\chapter{Entering characters with tags}\hypertarget{tagchapter}{} %\fancyhead[CE]{\scshape\color{myRed} {\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}\thepage}\hspace{10pt}entering characters with tags} \addfontfeature{MyStyle=noentities} Any character in Junicode that can be rendered using a Character Variant ({\charvar}) feature can also be rendered using a sequence consisting of a base character and two Unicode tags---that is, characters from the Unicode tag range. This range duplicates the ASCII character set (which consists, roughly, of things that can be typed on a U.S. English keyboard), but the characters it contains are normally invisible. They are used as modifiers for a preceding character (in other fonts, usually a flag symbol). Junicode contains a partial collection of tag characters: \begin{center} \tablefirsthead{}\tablehead{}\tabletail{}\tablelasttail{} \setlength\tabcolsep{15pt} %\begin{supertabular}{m{1.7545599in}m{1.7545599in}m{1.7545599in}} \begin{supertabular}{ccc} {\&\_\_a; U+E0061} & {\&\_\_b; U+E0062} & {\&\_\_c; U+E0063}\\ {\&\_\_d; U+E0064} & {\&\_\_e; U+E0065} & {\&\_\_f; U+E0066}\\ {\&\_\_g; U+E0067} & {\&\_\_h; U+E0068} & {\&\_\_i; U+E0069}\\ {\&\_\_j; U+E006A} & {\&\_\_k; U+E006B} & {\&\_\_l; U+E006C}\\ {\&\_\_m; U+E006D} & {\&\_\_n; U+E006E} & {\&\_\_o; U+E006F}\\ {\&\_\_p; U+E0070} & {\&\_\_q; U+E0071} & {\&\_\_r; U+E0072}\\ {\&\_\_s; U+E0073} & {\&\_\_t; U+E0074} & {\&\_\_u; U+E0075}\\ {\&\_\_v; U+E0076} & {\&\_\_w; U+E0077} & {\&\_\_x; U+E0078}\\ {\&\_\_y; U+E0079} & {\&\_\_z; U+E007A} & {\&\_\_0; U+E0030}\\ {\&\_\_1; U+E0031} & {\&\_\_2; U+E0032} & {\&\_\_3; U+E0033}\\ {\&\_\_4; U+E0034} & {\&\_\_5; U+E0035} & {\&\_\_6; U+E0036}\\ {\&\_\_7; U+E0037} & {\&\_\_8; U+E0038} & {\&\_\_9; U+E0039}\\ \end{supertabular} \end{center} \noindent When creating web pages or XML documents, you can enter these using character entities (e.g. \textSourceText{\&\#xE0073;} for \textex{\noent{\&\_\_s;}}); along the same lines, you can use the \textSourceText{{\textbackslash}char} command (e.g. \textSourceText{{\textbackslash}char{\textquotedbl}0E0073}) when composing TeX documents. But such entities and commands are not generally available in editors and word processors, and entering the tags themselves can be tricky because they are not only invisible, but also ignored by the application (the cursor skips over them). Instead of attempting to enter the code points for tags directly, use character entities consisting of \textbf{an ampersand, two underscores, the tag character, and a semicolon}. These will yield visible tags. For example, typing \textSourceText{\&\_\_6;} will yield the tag \textex{\noent{\&\_\_6;}}. To use the tag method of entering characters, first type the base character from the table below, then the two tags. For example, to make a square C (\textex{\restag{C\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;}}), enter one of these sequences: \begin{center} \tablefirsthead{} \tablehead{} \tabletail{} \tablelasttail{} \begin{supertabular}{m{1.2969599in}m{2.54416in}} {\bfseries Web page:} & C\&\#xE0073;\&\#xE0071;\\ {\bfseries TeX:} & C{\textbackslash}char{\textquotedbl}0E0073{\textbackslash}char{\textquotedbl}0E0071\\ {\bfseries Word processor:} & C\&\_\_s\textcompwordmark;\&\_\_q\textcompwordmark; (appears as C\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;)\\ \end{supertabular} \end{center} \noindent Then apply the OpenType feature \textSourceText{ss10} (Stylistic Set 10) to the passage or passages containing the tags or, if tags occur throughout, to the whole document. The tags will disappear and the preceding characters (the base characters) will be transformed. For variants of the combining macron (\unic{U+0304}) and perhaps other combining marks, it will often be necessary to place the \ctosc{COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER} (\unic{U+034F}) between the macron and the base character that precedes it. This will prevent normalization (the shaping engine changing sequences of character + combining mark into precomposed characters), which interferes with the operation of tags. Most of the two-tag sequences documented here are designed to be mnemonic. For example, the \textex{\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} sequence in the example above stands for ``square.'' However, two-tag sequences are not capable of describing characters in any detail, and in some cases, where the number of variants is large (especially for period, combining macron, and currency), the tags are not descriptive at all, but rather an index (the same numbers used in the corresponding {\charvar} features). These tags are compatible with Junicode's other OpenType features, including the {\charvar} features, and can be mixed with them. They will not interfere with the placement of combining marks, which can come either before or after the tag-pair. Use a {\charvar} feature when a variant should appear throughout the text, repeatedly in a particular passage (for example, a block quotation), or in a style. A tag sequence may be preferable for isolated forms or to override an OpenType feature. In the list below, records for each character are color-coded as follows: \begin{center} \tablefirsthead{} \tablehead{} \tabletail{\hline} \tablelasttail{\hline} \begin{supertabular}{|m{13mm}|m{72mm}|} \hline \mufi{green} & MUFI characters with PUA code points\\\hline \opua{yellow} & Other characters with PUA code points\\\hline \stdu{blue} & Characters with Unicode code points\\\hline \nuni{red} & Characters without code points\\ \end{supertabular} \end{center} \noindent Tags or {\charvar} features are usually to be preferred to PUA code points, which should be used only where accessibility and searchability are not issues (mainly in printed texts). Unicode code points can safely be entered directly. Junicode makes a few of them accessible via {\charvar} features and tags because it may often be desirable to associate these characters with their bases rather than the Unicode code points. For example, the insular T (\textex{\restag{T\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;}}) is sure to be searchable as T if entered with the sequence \textex{\noent{T\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;}}, but if entered as \textex{U+A786} it may or may not be searchable as T, depending on the application. Characters without code points can only be entered via tags or OpenType features. \begin{center} \addfontfeature{Numbers={Uppercase,Monospaced}} \tablefirsthead{\hline\rowcolor{Goldenrod} {Base} & {Sequence} & {Result} & \arraybslash Description / Code point\\} \tablehead{\hline\rowcolor{Goldenrod} {Base} & {Sequence} & {Result} & \arraybslash Description / Code point\\} \tabletail{\hline} \tablelasttail{} \begin{supertabular}{|c|c|c|c|} %\begin{supertabular}{|m{0.9872598in}|m{0.97815984in}|m{0.9254598in}|m{2.79556in}|} \hline \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Distinctio / F1F8 \\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_2;} & {.\char"0E0030\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Comma positura / F1E2\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash High comma positura / F1E3\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Punctus versus / F1EA\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash Punctus with comma positura / F1E4\\\hline \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash Colon with middle comma positura / F1E5\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Two dots over comma positura / F1F2\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_8;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0038}} & \arraybslash Three dots over comma positura / F1E6\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_0;\&\_\_9;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0030\char"0E0039}} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus diagonal stroke / F1F0\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_0;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0030}} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus with high back / F1FA\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus with onset / F1FB\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Punctus flexus / F1F5\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Punctus exclamativus / F1E7\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Punctus interrogativus / F160\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Punctus interrogativus horizontal tilde / \ltab{F1E8}}\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Punctus interrogativus lemniskate / \ltab{F1F1}}\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Wavy line / F1F9\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_8;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0038}} & \arraybslash Signe de renvoi / F1EC\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_1;\&\_\_9;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0031\char"0E0039}} & \arraybslash Virgula suspensiva / F1F4\\\hline % \mufi{period} & {.