% TeX source file for testing PSDVI and PSPRINT with a very nasty DVI file % (using the same philosophy as Donald Knuth's torture test for TeX). % First 11 pages are nasty but should all be printable. % Remaining pages contain one or more deliberate errors!!! \nopagenumbers \topskip 0pt \parindent 0pt \parskip 0pt % DVI page 1 \message{Empty page.} \null \vfil\eject % DVI page 2 \message{Page with special file empty.ps.} \null \special{empty.ps} \vfil\eject % DVI page 3 \message{Page with special file box.ps.} \null \vskip 2in \special{box.ps} \vskip 2in \special{box.ps 1.5 .5 scale} % test optional PostScript text \vskip 2in \special{box.ps } % should just add blank line \vfil\eject % DVI page 4 \message{Page with special file box.ps in horizontal mode.} \null \vskip 1in \line{a\hfil \special{box.ps} \hfil b} \vfil\eject % DVI page 5 \message{Page with 1 black pixel at (0,0).} \hrule height 1sp width 1sp depth 0sp \vfil\eject % DVI page 6 \message{A4 paper filled with 1mm grid.} {% change page size and location temporarily \hoffset=-1in \voffset=-1in \hsize=209.9mm \vsize=296.9mm \newcount\temp \hbox to \hsize {\temp=209 \loop\ifnum\temp>0 \vrule height \vsize width 1sp \hfil \advance\temp by -1 \repeat \vrule height \vsize width 1sp } \vskip -\vsize \temp=296 \loop\ifnum\temp>0 \hrule height 1sp width \hsize \vfil \advance\temp by -1 \repeat \hrule height 1sp width \hsize \eject }% reset page size and location % DVI page 7 \message{Multiple TeX page counters.} \footline={\hss\tenrm\folio\hss} % turn on page numbers \pageno=0 \count1=1 \count2=2 \count3=3 \count4=4 \count9=9 \noindent This is \TeX\ page []. \vfil\eject \count1=0 \count2=0 \count3=0 \count4=0 \count9=0 % reset TeX counters % DVI page 8 \message{Negative TeX page.} \pageno=-99 This is \TeX\ page [-99]. \vfil\eject \pageno=0 % restart TeX page numbers \nopagenumbers % turn off page numbers again % DVI page 9 \message{Standard paragraphs in Computer Modern and PostScript fonts.} \font\sf=cmss10 \font\timesr=ps-times-r at 10pt \font\helv=ps-helv at 10pt \rm Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all \TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters. Hmmm \dots\ how about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy, waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, cooked, vowel). Not to mention the various accents and other special letters: prot\'eg\'e, r\^ole, na\"\i ve, \AE sop's \OE vres en fran\c cais. But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!? \bigskip \timesr Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all \TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters. Hmmm \dots\ how about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy, waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, cooked, vowel). Not to mention the various accents and other special letters: prot\'eg\'e, r\^ole, na\"\i ve, \AE sop's \OE vres en fran\c cais. But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!? \bigskip \sf Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all \TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters. Hmmm \dots\ how about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy, waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, cooked, vowel). Not to mention the various accents and other special letters: prot\'eg\'e, r\^ole, na\"\i ve, \AE sop's \OE vres en fran\c cais. But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!? \bigskip \helv Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all \TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters. Hmmm \dots\ how about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy, waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, cooked, vowel). Not to mention the various accents and other special letters: prot\'eg\'e, r\^ole, na\"\i ve, \AE sop's \OE vres en fran\c cais. But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!? \bigskip \rm The cat sat on the mat. \timesr The cat sat on the mat. \sf The cat sat on the mat. \helv The cat sat on the mat. \rm \vfil\eject % DVI page 10 \message{Verbatim tt strings.} \input ../dv/verbatim \begintt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \endtt \vfil\eject % DVI page 11 \message{Page with all-white character.} \font\cmtex=cmtex10 \leftline{\cmtex a\char32 b} \vfil\eject % REMAINING PAGES HAVE DELIBERATE ERRORS!!! % DVI page 12 \pageno=100 \message{Page with non-existent fonts.