struct Material { vec4 diffuse,emissive,specular; vec4 parameters; }; struct Light { vec3 direction; vec3 color; }; uniform uint nlights; uniform Light lights[max(Nlights,1)]; uniform MaterialBuffer { Material Materials[Nmaterials]; }; flat in int materialIndex; out vec4 outColor; // PBR material parameters vec3 Diffuse; // Diffuse for nonmetals, reflectance for metals. vec3 Specular; // Specular tint for nonmetals float Metallic; // Metallic/Nonmetals parameter float Fresnel0; // Fresnel at zero for nonmetals float Roughness2; // roughness squared, for smoothing float Roughness; #ifdef HAVE_SSBO layout(binding=0, std430) buffer offsetBuffer { uint maxDepth; uint offset[]; }; #ifndef GPUINDEXING layout(binding=2, std430) buffer countBuffer { uint maxSize; uint count[]; }; #endif layout(binding=4, std430) buffer fragmentBuffer { vec4 fragment[]; }; layout(binding=5, std430) buffer depthBuffer { float depth[]; }; layout(binding=6, std430) buffer opaqueBuffer { vec4 opaqueColor[]; }; layout(binding=7, std430) buffer opaqueDepthBuffer { float opaqueDepth[]; }; #ifdef GPUCOMPRESS layout(binding=1, std430) buffer indexBuffer { uint index[]; }; #define INDEX(pixel) index[pixel] #else #define INDEX(pixel) pixel #endif uniform uint width; #endif #ifdef NORMAL #ifndef ORTHOGRAPHIC in vec3 ViewPosition; #endif in vec3 Normal; vec3 normal; #ifdef USE_IBL uniform sampler2D reflBRDFSampler; uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler; uniform sampler3D reflImgSampler; const float pi=acos(-1.0); const float piInv=1.0/pi; const float twopi=2.0*pi; const float twopiInv=1.0/twopi; // (x,y,z) -> (r,theta,phi); // theta -> [0,pi]: colatitude // phi -> [-pi,pi]: longitude vec3 cart2sphere(vec3 cart) { float x=cart.x; float y=cart.z; float z=cart.y; float r=length(cart); float theta=r > 0.0 ? acos(z/r) : 0.0; float phi=atan(y,x); return vec3(r,theta,phi); } vec2 normalizedAngle(vec3 cartVec) { vec3 sphericalVec=cart2sphere(cartVec); sphericalVec.y=sphericalVec.y*piInv; sphericalVec.z=0.75-sphericalVec.z*twopiInv; return sphericalVec.zy; } vec3 IBLColor(vec3 viewDir) { // // based on the split sum formula approximation // L(v)=\int_\Omega L(l)f(l,v) \cos \theta_l // which, by the split sum approiximation (assuming independence+GGX distrubition), // roughly equals (within a margin of error) // [\int_\Omega L(l)] * [\int_\Omega f(l,v) \cos \theta_l]. // the first term is the reflectance irradiance integral vec3 IBLDiffuse=Diffuse*texture(diffuseSampler,normalizedAngle(normal)).rgb; vec3 reflectVec=normalize(reflect(-viewDir,normal)); vec2 reflCoord=normalizedAngle(reflectVec); vec3 IBLRefl=texture(reflImgSampler,vec3(reflCoord,Roughness)).rgb; vec2 IBLbrdf=texture(reflBRDFSampler,vec2(dot(normal,viewDir),Roughness)).rg; float specularMultiplier=Fresnel0*IBLbrdf.x+IBLbrdf.y; vec3 dielectric=IBLDiffuse+specularMultiplier*IBLRefl; vec3 metal=Diffuse*IBLRefl; return mix(dielectric,metal,Metallic); } #else // h is the halfway vector between normal and light direction // GGX Trowbridge-Reitz Approximation float NDF_TRG(vec3 h) { float ndoth=max(dot(normal,h),0.0); float alpha2=Roughness2*Roughness2; float denom=ndoth*ndoth*(alpha2-1.0)+1.0; return denom != 0.0 ? alpha2/(denom*denom) : 