/* Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by George Williams */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fontforge.h" #include #include /* For COLOR_DEFAULT */ #include "ttf.h" /* This file contains routines to generate non-standard true/opentype tables */ /* The first is the 'PfEd' table containing PfaEdit specific information */ /* glyph comments & colours ... perhaps other info later */ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* ************************* The 'PfEd' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Output ************************* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "PfEd.h" /* This describes the format of the 'PfEd' table */ /* and its many subtables. */ #define MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES 20 struct PfEd_subtabs { int next; struct { FILE *data; uint32 tag; uint32 offset; } subtabs[MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES]; }; static void PfEd_FontComment(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed, uint32 tag ) { FILE *fcmt; char *pt; char *text = tag==fcmt_TAG ? sf->comments : sf->fontlog; if ( text==NULL || *text=='\0' ) return; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = tag; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = fcmt = tmpfile2(); putshort(fcmt,1); /* sub-table version number */ putshort(fcmt,strlen(text)); for ( pt = text; *pt; ++pt ) putc(*pt,fcmt); putshort(fcmt,0); if ( ftell(fcmt)&1 ) putc(0,fcmt); if ( ftell(fcmt)&2 ) putshort(fcmt,0); } static void PfEd_GlyphComments(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed, struct glyphinfo *gi ) { int i, j, k, any, cnt, last, skipped; uint32 offset; SplineChar *sc, *sc2; FILE *cmnt; any = 0; /* We don't need to check in bygid order. We just want to know existance */ for ( i=0; iglyphcnt; ++i ) { if ( sf->glyphs[i]!=NULL && sf->glyphs[i]->ttf_glyph!=-1 && sf->glyphs[i]->comment!=NULL ) { any = true; break; } } if ( !any ) return; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = cmnt_TAG; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = cmnt = tmpfile2(); putshort(cmnt,1); /* sub-table version number */ /* Version 0 used ucs2, version 1 uses utf8 */ offset = 0; for ( j=0; j<4; ++j ) { cnt = 0; for ( i=0; igcnt; ++i ) if ( gi->bygid[i]!=-1 ) { sc=sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]]; if ( sc!=NULL && sc->comment!=NULL ) { last = i; skipped = false; for ( k=i+1; kgcnt; ++k ) { if ( gi->bygid[k]!=-1 ) sc2 = sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[k]]; if ( (gi->bygid[k]==-1 || sc2->comment==NULL) && skipped ) break; if ( gi->bygid[k]!=-1 && sc2->comment!=NULL ) { last = k; skipped = false; } else skipped = true; } ++cnt; if ( j==1 ) { putshort(cmnt,i); putshort(cmnt,last); putlong(cmnt,offset); offset += sizeof(uint32)*(last-i+2); } else if ( j==2 ) { for ( ; i<=last; ++i ) { if ( gi->bygid[i]==-1 || (sc=sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]])->comment==NULL ) putlong(cmnt,0); else { putlong(cmnt,offset); offset += strlen(sc->comment)+1; } } putlong(cmnt,offset); /* Guard data, to let us calculate the string lengths */ } else if ( j==3 ) { for ( ; i<=last; ++i ) { if ( gi->bygid[i]==-1 || (sc=sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]])->comment==NULL ) continue; fputs(sc->comment,cmnt); putc('\0',cmnt); } } i = last; } } if ( j==0 ) { putshort(cmnt,cnt); offset = 2*sizeof(short) + cnt*(2*sizeof(short)+sizeof(uint32)); } } if ( ftell(cmnt) & 1 ) putc('\0',cmnt); if ( ftell(cmnt) & 2 ) putshort(cmnt,0); } static void PfEd_CvtComments(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed ) { FILE *cvtcmt; int i, offset; if ( sf->cvt_names==NULL ) return; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = cvtc_TAG; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = cvtcmt = tmpfile2(); for ( i=0; sf->cvt_names[i]!=END_CVT_NAMES; ++i); putshort(cvtcmt,0); /* sub-table version number */ putshort(cvtcmt,i); offset = 2*2 + i*2; for ( i=0; sf->cvt_names[i]!=END_CVT_NAMES; ++i) { if ( sf->cvt_names[i]==NULL ) putshort(cvtcmt,0); else { putshort(cvtcmt,offset); offset += strlen(sf->cvt_names[i])+1; } } for ( i=0; sf->cvt_names[i]!=END_CVT_NAMES; ++i) { if ( sf->cvt_names[i]!=NULL ) { fputs(sf->cvt_names[i],cvtcmt); putc('\0',cvtcmt); } } if ( ftell(cvtcmt)&1 ) putc(0,cvtcmt); if ( ftell(cvtcmt)&2 ) putshort(cvtcmt,0); } static void PfEd_Colours(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed, struct glyphinfo *gi ) { int i, j, k, any, cnt, last; SplineChar *sc, *sc2; FILE *colr; any = 0; for ( i=0; iglyphcnt; ++i ) { if ( sf->glyphs[i]!=NULL && sf->glyphs[i]->ttf_glyph!=-1 && sf->glyphs[i]->color!=COLOR_DEFAULT ) { any = true; break; } } if ( !any ) return; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = colr_TAG; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = colr = tmpfile2(); putshort(colr,0); /* sub-table version number */ for ( j=0; j<2; ++j ) { cnt = 0; for ( i=0; igcnt; ++i ) if ( gi->bygid[i]!=-1 ) { sc = sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]]; if ( sc!=NULL && sc->color!=COLOR_DEFAULT ) { last = i; for ( k=i+1; kgcnt; ++k ) { if ( gi->bygid[k]==-1 ) break; sc2 = sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[k]]; if ( sc2->color != sc->color ) break; last = k; } ++cnt; if ( j==1 ) { putshort(colr,i); putshort(colr,last); putlong(colr,sc->color); } i = last; } } if ( j==0 ) putshort(colr,cnt); } if ( ftell(colr) & 2 ) putshort(colr,0); } static void PfEd_Lookups(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed, OTLookup *lookups, uint32 tag) { OTLookup *otl; int lcnt, scnt, ascnt, acnt, s, a; FILE *lkf; struct lookup_subtable *subs; AnchorClass *ac; int sub_info, ac_info, name_info; if ( lookups==NULL ) return; for ( otl=lookups, lcnt=scnt=acnt=ascnt=0; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { ++lcnt; for ( subs = otl->subtables; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) { ++scnt; if ( subs->anchor_classes ) { ++ascnt; for ( ac=sf->anchor; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) if ( ac->subtable==subs && ac->has_base && ac->has_mark ) ++acnt; } } } pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = tag; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = lkf = tmpfile2(); putshort(lkf,0); /* Subtable version */ putshort(lkf,lcnt); sub_info = 4 + 4*lcnt; ac_info = sub_info + 2*lcnt + 4*scnt; name_info = ac_info + 2*ascnt + 2*acnt; for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { putshort(lkf,name_info); name_info += strlen(otl->lookup_name)+1; putshort(lkf,sub_info); for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) ++s; sub_info += 2 + 4*s; } if ( sub_info!