#!/usr/bin/env perl # dviinfox # ======== # # This script is a joint effort of # Dag Langmyhr, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo # (dag at ifi.uio.no) # and # Hironobu Yamashita, Japanese TeX Development Community # (h.y.acetaminophen at gmail.com) # # A program to print information about a DVI file. # # Usage: dviinfox [options] file1 file2 ... # where the flags indicate which information is desired. # -f Give information about the fonts used. # -p Give information about the number of pages. # -v List the program version number. # -h Show help message. # No options will provide all information available. # # Example: # % dviinfox alltt.dvi # alltt.dvi: DVI format 2; 3 pages # Magnification: 1000/1000 # Size unit: 1000x25400000/(1000x473628672)dum = 0.054dum = 1.000sp # Page size: 407ptx682pt = 14.340cmx23.970cm # Stack size: 8 # Comment: " TeX output 1995.07.07:1513" # Font 27: cmr9 at 9.000 (design size 9.000, checksum=1874103239) # Font 26: cmsy6 at 6.000 (design size 6.000, checksum=1906386187) # Font 21: cmr8 at 8.000 (design size 8.000, checksum=2088458503) # Font 20: cmsy10 at 12.000 (design size 10.000, checksum=555887770) # Font 16: cmr12 at 12.000 (design size 12.000, checksum=1487622411) # Font 15: cmtt12 at 17.280 (design size 12.000, checksum=3750147412) # Font 14: cmr17 at 17.280 (design size 17.280, checksum=1154739572) # Font 13: cmsy10 at 10.000 (design size 10.000, checksum=555887770) # Font 7: cmr10 at 10.000 (design size 10.000, checksum=1274110073) # Font 6: cmr7 at 7.000 (design size 7.000, checksum=3650330706) use strict; my $Prog = "dviinfox"; my $Version = "1.04"; my $Author = "Dag Langmyhr and Hironobu Yamashita"; my $True = 1; my $False = 0; my $List_all = $True; my $List_fonts = $False; my $List_pages = $False; # DVI commands: my $DVI_Filler = "\337"; # 223 = 0xdf my $DVI_Font = "\363"; # 243 = 0xf3 my $DVI_Post = "\370"; # 248 = 0xf8 my $DVI_Post_post = "\371"; # 249 = 0xf9 my $DVI_Pre = "\367"; # 247 = 0xf7 my $XDV_Font = "\374"; # 252 = 0xfc my $Unit; if (!@ARGV) { show_usage(); print "Try \"$Prog -h\" for more information.\n"; } Param: foreach (@ARGV) { /^-f$/ && do { $List_fonts = $True; $List_all = $False; next Param; }; /^-p$/ && do { $List_pages = $True; $List_all = $False; next Param; }; /^-v$/ && do { show_version(); next Param; }; /^-h$/ && do { show_help(); next Param; }; /^-/ && do { print STDERR "$Prog: Unknown option '$_' ignored.\n"; next Param; }; &Read_DVI_file($_); } exit 0; # Only sub definitions from here on sub show_version { print "This is $Prog $Version, by $Author\n"; } sub show_usage { show_version(); print "Usage: $Prog [-f][-p][-v] file...\n"; } sub show_help { show_usage(); print "A program to print information about a DVI file.\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " -f Give information about the fonts used.\n"; print " -p Give information about the number of pages.\n"; print " -v List the program version number.\n"; print " -h Show help message.\n"; exit 0; } sub Read_DVI_file { local($_) = @_; my ($c, $cn); my $IS_XDV = 0; print "$_: "; open(F, $_) || do { print STDERR "Could not open!\n\n"; exit 1; }; # First, read info at start of DVI file: if (($c = getc(F)) ne $DVI_Pre) { printf STDERR ("Not a DVI file (first byte is 0x%02x, not 0x%02x)!\n\n", ord($c), ord($DVI_Pre)); close F; exit 1; }; my $Format = ord(getc(F)); my $Numer = &Read4; my $Denom = &Read4; my $Magni = &Read4; my $Comment = &Read_text; # Then, read information at the end of the DVI file: seek(F, -1, 2); while (($c = getc(F)) eq $DVI_Filler) { seek(F, -2, 1); }; my $VersionID = ord($c); # Previously we required equality ($VersionID == $Format). However, # it seems ok even when format id (pre) and version id (post_post) # are different. TeX4ht allows $VersionID <= 10, so we follow it if (($VersionID != $Format) && ($VersionID > 10)) { print STDERR "DVI format error (format: $Format vs id: $VersionID)!\n\n"; close F; exit 1; }; $IS_XDV = 1 if ($Format > 2); seek(F, -6, 1); if (($c = getc(F)) ne $DVI_Post_post) { $cn = ord($c); printf STDERR ("DVI error: Expected POST_POST command, not 0x%02x!\n\n", $cn); close F; exit 1; }; my $Last_post = &Read4; seek(F, $Last_post, 0) || do { print STDERR "Could not locate position $Last_post!\n\n"; close F; exit 1; }; if (($c = getc(F)) ne $DVI_Post) { $cn = ord($c); printf STDERR ("DVI error: Expected POST command, not 0x%02x!