.PS # `Audio.m4' cct_init define(`In123',` thinlines_ arrow <- from `$1'.In1 up 0.05 left 0.15 "{\sl In1}sp_" rjust above arrow <- left 0.15 from `$1'.In2 "{\sl In2}sp_" wid 0.2 rjust arrow <- from `$1'.In3 down 0.05 left 0.15 "{\sl In3}sp_" rjust below thicklines_ ') L:[ [ S: speaker `"\tt speaker"' at S.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(S) thinlines_ arrow <- from S.In4 left 0.05 up 0.15 "{\sl In4}" above rjust arrow <- from S.In5 right 0.05 up 0.15 "{\sl In5}" above arrow <- from S.In6 left 0.05 down 0.15 "{\sl In6}" below rjust arrow <- from S.In7 right 0.05 down 0.15 "{\sl In7}" below spline <- from S.Box.e+(0,0.05) right 0.27 up 0.10 \ then right 0.1 up 0.2 "\sl Box" above thicklines_ ] [ H: speaker(,,H) `"\tt speaker(,{,}H)"' at H.s+(0,-0.30) #below ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.25,-0.1) ] [ B: bell `"\tt bell"' at B.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(B) thinlines_ arrow <- from B.Box.n+(-0.1,0) up 0.15 left 0.1 ; "\sl Box" above arrow <- from B.Circle.n up 0.15 ; "\sl Circle" above thicklines_ ] with .w at last [].e+(0.0,0.5) [ M: microphone `"\tt microphone"' at M.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(M) thinlines_ arrow <- from M.Circle.n up 0.15 ; "\sl Circle" above thicklines_ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.4,0) [ Z: buzzer `"\tt buzzer"' at Z.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(Z) thinlines_ arrow <- from Z.Box.n up 0.15 ; "\sl Box" above thicklines_ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.4,0) R:[ Z: buzzer(,,C) `"\tt buzzer(,{,}C)"' at Z.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(Z) thinlines_ spline <- from 0.8 right 2*arrowht up 0.5*arrowht \ then up 0.15 right 0.05 "\sl Face" above thicklines_ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.4,0) [[ E: earphone `"\tt earphone"' at E.s+(0,-0.2) #below In123(E) thinlines_ arrow <- from E.Box.n up 0.15 left 0.15 ; "\sl Box" above thicklines_ ] [ E: earphone(,,C) `"\tt earphone(,{,}C)"' at E.s+(0,-0.2) #below thinlines_ arrow <- from E.L up 0.15 left 0.15; "\sl L" rjust arrow <- from E.R up 0.15 right 0.15; "\sl R" ljust "\sl N" at E.N above "\sl C" at E.C thicklines_ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.6,0) ] with .n at (0.6 between L and R, R.s)+(0,0.1-ifdpic(0.2,0.25)) .PE