/************************************************************************* ** GraphicsPathParser.hpp ** ** ** ** This file is part of dvisvgm -- a fast DVI to SVG converter ** ** Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Martin Gieseking ** ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ** ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ** ** the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** ** along with this program; if not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "GraphicsPath.hpp" #include "MessageException.hpp" struct GraphicsPathParserException : public MessageException { explicit GraphicsPathParserException (const std::string &msg) : MessageException(msg) {} }; template class GraphicsPathParser { public: GraphicsPath parse (std::istream &is); GraphicsPath parse (const std::string &str) { std::istringstream iss(str); return parse(iss); } protected: template NumType parseNumberOfType (std::istream &is) const { is >> std::ws; NumType number; is >> number; if (is.fail()) error("number expected", is); is >> std::ws; return number; } T parseNumber (std::istream &is) const { return parseNumberOfType(is); } Pair parsePair (std::istream &is) { T x = parseNumber(is); skipCommaAndWhitespace(is); T y = parseNumber(is); return Pair(x, y); } void skipCommaAndWhitespace (std::istream &is) { is >> std::ws; if (is.peek() == ',') { is.get(); is >> std::ws; } } void parseMoveTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseClosePath (); void parseLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseHorizontalLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseVerticalLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseCubicTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseShortCubicTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseQuadraticTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseShortQuadraticTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void parseArcTo (std::istream &is, bool relative); void error (const std::string &msg, std::istream &is) const { std::string postext; if (_startpos >= 0) { // valid start position? if (is) postext = " at position "+ std::to_string(is.tellg()-_startpos); else postext = " (premature end of data)"; } throw GraphicsPathParserException(msg + postext); } private: std::istream::pos_type _startpos=0; ///< stream position where the parsing started GraphicsPath *_path=nullptr; ///< path being parsed Pair _startPoint; ///< start point of current subpath Pair _currentPoint; ///< current point reached by last path command Pair _prevCtrlPoint; ///< last control point of preceding curve command }; /** Creates a GraphicsPath object from a SVG path data string read from a given input stream. * @param[in] is stream to read from * @return GraphicsPath object created from the SVG path description * @throw GraphicsPathParserException if the path data contains syntax error */ template GraphicsPath GraphicsPathParser::parse (std::istream &is) { GraphicsPath path; _path = &path; _startpos = is.tellg(); _currentPoint = _startPoint = _prevCtrlPoint = Pair(0, 0); int cmd=0; while (!is.eof()) { is >> std::ws; if (is.peek() < 0) break; if (isalpha(is.peek())) cmd = is.get(); else { // further set of parameters appended to preceding command (command letter omitted) skipCommaAndWhitespace(is); // subsequent coordinate pairs of a "moveto" command lead to implicit "lineto" commands // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataMovetoCommands if (cmd == 'M') cmd = 'L'; else if (cmd == 'm') cmd = 'l'; } int lower_cmd = std::tolower(cmd); bool relative = (cmd == lower_cmd); switch (lower_cmd) { case 'm': parseMoveTo(is, relative); break; case 'z': parseClosePath(); break; case 'l': parseLineTo(is, relative); break; case 'h': parseHorizontalLineTo(is, relative); break; case 'v': parseVerticalLineTo(is, relative); break; case 'c': parseCubicTo(is, relative); break; case 's': parseShortCubicTo(is, relative); break; case 'q': parseQuadraticTo(is, relative); break; case 't': parseShortQuadraticTo(is, relative); break; case 'a': parseArcTo(is, relative); break; case 0 : error("missing command at beginning of SVG path", is); default : error("invalid SVG path command '"+std::string(1, char(cmd))+"'", is); } if (strchr("csqt", lower_cmd) == nullptr) // not a Bézier curve command? _prevCtrlPoint = _currentPoint; // => no control point, use current point } _path = nullptr; return path; } /** Parses a single parameter pair of a "moveto" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseMoveTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p = parsePair(is); if (!relative || _path->empty()) _currentPoint = p; else _currentPoint += p; _path->moveto(_currentPoint); _startPoint = _currentPoint; } /** Handles a "closepath" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseClosePath () { _path->closepath(); _currentPoint = _startPoint; } /** Parses a single parameter pair of a "lineto" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p = parsePair(is); if (relative) _currentPoint += p; else _currentPoint = p; _path->lineto(_currentPoint); } /** Parses a single parameter of a horizontal "lineto" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseHorizontalLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { T x = parseNumber(is); if (relative) _currentPoint += Pair(x, 0); else _currentPoint = Pair(x, _currentPoint.y()); _path->lineto(_currentPoint); } /** Parses a single parameter of a vertical "lineto" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseVerticalLineTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { T y = parseNumber(is); if (relative) _currentPoint += Pair(0, y); else _currentPoint = Pair(_currentPoint.x(), y); _path->lineto(_currentPoint); } /** Parses a single parameter set a "cubicto" (cubic Bézier curve) command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseCubicTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p1 = parsePair(is); Pair p2 = parsePair(is); Pair pe = parsePair(is); if (!relative) _currentPoint = pe; else { p1 += _currentPoint; p2 += _currentPoint; _currentPoint += pe; } _path->cubicto(p1, p2, _currentPoint); _prevCtrlPoint = p2; } /** Parses a single parameter set a shorthand "cubicto" (cubic Bézier curve) command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseShortCubicTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p1 = _prevCtrlPoint + (_currentPoint-_prevCtrlPoint)*T(2); Pair p2 = parsePair(is); Pair pe = parsePair(is); if (!relative) _currentPoint = pe; else { p2 += _currentPoint; _currentPoint += pe; } _path->cubicto(p1, p2, _currentPoint); _prevCtrlPoint = p2; } /** Parses a single parameter set a "quadto" (quadratic Bézier curve) command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseQuadraticTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p1 = parsePair(is); Pair pe = parsePair(is); if (!relative) _currentPoint = pe; else { p1 += _currentPoint; _currentPoint += pe; } _path->quadto(p1, _currentPoint); _prevCtrlPoint = p1; } /** Parses a single parameter set a shorthand "quadto" (quadratic Bézier curve) command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseShortQuadraticTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair p1 = _prevCtrlPoint + (_currentPoint-_prevCtrlPoint)*T(2); Pair pe = parsePair(is); if (relative) _currentPoint += pe; else _currentPoint = pe; _path->quadto(p1, _currentPoint); _prevCtrlPoint = p1; } /** Parses a single parameter set an "arcto" command. */ template void GraphicsPathParser::parseArcTo (std::istream &is, bool relative) { Pair r = parsePair(is); double xrot = parseNumberOfType(is); int largeArgFlag = parseNumberOfType(is); if (largeArgFlag != 0 && largeArgFlag != 1) error("large-arc-flag must be 0 or 1", is); int sweepFlag = parseNumberOfType(is); if (sweepFlag != 0 && sweepFlag != 1) error("sweep-flag must be 0 or 1", is); T x = parseNumber(is); T y = parseNumber(is); Pair p(x, y); if (relative) p += _currentPoint; _currentPoint = p; _path->arcto(r.x(), r.y(), xrot, bool(largeArgFlag), bool(sweepFlag), _currentPoint); }