=ac_info ) IError("Lookup name data didn't behave as expected"); for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) ++s; putshort(lkf,s); /* Subtable count */ for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) { putshort(lkf,name_info); name_info += strlen(subs->subtable_name)+1; if ( subs->anchor_classes ) { putshort(lkf,ac_info); for ( ac=sf->anchor, a=0; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) if ( ac->subtable==subs && ac->has_base && ac->has_mark ) ++a; ac_info += 2 + 2*a; } else putshort(lkf,0); } } for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) { if ( subs->anchor_classes ) { for ( ac=sf->anchor, a=0; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) if ( ac->subtable==subs && ac->has_base && ac->has_mark ) ++a; putshort(lkf,a); for ( ac=sf->anchor, a=0; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) if ( ac->subtable==subs && ac->has_base && ac->has_mark ) { putshort(lkf,name_info); name_info += strlen(ac->name)+1; } } } } for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { fputs(otl->lookup_name,lkf); putc('\0',lkf); } for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) { fputs(subs->subtable_name,lkf); putc('\0',lkf); } } for ( otl=lookups; otl!=NULL; otl=otl->next ) if ( !otl->unused ) { for ( subs = otl->subtables, s=0; subs!=NULL; subs=subs->next ) if ( !subs->unused ) { for ( ac=sf->anchor, a=0; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) if ( ac->subtable==subs && ac->has_base && ac->has_mark ) { fputs(ac->name,lkf); putc('\0',lkf); } } } if ( ftell(lkf) & 1 ) putc('\0',lkf); if ( ftell(lkf) & 2 ) putshort(lkf,0); } static int pfed_mod_type(float val,int last_mod) { float ival; if ( last_mod==V_F ) return( V_F ); ival = rint(val); if ( ival!=val || ival<-32768 || ival>32767 ) return( V_F ); if ( last_mod==V_S || ival<-128 || ival>127 ) return( V_S ); return( V_B ); } static void pfed_write_data(FILE *ttf, float val, int mod) { if ( mod==V_F ) putlong(ttf,(int) rint(val*256.0f)); else if ( mod==V_S ) putshort(ttf,(int) rint(val)); else putc(((int) rint(val)), ttf); } static void pfed_glyph_layer(FILE *layr,Layer *layer, int do_spiro) { int contour_cnt, image_cnt, ref_cnt, name_off, i,j; SplineSet *ss; SplinePoint *sp; uint32 base; int mod, was_implicit; RefChar *ref; contour_cnt = 0; for ( ss=layer->splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) ++contour_cnt; image_cnt = 0; /* I'm not doing images yet (if ever) but I leave space for them */ ref_cnt = 0; for ( ref=layer->refs; ref!=NULL; ref=ref->next ) ++ref_cnt; base = ftell(layr); putshort(layr,contour_cnt); putshort(layr,ref_cnt); putshort(layr,image_cnt); name_off = 2*3 + 4 * contour_cnt + (4*7+2)* ref_cnt; for ( ss=layer->splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) { putshort(layr,0); /* fill in later */ if ( ss->contour_name!=NULL ) { putshort(layr,name_off); name_off += strlen(ss->contour_name)+1; } else { putshort(layr,0); } } for ( ref=layer->refs; ref!=NULL; ref=ref->next ) { for ( j=0; j<6; ++j ) putlong(layr, (int) rint(ref->transform[j]*32768)); putshort(layr,ref->sc->ttf_glyph); } for ( ss=layer->splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) { if ( ss->contour_name!=NULL ) { fputs(ss->contour_name,layr); putc('\0',layr); } } contour_cnt=0; for ( ss=layer->splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next, ++contour_cnt ) { uint32 pos = ftell(layr); fseek( layr, base + 6 + 4*contour_cnt, SEEK_SET); putshort( layr, pos-base); fseek( layr, pos, SEEK_SET ); if ( !do_spiro ) { sp = ss->first; mod = pfed_mod_type(sp->me.x, pfed_mod_type(sp->me.y,V_B)); putc( (V_MoveTo|mod),layr); pfed_write_data(layr,sp->me.x,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,sp->me.y,mod); was_implicit = false; while ( sp->next!=NULL ) { SplinePoint *nsp = sp->next->to; float offx = nsp->me.x - sp->me.x; float offy = nsp->me.y - sp->me.y; if ( offx==0 && offy==0 ) /* Do Nothing */; else if ( sp->next->knownlinear ) { mod = pfed_mod_type(offx, pfed_mod_type(offy,V_B)); if ( offx==0 ) { putc( (V_VLineTo|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offy,mod); } else if ( offy==0 ) { putc( (V_HLineTo|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx,mod); } else { putc( (V_LineTo|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy,mod); } } else if ( sp->next->order2 ) { float offx1, offx2, offy1, offy2; BasePoint *base = was_implicit ? &sp->prevcp : &sp->me; offx1 = sp->nextcp.x - base->x; offy1 = sp->nextcp.y - base->y; mod = pfed_mod_type(offx1, pfed_mod_type(offy1,V_B)); if ( SPInterpolate(nsp) && nsp!=ss->first ) { was_implicit = true; if ( offx1==0 ) { putc( (V_QVImplicit|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offy1,mod); } else if ( offy1==0 ) { putc( (V_QHImplicit|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx1,mod); } else { putc( (V_QImplicit|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy1,mod); } } else { offx2 = nsp->me.x - sp->nextcp.x; offy2 = nsp->me.y - sp->nextcp.y; mod = pfed_mod_type(offx2, pfed_mod_type(offy2,mod)); was_implicit = false; putc( (V_QCurveTo|mod), layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy2,mod); } } else { float offx1 = sp->nextcp.x - sp->me.x; float offy1 = sp->nextcp.y - sp->me.y; float offx2 = nsp->prevcp.x - sp->nextcp.x; float offy2 = nsp->prevcp.y - sp->nextcp.y; float offx3 = nsp->me.x - nsp->prevcp.x; float offy3 = nsp->me.y - nsp->prevcp.y; mod = pfed_mod_type(offx1, pfed_mod_type(offy1,V_B)); mod = pfed_mod_type(offx2, pfed_mod_type(offy2,mod)); mod = pfed_mod_type(offx3, pfed_mod_type(offy3,mod)); if ( offx1==0 && offy3==0 ) { putc((V_VHCurveTo|mod),layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offy1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx3,mod); } else if ( offy1==0 && offx3==0 ) { putc((V_HVCurveTo|mod),layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy3,mod); } else { putc((V_CurveTo|mod),layr); pfed_write_data(layr,offx1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy1,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy2,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offx3,mod); pfed_write_data(layr,offy3,mod); } } if ( nsp == ss->first ) break; if ( nsp->next!