{inner_prod}{({\sl linear obj},{\sl linear obj})} {gen} {inner product of (x,y) dimensions of two linear objects} \macrodef{Int\_}{Int_}{} {gen} {corrected (old) gpic $int()$ function} \macrodef{integrator}{integrator}{(\linespec,{\sl size})} {cct} {integrating amplifier\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{intersect\_}{intersect_}{({\sl line1}.start,{\sl line1}.end, {\sl line2}.start,{\sl line2}.end)} {gen} {intersection of two lines} \macrodef{Intersect\_}{Intersect_}{({\sl Name1},{\sl Name2})} {gen} {intersection of two named lines} \macrodef{IOdefs}{IOdefs}{(\linespec,{\sl label},[P|N]*,L|R) } {log} {Define locations {\sl label}{\tt 1}, $\ldots$ {\sl label}{\tt n} along the line; {\tt P}= label only; {\tt N}=with {\tt NOT\_circle}; {\tt R}=circle to right of current direction } \Letter{J}% \macrodef{j\_fet}{j_fet}{(\linespec,L|R,P,E)} {cct} {left or right, N or P JFET, without or with envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{jack}{jack}{(U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees},{\sl chars})} {cct} {arg1: drawing direction; string arg2: {\tt R}=right orientation, one or more {\tt L[M][B]} for L and auxiliary contacts with make or break points; {\tt S[M][B]} for S and auxiliary contacts \seesect{Composite:}} \Letter{K}% \macrodef{KelvinR}{KelvinR}{({\sl cycles},[R],{\sl cycle wid})} {cct} {IEEE resistor in a {\tt [ ]} block with Kelvin taps {\sl T1} and {\sl T2} \seesect{Composite:}} \Letter{L}% \macrodef{L\_unit}{L_unit}{} {log} {logic-element grid size} \macrodef{lamp}{lamp}{(\linespec, [R])} {cct} {Two-terminal incandescent lamp \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{larrow}{larrow}{({\sl label},{\tt ->|<-},{\sl dist})} {cct} {arrow {\sl dist} to left of last-drawn 2-terminal element \seesect{Branchcurrent:}} \macrodef{lbox}{lbox}{({\sl wid}, {\sl ht}, {\sl attributes})} {gen} {box oriented in current direction, arg 3= e.g.\ {\tt dashed shaded "red"}} \macrodef{LCintersect}{LCintersect}{({\sl line name, Centre, rad,} [R])} {gen} { First (second if arg4 is R) intersection of a line with a circle} \macrodef{LCtangent}{LCtangent}{({\sl Pos1, Centre, rad,} [R])} {gen} { Left (right if arg4=R) tangent point of line from Pos1 to circle at Centre with radius arg3} \macrodef{left\_}{left_}{} {gen} {left with respect to current direction \seesect{Placing:}} \macrodef{length3D}{length3D}{(x,y,z)} {3D} {Euclidean length of triple x,y,z} \macrodef{LEintersect}{LEintersect}{({\sl line name, Centre, ellipse wid, ellipse ht}, [R])} {gen} { First (second if arg5 is R) intersection of a line with an ellipse} \macrodef{LEtangent}{LEtangent}{({\sl Pos1, Centre, ellips wid, ellipse ht} [R])} {gen} { Left (right if arg5=R) tangent point of line from Pos1 to ellipse at Centre with given width and height} \macrodef{lg\_bartxt}{lg_bartxt}{} {log} {draws an overline over logic-pin text (except for xfig)} \macrodef{lg\_pin}{lg_pin}{({\sl location, label, Picname}, n|e|s|w[L|M|I|O][N][E], {\sl pinno, optlen})} {log} {comprehensive logic pin; {\sl label}= text (indicating logical pin function, usually), {\sl Picname}= pic label for referring to the pin (line), {\tt n|e|s|w}=orientation (north, south, east, west), {\tt L}=active low out, {\tt M}=active low in, {\tt I}=inward arrow, {\tt O}=outward arrow, {\tt N}=negated, {\tt E}=edge trigger} \macrodef{lg\_pintxt}{lg_pintxt}{} {log} {reduced-size text for logic pins} \macrodef{lg\_plen}{lg_plen}{} {log} {logic pin length in in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{LH\_symbol}{LH_symbol}{([U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}][I])} {log} {logic-gate hysteresis symbol; {\tt I=}inverted} \macrodef{lin\_ang}{lin_ang}{({\sl line-reference})} {gen} {the angle from {\tt .start} to {\tt .end} of a line or move} \macrodef{lin\_leng}{lin_leng}{({\sl line-reference})} {gen} {length of a line, equivalent to {\sl line-reference}{\tt .len} with dpic} \macrodef{linethick\_}{linethick_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {set line thickness in points} \macrodef{ljust\_}{ljust_}{} {gen} {ljust with respect to current direction} \macrodef{llabel}{llabel}{({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl arg4},% {\sl arg5})} {cct} {Triple label on the left of an element with respect to the current direction \seesect{Labels:}. Labels are placed at the beginning, centre, or end of the last {\tt []} block (or a named {\tt []} block). The labels are treated as math, but copied literally if in double quotes or defined by sprintf. {\sl Arg4} can be {\tt above,} {\tt below,} {\tt left,} or {\tt right} to supplement the default position. {\sl Arg5} is the optional name of a {\tt []} block to be labelled and is {\tt last []} by default} \macrodef{loc\_}{loc_}{({\sl x}, {\sl y})} {gen} {location adjusted for current direction} \macrodef{log\_init}{log_init}{} {log} {initialize environment for logic diagrams (customizable, reads {\tt liblog.m4})} \macrodef{log10E\_}{log10E_}{} {gen} {constant $\log_{10}(e)$} \macrodef{loge}{loge}{} {gen} {logarithm, base $e$} \macrodef{Loopover\_}{Loopover_}{(`{\sl variable}',{\sl actions},{\sl value1, value2, $\ldots$})} {gen} {Repeat {\sl actions} with {\sl variable} set successively to {\sl value1, value2, $\ldots$}, setting macro {\tt m4Lx} to 1, 2, $\ldots$, terminating if {\sl variable} is nul} \macrodef{lp\_xy}{lp_xy}{} {log} {coordinates used by {\tt lg\_pin}} \macrodef{lpop}{lpop}{({\sl xcoord}, {\sl ycoord}, {\sl radius}, {\sl fill}, {\sl zero ht})} {gen} {for lollipop graphs: filled circle with stem to (xcoord,zeroht)} \macrodef{lswitch}{lswitch}{( \linespec, L|R, {\sl chars} )} {cct} {knife switch R=right orientation (default L=left); {\sl chars}=[O{\tt|}C][D][K][A] O=opening arrow; C=closing arrow; D=dots; K=closed switch; A=blade arrowhead \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{lt\_}{lt_}{} {gen} {left with respect to current direction} \macrodef{LT\_symbol}{LT_symbol}{(U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees})} {log} {logic-gate triangle symbol} \macrodef{lthick}{lthick}{} {gen} {current line thickness in drawing units} \Letter{M}% \macrodef{m4\_arrow}{m4_arrow}{(\linespec,{\sl ht},{\sl wid})} {gen} {arrow with adjustable head, filled when possible} \macrodef{m4dupstr}{m4dupstr}{({\sl string},{\sl n},`{\sl name}')} {gen} {Defines {\sl name} as {\sl n} concatenated copies of {\sl string}.