# pbibtex-base These are miscellaneous files, including bibliography styles (.bst), for pBibTeX, which is a Japanese extended version of BibTeX contained in TeX Live. Originally, pBibTeX was known as jBibTeX. When it came to be included in TeX Live, it was renamed as pBibTeX according to the prefix of pTeX. Since the bundle contains the original documents of jBibTeX as-is, their names are jbibtex.pdf, jbtxdoc.pdf, and so on. ## Character encoding All the text files containing Japanese characters are encoded in ISO-2022-JP. This is because ISO-2022-JP encoded texts are most suitable for the traditional pTeX and pBibTeX programs. ## Repository The bundle is maintained on GitHub: https://github.com/texjporg/pbibtex-base If you have issues, please let us know from the above page. ## License The bundle is redistribution derived from [ptex-texmf distribution by ASCII MEDIA WORKS](http://ascii.asciimw.jp/pb/ptex/). Since the original license is the 3-clause BSD license, this redistribution also follows it (see LICENSE). ## Release Date 2016-04-17 Japanese TeX Development Community