CRUDENOS.DOC. This file is the documentation for the NOS/VE version of Crudetype. The files: NOSVE.DOC This document. NOSVE.CH change file for NOS/VE, by courtesy of G-H Knauf and M.Rawohl, University of Hannover. (Provisional. Please send bug reports to RMD) NOSVE.COM a NOS/VE system procedure to call this program NVEBIND.CYB CYBIL routines for file handling (N.Schwarz, Ruhr University Bochum). Installation ============ Edit the NOSVE.CH file to specify the directory of the TFM files. Add the NOSCHEME.ADD file at the end of CRUDETYPE.WEB. Take the CRUDETYPE.WEB file and the NOSVE.CH file, tangle them, compile and put the result into an object library. Then adapt the NOSVE procedure to your local needs, i.e. change the name of the libraries in the EXET-statement to where they reside in your system. Note that you must include PV=ZERO if you use Norbert Schwarz's routines (see below). In the changefile you can choose between two kinds of dynamic file handling. One uses the NOS/VE-Pascal bindingtype, the other uses CYBIL routines developed by Norbert Schwarz of Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, who ported TeX to NOS/VE. Norbert's routines are better because the program does not abort if a TFM-file is missing, so they should be used if possible. The program parameters are not supplied interactively in the NOS/VE version, but are command line parameters (NOS/VE Pascal makes this easily possible). The reason why there is a command langauge procedure around the program is to supply default values for parameters not specified. USE === Use the CRUDETYPE procedure to call the program. It's first parameter is a filename. CRUDETYPE reads from that file (with extension _DVI) and writes to a file (same name, but extension _LST). This is an ordinary print file, using Fortran type carriage controls (1 = new page, + = overprinting). You can send this file to a printer or load it into the NOS/VE editor to preview. There are further parameters first_page and count_pages as usual. If you define page_numbers as true, NOS/VE CRUDETYPE writes lines like 1--- (page number) ---------------------------------------------- at the start of each page. So you can use the Locate_All function key in the NOS/VE editor, looking for 1---, and so locate each page very quickly. TeX output lines are often longer then 80 characters. So you should use a terminal which can show 132 characters a line when previewing. Otherwise you have to use the ALIGN_SCREEN command of the NOS/VE editor. There is a last parameter extra_magnification in CRUDENVE (see RMD's remarks in file AAAREAD.ME). A value of 120 or 125 seems to give best results in 10 pt unmagnified text (nearly straight right margin). Send comment regarding the NOS/VE version of CRUDETYPE to Gerd-H. Knauf RRZN Universitaet Hannover Schlosswender Str. 5 3000 Hannover 1 ZZKNAUF@DHVRRZN1.BITNET