divert(-1) darrow.m4 Macros for double lines and arrows * Circuit_macros Version 10.2, copyright (c) 2023 J. D. Aplevich under * * the LaTeX Project Public Licence in file Licence.txt. The files of * * this distribution may be redistributed or modified provided that this * * copyright notice is included and provided that modifications are clearly * * marked to distinguish them from this distribution. There is no warranty * * whatsoever for these files. * `Notes: these macros have been reworked (Jan 2013) so that dlthick is the total outside width, consistent with solid lines and arrows, and to add the !- and -! half-linethick line caps to simplify butting to boxes. Some of these macros have uncomfortably many arguments for specifying options, so wrappers beginning with upper-case letters (Dline, Darrow, Darc) are provided and implement key=val;key=val... option specifications. ' ============================================================================= define(`darrow_') ifdef(`libgen_',,`include(libgen.m4)divert(-1)') Default width (thickness) of double lines define(`dlthick',`(0.08*scale+lthick)') #efine(`dlinewid',`dlthick') Obsolete, keep for a while for compatibility. `ELement fill color (default white) e.g. define(`dfillcolor',`1,0.84,0') Obsolete: command "\definecolor{gold}{rgb}{1,0.84,0}" define(`dfillcolor',gold)' define(`dfillcolor',`1,1,1') define(`dfillgrey',1) `fill shade for gpic' define(`darcrad',`dlthick*2') `default darc radius' `Default length:' ifdef(`elen_',,`define(`elen_',linewid*3/2)') ============================================================================= `deleminit_(linespec,len,dlinethick) dline initialization' define(`deleminit_',`define(`m4dlthk',ifelse(`$3',,dlthick,`$3'))dnl rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(ifelse(`$2',,linewid,`$2'),0)',`$1')) ') `above, below, ljust, rjust but displaced by dlthick/2 eg "string" dabove(at position)' define(`dabove',`above ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')+(0,dlthick/2)') define(`dbelow',`below ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')-(0,dlthick/2)') define(`dljust',`ljust ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')+(dlthick/2,0)') define(`drjust',`rjust ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')-(dlthick/2,0)') `dline(linespec,start truncation,end truncation,dlthick, ends ) ends= blank, x-x, -x, x-, where x means ! or |' define(`dline',`deleminit_(`$1',,`$4') M4DL: line from last line.start to last line.end \ chop ifelse(`$2',,0,m4dlthk/2) chop ifelse(`$3',,0,m4dlthk/2) ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `{line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__) from M4DL.start to M4DL.end } {line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__)-2*linethick outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ from M4DL.start \ ifinstr(`$5',|-,`+vec_(lthick,0)',`$5',!-,`+vec_(lthick/2,0)') \ to M4DL.end \ ifinstr(`$5',-|,`-vec_(lthick,0)',`$5',-!,`-vec_(lthick/2,0)') }') ifgpic(`M4dV: vec_(0,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2); shade(dfillgrey, {line from M4DL.start+(M4dV.x,M4dV.y) to M4DL.end+(M4dV.x,M4dV.y)} {line from M4DL.start-(M4dV.x,M4dV.y) to M4DL.end-(M4dV.x,M4dV.y)})') line invis from M4DL.start to M4DL.end') `Dline(linespec,params) params is a semicolon-separated list of items: S truncate at start by dline thickness/2 E truncate at end by dline thickness/2 thick=val (total thicknes, ie width) ends= x-x or -x or x- where x is ! or | |- closed end with full-width line !