%% %% This is file `nahuatl.tex' %% %% Copyright (C) 2021 - %% Roberto Alvarez Zavala %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Roberto Alvarez Zavala \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[margin=1.1618cm, paperwidth=126mm, paperheight=207.1mm]{geometry} \usepackage{CormorantGaramond} \usepackage{mflogo} \usepackage{nahuatl} %\newfont{\nahuatl}{nahuatl} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{Roj}{RGB}{140,15,5} \usepackage{graphicx} \linespread{1.3} \usepackage{aurical} \usepackage{hyperref} \title{The \textcolor{Roj}{nahuatl} Package \\ \normalsize Prints gliphs from \textcolor{Roj}{nahuatl} \\ v 0.1 } \author{Roberto Alvarez Zavala \\ \small ({\ttfamily quiah.editorial@gmail.com})\\} \begin{document} \maketitle \vspace*{1cm} \begin{abstract} Shows the use of the \textcolor{Roj}{nahuatl} package, the list of gliphs and a case of use. \end{abstract} \vfill \textbf{\large Introduction} Prints 20 gliphs for the 20 days in the aztec calendar, taken from the Códice Laud. \vfill \textbf{\large Using the package} In order to use \textcolor{Roj}{nahuatl} you most call him in the preamble :\textbackslash usepackage \{ nahuatl \}: \vfill \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \noindent\textbackslash documentclass [ \ldots ] \{ article \}\\ \textcolor{Roj}{\textbackslash usepackage \{ nahuatl \}}\\ \ldots\\ \textbackslash begin \{ document \} \end{minipage} \end{center} \vfill \newpage On the body of the document use a gliph as shown: \vfill \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.25\textwidth} \textbackslash Yolotl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Yolotl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Cipactli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Cipactli }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Ehecatl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Ehecatl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Calli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Calli }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Cuetzpalin \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Cuetzpalin}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Coatl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Coatl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Miquiztli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Miquiztli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Mazatl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Mazatl }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Tochtli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Tochtli }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Atl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Atl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Itzcuintli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Itzcuintli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Ozomahtli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Ozomahtli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Malinalli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Malinalli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Acatl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Acatl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Ocelotl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Ocelotl}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Cuauhtli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Cuauhtli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Cozcacuauhtli \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Cozcacuauhtli}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Ollin \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Ollin}\\[2mm] \textbackslash Tecpatl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Tecpatl }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Quiahutl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Quiahutl }\\[2mm] \textbackslash Xochitl \hfill \scalebox{0.4} {\Xochitl} \end{minipage} \end{center} \vfill \newpage \textbf{\large Case of use} \vfill \includegraphics[scale=1]{CodiceMendoza.pdf} The background image shows the Códice Mendoza as transparency, it´s usefull as a reference for digitalizing the document and as an example for digitalization of the writing system, also as case of use. \newpage \textbf{\large } The package \textcolor{Roj}{nahuatl} does NOT generate a códice, if you want create one, you most draw its geometry, finally add nahua gliphs. \vfill \textbf{\large Contenido del paquete:} \begin{tabular}{lp{0.75\textwidth}} {\ttfamily nahuatl.sty} & The style file\\ {\ttfamily nahuatl-eng.tex} & This manual in english \\ {\ttfamily nahuatl-es.tex} & This manual in spanish\\ {\ttfamily nahuatl.tfm} & The font metric \\ {\ttfamily nahuatl.pk} & The packed font \\ {\ttfamily nahuatl.mf} & The \MF source \end{tabular} \vfill \textbf{Notes} This work is under development, a future version will add other gliphs. This is my first version, I share as a motivation for my self to work on, also for you to know it. Use \textbackslash scalebox \{ N \} \{ Glifo \} to scale ghlips. As a first version and contributiosn to CTAN, appreciate observations, comments and support, please write to quiah.editorial@gmail.com \vfill \textbf{Thanks to} every one whom has give support to the proyect \href{https://www.facebook.com/LaTeXnomicon} {\color{Roj}El LaTeX\Fontlukas nomicón}, you made it possible. \vfill \end{document}