=NULL && nsp->next->to==ss->first && nsp->next->knownlinear ) break; sp = nsp; } if ( sp->next==NULL ) putc(V_End,layr); else putc(V_Close,layr); } else if ( ss->spiro_cnt==0 ) putc(SPIRO_CLOSE_CONTOUR,layr); /* Mark for an empty spiro contour */ else { for ( i=0; ispiro_cnt; ++i ) { if ( i==ss->spiro_cnt-1 && ss->first->prev==NULL ) putc(SPIRO_CLOSE_CONTOUR,layr); else if ( i==0 && ss->first->prev==NULL ) /* Open */ putc(SPIRO_OPEN_CONTOUR,layr); else putc(ss->spiros[i].ty&0x7f,layr); putlong(layr,rint(ss->spiros[i].x*256.0)); putlong(layr,rint(ss->spiros[i].y*256.0)); } putc(SPIRO_END,layr); /* Add the z whether open or not. Might as well */ } } } struct pos_name { real pos; char *name; }; static int pfed_guide_real_comp(const void *_r1, const void *_r2) { const struct pos_name *r1 = _r1, *r2 = _r2; if ( r1->pos>r2->pos ) return( 1 ); else if ( r1->pospos ) return( -1 ); else return( 0 ); } static int pfed_guide_sortuniq( struct pos_name *array, int cnt) { int i,j; qsort(array,cnt,sizeof(struct pos_name),pfed_guide_real_comp); for ( i=j=0; i32767 ) /* Out of bounds, ignore it */; else if ( i!=0 && array[i].pos == array[i-1].pos ) /* Duplicate, ignore it */; else array[j++] = array[i]; } return( j ); } static int pfed_guide_dump_pos_name(FILE *guid, struct pos_name *pn, int namestart ) { putshort(guid,(short) rint(pn->pos)); if ( pn->name!=NULL ) { putshort(guid,namestart); namestart += strlen(pn->name)+1; } else { putshort(guid,0); } return( namestart ); } static void PfEd_Guides(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed ) { int h,v, i; SplineSet *ss; Spline *s, *first; FILE *guid; struct pos_name hs[100], vs[100]; int nameoff, namelen; if ( sf->grid.splines==NULL ) return; h=v=0; for ( ss=sf->grid.splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) { first = NULL; for ( s=ss->first->next; s!=NULL && s!=first; s=s->to->next ) { if ( first==NULL ) first = s; if ( s->from->me.x==s->to->me.x ) { if ( s->from->me.y!=s->to->me.y && v<100 ) { vs[v].name = ss->contour_name; vs[v++].pos = s->from->me.x; } } else if ( s->from->me.y==s->to->me.y ) { if ( h<100 ) { hs[h].name = ss->contour_name; hs[h++].pos = s->from->me.y; } } } } v = pfed_guide_sortuniq(vs,v); h = pfed_guide_sortuniq(hs,h); pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = guid_TAG; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = guid = tmpfile2(); nameoff = 5*2 + (h+v) * 4; namelen = 0; for ( i=0; igrid,false); if ( ftell(guid) & 1 ) putc('\0',guid); if ( ftell(guid) & 2 ) putshort(guid,0); } static int pfed_has_spiros(Layer *layer) { SplineSet *ss; for ( ss=layer->splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) { if ( ss->spiro_cnt>1 ) return( true ); } return( false ); } static void PfEd_Layer(SplineFont *sf, struct glyphinfo *gi, int layer, int dospiro, FILE *layr) { int i, j, k, gid, cnt, last, skipped; SplineChar *sc, *sc2; uint32 offset; uint32 *glyph_data_offset_location; for ( i=0; igcnt; ++i ) if ( gi->bygid[i]!=-1 ) if ( (sc=sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]])!=NULL ) { sc->ticked = false; if ( (!dospiro && (sc->layers[layer].splines!=NULL || sc->layers[layer].refs!=NULL) ) || (dospiro && pfed_has_spiros(&sc->layers[layer])) ) sc->ticked=true; } offset = ftell(layr); glyph_data_offset_location = calloc(gi->gcnt,sizeof(uint32)); for ( j=0; j<4; ++j ) { cnt = 0; for ( i=0; igcnt; ++i ) if ( (gid=gi->bygid[i])!=-1 && (sc=sf->glyphs[gid])!=NULL ) { if ( sc->ticked ) { last = i; skipped = false; for ( k=i+1; kgcnt; ++k ) { sc2 = NULL; if ( gi->bygid[k]!=-1 ) sc2 = sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[k]]; if ( skipped && (sc2==NULL || !sc2->ticked)) break; if ( sc2!=NULL && sc2->ticked ) { last = k; skipped = false; } else skipped = true; } ++cnt; if ( j==1 ) { putshort(layr,i); putshort(layr,last); putlong(layr,offset); offset += sizeof(uint32)*(last-i+1); } else if ( j==2 ) { for ( ; i<=last; ++i ) { if ( gi->bygid[i]==-1 || !sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]]->ticked ) putlong(layr,0); else { glyph_data_offset_location[i] = ftell(layr); putlong(layr,0); } } } else if ( j==3 ) { for ( ; i<=last; ++i ) { if ( gi->bygid[i]!=-1 && (sc=sf->glyphs[gi->bygid[i]])->ticked ) { uint32 pos = ftell(layr); fseek(layr,glyph_data_offset_location[i],SEEK_SET); putlong(layr,pos); /* Offset relative to start of subtable==start of file */ fseek(layr,pos,SEEK_SET); pfed_glyph_layer(layr,&sc->layers[layer],dospiro); } } } i = last; } } if ( j==0 ) { offset += sizeof(short) + cnt*(2*sizeof(short)+sizeof(uint32)); putshort(layr,cnt); } } free(glyph_data_offset_location); } static void PfEd_Layers(SplineFont *sf, struct PfEd_subtabs *pfed, struct glyphinfo *gi ) { /* currently we output the following: */ /* The background layer */ /* And the spiro representation of the foreground */ /* if the foreground is cubic and output is quad then the foreground */ /* Any other layers */ /* Check if any of these data exist */ uint8 has_spiro=0; uint8 *otherlayers; int i, name_off, l, cnt, sofar; SplineChar *sc; FILE *layr; otherlayers = calloc(sf->layer_cnt,sizeof(uint8)); /* We don't need to check in bygid order. We just want to know existance */ /* We don't check for refs because a reference to an empty glyph is empty too */ for ( i=0; iglyphcnt; ++i ) { if ( (sc=sf->glyphs[i])!=NULL && sc->ttf_glyph!=-1 ) { if ( pfed_has_spiros(&sc->layers[ly_fore])) has_spiro = true; for ( l=ly_back ; llayer_cnt; ++l ) if ( sc->layers[l].splines!