\&\_\_2;\&\_\_0;} & {\restag{.\char"0E0032\char"0E0030}} & \arraybslash Short virgula / F1F7\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Combining curly bar above / F1CC\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Combining diagonal macron\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Combining bar above with dot / F1C0\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Combining angular zigzag / F1C7\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash Combining curly zigzag / F1C8\\\hline % \stdu{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash Combining vertical tilde / 033E\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Combining ligature an / F036\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_8;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0038}} & \arraybslash Combining ligature aN / F03A\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_0;\&\_\_9;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0030\char"0E0039}} & \arraybslash Combining ligature ar / F038\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_0;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0030}} & \arraybslash Combining ligature aR / F130\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Combining B / F013\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Combining D / F016\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Combining e with macron / F136\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Combining e with ogonek / F135\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash Combining dotless i / F02F\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash Combining j / F030\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Combining dotless j / F031\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_8;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0038}} & \arraybslash Combining K / F01C\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_1;\&\_\_9;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0031\char"0E0039}} & \arraybslash Combining uncial m / F01F\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_0;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0030}} & \arraybslash Combining o with macron / F13F\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Combining o with ogonek / F13E\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Combining o with stroke / F032\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Combining q / F033\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Combining rum abbreviation / F040\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash Combining T / F02A\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash Combining y / F02B\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Combining thorn / F03D\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_8;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0038}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Combining ligature o r rotunda / \tab{F03E}}\\\hline % \mufi{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_2;\&\_\_9;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0032\char"0E0039}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Combining ligature letter o rum / \ltab{F03F}}\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_0;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0030}} & \arraybslash Combining diagonal dieresis\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Combining dot and acute\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Combining ogonek and dot\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Combining narrow macron\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_4;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash Combining macron with serifs\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_5;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0035}} & \arraybslash Combining et sign\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_6;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0036}} & \arraybslash Combining spiritus asper sign\\\hline % \nuni{U+0304} & {\char"25CC\char"0304\&\_\_3;\&\_\_7;} & {\restag{\char"25CC\char"0304\char"0E0033\char"0E0037}} & \arraybslash Attached subscript a\\\hline % \mufi{A} & {A\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{A\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular A / F201\\\hline % \mufi{A} & {A\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} & {\restag{A\char"0E0073\char"0E0071}} & \arraybslash Square A / F13A\\\hline % \mufi{A} & {A\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{A\char"0E0073\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash A with diagonal stroke / E8DA\\\hline % \nuni{A} & {A\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{A\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule A\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular a / F200\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial a / F214\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_o;\&\_\_p;} & {\restag{a\char"0E006F\char"0E0070}} & \arraybslash Open a / F202\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_c;\&\_\_l;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0063\char"0E006C}} & \arraybslash Closed a / F203\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{a\char"0E006E\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Neckless a / F215\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_o;\&\_\_c;} & {\restag{a\char"0E006F\char"0E0063}} & \arraybslash oc-shaped a / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_h;\&\_\_c;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0068\char"0E0063}} & \arraybslash high caroline a / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0073\char"0E0071}} & \arraybslash Square a / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_p;\&\_\_o;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0070\char"0E006F}} & \arraybslash Pointed a / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{a\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule a / EEE0\\\hline % \mufi{a} & {a\&\_\_o;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{a\char"0E006F\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged oc-shaped a / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{B} & {B\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{B\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule B\\\hline % \nuni{B} & {B\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{B\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular B\\\hline % \mufi{b} & {b\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{b\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule b / EEE1\\\hline % \mufi{C} & {C\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} & {\restag{C\char"0E0073\char"0E0071}} & \arraybslash Square C / F106\\\hline % \nuni{C} & {C\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{C\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule C\\\hline % \mufi{c} & {c\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{c\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash c with curl / F198\\\hline % \mufi{c} & {c\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{c\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule c / EEE2\\\hline % \nuni{D} & {D\&\_\_i;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{D\char"0E0069\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule insular D\\\hline % \stdu{D} & {D\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{D\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular D / A779\\\hline % \nuni{D} & {D\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{D\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule D\\\hline % \stdu{d} & {d\&\_\_i;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{d\char"0E0069\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Insular d default form / A77A\\\hline % \nuni{d} & {d\&\_\_i;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{d\char"0E0069\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Insular d second form\\\hline % \mufi{d} & {d\&\_\_i;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{d\char"0E0069\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule insular d / EEE4\\\hline % \mufi{d} & {d\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{d\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash d with curl / F193\\\hline % \mufi{d} & {d\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{d\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule d / EEE3\\\hline % \mufi{E} & {E\&\_\_u;\&\_\_c;} & {\restag{E\char"0E0075\char"0E0063}} & \arraybslash Uncial closed E / F217\\\hline % \mufi{E} & {E\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{E\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial E / F10A\\\hline % \nuni{E} & {E\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{E\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular E\\\hline % \nuni{E} & {E\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{E\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule E\\\hline % \mufi{e} & {e\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{e\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial e / F218\\\hline % \mufi{e} & {e\&\_\_b;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{e\char"0E0062\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash e with bar / F219\\\hline % \mufi{e} & {e\&\_\_b;\&\_\_h;} & {\restag{e\char"0E0062\char"0E0068}} & \arraybslash High e with bar / F21A\\\hline % \mufi{e} & {e\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{e\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule e / EEE6\\\hline % \stdu{F} & {F\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{F\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular F / A77B\\\hline % \mufi{F} & {F\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{F\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule F / EEE7\\\hline % \nuni{F} & {F\&\_\_i;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{F\char"0E0069\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule insular F\\\hline % \stdu{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular f / A77C\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_s;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E0073}} & \arraybslash Insular f with split top / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Insular f with dotted hooks / F21C\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Semi-closed insular f / EBD5\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Closed insular f / EBD6\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_i;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0069\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule insular f / EEFF\\\hline % \opua{f} & {f\&\_\_n;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{f\char"0E006E\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash Narrow f / F000B\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash f with curl / F194\\\hline % \mufi{f} & {f\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{f\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule f / EEE7\\\hline % \stdu{G} & {G\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{G\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular G / A77D\\\hline % \stdu{G} & {G\&\_\_o;\&\_\_r;} & {\restag{G\char"0E006F\char"0E0072}} & \arraybslash Ormulum G with bar / A7D0\\\hline % \mufi{G} & {G\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} & {\restag{G\char"0E0073\char"0E0071}} & \arraybslash Square G / F10E\\\hline % \nuni{G} & {G\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{G\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule G\\\hline % \stdu{g} & {g\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Insular g / 1D79\\\hline % \stdu{g} & {g\&\_\_o;\&\_\_r;} & {\restag{g\char"0E006F\char"0E0072}} & \arraybslash Ormulum g with bar / A7D1\\\hline % \stdu{g} & {g\&\_\_s;\&\_\_c;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0073\char"0E0063}} & \arraybslash Script g / 0261 \\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash g with curl / F196\\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule g / EEE8 \\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{g\char"0E006E\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Enlarged insular g / TBD \\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_c;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0063\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Closed g with separate loops / F21D\\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_c;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0063\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Closed g with large lower loop / F21E\\\hline % \mufi{g} & {g\&\_\_c;\&\_\_3;} & {\restag{g\char"0E0063\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash Closed g with small lower loop / F21F\\\hline % \mufi{H} & {H\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{H\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial H / F110\\\hline % \nuni{H} & {H\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{H\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule H\\\hline % \mufi{H} & {H\&\_\_h;\&\_\_l;} & {\restag{H\char"0E0068\char"0E006C}} & \arraybslash H with high left stem / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{h} & {h\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash h with descender / F23A\\\hline % \mufi{h} & {h\&\_\_a;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0061\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash h-shaped \textit{autem} abbreviation / E8A3\\\hline % \mufi{h} & {h\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule h / EEE9\\\hline % \nuni{h} & {h\&\_\_e;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0065\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule h with descender\\\hline % \nuni{h} & {h\&\_\_c;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0063\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash Caroline a\\\hline % \mufi{h} & {h\&\_\_e;\&\_\_c;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0065\char"0E0063}} & \arraybslash Enlarged Caroline h / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{h} & {h\&\_\_d;\&\_\_b;} & {\restag{h\char"0E0064\char"0E0062}} & \arraybslash{\narrow Caroline h with right descender and bar / TBD}\\\hline % \stdu{I} & {I\&\_\_d;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{I\char"0E0064\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash I with dot above / 0130\\\hline % \stdu{I} & {I\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{I\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash I with descender / A7FE\\\hline % \nuni{I} & {I\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{I\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule I\\\hline % \mufi{I} & {I\&\_\_u;\&\_\_s;} & {\restag{I\char"0E0075\char"0E0073}} & \arraybslash I without serif / TBD\\\hline % \stdu{i} & {i\&\_\_d;\&\_\_l;} & {\restag{i\char"0E0064\char"0E006C}} & \arraybslash Dotless i / 0131\\\hline % \mufi{i} & {i\&\_\_l;\&\_\_o;} & {\restag{i\char"0E006C\char"0E006F}} & \arraybslash Long I / F220\\\hline % \mufi{i} & {i\&\_\_b;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{i\char"0E0062\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash i with double bar / E8A1\\\hline % \nuni{i} & {i\&\_\_f;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{ii\char"0E0066\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash i final form (when i precedes)\\\hline % \nuni{i} & {i\&\_\_f;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{i\char"0E0066\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash i final form\\\hline % \mufi{i} & {i\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{i\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule i / EEEA\\\hline % \mufi{J} & {J\&\_\_d;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{J\char"0E0064\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash J with dot above / E15C\\\hline % \nuni{J} & {J\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{J\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule J\\\hline % \stdu{j} & {j\&\_\_d;\&\_\_l;} & {\restag{j\char"0E0064\char"0E006C}} & \arraybslash Dotless j / 0237\\\hline % \mufi{j} & {j\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{j\char"0E0073\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash j with double bar / E8A2\\\hline % \opua{j} & {j\&\_\_d;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{j\char"0E0064\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash j with dot accent / F000D\\\hline % \mufi{j} & {j\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{j\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule j / EEEB\\\hline % \nuni{K} & {K\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{K\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule K\\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial k / F208\\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_u;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0075\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash Uncial k with descender / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_c;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0063\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Closed k, one / F221\\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_c;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0063\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash Closed k, two / F209 \\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash k with curl / F195\\\hline % \mufi{k} & {k\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{k\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule k / EEEC\\\hline % \nuni{L} & {L\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{L\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule L\\\hline % \mufi{l} & {l\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{l\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Descending l / F222\\\hline % \mufi{l} & {l\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{l\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule l / EEED\\\hline % \stdu{l} & {l\&\_\_s;\&\_\_h;} & {\restag{l\char"0E0073\char"0E0068}} & \arraybslash l with high stroke / A749\\\hline % \opua{l} & {l\&\_\_s;\&\_\_f;} & {\restag{l\char"0E0073\char"0E0066}} & \arraybslash {\narrow l with high stroke ending with flourish / \ltab{F000F}}\\\hline % \nuni{l} & {l\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{l\char"0E0069\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash {Insular l}\\\hline % \mufi{M} & {M\&\_\_u;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{M\char"0E0075\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash Uncial M with descender / F224\\\hline % \mufi{M} & {M\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{M\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial M / F11A\\\hline % \stdu{M} & {M\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{M\char"0E0061\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Epigraphic M / \ A7FF\\\hline % \nuni{M} & {M\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{M\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule M\\\hline % \mufi{m} & {m\&\_\_u;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{m\char"0E0075\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash Uncial m with descender / F23D\\\hline % \mufi{m} & {m\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{m\char"0E0075\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Uncial m / F23C\\\hline % \mufi{m} & {m\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{m\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash m with descender / F223\\\hline % \mufi{m} & {m\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{m\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule m / EEEE\\\hline % \mufi{N} & {N\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{N\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash N with descender / F229\\\hline % \mufi{N} & {N\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{N\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule n / EEEF\\\hline % \mufi{N} & {N\&\_\_l;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{N\char"0E006C\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash {\narrow N with low bar and descender / TBD}\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_d;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0064\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash n with descender / F228\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_b;\&\_\_a;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0062\char"0E0061}} & \arraybslash n with bar / E7B2\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0063\char"0E0075}} & \arraybslash n with curl / F19A\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule n / EEEF\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0073\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash Small cap n with descender / F22A\\\hline % \nuni{n} & {n\&\_\_a;\&\_\_s;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0061\char"0E0073}} & \arraybslash n with attached subscript a\\\hline % \mufi{n} & {n\&\_\_w;\&\_\_p;} & {\restag{n\char"0E0077\char"0E0070}} & \arraybslash {Wide petite cap n with descender / TBD}\\\hline % \nuni{O} & {O\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{O\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule O\\\hline % \mufi{o} & {o\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{o\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule o / EEF0\\\hline % \stdu{P} & {P\&\_\_r;\&\_\_e;} & {\restag{P\char"0E0072\char"0E0065}} & \arraybslash Reversed P / A7FC\\\hline % \nuni{P} & {P\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{P\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule P\\\hline % \mufi{p} & {p\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{p\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule p / EEF1\\\hline % \nuni{p} & {p\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{p\char"0E0061\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash Alternate p for Ormulum\\\hline % \mufi{Q} & {Q\&\_\_s;\&\_\_m;} & {\restag{Q\char"0E0073\char"0E006D}} & \arraybslash Q with stem / F22C\\\hline % \nuni{Q} & {Q\&\_\_l;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{Q\char"0E006C\char"0E0031\char"25CC}} & \arraybslash Q with long tail, one\\\hline % \nuni{Q} & {Q\&\_\_l;\&\_\_2;} & {\restag{Q\char"0E006C\char"0E0032\char"25CC\char"25CC}} & \arraybslash Q with long tail, two\\\hline % \nuni{Q} & {Q\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{Q\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule Q\\\hline % \mufi{q} & {q\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & {\restag{q\char"0E0073\char"0E0064}} & \arraybslash q with diagonal stroke / E8B4\\\hline % \mufi{q} & {q\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & {\restag{q\char"0E0065\char"0E006E}} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule q / EEF2\\\hline % \stdu{R} & {R\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{R\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular R / A783\\\hline % \stdu{R} & {R\&\_\_r;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{R\char"0E0072\char"0E006F} & \arraybslash R rotunda / A75A\\\hline % \nuni{R} & {R\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{R\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule R\\\hline % \stdu{r} & {r\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{r\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular r / A782\\\hline % \stdu{r} & {r\&\_\_r;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{r\char"0E0072\char"0E006F} & \arraybslash r rotunda / A75B\\\hline % \mufi{r} & {r\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & \restag{r\char"0E0063\char"0E0075} & \arraybslash