/************************************************************************* ** GlyfTable.cpp ** ** ** ** This file is part of dvisvgm -- a fast DVI to SVG converter ** ** Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Martin Gieseking ** ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ** ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ** ** the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** ** along with this program; if not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "GlyfTable.hpp" #include "TTFWriter.hpp" #include "../Bezier.hpp" #include "../Font.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace ttf; /** Creates a contour by concatenating several contours given in a list. */ Contour::Contour (std::list &&contours) { if (_pointInfos.empty() && !contours.empty()) { _pointInfos = std::move(contours.front()._pointInfos); contours.pop_front(); } for (auto it=contours.begin(); it != contours.end(); it=contours.erase(it)) std::move(it->begin(), it->end(), std::back_inserter(_pointInfos)); } void Contour::reverse () { std::reverse(_pointInfos.begin(), _pointInfos.end()); } /** Converts the absolute coordinates of a Contour to relative ones. */ void Contour::convertAbsoluteToRelative () { Pair prevPoint; for (PointInfo &info : _pointInfos) { Pair p = info.coords; info.coords -= prevPoint; prevPoint = p; } } /** Returns an iterator pointing to the next PointInfo object in a vector that isn't marked for removal. * If there's no such object, the function returns infos.end(). * @param[in] it current position * @param[in] infos vector the iterator belongs to */ static vector::iterator next (vector::iterator it, const vector &infos) { do ++it; while (it != infos.end() && it->removed()); return it; } /** Reduces the number of contour points without affecting the appearance significantly. */ void Contour::reduceNumberOfPoints () { if (_pointInfos.size() > 2) { for (auto it1 = _pointInfos.begin(); it1+2 != _pointInfos.end(); ++it1) { auto it2 = it1+1; auto it3 = it2+1; bool remove=false; if (it1->oncurve() && it2->offcurve() && it3->oncurve()) { // remove off-curve points that are close to an on-curve point Pair diff12 = it1->coords - it2->coords; Pair diff23 = it2->coords - it3->coords; int sqrdist12 = diff12.x()*diff12.x() + diff12.y()*diff12.y(); int sqrdist23 = diff23.x()*diff23.x() + diff23.y()*diff23.y(); remove = (sqrdist12 < 4 || sqrdist23 < 4); if (!remove) { // remove in-between off-curve points that are very close to // the line through the two adjacent on-curve points (curve height <= 0.5) // distance(line(p1,p3), p2) = |det(p1-p3, p1-p2)| / |p1-p3| Pair diff13 = it1->coords - it3->coords; DPair extremum = QuadBezier(it1->coords, it2->coords, it3->coords).valueAt(0.5); int sqrdist13 = diff13.x()*diff13.x() + diff13.y()*diff13.y(); double det1312 = det(DPair(diff13), DPair(it3->coords)-extremum); remove = (sqrdist13 == 0 || det1312/sqrdist13*det1312 < 0.25); } } else if (it2->offcurve() || (it1->oncurve() && it3->oncurve())) { // remove in-between points located on same line Pair diff13 = it3->coords - it1->coords; Pair diff12 = it2->coords - it1->coords; int sqrdist13 = diff13.x()*diff13.x() + diff13.y()*diff13.y(); double det1312 = det(diff13, diff12); remove = (sqrdist13 == 0 || det1312/sqrdist13*det1312 < 1); } else if (it1->offcurve() && it2->oncurve() && it3->offcurve()) { // remove on-curve points located (almost) halfway between two off-curve points Pair mid = DPair(it1->coords + it3->coords)/2.0; Pair vec = mid - it2->coords; double dist2 = vec.x()*vec.x() + vec.y()*vec.y(); remove = (dist2 < 2.25); // remove point if dist < 1.5 } if (remove) it2->markForRemoval(); } } // remove duplicate points, prefer control (off-curve) points for (auto it1 = _pointInfos.begin(); it1 != _pointInfos.end(); it1=next(it1, _pointInfos)) { auto it2 = next(it1, _pointInfos); if (it2 == _pointInfos.end()) it2 = _pointInfos.begin(); if (it1->oncurve() && it2->oncurve() && (it1->coords-it2->coords).length() < 6) { auto i1=it1, i2=it2; if (i1 == _pointInfos.begin()) swap(i1, i2); i2->coords = DPair(i1->coords+i2->coords)/2.0; i1->markForRemoval(); } else if (it1->coords == it2->coords) { if (it1->offcurve() || it2 == _pointInfos.begin()) it1->markForRemoval(); else it2->markForRemoval(); } } // actually remove marked points from vector _pointInfos.erase( remove_if(_pointInfos.begin(), _pointInfos.end(), [](const PointInfo &pi) { return pi.removed(); }), _pointInfos.end()); } /** Bits of the "Simple Glyph Flags". See section "Simple Glyph Description" of glyf table documentation. */ enum : uint8_t { ON_CURVE_PT = 1, ///< if set, corresponing point is on the curve, otherwise off the curve (= control point) X_SHORT = 2, ///< if set, the corresponding x-coordinate is 1 byte long, otherwise it's two bytes long Y_SHORT = 4, ///< if set, the corresponding y-coordinate is 1 byte long, otherwise it's two bytes long REPEAT_FLAG = 8, ///< if set, the next byte specifies the number of additional times this flag is to be repeated X_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT = 16, ///< if X_SHORT set: indicates if value >0, else if x-coord equals prev. one Y_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT = 32 ///< if Y_SHORT set: indicates if value >0, else if y-coord equals prev. one }; /** Computes the "simple glyph flags" (except the repeat flag) for a given contour. * The function expects the contour points to be relative to the respective preceding point. * In order to simplify checking the equality of two flag bytes, which requires to * exclude the repeat flag, this function does not set the repeat flag. */ vector Contour::glyphFlags () const { vector flags(_pointInfos.size()); for (size_t i=0; i < _pointInfos.size(); i++) { flags[i] = _pointInfos[i].oncurve() ? ON_CURVE_PT : 0; if (_pointInfos[i].coords.x() == 0) flags[i] |= X_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT; else if (abs(_pointInfos[i].coords.x()) <= 0xff) { // x-coordinate 1 byte long? flags[i] |= X_SHORT; if (_pointInfos[i].coords.x() > 0) // positive x-coordinate? flags[i] |= X_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT; } if (_pointInfos[i].coords.y() == 0) flags[i] |= Y_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT; else if (abs(_pointInfos[i].coords.y()) <= 0xff) { // y-coordinate 1 byte long? flags[i] |= Y_SHORT; if (_pointInfos[i].coords.y() > 0) // positive y-coordinate? flags[i] |= Y_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT; } } return flags; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Writes the contours describing the glyphs to a given stream. * The glyphs must be ordered by the local glyph index used in the generated TTF font. * In order to get compact mapping tables, we ensure that a greater glyph index also * indicates a greater Unicode point (idx1 > idx2 <=> cp1 > cp2). */ void GlyfTable::write (ostream &os) const { // add offset for .notdef character size_t offset = 0; ttfWriter()->addGlyphOffset(0); ttfWriter()->updateGlobalBbox(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // iterate in ascending Unicode point order over all characters to be added to the TTF for (auto cp2charcode : ttfWriter()->getUnicodeCharMap()) { ttfWriter()->addGlyphOffset(offset); // update loca table offset += writeGlyphContours(os, cp2charcode.second); } ttfWriter()->addGlyphOffset(offset); // add extra offset after last valid one } /** Writes the contour data of a single glyph to a given output stream. * @param[in] os stream to write to * @param[in] charcode character code of glyph in current font * @return number of bytes written */ size_t GlyfTable::writeGlyphContours (ostream &os, uint32_t charcode) const { list contours = computeContours(charcode); if (contours.empty()) { ttfWriter()->updateGlobalBbox(charcode, 0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } ttfWriter()->updateContourInfo(contours.size(), std::accumulate(contours.begin(), contours.end(), size_t(0), [](size_t sum, const Contour &contour) { return sum + contour.numPoints(); })); auto offset = os.tellp(); // glyph header writeInt16(os, int16_t(contours.size())); // numberOfContours int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; computeBbox(contours, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); ttfWriter()->updateGlobalBbox(charcode, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); writeInt16(os, xmin); writeInt16(os, ymin); writeInt16(os, xmax); writeInt16(os, ymax); // write indices of endpoints of each contour size_t endPtsOfContours = 0; for (const Contour &contour : contours) { endPtsOfContours += contour.numPoints(); writeUInt16(os, endPtsOfContours-1); } writeUInt16(os, 