} \macrodef{m4lstring}{m4lstring}{({\sl arg1},{\sl arg2})} {gen} {expand {\sl arg1} if it begins with {\tt sprintf} or {\tt "}, otherwise {\sl arg2}} \macrodef{m4xpand}{m4xpand}{({\sl arg})} {gen} {Evaluate the argument as a macro} \macrodef{m4xtract}{m4xtract}{(`{\sl string1}',{\sl string2})} {gen} {delete {\sl string2} from {\sl string1}, return 1 if present} \macrodef{manhattan}{manhattan}{} {gen} {sets direction cosines for left, right, up, down} \macrodef{Max}{Max}{({\sl arg, arg, $\ldots$})} {gen} {Max of an arbitrary number of inputs} \macrodef{memristor}{memristor}{({\sl linespec, wid, ht})} {cct} {memristor element\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{microphone}{microphone}{( A|U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees, size})} {cct} {microphone; if arg1 = A: upright mic, otherwise arg1 sets direction of standard microphone with {\sl In1} to {\sl In3} defined \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{Min}{Min}{({\sl arg, arg, $\ldots$})} {gen} {Min of an arbitrary number of inputs} \macrodef{Mitre\_}{Mitre_}{% ({\sl Line1,Line2,length,line attributes})} {gen} {e.g., {\tt Mitre\_(L,M)} draws angle at intersection of lines L and M with legs of length arg3 (default {\tt linethick bp\_\_/2}); sets {\tt Here} to intersection \seesect{Corners:}} \macrodef{mitre\_}{mitre_}{% ({\sl Position1,Position2,Position3,length,line attributes})} {gen} {e.g., {\tt mitre\_(A,B,C)} draws angle ABC with legs of length arg4 (default {\tt linethick bp\_\_/2}); sets {\tt Here} to Position2 \seesect{Corners:}} \macrodef{mm\_\_}{mm__}{} {gen} {absolute millimetres} \macrodef{mosfet}{mosfet}{(\linespec,L|R,{\sl chars},E)} {cct} {MOSFET left or right, included components defined by characters, envelope. arg 3 chars: {\tt [u][d]B:} center bulk connection pin; {\tt D:} D pin and lead; {\tt E:} dashed substrate; {\tt F:} solid-line substrate; {\tt [u][d]G:} G pin to substrate at source; {\tt [u][d]H:} G pin to substrate at center; {\tt L:} G pin to channel (obsolete); {\tt [u][d]M:} G pin to channel; u: at drain end; d: at source end {\tt [u][d]M{\sl n}:} multiple gates G0 to G{\sl n} {\tt Py:} parallel diode; {\tt Pz:} parallel zener diode; {\tt Q:} connect B pin to S pin; {\tt R:} thick channel; {\tt [u][d]S:} S pin and lead u: arrow up; d: arrow down; {\tt [d]T:} G pin to center of channel d: not circle; {\tt X:} XMOSFET terminal; {\tt Z:} simplified complementary MOS \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{Mux\_ht}{Mux_ht}{} {cct} {Mux height parameter in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{Mux\_wid}{Mux_wid}{} {cct} {Mux width parameter in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{Mux}{Mux}{({\sl n},{\sl label}, {\tt [L][B|H|X][N[{\sl n}]|S[{\sl n}]][[N]OE], {\sl wid},{\sl ht}})} {log} {binary multiplexer, $n$ inputs, {\tt L} reverses input pin numbers, {\tt B} display binary pin numbers, {\tt H} display hexadecimal pin numbers, {\tt X} do not print pin numbers, {\tt N[{\sl n}]} puts Sel or Sel$0$ .. Sel$n$ at the top (i.e., to the left of the drawing direction), {\tt S[{\sl n}]} puts the Sel inputs at the bottom (default) {\tt OE} ({\tt N=}negated) {\tt OE} pin \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{Mx\_pins}{Mx_pins}{} {log} {max number of gate inputs without wings} \Letter{N}% \macrodef{n\_}{n_}{} {gen} {.n with respect to current direction} \macrodef{N\_diam}{N_diam}{} {log} {diameter of `not' circles in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{N\_rad}{N_rad}{} {log} {radius of `not' circles in {\tt L\_unit}s} \macrodef{NAND\_gate}{NAND_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {`nand' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; N=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs. \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{ne\_}{ne_}{} {gen} {.ne with respect to current direction} \macrodef{NeedDpicTools}{NeedDpicTools}{} {gen} {executes {\tt copy "HOMELIB\_/dpictools.pic"} if the file has not been read} \macrodef{neg\_}{neg_}{} {gen} {unary negation} \macrodef{NOR\_gate}{NOR_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {`nor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; N=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs. \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{norator}{norator}{(\linespec,{\sl width},{\sl ht})} {cct} { norator two-terminal element \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{NOT\_circle}{NOT_circle}{} {log} {`not' circle} \macrodef{NOT\_gate}{NOT_gate}{(\linespec,[B][N|n],{\sl wid},{\sl height})} {log} {`not' gate. When {\sl linespec} is blank then the element is composite and In1, Out, C, NE, and SE are defined; otherwise the element is drawn as a two-terminal element. arg2: {\tt B}=box gate, {\tt N}=not circle at input and output, {\tt n}=not circle at input only \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{NOT\_rad}{NOT_rad}{} {log} {`not' radius in absolute units} \macrodef{NPDT}{NPDT}{({\sl npoles,}[R])} {cct} {Double-throw switch; {\sl npoles:} number of poles; {\tt R}= right orientation with respect to drawing direction \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{nport}{nport}{({\sl box spec{\tt ;}other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns,space ratio,pin lgth,style, other commands})} {cct} { Default is a standard-box twoport. Args 2 to 5 are the number of ports to be drawn on w, n, e, s sides. The port pins are named by side, number, and by a or b pin, e.g., W1a, W1b, W2a, $\ldots$ Arg 6 specifies the ratio of port width to interport space (default 2), and arg 7 is the pin length. Set arg 8 to N to omit the dots on the port pins. Arguments 1 and 9 allow customizations \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{nterm}{nterm}{({\sl box spec{\tt ;}other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns,pin lgth,style, other commands})} {cct} {n-terminal box macro (default three pins). Args 2 to 5 are the number of pins to be drawn on W, N, E, S sides. The pins are named by side and number, e.g. W1, W2, N1, $\ldots$ Arg 6 is the pin length. Set arg 7 to N to omit the dots on the pins. Arguments 1 and 8 allow customizations, e.g. {\tt nterm(,{,},{,},{,}N,"\$a\$" at Box.w ljust,"\$b\$" at Box.e rjust, "\$c\$" at Box.s above)} } \macrodef{nullator}{nullator}{(\linespec,{\sl width},{\sl ht})} {cct} { nullator two-terminal element \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{nw\_}{nw_}{} {gen} {.nw with respect to current direction} \macrodef{NXOR\_gate}{NXOR_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {`nxor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; N=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs. \seesect{Logicgates:}} \Letter{O}% \macrodef{opamp}{opamp}{(\linespec,{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl size},{\sl chars}, other commands)} {cct} {operational amplifier with $-,$ $+$ or other internal labels, specified size. {\sl chars:} {\tt P=} add power connections, {\tt R=} swap In1, In2 labels, {\tt T=} truncated point. The internally defined positions are {\sl W, N, E, S, Out, NE, SE, In, In2}, and the (obsolete) positions {\sl E1 = NE, E2 = SE}. The first and last arguments allow added customizations \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{open\_arrow}{open_arrow}{(\linespec,{\sl ht},{\sl wid})} {gen} {arrow with adjustable open head} \macrodef{OR\_gate}{OR_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {`or' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; N=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs. \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{OR\_gen}{OR_gen}{($n$,{\sl chars},[{\sl wid},[{\sl ht}]])} {log} {general OR gate: $n$=number of inputs $(0\leq n\leq 16)$; {\sl chars:} B=base and straight sides; A=Arcs; [N]NE,[N]SE,[N]I,[N]N,[N]S=inputs or circles; [N]P=XOR arc; [N]O=output; C=center. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs.} \macrodef{OR\_rad}{OR_rad}{} {log} {radius of OR input face in {\tt L\_unit}s} \Letter{P}% \macrodef{parallel\_}{parallel_}{(\char96{\sl elementspec}\char39,% \char96{\sl elementspec}\char39 $\ldots$)} {cct} { Parallel combination of two-terminal elements in a {\tt [ ]} block. Each argument is a {\em quoted} elementspec of the form {\tt[Sep={\sl val};][{\sl Label}:] {\sl element}; [{\sl attributes}]} where an {\sl attribute} is of the form {\tt[llabel($\ldots$);] | [rlabel($\ldots$);] | [b\_current($\ldots$);]}. An argument may also be {\tt series\_($\ldots$)} or {\tt parallel\_($\ldots$)} {\em without} attributes or quotes. Sep={\sl val}; in the first branch sets the default separation of all branches to {\sl val}; in a later element Sep={\sl val}; applies only to that branch. An element may have normal arguments but should not change the drawing direction. \seesect{Seriesandparallel:}} %\macrodef{par\_}{par_}{({\sl element},{\sl element},{\sl separation})} % {cct} % {two same-direction, same-length elements in parallel} \macrodef{proximity}{proximity}{(\sl linespec)} {cct} {proximity detector (= {\tt consource(,P)})} \macrodef{pc\_\_}{pc__}{} {gen} {absolute points} \macrodef{pvcell}{pvcell}{({\sl linespec, width, height})} {cct} {PV cell} \macrodef{px\_\_}{px__}{} {gen} {absolute SVG screen pixels} \macrodef{pconnex}{pconnex}{(R|L|U|D|{\sl degrees},{\sl chars})} {cct} {power connectors, arg 1: drawing direction; {\sl chars:} {\tt R}=right orientation, {\tt M|F}= male, female, {\tt A|AC}=115V, 3 prong, B=box, C=circle, {\tt P}= PC connector, {\tt D}= 2-pin connector, {\tt G|GC}= GB 3-pin, {\tt J}= 110V 2-pin \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{pi\_}{pi_}{} {gen} {$\pi$} \macrodef{plug}{plug}{(U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees},[2|3][R])} {cct} {arg1: drawing direction; string arg2: {\tt R} right orientation, {\tt 2|3} number of conductors \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{pmod}{pmod}{({\sl integer}, {\sl integer})} {gen} {+ve $\hbox{mod}(M,N)$ e.g., $\hbox{\tt pmod}(-3,5)=2$} \macrodef{point\_}{point_}{({\sl angle})} {gen} {(radians) set direction cosines} \macrodef{perpto}{perpto}{({\sl Pos1, Line, Point})} {gen} {{\sl Point} is the label for the point on {\sl Line} of the perpendicular from {\sl Point} to {\sl Line}.} \macrodef{PerpTo}{PerpTo}{({\sl Pos1, Pos2, Pos3})} {gen} {The point between Pos2 and Pos3 of intersection of the perpendicular to Pos1, i.e., the perpendicular projection of Pos1 onto the line from Pos2 to Pos3.} \macrodef{Point\_}{Point_}{({\sl integer})} {gen} {sets direction cosines in degrees \seesect{Placing:}} \macrodef{polar\_}{polar_}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {gen} {rectangular-to polar conversion} \macrodef{langle}{langle}{({\sl Start, End})} {gen} {Angle in radians from horizontal of the line from {\sl Start} to {\sl End}.} \macrodef{potentiometer}{potentiometer}{(\linespec,% {\sl cycles},{\sl fractional pos},{\sl length},$\cdots$)} {cct} {resistor with taps T1, T2, $\ldots$ with specified fractional positions and lengths (possibly neg) \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{print3D}{print3D}{(x,y,z)} {3D} {write out triple for debugging} \macrodef{prod\_}{prod_}{({\sl a},{\sl b})} {gen} {binary multiplication} \macrodef{project}{project}{({\sl x},({\sl y},({\sl z})} {3D} {3D to 2D projection onto the plane perpendicular to the view vector with angles defined by {\tt setview({\sl azim, elev})}} \macrodef{psset\_}{psset_}{({\sl PSTricks settings})} {gen} {set PSTricks parameters} \macrodef{pt\_\_}{pt__}{} {gen} {\TeX\ point-size factor, in scaled inches, ({\tt *scale/72.27})} \macrodef{PtoL}{PtoL}{({\sl position}, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}, {\sl length}) } {gen} {Evaluates to {\tt from {\sl position} to {\sl position} + Rect\_({\sl length, angle}) } from the polar-coordinate data in the arguments } \macrodef{ptrans}{ptrans}{(\linespec, [R|L])} {cct} {pass transistor; {\tt L=} left orientation \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{pushkey\_}{pushkey_}{({\sl string, key, default value,}[N])} {gen} {Key-value definition. If {\sl string} contains the substring {\sl key}{\tt =}{\sl expr} then macro {\tt m4{\sl key}} is defined using {\tt pushdef()} to expand to {\tt ({\sl expr})}, or to {\tt ({\sl default value})} if the substring is missing. Arg 1 can contain several such substrings separated by semicolons. If arg4 is nonblank, the parentheses are omitted. \seesect{Macroarguments:}} \macrodef{pushkeys\_}{pushkeys_}{({\sl string, key sequence})} {gen} {Multiple key-value definitions. Arg 2 is a semicolon-separated sequence of terms of the form {\tt {\sl key}:{\sl default value}:[N]} which must contain no semicolons and the default values contain no colons. Macro {\tt pushkey\_} is applied to each of the terms in order. \seesect{Macroarguments:}} \Letter{R}% \macrodef{r\_}{r_}{} {gen} {red color value} \macrodef{rarrow}{rarrow}{({\sl label,{\tt ->|<-},{\sl dist}})} {cct} {arrow {\sl dist} to right of last-drawn 2-terminal element \seesect{Branchcurrent:}} \macrodef{Rect\_}{Rect_}{({\sl radius},{\sl angle})} {gen} {(deg) polar-to-rectangular conversion} \macrodef{rect\_}{rect_}{({\sl radius},{\sl angle})} {gen} {(radians) polar-rectangular conversion} \macrodef{reed}{reed}{({\sl linespec, width, height, box attribues}, [R][C])} {cct} {Enclosed reed two-terminal contact; {\tt R}=right orientation; {\tt C}=closed contact; e.g., {\tt reed(,,dimen\_/5,shaded "lightgreen"} \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{relay}{relay}{({\sl number of poles, chars})} {cct} {relay: n poles (default 1), {\sl chars:} {\tt O}=normally open, {\tt C}=normally closed, {\tt P}=three position, default double throw, {\tt L}=drawn left (default), {\tt R}=drawn right, {\tt Th}=thermal. Argument 3={\tt [L|R]} is deprecated but works for backward compatibility \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{relaycoil}{relaycoil}{({\sl chars, wid, ht,} R|L|U|D|{\sl degrees})} {cct} {chars: {\tt X}=or default: external lines from A2 and B2; {\tt AX}=external lines at positions A1,A3; {\tt BX}=external lines at positions B1,B3; {\tt NX}=no lines at positions A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3; {\tt SO}=slow operating; {\tt SOR}=slow operating and release; {\tt SR}=slow release; {\tt HS}=high speed; {\tt NAC}=unaffected by AC current; {\tt AC AC}=current; {\tt ML}=mechanically latched; {\tt PO}=polarized; {\tt RM}=remanent; {\tt RH}=remanent; {\tt TH}=thermal; {\tt EL}=electronic \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{resetdir\_}{resetdir_)}{} {gen} {resets direction set by {\tt setdir\_}} \macrodef{resetrgb}{resetrgb}{} {gen} {cancel {\tt r\_, g\_, b\_} color definitions} \macrodef{resistor}{resistor}{(\linespec,n|E,{\sl chars}, {\sl cycle wid})} {cct} {resistor, n cycles (default 3), {\sl chars:} {\tt AC}=general complex element, {\tt E}={\tt ebox}, {\tt ES}={\tt ebox} with slash, {\tt Q}=offset, {\tt H}=squared, {\tt N}=IEEE, {\tt B}=not burnable, {\tt V}=varistor variant, {\tt R}=right-oriented, {\sl cycle width} (default {\tt dimen\_}$/6$) \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{resized}{resized}{({\sl factor},`{\sl macro name}',args)} {cct} {scale the element body size by {\sl factor}} \macrodef{restorem4dir}{restorem4dir}{([`{\sl stack name}'])} {gen} {Restore m4 direction parameters from the named stack; default {\tt `savm4dir\_'}} \macrodef{reversed}{reversed}{(`{\sl macro name}',args)} {cct} {reverse polarity of 2-terminal element} \macrodef{rgbdraw}{rgbdraw}{({\sl color triple}, {\sl drawing commands})} {gen} {color drawing for PSTricks, pgf, MetaPost, SVG postprocessors; (color entries are 0 to 1), see {\tt setrgb} \seesect{Semiconductors:}. Exceptionally, the color of SVG arrows other than the default black has to be defined using the {\tt outlined }{\sl string} and {\tt shaded }{\sl string} constructs.