r with curl / F19B\\\hline % \mufi{r} & {r\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{r\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule r / EEF3\\\hline % \stdu{S} & {S\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{S\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular S / A784\\\hline % \stdu{S} & {S\&\_\_s;\&\_\_g;} & \restag{S\char"0E0073\char"0E0067} & \arraybslash Sigmoid S / A7D8\\\hline % \mufi{S} & {S\&\_\_a;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{S\char"0E0061\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash Ascending and descending S / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{S} & {S\&\_\_r;\&\_\_z;} & \restag{S\char"0E0072\char"0E007A} & \arraybslash Reverse Z-shaped S / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{S} & {S\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{S\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule S\\\hline % \nuni{S} & {S\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{S\char"0E0073\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash {\narrow S with diagonal stroke (Sanctus abbrev)}\\\hline % \stdu{S} & {S\&\_\_m;\&\_\_s;} & \restag{S\char"0E006D\char"0E0073} & \arraybslash {Middle Scots S}\\\hline % \stdu{s} & {s\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{s\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular s / A785\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_i;\&\_\_s;} & \restag{s\char"0E0069\char"0E0073} & \arraybslash Insular s with split top / TBD\\\hline % \stdu{s} & {s\&\_\_s;\&\_\_g;} & \restag{s\char"0E0073\char"0E0067} & \arraybslash Sigmoid s / A7D9\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_a;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{s\char"0E0061\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash Ascending and descending s / TBD\\\hline % \stdu{s} & {s\&\_\_l;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{s\char"0E006C\char"0E006F} & \arraybslash Long s / 017F\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{s\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule s / EEF4\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_l;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{s\char"0E006C\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash Long s with descender / F127\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_l;\&\_\_f;} & \restag{s\char"0E006C\char"0E0066} & \arraybslash Long s with flourish / E8B7\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_l;\&\_\_s;} & \restag{s\char"0E006C\char"0E0073} & \arraybslash Long s with diagonal stroke / E8B8\\\hline % \nuni{s} & {s\&\_\_l;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{s\char"0E006C\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash Long s with loop\\\hline % \mufi{s} & {s\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{s\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash Long s with short tail / TBD\\\hline % \stdu{s} & {s\&\_\_m;\&\_\_s;} & \restag{s\char"0E006D\char"0E0073} & \arraybslash {Middle Scots s}\\\hline % \stdu{T} & {T\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{T\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular T / A786\\\hline % \nuni{T} & {T\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{T\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule T\\\hline % \stdu{t} & {t\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{t\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Insular t / A787\\\hline % \mufi{t} & {t\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & \restag{t\char"0E0063\char"0E0075} & \arraybslash t with curl / F199\\\hline % \mufi{t} & {t\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{t\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule t / EEF5\\\hline % \mufi{t} & {t\&\_\_c;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{t\char"0E0063\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash Cap-like t with descender / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{U} & {U\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{U\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule U\\\hline % \nuni{U} & {U\&\_\_l;\&\_\_c;} & \restag{U\char"0E006C\char"0E0063} & \arraybslash Lowercase-shaped U\\\hline % \mufi{U} & {U\&\_\_l;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{U\char"0E006C\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash {\narrow Lowercase-shaped U with descender / TBD}\\\hline % \mufi{u} & {u\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{u\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule u / EEF7\\\hline % \nuni{V} & {V\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{V\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule V\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_s;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{v\char"0E0073\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule v / EEF8\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{v\char"0E0073\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash v with diagonal stroke / E8BA\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_b;\&\_\_a;} & \restag{v\char"0E0062\char"0E0061} & \arraybslash v with bar / E74E\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{v\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule v / EEF8\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_s;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{v\char"0E0073\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash v with two bars / E8BC\\\hline % \mufi{v} & {v\&\_\_e;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{v\char"0E0065\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash {\narrow Enlarged minuscule v with low point / TBD}\\\hline % \nuni{W} & {W\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{W\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule W\\\hline % \stdu{W} & {W\&\_\_a;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{W\char"0E0061\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash {W Anglicana}\\\hline % \mufi{w} & {w\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{w\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule w / EEF9\\\hline % \stdu{w} & {w\&\_\_a;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{w\char"0E0061\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash {w Anglicana}\\\hline % \mufi{ƿ} & {ƿ\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{ƿ\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged wynn / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{X} & {X\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{X\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule X\\\hline % \mufi{x} & {x\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{x\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule x / EEFA\\\hline % \stdu{x} & {x\&\_\_l;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{x\char"0E006C\char"0E006F} & \arraybslash x with long left leg / AB57\\\hline % \mufi{x} & {x\&\_\_s;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{x\char"0E0073\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash x with diagonal stroke (upper left) / E8BD\\\hline % \mufi{x} & {x\&\_\_s;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{x\char"0E0073\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash x with diagonal stroke (lower right) / E8BE\\\hline % \mufi{x} & {x\&\_\_s;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{x\char"0E0073\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash {\narrow x with two diagonal strokes (lower right) / \ltab{E8CE}}\\\hline % \mufi{Y} & {Y\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{Y\char"0E0073\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash {\narrow Y with diagonal stroke (Hymnus abbrev) / \ltab{E8DB}}\\\hline % \nuni{Y} & {Y\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{Y\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule Y\\\hline % \mufi{y} & {y\&\_\_r;\&\_\_m;} & \restag{y\char"0E0072\char"0E006D} & \arraybslash y with main right stroke / F233\\\hline % \mufi{y} & {y\&\_\_b;\&\_\_a;} & \restag{y\char"0E0062\char"0E0061} & \arraybslash y with bar / E77B\\\hline % \mufi{y} & {y\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{y\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule y / EEFB\\\hline % \mufi{y} & {y\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & \restag{y\char"0E0063\char"0E0075} & \arraybslash Curved y / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{y} & {y\&\_\_s;\&\_\_c;} & \restag{y\char"0E0073\char"0E0063} & \arraybslash Short curved y / TBD\\\hline % \stdu{Z} & {Z\&\_\_v;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{Z\char"0E0076\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash Visigothic Z / A762\\\hline % \nuni{Z} & {Z\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{Z\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule Z\\\hline % \stdu{z} & {z\&\_\_v;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{z\char"0E0076\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash Visigothic z / A763\\\hline % \mufi{z} & {z\&\_\_m;\&\_\_g;} & \restag{z\char"0E006D\char"0E0067} & \arraybslash Middle High German z / F238\\\hline % \mufi{z} & {z\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{z\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule z / EEFC\\\hline % \opua{U+0104} & {\char"0104\&\_\_s;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0104\char"0E0073\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash A with short diagonal stroke / F0000\\\hline % \opua{U+0104} & {\char"0104\&\_\_s;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0104\char"0E0073\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash A with long diagonal stroke / F001E\\\hline % \opua{U+0104} & {\char"0104\&\_\_f;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{\char"0104\char"0E0066\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash A with flourish / F0002\\\hline % \opua{U+0105} & {\char"0105\&\_\_s;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0105\char"0E0073\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash a with short diagonal stroke / F0001\\\hline % \opua{U+0105} & {\char"0105\&\_\_s;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0105\char"0E0073\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash a with long diagonal stroke / F001F\\\hline % \nuni{U+A733} & {\char"0A733\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{\char"0A733\char"0E0075\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Uncial aa\\\hline % \mufi{U+A733} & {\char"0A733\&\_\_c;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{\char"0A733\char"0E0063\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash Closed aa / EFA0\\\hline % \mufi{U+A733} & {\char"0A733\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{\char"0A733\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule aa / EFDF\\\hline % \mufi{U+00C6} & {Æ\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{Æ\char"0E006E\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Neckless {\AE} / EFAE\\\hline % \mufi{U+00C6} & {Æ\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{Æ\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule {\AE}\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{æ\char"0E006E\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Neckless æ / EFA1\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_e;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{æ\char"0E0065\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule æ / \ EAF1\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_o;\&\_\_p;} & \restag{æ\char"0E006F\char"0E0070} & \arraybslash Open æ / F204\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_s;\&\_\_q;} & \restag{æ\char"0E0073\char"0E0071} & \arraybslash æ with square a / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_r;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{æ\char"0E0072\char"0E006F} & \arraybslash æ with round a / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{U+00E6} & {æ\&\_\_r;\&\_\_o;} & \restag{æ\char"0E0075\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Uncial æ\\\hline % \mufi{U+A734} & {\char"0A734\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{\char"0A734\char"0E006E\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Neckless AO / F205\\\hline % \nuni{U+A734} & {\char"0A734\&\_\_e;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0A734\char"0E0065\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule AO\\\hline % \nuni{U+A734} & {\char"0A734\&\_\_e;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0A734\char"0E0065\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule AO with smaller O\\\hline % \mufi{U+A735} & {\char"0A735\&\_\_e;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0A735\char"0E0065\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Enlarged minuscule ao / EFDE\\\hline % \mufi{U+A735} & {\char"0A735\&\_\_e;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0A735\char"0E0065\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash {\narrow Enlarged minuscule ao with smaller o / \ltab{EAF2}}\\\hline % \mufi{U+A735} & {\char"0A735\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{\char"0A735\char"0E006E\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Neckless ao / F206\\\hline % \nuni{U+A735} & {\char"0A735\&\_\_u;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{\char"0A735\char"0E0075\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Uncial ao\\\hline % \mufi{U+A739} & {\char"0A739\&\_\_n;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{\char"0A739\char"0E006E\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Neckless av / EFA2\\\hline % \opua{U+0111} & {\char"0111\&\_\_f;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{\char"0111\char"0E0066\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash d with flourish / F0007\\\hline % \mufi{U+00F0} & {ð\&\_\_e;\&\_\_a;} & \restag{ð\char"0E0065\char"0E0061} & \arraybslash Enlarged eth alternate form / TBD\\\hline % \nuni{U+0118} & {Ę\&\_\_c;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{Ę\char"0E0063\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash E with centered ogonek\\\hline % \opua{U+0118} & {Ę\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{Ę\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash E with diagonal stroke / F0009\\\hline % \nuni{U+0118} & {Ę\char"0307\char"0301\&\_\_c;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{Ę\char"0307\char"0301\char"0E0063\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash E with dot, acute, and centered ogonek\\\hline % \nuni{U+0118} & {Ę\char"0307\char"0301\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{Ę\char"0307\char"0301\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash E with dot, acute, and diagonal stroke\\\hline % \nuni{U+0119} & {ę\&\_\_c;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{ę\char"0E0063\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash e with centered ogonek\\\hline % \opua{U+0119} & {ę\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{ę\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash e with diagonal stroke / F000A\\\hline % \nuni{U+0119} & {ę\char"0307\char"0301\&\_\_c;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{ę\char"0307\char"0301\char"0E0063\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash e with dot, acute, and centered ogonek\\\hline % \nuni{U+0119} & {ę\char"0307\char"0301\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{ę\char"0307\char"0301\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash e with dot, acute, and diagonal stroke\\\hline % \nuni{\&\_eogo;} & {{\narrow \char"25CC\&\_eogo;}\&\_\_c;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{\char"25CC\&\_eogo;\char"0E0063\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Combining e with centered ogonek\\\hline % \nuni{\&\_eogo;} & {{\narrow \char"25CC\&\_eogo;}\&\_\_s;\&\_\_t;} & \restag{\char"25CC\&\_eogo;\char"0E0073\char"0E0074} & \arraybslash Combining e with diagonal stroke\\\hline % \nuni{U+021C} & {Ȝ\&\_\_f;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{Ȝ\char"0E0066\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash Yogh with flat top\\\hline % \nuni{U+021C} & {Ȝ\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{Ȝ\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Yogh with insular shape\\\hline % \nuni{U+021D} & {\char"021D\&\_\_f;\&\_\_l;} & \restag{\char"021D\char"0E0066\char"0E006C} & \arraybslash