%% missaali.tex %% Copyright 2016 Tommi Syrjönen % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Tommi Syrjänen % % See file MANIFEST-Missaali.txt to a list of files that make up this % work. \ProvidesPackage{missaali}[2016/12/25 v1.004 XeLaTeX Package (Use Missaali Open Type Font)] %% Author: Tommi Syrjänen (tssyrjan@iki.fi) %% %% This is a package for using the Missaali OpenType textura font %% with xelatex. Documentation is in the file 'missaali.pdf'. %% First require some necessary packages \RequirePackage{fontspec} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{accsupp} \RequirePackage{calc} \RequirePackage{multicol} \RequirePackage{geometry} %% Boolean flags for selecting font features \newif\ifOldFinnish \newif\ifContextualAlternates \newif\ifLigatures \newif\ifMissaleAbbrStyle \newif\ifAbbreviate \newif\ifHistForms \newif\ifPoFusion \newif\ifAlternateG \newif\ifAlternateZ \newif\ifAltPunctuation \newif\ifAdditionalAbbrs \makeatletter % By default: abbreviation style Missale, ligatures and contextual alternates true \ContextualAlternatestrue \Ligaturestrue \MissaleAbbrStyletrue %% Package option: old punctuation \DeclareOption{OldPunctuation}{\AltPunctuationtrue} %% Package option: old Finnish ortogrphy \DeclareOption{OldFinnish}{\OldFinnishtrue} %% Package option: old style adieresis and ae-ligature \DeclareOption{OldAE}{\HistFormstrue} %% Package option: alternate G \DeclareOption{AltG}{\AlternateGtrue} %% Package option: alternate Z \DeclareOption{AltZ}{\AlternateZtrue} %% Package option: fuse po \DeclareOption{FusePo}{\PoFusiontrue} \ProcessOptions*{} % Possibly global font features: % calt - long s and rotunda r % liga - standard ligatures % hist - old ae and oe % ss16 - old Finnish ortography % ss17 - alternate punctuation % ss18 - use po-ligature % ss19 - alternate z % ss20 - alternage G \newcommand{\@caltoptions}{\ifContextualAlternates +calt;\else -calt;\fi} \newcommand{\@ligaoptions}{\ifLigatures +liga;\else -liga;\fi} \newcommand{\@histoptions}{\ifHistForms +hist; \fi} \newcommand{\@finnoptions}{\ifOldFinnish +ss16; \fi} \newcommand{\@punctoptions}{\ifAltPunctuation +ss17; \fi} \newcommand{\@pofusionoptions}{\ifPoFusion +ss18;\fi} \newcommand{\@zoptions}{\ifAlternateZ +ss19; \fi} \newcommand{\@goptions}{\ifAlternateG +ss22; \fi} \newcommand{\msmanualspacing}{\@enableobeylines\@enableactivechars} \newcommand{\msaltpunctuation}{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss17:}} \newcommand{\@abbroptions}{% \ifAbbreviate% \ifAdditionalAbbrs% +ss02;% \else% \ifMissaleAbbrStyle% +dlig;% \else% +ss03;% \fi% \fi% \fi% } \begingroup \catcode`,=\active \catcode`.=\active \catcode`!=\active \catcode`:=\active % \@enableactivechars adds some extra space on both sides of % punctuation symbols. The following commands are created with voodoo % programming and some experimentation and there probably is some more % reasonable way to do it. The important points are: % % 1. A punctuation mark should have some stretch added to its both % sides if there is justification going on. % % 2. If there is just the the skip on both sides, then the active % character will eat any letter 'l' immediately after it. (Probably % because it then adds the 'l' to the fill turning it to filll.) % % 3. If an empty group is added after the skip (or it is enclosed % inside extra pair of braces), then it doesn't eat 'l' but it will % add extra space after the symbol and that is not desirable. There's % probably a some reason for this but I wasn't in the mood to find the % root cause. % % 4. The negative kern at the end removes some of the extra space. % % 5. The kerning dimension is defined using the extra skip and dimexpr % because when we are expanding the macro, the dot is an active % character so it's not possible to use it for the decimal separator. \gdef\@enableactivechars{% \newskip\@activeskip% \@activeskip\dimexpr 2em/10 \catcode`,=\active\def,{\hskip0pt plus 2fill\char`,\hskip0pt plus 1fill{}% \kern-\@activeskip\hbox{}}% \catcode`.=\active\def.{\hskip0pt plus 2fill\char`.\hskip0pt plus 1fill{}% \kern-\@activeskip\hbox{}}% \catcode`!=\active\def!{\hskip0pt plus 2fill\char`!