@INPROCEEDINGS{moraux, title = {Le \emph{De Anima} dans la tradition gr{\`e}cque}, author = {Moraux, Paul}, booktitle = {Aristotle on Mind and the Senses}, date = {1979}, editor = {Lloyd, G. E. R. and Owen, G. E. L.}, booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum}, eventdate = {1975}, language = {french}, location = {Cambridge}, pages = {281-324}, publisher = cup, subtitle = {Quelques aspects de l'interpretation du trait{\'e}, de Theophraste {\`a} Themistius}, annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{inproceedings} entry. Note the \texttt{booksubtitle}, \texttt{shorttitle}, \texttt{indextitle}, and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields. Also note the \texttt{eventdate} field.}, keywords = {secondary}, langid = {russian}, }