/***** * drawbezierpatch.cc * Authors: John C. Bowman and Jesse Frohlich * * Render Bezier patches and triangles. *****/ #include "bezierpatch.h" #include "predicates.h" namespace camp { using ::orient2d; using ::orient3d; #ifdef HAVE_GL int MaterialIndex; //std::vector& I=transparentData.Indices; //std::vector& V=transparentData.Vertices; bool colors; std::vector zbuffer; std::vector xbuffer; std::vector ybuffer; //std::vector xmin,ymin,zmin; //std::vector xmax,ymax,zmax; std::vector zsum; inline double min(double a, double b, double c) { return min(min(a,b),c); } inline double max(double a, double b, double c) { return max(max(a,b),c); } struct iz { unsigned i; double z; iz() {} void minimum(unsigned i, const std::vector& I) { this->i=i; unsigned i3=3*i; z=min(zbuffer[I[i3]],zbuffer[I[i3+1]],zbuffer[I[i3+2]]); } }; std::vector IZ; const double FillFactor=0.1; const double BezierFactor=0.4; inline int sgn1(double x) { return x >= 0.0 ? 1 : -1; } inline int sgn(double x) { return (x > 0.0 ? 1 : (x < 0.0 ? -1 : 0)); } bool sameside(const double *a, const double *b, int s0, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C) { if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,A)) == s0) return true; if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,B)) == s0) return true; if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,C)) == s0) return true; return false; } // returns true iff 2D triangles abc and ABC intersect bool intersect2D(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C) { int s0=sgn(orient2d(a,b,c)); // Optimize away int S0=sgn(orient2d(A,B,C)); // Optimize away return sameside(a,b,s0,A,B,C) && sameside(b,c,s0,A,B,C) && sameside(c,a,s0,A,B,C) && sameside(A,B,S0,a,b,c) && sameside(B,C,S0,a,b,c) && sameside(C,A,S0,a,b,c); } // returns true iff triangle abc is pierced by line segment AB. bool pierce(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c, const double *A, const double *B) { int sa=sgn(orient3d(A,b,c,B)); int sb=sgn(orient3d(A,c,a,B)); int sc=sgn(orient3d(A,a,b,B)); return sa == sb && sb == sc; } // returns true iff triangle abc is pierced by an edge of triangle ABC bool intersect0(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C, int sA, int sB, int sC) { if(sA != sB) { if(pierce(a,b,c,A,B)) return true; if(sC != sA) { if(pierce(a,b,c,C,A)) return true; } else { if(pierce(a,b,c,B,C)) return true; } } else { if(pierce(a,b,c,B,C)) return true; if(pierce(a,b,c,C,A)) return true; } return false; } // returns true iff triangle abc intersects triangle ABC bool intersect3D(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C) { int sA=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,A)); int sB=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,B)); int sC=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,C)); if(sA == sB && sB == sC) return false; int sa=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,a)); int sb=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,b)); int sc=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,c)); if(sa == sb && sb == sc) return