\RequirePackage{pdfmanagement-testphase} \DeclareDocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-2b, lang=en-GB} \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{amsmath, array, varioref} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage{concmath-otf} \usepackage{subfig} \captionsetup[subtable]{position=top} \usepackage{realscripts} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{pdftitle={Concrete-Math OpenType User’s Guide}, pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO}, bookmarksopen, colorlinks } \newcommand*{\hlabel}[1]{\phantomsection\label{#1}} \newcommand*{\CCM}{\pkg{concmath-otf}} \newcommand*{\pkg}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\opt}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}\newcommand*{\showtchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~\csname #1\endcsname} \newcommand*{\showmchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$} \newcommand*{\showmchardollar}[1]{\texttt{\$\cmd{#1}\$}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$} \title{Concrete Math font, OTF version} \author{Daniel Flipo \\ \texttt{daniel.flipo@free.fr}} \newcommand*{\version}{0.25} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{What is \CCM{}?} The \CCM{} package offers an OpenType version of the Concrete Math font created by Ulrik Vieth in MetaFont. \file{concmath-otf.sty} is a replacement for the original \file{concmath.sty} package. It requires LuaTeX or XeTeX as engine and the \pkg{unicode-math} package% \footnote{Please read the documentation \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}. Please note that the current version (\version) is \emph{experimental, do expect metrics and glyphs to change} until version 1.0 is reached. Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome! \section{Usage} \subsection{Calling \cmd{setmathfont}} A basic call for \CCM{} would be: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf} % Call by file name or \setmathfont{Concrete Math} % Call by file name \end{verbatim} this loads \CCM{} as maths font % \footnote{Both calls work equally well with LuaTeX; with XeTeX a call by font name will fail unless the font is declared as a \emph{system font}.} with the default options, see subsections~\vref{ssection-um}, \vref{ssection-cv} and~\vref{ssection-ss} for customisation. Please note that the three sets of text fonts have to be chosen separately, f.i. if you want the Concrete text fonts% \footnote{They are part of the \pkg{cm-unicode} package.} as Roman font:%\\[.25\baselineskip] \pagebreak[4]\noindent \verb+\setmainfont{cmunorm.otf} +\\ \verb+ [BoldFont = cmunobx.otf ,+\\ \verb+ ItalicFont = cmunoti.otf ,+\\ \verb+ BoldItalicFont = cmunobi.otf ]+\\[.25\baselineskip] otherwise you would get Latin Modern for text fonts (rm, sf and tt). \subsection{Calling \pkg{concmat-otf.sty}} A (recommended) alternative is:\\[.5\baselineskip] \verb+\usepackage[ +\textit{options} \footnote{Possible \textit{options} are \opt{loose}, \opt{no-text}, \opt{Scale=} or any of the options described in sections \ref{ssection-um}, \ref{ssection-cv} and \ref{ssection-ss}.}% \verb+ ]{concmath-otf}+\\[.5\baselineskip] it loads \pkg{unicode-math} with the default options, sets Concrete-Math as maths font and Concrete text fonts as Roman fonts (families \textit{sf} and \textit{tt} left unchanged) but does a bit more: \begin{enumerate} \item it checks at \verb+\begin{document}+ if packages \pkg{amssymb} or \pkg{latexsym} are loaded and issues warnings in case they are; \item it provides aliases for glyphs named differently in Unicode, so that \pkg{latexsym} or AMS names are also available; \item it reduces spacing in maths mode: \cmd{thinmuskip}, \cmd{medmuskip} and \cmd{thickmuskip} are reduced as in \file{fourier.sty}. % \verb+\thinmuskip=2mu+,\\ % \verb+\medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 2.5mu+,\\ % \verb+\thickmuskip=3.5mu plus 2.5mu+.\\ The option \opt{loose} disables these settings. \end{enumerate} Apart from the \opt{loose} option mentioned above, \pkg{concmath-otf.sty} provides an option \opt{no-text} to be used for loading the \CCM{} font together with roman text fonts other than Concrete. \section{What is provided?} \CCM{} provides all glyphs available in the \pkg{concmath}, \pkg{amssymb} and \pkg{latexsym} packages and more. Therefore, these two packages \emph{should not} be loaded as they might override \CCM{} glyphs. Sans-serif, typewriter glyphs are not supplied. A full list of available glyphs is shown in file \file{unimath-concrete.pdf}. See in section~\vref{ssec-math-alphabets} how to choose from other maths fonts for these styles. \subsection{Upright or slanted?