\n\n", $cn); close F; exit 1; }; my $Final_page = &Read4; my $Numer2 = &Read4; my $Denom2 = &Read4; my $Magni2 = &Read4; my $Height = &Read4; my $Width = &Read4; my $Stack = &Read2_u; my $Pages = &Read2_u; if ($List_all) { print "DVI format $Format"; print "; id $VersionID" if ($VersionID != $Format); print " (pTeX DVI)" if (($Format == 2) && ($VersionID == 3)); print " (XeTeX XDV)" if ($Format > 2); print "; "; } if ($List_all || $List_pages) { print "$Pages page"; print "s" if ($Pages > 1); }; $Unit = $Magni*$Numer/(1000*$Denom); if ($List_all) { print "\n Magnification: $Magni/1000"; printf("\n Size unit: %dx$Numer/(1000x$Denom)dum = %5.3fdum = %5.3fsp", $Magni, $Unit, &Scale_to_sp(1)); printf("\n Page size: %dptx%dpt = %5.3fcmx%5.3fcm", &Scale_to_pt($Width), &Scale_to_pt($Height), &Scale_to_cm($Width), &Scale_to_cm($Height)); print "\n Stack size: $Stack"; print "\n Comment: \"$Comment\""; } print "\n"; if ($List_all || $List_fonts) { my ($F_count, $F_check, $F_scale, $F_design, $F_name); my ($F_flag, $F_index, $F_colored, $F_extend, $F_slant, $F_embolden); my $F_tempswa; while (($c = getc(F)) eq $DVI_Font || $c eq $XDV_Font) { # initialize $F_count = 0; $F_check = 0; $F_scale = 0; $F_design = 0; $F_name = ''; $F_flag = 0; $F_index = 0; $F_colored = 0; $F_extend = 0; $F_slant = 0; $F_embolden = 0; if ($c eq $DVI_Font) { # standard DVI: TFM font definition command $F_count = ord(getc(F)); $F_check = &Read4_u; $F_scale = &Read4; $F_design = &Read4; $F_name = &Read_text2; printf(" Font %3d: %9s at %6.3f", $F_count, $F_name, &Scale_to_pt($F_scale)); printf(" (design size %6.3f, ", &Scale_to_pt($F_design)); print "checksum=$F_check)\n"; } else { # $c eq $XDV_Font # extended XDV for XeTeX: Native font definition command if (!$IS_XDV) { printf STDERR ("Erorr: Command %d used in non-XDV file!\n", ord($XDV_Font)); close F; exit 1; } $F_count = &Read4_u; $F_scale = &Read4; $F_flag = &Read2_u; $F_name = &Read_text; $F_index = &Read4_u; $F_colored = &Read4_u if ($F_flag & 512); $F_extend = &Read4_u if ($F_flag & 4096); $F_slant = &Read4_u if ($F_flag & 8192); $F_embolden = &Read4_u if ($F_flag & 16384); printf(" Native Font %3d: %s at %6.3f", $F_count, $F_name, &Scale_to_pt($F_scale)); printf(" (flags 0x%04x, face index %d)\n", $F_flag, $F_index); if ($F_flag) { print(" +features: "); $F_tempswa = 0; if ($F_colored) { printf("Colored=0x%x", $F_colored); $F_tempswa = 1; } if ($F_extend) { print(", ") if ($F_tempswa); printf("Extend=0x%x", $F_extend); $F_tempswa = 1; } if ($F_slant) { print(", ") if ($F_tempswa); printf("Slant=0x%x", $F_slant); $F_tempswa = 1; } if ($F_embolden) { print(", ") if ($F_tempswa); printf("Embolden=0x%x", $F_embolden); $F_tempswa = 1; } print("\n"); } } }; if ($c ne $DVI_Post_post) { $cn = ord($c); printf STDERR ("DVI error: Expected POST_POST command, not 0x%02x!\n", $cn); close F; exit 1; }; print "\n"; }; close F; } # Scale_to_pt (Size) # ----- # Give the Size (which is in dum, the standard DVI size) in pt. sub Scale_to_pt { return $Unit*$_[0]*72.27/254000; } # Scale_to_cm (Size) # ----------- # Give the Size (which is in dum, the standard DVI size) in cm. sub Scale_to_cm { return &Scale_to_pt($_[0])*2.54/72.27; } # Scale_to_sp (Size) # ----------- # Give the Size (which is in dum, the standard DVI size) in sp. sub Scale_to_sp { return &Scale_to_pt($_[0])*65536; } # Read2_u # ------- # Read an unsigned two-byte value. sub Read2_u { return ord(getc(F))*256 + ord(getc(F)); } # Read4 # ----- # Read a four-byte value. # (I assume the value is positive and less than 2^31, so the sign bit # won't matter.) sub Read4 { return ((ord(getc(F))*256+ord(getc(F)))*256+ord(getc(F)))*256+ord(getc(F)); } # Read4_u # ----- # Read an unsigned four-byte value. # (I don't know why this works for values >=2^31, and Read4 does not, # but as long as it works...) sub Read4_u { my (@bytes, @sum); $bytes[0] = ord(getc(F)); $bytes[1] = ord(getc(F)); $bytes[2] = ord(getc(F)); $bytes[3] = ord(getc(F)); $sum[0] = $bytes[0]*256 + $bytes[1]; $sum[1] = $bytes[2]*256 + $bytes[3]; return $sum[0]*65536 + $sum[1]; } # Read_text # --------- # Read a text (a one-byte length and the the text byte). sub Read_text { local($_); my ($Leng, $Res); $Leng = ord(getc(F)); read(F, $Res, $Leng); return $Res; } # Read_text2 # ---------- # Like 'Read_text', but the length is the sum of two bytes. sub Read_text2 { local($_); my ($Leng, $Res); $Leng = ord(getc(F)) + ord(getc(F)); read(F, $Res, $Leng); return $Res; }