>The kpfonts-otf package ======================== ## Description `kpfonts-otf` is meant as a replacement, for LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX users, of Christophe Caignaert’s `kpfonts` package. Christophe’s Type1 fonts have been converted to OpenType using fontforge and Adobe's AFDKO bundle. The package is still experimental, bug reports and suggestions are welcome. ## Contents * the `font/` directory holds 21 OpenType fonts (16 for text and 5 for maths); * the `tex/` directory holds the style file kpfonts-otf.sty and fontspec configuration files; * the `doc/` directory holds documentation in English and French and a table of available maths symbols comparing kpfonts-otf to LatinModern, STIXTwo, Erewhon, TeXGyreTermes, Garamond and Libertinus. ## Installation This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc. Otherwise, `kpfonts-otf` can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i. + alls fonts (`fonts/*.otf` files) in directory `texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/` + style and fontspec files (`tex/kpfonts-otf.sty` and `tex/*.fontspec`) in directory `texmf-local/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/` + documentation (from doc/ directory) in `texmf-local/doc/fonts/public/kpfonts-otf/` Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install under TEXMFLOCAL. Finally, you may want to make the system font database aware of the `kpfonts-otf` fonts (fontconfig under Linux). ## License * The fonts included in `kpfonts-otf` are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL * The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later version. ## Changes * First release version: 0.30 (experimental, expect changes!). * v. 0.31: Fixed inconsistent widths/sidebearings for six glyphs: = ≠ < ≤ > ≥ (all five maths fonts affected, original Type1 too). * v. 0.32: 1. Text fonts: - `kpfonts-otf.sty` corrected: the "light" option didn't work properly. - kpfonts-otf should now cover all glyphs in TS1 encoding (`textcomp.sty`). - The height of all diacritics has been reviewed and corrected. - New combining diacritics added : U+0310, U+0323, U+0325, U+0327, U+0328. - New glyphs added: U+0110 (Dcroat), U+0111 (dcroat), U+0123 (gcircumflex), U+0126 (Hbar), U+0127 (hbar), U+0129 (itilde), U+012B (imacron), U+012D (ibreve), U+0135 (jcircumflex), U+0166 (Tbar), U+0167 (tbar) and their counterparts in Petite Caps and Small Caps. - Corrected Petite Caps and Small Caps variant for U+00F0 (eth), U+00FE (thorn), U+0111 (dcroat) and U+014B (eng). - Optional ft and tt ligatures added, see feature "Ligatures=Required". - Variants for ligatures fi ffi fl ffl added, see "Alternate=1". - (faked) slanted fonts added to match kpfonts T1 version. 2. Maths fonts: - Corrected mismatch between mitl (U+1d459) and ell (U+2113). - Slanted versions for \shortparallel and \nshortparallel and for \gtreqless, \lesseqgtr, \gtreqqless, \lesseqqgtr added. - Stretchy accents \wideoverbar, \widebreve, \widecheck added. - Reduced boldness for superscripts and supersuperscripts. - New option "tight" to reduce horizontal spaces in maths mode (same settings as \pkg{fourier} and \pkg{fourier-otf}). * v. 0.33: - Roman Text fonts: Added 54 glyphs in Latin-ExtendedA range (mostly complete now). - Maths fonts: Fixed inconsistencies in superscripts and supersuperscripts metrics. * v. 0.34: Massive glyph cleaning: many spurious control points deleted in glyphs for both Maths and Text fonts. 1. Text fonts: - kernings before and after quoteright improved. - German capital Eszet (U+1E9E) added, in Petite and Small caps too, feature "StylisticSet=2" added to get SS instead of capital Eszet. - diacritics corrected in `KpRoman-LightItalic` (some were upright). - breaking change: feature "Alternate=1" changed to "StylisticSet=1" as it didn't work with XeTeX. 2. Maths fonts: - metrics (width, italic correction) reviewed. - accents ovhook (U+0309), candra (U+0310), vertoverlay (U+202D) added. * v. 0.35: 1. Text fonts: - Added 54 glyphs in Latin-ExtendedA range for `KpSans` fonts. - Euro symbol added in Roman, Sans and Mono, option StyleSet=3 to trigger it. - Added missing anchors for "dot below" on P, p, p.pc, p.sc, a.sc. - HarfBuzz renderer no longer loaded for HBLuaTeX engine, new option "harfbuzz" to force loading it (`kpfonts-otf.sty`). 