=NULL ) otherlayers[l] = true; } } otherlayers[gi->layer] = (!sf->layers[gi->layer].order2 && gi->is_ttf) || ( sf->layers[gi->layer].order2 && !gi->is_ttf); for ( l=cnt=0; llayer_cnt; ++l ) if ( otherlayers[l] ) ++cnt; cnt += has_spiro; if ( cnt==0 ) { free(otherlayers); return; } pfed->subtabs[pfed->next].tag = layr_TAG; pfed->subtabs[pfed->next++].data = layr = tmpfile2(); putshort(layr,1); /* sub-table version */ putshort(layr,cnt); /* layer count */ name_off = 4 + 8 * cnt; if ( has_spiro ) { putshort(layr,1); /* spiros */ putshort(layr,name_off); name_off += strlen("Spiro")+1; putlong(layr,0); /* Fill in later */ } for ( l=0; llayer_cnt; ++l ) if ( otherlayers[l]) { putshort(layr,(sf->layers[l].order2?2:3) | /* Quadratic/cubic */ (sf->layers[l].background?0:0x100)); /* Fore/Back */ putshort(layr,name_off); if ( l==ly_fore ) name_off += strlen("Old_"); name_off += strlen(sf->layers[l].name)+1; putlong(layr,0); /* Fill in later */ } if ( has_spiro ) { fputs("Spiro",layr); putc('\0',layr); } for ( l=0; llayer_cnt; ++l ) if ( otherlayers[l]) { if ( l==ly_fore ) fputs("Old_",layr); fputs(sf->layers[l].name,layr); putc('\0',layr); } sofar = 0; if ( has_spiro ) { uint32 pos = ftell(layr); fseek(layr, 4 + 0*8 + 4, SEEK_SET); putlong(layr,pos); fseek(layr, 0, SEEK_END); PfEd_Layer(sf, gi, ly_fore, true, layr); ++sofar; } for ( l=0; llayer_cnt; ++l ) if ( otherlayers[l]) { uint32 pos = ftell(layr); fseek(layr, 4 + sofar*8 + 4, SEEK_SET); putlong(layr,pos); fseek(layr, 0, SEEK_END); PfEd_Layer(sf, gi, l, false, layr); ++sofar; } if ( ftell(layr) & 1 ) putc('\0',layr); if ( ftell(layr) & 2 ) putshort(layr,0); free(otherlayers); } void pfed_dump(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf) { struct PfEd_subtabs pfed; FILE *file; int i; uint32 offset; memset(&pfed,0,sizeof(pfed)); if ( at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_pfed_comments ) { PfEd_FontComment(sf, &pfed, fcmt_TAG ); PfEd_FontComment(sf, &pfed, flog_TAG ); PfEd_GlyphComments(sf, &pfed, &at->gi ); PfEd_CvtComments(sf, &pfed ); } if ( at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_pfed_colors ) PfEd_Colours(sf, &pfed, &at->gi ); if ( (at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_pfed_lookupnames) && at->opentypemode ) { PfEd_Lookups(sf, &pfed, sf->gsub_lookups, GSUB_TAG ); PfEd_Lookups(sf, &pfed, sf->gpos_lookups, GPOS_TAG ); } if ( at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_pfed_guides ) PfEd_Guides(sf, &pfed); if ( at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_pfed_layers ) PfEd_Layers(sf, &pfed, &at->gi); if ( pfed.next==0 ) return; /* No subtables */ at->pfed = file = tmpfile2(); putlong(file, 0x00010000); /* Version number */ putlong(file, pfed.next); /* sub-table count */ offset = 2*sizeof(uint32) + 2*pfed.next*sizeof(uint32); for ( i=0; ipfedlen = ftell(file); } /* ************************* The 'PfEd' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Input ************************* */ static void pfed_readfontcomment(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base, uint32 tag) { int len; char *start, *pt, *end; int use_utf8; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); use_utf8 = getushort(ttf); if ( use_utf8!=0 && use_utf8!=1 ) return; /* Bad version number */ len = getushort(ttf); start = pt = malloc(len+1); end = pt+len; if ( use_utf8 ) { while ( ptfontcomments); free(start); start = pt; } if ( tag==flog_TAG ) info->fontlog = start; else info->fontcomments = start; } static char *pfed_read_utf8(FILE *ttf, uint32 start) { int ch, len; char *str, *pt; fseek( ttf, start, SEEK_SET); len = 0; while ( (ch=getc(ttf))!='\0' && ch!=EOF ) ++len; fseek( ttf, start, SEEK_SET); str = pt = malloc(len+1); while ( (ch=getc(ttf))!='\0' && ch!=EOF ) *pt++ = ch; *pt = '\0'; return( str ); } static char *pfed_read_ucs2_len(FILE *ttf,uint32 offset,int len) { char *pt, *str; uint32 uch, uch2; int i; if ( len<0 ) return( NULL ); len>>=1; if ( (pt=str=malloc(len>0 ? 3*len:1))==NULL ) return( NULL ); fseek(ttf,offset,SEEK_SET); for ( i=0; i=0xd800 && uch<0xdc00 ) { /* Is this a possible utf16 surrogate value? */ uch2 = getushort(ttf); if ( uch2>=0xdc00 && uch2<0xe000 ) uch = ((uch-0xd800)<<10) | (uch2&0x3ff); else { pt = utf8_idpb(pt,uch,0); uch = uch2; } } pt = utf8_idpb(pt,uch,0); } *pt++ = 0; return( realloc(str,pt-str) ); } static char *pfed_read_utf8_len(FILE *ttf,uint32 offset,int len) { char *pt, *str; int i; if ( len<0 ) return( NULL ); pt = str = malloc(len+1); fseek(ttf,offset,SEEK_SET); for ( i=0; icvt_names = malloc((count+1)*sizeof(char *)); for ( i=0; icvt_names[i] = NULL; else info->cvt_names[i] = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+offsets[i]); } free(offsets); } static void pfed_readglyphcomments(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int n, i, j; struct grange { int start, end; uint32 offset; } *grange; uint32 offset, next; int use_utf8; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); use_utf8 = getushort(ttf); if ( use_utf8!=0 && use_utf8!=1 ) return; /* Bad version number */ n = getushort(ttf); grange = malloc(n*sizeof(struct grange)); for ( i=0; igrange[i].end || grange[i].end>info->glyph_cnt ) { LogError( _("Bad glyph range specified in glyph comment subtable of PfEd table\n") ); grange[i].start = 1; grange[i].end = 0; } } for ( i=0; ichars[j]->comment = pfed_read_utf8_len(ttf,base+offset,next-offset); else info->chars[j]->comment = pfed_read_ucs2_len(ttf,base+offset,next-offset); if ( info->chars[j]->comment == NULL ) LogError(_("Invalid comment string (negative length?) in 'PfEd' table for glyph %s."), info->chars[j]->name ); } } free(grange); } static void pfed_readcolours(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int n, i, j, start, end; uint32 col; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=0 ) return; /* Bad version number */ n = getushort(ttf); for ( i=0; iend || end>info->glyph_cnt ) LogError( _("Bad glyph range specified in color subtable of PfEd table\n") ); else { for ( j=start; j<=end; ++j ) info->chars[j]->color = col; } } } static void pfed_readlookupnames(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base, OTLookup *lookups) { OTLookup *otl; struct lookup_subtable *sub; AnchorClass *ac; int i, j, k, n, s, a; struct lstruct { int name_off, subs_off; } *ls, *ss, *as; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=0 ) return; /* Bad version number */ n = getushort(ttf); ls = malloc(n*sizeof(struct lstruct)); for ( i=0; inext ) { if ( ls[i].name_off!=0 ) { free( otl->lookup_name ); otl->lookup_name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+ls[i].name_off); } if ( ls[i].subs_off!=0 ) { fseek(ttf,base+ls[i].subs_off,SEEK_SET); s = getushort(ttf); ss = malloc(s*sizeof(struct lstruct)); for ( j=0; jsubtables; jnext ) { if ( ss[j].name_off!