} \macrodef{rgbfill}{rgbfill}{({\sl color triple}, {\sl closed path})} {gen} {fill with arbitrary color (color entries are 0 to 1); see {\tt setrgb}\seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{rgbstring}{rgbstring}{({\sl color triple or color name})} {gen} {evaluates to a string compatible with the postprocessor in use to go with {\tt colored}, {\tt shaded}, or {\tt outlined} attributes. (PSTricks, metapost, pgf-tikz, pdf, postscript, svg). The arguments are fractions in the range $[0,1]$; For example, {\tt box outlined rgbstring(0.1,0.2,0.7) shaded rgbstring(0.75,0.5,0.25)}. For those postprocessors that allow it, there can be one argument which is the name of a defined color} \macrodef{right\_}{right_}{} {gen} {set current direction right \seesect{Placing:}} \macrodef{RightAngle}{RightAngle}{({\sl Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, line len, attributes})} {gen} {Draw a right-angle symbol at {\sl Pos2}, of size given by arg4. Arg5 = line attributes, e.g., {\tt outlined "gray"}} \macrodef{r\_text}{r_text}{({\sl degrees},{\sl text},at {\sl position})} {gen} {Rotate text by arg1 degrees (provides a single command for PSTricks, PGF, or SVG only) placed at position in arg3. The first argument is a decimal constant (not an expression) and the text is a simple string without quotes. \seesect{Interaction:}, \seesect{Pstricks:}} \macrodef{rjust\_}{rjust_}{} {gen} {right justify with respect to current direction} \macrodef{rlabel}{rlabel}{({\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl label},{\sl arg4},% {\sl arg5})} {cct} {Triple label on the right of an element with respect to the current direction \seesect{Labels:}. Labels are placed at the beginning, centre, or end of the last {\tt []} block (or a named {\tt []} block). The labels are treated as math, but copied literally if in double quotes or defined by sprintf. {\sl Arg4} can be {\tt above,} {\tt below,} {\tt left,} or {\tt right} to supplement the default position. {\sl Arg5} is the optional name of a {\tt []} block to be labelled and is {\tt last []} by default} \macrodef{rot3Dx}{rot3Dx}{({\sl radians,x,y,z})} {3D} {rotates x,y,z about x axis} \macrodef{rot3Dy}{rot3Dy}{({\sl radians,x,y,z})} {3D} {rotates x,y,z about y axis} \macrodef{rot3Dz}{rot3Dz}{({\sl radians,x,y,z})} {3D} {rotates x,y,z about z axis} \macrodef{Rot\_}{Rot_}{({\sl position, degrees})} {gen} {rotate position by degrees} \macrodef{rot\_}{rot_}{({\sl x, y, angle})} {gen} {rotate {\sl x,y} by theta radians} \macrodef{rotbox}{rotbox}{({\sl wid,ht,type},[r|t={\sl val}])} {gen} {box oriented in current direction in {\tt [ ]} block; {\sl type}= e.g. {\tt dotted shaded "green".} Defined internal locations: N, E, S, W (and NE, SE, NW, SW if arg4 is blank). If arg4 is {\tt r=}{\sl val} then corners have radius {\sl val}. If arg4 is {\tt t=}{\sl val} then a spline with tension {\sl val} is used to draw a ``superellipse,'' and the bounding box is then only approximate. } \macrodef{rotellipse}{rotellipse}{({\sl wid,ht,type})} {gen} {ellipse oriented in current direction in {\tt [ ]} block; e.g. {\tt Point\_(45); rotellipse(,{},dotted fill\_(0.9)).} Defined internal locations: N, S, E, W.} \macrodef{round}{round}{(at {\sl location,line thickness,attributes})} {gen} {filled circle for rounded corners; attributes={\tt colored "gray"} for example; leaves {\tt Here} unchanged if arg1 is blank \seesect{Corners:}} \macrodef{rpoint\_}{rpoint_}{(\linespec)} {gen} {set direction cosines} \macrodef{rpos\_}{rpos_}{({\sl position})} {gen} {Here + {\sl position}} \macrodef{rrot\_}{rrot_}{({\sl x, y, angle})} {gen} {\tt Here + vrot\_({\sl x, y, cos(angle), sin(angle))}} \macrodef{rs\_box}{rs_box}{([angle={\sl degrees};] {\sl text},{\sl expr1},$\cdots$)} {gen} {like {\tt s\_box} but the text is rotated by {\tt text\_ang} (default 90) degrees, unless the first argument begins with {\tt angle={\sl decimal number};}, in which case the number defines the rotation angle. Two or more args are passed to {\tt sprintf()}. If the first argument begins with {\tt angle={\sl expr};} then the specified angle is used. The examples {\tt define(`text\_ang',45); rs\_box(Hello World)} and {\tt rs\_box(angle=45; Hello World)} are equivalent \seesect{Interaction:}, \seesect{Pstricks:}} \macrodef{rsvec\_}{rsvec_}{({\sl position})} {gen} {Here + {\sl position}} \macrodef{rt\_}{rt_}{} {gen} {right with respect to current direction} \macrodef{rtod\_\_}{rtod__}{} {gen} {constant, degrees/radian} \macrodef{rtod\_}{rtod_}{} {gen} {constant, degrees/radian} \macrodef{rvec\_}{rvec_}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {gen} {location relative to current direction} \Letter{S}% \macrodef{s\_}{s_}{} {gen} {.s with respect to current direction} \macrodef{s\_box}{s_box}{({\sl text},{\sl expr1},$\cdots$)} {gen} {generate dimensioned text string using {\tt\char92{}boxdims} from {\tt boxdims.sty}. Two or more args are passed to {\tt sprintf()} (default 90) degrees \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{s\_dp}{s_dp}{({\sl name},{\sl default})} {gen} {depth of the most recent (or named) {\tt s\_box} \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{s\_ht}{s_ht}{({\sl name},{\sl default})} {gen} {height of the most recent (or named) {\tt s\_box} \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{s\_init}{s_init}{({\sl name})} {gen} {initialize {\tt s\_box} string label to {\sl name} which should be unique \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{s\_name}{s_name}{} {gen} {the value of the last {\tt s\_init} argument \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{s\_wd}{s_wd}{({\sl name},{\sl default})} {gen} {width of the most recent (or named) {\tt s\_box} \seesect{Interaction:}} \macrodef{sarrow}{sarrow}{(\linespec,{\sl keys})} {gen} {Single-segment, single-headed special arrows. The {\sl keys} are {\tt type=}{\tt O[pen]} (default) | {\tt D[iamond]} | {\tt C[rowfoot]} | {\tt P[lain]}{\tt ;} {\tt wdth=}{\tt expression}{\tt ;} (default {\tt arrowwid}) {\tt lgth=}{\tt expression}{\tt ;} (default {\tt arrowht}) {\tt shaft=}{\sl shaft attributes} (e.g., {\tt dashed}){\tt ;} {\tt head=}{\sl head attributes} (e.g., {\tt shaded}){\tt ;} \seesect{Macroarguments:}} \macrodef{savem4dir}{savem4dir}{([`{\sl stack name}'])} {gen} {Stack m4 direction parameters in the named stack (default {\tt `savm4dir\_'})} \macrodef{sbs}{sbs}{({\sl linespec, chars, label})} {cct} {Wrapper to place an SBS thyristor as a two-terminal element with {\tt [ ]} block label given by the third argument \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{sc\_draw}{sc_draw}{({\sl dna string, chars, iftrue, iffalse})} {cct} {test if chars are in string, deleting chars from string} \macrodef{scr}{scr}{({\sl linespec, chars, label})} {cct} {Wrapper to place an SCR thyristor as a two-terminal element with {\tt [ ]} block label given by the third argument \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{scs}{scs}{({\sl linespec, chars, label})} {cct} {Wrapper to place an SCS thyristor as a two-terminal element with {\tt [ ]} block label given by the third argument \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{se\_}{se_}{} {gen} {.se with respect to current direction} \macrodef{series\_}{series_}{({\sl elementspec}, {\sl elementspec}, $\ldots$)} {cct} { Series combination in a {\tt []} block of elements with shortened default length. An {\sl elementspec} is of the form {\tt [{\sl Label}:] {\sl element}; [{\sl attributes}]}, where an {\sl attribute} is of the form {\tt [llabel($\ldots$);] | [rlabel($\ldots$);] [b\_current($\ldots$);]}. Internal points {\tt Start}, {\tt End}, and {\tt C} are defined \seesect{Seriesandparallel:} } \macrodef{setdir\_}{setdir_}{(R|L|U|D|{\sl degrees}, {\sl default} U|D|R|L|{\sl degrees})} {gen} {store drawing direction and set it to up, down, left, right, or angle in degrees (reset by {\tt resetdir\_}). The directions may be spelled out, i.e., Right, Left, $\ldots$ \seesect{Seriesandparallel:}} \macrodef{setrgb}{setrgb}{({\sl red value, green value, blue value},[{\sl name}])} {gen} {define colour for lines and text, optionally named (default {\tt lcspec}); \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{setkey\_}{setkey_}{({\sl string, key, default,}[N])} {gen} {Key-value definition, like {\tt pushkey\_()} but the resulting macro is defined using {\tt define()} rather than {\tt pushdef().