\hskip0pt plus 1fill{}% \kern-\@activeskip\hbox{}}% \catcode`:=\active\def:{\hskip0pt plus 2fill\char`:\hskip0pt plus 1fill{}% \kern-\@activeskip\hbox{}}% } \endgroup \newcommand{\@enableobeylines}{ \obeylines\spaceskip 0.2em plus 3fill% } \newcommand{\@createoptions}{ RawFeature=\@abbroptions\@zoptions\@goptions\@pofusionoptions\@punctoptions\@finnoptions\@histoptions\@ligaoptions\@caltoptions+dmmy; } \newcommand{\MsNormalStyle}{\OldFinnishfalse\HistFormsfalse\ContextualAlternatestrue\Ligaturestrue\MissaleAbbrStyletrue\PoFusionfalse\AlternateGfalse\AlternateZfalse\AdditionalAbbrsfalse\AltPunctuationfalse} \newcommand{\MsAltAEStyle}{\HistFormstrue} \newcommand{\MsAltZStyle}{\AlternateZtrue} \newcommand{\MsAltGStyle}{\AlternateGtrue} \newcommand{\MsOldFinnishStyle}{\OldFinnishtrue} \newcommand{\MsPoFusionStyle}{\PoFusiontrue} \newcommand{\MsAltAbbrStyle}{\AdditionalAbbrsfalse\MissaleAbbrStylefalse} \newcommand{\MsNormalAbbrStyle}{\AdditionalAbbrsfalse\MissaleAbbrStyletrue} \newcommand{\MsAdditionalAbbrStyle}{\AdditionalAbbrstrue} \newcommand{\MsAltPunctiationStyle}{\AltPunctuationtrue} % These colors correspond to the red and blue inks used in the % facsimile reprint of Missale Aboense in the SRGB color space (as % interpreted by my scanner) \newcommand{\@blue}{455f9b} \newcommand{\@red}{c55e47} % Emphasize by adding red color \newcommand{\texturaemph}[1]{{\addfontfeature{Color=\@red}#1}} % Change font family to textura \newcommand{\mstexturafamily}{\parindent0pt% \let\emph\texturaemph% \fontspec[\@createoptions]{Missaali}} % Set an isolated text fragment in Missaali \newcommand{\missaali}[1]{{\mstexturafamily #1}} \newcommand{\mssetsizes}[3]{% \setcounter{@texturafontsize}{#1}% \setlength{\@texturablockwidth}{#2}% \setcounter{@texturablocklines}{#3}} % The width of a single column of text \newlength{\@texturablockwidth} \setlength{\@texturablockwidth}{6.40cm} \newcommand{\mssetblockwidth}[1]{% \setlength{\@texturablockwidth}{#1}} % The height of the text block in lines \newcounter{@texturablocklines} \setcounter{@texturablocklines}{34} \newcommand{\mssetblocklines}[1]{% \setcounter{@texturablocklines}{#1}} % The width of the gutter \newlength{\@texturagutterwidth} \setlength{\@texturagutterwidth}{1cm} \newcommand{\mssetgutterwidth}[1]{% \setcounter{\@texturagutterwidth}{#1}} % Textura font size \newcounter{@texturafontsize} \setcounter{@texturafontsize}{18} \newcommand{\mssetfontsize}[1]{% \setcounter{@texturafontsize}{#1}} \newlength{\@textwidth} \newlength{\@textheight} % An environment for setting textura full page at a time \newenvironment{mstextura}{% \begingroup% \setlength{\@textwidth}{\dimexpr\@texturablockwidth*2+\@texturagutterwidth}% \setlength{\@textheight}{\dimexpr \value{@texturafontsize}pt*\value{@texturablocklines}}% \newgeometry{textwidth=\@textwidth,textheight=\@textheight,columnsep=\@texturagutterwidth}% \parindent0pt% \begin{multicols}{2}\raggedcolumns% \fontsize{\value{@texturafontsize}}{\value{@texturafontsize}}% \msmanualspacing% \mstexturafamily}{% \end{multicols}% \restoregeometry\endgroup} % Setting textura in two columns without setting the length of the % blocks \newlength{\@savedcolumnsep} \newenvironment{mstexturablocks}{% \begingroup% \setlength{\@textwidth}{\dimexpr\@texturablockwidth*2+\@texturagutterwidth}% \setlength{\@savedcolumnsep}{\columnsep} \columnsep\@texturagutterwidth% \begin{minipage}{\@textwidth}% \parindent0pt% \begin{multicols}{2}\raggedcolumns% \fontsize{\value{@texturafontsize}}{\value{@texturafontsize}}% \msmanualspacing% \mstexturafamily}{% \end{multicols}% \end{minipage}%& \columnsep\@savedcolumnsep \endgroup} % A single column block of textura \newenvironment{mstexturablock}{% \begingroup% \setlength{\@textwidth}{\@texturablockwidth}% \begin{minipage}{\@textwidth}% \parindent0pt% \fontsize{\value{@texturafontsize}}{\value{@texturafontsize}}% \msmanualspacing% \mstexturafamily}{% \end{minipage}\endgroup} % Chapterinitial doesn't use lettrine because I'm having troubles of % finding a correct scaling for the initial letter so that the result % will be of the right height. This has the unfortunate problem that % the user has to handle the indentation of the second line of the % initial by hand. However, as lettrine didn't work nicely together % with the \msmanualspacing option in any case, this would have happened % often anyway. The value 1.3 for lower is a magic number that seems % to give a nicish result in most cases. \newbox\@ibox \newlength\@initwidth \newcommand{\mschapterinitial}[1]{% \setbox\@ibox\hbox{\msrubric{\addfontfeature{Scale=2}\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss20;}#1}}% \@initwidth=\wd\@ibox% \mbox{\smash{\lower1.3\baselineskip\hbox to \wd\@ibox{\vbox to 2\baselineskip{\hbox to \wd\@ibox{\box\@ibox}}}}}} \newcommand{\mschapterinitialblue}[1]{% \setbox\@ibox\hbox{\msrubricblue{\addfontfeature{Scale=2}\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss20;}#1}}% \@initwidth=\wd\@ibox% \mbox{\smash{\lower1.3\baselineskip\hbox to \wd\@ibox{\vbox to 2\baselineskip{\hbox to \wd\@ibox{\box\@ibox}}}}}} % \mschapterindent