} \font\FA=cmr5 scaled 500 \font\FB=cmr5 scaled 3000 \font\FC=cmr10 scaled 200 \font\FD=cmr10 scaled 5000 \font\FE=cmsl10 scaled 1 \font\FF=cmsl10 scaled 10000 \leftline{\FA CMR5 at mag 500 does not exist.} \leftline{\FB CMR5 at mag 3000 does not exist.} \leftline{\FC CMR10 at mag 200 does not exist.} \leftline{\FD CMR10 at mag 5000 does not exist.} \leftline{\FE CMSL10 at mag 1 does not exist.} \leftline{\FF CMSL10 at mag 10000 does not exist.} \vfil\eject % DVI page 13 \message{Page beyond top and left edges of A4 paper.} {% change page size and location \voffset -3in \hoffset -9in \leftline{Page off paper.} \vfil\eject }% restore page size and location % DVI page 14 \message{Page beyond bottom and right edges of A4 paper.} {% change page size and location \voffset 3in \hoffset 9in \null\vfil \rightline{Page off paper.} \eject }% restore page size and location % DVI page 15 \message{Page beyond all edges of A4 paper.} {% change page size and location \voffset -3in \hoffset -3in \vsize 15in \hsize 15in \line{Page off paper.\hfil Page off paper.} \vfil \line{Page off paper.\hfil Page off paper.} \eject }% restore page size and location % DVI page 16 \message{Page with illegal special files.} \null \special{} \special{This is not a file name.} \special{% 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890% 1234567890123456789012345678901} % one character too many (see string in globals.h) \vfil\eject % DVI page 17 \message{Page with bad special file.} \null \special{bad.ps} % bad.ps has deliberate PostScript error \vfil\eject % DVI page 18 % PostScript printers can get 1 pixel rounding errors which show up in TeX % math extension symbols made up of rules and cmex characters. % tex.ps tries to minimize such problems by using setmatrix to % define a device-specific coordinate system, and making slight adjustments % to the height, width and positioning of rules. \message{Page with possible rounding problems.} \hrule width 2in height 1mm \bigskip \def\prob{$$\shift \sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+x}}}}}}} \quad \{\underbrace{\overbrace{\mathstrut a,\ldots,a} ^{k\;{\tenit a's}}, \overbrace{\mathstrut b,\ldots,b} ^{l\;{\tenit b's}}}_{k+l\rm\;elements}\}. \quad \left\{\vbox to 27pt{}\left\{\vbox to 24pt{}\left\{ \vbox to 21pt{}\Biggl\{\biggl\{\Bigl\{ \bigl\{{\bf t}\bigr\}\Bigr\}\biggr\} \Biggr\}\right\}\right\}\right\} $$} \def\shift{} \prob \bigskip \def\shift{\hskip 10pt} \prob \bigskip\bigskip \def\shift{\hskip 20pt} \prob \bigskip\bigskip\bigskip \def\shift{\hskip 30pt} \prob \vfil\eject % DVI page 19 \message{Page will exceed VM in LaserWriter 2.0.} \font\huge=cminch \font\bigrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep5 \font\bigbf=cmbx10 scaled\magstep5 \font\bigit=cmti10 scaled\magstep5 \font\bigsl=cmsl10 scaled\magstep5 \font\bigtt=cmtt10 scaled\magstep5 \hrule \vfil \centerline{\huge ABCDE} \vfil \centerline{\bigrm This is the largest ROMAN} \centerline{\bigbf This is the largest BOLD} \centerline{\bigit This is the largest ITALIC} \centerline{\bigsl This is the largest SLANTED} \centerline{\bigtt This is the largest TYPEWRITER} \vfil \rm abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789\hfil\break Some ligatures: fluffy, difficult, deftly. Some kerning: book, box, AVATAR. Here is a paragraph using the PLAIN output format. Let us hope we see some improvement. If not, think again. The cat sat on the mat. \bigskip \bf abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789\hfil\break Some ligatures: fluffy, difficult, deftly. Some kerning: book, box, AVATAR. Here is a paragraph using the PLAIN output format. Let us hope we see some improvement. If not, think again. The cat sat on the mat. \bigskip \it abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789\hfil\break Some ligatures: fluffy, difficult, deftly. Some kerning: book, box, AVATAR. Here is a paragraph using the PLAIN output format. Let us hope we see some improvement. If not, think again. The cat sat on the mat. \bigskip \sl abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789\hfil\break Some ligatures: fluffy, difficult, deftly. Some kerning: book, box, AVATAR. Here is a paragraph using the PLAIN output format. Let us hope we see some improvement. If not, think again. The cat sat on the mat. \bigskip \tt {\obeylines abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 } \rm \vfil \hrule \eject \bye