- closed end with half-width line eg Dline(from A to B,E;ends=|-)' define(`Dline', `pushkey_(`$2',thick,dlthick) pushkey_(`$2',ends)pushdef(`m4ends',substr(m4ends,1,eval(len(m4ends)-2))) dline(`$1',ifinstr(`$2',S,t),ifinstr(`$2',E,t),m4thick,m4ends) popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4thick') ') `dleft(at position,dlthick) Turn left, leaving current location at exit of corner' define(`dleft',`deleminit_(,ifelse(`$2',,dlthick,`$2'),`$2') ifelse(`$1',,,`move to substr(`$1',eval(index(`$1',t)+1))-vec_(m4dlthk/2,0)') { line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__) to rvec_(m4dlthk,0) } ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__)-2*linethick outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,0) then to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,m4dlthk/2)') ifgpic(`{line from rvec_(0,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2) to rvec_(0,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2)} {line from rvec_(m4dlthk-lthick/2,m4dlthk/2) \ to rvec_(m4dlthk-lthick/2,-m4dlthk/2+lthick/2) then \ to rvec_(0,-m4dlthk/2+lthick/2)} move to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,m4dlthk/2)') rp_ang = rp_ang+pi__/2') `dright(at position,dlthick) Turn right, leaving current location at exit of corner' define(`dright',`deleminit_(,ifelse(`$2',,dlthick,`$2'),`$2') ifelse(`$1',,,`move to substr(`$1',eval(index(`$1',t)+1))-vec_(m4dlthk/2,0)') { line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__) to rvec_(m4dlthk,0) } ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `line thick m4dlthk/(1bp__)-2*linethick outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,0) then to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,-m4dlthk/2)') ifgpic(`{line from rvec_(0,-m4dlthk/2+lthick/2) \ to rvec_(0,-m4dlthk/2+lthick/2)} {line from rvec_(m4dlthk-lthick/2,-m4dlthk/2) \ to rvec_(m4dlthk-lthick/2,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2) then \ to rvec_(0,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2)} move to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,-m4dlthk/2)') rp_ang = rp_ang-pi__/2') `dturn(arg,dlthick) Turn arg relative degrees ccw' define(`dturn',`deleminit_(,ifelse(`$2',,dlthick,`$2'),`$2') [S: Here deg = ifelse(`$1',,0,`$1') c = cosd(deg); s = sind(deg); sgn = sign(deg); r = (dlthick-lthick)/2 A: S+vec_(lthick/2*abs(s),sgn*r) B: A+vec_(vscal_(lthick/2*abs(s),c,s)) C: S+vec_(0, sgn*r) if deg==0 then {t = 0} else { t = (1-c)/s } # t = tan(deg/2) D: A+vec_(vscal_(r*2,sgn*t,-sgn)) E: B+vec_(vscal_(r*2,sgn*s,-sgn*c)) F: S+vec_(0,-sgn*r) T: 0.5 between A and D X: 0.5 between B and E ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `line thick r*2/(1bp__) outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ from S to T then to X') ifgpic(`m4tmpth = linethick; linethick=0 shade(dfillgrey,`line from C to A then to B; line from E to D then to F') linethick = m4tmpth') line from C to A then to B line from E to D then to F #{"A" at A;"B" at B;"C" at C;"D" at D;"E" at E; "F" at F;"T" at T;"X" at X} `$3'] with .S at Here move to last [].X ifelse(`$1',,,`Point_(`$1'+rp_ang*rtod_)') ') `darrow(linespec, start truncation, end truncation, dlthick, arrow wid, arrow ht, terminals) terminals is blank or x-, ->, x->, <-, <-x, <-> where x is ! for closed end with half-width line or | for closed end with full-width line' define(`darrow',`deleminit_(`$1',,`$4') ifelse(ifinstr(`$7',<->,,`$7',<-,T),T, `define(`m4dx',`ifinstr(`$7',|,|,`$7',!,!)'->)dnl M4DA: line invis from last line.end to last line.start \ chop ifelse(`$3',,0,m4dlthk/2) chop ifelse(`$2',,0,m4dlthk/2) rp_ang = rp_ang+pi__', `define(`m4dx',`$7')dnl M4DA: line invis from last line.start to last line.end \ chop ifelse(`$2',,0,m4dlthk/2) chop ifelse(`$3',,0,m4dlthk/2)') [ C: M4DA.c; S: M4DA.start; E: M4DA.end w = ifelse(`$5',,m4dlthk*3/2,`$5') h = ifelse(`$6',,m4dlthk,`$6') d = sqrt((w/2)^2+h^2) p = d/w*lthick V: vec_(0,m4dlthk/2-lthick/2) T: vec_(h-lthick/2,0) P: vec_(p,0) Vt: vec_(0,w/2/h * (h-lthick/2-p)) W: vec_(lthick/2,0) X: ifinstr(`$7',<->,C,m4dx,!,S,m4dx,|,S+(W.x,W.y),S) ifgpic(`shade(dfillgrey,') line dnl ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",,`shaded rgbstring(dfillcolor)') from dnl ifinstr(m4dx,|,`X to X+(V.x,V.y) then',`X+(V.x,V.y)') to \ E-(T.x,T.y)+(V.x,V.y) then to E-(T.x,T.y)+(Vt.x,Vt.y) \ then to E-(P.x,P.y) \ then to E-(T.x,T.y)-(Vt.x,Vt.y) then to E-(T.x,T.y)-(V.x,V.y) \ then to dnl ifinstr(m4dx,<-, `S+(T.x,T.y)-(V.x,V.y) then to S+(T.x,T.y)-(Vt.x,Vt.y) \ then to S+(P.x,P.y) \ then to S+(T.x,T.y)+(Vt.x,Vt.y) then to S+(T.x,T.y)+(V.x,V.y) \ then to X+(V.x,V.y)', m4dx,|, `X-(V.x,V.y) then to X', m4dx,!, `S-(V.x,V.y); line thick linethick/2 from S+(W.x/2,W.y/2)-(V.x,V.y) \ to S+(W.x/2,W.y/2)+(V.x,V.y) line from S+(V.x,V.y) to X+(V.x,V.y)', `X-(V.x,V.y)') ifgpic(`)') ] with .C at M4DA.c ifelse(ifinstr(`$7',<->,,`$7',<-,T),T, `rp_ang = rp_ang-pi__ arrow invis from M4DA.end to M4DA.start', `arrow invis from M4DA.start to M4DA.end') ') `Darrow(linespec,params) params is a semicolon-separated list of items: S truncate at start by dline thickness/2 E truncate at end by dline thickness/2 thick=val (total thicknes, ie width) wid=val (arrowhead width) ht=val (arrowhead height) ends= -> or x-> or <- or <-x or <-> where x is | or ! |- closed end with full-width line !- closed end with half-width line eg Darrow(from A to B,E;ends=<-|)' define(`Darrow', `pushkey_(`$2',thick,dlthick) pushkey_(`$2',wid,dlthick*3/2) pushkey_(`$2',ht,dlthick) pushkey_(`$2',ends)pushdef(`m4ends',substr(m4ends,1,eval(len(m4ends)-2))) darrow(`$1',ifinstr(`$2',S,t),ifinstr(`$2',E,t),m4thick,m4wid,m4ht,m4ends)dnl popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4ht',`m4wid',`m4thick')') `dtee([L|R],dlthick) Construct tee with tail right, left, or back along current direction, leaving current location at tee centre; eg dline(right_,,t); dtee(R); { darrow(down_,t) }; darrow(right_,t)' define(`dtee',`deleminit_(,ifelse(`$2',,dlthick,`$2'),`$2') move to last line.c ifelse(`$1',L,`rp_ang = rp_ang-pi_/2',`$1',R,`rp_ang = rp_ang+pi_/2') ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `{line