#! /usr/bin/env perl =begin COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2019 Marc Penninga. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =end COPYRIGHT =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $VERSION = "20191001"; parse_commandline(); use constant { SIZEOF_OFFSET_TABLE => 12, SIZEOF_TABLE_RECORD => 16, }; my $filename_in = $ARGV[0]; my ($basename_out, undef, undef) = fileparse($filename_in, qw(.ttc .otc)); my $output_prefix = $ARGV{output_prefix} // $basename_out; open my $fh, '<:raw', $filename_in or die "[ERROR] cannot open $filename_in: $!"; my $ttc = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh or die "[ERROR] something went wrong when closing $filename_in: $!"; # unpack TTC header; we ignore the DSIG fields in version 2.0 headers my ($ttc_tag, $major_version, $minor_version, $num_fonts) = unpack 'A4 nnN', $ttc; my $ttc_header_version = sprintf "%d.%d", $major_version, $minor_version; die "$ARGV[0] is not an OpenType Collection file" if $ttc_tag ne 'ttcf'; die "$ARGV[0]: unknown TTC Header Version $ttc_header_version" if $ttc_header_version !~ m/\A [12] [.] 0 \z/xms; my $offsets_template = sprintf "\@%d N%d", SIZEOF_OFFSET_TABLE, $num_fonts; my @offsets_of_offset_table = unpack $offsets_template, $ttc; # collect the data for each font and write to separate file for my $i_font (1..$num_fonts) { my $offset_of_offset_table = $offsets_of_offset_table[$i_font - 1]; my $offset_table = substr $ttc, $offset_of_offset_table, SIZEOF_OFFSET_TABLE; # unpack relevant fields from Offset Table my ($sfnt_version, $num_tables) = unpack 'a4 n', $offset_table; my $file_ext = $sfnt_version eq 'OTTO' ? 'otf' : $sfnt_version eq "\x00\x01\x00\x00" ? 'ttf' : die ; my $filename_out = sprintf "%s%d.%s", $output_prefix, $i_font, $file_ext; # unpack Table Records and create list of tables my $table_records = substr $ttc, $offset_of_offset_table + SIZEOF_OFFSET_TABLE, $num_tables * SIZEOF_TABLE_RECORD, ; my $table_records_template = sprintf "(a%d)%d", SIZEOF_TABLE_RECORD, $num_tables; my @table_records = unpack $table_records_template, $table_records; for my $table_record (@table_records) { my ($table_tag, $checksum, $offset, $length) = unpack 'a4 N3', $table_record; my $padding = "\x00" x ((4 - ($length % 4)) % 4); my $table = substr($ttc, $offset, $length) . $padding; $table_record = { table_tag => $table_tag, checksum => $checksum, offset => $offset, length => $length, table => $table, }; } my $file_pos = SIZEOF_OFFSET_TABLE + length $table_records; for my $table_record (@table_records) { $table_record->{offset} = $file_pos; $file_pos += length $table_record->{table}; } open my $filehandle_out, '>:raw', $filename_out or die "[ERROR] Cannot create $filename_out: $!"; print {$filehandle_out} $offset_table; for my $table_record (@table_records) { print {$filehandle_out} pack 'a4 N3', @{$table_record}{ qw(table_tag checksum offset length) } ; } for my $table_record (@table_records) { print {$filehandle_out} $table_record->{table}; } close $filehandle_out or die "[ERROR] something went wrong when closing $filename_out: $!"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read the command-line options #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_commandline { Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 1) }, 'version' => sub { print "$VERSION\n"; exit }, 'output-prefix=s' => \$ARGV{output_prefix}, ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 0); pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if @ARGV != 1; return; } __END__ ############################################################################ To create the documentation: pod2man --center="Marc Penninga" --release="fontools" --section=1 \ splitttc - | groff -Tps -man - | ps2pdf - splitttc.pdf =pod =head1 NAME splitttc - split an OpenType Collection F or F file =head1 SYNOPSIS =over 8 =item B [B<-help>] [B<-version>] [B<-output-prefix>=I<< >>] B<< >> =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B splits an OpenType Collection file. The OpenType specification allows for multiple fonts to be contained in the same file. This might be advantageous if fonts share a lot of data, as this then needs to be stored only once. Probably the best known example of an OpenType Collection file is Microsoft's Cambria, where the Regular weight shares a file with the Math font. Unfortunately some tools (including Eddie Kohler's LCDF TypeTools) cannot handle such OpenType Collections; they only work for individual fonts. B takes an OpenType Collection file and splits it into its constituent parts. =head1 OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item B<-help> Print a short description of the syntax and exit. =item B<-version> Print version number and exit. =item B<-output-prefix>=I<< >> Write the individual fonts to files named I<< >>1.ttf, I<< >>2.ttf etc. The default is to take the prefix from the filename of the input file. =item B<< >> The F or F file to be split. =back You may use either one or two dashes before options, and option names may be shortened to a unique prefix. =head1 AUTHOR Marc Penninga =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2019 Marc Penninga. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with B; see the file F. =head1 DISCLAIMER This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. =head1 VERSION This document describes B version 20191001. =head1 RECENT CHANGES (See the source code for the rest of the story.) =over 12 =item I<2019-06-25> First release. =back =begin Really_old_history =over 12 =back =cut