yogh with flat top\\\hline % \nuni{U+021D} & {\char"021D\&\_\_i;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{\char"021D\char"0E0069\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash yogh with insular shape\\\hline % \nuni{U+014A} & {Ŋ\&\_\_l;\&\_\_h;} & {\restag{Ŋ\char"0E006C\char"0E0068}} & \arraybslash Rounded Ŋ with low hook\\\hline % \nuni{U+014A} & {Ŋ\&\_\_b;\&\_\_h;} & {\restag{Ŋ\char"0E0062\char"0E0068}} & \arraybslash Rounded Ŋ with baseline hook\\\hline % \opua{U+A7C1} & {\prob\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;\footnotemark{}} & {\prob\restag{\char"0A7C1\char"0E0061\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Old Polish o with broken slash / \ltab{F0011}}\\\hline % \opua{U+A7C1} & {\prob\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & {\prob\restag{\char"0A7C1\char"0E0061\char"0E0032}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Old Polish o with short slash / \ltab{F0012}}\\\hline % \opua{U+A7C1} & {\prob\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & {\prob\restag{\char"0A7C1\char"0E0061\char"0E0033}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Old Polish o with lower left slash / \ltab{F0013}}\\\hline % \opua{U+A7C1} & {\prob\&\_\_a;\&\_\_4;} & {\prob\restag{\char"0A7C1\char"0E0061\char"0E0034}} & \arraybslash {\narrow Old Polish o with upper right slash / \ltab{F0014}}\\\hline % \mufi{U+1E8F} & {\char"1E8F\&\_\_s;\&\_\_d;} & \restag{\char"1E8F\char"0E0073\char"0E0064} & \arraybslash Short curved y with dot / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{U+A765} & {\addfontfeature{Language=Icelandic} \char"0A765\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & {\addfontfeature{Language=Icelandic}\restag{\char"0A765\char"0E0061\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash \ {\narrow thorn with stroke with different slant / \ltab{F149}}\\\hline % \nuni{U+A765/ENG} & {\char"0A765\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & {\restag{\char"0A765\char"0E0061\char"0E0031}} & \arraybslash \ thorn with stroke with different slant\\\hline % \opua{U+0241} & {\char"0294\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0294\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Alternate glottal stop / F001B\\\hline % \opua{U+204A} & {\char"204A\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"204A\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Tironian et sign later form / F001D\\\hline % \nuni{U+204A} & {\char"204A\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"204A\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Tironian et sign later form with bar\\\hline % \mufi{U+204A} & {\char"204A\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{\char"204A\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash {\narrow Tironian et sign without descender / TBD}\\\hline % \opua{U+2E52} & {\char"2E52\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"2E52\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Tironian Et sign later form / F001C\\\hline % \nuni{U+2E52} & {\char"2E52\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"2E52\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Tironian Et sign later form with bar\\\hline % \mufi{U+2E52} & {\char"2E52\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{\char"2E52\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash {\narrow Tironian Et sign without descender / TBD}\\\hline % \nuni{U+00AF} & {{\textasciimacron}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{{\textasciimacron}\char"0E0030\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Spacing zigzag\\\hline % \nuni{U+035E} & {\char"25CC\char"035E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;\char"25CC} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"035E\char"0E0061\char"0E0031\char"25CC} & \arraybslash Double macron with serifs\\\hline % \nuni{U+035E} & {\char"25CC\char"035E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;\char"25CC} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"035E\char"0E0061\char"0E0032\char"25CC} & \arraybslash Shorter double macron with serifs\\\hline % \mufi{U+00B7} & {{\textperiodcentered}\&\_\_h;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{{\textperiodcentered}\char"0E0068\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash Distinctio / \ F1F8\\\hline % \mufi{U+00B7} & {{\textperiodcentered}\&\_\_s;\&\_\_r;} & \restag{{\textperiodcentered}\char"0E0073\char"0E0072} & \arraybslash Slightly raised period / \ TBD\\\hline % \mufi{comma} & {,\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{,\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Comma positura / F1E2\\\hline % \mufi{comma} & {,\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{,\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash High comma positura / F1E3\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Punctus versus / F1EA\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Punctus with comma positura / F1E4\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash {\narrow Colon with middle comma positura / \ltab{F1E5}}\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash Two dots over comma positura / F1F2\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_5;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0035} & \arraybslash Three dots over comma positura / F1E6\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_6;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0036} & \arraybslash {\narrow Punctus with double comma positura / TBD}\\\hline % \mufi{semicolon} & {;\&\_\_a;\&\_\_7;} & \restag{;\char"0E0061\char"0E0037} & \arraybslash Hexagonal positura / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{U+2E4E} & {\char"2E4E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"2E4E\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus diagonal stroke / F1F0\\\hline % \mufi{U+2E4E} & {\char"2E4E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"2E4E\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus with high back / F1FA\\\hline % \mufi{U+2E4E} & {\char"2E4E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{\char"2E4E\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Punctus elevatus with onset / F1FB\\\hline % \mufi{U+2E4E} & {\char"2E4E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{\char"2E4E\char"0E0061\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash Punctus flexus / F1F5\\\hline % \mufi{exclam} & {!\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{!\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Punctus exlamativus / F1E7\\\hline % \mufi{question} & {?\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{?\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Punctus interrogativus / F160\\\hline % \mufi{question} & {?\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{?\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Punctus interrogativus horizontal tilde / F1E8\\\hline % \mufi{question} & {?\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{?