-- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Zeping Lee -- Released under the MIT license. -- Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua -- local core = {} local citeproc = require("citeproc") local bibtex -- = require("citeproc-bibtex") -- load on demand local util = citeproc.util require("lualibs") core.locale_file_format = "csl-locales-%s.xml" core.uncited_ids = {} core.uncite_all_items = false function core.read_file(file_name, ftype, file_info) if file_info then file_info = util.capitalize(file_info) else file_info = "File" end local path = kpse.find_file(file_name, ftype) if not path then if ftype and not util.endswith(file_name, ftype) then file_name = file_name .. ftype end util.error(string.format('%s "%s" not found', file_info, file_name)) return nil end local file = io.open(path, "r") if not file then util.error(string.format('Cannot open %s "%s"', file_info, path)) return nil end local contents = file:read("*a") file:close() return contents end local function read_data_file(data_file) local file_name = data_file local extension = nil local contents = nil if util.endswith(data_file, ".json") then extension = ".json" contents = core.read_file(data_file, nil, "database file") elseif util.endswith(data_file, ".bib") then extension = ".bib" contents = core.read_file(data_file, "bib", "database file") else local path = kpse.find_file(data_file .. ".json") if path then file_name = data_file .. ".json" extension = ".json" contents = core.read_file(data_file .. ".json", nil, "database file") else path = kpse.find_file(data_file, "bib") if path then file_name = data_file .. ".bib" extension = ".bib" contents = core.read_file(data_file, "bib", "database file") else util.error(string.format('Cannot find database file "%s"', data_file .. ".json")) end end end local csl_items = nil if extension == ".json" then csl_items = utilities.json.tolua(contents) elseif extension == ".bib" then bibtex = bibtex or require("citeproc-bibtex") csl_items = bibtex.parse(contents) end return file_name, csl_items end local function read_data_files(data_files) local bib = {} for _, data_file in ipairs(data_files) do local file_name, csl_items = read_data_file(data_file) -- TODO: parse bib entries on demand for _, item in ipairs(csl_items) do local id = item.id if bib[id] then util.warning(string.format('Duplicate entry key "%s" in "%s".', id, file_name)) else bib[id] = item end end end return bib end function core.make_citeproc_sys(data_files) core.bib = read_data_files(data_files) local citeproc_sys = { retrieveLocale = function (lang) local locale_file_format = core.locale_file_format or "locales-%s.xml" local filename = string.format(locale_file_format, lang) return core.read_file(filename) end, retrieveItem = function (id) local res = core.bib[id] return res end } return citeproc_sys end function core.init(style_name, data_files, lang) if style_name == "" or #data_files == 0 then return nil end local style = core.read_file(style_name .. ".csl", nil, "style") if not style then util.error(string.format('Failed to load style "%s.csl"', style_name)) return nil end local force_lang = nil if lang and lang ~= "" then force_lang = true else lang = nil end local citeproc_sys = core.make_citeproc_sys(data_files) local engine = citeproc.new(citeproc_sys, style, lang, force_lang) return engine end local function parse_latex_seq(s) local t = {} for item in string.gmatch(s, "(%b{})") do item = string.sub(item, 2, -2) table.insert(t, item) end return t end local function parse_latex_prop(s) local t = {} for key, value in string.gmatch(s, "([%w%-]+)%s*=%s*(%b{})") do value = string.sub(value, 2, -2) if value == "true" then value = true elseif value == "false" then value = false end t[key] = value end return t end function core.make_citation(citation_info) -- `citation_info`: "citationID={ITEM-1@2},citationItems={{id={ITEM-1},label={page},locator={6}}},properties={noteIndex={3}}" local citation = parse_latex_prop(citation_info) assert(citation.citationID) assert(citation.citationItems) assert(citation.properties) citation.citationItems = parse_latex_seq(citation.citationItems) for i, item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do citation.citationItems[i] = parse_latex_prop(item) end citation.properties = parse_latex_prop(citation.properties) local note_index = citation.properties.noteIndex if not note_index or note_index == "" then citation.properties.noteIndex = 0 elseif type(note_index) == "string" and string.match(note_index, "^%d+$") then citation.properties.noteIndex = tonumber(note_index) else util.error(string.format('Invalid note index "%s".', note_index)) end return citation end function core.process_citations(engine, citations) local citations_pre = {} local citation_strings = {} core.update_cited_and_uncited_ids(engine, citations) for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do if citation.citationID ~= "@nocite" then -- local res = engine:processCitationCluster(citation, citations_pre, {}) -- for _, tuple in ipairs(res[2]) do -- local citation_str = tuple[2] -- local citation_id = tuple[3] -- citation_strings[citation_id] = citation_str -- util.debug(citation_str) -- end local citation_str = engine:process_citation(citation) citation_strings[citation.citationID] = citation_str table.insert(citations_pre, {citation.citationID, citation.properties.noteIndex}) end end return citation_strings end function core.update_cited_and_uncited_ids(engine, citations) local id_list = {} local id_map = {} -- Boolean map for checking if id in list local uncited_id_list = {} local uncited_id_map = {} for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do if citation.citationID == "@nocite" then for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do if cite_item.id == "*" then if not core.uncite_all_items then for id, _ in pairs(core.bib) do if not uncited_id_map[id] then table.insert(uncited_id_list, id) uncited_id_map[id] = true end end core.uncite_all_items = true end elseif not uncited_id_map[cite_item.id] then table.insert(uncited_id_list, cite_item.id) uncited_id_map[cite_item.id] = true end end else -- Real citation for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do if not id_map[cite_item.id] then table.insert(id_list, cite_item.id) id_map[cite_item.id] = true end end end end engine:updateItems(id_list) engine:updateUncitedItems(uncited_id_list) end function core.make_bibliography(engine) local result = engine:makeBibliography() local params = result[1] local bib_items = result[2] local res = "" local bib_options = "" if params["hangingindent"] then bib_options = bib_options .. "\n hanging-indent = true," end if params["linespacing"] then bib_options = bib_options .. string.format("\n line-spacing = %d,", params["linespacing"]) end if params["entryspacing"] then bib_options = bib_options .. string.format("\n entry-spacing = %d,", params["entryspacing"]) end if bib_options ~= "" then bib_options = "\\cslsetup{" .. bib_options .. "\n}\n\n" res = res .. bib_options end -- util.debug(params.bibstart) if params.bibstart then res = res .. params.bibstart end for _, bib_item in ipairs(bib_items) do res = res .. "\n" .. bib_item end if params.bibend then res = res .. "\n" .. params.bibend end return res end return core