adds as much horizontal space as the latest seen % chapter initial is wide \newcommand{\mschapterindent}{\mbox{}\hskip\@initwidth} % \startchapter takes three arguments. The first is the initial letter, % the second is the text of the first line, and the third is the text % of the second line. \newcommand{\msstartchapter}[3]{% \par\mschapterinitial{#1}#2\\% \mschapterindent{}#3} % \startchapterblue takes three arguments. The first is the initial letter, % the second is the text of the first line, and the third is the text % of the second line. \newcommand{\msstartchapterblue}[3]{% \par\mschapterinitialblue{#1}#2\\% \mschapterindent{}#3} % \startchapterwithrubric takes four arguments. The first argument is % a rubric that is set at the right edge of the column, the second is % the initial letter, the third is the contents of the first line and % the last is the contents of the second line. \newcommand{\msstartchapterwithrubric}[4]{% \par\mspartialrubric{#1}% \mspartialline{\mschapterinitial{#2}#3}\\% \mschapterindent{}#4} % \startchapterwithrubricblue takes four arguments. The first argument % is a rubric that is set at the right edge of the column in red, the % second is the initial letter that will be set in blue, the third is % the contents of the first line and the last is the contents of the % second line. \newcommand{\msstartchapterwithrubricblue}[4]{% \par\mspartialrubric{#1}% \mspartialline{\mschapterinitialblue{#2}#3}\\% \mschapterindent{}#4} % Add a one-line high red lombardic initial \newcommand{\msparinitial}[1]{{% \addfontfeature{Color=\@red}% \addfontfeature{RawFeature=+titl;}#1}} % Add a one-line high blue lombardic initial \newcommand{\msparinitialblue}[1]{{% \addfontfeature{Color=\@blue}% \addfontfeature{RawFeature=+titl;}#1}} % Turns off the standard ligature substitutions for its argument. \newcommand{\msnoliga}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=-liga;}#1}} % Use the abbreviation ligatures that are used in main text of Missale % Aboense \newcommand{\msabbr}[1]{{% \Abbreviatetrue\MsNormalAbbrStyle\mstexturafamily #1}} % Use additional abbreviation symbols \newcommand{\msabbra}[1]{{% \Abbreviatetrue\MsAdditionalAbbrStyle% \mstexturafamily #1}} % Use the alternate set of abbreviation symbols \newcommand{\msabbralt}[1]{{% \Abbreviatetrue\MsAltAbbrStyle\mstexturafamily #1}} % The commands that add abbreviation marks all have four forms that % are based on two binary selections: whether the mark is on only r or % over all other letters, and whether there is an additional % unabbreviated actual text that is added to the pdf or not. % % If the basic command is FOO, the four forms are: % \mstFOO: letters other than r, no actual text % \mstFOOacc: letters other than r, has actual text % \rmstFOO: r only, no actual text % \rmstFOOacc: r only, has actual text % Add a generic abbreviation symbol, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstd}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt04;}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstd{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % add a generic abbreviation symbol, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstd}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr04;}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstd{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add specifically tilde, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstdt}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt05}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdtacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstdt{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add specifically tilde, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstdt}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr05}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdtacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstdt{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add wide tilde for a-abbreviation, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstda}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt09}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdaacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstda{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add wide tilde for a-abbreviation, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstda}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr09}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdaacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstda{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add acute for