# This file is part of the Gentium package for TeX. # It is licensed under the Expat License, see doc//README for details. # # Here is just a way to record the commands to test the new boundary # ligatures to automatically make the final sigma with the lgr encoding. # From Ralf Stubner, July 2019. fontdir = ../../../fonts tfmdir = $(fontdir)/tfm/public/gentium-tug default: try-ital # the diff should show differences, hence exit nonzero. try-reg: lgr-gentiumplus-regular.pl afm2pl -p $(fontdir)/enc/dvips/gentium-tug/gentium-lgr.enc \ -l lig/gentium-lgr.lig \ $(fontdir)/afm/public/gentium-tug/GentiumPlus-R.afm \ && pltotf GentiumPlus-R \ && tftopl GentiumPlus-R GentiumPlus-R \ && ! diff -u lgr-gentiumplus-regular.pl GentiumPlus-R.pl # # clearly this could all be factored out, but maybe we will never touch # this stuff again, so ... try-ital: lgr-gentiumplus-italic.pl afm2pl -p $(fontdir)/enc/dvips/gentium-tug/gentium-lgr.enc \ -l lig/gentium-lgr.lig \ $(fontdir)/afm/public/gentium-tug/GentiumPlus-I.afm \ && pltotf GentiumPlus-I \ && tftopl GentiumPlus-I GentiumPlus-I \ && ! diff -u lgr-gentiumplus-italic.pl GentiumPlus-I.pl # the original pl's, for comparison. lgr-gentiumplus-regular.pl: tftopl $(tfmdir)/lgr-gentiumplus-regular $@ || rm -f $@ lgr-gentiumplus-italic.pl: tftopl $(tfmdir)/lgr-gentiumplus-italic $@ || rm -f $@ # dist just copies the working directory, so have to install and clean. install: mv GentiumPlus-R.tfm $(tfmdir)/lgr-gentiumplus-regular.tfm mv GentiumPlus-I.tfm $(tfmdir)/lgr-gentiumplus-italic.tfm clean: rm -f GentiumPlus-* lgr-gent*.pl dist: clean ./make-zip-4CTAN.sh