false; return intersect0(a,b,c,A,B,C,sA,sB,sC) || intersect0(A,B,C,a,b,c,sa,sb,sc); } // Return the intersection time of the extension of the line segment PQ // with the plane perpendicular to n and passing through Z. inline double intersect(const double *P, const double *Q, const double *n, const double *Z) { double d=n[0]*Z[0]+n[1]*Z[1]+n[2]*Z[2]; double denom=n[0]*(Q[0]-P[0])+n[1]*(Q[1]-P[1])+n[2]*(Q[2]-P[2]); return denom == 0 ? DBL_MAX : (d-n[0]*P[0]-n[1]*P[1]-n[2]*P[2])/denom; } inline triple interp(const double *a, const double *b, double t) { return triple(a[0]+t*(b[0]-a[0]),a[1]+t*(b[1]-a[1]),a[2]+t*(b[2]-a[2])); } inline void interp(GLfloat *dest, const GLfloat *a, const GLfloat *b, double t) { double onemt=1.0-t; for(size_t i=0; i < 4; ++i) dest[i]=onemt*a[i]+t*b[i]; } inline triple interp(const triple& a, const triple& b, double t) { return a+(b-a)*t; } inline void cross(double *dest, const double *u, const double *v, const double *w) { double u0=u[0]-w[0]; double u1=u[1]-w[1]; double u2=u[2]-w[2]; double v0=v[0]-w[0]; double v1=v[1]-w[1]; double v2=v[2]-w[2]; dest[0]=u1*v2-u2*v1; dest[1]=u2*v0-u0*v2; dest[2]=u0*v1-u1*v0; } unsigned n; unsigned int count; // Sort nonintersecting triangles by depth. int compare(const void *p, const void *P) { unsigned Ia=((GLuint *) p)[0]; unsigned Ib=((GLuint *) p)[1]; unsigned Ic=((GLuint *) p)[2]; unsigned IA=((GLuint *) P)[0]; unsigned IB=((GLuint *) P)[1]; unsigned IC=((GLuint *) P)[2]; return zbuffer[Ia]+zbuffer[Ib]+zbuffer[Ic] < zbuffer[IA]+zbuffer[IB]+zbuffer[IC] ? -1 : 1; /* double a[]={xbuffer[Ia],ybuffer[Ia],zbuffer[Ia]}; double b[]={xbuffer[Ib],ybuffer[Ib],zbuffer[Ib]}; double c[]={xbuffer[Ic],ybuffer[Ic],zbuffer[Ic]}; double A[]={xbuffer[IA],ybuffer[IA],zbuffer[IA]}; double B[]={xbuffer[IB],ybuffer[IB],zbuffer[IB]}; double C[]={xbuffer[IC],ybuffer[IC],zbuffer[IC]}; double viewpoint[]={0,0,100000}; double sa=-orient3d(A,B,C,a); double sb=-orient3d(A,B,C,b); double sc=-orient3d(A,B,C,c); double s=min(sa,sb,sc); double S=max(sa,sb,sc); double eps=1000; if(s < -eps && S > eps) { //swap double sA=-orient3d(a,b,c,A); double sB=-orient3d(a,b,c,B); double sC=-orient3d(a,b,c,C); double s=min(sA,sB,sC); double S=max(sA,sB,sC); if(S < -s) S=s; int sz=sgn1(orient3d(a,b,c,viewpoint)); if(S < -eps) return -sz; if(S > eps) return sz; } if(S < -s) S=s; int sz=sgn1(orient3d(A,B,C,viewpoint)); if(S < -eps) return sz; if(S > eps) return -sz; return a[2]+b[2]+c[2] < A[2]+B[2]+C[2] ? -1 : 1; */ } #if 0 void split(unsigned i3, GLuint ia, GLuint ib, GLuint ic, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *N, double *A) { double td=intersect(a,b,N,A); double te=intersect(a,c,N,A); triple d=interp(a,b,td); triple e=interp(a,c,te); GLuint Ia=tstride*ia; GLuint Ib=tstride*ib; GLuint Ic=tstride*ic; triple na=triple(V[Ia+3],V[Ia+4],V[Ia+5]); triple nb=triple(V[Ib+3],V[Ib+4],V[Ib+5]); triple nc=triple(V[Ic+3],V[Ic+4],V[Ic+5]); triple nd=interp(na,nb,td); triple ne=interp(na,nc,te); GLuint id,ie; if(colors) { GLfloat *ca=&V[Ia+6]; GLfloat *cb=&V[Ib+6]; GLfloat *cc=&V[Ic+6]; GLfloat