=0 ) { free( sub->subtable_name ); sub->subtable_name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+ss[j].name_off); } if ( ss[j].subs_off!=0 ) { if ( !sub->anchor_classes ) LogError(_("Whoops, attempt to name anchors in a subtable which doesn't contain any\n")); else { fseek(ttf,base+ss[j].subs_off,SEEK_SET); a = getushort(ttf); as = malloc(a*sizeof(struct lstruct)); for ( k=0; kahead; ac!=NULL; ac=ac->next ) { if ( ac->subtable==sub ) { if ( as[k].name_off!=0 ) { free( ac->name ); ac->name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+as[k].name_off); } ++k; } } free(as); } } } /* I guess it's ok for some subtables to be unnamed, so no check for sub!=NULL */ if ( jlookup_name ); free(ss); } } /* I guess it's ok for some lookups to be unnamed, so no check for otf!=NULL */ if ( ifirst = ss->last = SplinePointCreate(0,0); ss->start_offset = 0; return; } offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,COM_MOD(verb)); offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,COM_MOD(verb)); ss->first = current = SplinePointCreate(offx,offy); ss->start_offset = 0; for (;;) { verb = getc(ttf); v = COM_VERB(verb); m = COM_MOD(verb); if ( m==3 ) { LogError(_("Bad data modifier in contour command in 'PfEd'\n") ); break; } if ( verb==V_Close || verb==V_End ) break; else if ( v>=V_LineTo && v<=V_VLineTo ) { offx = offy = 0; if ( v==V_LineTo ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } else if ( v==V_HLineTo ) offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); else if ( v==V_VLineTo ) offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); sp = SplinePointCreate(current->me.x+offx,current->me.y+offy); } else if ( v>=V_QCurveTo && v<=V_QVImplicit ) { int will_be_implicit = true; offx = offy = 0; offx1 = offy1 = 1; /* else implicit points become straight lines too soon */ if ( v==V_QCurveTo ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); will_be_implicit = false; } else if ( v==V_QImplicit ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } else if ( v==V_QHImplicit ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } else if ( v==V_QVImplicit ) { offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } current->nextcp.x = current->me.x+offx; current->nextcp.y = current->me.y+offy; current->nonextcp = false; sp = SplinePointCreate(current->nextcp.x+offx1,current->nextcp.y+offy1); sp->prevcp = current->nextcp; sp->noprevcp = false; if ( was_implicit ) { current->me.x = (current->prevcp.x + current->nextcp.x)/2; current->me.y = (current->prevcp.y + current->nextcp.y)/2; SplineRefigure(current->prev); } was_implicit = will_be_implicit; } else if ( v>=V_CurveTo && v<=V_HVCurveTo ) { offx=offy=offx2=offy2=0; if ( v==V_CurveTo ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx2 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy2 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } else if ( v==V_VHCurveTo ) { offy = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx2 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } else if ( v==V_HVCurveTo ) { offx = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offx1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy1 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); offy2 = pfed_get_coord(ttf,m); } current->nextcp.x = current->me.x+offx; current->nextcp.y = current->me.y+offy; current->nonextcp = false; sp = SplinePointCreate(current->nextcp.x+offx1+offx2,current->nextcp.y+offy1+offy2); sp->prevcp.x = current->nextcp.x+offx1; sp->prevcp.y = current->nextcp.y+offy1; sp->noprevcp = false; } else { LogError(_("Whoops, unexpected verb in contour %d.%d\n"), v, m ); break; } SplineMake(current,sp,type==2); current = sp; } if ( verb==V_Close ) { if ( was_implicit ) { current->me.x = (current->prevcp.x + ss->first->nextcp.x)/2; current->me.y = (current->prevcp.y + ss->first->nextcp.y)/2; } if ( current->me.x==ss->first->me.x && current->me.y==ss->first->me.y ) { current->prev->to = ss->first; ss->first->prev = current->prev; ss->first->prevcp = current->prevcp; ss->first->noprevcp = current->noprevcp; SplinePointFree(current); } else SplineMake(current,ss->first,type==2); ss->last = ss->first; } else { ss->last = current; } SPLCategorizePoints(ss); } static void pfed_read_spiro_contour(FILE *ttf,SplineSet *ss, uint32 base, int type) { int ch; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); for (; ; ) { ch = getc(ttf); if ( ch!=SPIRO_OPEN_CONTOUR && ch!=SPIRO_CORNER && ch!=SPIRO_G4 && ch!=SPIRO_G2 && ch!=SPIRO_LEFT && ch!=SPIRO_RIGHT && ch!=SPIRO_END && ch!=SPIRO_CLOSE_CONTOUR ) { LogError(_("Whoops, bad spiro command %d\n"), ch); break; } if ( ss->spiro_cnt>=ss->spiro_max ) ss->spiros = realloc(ss->spiros,(ss->spiro_max+=10)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].ty = ch; if ( ch!=SPIRO_END ) { ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].x = getlong(ttf)/256.0; ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].y = getlong(ttf)/256.0; } else { ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].x = 0; ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].y = 0; } ++(ss->spiro_cnt); if ( ch==SPIRO_END || ch=='}' ) break; } if ( ss->spiro_cnt!=0 && ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt-1].ty!= SPIRO_END ) { if ( ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt-1].ty==SPIRO_CLOSE_CONTOUR ) ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt-1].ty = SPIRO_G4; if ( ss->spiro_cnt>=ss->spiro_max ) ss->spiros = realloc(ss->spiros,(ss->spiro_max+=2)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].ty = SPIRO_END; ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].x = 0; ss->spiros[ss->spiro_cnt].y = 0; } } static void pfed_read_glyph_layer(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,Layer *ly, uint32 base, int type, int version) { int cc, rc, i, j; SplineSet *ss; struct contours { int data_off, name_off; SplineSet *ss; } *contours; int gid; RefChar *last, *cur; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); cc = getushort(ttf); /* Contours */ rc = 0; if ( version==1 ) rc = getushort(ttf); /* References */ contours = malloc(cc*sizeof(struct contours)); for ( i=0; itransform[j] = getlong(ttf)/32768.0; gid = getushort(ttf); if ( gid>=info->glyph_cnt ) { LogError(_("Bad glyph reference in layer info.