} \label{ssection-um} Package \pkg{unicode-math} follows \TeX{} conventions for Latin and Greek letters: in math mode, the default option (\opt{math-style=TeX}) prints Latin letters $a$…$z$ $A$…$Z$ and lowercase Greek letters $\alpha$…$\omega$ slanted (italic) while uppercase Greek letters $\Alpha \Beta \Gamma$…$\Omega$ are printed upright. This can be changed by option \opt{math-style} as shown in table~\vref{math-style}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Effects of the \opt{math-style} package option.} \hlabel{math-style} \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lcc@{}} \hline \rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\ \hline math-style=ISO & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $\symit{(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma,\Xi)}$ \\ math-style=TeX & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $(\symit\alpha,\symit\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\ math-style=french & $(a,z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\ math-style=upright & $(\symup a,\symup z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Bold letters are printed upright except lowercase Greek letters which are slanted (the default option is \opt{bold-style=TeX}). This can be changed by option \opt{bold-style} as shown in table~\vref{bold-style}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Effects of the \opt{bold-style} package option.} \hlabel{bold-style} \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lcc@{}} \hline \rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\ \hline bold-style=ISO & $(\symbfit a, \symbfit z, \symbfit B, \symbfit X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta, \symbfit\Gamma, \symbfit\Xi)$ \\ bold-style=TeX & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\ bold-style=upright & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfup \alpha,\symbfup \beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Other possible customisation: $\nabla$ is printed upright and $\partial$ is printed slanted by default, but \opt{nabla=italic} and \opt{partial=upright} can change this. All these options are offered by the \pkg{unicode-math} package but they can be added to the \cmd{setmathfont} call% \footnote{IMHO it is easier to add \emph{all options} to the \cmd{setmathfont} command.}, for example: \verb+\setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[math-style=french,partial=upright]+\\ will print for the code \begin{verbatim} \[ \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma + \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \] \end{verbatim} \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[math-style=french,partial=upright] \[\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma + \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \] while the default settings would print \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[math-style=TeX,partial=italic] \[\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma + \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \] Both shapes remain available anytime: \verb+$\uppi,\itpi$+ prints $\uppi, \itpi$. If your text editor is able to handle Greek letters or maths symbols, they can be entered in the code instead control sequences (i.e. $\symup{α}$, $\symup{β}$, $\symup{Γ}$,… for \cmd{alpha}, \cmd{beta}, \cmd{Gamma},…). \subsection{Character variants} \label{ssection-cv} \CCM{} provides ten ``Character Variants’’ options, listed on table~\vref{cv}, to choose between different glyphs for Greek characters and some others. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Character variants.} \hlabel{cv} \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}} \hline & Default & Variant & Name\\ \hline cv01 & $\hslash$ & $\mithbar$ & \cmd{hslash} \\ cv02 & $\emptyset$ & $\varemptyset$ & \cmd{emptyset} \\ cv03 & $\epsilon$ & $\varepsilon$ & \cmd{epsilon} \\ cv04 & $\kappa$ & $\varkappa$ & \cmd{kappa} \\ cv05 & $\pi$ & $\varpi$ & \cmd{pi} \\ cv06 & $\phi$ & $\varphi$ & \cmd{phi} \\ cv07 & $\rho$ & $\varrho$ & \cmd{rho} \\ cv08 & $\sigma$ & $\varsigma$ & \cmd{sigma} \\ cv09 & $\theta$ & $\vartheta$ & \cmd{theta} \\ cv10 & $\Theta$ & $\varTheta$ & \cmd{Theta}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} For instance, to get \cmd{epsilon} and \cmd{phi} typeset as $\varepsilon$ and $\varphi$ instead of $\epsilon$ and $\phi$, you can add option \verb+CharacterVariant={3,6}+ to the \cmd{setmathfont} call: \begin{verbatim} \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[CharacterVariant={3,6}] \end{verbatim} This works for all shapes and weights of these characters: f.i.