cd[4],ce[4]; interp(cd,ca,cb,td); interp(ce,ca,cc,te); id=data.Vertex(d,nd,cd); ie=data.Vertex(e,ne,ce); } else { id=data.Vertex(d,nd); ie=data.Vertex(e,ne); } I[i3]=ia; I[i3+1]=id; I[i3+2]=ie; I.push_back(id); I.push_back(ib); I.push_back(ie); I.push_back(ie); I.push_back(ib); I.push_back(ic); } #endif void BezierPatch::init(double res) { res2=res*res; Res2=BezierFactor*BezierFactor*res2; Epsilon=FillFactor*res; MaterialIndex=transparent ? (color ? -1-materialIndex : 1+materialIndex) : materialIndex; pvertex=transparent ? &vertexBuffer::tvertex : &vertexBuffer::vertex; } void BezierPatch::render(const triple *p, bool straight, GLfloat *c0) { triple p0=p[0]; epsilon=0; for(unsigned i=1; i < 16; ++i) epsilon=max(epsilon,abs2(p[i]-p0)); epsilon *= Fuzz4; triple p3=p[3]; triple p12=p[12]; triple p15=p[15]; triple n0=normal(p3,p[2],p[1],p0,p[4],p[8],p12); if(n0 == 0.0) { n0=normal(p3,p[2],p[1],p0,p[13],p[14],p15); if(n0 == 0.0) n0=normal(p15,p[11],p[7],p3,p[4],p[8],p12); } triple n1=normal(p0,p[4],p[8],p12,p[13],p[14],p15); if(n1 == 0.0) { n1=normal(p0,p[4],p[8],p12,p[11],p[7],p3); if(n1 == 0.0) n1=normal(p3,p[2],p[1],p0,p[13],p[14],p15); } triple n2=normal(p12,p[13],p[14],p15,p[11],p[7],p3); if(n2 == 0.0) { n2=normal(p12,p[13],p[14],p15,p[2],p[1],p0); if(n2 == 0.0) n2=normal(p0,p[4],p[8],p12,p[11],p[7],p3); } triple n3=normal(p15,p[11],p[7],p3,p[2],p[1],p0); if(n3 == 0.0) { n3=normal(p15,p[11],p[7],p3,p[4],p[8],p12); if(n3 == 0.0) n3=normal(p12,p[13],p[14],p15,p[2],p[1],p0); } GLuint i0,i1,i2,i3; if(color) { GLfloat *c1=c0+4; GLfloat *c2=c0+8; GLfloat *c3=c0+12; i0=data.Vertex(p0,n0,c0); i1=data.Vertex(p12,n1,c1); i2=data.Vertex(p15,n2,c2); i3=data.Vertex(p3,n3,c3); if(!straight) render(p,i0,i1,i2,i3,p0,p12,p15,p3,false,false,false,false, c0,c1,c2,c3); } else { i0=(data.*pvertex)(p0,n0); i1=(data.*pvertex)(p12,n1); i2=(data.*pvertex)(p15,n2); i3=(data.*pvertex)(p3,n3); if(!straight) render(p,i0,i1,i2,i3,p0,p12,p15,p3,false,false,false,false); } if(straight) { std::vector &q=data.indices; triple Pa[]={p0,p12,p15}; if(!offscreen(3,Pa)) { q.push_back(i0); q.push_back(i1); q.push_back(i2); } triple Pb[]={p0,p15,p3}; if(!offscreen(3,Pb)) { q.push_back(i0); q.push_back(i2); q.push_back(i3); } } append(); } // Use a uniform partition to draw a Bezier patch. // p is an array of 16 triples representing the control points. // Pi are the (possibly) adjusted vertices indexed by Ii. // The 'flati' are flatness flags for each boundary. void BezierPatch::render(const triple *p, GLuint I0, GLuint I1, GLuint I2, GLuint I3, triple P0, triple P1, triple P2, triple P3, bool flat0, bool flat1, bool flat2, bool flat3, GLfloat *C0, GLfloat *C1, GLfloat *C2, GLfloat *C3) { if(Distance(p) < res2) { // Bezier patch is flat triple Pa[]={P0,P1,P2}; std::vector &q=data.indices; if(!offscreen(3,Pa)) { q.push_back(I0); q.push_back(I1); q.push_back(I2); } triple Pb[]={P0,P2,P3}; if(!offscreen(3,Pb)) { q.push_back(I0); q.push_back(I2); q.push_back(I3); } } else { // Patch is not flat if(offscreen(16,p)) return; /* Control points are indexed as follows: Coordinate +----- Index 03 13 23 33 +-----+-----+-----+ |3 |7 |11 |15 | | | | |02 |12 |22 |32 +-----+-----+-----+ |2 |6 |10 |14 | | | | |01 |11 |21 |31 +-----+-----+-----+ |1 |5 |9 |13 | | | | |00 |10 |20 |30 +-----+-----+-----+ 0 4 8 12 Subdivision: P refers to a corner m refers to a midpoint s refers to a subpatch m2 +--------+--------+ |P3 | P2| | | | | s3 | s2 | | | | | |m4 | m3+--------+--------+m1 | | | | | | | s0 | s1 | | | | |P0 | P1| +--------+--------+ m0 */ // Subdivide patch: triple p0=p[0]; triple p3=p[3]; triple p12=p[12]; triple p15=p[15]; Split3 c0(p0,p[1],p[2],p3); Split3 c1(p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7]); Split3 c2(p[8],p[9],p[10],p[11]); Split3 c3(p12,p[13],p[14],p15); Split3 c4(p0,p[4],p[8],p12); Split3 c5(c0.m0,c1.m0,c2.m0,c3.m0); Split3 c6(c0.m3,c1.m3,c2.m3,c3.m3); Split3 c7(c0.m5,c1.m5,c2.m5,c3.m5); Split3 c8(c0.m4,c1.m4,c2.m4,c3.m4); Split3 c9(c0.m2,c1.m2,c2.m2,c3.m2); Split3 c10(p3,p[7],p[11],p15); triple s0[]={p0,c0.m0,c0.m3,c0.m5,c4.m0,c5.m0,c6.m0,c7.m0, c4.m3,c5.m3,c6.m3,c7.m3,c4.m5,c5.m5,c6.m5,c7.m5}; triple s1[]={c4.m5,c5.m5,c6.m5,c7.m5,c4.m4,c5.m4,c6.m4,c7.m4, c4.m2,c5.m2,c6.m2,c7.m2,p12,c3.m0,c3.m3,c3.m5}; triple s2[]={c7.m5,c8.m5,c9.m5,c10.m5,c7.m4,c8.m4,c9.m4,c10.m4, c7.m2,c8.m2,c9.m2,c10.m2,c3.m5,c3.m4,c3.m2,p15}; triple s3[]={c0.m5,c0.m4,c0.m2,p3,c7.m0,c8.m0,c9.m0,c10.m0, c7.m3,c8.m3,c9.m3,c10.m3,c7.m5,c8.m5,c9.m5,c10.m5}; triple m4=s0[15]; triple n0=normal(s0[0],s0[4],s0[8],s0[12],s0[13],s0[14],s0[15]); if(n0 == 0.0) { n0=normal(s0[0],s0[4],s0[8],s0[12],s0[11],s0[7],s0[3]); if(n0 == 0.0) n0=normal(s0[3],s0[2],s0[1],s0[0],s0[13],s0[14],s0[15]); } triple n1=normal(s1[12],s1[13],s1[14],s1[15],s1[11],s1[7],s1[3]); if(n1 == 0.0) { n1=normal(s1[12],s1[13],s1[14],s1[15],s1[2],s1[1],s1[0]); if(n1 == 0.0) n1=normal(s1[0],s1[4],s1[8],s1[12],s1[11],s1[7],s1[3]); } triple n2=normal(s2[15],s2[11],s2[7],s2[3],s2[2],s2[1],s2[0]); if(n2 == 0.0) { n2=normal(s2[15],s2[11],s2[7],s2[3],s2[4],s2[8],s2[12]); if(n2 == 0.0) n2=normal(s2[12],s2[13],s2[14],s2[15],s2[2],s2[1],s2[0]); } triple n3=normal(s3[3],s3[2],s3[1],s3[0],s3[4],s3[8],s3[12]); if(n3 == 0.0) { n3=normal(s3[3],s3[2],s3[1],s3[0],s3[13],s3[14],s3[15]); if(n3 == 0.0) n3=normal(s3[15],s3[11],s3[7],s3[3],s3[4],s3[8],s3[12]); } triple n4=normal(s2[3],s2[2],s2[1],m4,s2[4],s2[8],s2[12]); // A kludge to remove subdivision cracks, only applied the first time // an edge is found to be flat before the rest of the subpatch is. triple m0=0.5*(P0+P1); if(!flat0) { if((flat0=Straightness(p0,p[4],p[8],p12) < res2)) m0 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(s1[0],s1[1],s1[2],s1[3])); else m0=s0[12]; } triple m1=0.5*(P1+P2); if(!flat1) { if((flat1=Straightness(p12,p[13],p[14],p15) < res2)) m1 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(s2[12],s2[8],s2[4],s2[0])); else m1=s1[15]; } triple m2=0.5*(P2+P3); if(!flat2) { if((flat2=Straightness(p15,p[11],p[7],p3) < res2)) m2 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(s3[15],s2[14],s2[13],s1[12])); else m2=s2[3]; } triple m3=0.5*(P3+P0); if(!flat3) { if((flat3=Straightness(p0,p[1],p[2],p3) < res2)) m3 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(s0[3],s0[7],s0[11],s0[15])); else m3=s3[0]; } if(color) { GLfloat c0[4],c1[4],c2[4],c3[4],c4[4]; for(size_t i=0; i < 4; ++i) { c0[i]=0.5*(C0[i]+C1[i]); c1[i]=0.5*(C1[i]+C2[i]); c2[i]=0.5*(C2[i]+C3[i]); c3[i]=0.5*(C3[i]+C0[i]); c4[i]=0.5*(c0[i]+c2[i]); } GLuint i0=data.Vertex(m0,n0,c0); GLuint i1=data.Vertex(m1,n1,c1); GLuint i2=data.Vertex(m2,n2,c2); GLuint i3=data.Vertex(m3,n3,c3); GLuint i4=data.Vertex(m4,n4,c4); render(s0,I0,i0,i4,i3,P0,m0,m4,m3,flat0,false,false,flat3, C0,c0,c4,c3); render(s1,i0,I1,i1,i4,m0,P1,m1,m4,flat0,flat1,false,false, c0,C1,c1,c4); render(s2,i4,i1,I2,i2,m4,m1,P2,m2,false,flat1,flat2,false, c4,c1,C2,c2); render(s3,i3,i4,i2,I3,m3,m4,m2,P3,false,false,flat2,flat3, c3,c4,c2,C3); } else { GLuint i0=(data.*pvertex)(m0,n0); GLuint i1=(data.*pvertex)(m1,n1); GLuint i2=(data.*pvertex)(m2,n2); GLuint i3=(data.*pvertex)(m3,n3); GLuint i4=(data.*pvertex)(m4,n4); render(s0,I0,i0,i4,i3,P0,m0,m4,m3,flat0,false,false,flat3); render(s1,i0,I1,i1,i4,m0,P1,m1,m4,flat0,flat1,false,false); render(s2,i4,i1,I2,i2,m4,m1,P2,m2,false,flat1,flat2,false); render(s3,i3,i4,i2,I3,m3,m4,m2,P3,false,false,flat2,flat3); } } } void BezierTriangle::render(const triple *p, bool straight, GLfloat *c0) { triple p0=p[0]; epsilon=0; for(int i=1; i < 10; ++i) epsilon=max(epsilon,abs2(p[i]-p0)); epsilon *= Fuzz4; triple p6=p[6]; triple p9=p[9]; triple n0=normal(p9,p[5],p[2],p0,p[1],p[3],p6); triple n1=normal(p0,p[1],p[3],p6,p[7],p[8],p9); triple n2=normal(p6,p[7],p[8],p9,p[5],p[2],p0); GLuint i0,i1,i2; if(color) { GLfloat *c1=c0+4; GLfloat *c2=c0+8; i0=data.Vertex(p0,n0,c0); i1=data.Vertex(p6,n1,c1); i2=data.Vertex(p9,n2,c2); if(!straight) render(p,i0,i1,i2,p0,p6,p9,false,false,false,c0,c1,c2); } else { i0=(data.*pvertex)(p0,n0); i1=(data.*pvertex)(p6,n1); i2=(data.*pvertex)(p9,n2); if(!straight) render(p,i0,i1,i2,p0,p6,p9,false,false,false); } if(straight) { triple P[]={p0,p6,p9}; if(!offscreen(3,P)) { std::vector &q=data.indices; q.push_back(i0); q.push_back(i1); q.push_back(i2); } } append(); } // Use a uniform partition to draw a Bezier triangle. // p is an array of 10 triples representing the control points. // Pi are the (possibly) adjusted vertices indexed by Ii. // The 'flati' are flatness flags for each boundary. void BezierTriangle::render(const triple *p, GLuint I0, GLuint I1, GLuint I2, triple P0, triple P1, triple P2, bool flat0, bool flat1, bool flat2, GLfloat *C0, GLfloat *C1, GLfloat *C2) { if(Distance(p) < Res2) { // Bezier triangle is flat triple P[]={P0,P1,P2}; if(!offscreen(3,P)) { std::vector &q=data.indices; q.push_back(I0); q.push_back(I1); q.push_back(I2); } } else { // Triangle is not flat if(offscreen(10,p)) return; /* Control points are indexed as follows: Coordinate Index 030 9 /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ 021 + + 120 5 / \ 8 / \ / \ / \ / \ 012 + + + 210 2 / 111 \ 7 / 4 \ / \ / \ / \ /__________________________________\ 003 102 201 300 0 1 3 6 Subdivision: P2 030 /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / up \ / \ / \ p1 /________________\ p0 /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ center / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / left \ / right \ / \ / \ /________________V_________________\ 003 p2 300 P0 P1 */ // Subdivide triangle: triple l003=p[0]; triple p102=p[1]; triple p012=p[2]; triple p201=p[3]; triple p111=p[4]; triple p021=p[5]; triple r300=p[6]; triple p210=p[7]; triple p120=p[8]; triple u030=p[9]; triple u021=0.5*(u030+p021); triple u120=0.5*(u030+p120); triple p033=0.5*(p021+p012); triple p231=0.5*(p120+p111); triple p330=0.5*(p120+p210); triple p123=0.5*(p012+p111); triple l012=0.5*(p012+l003); triple p312=0.5*(p111+p201); triple r210=0.5*(p210+r300); triple l102=0.5*(l003+p102); triple p303=0.5*(p102+p201); triple r201=0.5*(p201+r300); triple u012=0.5*(u021+p033); triple u210=0.5*(u120+p330); triple l021=0.5*(p033+l012); triple p4xx=0.5*p231+0.25*(p111+p102); triple r120=0.5*(p330+r210); triple px4x=0.5*p123+0.25*(p111+p210); triple pxx4=0.25*(p021+p111)+0.5*p312; triple l201=0.5*(l102+p303); triple r102=0.5*(p303+r201); triple l210=0.5*(px4x+l201); // =c120 triple r012=0.5*(px4x+r102); // =c021 triple l300=0.5*(l201+r102); // =r003=c030 triple r021=0.5*(pxx4+r120); // =c012 triple u201=0.5*(u210+pxx4); // =c102 triple r030=0.5*(u210+r120); // =u300=c003 triple u102=0.5*(u012+p4xx); // =c201 triple l120=0.5*(l021+p4xx); // =c210 triple l030=0.5*(u012+l021); // =u003=c300 triple l111=0.5*(p123+l102); triple r111=0.5*(p312+r210); triple u111=0.5*(u021+p231); triple c111=0.25*(p033+p330+p303+p111); triple l[]={l003,l102,l012,l201,l111,l021,l300,l210,l120,l030}; // left triple r[]={l300,r102,r012,r201,r111,r021,r300,r210,r120,r030}; // right triple u[]={l030,u102,u012,u201,u111,u021,r030,u210,u120,u030}; // up triple c[]={r030,u201,r021,u102,c111,r012,l030,l120,l210,l300}; // center triple n0=normal(l300,r012,r021,r030,u201,u102,l030); triple n1=normal(r030,u201,u102,l030,l120,l210,l300); triple n2=normal(l030,l120,l210,l300,r012,r021,r030); // A kludge to remove subdivision cracks, only applied the first time // an edge is found to be flat before the rest of the subpatch is. triple m0=0.5*(P1+P2); if(!flat0) { if((flat0=Straightness(r300,p210,p120,u030) < res2)) m0 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(c[0],c[2],c[5],c[9])+ derivative(c[0],c[1],c[3],c[6])); else m0=r030; } triple m1=0.5*(P2+P0); if(!flat1) { if((flat1=Straightness(l003,p012,p021,u030) < res2)) m1 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(c[6],c[3],c[1],c[0])+ derivative(c[6],c[7],c[8],c[9])); else m1=l030; } triple m2=0.5*(P0+P1); if(!flat2) { if((flat2=Straightness(l003,p102,p201,r300) < res2)) m2 -= Epsilon*unit(derivative(c[9],c[8],c[7],c[6])+ derivative(c[9],c[5],c[2],c[0])); else m2=l300; } if(color) { GLfloat c0[4],c1[4],c2[4]; for(int i=0; i < 4; ++i) { c0[i]=0.5*(C1[i]+C2[i]); c1[i]=0.5*(C2[i]+C0[i]); c2[i]=0.5*(C0[i]+C1[i]); } GLuint i0=data.Vertex(m0,n0,c0); GLuint i1=data.Vertex(m1,n1,c1); GLuint i2=data.Vertex(m2,n2,c2); render(l,I0,i2,i1,P0,m2,m1,false,flat1,flat2,C0,c2,c1); render(r,i2,I1,i0,m2,P1,m0,flat0,false,flat2,c2,C1,c0); render(u,i1,i0,I2,m1,m0,P2,flat0,flat1,false,c1,c0,C2); render(c,i0,i1,i2,m0,m1,m2,false,false,false,c0,c1,c2); } else { GLuint i0=(data.