-- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Zeping Lee -- Released under the MIT license. -- Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua -- local cli = {} local lpeg = require("lpeg") require("lualibs") local citeproc = require("citeproc") local bibtex2csl -- = require("citeproc-bibtex-parser") -- load on demand local util = require("citeproc-util") local core = require("citeproc-latex-core") local latex_parser = require("citeproc-latex-parser") -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/AlternativeGetOpt local function getopt( arg, options ) local tab = {} for k, v in ipairs(arg) do if string.sub( v, 1, 2) == "--" then local x = string.find( v, "=", 1, true ) if x then tab[ string.sub( v, 3, x-1 ) ] = string.sub( v, x+1 ) else tab[ string.sub( v, 3 ) ] = true end elseif string.sub( v, 1, 1 ) == "-" then local y = 2 local l = string.len(v) local jopt while ( y <= l ) do jopt = string.sub( v, y, y ) if string.find( options, jopt, 1, true ) then if y < l then tab[ jopt ] = string.sub( v, y+1 ) y = l else tab[ jopt ] = arg[ k + 1 ] end else tab[ jopt ] = true end y = y + 1 end else if tab.file then error(string.format('Invalid argument "%s"', v)) end tab.file = v end end return tab end local function print_version() io.write(string.format("citeproc-lua %s\n", citeproc.__VERSION__)) end local function print_help() io.write("Usage: citeproc-lua [options] auxname[.aux]\n") io.write("Options:\n") io.write(" -h, --help Print this message and exit.\n") io.write(" -q, --quiet Quiet mode: suppress the banner and progress reports.\n") io.write(" -V, --version Print the version number and exit.\n") end local function convert_bib(path, output_path) local contents = util.read_file(path) bibtex2csl = bibtex2csl or require("citeproc-bibtex2csl") local csl_data = bibtex2csl.parse_bibtex_to_csl(contents, true, true, true, true) if not output_path then output_path = string.gsub(path, "%.bib$", ".json") end util.write_file(utilities.json.tojson(csl_data) .. "\n", output_path) end local balanced = lpeg.P{ "{" * lpeg.V(1)^0 * "}" + (1 - lpeg.S"{}") } ---@param text string ---@return string? local function get_command_argument(text, command) if string.match(text, command) then local grammar = (lpeg.P(command) * lpeg.S(" \t\r\n")^0 * lpeg.C(balanced) + 1)^0 local argument = grammar:match(text) if not argument then return nil end argument = string.sub(argument, 2, -2) return argument end return nil end ---comment ---@param aux_file any ---@return string ---@return string[] ---@return Citation[] ---@return table ---@return string[] local function read_aux_file(aux_file) local csl_style = nil local csl_data_files = {} local csl_citations = {} local csl_options = {} local csl_bibliographies = {} local file = io.open(aux_file) if not file then util.error(string.format("Couldn't open file %s", aux_file)) return csl_style, csl_data_files, csl_citations, csl_options, csl_bibliographies end for line in file:lines() do -- TODO: Use lpeg-based method and detect multiple lines local style = get_command_argument(line, "\\csl@aux@style") if style then csl_style = style else local data = get_command_argument(line, "\\csl@aux@data") if data then for _, bib_file in ipairs(latex_parser.parse_seq(data)) do table.insert(csl_data_files, bib_file) end else local cite = get_command_argument(line, "\\csl@aux@cite") if cite then local citation = core.make_citation(cite) table.insert(csl_citations, citation) else local options = get_command_argument(line, "\\csl@aux@options") if options then options = latex_parser.parse_prop(options) for key, value in pairs(options) do csl_options[key] = value end else local bib = get_command_argument(line, "\\csl@aux@bibliography") if bib then table.insert(csl_bibliographies, bib) else local sub_aux_file = get_command_argument(line, "\\@input") if sub_aux_file and util.endswith(sub_aux_file, ".aux") then local style_name, data_files, citations, opts, bibs = read_aux_file(sub_aux_file) if style_name then csl_style = style_name end util.extend(csl_data_files, data_files) util.extend(csl_citations, citations) util.extend(csl_citations, citations) for key, value in pairs(opts) do csl_options[key] = value end util.extend(csl_bibliographies, bibs) end end end end end end end file:close() return csl_style, csl_data_files, csl_citations, csl_options, csl_bibliographies end local function get_undefined_info(core, citation) local res = "" for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do if not core.item_dict[cite_item.id] then if res ~= "" then res = res .. "," end res = res .. cite_item.id end end if res ~= "" then res = string.format("\\cslsetup{undefined-cites={%s}}", res) end return res end ---@param aux_file string local function process_aux_file(aux_file) if not util.endswith(aux_file, ".aux") then aux_file = aux_file .. ".aux" end local blg_file = string.gsub(aux_file, "%.aux$", ".blg") util.set_logging_file(blg_file) local banner = string.format("This is citeproc-lua, Version %s", citeproc.__VERSION__) util.info(banner) util.info(string.format("The top-level auxiliary file: %s", aux_file)) local style_name, bib_files, citations, csl_options, bibliographies = read_aux_file(aux_file) if style_name and style_name ~= "" then util.info(string.format("The style file: %s.csl", style_name)) else util.warning("Missing style name. Will use default APA style.") style_name = "apa" end if #citations == 0 then util.error(string.format("No citation commands in file %s", aux_file)) end if #bib_files == 0 then util.warning("empty bibliography data files") else for i, bib_file in ipairs(bib_files) do util.info(string.format("Database file #%d: %s", i, bib_file)) end end local lang = csl_options.locale local engine = core.init(style_name, bib_files, lang) if not engine then error("citeproc-lua: fails in initialize engine") end if csl_options.linking then engine:enable_linking() end local style_class = engine:get_style_class() if style_class == "in-text" then for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do citation.properties.noteIndex = 0 end end local citation_strings = core.process_citations(engine, citations) -- util.debug(citation_strings) local output_string = string.format("\\cslsetup{class = %s}\n\n", style_class) for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do local citation_id = citation.citationID if citation_id ~= "@nocite" then local citation_str = citation_strings[citation_id] local undefined_entry_info = get_undefined_info(core, citation) output_string = output_string .. string.format("\\cslcitation{%s}{%s%s}\n", citation_id, undefined_entry_info, citation_str) end end output_string = output_string .. "\n" local categories_str = csl_options["categories"] if categories_str then core.set_categories(engine, categories_str) end for _, bib_filter_str in ipairs(bibliographies) do local result = core.make_bibliography(engine, bib_filter_str) output_string = output_string .. "\n\n\n" .. result end local output_path = string.gsub(aux_file, "%.aux$", ".bbl") util.write_file(output_string, output_path) util.quiet_mode = false; if util.num_errors > 1 then util.info(string.format("(There were %d error messages)", util.num_errors)) elseif util.num_errors == 1 then util.info("(There was 1 error message)") end if util.num_warnings > 1 then util.info(string.format("(There were %d warning messages)", util.num_warnings)) elseif util.num_warnings == 1 then util.info("(There was 1 warning message)") end util.close_logging_file() end function cli.main() local args = getopt(arg, "") -- for k, v in pairs(args) do -- print( k, v ) -- end if args.V or args.version then print_version() return elseif args.h or args.help then print_help() return elseif args.q or args.quiet then util.quiet_mode = true end if not args.file then error("citeproc-lua: Need exactly one file argument.\n") end local path = args.file local output_path = args.o or args.output if util.endswith(path, ".bib") then convert_bib(path, output_path) else process_aux_file(path) end if util.num_errors > 0 then return 1 end return 0 end return cli