\n")); break; } cur->sc = info->chars[gid]; cur->orig_pos = gid; cur->unicode_enc = cur->sc->unicodeenc; if ( last==NULL ) ly->refs = cur; else last->next = cur; last = cur; } ss = ly->splines; /* Only relevant for spiros where they live in someone else's layer */ for ( i=0; isplines = contours[i].ss; else contours[i-1].ss->next = contours[i].ss; if ( contours[i].name_off!=0 ) contours[i].ss->contour_name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+contours[i].name_off); pfed_read_normal_contour(ttf,contours[i].ss,base+contours[i].data_off,type); } else { /* Spiros are actually bound to an already existing layer and don't have an independent existance yet */ contours[i].ss = ss; if ( ss!=NULL ) { pfed_read_spiro_contour(ttf,ss,base+contours[i].data_off,type); ss = ss->next; } else LogError(_("Whoops, Ran out of spiros\n")); } } free(contours); } static void pfed_readguidelines(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int i,v,h,off; int version; SplinePoint *sp, *nsp; SplineSet *ss; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); version = getushort(ttf); if ( version>1 ) return; /* Bad version number */ v = getushort(ttf); h = getushort(ttf); (void) getushort(ttf); off = getushort(ttf); if ( off!=0 ) { pfed_read_glyph_layer(ttf,info,&info->guidelines,base+off,info->to_order2?2:3,version); } else { struct npos { int pos; int offset; } *vs, *hs; vs = malloc(v*sizeof(struct npos)); hs = malloc(h*sizeof(struct npos)); for ( i=0; iemsize); nsp = SplinePointCreate(vs[i].pos,2*info->emsize); SplineMake(sp,nsp,info->to_order2); ss = chunkalloc(sizeof(SplineSet)); ss->first = sp; ss->last = nsp; if ( vs[i].offset!=0 ) ss->contour_name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+vs[i].offset); ss->next = info->guidelines.splines; info->guidelines.splines = ss; } for ( i=0; iemsize,hs[i].pos); nsp = SplinePointCreate(2*info->emsize,hs[i].pos); SplineMake(sp,nsp,info->to_order2); ss = chunkalloc(sizeof(SplineSet)); ss->first = sp; ss->last = nsp; if ( hs[i].offset!=0 ) ss->contour_name = pfed_read_utf8(ttf,base+hs[i].offset); ss->next = info->guidelines.splines; info->guidelines.splines = ss; } SPLCategorizePoints(info->guidelines.splines); free(vs); free(hs); } } static void pfed_redo_refs(SplineChar *sc,int layer) { RefChar *refs; sc->ticked = true; for ( refs=sc->layers[layer].refs; refs!=NULL; refs=refs->next ) { if ( layer==1 && refs->sc==NULL ) /* If main layer has spiros attached, then we'll get here. Any refs will come from the main ttf reading routines and won't be fixed up yet */ continue; if ( !refs->sc->ticked ) pfed_redo_refs(refs->sc,layer); SCReinstanciateRefChar(sc,refs,layer); } } static void pfed_read_layer(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,int layer,int type, uint32 base, uint32 start,int version) { uint32 *loca = calloc(info->glyph_cnt,sizeof(uint32)); int i,j; SplineChar *sc; int rcnt; struct range { int start, last; uint32 offset; } *ranges; fseek(ttf,start,SEEK_SET); rcnt = getushort(ttf); ranges = malloc(rcnt*sizeof(struct range)); for ( i=0; ichars[j]; ly = &sc->layers[layer]; if ( loca[j]!=0 ) pfed_read_glyph_layer(ttf,info,ly,base+loca[j],type,version); } } free(ranges); free(loca); for ( i=0; iglyph_cnt; ++i ) if ( info->chars[i]!=NULL ) info->chars[i]->ticked = false; for ( i=0; iglyph_cnt; ++i ) if ( info->chars[i]!=NULL ) pfed_redo_refs(info->chars[i],layer); } static void pfed_readotherlayers(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int i, l, lcnt, spiro_index, gid; int version; struct layer_info { int type, name_off, data_off, sf_layer; char *name; } *layers; int non_spiro_cnt=0; SplineChar *sc; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); version = getushort(ttf); if ( version>1 ) return; /* Bad version number */ lcnt = getushort(ttf); layers = malloc(lcnt*sizeof(struct layer_info)); for ( i=0; ilayer_cnt = non_spiro_cnt+1; info->layers = calloc(info->layer_cnt+1,sizeof(LayerInfo)); info->layers[ly_back].background = true; info->layers[ly_fore].order2 = info->to_order2; info->layers[ly_fore].background = false; l = i = 0; if ( (layers[i].type&0xff)==1 ) ++i; if ( layers[i].type&0x100 ) { /* first layer output is foreground, so it can't replace the background layer */ ++info->layer_cnt; l = 2; info->layers[ly_back].order2 = info->to_order2; } for ( ; ilayers[l].name = layers[i].name; layers[i].name = NULL; layers[i].sf_layer = l; info->layers[l].order2 = (layers[i].type&0xff)==2; info->layers[l].background = (layers[i].type&0x100)?0:1; if ( l==0 ) l=2; else ++l; } if ( info->layer_cnt!=2 ) { for ( gid = 0; gidglyph_cnt; ++gid ) if ((sc=info->chars[gid])!=NULL ) { sc->layers = realloc(sc->layers,info->layer_cnt*sizeof(Layer)); memset(sc->layers+2,0,(info->layer_cnt-2)*sizeof(Layer)); sc->layer_cnt = info->layer_cnt; } } } if ( spiro_index!=-1 ) pfed_read_layer(ttf,info,ly_fore,layers[spiro_index].type,base,base+layers[spiro_index].data_off,version); for ( i=0; ipfed_start,SEEK_SET); if ( getlong(ttf)!=0x00010000 ) return; n = getlong(ttf); if ( n>=MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES+30 ) n = MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES+30; for ( i=0; ipfed_start+tagoff[i].offset, tagoff[i].tag); break; case cvtc_TAG: pfed_readcvtcomments(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case cmnt_TAG: pfed_readglyphcomments(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case colr_TAG: pfed_readcolours(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case GPOS_TAG: pfed_readlookupnames(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset,info->gpos_lookups); break; case GSUB_TAG: pfed_readlookupnames(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset,info->gsub_lookups); break; case layr_TAG: pfed_readotherlayers(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case guid_TAG: pfed_readguidelines(ttf,info,info->pfed_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; default: LogError( _("Unknown subtable '%c%c%c%c' in 'PfEd' table, ignored\n"), tagoff[i].tag>>24, (tagoff[i].tag>>16)&0xff, (tagoff[i].tag>>8)&0xff, tagoff[i].tag&0xff ); break; } } /* 'TeX ' table format is as follows... */ /* uint32 version number 0x00010000 */ /* uint32 subtable count */ /* struct { uint32 tab, offset } tag/offset for first subtable */ /* struct { uint32 tab, offset } tag/offset for second subtable */ /* ... */ /* 'TeX ' 'ftpm' font parameter subtable format */ /* short version number 0 */ /* parameter count */ /* array of { 4chr tag, value } */ /* 'TeX ' 'htdp' per-glyph height/depth subtable format */ /* short version number 0 */ /* short glyph-count */ /* array[glyph-count] of { int16 height,depth } */ /* 'TeX ' 'itlc' per-glyph italic correction subtable */ /* short version number 0 */ /* short glyph-count */ /* array[glyph-count] of int16 italic_correction */ /* !!!!!!!!!!! OBSOLETE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ /* 'TeX ' 'sbsp' per-glyph sub/super script positioning subtable */ /* short version number 0 */ /* short glyph-count */ /* array[glyph-count] of { int16 sub,super } */ #undef MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES #define MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES 4 struct TeX_subtabs { int next; struct { FILE *data; uint32 tag; uint32 offset; } subtabs[MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES]; }; static uint32 tex_text_params[] = { TeX_Slant, TeX_Space, TeX_Stretch, TeX_Shrink, TeX_XHeight, TeX_Quad, TeX_ExtraSp, 0 }; static uint32 tex_math_params[] = { TeX_Slant, TeX_Space, TeX_Stretch, TeX_Shrink, TeX_XHeight, TeX_Quad, TeX_MathSp, TeX_Num1, TeX_Num2, TeX_Num3, TeX_Denom1, TeX_Denom2, TeX_Sup1, TeX_Sup2, TeX_Sup3, TeX_Sub1, TeX_Sub2, TeX_SupDrop, TeX_SubDrop, TeX_Delim1, TeX_Delim2, TeX_AxisHeight, 0}; static uint32 tex_mathext_params[] = { TeX_Slant, TeX_Space, TeX_Stretch, TeX_Shrink, TeX_XHeight, TeX_Quad, TeX_MathSp, TeX_DefRuleThick, TeX_BigOpSpace1, TeX_BigOpSpace2, TeX_BigOpSpace3, TeX_BigOpSpace4, TeX_BigOpSpace5, 0}; /* ************************************************************************** */ /* ************************* The 'TeX ' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Output ************************* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ static void TeX_dumpFontParams(SplineFont *sf, struct TeX_subtabs *tex, struct alltabs *at ) { FILE *fprm; int i,pcnt; uint32 *tags; if ( sf->texdata.type==tex_unset ) return; tex->subtabs[tex->next].tag = CHR('f','t','p','m'); tex->subtabs[tex->next++].data = fprm = tmpfile2(); putshort(fprm,0); /* sub-table version number */ pcnt = sf->texdata.type==tex_math ? 22 : sf->texdata.type==tex_mathext ? 13 : 7; tags = sf->texdata.type==tex_math ? tex_math_params : sf->texdata.type==tex_mathext ? tex_mathext_params : tex_text_params; putshort(fprm,pcnt); for ( i=0; itexdata.params[i]); } /* always aligned */ } static void TeX_dumpHeightDepth(SplineFont *sf, struct TeX_subtabs *tex, struct alltabs *at ) { FILE *htdp; int i,j,k,last_g, gid; DBounds b; for ( i=at->gi.gcnt-1; i>=0; --i ) { gid = at->gi.bygid[i]; if ( gid!=-1 && sf->glyphs[gid]!=NULL && (sf->glyphs[gid]->tex_height!=TEX_UNDEF || sf->glyphs[gid]->tex_depth!=TEX_UNDEF)) break; } if ( i<0 ) /* No height/depth info */ return; tex->subtabs[tex->next].tag = CHR('h','t','d','p'); tex->subtabs[tex->next++].data = htdp = tmpfile2(); putshort(htdp,0); /* sub-table version number */ putshort(htdp,sf->glyphs[gid]->ttf_glyph+1);/* data for this many glyphs */ last_g = -1; for ( j=0; j<=i; ++j ) { gid = at->gi.bygid[j]; if ( gid!=-1 && sf->glyphs[gid]!=NULL ) { SplineChar *sc = sf->glyphs[gid]; for ( k=last_g+1; kttf_glyph; ++k ) { putshort(htdp,0); putshort(htdp,0); } if ( sc->tex_depth==TEX_UNDEF || sc->tex_height==TEX_UNDEF ) SplineCharFindBounds(sc,&b); putshort( htdp, sc->tex_height==TEX_UNDEF ? b.maxy : sc->tex_height ); putshort( htdp, sc->tex_depth==TEX_UNDEF ? -b.miny : sc->tex_depth ); last_g = sc->ttf_glyph; } } /* always aligned */ } static void TeX_dumpItalicCorr(SplineFont *sf, struct TeX_subtabs *tex, struct alltabs *at ) { FILE *itlc; int i,j,k,last_g, gid; for ( i=at->gi.gcnt-1; i>=0; --i ) { gid = at->gi.bygid[i]; if ( gid!=-1 && sf->glyphs[gid]!=NULL && sf->glyphs[gid]->italic_correction!=TEX_UNDEF ) break; } if ( i<0 ) /* No italic_correction info */ return; tex->subtabs[tex->next].tag = CHR('i','t','l','c'); tex->subtabs[tex->next++].data = itlc = tmpfile2(); putshort(itlc,0); /* sub-table version number */ putshort(itlc,sf->glyphs[gid]->ttf_glyph+1);/* data for this many glyphs */ last_g = -1; for ( j=0; j<=i; ++j ) { gid = at->gi.bygid[j]; if ( gid!=-1 && sf->glyphs[gid]!=NULL ) { SplineChar *sc = sf->glyphs[gid]; for ( k=last_g+1; kttf_glyph; ++k ) { putshort(itlc,0); putshort(itlc,0); } putshort( itlc, sc->italic_correction!=TEX_UNDEF ? sc->italic_correction : 0 ); last_g = sc->ttf_glyph; } } /* always aligned */ } void tex_dump(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf) { struct TeX_subtabs tex; FILE *file; int i; uint32 offset; if ( !(at->gi.flags & ttf_flag_TeXtable )) return; memset(&tex,0,sizeof(tex)); TeX_dumpFontParams(sf,&tex,at); TeX_dumpHeightDepth(sf,&tex,at); TeX_dumpItalicCorr(sf,&tex,at); if ( tex.next==0 ) return; /* No subtables */ at->tex = file = tmpfile2(); putlong(file, 0x00010000); /* Version number */ putlong(file, tex.next); /* sub-table count */ offset = 2*sizeof(uint32) + 2*tex.next*sizeof(uint32); for ( i=0; itexlen = ftell(file); } /* ************************* The 'TeX ' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Input ************************* */ static void TeX_readFontParams(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int i,pcnt; static uint32 *alltags[] = { tex_text_params, tex_math_params, tex_mathext_params }; int j,k; uint32 tag; int32 val; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=0 ) /* Don't know how to read this version of the subtable */ return; pcnt = getushort(ttf); if ( pcnt==22 ) info->texdata.type = tex_math; else if ( pcnt==13 ) info->texdata.type = tex_mathext; else if ( pcnt>=7 ) info->texdata.type = tex_text; for ( i=0; itexdata.params[k] = val; } } static void TeX_readHeightDepth(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int i,gcnt; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=0 ) /* Don't know how to read this version of the subtable */ return; gcnt = getushort(ttf); for ( i=0; iglyph_cnt; ++i ) { int h, d; h = getushort(ttf); d = getushort(ttf); if ( info->chars[i]!=NULL ) { info->chars[i]->tex_height = h; info->chars[i]->tex_depth = d; } } } static void TeX_readItalicCorr(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,uint32 base) { int i,gcnt; fseek(ttf,base,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=0 ) /* Don't know how to read this version of the subtable */ return; gcnt = getushort(ttf); for ( i=0; iglyph_cnt; ++i ) { int ital; ital = getushort(ttf); if ( info->chars[i]!=NULL ) { info->chars[i]->italic_correction = ital; } } } void tex_read(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info) { int n,i; struct tagoff { uint32 tag, offset; } tagoff[MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES+30]; fseek(ttf,info->tex_start,SEEK_SET); if ( getlong(ttf)!=0x00010000 ) return; n = getlong(ttf); if ( n>=MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES+30 ) n = MAX_SUBTABLE_TYPES+30; for ( i=0; itex_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case CHR('h','t','d','p'): TeX_readHeightDepth(ttf,info,info->tex_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; case CHR('i','t','l','c'): TeX_readItalicCorr(ttf,info,info->tex_start+tagoff[i].offset); break; default: LogError( _("Unknown subtable '%c%c%c%c' in 'TeX ' table, ignored\n"), tagoff[i].tag>>24, (tagoff[i].tag>>16)&0xff, (tagoff[i].tag>>8)&0xff, tagoff[i].tag&0xff ); break; } } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* ************************* The 'BDF ' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Output ************************* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* the BDF table is used to store BDF properties so that we can do round trip */ /* conversion from BDF->otb->BDF without losing anything. */ /* Format: USHORT version : 'BDF' table version number, must be 0x0001 USHORT strikeCount : number of strikes in table ULONG stringTable : offset (from start of BDF table) to string table followed by an array of 'strikeCount' descriptors that look like: USHORT ppem : vertical pixels-per-EM for this strike USHORT num_items : number of items (properties and atoms), max is 255 this array is followed by 'strikeCount' value sets. Each "value set" is an array of (num_items) items that look like: ULONG item_name : offset in string table to item name USHORT item_type : item type: 0 => non-property string (e.g. COMMENT) 1 => non-property atom (e.g. FONT) 2 => non-property int32 3 => non-property uint32 0x10 => flag for a property, ored with above value types) ULONG item_value : item value. strings => an offset into the string table to the corresponding string, without the surrending double-quotes atoms => an offset into the string table integers => the corresponding 32-bit value Then the string table of null terminated strings. These strings should be in ASCII. */ /* ************************* The 'BDF ' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Input ************************* */ static char *getstring(FILE *ttf,long start) { long here = ftell(ttf); int len, ch; char *str, *pt; if ( here<0 ) return( NULL ); fseek(ttf,start,SEEK_SET); for ( len=1; (ch=getc(ttf))>0 ; ++len ); fseek(ttf,start,SEEK_SET); pt = str = malloc(len); while ( (ch=getc(ttf))>0 ) *pt++ = ch; *pt = '\0'; fseek(ttf,here,SEEK_SET); return( str ); } /* COMMENTS get stored all in one lump by freetype. De-lump them */ static int CheckForNewlines(BDFFont *bdf,int k) { char *pt, *start; int cnt, i; for ( cnt=0, pt = bdf->props[k].u.atom; *pt; ++pt ) if ( *pt=='\n' ) ++cnt; if ( cnt==0 ) return( k ); bdf->prop_cnt += cnt; bdf->props = realloc(bdf->props, bdf->prop_cnt*sizeof( BDFProperties )); pt = strchr(bdf->props[k].u.atom,'\n'); *pt = '\0'; ++pt; for ( i=1; i<=cnt; ++i ) { start = pt; while ( *pt!='\n' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt; bdf->props[k+i].name = copy(bdf->props[k].name); bdf->props[k+i].type = bdf->props[k].type; bdf->props[k+i].u.atom = copyn(start,pt-start); if ( *pt=='\n' ) ++pt; } pt = copy( bdf->props[k].u.atom ); free( bdf->props[k].u.atom ); bdf->props[k].u.atom = pt; return( k+cnt ); } void ttf_bdf_read(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info) { int strike_cnt, i,j,k; long string_start; struct bdfinfo { BDFFont *bdf; int cnt; } *bdfinfo; BDFFont *bdf; if ( info->bdf_start==0 ) return; fseek(ttf,info->bdf_start,SEEK_SET); if ( getushort(ttf)!=1 ) return; strike_cnt = getushort(ttf); string_start = getlong(ttf) + info->bdf_start; bdfinfo = malloc(strike_cnt*sizeof(struct bdfinfo)); for ( i=0; ibitmaps; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next ) if ( bdf->pixelsize==ppem ) break; bdfinfo[i].bdf = bdf; bdfinfo[i].cnt = num_items; } for ( i=0; iprop_cnt = bdfinfo[i].cnt; bdf->props = malloc(bdf->prop_cnt*sizeof(BDFProperties)); for ( j=k=0; jprops[k].type = type; bdf->props[k].name = getstring(ttf,string_start+name); switch ( type&~prt_property ) { case prt_int: case prt_uint: bdf->props[k].u.val = value; if ( strcmp(bdf->props[k].name,"FONT_ASCENT")==0 && value<=bdf->pixelsize ) { bdf->ascent = value; bdf->descent = bdf->pixelsize-value; } break; case prt_string: case prt_atom: bdf->props[k].u.str = getstring(ttf,string_start+value); k = CheckForNewlines(bdf,k); break; } } } } free(bdfinfo); } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* ************************* The 'FFTM' table ************************* */ /* ************************* Output ************************* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* FontForge timestamp table */ /* Contains: */ /* date of fontforge sources */ /* date of font's (not file's) creation */ /* date of font's modification */ int ttf_fftm_dump(SplineFont *sf,struct alltabs *at) { int32 results[2]; at->fftmf = tmpfile2(); putlong(at->fftmf,0x00000001); /* Version */ cvt_unix_to_1904(LibFF_ModTime,results); putlong(at->fftmf,results[1]); putlong(at->fftmf,results[0]); cvt_unix_to_1904(sf->creationtime,results); putlong(at->fftmf,results[1]); putlong(at->fftmf,results[0]); cvt_unix_to_1904(sf->modificationtime,results); putlong(at->fftmf,results[1]); putlong(at->fftmf,results[0]); at->fftmlen = ftell(at->fftmf); /* had better be 7*4 */ /* It will never be misaligned */ if ( (at->fftmlen&1)!=0 ) putc(0,at->fftmf); if ( ((at->fftmlen+1)&2)!=0 ) putshort(at->fftmf,0); return( true ); }