} \seesect{Macroarguments:}} \macrodef{setkeys\_}{setkeys_}{({\sl string, key sequence})} {gen} {Multiple key-value definition using {\tt define()} rather than {\tt pushdef().} See macro {\tt pushkeys\_}. \seesect{Macroarguments:}} \macrodef{setview}{setview}{({\sl azimuth degrees},{\sl elevation degrees})} {3D} {set projection viewpoint} \macrodef{sfg\_init}{sfg_init}{({\sl default line len, node rad, arrowhd len, arrowhd wid}), (reads {\tt libcct.m4})} {cct} {initialization of signal flow graph macros} \macrodef{sfgabove}{sfgabove}{} {cct} {like above but with extra space} \macrodef{sfgarc}{sfgarc}{(\linespec,{\sl text},{\sl text justification},cw|ccw, {\sl height scale factor})} {cct} {directed arc drawn between nodes, with text label and a height-adjustment parameter } \macrodef{sfgbelow}{sfgbelow}{} {cct} {like below but with extra space} \macrodef{sfgline}{sfgline}{(\linespec,{\sl text},{\sl text justification})} {cct} {directed straight line chopped by node radius, with text label} \macrodef{sfgnode}{sfgnode}{(at {\sl location},{\sl text},above|below,{\sl circle options})} {cct} {small circle default white interior, with text label. The default label position is inside if the diameter is bigger than {\tt textht} and {\tt textwid}; otherwise it is {\tt sfgabove.} Options such as fill or line thickness can be given.} \macrodef{sfgself}{sfgself}{(at {\sl location}, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}, {\sl text}, {\sl text justification}, cw|ccw, {\sl scale factor})} {cct} {self-loop drawn at angle {\sl angle} from a node, with text label and a size-adjustment parameter } \macrodef{shade}{shade}{({\sl gray value},{\sl closed line specs})} {gen} {Fill arbitrary closed curve} \macrodef{shadebox}{shadebox}{(box {\sl attributes, shade width})} {gen} {Box with edge shading. Arg2 is in points. See also {\tt shaded} } \macrodef{ShadedPolygon}{ShadedPolygon}{({\sl vertexseq, line attributes, degrees, colorseq})} {gen} {Draws the polygon specified in arg1 and shades the interior according to arg4 by drawing lines perpendicular to the angle in arg3. The {\sl vertexseq} is a colon ({\tt:}) separated sequence of vertex positions (or names) of the polygon in cw or ccw order. A {\sl colorseq} is of the form 0, r0,g0,b0, {\sl frac1},r1,g1,b1, {\sl frac2},r2,g2,b2, \ldots 1,rn,gn,bn with $0 < \hbox{\sl frac1} < \hbox{\sl frac2} \ldots 1$ } \macrodef{shadowed}{shadowed}{(box|circle|ellipse|line, {\sl position spec, keys})} {gen} { Object with specified shadow. {\sl possspec} is e.g., {\tt with .w at ...} or {\tt at} {\sl position}. The {\sl keys} are {\tt attrib=}{\sl object attributes}{\tt ;} {\tt shadowthick=}{\sl expr}{\tt ;} (default {\tt linethick*)}5/4), {\tt shadowcolor=}{\sl string}{\tt ;} (default {\tt "gray"}), {\tt shadowangle=}{\sl expr}{\tt ;} (default $-45$) for box only: {\tt rad=}{\sl expr}{\tt ;} } \macrodef{shielded}{shielded}{(`{\sl two-terminal element}', L|U, {\sl line attributes})} {cct} {shielding in a {\tt [ ]} box for two-terminal element. Arg2= blank (default) to enclose the element body; L for the left side with respect to drawing direction, R for right. Internal points {\tt .Start, .End,} and {\tt .C} are defined} \macrodef{SIdefaults}{SIdefaults}{} {gen} {Sets {\tt scale = 25.4} for drawing units in mm, and sets pic parameters {\tt lineht = 12, linewid = 12, moveht = 12, movewid = 12, arcrad = 6, circlerad = 6, boxht = 12, boxwid = 18, ellipseht = 12, ellipsewid = 18, dashwid = 2, arrowht = 3, arrowwid = arrowht/2,}} \macrodef{sign\_}{sign_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {sign function} \macrodef{Sin}{Sin}{({\sl integer})} {gen} {sine function, {\sl integer\/} degrees} \macrodef{sinc}{sinc}{({\sl number})} {gen} {the $\hbox{sinc}(x)$ function} \macrodef{sind}{sind}{({\sl arg})} {gen} {sine of an expression in degrees} \macrodef{sinusoid}{sinusoid}{({\sl amplitude, frequency, phase, tmin, tmax, linetype})} {gen} {draws a sinusoid over the interval $(t_{\hbox{\scriptsize min}}, t_{\hbox{\scriptsize max}})$; e.g., to draw a dashed sine curve, amplitude {\sl a}, of {\sl n} cycles of length {\sl x} from {\sl A}, {\tt sinusoid(a,twopi\_*n/x,-pi\_/2,0,x,dashed) with .Start at A}} \macrodef{sl\_box}{sl_box}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, stem object})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the stem or, in the case of a zero-length stem, one of {\tt U, D, L, R,} or an angle in degrees, optionally followed by {\tt at {\sl position}}. The position is {\sl Here} by default. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the head: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Head}); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt text="{\sl{}text}"}, {\tt box={\sl{}box pic attributes}}. If argument 3 is null then a plain stem is drawn; if it is of the form {\tt S:}{\sl keys} or {\tt S$n$:}{\sl keys} an $n$-line slash symbol is overlaid on the stem; otherwise the keys are for an overlaid breaker, so that a {\tt C} specifies a default closed breaker, {\tt O} an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_breaker}{sl_breaker}{({\sl linespec,} {\tt type=[A|C][D];} {\sl ttbox args})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: type {\tt A} (the default) is for a box breaker; type {\tt C} for a curved breaker; adding a {\tt D} puts drawout elements in the input and output leads. Otherwise, the arguments are as for \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_busbar}{sl_busbar}{({\sl linespec, np, keys})} {SLD} {Composite SLD element drawn in a {\tt [ ]} block. A busbar is essentially a thick straight line drawn along the {\sl linespec} with positions evenly distributed along it. For example, {\tt line right\_; sl\_busbar(, up\_ 4.5, 5) with .P3 at Here}. Argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the direction and length of the busbar (but not its position, since it is drawn in a {\tt [ ]} block). Argument 2 is the number $np$ of evenly spaced positions $P1, P2, \ldots Pnp$ along the line with $P1$ and $Pnp$ indented from the ends of the line. Argument 3 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the line: {\tt port=D} (for a dot at each port position); {\tt line=}{\sl pic line attributes}. {\tt indent=}{\sl indent distance}. \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_ct}{sl_ct}{% ({\tt at}{\sl position},{\sl keys},{\tt R|L|U|D|}{\sl degrees})} {SLD} {Composite SLD element drawn in a {\tt [ ]} block: The keys are as follows: {\tt type=L|N|S[n]} (default {\tt L;} {\tt S$n$} draws an $n$-line slash symbol, default 2); {\tt N} means no stem); {\tt scale={\sl expr} (default 1.0)}; {\tt grnd={\sl expr} attached ground at given angle (type {\tt S} or {\tt N}))}; {\tt sep={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt stemlgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt direct=U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}} (drawing direction). Key {\tt stemlgth} is the length of the leads at the start, centre, and end, with labeled ends {\sl Tstart, Tc,} and {\sl Tend}. The {\tt L} (default) variant also defines internal labels Internal labels {\sl L} and {\sl C} are included. Key {\tt sep} is the type-{\tt S} separation from the head to the centre of the slash symbol. Key {\tt scale} allows scaling (default scale 1.0) but, with \dpic, the {\tt scaled} directive can also be used. \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_disk}{sl_disk}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the stem or, in the case of a zero-length stem, one of {\tt U, D, L, R,} or an angle in degrees, optionally followed by {\tt at {\sl position}}. The position is {\sl Here} by default. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the head: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Head}); {\tt text="{\sl{}text}"}; {\tt diam={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt circle={\sl{}circle pic attributes}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the stem, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \label{sl_disk}% \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_drawout}{sl_drawout}{({\sl linespec, keys,} R)} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ as for ordinary two-terminal elements. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value body attributes: {\tt type=T} (for truncated leads); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr},} {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}} (body size); {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Body}); {\tt line={\sl{}pic line attributes}}; (e.g., {\tt thick 2}) Argument 3 is {\tt R} to reverse the direction of the drawn chevrons. \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_generator}{sl_generator}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 2 is {\tt type=AC|WT|BS|StatG|PV|Y|Delta} and, if {\tt type=PV,} the {\tt SL\_box} keys; otherwise, the {\tt sl\_disk} body keys. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the stem, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_grid}{sl_grid}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the stem or, in the case of a zero-length stem, one of {\tt U, D, L, R,} or an angle in degrees, optionally followed by {\tt at {\sl position}}. The position is {\sl Here} by default. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the head: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Head}); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the stem, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_inverter}{sl_inverter}{({\sl ttbox args})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: the arguments are as for \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_lamp}{sl_lamp}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: the arguments are as for \MR{sl_disk}{\tt sl\_disk} \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_load}{sl_load}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the stem or, in the case of a zero-length stem, one of {\tt U, D, L, R,} or an angle in degrees, optionally followed by {\tt at {\sl position}}. The position is {\sl Here} by default. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the head: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Head}); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt head={\sl{}arrowhead pic attributes}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the stem, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_meterbox}{sl_meterbox}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker})} {SLD} {One-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ to define the stem or, in the case of a zero-length stem, one of {\tt U, D, L, R,} or an angle in degrees, optionally followed by {\tt at {\sl position}}. The position is {\sl Here} by default. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes of the head: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Head}); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt text="{\sl{}text}"}, {\tt box={\sl{}box pic attributes}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the stem, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} key-value pairs defining box attributes for the breaker (default name {\sl Br}) \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_reactor}{sl_reactor}{({\sl stem linespec, keys, breaker keys, breaker keys})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ as for ordinary two-terminal elements. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value body attributes: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Body}); {\tt diam={\sl{}expr}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the input lead, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or key-value pairs as above defining breaker attributes except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrI}. Argument 4 defines the breaker in the output lead as for argument 3 except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrO}. \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_rectifier}{sl_rectifier}{({\sl ttbox args})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: the arguments are as for \MR{sl_ttbox}{\tt sl\_ttbox} \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_slash}{sl_slash}{(at {\sl position, keys,} [$n$:]R|L|U|D|{\sl degrees})} {SLD} {Slash symbol for SLD elements: draws $n$ slashes in a {\tt [] } block. The keys are {\tt lines={\sl line attributes,} e.g., dotted thick {\sl expr}}; {\tt size=}{\sl expr} (default {\tt ht dimen\_/3}). \seesect{SingleLine:}} % \macrodef{sl\_transformer}{sl_transformer}{({\sl linespec, keys, input breaker keys, output breaker keys, input circle inner object, output circle inner object})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ as for ordinary two-terminal elements. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value body attributes: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Body}); {\tt scale={\sl expr}} (body size factor, default 1.0); {\tt type=I|S|A[R]} (default {\tt I}). Additional type {\tt I} keys are {\tt cycles={\sl{}integer}} (default 4); {\tt core=A|M[$n$]|P[$n$]|K[$n$]}, $n$={\sl integer} (default 2 lines). Additional type {\tt S} keys are {\tt body={\sl circle pic attributes}} e.g., {\tt shaded "{\sl color}"}. Type {\tt A} keys are {\tt body={\sl circle pic attributes}}. Type {\tt AR} means right orientation. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the input lead, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or key-value pairs as above defining breaker attributes except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrI}. Argument 4 defines the breaker in the output lead as for argument 3 except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrO}. Argumentss 5 and 6 for the input and output circles respectively are: {\tt Y} for a Y-symbol; {\tt YN} for a Y-symbol with ground; {\tt Delta} for a $\Delta$ symbol; otherwise, other customization commands expanded in a {\tt \lbr\rbr} pair. \seesect{SingleLine:}} % \macrodef{sl\_transformer3}{sl_transformer3}{({\sl linespec, keys, breaker keys, symbol keys})} {SLD} {Composite (block) SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ that can be used to set the direction and distance between primary terminals but not position. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value body attributes: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Body}); {\tt type=S|C} (default {\tt S}); {\tt scale={\sl expr}} (body size factor, default 1.0); {\tt direct=L|R} (default {\tt L}) direction of the tertiary circle and terminal relative to the drawing direction; {\tt body={\sl circle attributes}}. Argument 3 is colon (:)-separated sequence of up to three breaker attribute specifications for the input, output, and teriary breaker in order. A null or blank means no breaker, {\tt tt\_breaker} specifications otherwise. Default breaker names are {\sl BrI} and {\sl BrO} as for {\tt sl\_transformer,} and {\sl Br} for the third breaker. Argument 4 is colon (:)-separated sequence of up to three symbol specifications for the input, output, and teriary circle in order. A null or blank means no symbol; {\tt Y} for a Y-symbol; {\tt Delta} for a $\Delta$ symbol; otherwise, other customization commands expanded in a {\tt \lbr\rbr} pair. \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{sl\_ttbox}{sl_ttbox}{({\sl linespec, keys, input breaker keys, output breaker keys})} {SLD} {Two-terminal SLD element: argument 1 is a \linespec\ as for ordinary two-terminal elements. Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value body attributes: {\tt name={\sl{}Name}} (default {\sl Body}); {\tt lgth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt wdth={\sl{}expr}}; {\tt text="{\sl{}text}"}; {\tt box={\sl{}box pic attributes}}; {\tt supp={\sl{}additional {\tt rotbox} commands}}. Argument 3 is null for no breaker in the input lead, {\tt C} for a default closed breaker, {\tt O} for an open breaker, {\tt X,} {\tt /,} or \bsl\ for these marks, or key-value pairs as above defining breaker attributes except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrI}. Argument 4 defines the breaker in the output lead as for argument 3 except that the default breaker name is {\sl BrO}. \label{sl_ttbox}% \seesect{SingleLine:}} \macrodef{source}{source}{(\linespec, V|v|I|i|AC|B|F|G|H|J|Q|L|N|P|S[C[r]]|E[r]]|T|X|U|{\sl other}, {\sl diameter},R)} {cct} {source, blank or: V = voltage source; v = alternate voltage source; I = current source; i = alternate current source; AC = AC source; B = bulb; F = fluorescent; G = generator; H = step function; L = lamp; N = neon; P = pulse; Q = charge; R = ramp; r = right orientation; S = sinusoid; SC = quarter arc; SE = arc; T = triangle; U = square-wave; X = interior X; other = custom interior label or waveform; arg 4: R = reversed polarity; arg 5 modifies the circle with e.g., color or fill \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{sourcerad\_}{sourcerad_}{} {cct} {default source radius} \macrodef{sp\_}{sp_}{} {gen} {evaluates to medium space for gpic strings} \macrodef{speaker}{speaker}{( U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees},{\sl size},H)} {cct} {speaker, {\sl In1} to {\sl In7} defined; {\tt H}=horn \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{sprod3D}{sprod3D}{(a,x,y,z)} {3D} {scalar product of triple x,y,z by a} \macrodef{sqrta}{sqrta}{({\sl arg})} {gen} {square root of the absolute value of {\sl arg}; i.e., {\tt sqrt(abs({\sl arg}))}} \macrodef{SQUID}{SQUID}{({\sl n, diameter, initial angle}, {\tt ccw|cw})} {cct} {Superconducting quantum interface device with {\sl }n junctions labeled {\tt J1, ... J}{\sl n} placed around a circle with initial angle -90 deg (by default) with respect to the current drawing direction. The default diameter is {\tt dimen\_} } \macrodef{stackargs\_}{stackargs}{(`{\sl stackname}',{\sl args})} {gen} {Stack arg 2, arg 3, ... onto the named stack up to a blank arg} \macrodef{stackcopy\_}{stackcopy_}{(`{\sl name 1}',`{\sl name 2}')} {gen} {Copy stack 1 into stack 2, preserving the order of pushed elements} \macrodef{stackdo\_}{stackdo}{(`{\sl stackname}',{\sl commands})} {gen} {Empty the stack to the first blank entry, performing arg 2} \macrodef{stackexec\_}{stackexec_}{(`{\sl name 1}',`{\sl name 2}',% {\sl commands})} {gen} {Copy stack 1 into stack 2, performing arg3 for each nonblank entry} \macrodef{stackprint\_}{stackprint_}{(`{\sl stack name}')} {gen} {Print the contents of the stack to the terminal} %\macrodef{stackpromote\_}{stackpromote_}{({\sl prefix},% % `{\sl stack name}',{\sl In name})} % {gen} % {Define locations {\tt In1} or {\sl In name }{\tt 1}, $\ldots$ corresponding % to the locations in stack {\sl stack name}, as created by the % {\tt AutoGate} and {\tt Autologic} macros. Each location is prefixed % by argument 1 ``.''} \macrodef{stackreverse\_}{stackreverse_}{(`{\sl stack name}')} {gen} {Reverse the order of elements in a stack, preserving the name} \macrodef{stacksplit\_}{stacksplit_}{(`{\sl stack name}',{\sl string},{\sl separator})} {gen} {Stack the fields of {\sl string} left to right separated by nonblank {\sl separator} (default .). White space preceding the fields is ignored.} \macrodef{sum\_}{sum_}{({\sl a},{\sl b})} {gen} {binary sum} \macrodef{sum3D}{sum3D}{({\sl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2})} {3D} {sum of two triples} \macrodef{sus}{sus}{({\sl linespec, chars, label})} {cct} {Wrapper to place an SUS thyristor as a two-terminal element with {\tt [ ]} block label given by the third argument \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{svec\_}{svec_}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {log} {scaled and rotated grid coordinate vector} \macrodef{sw\_}{sw_}{} {gen} {.sw with respect to current direction} \macrodef{switch}{switch}{(\linespec,L|R,[C|O][D],[B|D])} {cct} {SPST switch (wrapper for bswitch, lswitch, and dswitch), arg2: R=right orientation (default L=left); if arg4=blank (knife switch): arg3 = [O{\tt|}C][D][A] O= opening, C=closing, D=dots, A=blade arrowhead; if arg4=B (button switch): arg3 = O{\tt|}C O=normally open, C=normally closed, if arg4=D: arg3 = same as for dswitch \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \Letter{T}% \macrodef{ta\_xy}{ta_xy}{({\sl x, y})} {cct} {macro-internal coordinates adjusted for {\tt L|R}} \macrodef{tapped}{tapped}{(`{\sl two-terminal element}', [{\sl arrowhd} | type={\sl arrowhd};name={\sl Name}], {\sl fraction, length, fraction, length,} $\cdots$)} {cct} {Draw the two-terminal element with taps in a [ ] block (see {\tt addtaps}). {\sl arrowhd} = blank or one of {\tt . - <- -> <->}. Each fraction determines the position along the element body of the tap. A negative length draws the tap to the right of the current direction; positive length to the left. Tap names are Tap1, Tap2, $\cdots$ by default or Name1, Name2, $\cdots$ if specified. Internal block names are {\tt .Start, .End,} and {.C} corresponding to the drawn element, and the tap names \seesect{Composite:} } \macrodef{tbox}{tbox}{({\sl text,wid,ht},<|>|<>,{\sl type})} {cct} {Pointed terminal box. The {\sl text} is placed at the rectangular center in math mode unless the text begins with {\tt "} or {\tt sprintf} in which case the arument is used literally. Arg 4 determines whether the point is forward, backward, or both with respect to the current drawing direction. \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{tconn}{tconn}{({\sl linespec,}>|>>|<|<<|O[F],{\sl wid})} {cct} {Terminal connector, {\tt O}=circle; {\tt OF}=filled circle; {\tt > or >>} output connector (default {\tt >}) ; {\tt < or << input connector}; arg3 is arrowhead width or circle diameter \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{tgate}{tgate}{({\sl linespec,} [B][R|L])} {cct} {transmission gate, {\tt B=} ebox type; {\tt L=} oriented left \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{thermocouple}{thermocouple}{({\sl linespec, wid, ht,} L|R)} {cct} { Thermocouple drawn to the left (by default) of the {\sl linespec} line. If the {\sl linespec} length equals {\sl wid} (default {\tt dimen\_/5}), then only the two branches appear. {\tt R=} right orientation. \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{thicklines\_}{thicklines_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {set line thickness in points} \macrodef{thinlines\_}{thinlines_}{({\sl number})} {gen} {set line thickness in points} \macrodef{threeD\_init}{threeD_init}{} {3D} {initialize 3D transformations (reads {\tt lib3D.m4})} \macrodef{thyristor}{thyristor}{(\linespec,% {\tt [SCR|SCS|SUS|SBS|IEC][{\sl chars}]})} {cct} {Composite thyristor element in {\tt []}block: types SCR: silicon controlled rectifier (default), SCS: silicon controlled switch, SUS: silicon unilateral switch, SBS: silicon bilateral switch, IEC: type IEC. {\sl Chars} to modify or define the element: K: open arrowheads, A: arrowhead, F: half arrowhead, B: bidirectional diode, E: adds envelope, H: perpendicular gate (endpoint G), N: anode gate (endpoint Ga), U: centre line in diodes V: perpendicular gate across arrowhead centre, R=right orientation, E=envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{tikznode}{tikznode}{({\sl \Tikz node name, position}) } {pgf} {insert \Tikz code to define a zero-size \Tikz node at {\sl location} (default {\tt Here}) to assist with inclusion of \pic code output in \Tikz diagrams. This macro must be invoked in the outermost \pic scope. \seesect{Tikzwithpic:}} \macrodef{tline}{tline}{(\linespec,{\sl wid},{\sl ht}) } {cct} {transmission line, manhattan direction\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{ToPos}{ToPos}{({\sl position}, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}, {\sl length}) } {gen} {Evaluates to {\tt from {\sl position} - Rect\_({\sl length, angle}) to {\sl position}} from the polar-coordinate data in the arguments } \macrodef{tr\_xy\_init}{tr_xy_init}{({\sl origin, unit size, sign })} {cct} {initialize {\tt tr\_xy}} \macrodef{tr\_xy}{tr_xy}{({\sl x, y})} {cct} {relative macro internal coordinates adjusted for {\tt L|R}} \macrodef{transformer}{transformer}{(\linespec,L|R,{\sl np},% [A|P][W|L][D1|D2|D12|D21],{\sl ns})} {cct} {2-winding transformer or choke with terminals P1, P2, TP, S1, S2, TS: arg2: L = left, R = right, arg3: np primary arcs, arg5: ns secondary arcs, arg4: A = air core, P = powder (dashed) core, W = wide windings, L = looped windings, D1: phase dots at P1 and S1 end; D2 at P2 and S2 end; D12 at P1 and S2 end; D21 at P2 and S1 end \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{tstrip}{tstrip}{(R|L|U|D|{\sl degrees, nterms, chars})} {cct} {terminal strip, chars: I=invisible terminals, C=circle terminals (default), D=dot terminals, O=omitted separator lines, {\tt wid=}value{\tt ;} total strip width, {\tt ht=}value{\tt ;} strip height \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{ttmotor}{ttmotor}{({\sl linespec, string, diameter, brushwid, brushht})} {cct} {motor with label\seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{twopi\_}{twopi_}{} {gen} {$2\pi$} \Letter{U}% \macrodef{ujt}{ujt}{(\linespec,R,P,E)} {cct} {unijunction transistor, right, P-channel, envelope \seesect{Semiconductors:}} \macrodef{unit3D}{unit3D}{(x,y,z)} {3D} {unit triple in the direction of triple x,y,z} \macrodef{up\_\_}{up__}{} {gen} {up with respect to current direction} \macrodef{up\_}{up_}{} {gen} {set current direction up \seesect{Placing:}} \Letter{V}% \macrodef{variable}{variable}{(`{\sl element}', {\tt [A|P|L|[u]N|[u]NN][C|S]}, [+|-]{\sl angle}, {\sl length}, at position)} {cct} {overlaid arrow or line to indicate variable 2-terminal element: {\tt A}=arrow, {\tt P}=preset, {\tt L}=linear, {\tt N}= symmetric nonlinear, {\tt C}=continuous, {\tt S}=setpwise; {\tt u} changes the nonlinearity direction. The angle is absolute but preceding it with a sign makes the angle (often -30 or -45) relative to the element drawing direction. If arg5 is blank the symbol is placed over the last {\tt [ ]} block \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{Vcoords\_}{Vcoords_}{({\sl position})} {gen} {The $x, y$ coordinate pair of the position} \macrodef{Vdiff\_}{Vdiff_}{({\sl position},{\sl position})} {gen} {{\tt Vdiff\_(A,B)} evaluates to {\tt A-(B)} with dpic, {\tt A-(B.x,B.y)} with gpic} \macrodef{vec\_}{vec_}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {gen} {position rotated with respect to current direction} \macrodef{View3D}{View3D}{} {3D} {The view vector (triple) defined by {\tt setview({\sl azim, elev})}. The {\tt project} macro projects onto the plane perpendicular to this vector} \macrodef{vlength}{vlength}{({\sl x},{\sl y})} {gen} {vector length $\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$} \macrodef{vperp}{vperp}{({\sl linear object})} {gen} {unit-vector pair CCW-perpendicular to linear object} \macrodef{Vperp}{Vperp}{({\sl position name}, {\sl position name})} {gen} {unit-vector pair CCW-perpendicular to line joining two named positions} \macrodef{vrot\_}{vrot_}{({\sl x},{\sl y},{\sl xcosine},{\sl ycosine})} {gen} {rotation operator} \macrodef{vscal\_}{vscal_}{({\sl number},{\sl x},{\sl y})} {gen} {vector scale operator} \macrodef{Vsprod\_}{Vsprod_}{({\sl position}, {\sl expression})} {gen} {The vector in arg 1 multiplied by the scalar in arg 2} \macrodef{Vsum\_}{Vsum_}{({\sl position},{\sl position})} {gen} {{\tt Vsum\_(A,B)} evaluates to {\tt A+B} with dpic, {\tt A+(B.x,B.y)} with gpic} \Letter{W}% \macrodef{w\_}{w_}{} {gen} {.w with respect to current direction} \macrodef{while\_}{while_}{(`{\sl test}',`{\sl actions}')} {gen} {Integer m4 while loop} \macrodef{wid\_}{wid_}{} {gen} {width with respect to current direction} \macrodef{winding}{winding}{(L|R, {\sl diam, pitch, turns, core wid, core color})} {cct} {core winding drawn in the current direction; {\tt R}=right-handed \seesect{Composite:}} \macrodef{XOR\_gate}{XOR_gate}{({\sl n},N)} {log} {`xor' gate, 2 or {\sl n\/} inputs; N=negated input. Otherwise, arg1 can be a sequence of letters {\tt P|N} to define normal or negated inputs. \seesect{Logicgates:}} \macrodef{XOR\_off}{XOR_off}{} {log} {XOR and NXOR offset of input face} \Letter{X}% \macrodef{xtal}{xtal}{(\linespec,{\sl keys})} {cct} {Quartz crystal. The {\sl keys} are {\tt type=N} (default) or {\tt R} (round); type {\tt N} keys: {\tt lgth=}{\sl expr} (body length); {\tt wdth=}{\sl expr} (body width); {\tt bxwd=}{\sl expr} (body inner box width); {\tt box=} box attributes ({\tt shaded} $\ldots$); type {\tt R} keys: {\tt outerdiam=}{\sl expr}; {\tt innerdiam=}{\sl expr}; {\tt outer=} outer circle attributes ({\tt dotted} $\ldots$); {\tt inner=} inner circle attributes ({\tt shaded} $\ldots$)% \seesect{Twoterminal:}} \macrodef{xtract}{xtract}{({\sl string, substr1, substr2, $\ldots$})} {gen} {returns substrings if present} \Letter{Y}% \macrodef{Ysymbol}{Ysymbol}{(at {\sl position},keys, U|D|L|R|{\sl degrees}) (default {\tt U} for up)} {cct} {Y symbol for power-system diagrams {\sl keys:} {\tt size={\sl expression}; type=G}} % \end{tabbing}