\ % \verb+$\symbf{\epsilon}$+, \verb+$\symbf{\phi}$+ are output as \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[CharacterVariant={3,6}]$\symbf{\epsilon}$, $\symbf{\phi}$ instead of \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}$\symbf{\epsilon}$, $\symbf{\phi}$. Similarly with \opt{math-style=french}, \verb+\epsilon+ and \verb+\phi+ are output as $\symup{\varepsilon}$ and $\symup{\varphi}$ (upright). Please note that curly braces are mandatory whenever more than one ``Character Variant’’ is selected. Note: \pkg{unicode-math} defines \cmd{hbar} as \cmd{hslash} (U+210F) while \pkg{amsmath} provides two different glyphs (italic h with horizontal or diagonal stroke).\\ \pkg{concmath-otf} follows \pkg{unicode-math}; the italic h with horizontal stroke can be printed using \cmd{hslash} or \cmd{hbar} together with character variant \opt{cv01} or with \cmd{mithbar} (replacement for AMS’ command \cmd{hbar}). \subsection{Stylistic sets} \label{ssection-ss} \CCM{} provides four ``Stylistic Sets’’ options to choose between different glyphs for families of maths symbols. \verb+StylisticSet=4+, alias% \footnote{These \opt{Style} aliases are provided by \file{concmath-otf.sty}.} \verb+Style=leqslant+, converts (large) inequalities into their slanted variants as shown by table~\vref{ss04}. \verb+StylisticSet=5+, alias \verb+Style=smaller+, converts some symbols into their smaller variants as shown by table~\vref{ss05}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Stylistic Sets 4 and 5} \subfloat[\texttt{Style=leqslant\quad (+ss04)}]{\hlabel{ss04}% \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}} \hline Command & Default & Variant \\ \hline \cmd{leq} & $\leq$ & $\leqslant$ \\ \cmd{geq} & $\geq$ & $\geqslant$ \\ \cmd{nleq} & $\nleq$ & $\nleqslant$ \\ \cmd{ngeq} & $\ngeq$ & $\ngeqslant$ \\ \cmd{eqless} & $\eqless$ & $\eqslantless$ \\ \cmd{eqgtr} & $\eqgtr$ & $\eqslantgtr$ \\ \cmd{lesseqgtr} & $\lesseqgtr$ & $\lesseqslantgtr$ \\ \cmd{gtreqless} & $\gtreqless$ & $\gtreqslantless$ \\ \cmd{lesseqqgtr} & $\lesseqqgtr$ & $\lesseqqslantgtr$ \\ \cmd{gtreqqless} & $\gtreqqless$ & $\gtreqqslantless$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} }\hspace{10mm} % eof subfloat \subfloat[\texttt{Style=smaller\quad (+ss05)}]{\hlabel{ss05}% \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}} \hline Command & Default & Variant \\ \hline \cmd{mid} & $\mid$ & $\shortmid$ \\ \cmd{nmid} & $\nmid$ & $\nshortmid$ \\ \cmd{parallel} & $\parallel$ & $\shortparallel$ \\ \cmd{nparallel} & $\nparallel$ & $\nshortparallel$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} }% eof subfloat \end{table} \verb+StylisticSet=6+, alias \verb+Style=subsetneq+, converts some inclusion symbols as shown by table~\vref{ss06}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Stylistic Sets 6}\hlabel{ss06} \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}} \hline Command & Default & Variant \\ \hline \cmd{subsetneq} & $\subsetneq$ & $\varsubsetneq$ \\ \cmd{supsetneq} & $\supsetneq$ & $\varsupsetneq$ \\ \cmd{subsetneqq} & $\subsetneqq$ & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\ \cmd{supsetneqq} & $\supsetneqq$ & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} To enable Stylistic Sets 4 and 6 for \CCM{}, you should enter \begin{verbatim} \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[StylisticSet={4,6}] or \usepackage[Style={leqslant,subsetneq}]{concmath-otf} \end{verbatim} then, \verb+\[x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B\]+ will print as\\ \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}[StylisticSet={4,6}] $x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B$\qquad instead of\qquad \setmathfont{Concrete-Math.otf}% $x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B$ \subsection{Standard \LaTeX{} math commands} \label{ssec-math-commands} All standard \LaTeX{} maths commands, all \pkg{amssymb} commands and all \pkg{latexsym} commands are supported by \CCM{}, for some of them loading \pkg{concmath-otf.sty} is required. Various wide accents are also supported: \begin{itemize} \item \cmd{wideoverbar} and \cmd{mathunderbar}% \footnote{\cmd{overline} and \cmd{underline} are not font related, they are based on \cmd{rule}.} \[\wideoverbar{x}\quad \wideoverbar{xy}\quad \wideoverbar{xyz}\quad \wideoverbar{A\cup B}\quad \wideoverbar{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad \mathunderbar{m+n+p}\] \item \cmd{widehat} and \cmd{widetilde} \[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\; \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\; \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\; \widetilde{xxxxxx}\] \item \cmd{overparen} and \cmd{underparen} \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\] \[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz} \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\] \item \cmd{overbrace} and \cmd{underbrace} \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\] \[\underbrace{a}\quad\underbrace{ab}\quad\underbrace{abc}\quad \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3} \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\] \item \cmd{overrightarrow} and \cmd{overleftarrow} \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv} \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}. \] \[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv} \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\] \item Finally \cmd{widearc} and \cmd{overrightarc} (loading \pkg{concmath-otf.sty} is required) \[\widearc{AMB}\quad \overrightarc{AMB}\] \end{itemize} \subsection{Mathematical alphabets} \label{ssec-math-alphabets} \begin{itemize} \item All Latin and Greek characters are available in italic, upright, bold and bold italic via the \verb+\symit{}+, \verb+\symup{}+, \verb+\symbf{}+ and \verb+\symbfit{}+ commands. \item Calligraphic alphabet (\cmd{symscr} or \cmd{symcal} or \cmd{mathcal} command), uppercase: $\symscr{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ \item Blackboard-bold alphabet (\cmd{symbb} or \cmd{mathbb} command), uppercase only except lowercase \verb+\Bbbk+ (AMS) $\symbb{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}\quad \Bbbk$ \item Fraktur alphabet, borrowed from Latin Modern $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$ but this can overwritten, i.e. \begin{verbatim} \setmathfont{Asana-Math.otf}[range=frak,Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKL...XYZ abcdefghijkl...xyz}$ \end{verbatim} \setmathfont{Asana-Math.otf}[range=frak,Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$ \item Sans serif and Typewriter alphabets have to be imported, i.e. \begin{verbatim} \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range={sfup,sfit}, Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symsfup{ABCD...klm}\quad\symsfit{NOPQ...xyz}$ \end{verbatim} \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range={sfup,sfit},Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symsfup{ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijklm}\quad \symsfit{NOPQRSTUVWXYZ nopqrstuvwxyz}$ \begin{verbatim} \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range=tt,Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symtt{ABCDE...XYZ abcde...xyz}$ \end{verbatim} \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range=tt,Scale=MatchUppercase] $\symtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$ \end{itemize} \subsection{Missing symbols} \CCM{} does not aim at being as complete as \file{STIXTwoMath-Regular} or \file{Cambria}, the current glyph coverage compares with TeXGyre maths fonts. In case some symbols do not show up in the output file, you will see warnings in the \file{.log} file, for instance: \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range={"2964}] \texttt{Missing character: There is no }$⥤$% \texttt{ (U+2964) in font ErewhonMath} Borrowing them from a more complete font, say \file{Asana-Math}, is a possible workaround: \verb+\setmathfont{Asana-Math.otf}[range={"2964},Scale=1.02]+\\ scaling is possible, multiple character ranges are separated with commas:\\ \verb+\setmathfont{Asana-Math.otf}[range={"294A-"2951,"2964,"2ABB-"2ABE}]+ Let’s mention \pkg{albatross}, a useful tool to find out the list of fonts providing a given glyph: f.i. type in a terminal ``\texttt{albatross U+2964}’’, see the manpage or \file{albatross-manual.pdf}. \section{Acknowledgements} The original Metafont glyphs have been converted first to Type\,1 (pfa) using \pkg{mftrace} and \pkg{fontforge}. The \pkg{cm-unicode} package has also helped a lot while cleaning the glyphs. I am grateful to George Williams and his co-workers for providing and maintaining FontForge and to Ulrik Vieth for his illuminating paper published in TUGboat~2009 Volume~30 about OpenType Math. \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-engine: luatex %%% TeX-master: t %%% coding: utf-8 %%% End: