--[[ Copyright (C) 2021 Zeping Lee --]] -- load `slnunicode` from LuaTeX local unicode = require("unicode") local inspect = require("inspect") local util = {} function util.to_ordinal (n) assert(type(n) == "number") local last_digit = n % 10 if last_digit == 1 and n ~= 11 then return tostring(n) .. "st" elseif last_digit == 2 and n ~= 12 then return tostring(n) .. "nd" elseif last_digit == 3 and n ~= 13 then return tostring(n) .. "rd" else return tostring(n) .. "th" end end function util.error(message) if luatexbase then luatexbase.module_error("citeproc", message) else error(message, 2) end end util.warning_enabled = true function util.warning(message) if luatexbase then luatexbase.module_warning("citeproc", message) elseif util.warning_enabled then io.stderr:write(message, "\n") end end local function remove_all_metatables(item, path) if path[#path] ~= inspect.METATABLE then return item end end function util.debug(...) -- io.stderr:write(inspect(..., {process = remove_all_metatables})) io.stderr:write(inspect(...)) io.stderr:write("\n") end -- Similar to re.split() in Python function util.split(str, seps, maxsplit, include_sep) if not str then error("Invalid string.") end seps = seps or "%s+" if seps == "" then error("Empty separator") end if type(seps) == "string" then seps = {seps} end local splits = {} for _, sep_pattern in ipairs(seps) do for start, sep, stop in string.gmatch(str, "()(" .. sep_pattern .. ")()") do table.insert(splits, {start, sep, stop}) end end if #seps > 1 then table.sort(splits, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) end local res = {} local previous = 1 for _, sep_tuple in ipairs(splits) do local start, sep, stop = table.unpack(sep_tuple) local item = string.sub(str, previous, start - 1) if include_sep then item = {item, sep} end table.insert(res, item) previous = stop end local item = string.sub(str, previous, #str) if include_sep then item = {item, ""} end table.insert(res, item) return res end function util.slice (t, start, stop) start = start or 1 stop = stop or #t if start < 0 then start = start + #t + 1 end if stop < 0 then stop = stop + #t + 1 end local new = {} for i, item in ipairs(t) do if i >= start and i <= stop then table.insert(new, item) end end return new end function util.concat (list, sep) -- This helper function omits empty strings in list, which is different from table.concat -- This function always returns a string, even empty. local res = "" for i = 1, #list do local s = list[i] if s and s~= "" then if res == "" then res = s else res = res .. sep .. s end end end return res end function util.lstrip (str) if not str then return nil end local res = string.gsub(str, "^%s+", "") return res end function util.rstrip (str) if not str then return nil end local res = string.gsub(str, "%s+$", "") return res end function util.strip (str) return util.lstrip(util.rstrip(str)) end function util.startswith (str, prefix) return string.sub(str, 1, #prefix) == prefix end function util.endswith (str, suffix) return string.sub(str, -#suffix) == suffix end function util.is_numeric (str) if str == nil or str == "" then return false end local res = true for w in string.gmatch(str, "%w+") do if string.match(w, "^[a-zA-Z]*%d+[a-zA-Z]*$") == nil then res = false break end end for w in string.gmatch(str, "%W+") do if string.match(w, "^%s*[,&-]+%s*$") == nil then res = false break end end return res end function util.is_uncertain_date (variable) if variable == nil then return false end local value = variable["circa"] return value ~= nil and value ~= "" end util.variable_types = {} -- schema/schemas/styles/csl-variables.rnc util.variables = {} -- Date variables util.variables.date = { "accessed", "available-date", "event-date", "issued", "original-date", "submitted", } -- Name variables util.variables.name = { "author", "chair", "collection-editor", "compiler", "composer", "container-author", "contributor", "curator", "director", "editor", "editor-translator", "editorial-director", "executive-producer", "guest", "host", "illustrator", "interviewer", "narrator", "organizer", "original-author", "performer", "producer", "recipient", "reviewed-author", "script-writer", "series-creator", "translator", } -- Number variables util.variables.number = { "chapter-number", "citation-number", "collection-number", "edition", "first-reference-note-number", "issue", "locator", "number", "number-of-pages", "number-of-volumes", "page", "page-first", "part-number", "printing-number", "section", "supplement-number", "version", "volume", } util.variable_types = {} for type, variables in pairs(util.variables) do for _, variable in ipairs(variables) do util.variable_types[variable] = type end end util.primary_dialects = { af= "af-ZA", ar= "ar", bg= "bg-BG", ca= "ca-AD", cs= "cs-CZ", cy= "cy-GB", da= "da-DK", de= "de-DE", el= "el-GR", en= "en-US", es= "es-ES", et= "et-EE", eu= "eu", fa= "fa-IR", fi= "fi-FI", fr= "fr-FR", he= "he-IL", hi= "hi-IN", hr= "hr-HR", hu= "hu-HU", id= "id-ID", is= "is-IS", it= "it-IT", ja= "ja-JP", km= "km-KH", ko= "ko-KR", la= "la", lt= "lt-LT", lv= "lv-LV", mn= "mn-MN", nb= "nb-NO", nl= "nl-NL", nn= "nn-NO", pl= "pl-PL", pt= "pt-PT", ro= "ro-RO", ru= "ru-RU", sk= "sk-SK", sl= "sl-SI", sr= "sr-RS", sv= "sv-SE", th= "th-TH", tr= "tr-TR", uk= "uk-UA", vi= "vi-VN", zh= "zh-CN" } -- Range delimiter util.unicode = { ["no-break space"] = "\u{00A0}", ["em space"] = "\u{2003}", ["en dash"] = "\u{2013}", ["em dash"] = "\u{2014}", ["left single quotation mark"] = "\u{2018}", ["right single quotation mark"] = "\u{2019}", ["apostrophe"] = "\u{2019}", ["left double quotation mark"] = "\u{201C}", ["right double quotation mark"] = "\u{201D}", ["horizontal ellipsis"] = "\u{2026}", ["narrow no-break space"] = "\u{202F}", } -- Text-case function util.is_lower (str) return unicode.utf8.lower(str) == str end function util.is_upper (str) return unicode.utf8.upper(str) == str end function util.capitalize (str) str = unicode.utf8.lower(str) local res = string.gsub(str, "%w", unicode.utf8.upper, 1) return res end function util.sentence (str) if util.is_upper(str) then return util.capitalize(str) else local output = {} for i, word in ipairs(util.split(str)) do if i == 1 and util.is_lower(word) then table.insert(output, util.capitalize(word)) else table.insert(output, word) end end return table.concat(output, " ") end end -- TODO: process multiple words util.stop_words = { ["a"] = true, ["according to"] = true, ["across"] = true, ["afore"] = true, ["after"] = true, ["against"] = true, ["ahead of"] = true, ["along"] = true, ["alongside"] = true, ["amid"] = true, ["amidst"] = true, ["among"] = true, ["amongst"] = true, ["an"] = true, ["and"] = true, ["anenst"] = true, ["apart from"] = true, ["apropos"] = true, ["apud"] = true, ["around"] = true, ["as"] = true, ["as regards"] = true, ["aside"] = true, ["astride"] = true, ["at"] = true, ["athwart"] = true, ["atop"] = true, ["back to"] = true, ["barring"] = true, ["because of"] = true, ["before"] = true, ["behind"] = true, ["below"] = true, ["beneath"] = true, ["beside"] = true, ["besides"] = true, ["between"] = true, ["beyond"] = true, ["but"] = true, ["by"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["ca"] = true, ["circa"] = true, ["close to"] = true, ["d'"] = true, ["de"] = true, ["despite"] = true, ["down"] = true, ["due to"] = true, ["during"] = true, ["et"] = true, ["except"] = true, ["far from"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["forenenst"] = true, ["from"] = true, ["given"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["inside"] = true, ["instead of"] = true, ["into"] = true, ["lest"] = true, ["like"] = true, ["modulo"] = true, ["near"] = true, ["next"] = true, ["nor"] = true, ["notwithstanding"] = true, ["of"] = true, ["off"] = true, ["on"] = true, ["onto"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["out"] = true, ["outside