0.0; } float GGX_Geom(vec3 v) { float ndotv=max(dot(v,normal),0.0); float ap=1.0+Roughness2; float k=0.125*ap*ap; return ndotv/((ndotv*(1.0-k))+k); } float Geom(vec3 v, vec3 l) { return GGX_Geom(v)*GGX_Geom(l); } // Schlick's approximation float Fresnel(vec3 h, vec3 v, float fresnel0) { float a=1.0-max(dot(h,v),0.0); float b=a*a; return fresnel0+(1.0-fresnel0)*b*b*a; } vec3 BRDF(vec3 viewDirection, vec3 lightDirection) { vec3 lambertian=Diffuse; // Cook-Torrance model vec3 h=normalize(lightDirection+viewDirection); float omegain=max(dot(viewDirection,normal),0.0); float omegaln=max(dot(lightDirection,normal),0.0); float D=NDF_TRG(h); float G=Geom(viewDirection,lightDirection); float F=Fresnel(h,viewDirection,Fresnel0); float denom=4.0*omegain*omegaln; float rawReflectance=denom > 0.0 ? (D*G)/denom : 0.0; vec3 dielectric=mix(lambertian,rawReflectance*Specular,F); vec3 metal=rawReflectance*Diffuse; return mix(dielectric,metal,Metallic); } #endif #endif #ifdef COLOR in vec4 Color; #endif void main() { vec4 diffuse; vec4 emissive; Material m; #ifdef GENERAL m=Materials[abs(materialIndex)-1]; emissive=m.emissive; if(materialIndex >= 0) diffuse=m.diffuse; else { diffuse=Color; #if Nlights == 0 emissive += Color; #endif } #else m=Materials[int(materialIndex)]; emissive=m.emissive; #ifdef COLOR diffuse=Color; #if Nlights == 0 emissive += Color; #endif #else diffuse=m.diffuse; #endif #endif #if defined(NORMAL) && Nlights > 0 Specular=m.specular.rgb; vec4 parameters=m.parameters; Roughness=1.0-parameters[0]; Roughness2=Roughness*Roughness; Metallic=parameters[1]; Fresnel0=parameters[2]; Diffuse=diffuse.rgb; // Given a point x and direction \omega, // L_i=\int_{\Omega}f(x,\omega_i,\omega) L(x,\omega_i)(\hat{n}\cdot \omega_i) // d\omega_i, where \Omega is the hemisphere covering a point, // f is the BRDF function, L is the radiance from a given angle and position. normal=normalize(Normal); normal=gl_FrontFacing ? normal : -normal; #ifdef ORTHOGRAPHIC vec3 viewDir=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); #else vec3 viewDir=-normalize(ViewPosition); #endif vec3 color; #ifdef USE_IBL color=IBLColor(viewDir); #else // For a finite point light, the rendering equation simplifies. color=emissive.rgb; for(uint i=0u; i < nlights; ++i) { Light Li=lights[i]; vec3 L=Li.direction; float cosTheta=max(dot(normal,L),0.0); // $\omega_i \cdot n$ term vec3 radiance=cosTheta*Li.color; color += BRDF(viewDir,L)*radiance; } #endif outColor=vec4(color,diffuse.a); #else outColor=emissive; #endif #ifndef WIDTH #ifdef HAVE_SSBO uint pixel=uint(gl_FragCoord.y)*width+uint(gl_FragCoord.x); #if defined(TRANSPARENT) || (!defined(HAVE_INTERLOCK) && !defined(OPAQUE)) uint element=INDEX(pixel); #ifdef GPUINDEXING uint listIndex=atomicAdd(offset[element],-1u)-1u; #else uint listIndex=offset[element]-atomicAdd(count[element],1u)-1u; #endif fragment[listIndex]=outColor; depth[listIndex]=gl_FragCoord.z; #ifndef WIREFRAME discard; #endif #else #if defined(HAVE_INTERLOCK) && !defined(OPAQUE) beginInvocationInterlockARB(); if(opaqueDepth[pixel] == 0.0 || gl_FragCoord.z < opaqueDepth[pixel]) { opaqueDepth[pixel]=gl_FragCoord.z; opaqueColor[pixel]=outColor; } endInvocationInterlockARB(); #endif #endif #endif #endif }