*pvertex)(m0,n0); GLuint i1=(data.*pvertex)(m1,n1); GLuint i2=(data.*pvertex)(m2,n2); render(l,I0,i2,i1,P0,m2,m1,false,flat1,flat2); render(r,i2,I1,i0,m2,P1,m0,flat0,false,flat2); render(u,i1,i0,I2,m1,m0,P2,flat0,flat1,false); render(c,i0,i1,i2,m0,m1,m2,false,false,false); } } } void transform(const std::vector& b) { unsigned n=b.size(); // xbuffer.resize(n); // ybuffer.resize(n); zbuffer.resize(n); double Tz0=gl::dView[2]; double Tz1=gl::dView[6]; double Tz2=gl::dView[10]; for(unsigned i=0; i < n; ++i) { const GLfloat *v=b[i].position; zbuffer[i]=Tz0*v[0]+Tz1*v[1]+Tz2*v[2]; } } #if 0 // precompute min and max bounds of each triangle void bounds(const std::vector& I) { unsigned n=I.size()/3; /* xmin.resize(n); xmax.resize(n); ymin.resize(n); ymax.resize(n); */ zmin.resize(n); zmax.resize(n); for(unsigned i=0; i < n; ++i) { unsigned i3=3*i; unsigned Ia=I[i3]; unsigned Ib=I[i3+1]; unsigned Ic=I[i3+2]; /* double xa=xbuffer[Ia]; double xb=xbuffer[Ib]; double xc=xbuffer[Ic]; double ya=ybuffer[Ia]; double yb=ybuffer[Ib]; double yc=ybuffer[Ic]; */ double za=zbuffer[Ia]; double zb=zbuffer[Ib]; double zc=zbuffer[Ic]; /* xmin[i]=min(xa,xb,xc); xmax[i]=max(xa,xb,xc); ymin[i]=min(ya,yb,yc); ymax[i]=max(ya,yb,yc); */ zmin[i]=min(za,zb,zc); zmax[i]=max(za,zb,zc); } } #endif void sortTriangles() { if(!transparentData.indices.empty()) { transform(transparentData.Vertices); // bounds(tIndices); qsort(&transparentData.indices[0],transparentData.indices.size()/3, 3*sizeof(GLuint),compare); } } void Triangles::queue(size_t nP, const triple* P, size_t nN, const triple* N, size_t nC, const prc::RGBAColour* C, size_t nI, const uint32_t (*PP)[3], const uint32_t (*NN)[3], const uint32_t (*CC)[3], bool Transparent) { if(!nN) return; data.clear(); Onscreen=true; transparent=Transparent; data.Vertices.resize(nP); data.indices.resize(3*nI); MaterialIndex=nC ? -1-materialIndex : 1+materialIndex; for(size_t i=0; i < nI; ++i) { const uint32_t *PI=PP[i]; uint32_t PI0=PI[0]; uint32_t PI1=PI[1]; uint32_t PI2=PI[2]; triple P0=P[PI0]; triple P1=P[PI1]; triple P2=P[PI2]; const uint32_t *NI=NN[i]; if(nC) { const uint32_t *CI=CC[i]; prc::RGBAColour C0=C[CI[0]]; prc::RGBAColour C1=C[CI[1]]; prc::RGBAColour C2=C[CI[2]]; GLfloat c0[]={(GLfloat) C0.R,(GLfloat) C0.G,(GLfloat) C0.B, (GLfloat) C0.A}; GLfloat c1[]={(GLfloat) C1.R,(GLfloat) C1.G,(GLfloat) C1.B, (GLfloat) C1.A}; GLfloat c2[]={(GLfloat) C2.R,(GLfloat) C2.G,(GLfloat) C2.B, (GLfloat) C2.A}; transparent |= c0[3]+c1[3]+c2[3] < 765; data.Vertices[PI0]=VertexData(P0,N[NI[0]],c0); data.Vertices[PI1]=VertexData(P1,N[NI[1]],c1); data.Vertices[PI2]=VertexData(P2,N[NI[2]],c2); } else { data.Vertices[PI0]=VertexData(P0,N[NI[0]]); data.Vertices[PI1]=VertexData(P1,N[NI[1]]); data.Vertices[PI2]=VertexData(P2,N[NI[2]]); } triple Q[]={P0,P1,P2}; if(!offscreen(3,Q)) { size_t i3=3*i; data.indices[i3]=PI0; data.indices[i3+1]=PI1; data.indices[i3+2]=PI2; } } append(); } #endif } //namespace camp