of"] = true, ["over"] = true, ["per"] = true, ["plus"] = true, ["prior to"] = true, ["pro"] = true, ["pursuant to"] = true, ["qua"] = true, ["rather than"] = true, ["regardless of"] = true, ["sans"] = true, ["since"] = true, ["so"] = true, ["such as"] = true, ["than"] = true, ["that of"] = true, ["the"] = true, ["through"] = true, ["throughout"] = true, ["thru"] = true, ["thruout"] = true, ["till"] = true, ["to"] = true, ["toward"] = true, ["towards"] = true, ["under"] = true, ["underneath"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["unto"] = true, ["up"] = true, ["upon"] = true, ["v."] = true, ["van"] = true, ["versus"] = true, ["via"] = true, ["vis-à-vis"] = true, ["von"] = true, ["vs."] = true, ["where as"] = true, ["with"] = true, ["within"] = true, ["without"] = true, ["yet"] = true, } function util.title (str) local output = {} local previous = ":" for i, word in ipairs(util.split(str)) do local lower = unicode.utf8.lower(word) if previous ~= ":" and util.stop_words[string.match(lower, "%w+")] then table.insert(output, lower) elseif util.is_lower(word) or util.is_upper(word) then table.insert(output, util.capitalize(word)) else table.insert(output, word) end end local res = table.concat(output, " ") return res end function util.all (t) for _, item in ipairs(t) do if not item then return false end end return true end function util.any (t) for _, item in ipairs(t) do if item then return true end end return false end -- ROMANESQUE_REGEXP = "-0-9a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e" util.romanesque_ranges = { {0x0030, 0x0039}, -- 0-9 {0x0041, 0x005A}, -- A-Z {0x0061, 0x007A}, -- a-z {0x0E01, 0x0E5B}, -- Thai {0x0E01, 0x0E5B}, -- Thai {0x00C0, 0x017F}, -- Latin-1 Supplement {0x0370, 0x03FF}, -- Greek and Coptic {0x0400, 0x052F}, -- Cyrillic {0x0590, 0x05D4}, -- Hebrew {0x05D6, 0x05FF}, -- Hebrew {0x1F00, 0x1FFF}, -- Greek Extended {0x0600, 0x06FF}, -- Arabic {0x202A, 0x202E}, -- Writing directions in General Punctuation } util.romanesque_chars = { 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x200e, 0x0218, 0x0219, 0x021a, 0x021b, } util.CJK_ranges = { {0x4E00, 0x9FFF}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs {0x3400, 0x4DBF}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A {0x3040, 0x309F}, -- Hiragana {0x30A0, 0x30FF}, -- Katakana {0xF900, 0xFAFF}, -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs {0x20000, 0x2A6DF}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B {0x2A700, 0x2B73F}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C {0x2B740, 0x2B81F}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D {0x2B820, 0x2CEAF}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E {0x2CEB0, 0x2EBEF}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F {0x30000, 0x3134F}, -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G {0x2F800, 0x2FA1F}, -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement } function util.in_list (value, list) for _, v in ipairs(list) do if value == v then return true end end return false end function util.in_ranges (value, ranges) for _, range in ipairs(ranges) do if value >= range[1] and value <= range[2] then return true end end return false end function util.is_romanesque(code_point) if not code_point then return false end if util.in_ranges(code_point, util.romanesque_ranges) then return true end if util.in_list(code_point, util.romanesque_chars) then return true end return false end function util.has_romanesque_char(s) -- has romanesque char but not necessarily pure romanesque if not s then return false end for _, code_point in utf8.codes(s) do if util.is_romanesque(code_point) then return true end end return false end function util.is_cjk_char(code_point) if not code_point then return false end if util.in_ranges(code_point, util.CJK_ranges) then return true end return false end function