0); // instructionLength Contour combinedContour(std::move(contours)); combinedContour.convertAbsoluteToRelative(); // write contour flags vector flags = combinedContour.glyphFlags(); for (auto first=flags.begin(); first != flags.end(); ++first) { auto last = std::find_if(first+1, flags.end(), [&first](uint8_t flagbyte) { return flagbyte != *first; }); if (--last == first) // run-length == 0? writeUInt8(os, *first); else { writeUInt8(os, (*first) | REPEAT_FLAG); // write flag only once and writeUInt8(os, last-first); // append number of additional repeats first = last; } } // write x-coordinates for (size_t i=0; i < combinedContour.numPoints(); i++) { if (flags[i] & X_SHORT) // short (one byte) x coordinate? writeUInt8(os, abs(combinedContour[i].coords.x())); else if ((flags[i] & X_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT) == 0) // does long x-coordinate differ from previous one? writeInt16(os, int16_t(combinedContour[i].coords.x())); } // write y-coordinates for (size_t i=0; i < combinedContour.numPoints(); i++) { if (flags[i] & Y_SHORT) // short (one byte) y coordinate? writeUInt8(os, abs(combinedContour[i].coords.y())); else if ((flags[i] & Y_IS_SAME_OR_POSITIVE_SHORT) == 0) // does long y-coordinate differ from previous one? writeInt16(os, int16_t(combinedContour[i].coords.y())); } // ensure that the number of glyph data bytes is a multiple of 4 (pad at dword boundary) for (int i = (1 + ~(os.tellp()-offset)) & 3; i > 0; i--) writeUInt8(os, 0); return os.tellp()-offset; } /** Computes the absolute global bounds of multiple contours. * @param[in] contours point data with absolute coordinates */ void GlyfTable::computeBbox (const list &contours, int &xmin, int &ymin, int &xmax, int &ymax) { if (contours.empty()) xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = 0; else { xmin = ymin = numeric_limits::max(); xmax = ymax = numeric_limits::min(); for (const Contour &contour : contours) { for (const PointInfo &info : contour) { const auto &p = info.coords; xmin = min(xmin, p.x()); xmax = max(xmax, p.x()); ymin = min(ymin, p.y()); ymax = max(ymax, p.y()); } } } } static Glyph::Point to_point (const DPair &p) { return Glyph::Point(int(std::round(p.x())), int(std::round(p.y()))); } struct GlyphToContourActions : Glyph::IterationActions { GlyphToContourActions (list &cnts, double s) : contours(cnts), scale(s) {} void moveto (const Glyph::Point &p) override { contours.emplace_back(Contour()); add(p, true); } void lineto (const Glyph::Point &p) override { if (contours.empty()) moveto(currentPoint()); // (0, 0) if (p != currentPoint()) add(p, true); } void quadto (const Glyph::Point &p1, const Glyph::Point &p2) override { if (contours.empty()) moveto(currentPoint()); // (0, 0) // if the maximum distance between the curve and the line through p0 and p2 is < 0.5, // treat the curve as a line DPair extremum = QuadBezier(currentPoint(), p1, p2).valueAt(0.5); double height = det(DPair(currentPoint()-p2), DPair(currentPoint())-extremum)/(currentPoint()-p2).length(); if (p1 != currentPoint() && abs(height) >= 0.5 && p2 != currentPoint()) add(p1, false); if (p2 != currentPoint()) add(p2, true); } void cubicto (const Glyph::Point &p1, const Glyph::Point &p2, const Glyph::Point &p3) override { // approximate cubic Bézier curve with a sequence of quadratic ones CubicBezier cubic( DPair(currentPoint().x(), currentPoint().y()), DPair(p1.x(), p1.y()), DPair(p2.x(), p2.y()), DPair(p3.x(), p3.y()) ); vector quadBeziers = cubic.toQuadBeziers(0.8); for (const QuadBezier &quad : quadBeziers) quadto(to_point(quad.point(1)), to_point(quad.point(2))); } void add (const Glyph::Point &p, bool oncurve) { contours.back().append(PointInfo(scale*p.x(), scale*p.y(), oncurve)); } list &contours; double scale; }; /** Returns a sequence of contours describing the glyph of a given character. * The contour points are stored with absolute coordinates. */ list GlyfTable::computeContours (uint32_t charcode) const { list contours; Glyph glyph; if (ttfWriter()->getFont().getGlyph(int(charcode), glyph, ttfWriter()->getTracerCallback())) { if (!glyph.empty()) { GlyphToContourActions actions(contours, ttfWriter()->unitsPerEmFactor()); glyph.iterate(actions, false); for (auto it = contours.begin(); it != contours.end();) { it->reverse(); // TTF contours must be clockwise-oriented it->reduceNumberOfPoints(); if (it->numPoints() < 3) it = contours.erase(it); else ++it; } } #ifdef TTFDEBUG if (TTFWriter::CREATE_PS_GLYPH_OUTLINES) { string fontname = ttfWriter()->getFont().name(); ostringstream oss; oss << "g-" << ttfWriter()->getFont().name() << '-'; oss << setw(4) << setfill('0') << charcode; oss << ".eps"; ofstream ofs(oss.str()); writePS(ofs, contours, charcode); } #endif } return contours; } #if 0 /** Creates a contour for the .notdef character. */ Contour GlyfTable::getNotDefContour () const { Contour contour; const PhysicalFont &font = ttfWriter()->getFont(); double extend = font.style() ? font.style()->extend : 1; double scale = ttfWriter()->unitsPerEmFactor(); int base = int(round(scale*extend*(font.ascent()+font.descent()))); Pair pmin(base/30, 0); Pair pmax(3*base/5, 2*base/3); contour.append(PointInfo(pmin.x(), pmin.y())); contour.append(PointInfo(pmin.x(), pmax.y())); contour.append(PointInfo(pmax.x(), pmax.y())); contour.append(PointInfo(pmax.x(), pmin.y())); return contour; } #endif #ifdef TTFDEBUG /** Creates PostScript code from a list of contours that describe the outline of a single glyph. * This is just required for analysis and debugging purposes. */ void GlyfTable::writePS (ostream &os, const list &contours, uint32_t charcode) const { os << "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" << "%%BoundingBox: (atend)\n" << "/dot {moveto gsave 5 setlinewidth 1 setlinecap currentpoint lineto stroke grestore} bind def\n" << "/oncurvedot {dot} bind def\n" << "/offcurvedot {gsave 0 1 0 setrgbcolor dot grestore} bind def\n" << "/Helvetica findfont 8 scalefont setfont\n\n"; auto &font = ttfWriter()->getFont(); os << "% Font: " << font.name() << " at " << font.designSize() << "pt, " << font.unitsPerEm() << " units per em\n" << "% Glyph: " << charcode << "\n"; Pair llp(numeric_limits::max(), numeric_limits::max()); Pair urp(numeric_limits::min(), numeric_limits::min()); size_t count=0, numPoints=0; for (const Contour &contour : contours) { os << "\n% contour " << ++count << ", " << contour.numPoints() << " points\n"; contour.writePS(os); numPoints += contour.numPoints(); } int minx, miny, maxx, maxy; computeBbox(contours, minx, miny, maxx, maxy); os << minx << " " << maxy+30 << " moveto (Glyph " << charcode << " of font " << font.name() << ", " << contours.size() << " contour" << (contours.size() > 1 ? "s" : "") << ", " << numPoints << " points) show\n"; os << "%%Trailer\n" << "%%BoundingBox: " << minx-10 << " " << miny-10 << " " << maxx+10 << " " << maxy+50 << "\n"; } static ostream& write (ostream &os, const Pair &p) { return os << p.x() << " " << p.y(); } template static ostream& write (ostream &os, const Pair &p, const Ts& ...args) { write(os, p) << " "; return write(os, args...); } void Contour::writePS (ostream &os) const { if (_pointInfos.empty()) return; auto p0 = _pointInfos[0].coords; write(os, p0) << " moveto\n"; for (size_t i=1; i <= _pointInfos.size(); i++) { size_t imod = i % _pointInfos.size(); auto pi1 = _pointInfos[imod]; if (pi1.oncurve() && i == _pointInfos.size()) os << "closepath\n"; else write(os, pi1.coords) << " "; if (pi1.oncurve()) { if (i < _pointInfos.size()) { auto v = pi1.coords-p0; os << " lineto % " << i << "; len=" << v.length() << "; " << math::rad2deg(atan2(v.y(), v.x())) << "°\n"; } p0 = pi1.coords; } else { auto p1 = pi1.coords; auto pi2 = _pointInfos[(i+1) % _pointInfos.size()]; auto p2 = pi2.oncurve() ? pi2.coords : (p1+pi2.coords)/2; DPair v1 = p1-p0, v2 = p1-p2; Pair c1 = DPair(p0) + round(v1*2.0/3.0); Pair c2 = DPair(p2) + round(v2*2.0/3.0); QuadBezier bezier(p0, p1, p2); double cordlen = (p2-p0).length(); double arclen = bezier.arclen(); DPair extremum = bezier.valueAt(0.5); double height = det(DPair(p0-p2), DPair(p0)-extremum)/(p0-p2).length(); write(os, c1, c2, p2) << " curveto" << " % " << i << "; (" << math::rad2deg(atan2(v1.y(), v1.x())) << "°," << math::rad2deg(atan2(v2.y(), v2.x())) << "°)" << "; cordlen=" << cordlen << "; arclen=" << arclen << "; quot=" << cordlen/arclen << "; diff=" << arclen-cordlen << "; height=" << height << "\n"; p0 = p2; if (pi2.oncurve()) i++; } } os << "stroke\n"; for (size_t i=0; i < _pointInfos.size(); i++) { auto p = _pointInfos[i].coords; write(os, p) << " 2 copy " << (_pointInfos[i].oncurve() ? "on" : "off") << "curvedot " << "moveto (" << i << ") show\n"; } } #endif