#!/bin/sh # This file is part of the Gentium package for TeX. # It is licensed under the Expat License, see doc//README for details. # Generates extra kerning pairs for Greek. # GentiumBasic has no Greek, so no correction is needed. # # If you want to keep the files with extra kerning pairs, # run just this script. TTF_PATH="../../../../fonts/truetype/public/gentium-tug" AFM_PATH="../../../../fonts/afm/public/gentium-tug" for i in GentiumPlus-R.ttf GentiumPlus-I.ttf; do echo "----------------------------------------------" echo "* Generating extra kerns for $i" echo "* Converting font to sfd" FILE_TTF="$TTF_PATH/$i" FILE_SFD="$(basename $i .ttf).sfd" fontforge -lang=ff -c "Open('$FILE_TTF');Save('$FILE_SFD')" echo "* Calculating the kerns" ./greekcorrection.py $(basename $i .ttf).sfd ./kerncorrection.py "$AFM_PATH/$(basename $i .ttf).afm" $(basename $i .ttf)-extra.afm cat $(basename $i .ttf)-Czech.kern >> $(basename $i .ttf)-extra.afm done rm *sfd