util.has_cjk_char(s) -- has romanesque char but not necessarily pure romanesque if not s then return false end for _, code_point in utf8.codes(s) do if util.is_cjk_char(code_point) then return true end end return false end function util.convert_roman (number) assert(type(number) == "number") local output = {} for _, tuple in ipairs(util.roman_numerals) do local letter, value = table.unpack(tuple) table.insert(output, string.rep(letter, number // value)) number = number % value end return table.concat(output, "") end util.roman_numerals = { {"m", 1000}, {"cm", 900}, {"d", 500}, {"cd", 400}, {"c", 100}, {"xc", 90}, {"l", 50}, {"xl", 40}, {"x", 10}, {"ix", 9}, {"v", 5}, {"iv", 4}, {"i", 1}, }; -- Choose util.position_map = { ["first"] = 0, ["subsequent"] = 1, ["ibid"] = 2, ["ibid-with-locator"] = 3, ["container-subsequent"] = 4, } -- Output util.superscripts = { ["\u{00AA}"] = "\u{0061}", ["\u{00B2}"] = "\u{0032}", ["\u{00B3}"] = "\u{0033}", ["\u{00B9}"] = "\u{0031}", ["\u{00BA}"] = "\u{006F}", ["\u{02B0}"] = "\u{0068}", ["\u{02B1}"] = "\u{0266}", ["\u{02B2}"] = "\u{006A}", ["\u{02B3}"] = "\u{0072}", ["\u{02B4}"] = "\u{0279}", ["\u{02B5}"] = "\u{027B}", ["\u{02B6}"] = "\u{0281}", ["\u{02B7}"] = "\u{0077}", ["\u{02B8}"] = "\u{0079}", ["\u{02E0}"] = "\u{0263}", ["\u{02E1}"] = "\u{006C}", ["\u{02E2}"] = "\u{0073}", ["\u{02E3}"] = "\u{0078}", ["\u{02E4}"] = "\u{0295}", ["\u{1D2C}"] = "\u{0041}", ["\u{1D2D}"] = "\u{00C6}", ["\u{1D2E}"] = "\u{0042}", ["\u{1D30}"] = "\u{0044}", ["\u{1D31}"] = "\u{0045}", ["\u{1D32}"] = "\u{018E}", ["\u{1D33}"] = "\u{0047}", ["\u{1D34}"] = "\u{0048}", ["\u{1D35}"] = "\u{0049}", ["\u{1D36}"] = "\u{004A}", ["\u{1D37}"] = "\u{004B}", ["\u{1D38}"] = "\u{004C}", ["\u{1D39}"] = "\u{004D}", ["\u{1D3A}"] = "\u{004E}", ["\u{1D3C}"] = "\u{004F}", ["\u{1D3D}"] = "\u{0222}", ["\u{1D3E}"] = "\u{0050}", ["\u{1D3F}"] = "\u{0052}", ["\u{1D40}"] = "\u{0054}", ["\u{1D41}"] = "\u{0055}", ["\u{1D42}"] = "\u{0057}", ["\u{1D43}"] = "\u{0061}", ["\u{1D44}"] = "\u{0250}", ["\u{1D45}"] = "\u{0251}", ["\u{1D46}"] = "\u{1D02}", ["\u{1D47}"] = "\u{0062}", ["\u{1D48}"] = "\u{0064}", ["\u{1D49}"] = "\u{0065}", ["\u{1D4A}"] = "\u{0259}", ["\u{1D4B}"] = "\u{025B}", ["\u{1D4C}"] = "\u{025C}", ["\u{1D4D}"] = "\u{0067}", ["\u{1D4F}"] = "\u{006B}", ["\u{1D50}"] = "\u{006D}", ["\u{1D51}"] = "\u{014B}", ["\u{1D52}"] = "\u{006F}", ["\u{1D53}"] = "\u{0254}", ["\u{1D54}"] = "\u{1D16}", ["\u{1D55}"] = "\u{1D17}", ["\u{1D56}"] = "\u{0070}", ["\u{1D57}"] = "\u{0074}", ["\u{1D58}"] = "\u{0075}", ["\u{1D59}"] = "\u{1D1D}", ["\u{1D5A}"] = "\u{026F}", ["\u{1D5B}"] = "\u{0076}", ["\u{1D5C}"] = "\u{1D25}", ["\u{1D5D}"] = "\u{03B2}", ["\u{1D5E}"] = "\u{03B3}", ["\u{1D5F}"] = "\u{03B4}", ["\u{1D60}"] = "\u{03C6}", ["\u{1D61}"] = "\u{03C7}", ["\u{2070}"] = "\u{0030}", ["\u{2071}"] = "\u{0069}", ["\u{2074}"] = "\u{0034}", ["\u{2075}"] = "\u{0035}", ["\u{2076}"] = "\u{0036}", ["\u{2077}"] = "\u{0037}", ["\u{2078}"] = "\u{0038}", ["\u{2079}"] = "\u{0039}", ["\u{207A}"] = "\u{002B}", ["\u{207B}"] = "\u{2212}", ["\u{207C}"] = "\u{003D}", ["\u{207D}"] = "\u{0028}", ["\u{207E}"] = "\u{0029}", ["\u{207F}"] = "\u{006E}", ["\u{2120}"] = "\u{0053}\u{004D}", ["\u{2122}"] = "\u{0054}\u{004D}", ["\u{3192}"] = "\u{4E00}", ["\u{3193}"] = "\u{4E8C}", ["\u{3194}"] = "\u{4E09}", ["\u{3195}"] = "\u{56DB}", ["\u{3196}"] = "\u{4E0A}", ["\u{3197}"] = "\u{4E2D}", ["\u{3198}"] = "\u{4E0B}", ["\u{3199}"] = "\u{7532}", ["\u{319A}"] = "\u{4E59}", ["\u{319B}"] = "\u{4E19}", ["\u{319C}"] = "\u{4E01}", ["\u{319D}"] = "\u{5929}", ["\u{319E}"] = "\u{5730}", ["\u{319F}"] = "\u{4EBA}", ["\u{02C0}"] = "\u{0294}", ["\u{02C1}"] = "\u{0295}", ["\u{06E5}"] = "\u{0648}", ["\u{06E6}"] = "\u{064A}", } -- File IO function util.read_file(path) if not path then print(debug.traceback()) end local file = io.open(path, "r") if not file then return nil end local content = file:read("*a") file:close() return content end return util