--[[ Copyright (C) 2021 Zeping Lee --]] local csl = {} local citeproc = require("citeproc") local util = citeproc.util require("lualibs") local core = require("csl-core") csl.initialized = "false" csl.citations = {} csl.citations_pre = {} function csl.error(str) luatexbase.module_error("csl", str) end function csl.warning(str) luatexbase.module_warning("csl", str) end function csl.info(str) luatexbase.module_info("csl", str) end function csl.init(style_name, bib_files, lang) bib_files = util.split(util.strip(bib_files), "%s*,%s*") csl.engine = core.init(style_name, bib_files, lang) if csl.engine then csl.initialized = "true" else return end -- csl.init is called via \AtBeginDocument and it's executed after -- loading .aux file. The csl.ids are already registered. csl.citation_strings = core.process_citations(csl.engine, csl.citations) csl.style_class = csl.engine:get_style_class() for _, citation in ipairs(csl.citations) do local citation_id = citation.citationID local citation_str = csl.citation_strings[citation_id] local bibcite_command = string.format("\\bibcite{%s}{{%s}{%s}}", citation.citationID, csl.style_class, citation_str) tex.sprint(bibcite_command) end end function csl.register_citation_info(citation_info) local citation = core.make_citation(citation_info) table.insert(csl.citations, citation) end function csl.enable_linking() csl.engine:enable_linking() end function csl.cite(citation_info) if not csl.engine then csl.error("CSL engine is not initialized.") end local citation = core.make_citation(citation_info) local res = csl.engine:processCitationCluster(citation, csl.citations_pre, {}) local citation_str for _, citation_res in ipairs(res[2]) do local citation_id = citation_res[3] -- csl.citation_strings[citation_id] = citation_res[2] if citation_id == citation.citationID then citation_str = citation_res[2] end end tex.sprint(citation_str) table.insert(csl.citations_pre, {citation.citationID, citation.properties.noteIndex}) end function csl.nocite(ids_string) local cite_ids = util.split(ids_string, "%s*,%s*") if csl.engine then local ids = {} for _, cite_id in ipairs(cite_ids) do if cite_id == "*" then for item_id, _ in pairs(core.bib) do table.insert(ids, item_id) end else table.insert(ids, cite_id) end end csl.engine:updateUncitedItems(ids) else -- `\nocite` in preamble, where csl.engine is not initialized yet for _, cite_id in ipairs(cite_ids) do if cite_id == "*" then core.uncite_all_items = true else if not core.loaded_ids[cite_id] then table.insert(core.ids, cite_id) core.loaded_ids[cite_id] = true end end end end end function csl.bibliography() if not csl.engine then csl.error("CSL engine is not initialized.") return end -- if csl.include_all_items then -- for id, _ in pairs(csl.bib) do -- if not csl.loaded_ids[id] then -- table.insert(csl.ids, id) -- csl.loaded_ids[id] = true -- end -- end -- end -- csl.engine:updateItems(csl.ids) local result = core.make_bibliography(csl.engine) tex.print(util.split(result, "\n")) end return csl