r-abbreviation, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstdr}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt07}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdracc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstdr{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add acute for r-abbreviation, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstdr}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr07}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdracc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstdr{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add grave for short tilde, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstdst}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt08}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdstacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstdst{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add grave for short tilde, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstdst}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr08}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdstacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstdst{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add ring for o-abbreviation, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstdo}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt10}#1}} \newcommand{\mstdoacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstdo{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add ring for o-abbreviation, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstdo}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr10}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstdoacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstdo{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add dieresis, r not abbreviatd \newcommand{\mstdd}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt06}#1}} \newcommand{\mstddacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstdd{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add dieresis, r xabbreviatd \newcommand{\rmstdd}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr06}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstddacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstdd{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add diagonal slash, r not abbreviated \newcommand{\mstddg}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lt11;}#1}} \newcommand{\mstddgacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \mstddg{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Add diagonal slash, r abbreviated \newcommand{\rmstddg}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+lr11}#1}} \newcommand{\rmstddgacc}[2]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText=#2}% \rmstddg{#1}\EndAccSupp{}} % Enable liturgical symbols \newcommand{\mstdl}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss15}#1}} % Macros for entering different forms of 'r' and 's' directly to the % code. \newcommand{\rotundar}{\char`\^^^^a75b} \newcommand{\straightr}{\char`\^^^^ef3f} \newcommand{\shorts}{\char`\^^^^ef3c} \newcommand{\longs}{\char'\^^^^017f} % Enters a lombardic initial in the current size and color: \newcommand{\msinit}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+titl;}#1}} % Enters an alternative form of initial in the current size and color: \newcommand{\msinita}[1]{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+titl;+ss23;}#1}} % Adds the alternative form of initial I in very large size in the % gutter. \newbox\initialibox \newcommand{\initialI}{% \setbox\initialibox\hbox{\smash{% \mstexturafamily% \addfontfeature{Scale=10}% \addfontfeature{Color=\@blue}% \addfontfeature{RawFeature=+titl;+ss23;}I}}% \mbox{}\kern-\wd\initialibox% \smash{\lower9ex\box\initialibox{}}} % Add a red paragraph symbol \newcommand{\mspara}{{\msrubric{¶}}} % Change font color to red \newcommand{\msrubric}[1]{{\addfontfeature{Color=\@red}#1}} % Change font color to blue \newcommand{\msrubricblue}[1]{{\addfontfeature{Color=\@blue}#1}} % The commands \mspartialrubric and \mspartialline are used together % to set a short title on the right end of the line and normal text to % left. These commands should be used as a pair, with \mspartialrubric % first. \newbox\rubricbox \setbox\rubricbox\hbox{} \newcommand{\mspartialrubric}[1]{% \setbox\rubricbox\hbox{\msrubric{#1}}% \hfill{}\msrubric{#1}} \newcommand{\mspartialline}[1]{\vskip-\baselineskip{}#1\phantom{\box\rubricbox}} %% Typeset the name of the font \newcommand{\Missaali}{{\Ligaturestrue\mstexturafamily{}Missaali}} \makeatother