This file belongs to the EPSTOMF package. The directory E2MFORM contains the files for a ``neat'' printing of METAFONT files generated by the EPSTOMF utility. The directory contains the following files: 0E2MFORM.DOC -- this file MFT-PL.BAT -- sample DOS batch file calling the MFT utility MFTFORM.TEX -- special TeX format for the MFT utility MFTMAC.TEX -- general TeX format for the MFT utility MIMULCOL.TEX -- Frank Mittelbach's multicolumn format (plain TeX adaptation of an archaic version) PL.MFT -- data for the MFT utility taken from the MeX (Polish adaptation of the plain TeX format) package Some of these files may require adjustments to the needs of a particular system. The files in this directory are not the part of the EPSTOMF distribution, however, they belong to public domain (as far as we know), therefore we assumed that it is fair to include them here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF THE 0E2MFORM.DOC FILE