\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Punctus interrogativus lemniskate / F1F1\\\hline % \mufi{asciitilde} & {\~{}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\~{}\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Wavy line / F1F9\\\hline % \mufi{asterisk} & {*\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{*\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Signe de renvoi / F1EC\\\hline % \mufi{slash} & {/\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{/\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Virgula suspensiva / F1F4\\\hline % \mufi{slash} & {/\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{/\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Short virgula / F1F7\\\hline % \opua{U+A75D} & {\char"0A75D\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0A75D\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Alternate rum abbreviation / F0016\\\hline % \mufi{U+035B} & {\char"25CC\char"035B\&\_\_a;\&\_\_n;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"035B\char"0E0061\char"0E006E} & \arraybslash Combining angular zigzag / F1C7\\\hline % \mufi{U+035B} & {\char"25CC\char"035B\&\_\_c;\&\_\_u;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"035B\char"0E0063\char"0E0075} & \arraybslash Combining curly zigzag / F1C8\\\hline % \stdu{U+035B} & {\char"25CC\char"035B\&\_\_v;\&\_\_e;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"035B\char"0E0076\char"0E0065} & \arraybslash Combining vertical zigzag (tilde) / 033E\\\hline % \mufi{U+A770} & {\char"0A770\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0A770\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Baseline spacing us abbreviation / F1A6\\\hline % \mufi{U+A770} & {\char"0A770\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0A770\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Uppercase us abbreviation / F1A5\\\hline % \mufi{U+A76B} & {\char"0A76B\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0A76B\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Semicolon-like et abbreviation / F1AC\\\hline % \nuni{U+A76B} & {\char"0A76B\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{\char"0A76B\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Subscript et abbreviation\\\hline % \mufi{U+A76B} & {\char"0A76B\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{\char"0A76B\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Colon-like et abbreviation / TBD\\\hline % \mufi{U+1DD3} & {\char"25CC\char"1DD3\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"1DD3\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Combining flattened \ a with macron / F1C1\\\hline % \opua{U+1DD8} & {\char"25CC\char"1DD8\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"1DD8\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \restag\arraybslash Alternate combining insular d / F0005\\\hline % \mufi{U+1DE3} & {\char"25CC\char"1DE3\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"1DE3\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Combining ur abbreviation lemniskate / F1C2\\\hline % \mufi{U+00E4} & {ä\&\_\_d;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{ä\char"0E0064\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash a with diagonal dieresis / E8D5\\\hline % \mufi{U+00F6} & {ö\&\_\_d;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{ö\char"0E0064\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash o with diagonal dieresis / E8D7\\\hline % \nuni{U+0308} & {\char"25CC\char"0308\&\_\_d;\&\_\_i;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"0308\char"0E0064\char"0E0069} & \arraybslash Combining diagonal dieresis\\\hline % \mufi{U+0305} & {\char"25CC\char"0305\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"0305\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Combining horizontal stroke with dot / F1C0\\\hline % \mufi{U+032E} & {\char"25CC\char"25CC\char"032E\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;\char"25CC} & \restag{\char"25CC\char"25CC\char"032E\char"0E0061\char"0E0031\char"25CC} & \arraybslash Breve below three letters / F1FC\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Latin as libralis sign / F2E0\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Latin small capital letter x with bar / F2E2\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Latin small capital letter y with bar / F2E3\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash Latin small capital letter d with slash / F2E4\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_5;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0035} & \arraybslash Pharmaceutical dram sign / F2E6\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_6;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0036} & \arraybslash Ecu sign / F2E7\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_7;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0037} & \arraybslash Floren sign with loop / F2E8\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_8;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0038} & \arraybslash Groschen sign / F2E9\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_0;\&\_\_9;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0030\char"0E0039} & \arraybslash Helbing sign / F2FB\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_0;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0030} & \arraybslash Krone sign / F2FA\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Dutch libra sign / F2EA\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash French libra sign / F2EB\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Italian libra sign / F2EC\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash Flemish libra sign / F2ED\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_5;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0035} & \arraybslash Lira nuova sign / F2EE\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_6;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0036} & \arraybslash Lira sterlina sign / F2EF\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_7;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0037} & \arraybslash Old mark sign / F2F0\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_8;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0038} & \arraybslash Old flourish mark sign / F2F1\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_1;\&\_\_9;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0031\char"0E0039} & \arraybslash Marked small letter m sign / F2F2\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_0;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0030} & \arraybslash Flourished small letter m sign / F2F3\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Pharmaceutical obelus sign / F2F4\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash Penning sign / F2F5\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Old Reichstaler sign / F2F6\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash German schilling sign / F2F7\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_5;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0035} & \arraybslash German script schilling sign / F2F8\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_6;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0036} & \arraybslash Scudi sign / F2F9\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A4} & {{\textcurrency}\&\_\_2;\&\_\_7;} & \restag{{\textcurrency}\char"0E0032\char"0E0037} & \arraybslash Script ounce sign / F2FD\\\hline % \mufi{U+2114} & {\char"2114\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"2114\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash French libra sign / F2EB\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Dutch libra sign / F2EA\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_2;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0032} & \arraybslash French libra sign / F2EB\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_3;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0033} & \arraybslash Italian libra sign / F2EC\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_4;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0034} & \arraybslash Flemish libra sign / F2ED\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_5;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0035} & \arraybslash Lira nuova sign / F2EE\\\hline % \mufi{U+00A3} & {{\pounds}\&\_\_a;\&\_\_6;} & \restag{{\pounds}\char"0E0061\char"0E0036} & \arraybslash Lira sterlina sign / F2EF\\\hline % \mufi{U+20B1} & {\char"20B0\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"20B0\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Penning sign / F2F5\\\hline % \mufi{U+0192} & {\char"0192\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"0192\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Floren sign with loop / F2E8\\\hline % \mufi{U+2125} & {\char"2125\&\_\_a;\&\_\_1;} & \restag{\char"2125\char"0E0061\char"0E0031} & \arraybslash Script ounce sign / F2FD\\\hline \end{supertabular} \end{center} \footnotetext{Junicode entities (like \&\_\_a\textcompwordmark;) following U+A7C1 (Old Polish o) are not properly displayed or resolved for technical reasons related to U+A7C1 having very recently been added to Unicode. However, tags entered directly (as here) or via HTML/XML entity references and TeX commands will still work, and the Junicode entity will work once applications are updated with the latest additions to the Unicode standard.} \addfontfeature{StylisticSet=10}