#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import typing as ty import math import itertools def tuple2StrWOspaces(val: tuple) -> str: newStr = ','.join(['{:.6g}'.format(value) for value in val]) return '({0})'.format(newStr) def tryParse(val, typ=float): try: return typ(val) except ValueError: return None def funcOnList(list1: ty.Union[ty.List, ty.Tuple], list2: ty.Union[ty.List, ty.Tuple], func: ty.Callable) -> tuple: """Returns [f(x[i], y[i]) : i in 1, ..., n - 1] in order with f as func and x and y as list1 and 2. """ assert len(list1) == len(list2) return tuple([func(list1[i], list2[i]) for i in range(len(list1))]) def listize(str, typ, delim='()') -> list: str = str.strip(delim) raw_elem = str.split(',') final_list = [] if isinstance(typ, (list, tuple)): for i in range(len(raw_elem)): if i < len(typ): curr_typ = typ[i] else: curr_typ = typ[-1] final_list.append(curr_typ(raw_elem[i].strip())) else: for elem in raw_elem: final_list.append(typ(elem.strip())) return final_list def twonorm(vec: ty.Iterable[ty.Union[float, int]]) -> float: rawSquared = sum(map(lambda x: x*x, vec)) return math.sqrt(rawSquared) def tryParseKey(raw_key): """Returns None if raw key is not in #.# format""" # See https://regex101.com/r/6G9MZD/1/ # for the regex data return re.fullmatch(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)$', raw_key)