thick dlthick/(1bp__) from rvec_(-m4dlthk/2,0) to rvec_(m4dlthk/2,0)} {line thick dlthick/(1bp__)-2*linethick outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ to rvec_(-m4dlthk/2,0) } {line thick dlthick/(1bp__)-2*linethick outlined rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ from rvec_(0,-m4dlthk/2) to rvec_(0,m4dlthk/2) } ') ifgpic(`m4tmpth = linethick; linethick=0; shade(dfillgrey, {line from rvec_(-m4dlthk/2, m4dlthk/2) to rvec_( m4dlthk/2, m4dlthk/2)} {line from rvec_( m4dlthk/2,-m4dlthk/2) to rvec_(-m4dlthk/2,-m4dlthk/2)}) linethick = m4tmpth') ') Close off line end: `dend([at position])' define(`dend',`deleminit_(,lthick) ifelse(`$1',,,`move to substr(`$1',eval(index(`$1',at)+2))') {line from rvec_(0,-dlthick/2) to rvec_(0,dlthick/2)} move to rvec_(lthick/2,0) ') `darc(center pos, radius, start radians, end radians, dlthick, arrow wid, arrow ht, symbols ) draw CCW arc symbols= x-, -x, x-x, ->, x->, <-, <-x, <-> where x is | or ! ; arrowheads for dpic only ' define(`darc',`[ C: (0,0) dlth=ifelse(`$5',,dlthick,`$5') w = ifelse(`$6',,dlth*1.75,(`$6')) h = ifelse(`$7',,dlth,(`$7')) r = ifelse(`$2',,darcrad,`($2)') p = sqrt((w/2)^2+h^2)/(w/2)*lthick as = ifelse(`$3',,rp_ang-pi__/2,`$3') tas = as ifinstr(`$8',<-,`+ p/r') ae = ifelse(`$4',,as+pi__/2,`$4') tae = ae ifinstr(`$8',<-,`- p/r') S: (rect_(r,as)); TS: (rect_(r,tas)) E: (rect_(r,ae)); TE: (rect_(r,tae)) arc thick dlth/(1bp__) wid w ht h dnl ifinstr(`$8',<-,<-`'ifinstr(`$8',->,>),`$8',->,->) from S to E with .c at C ifelse(rgbstring(1,1,1),"",, `arc thick dlth/(1bp__)-linethick*2 wid (h-p-lthick)/h*w ht h-p-lthick \ colored rgbstring(dfillcolor) \ ifinstr(`$8',<-,<-`'ifinstr(`$8',->,>),`$8',->,->) \ from TS to TE rad r with .c at C') ifinstr(`$8',|-,`X: (vscal_(lthick/2,-sin(as),cos(as))) line from C+(rect_(r+dlthick/2-lthick/2,as))+(X.x,X.y) to \ C+(rect_(r-dlthick/2+lthick/2,as))+(X.x,X.y)', `$8',!-,`X: (vscal_(lthick/4,-sin(as),cos(as))) line thick linethick/2 \ from C+(rect_(r+dlthick/2-lthick/4,as))+(X.x,X.y) to \ C+(rect_(r-dlthick/2+lthick/4,as))+(X.x,X.y)') ifinstr(`$8',-|,`X: (vscal_(lthick/2,-sin(ae),cos(ae))) line from C+(rect_(r+dlthick/2-lthick/2,ae))-(X.x,X.y) to \ C+(rect_(r-dlthick/2+lthick/2,ae))-(X.x,X.y)', `$8',!-,`X: (vscal_(lthick/4,-sin(ae),cos(ae))) line thick linethick/2 \ from C+(rect_(r+dlthick/2-lthick/4,ae))-(X.x,X.y) to \ C+(rect_(r-dlthick/2+lthick/4,ae))-(X.x,X.y)') rp_ang := ae+pi__/2 ] with ifelse(`$1',,.S at Here,.C at `$1') move to last [].E ') `Darc(center pos, radius, start radians, end radians, params) draw CCW arc params is a semicolon-separated list of items: thick=val (total thicknes, ie width) wid=val (arrowhead width) ht=val (arrowhead height) ends= x-, -x, x-x, ->, x->, <-, <-x, <-> where x is ! or | < and > work for dpic only |- closed end with full-width line !- closed end with half-width line eg Darc(C,r,ang1,ang2,ends=<-|)' define(`Darc', `pushkey_(`$5',thick,dlthick) pushkey_(`$5',wid,dlthick*1.75) pushkey_(`$5',ht,dlthick) pushkey_(`$5',ends)pushdef(`m4ends',substr(m4ends,1,eval(len(m4ends)-2))) darc(`$1',`$2',`$3',`$4',m4thick,m4wid,m4ht,m4ends)dnl popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4ends')popdef(`m4ht',`m4wid',`m4thick')') divert(0)dnl