2. Maths fonts: - Stretchable delimiters corrected in KpMath-Sans. - Options `frenchstyle`, `partialup` and `fancyReIm` now work as intended. * v. 0.36: Maths fonts: - `kpfonts-otf.sty`: Option mathcal deleted, \mathcal{} and \mathscr{} now print different glyphs. - mathcal substitutions corrected for `KpMath-Regular` and `KpMath-Sans`. - Stretchable \langle, \rangle, \lAngle and \rangle delimiters are now available in eight sizes (three bigger sizes added). - All vertical arrows are now stretchable. - Bug fix: stretchable right paren was broken in `KpMath-Sans`, thanks to Tom Stotko for pointed it out! * v. 0.37: 1. Text fonts: - Added glyphs U+2010 and U+2011 (hyphens). - Corrected `kpfonts-otf.sty`: option "largesmallcaps" fixed, new weights added (\sbseries, \ltseries, \ebseries), see documentation. - Breaking change: files `*.fontspec` changed so that the default smallcaps are now "Petite" instead of "Small" to match the orignal kpfonts default. 2. Maths fonts: - Completed the collection of "squares", "triangles", "diamonds" and "lozenges". - Tuned all "squares", "circles" and "triangles": the smaller ones are centered on the math-axis, larger ones rest on the baseline. - \perp, \bot, \rightangle, \angle, \measuredangle, \sphericalangle shifted up, their bottom rests on the baseline now. * v. 0.38: 1. Text fonts: - Glyphs U+200B (zero width space) and U+2060 (word joiner) added. - Improved option "veryoldstyle" (luatex only): a final "s" is no longer turned into the long variant. - Fixed kerning after "f" in KpSans-BoldItalic. 2. Maths fonts: - Added bold versions to \dotlessi, \dotlessj, named \mbfdotlessi, \mbfdotlessj (\mbfimath and \mbfjmath were already available). * v. 0.39: New option "longs". Documentation corrected, thanks to Frank Mittelbach for pointing out the glitch in v0.38. * v. 0.40: - OS2 FSType corrected (0 now): the fonts are now declared "installable". - kpfonts-otf.sty corrected (missing \fi), thanks to Denis Bitouzé for pointing it out. * v. 0.41: 1. Text fonts: - eurosym reshaped, width slightly reduced. 2. Math fonts: - \vert and \Vert corrected: left and right bearings enlarged. - \Vvert (U+2980) added. - \coloneqq, \Coloneqq, \colonsim etc. corrected to be compatible with mathtools’ definitions. * v. 0.42: Maths fonts: - Added missing U+0338 for negation of \mathrel chars. - Added \smallin (U+220A), \smallni (U+220D). - Added \awint (U+2A11). * v. 0.43: Text fonts: kpfonts-otf.sty now loads realscripts for better superscripts. Maths fonts: Vertical variants of slash and backslash are now accessible. * v. 0.44: Maths fonts: fixed bug for \vert variants in script and scriptscriptstyle. * v. 0.45: Maths fonts: delimiters, integrals, sum, prod etc. are now vertically centred by design on the maths axis (required by luametatex). Fixed inconsistencies about bold and semibold integrals. * v. 0.46: 1. Text fonts: option longs deleted, option veryoldstyle improved, the substitution from `s' to `ſ' is now handled by "StylisticSet=12". 2. Maths fonts: - Added a smaller variant for \widehat, \widetilde, \widecheck. - Vertical variants added for \vert, \Vert, \Vvert. - Added stretchable integral for U+222B (usable with luametatex). * v. 0.47: Text fonts: moved the s= ligature from liga to hlig as it only makes sense with the "veryoldstyle" option. * v. 0.48: 1. Text fonts: oldstyle digits added to lookups "sups" and "subs" for \textsuperscript{} and \textsubscript{} (`realscripts` package). 2. Maths fonts: package now compatible with mathtools’ stretchable arrows. New Bold Sans variant: KpMath-SansBold.otf. \diagup and \diagdown moved from private area to U+27CB, U+27CD. * v. 0.51: - Math fonts: \overleftrightarrow is now stretchable. Metrics of all "over" arrows and harpoons corrected. Metrics of all "under" arrows and harpoons corrected. Most horizontal arrows and harpoons are now stretchable. * v. 0.52: - Math fonts: minor corrections to radicals. Fixed missing mcalM in KpMath-Sans.otf * v. 0.53: - Text fonts: added missing substitutions 'sups' and 'sinf' for the minus sign. * v. 0.54: - Math Sans Serif fonts: \imath and \jmath corrected. - Math Bold and Semibold fonts: missing glyphs added in range U+1D400-U+1D7F5 (SE#688363). - File kpfonts-otf.sty: new options 'sftext', 'sfmath', 'sans'. --- Copyright 2020-2023 Daniel Flipo E-mail: daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr