cmchar "\textstyle up integral sign"; beginchar(0,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle double up integral sign"; beginchar(2,10u#+tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u-tdec); x9=w-tdec-x1; x7=w-tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; y19=y9;y18=y8;y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; y11=y1;y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; penlabels(range 1 thru 19); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle triple up integral sign"; beginchar(4,10u#+2tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos21(curve,0); pos22(hair,0); pos23(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); pos27(vair,-90); pos28(hair,-180); pos29(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-2tdec-u); x9=w-2tdec-x1; x7=w-2tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; x29=x19+tdec;x27=x17+tdec; y29=y19=y9;y28=y18=y8;y27=y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; x21=x11+tdec;x23=x13+tdec; y21=y11=y1;y23=y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); bulb(23,22,21); bulb(27,28,29); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; filldraw haut shifted 2z0; filldraw bas shifted 2z0; penlabels(range 1 thru 29); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle fourth up integral sign"; beginchar(6,10u#+3tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos21(curve,0); pos22(hair,0); pos23(vair,90); pos31(curve,0); pos32(hair,0); pos33(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); pos27(vair,-90); pos28(hair,-180); pos29(curve,-180); pos37(vair,-90); pos38(hair,-180); pos39(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-3tdec-u); x9=w-3tdec-x1; x7=w-3tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; x29=x19+tdec;x27=x17+tdec; x39=x29+tdec;x37=x27+tdec; y39=y29=y19=y9;y38=y28=y18=y8;y37=y27=y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; x21=x11+tdec;x23=x13+tdec; x31=x21+tdec;x33=x23+tdec; y31=y21=y11=y1;y33=y23=y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-1.5tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); bulb(23,22,21); bulb(27,28,29); bulb(33,32,31); bulb(37,38,39); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; filldraw haut shifted 2z0; filldraw bas shifted 2z0; filldraw haut shifted 3z0; filldraw bas shifted 3z0; penlabels(range 1 thru 39); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle contour up integral sign"; beginchar(8,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle contour double up integral sign"; beginchar(10,10u#+tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u-tdec); x9=w-tdec-x1; x7=w-tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; y19=y9;y18=y8;y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; y11=y1;y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; z50=z5+.5z0; draw fullcircle xscaled .75w yscaled .5w shifted z50; % contour penlabels(range 1 thru 19); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle contour triple up integral sign"; beginchar(12,10u#+2tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos21(curve,0); pos22(hair,0); pos23(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); pos27(vair,-90); pos28(hair,-180); pos29(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-2tdec-u); x9=w-2tdec-x1; x7=w-2tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; x29=x19+tdec;x27=x17+tdec; y29=y19=y9;y28=y18=y8;y27=y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; x21=x11+tdec;x23=x13+tdec; y21=y11=y1;y23=y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); bulb(23,22,21); bulb(27,28,29); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; filldraw haut shifted 2z0; filldraw bas shifted 2z0; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; z50=z5+z0; draw fullcircle xscaled .8w yscaled .35w shifted z50; % contour penlabels(range 1 thru 29); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle right arrow up contour up integral sign"; beginchar(14,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour pos51(1.35rule_thickness,90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); x0=.345w;y0=.05w; z51=z5+z0; y52=y53=y51-.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle left arrow up contour up integral sign"; beginchar(16,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour x0=-.345w;y0=.05w; z51=z5+z0; pos51(1.35rule_thickness,90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); y52=y53=y51-.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle right arrow down contour up integral sign"; beginchar(18,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour x0=.345w;y0=-.05w; z51=z5+z0; pos51(1.35rule_thickness,-90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); y52=y53=y51+.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle left arrow down contour up integral sign"; beginchar(20,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour x0=-.345w;y0=-.05w; z51=z5+z0; pos51(1.35rule_thickness,-90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); y52=y53=y51+.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle square up integral sign"; beginchar(22,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-.5ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; x51=x52=x5+.35w; x53=x54=x5-.35w; y51=y54=y5+.35w; y52=y53=y5-.35w; draw z51--z52--z53--z54--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53,54); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle double square up integral sign"; beginchar(24,10u#+tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-.5ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos11(curve,0); pos12(hair,0); pos13(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos17(vair,-90); pos18(hair,-180); pos19(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u-tdec); x9=w-tdec-x1; x7=w-tdec-x3=3u; x19=x9+tdec;x17=x7+tdec; y19=y9;y18=y8;y17=y7; x11=x1+tdec;x13=x3+tdec; y11=y1;y13=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(13,12,11); bulb(17,18,19); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted z0; filldraw bas shifted z0; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; z50=z5+.5z0; % au milieu x51=x54=x50-.55tdec-.35(w-tdec); x52=x53=x50+.55tdec+.35(w-tdec); y51=y52=y50+.35(w-tdec); y53=y54=y50-.35(w-tdec); draw z51--z52--z53--z54--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53,54); penlabels(range 1 thru 19); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle contour dot up integral sign"; beginchar(26,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve cullit; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; unfill fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % hole cullit; draw fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % contour fill fullcircle scaled(1.3dot_size+eps) shifted z5; % dot penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle right contour dot up integral sign"; beginchar(28,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-.2ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs x61=x63=x5; y61=y62=y5-.45w; y63=y64=y5+.45w; x62=x64=1.3w; x0=w-.3w;y0=y5; filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve fill z61--z62--z64--z63--cycle; cullit; picture tempp; tempp = currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve cullit; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; cull tempp keeping (1,infinity) withweight 3; addto tempp doublepath fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z0 withpen currentpen; % contour cull tempp dropping (-infinity,3); unfill fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z0; % hole cullit; fill fullcircle scaled(1.3dot_size+eps) shifted z0; % dot currentpicture:=currentpicture+tempp; penlabels(range 0 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle half contour dot up integral sign"; beginchar(30,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs x61=x63=x5; y61=y62=y5-.45w; y63=y64=y5+.45w; x62=x64=w; filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve fill z61--z62--z64--z63--cycle; cullit; picture tempp; tempp = currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve cullit; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; cull tempp keeping (1,infinity) withweight 3; addto tempp doublepath fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5 withpen currentpen; % contour cull tempp dropping (-infinity,3); unfill fullcircle scaled .7w shifted z5; % hole cullit; fill fullcircle scaled(1.3dot_size+eps) shifted z5; % dot currentpicture:=currentpicture+tempp; penlabels(range 0 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle half square dot up integral sign"; beginchar(32,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-.5ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); x61=x63=x5; y61=y62=y5-.5w; y63=y64=y5+.5w; x62=x64=w; bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve fill z61--z62--z64--z63--cycle; cullit; picture tempp; tempp = currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve cullit; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; x51=x52=x5+.35w; x53=x54=x5-.35w; y51=y54=y5+.35w; y52=y53=y5-.35w; cull tempp keeping (1,infinity) withweight 3; addto tempp doublepath z51--z52--z53--z54--cycle withpen currentpen; % square cull tempp dropping (-infinity,3); unfill z51--z52--z53--z54--cycle; % hole cullit; fill fullcircle scaled(1.3dot_size+eps) shifted z5; % dot currentpicture:=currentpicture+tempp; penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle circulation up integral sign"; beginchar(34,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw halfcircle scaled .7w rotated 30 shifted z5; % contour draw halfcircle scaled .7w rotated 120 shifted z5; % contour penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle right arrow down half contour up integral sign"; beginchar(36,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve x99=x5; y99=y5-.1w; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw halfcircle scaled .7w shifted z99; % contour x0=.345w;y0=-.05w; z51=z99+z0; pos51(1.35rule_thickness,-90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); y52=y53=y51+.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle right arrow up half contour up integral sign"; beginchar(38,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve x99=x5; y99=y5+.1w; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw halfcircle scaled .7w rotated 180 shifted z99; % contour pos51(1.35rule_thickness,90);pos52(1.2vair,135);pos53(1.2vair,45); x0=.345w;y0=.05w; z51=z99+z0; y52=y53=y51-.165w; x52=x51-.16w; x53=x51+.16w; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; penlabels(51,52,53); penlabels(range 1 thru 9); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle functional up integral sign"; beginchar(40,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; y10=y5; x10=x9l;x5=.5[x10,x11]; y11-y10=.102(y3-y7); draw z10..z11; penlabels(range 1 thru 11); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle bar up integral sign"; beginchar(42,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; y10=y11=y5; x10=x9l;x5=.5[x10,x11]; draw z10..z11; penlabels(range 1 thru 11); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle double bar up integral sign"; beginchar(44,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; y10=y11=y5+u; y12=y13=y5-u; x10=x12=x9l;x5=.5[x10,x11]; x13=x11; draw z10..z11; draw z12..z13; penlabels(range 1 thru 13); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle x up integral sign"; beginchar(46,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; x10=x12=x9l;x5=.5[x10,x11]; x13=x11; y10-y5=y5-y12; y12-y10=x11-x10; y10=y11; y12=y13; draw z10..z13; draw z12..z11; penlabels(range 1 thru 13); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle landup up integral sign"; beginchar(48,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw halfcircle scaled .5w shifted z5; % contour y10=y11=y12=y13=y5; x11+.25w=x12-.25w=x5; x10+1.5u=x11; x13-1.5u=x12; draw z10--z11; draw z12--z13; penlabels(range 1 thru 13); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle landdown up integral sign"; beginchar(50,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw halfcircle scaled .5w rotated 180 shifted z5; % contour y10=y11=y12=y13=y5; x11+.25w=x12-.25w=x5; x10+1.5u=x11; x13-1.5u=x12; draw z10--z11; draw z12--z13; penlabels(range 1 thru 13); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle larhk up integral sign"; beginchar(52,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-.6ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve x51=0; y51=y5; pos51(1.35rule_thickness,0);pos52(1.2vair,45);pos53(1.2vair,135); y52=y51+.165w; y53=y51-.165w; x52=x51+.16w; x53=x51+.16w; x54=w-2u; y54=y5; x55=w-u; y55=y5-u; x56=x54; y56=y55-u; pickup fine.nib; filldraw z52l--z51l--z51r--z52r--cycle; filldraw z53r--z51r--z51l--z53l--cycle; pickup rule.nib; autorounded; draw z51--z54{right}..{down}z55{down}..{left}z56; penlabels(range 1 thru 56); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle up up integral sign"; beginchar(54,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; y10=y11=y3+u; x10=x8; x11=x2; draw z10..z11; penlabels(range 1 thru 11); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle down up integral sign"; beginchar(56,10u#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 0; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve pickup rule.nib; y10=y11=y7-u; x10=x8; x11=x2; draw z10..z11; penlabels(range 1 thru 11); endchar; cmchar "\textstyle dots up integral sign"; beginchar(58,10u#+3tdec#,0,100/54dh#); italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit adjust_fit(0,-ic#); pickup fine.nib; path haut; path bas; path rond; x0=tdec;y0=0; pos1(curve,0); pos2(hair,0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(curve,180); pos31(curve,0); pos32(hair,0); pos33(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; pos6(curve,0); pos7(vair,-90); pos8(hair,-180); pos9(curve,-180); pos37(vair,-90); pos38(hair,-180); pos39(curve,-180); rt x1r=hround(w-3tdec-u); x9=w-3tdec-x1; x7=w-3tdec-x3=3u; x39=x9+3tdec;x37=x7+3tdec; y39=y9;y38=y8;y37=y7; x31=x1+3tdec;x33=x3+3tdec; y31=y1;y33=y3; x5=x4=x6; lft x5r=hround(.5w-1.5tdec-.5curve); top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5curve=vround(top y7l+.25curve); y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7); bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs bulb(33,32,31); bulb(37,38,39); haut:=stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1} ..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper curve bas:=stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1 ..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower curve filldraw haut; filldraw bas; filldraw haut shifted 3z0; filldraw bas shifted 3z0; pickup fine.nib; numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=dot_size#; define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_diam); pos51(dot_diam,0);pos52(dot_diam,90); lft x51l=hround(.5w-.5dot_diam); y52=y5; z51=z52; rond:=z51l..z52l..z51r..z52r..cycle; filldraw rond shifted -.75z0; filldraw rond; filldraw rond shifted .75z0; penlabels(range 1 thru 39); endchar;