% % Bibliography entries % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Article @Article{brezis93:_leapf_inter_compet, author = {Elise S. Brezis and Paul R. Krugman and Daniel Tsiddon}, title = {Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership}, journal = {American Economic Review}, year = 1993, volume = 83, number = 5, pages = {1211-1219}, month = {December}, } @Article{ishikawa94:_revis_stolp_samuel_rybcz_theor_produc_exter, author = {Jota Ishikawa}, title = {Revisiting the {Stolper}-{Samuelson} and the {Rybczynski} Theorems with Production Externalitities}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Economics}, year = 1994, volume = 27, pages = {101-111}, number = 1, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/135804}, doi = {10.2307/135804} } @article{Biker-2007-unemployment, author = {Mustafa H. Babiker and Richard S. 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Babiker and Thomas F. Rutherford}, title = {The Economic Effects of Border Measures in Subglobal Climate Agreements}, journal = {The Energy Journal}, year = 2005, volume = 26, pages = {99-126}, number = 4, doi = {10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol26-No4-6}, } @article{2009yamasue502165, author = {Eiji Yamasue and Ryota Minamino and Ichiro Daigo and Hideyuki Okumura and Keiichi N Ishihara}, title = {Evaluation of total materials requirement for the recycling of elements and materials (urban ore {TMR}) from end-of-life electric home appliances}, journal = {Materials Transactions}, year = 2009, volume = 50, pages = {2165--2172}, number = 9, issn = 13459678, order = 3, pdf = {2009yamasue502165.pdf}, publisher = {Japan Institute of Metals}, url = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/40016713752/}, doi = {10.2320/matertrans.MAW200908} } @article{2007yamasue482353, author = {Eiji Yamasue and Kenichi Nakajima and Ichiro Daigo and Seiji Hashimoto and Hideyuki Okumura and Keiichi N. 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Jacoby}, title = {The {Kyoto} Protocol and Developing Countries}, journal = {Energy Policy}, year = 2000, volume = 28, pages = {525--536}, number = 8, doi = {10.1016/S0301-4215(00)00033-1}, issn = {0301-4215}, keywords = {Climate change} } @article{Parry1997, title = {Environmental taxes and quotas in the presence of distorting taxes in factor markets}, journal = {Resource and Energy Economics}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {203-220}, year = {1997}, issn = {0928-7655}, doi = {10.1016/S0928-7655(96)00012-7}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0928765596000127}, author = {Parry, Ian W. H.}, keywords = {Environmental tax, Environmental quota, Pre-existing labor tax, General equilibrium welfare effect}, abstract = {Environmental quotas tend to compound the welfare cost of pre-existing tax distortions in the labor market. Under plausible parameters, this source of welfare loss can easily be large enough to outweigh the entire partial equilibrium welfare gain from the quota. Environmental taxes induce the same interaction effect, however they also raise government revenues. If the revenues are used to reduce distortionary taxes, then most of this interaction effect can be offset. Therefore, revenue-raising can be a necessary condition for environmental policies to increase welfare.} } @Article{bergemann11:_ration, title = {Rationalizable implementation}, journal = {Journal of Economic Theory}, volume = {146}, number = {3}, pages = {1253-1274}, year = {2011}, issn = {0022-0531}, doi = {10.1016/j.jet.2010.12.011}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022053111000044}, author = {Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris and Olivier Tercieux}, keywords = {Implementation, Complete information, Rationalizability, Maskin monotonicity, Robust mechanism design, Robust implementation}, abstract = {We consider the implementation of social choice functions under complete information in rationalizable strategies. A strict version of the monotonicity condition introduced by Maskin is necessary under the solution concept of rationalizability. Assuming the social choice function is responsive, i.e. in distinct states it selects distinct outcomes, we show that strict Maskin monotonicity is also sufficient under a mild “no worst alternative” condition. In particular, no economic condition is required. We discuss how our results extend when the social choice function is not responsive.} } @article{goldin:katz:2000, author = {Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz}, title = {Education and Income in the Early Twentieth Century: Evidence from the Prairies}, journal = {Journal of Economic History}, year = {2000}, volume = {60}, number = {3}, pages = {782-818}, doi = {10.1017/S0022050700025766} } @article{10.1257/aer.20161492, Author = {Ray, Debraj and Robson, Arthur}, Title = {Certified Random: A New Order for Coauthorship}, Journal = {American Economic Review}, Volume = {108}, Number = {2}, Year = {2018}, Month = {February}, Pages = {489-520}, DOI = {10.1257/aer.20161492}, URL = {http://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20161492}, nameorder = {random} } @article{10.1257/aer.20170619, Author = {Giorcelli, Michela}, Title = {The Long-Term Effects of Management and Technology Transfers}, Journal = {American Economic Review}, Volume = {109}, Number = {1}, Year = {2019}, Month = {January}, Pages = {121-52}, DOI = {10.1257/aer.20170619}, URL = {http://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20170619} } @article{10.1257/pol.2.1.155, Author = {Mankiw, N. Gregory and Weinzierl, Matthew}, Title = {The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution}, Journal = {American Economic Journal: Economic Policy}, Volume = {2}, Number = {1}, Year = {2010}, Month = {February}, Pages = {155-76}, DOI = {10.1257/pol.2.1.155}, URL = {http://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/pol.2.1.155} } @article{10.1257/aer.100.3.763, Author = {Romer, Christina D. and Romer, David H.}, Title = {The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes: Estimates Based on a New Measure of Fiscal Shocks}, Journal = {American Economic Review}, Volume = {100}, Number = {3}, Year = {2010}, Month = {June}, Pages = {763-801}, DOI = {10.1257/aer.100.3.763}, URL = {http://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.100.3.763} } @Article{Takeda2014a, author = {Takeda, Shiro and Arimura, Toshi H. and Tamechika, Hanae and Fischer, Carolyn and Fox, Alan K.}, title = {Output-based allocation of emissions permits for mitigating the leakage and competitiveness issues for the Japanese economy}, journal = {Environmental Economics and Policy Studies}, year = {2014}, month = {Jan}, day = {01}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {89--110}, issn = {1867-383X}, doi = {10.1007/s10018-013-0072-8}, } @Article{Takeda2019a, author = {Takeda, Shiro and Arimura, Toshi H. and Sugino, Makoto}, title = {Labor Market Distortions and Welfare-Decreasing International Emissions Trading}, journal = {Environmental and Resource Economics}, volume = {74}, number = {1}, pages = {271–293}, year = {2019}, month = Jan, day = {17}, issn = {1573-1502}, doi = {10.1007/s10640-018-00317-4}, } @article{doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2778.1, author = {Meehl, Gerald A. and Goddard, Lisa and Murphy, James and Stouffer, Ronald J. and Boer, George and Danabasoglu, Gokhan and Dixon, Keith and Giorgetta, Marco A. and Greene, Arthur M. and Hawkins, Ed and Hegerl, Gabriele and Karoly, David and Keenlyside, Noel and Kimoto, Masahide and Kirtman, Ben and Navarra, Antonio and Pulwarty, Roger and Smith, Doug and Stammer, Detlef and Stockdale, Timothy}, title = {Decadal Prediction}, journal = {Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society}, volume = {90}, number = {10}, pages = {1467-1486}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.1175/2009BAMS2778.1}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1175/2009BAMS2778.1}, eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1175/2009BAMS2778.1}, } @Article{luthi08:_high, author = {Luthi, Dieter and Le Floch, Martine and Bereiter, Bernhard and Blunier, Thomas and Barnola, Jean-Marc and Siegenthaler, Urs and Raynaud, Dominique and Jouzel, Jean and Fischer, Hubertus and Kawamura, Kenji and Stocker, Thomas F.}, title = {High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000-800,000 years before present}, journal = {Nature}, year = 2008, volume = 453, number = 7193, pages = {379-82}, month = {May}, DOI = {10.1038/nature06949} } @Article{essd-10-405-2018, author = {Le Qu\'er\'e, C. and Andrew, R. M. and Friedlingstein, P. and Sitch, S. and Pongratz, J. and Manning, A. C. and Korsbakken, J. I. and Peters, G. P. and Canadell, J. G. and Jackson, R. B. and Boden, T. A. and Tans, P. P. and Andrews, O. D. and Arora, V. K. and Bakker, D. C. E. and Barbero, L. and Becker, M. and Betts, R. A. and Bopp, L. and Chevallier, F. and Chini, L. P. and Ciais, P. and Cosca, C. E. and Cross, J. and Currie, K. and Gasser, T. and Harris, I. and Hauck, J. and Haverd, V. and Houghton, R. A. and Hunt, C. W. and Hurtt, G. and Ilyina, T. and Jain, A. K. and Kato, E. and Kautz, M. and Keeling, R. F. and Klein Goldewijk, K. and K\"ortzinger, A. and Landsch\"utzer, P. and Lef\`evre, N. and Lenton, A. and Lienert, S. and Lima, I. and Lombardozzi, D. and Metzl, N. and Millero, F. and Monteiro, P. M. S. and Munro, D. R. and Nabel, J. E. M. S. and Nakaoka, S.-I. and Nojiri, Y. and Padin, X. A. and Peregon, A. and Pfeil, B. and Pierrot, D. and Poulter, B. and Rehder, G. and Reimer, J. and R\"odenbeck, C. and Schwinger, J. and S\'ef\'erian, R. and Skjelvan, I. and Stocker, B. D. and Tian, H. and Tilbrook, B. and Tubiello, F. N. and van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T. and van der Werf, G. R. and van Heuven, S. and Viovy, N. and Vuichard, N. and Walker, A. P. and Watson, A. J. and Wiltshire, A. J. and Zaehle, S. and Zhu, D.}, title = {Global Carbon Budget 2017}, journal = {Earth System Science Data}, volume = {10}, year = {2018}, number = {1}, pages = {405--448}, url = {https://www.earth-syst-sci-data.net/10/405/2018/}, doi = {10.5194/essd-10-405-2018} } @article{Rivers-2005-CombiningTop-Downand, author = {Rivers, Nic and Jaccard, Mark}, journal = {The Energy Journal}, pages = {83--107}, title = {Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches To Energy-Economy Modeling Using Discrete Choice Methods}, volume = {26}, year = {2005} } @article{WilsonMannOtsuki-2005-AssessingBenefitsof, author = {Wilson, John S. and Mann, Catherine L. and Otsuki, Tsunehiro}, journal = {The World Economy}, number = {6}, pages = {841--871}, title = {{Assessing the Benefits of Trade Facilitation: A Global Perspective}}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9701.2005.00709.x}, volume = {28}, year = {2005} } @article{imbens2019Optimized, title = {Optimized {{Regression Discontinuity Designs}}}, volume = {101}, issn = {0034-6535, 1530-9142}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2019-07-27}, journal = {Review of Economics and Statistics}, doi = {10.1162/rest_a_00793}, url = {https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/rest_a_00793}, author = {Imbens, Guido and Wager, Stefan}, month = may, year = {2019}, keywords = {unread}, pages = {264-278} } @ARTICLE{Attwood06:SexedUp_art, title = {Sexed Up: Theorizing the Sexualization of Culture}, author = {Attwood, Feona}, journal = {Sexualities}, volume = 9, number = 1, pages = {77--94}, month = feb, year = 2006 } @article{Chung-1999-ANoteOnMatsushima's, title = {A Note on {Matsushima}'s Regularity Condition}, author = {Chung, Kim-Sau}, year = 1999, volume = 87, pages = {429--433}, issn = {0022-0531}, doi = {10.1006/jeth.1999.2545}, abstract = {This note first uses a simple example to show that H. Matsushima's (1991, J. Econ. Theory54, 198\textendash 203) regularity condition, to the contrary of his claim, actually does not imply C. d'Aspremont and L.-A. G\'erard-Varet's (1979, J. Public Econ.11, 25\textendash 45) compatibility condition. It then proves a stronger version of Matsushima's proposition, namely that efficient public decision rules can be truthfully implemented with budget-balancing mechanisms under the weak regularity condition. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C72, D82.}, journal = {Journal of Economic Theory}, number = 2 } @article{d'Aspremont-1998-LinearInequalityMethodsTo, title = {Linear Inequality Methods to Enforce Partnerships under Uncertainty: {{An}} Overview}, author = {{d'Aspremont}, Claude and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, year = 1998, volume = 25, pages = {311--336}, issn = {0899-8256}, doi = {10.1006/game.1998.0675}, abstract = {We review different (generic) conditions on stochastic outcome functions to enforce either efficient or nearly efficient partnerships. Their logical relationship is explored. Two kinds of conditions are considered. However, the property for an action profile to be ``compatible'' plays a crucial role in both kinds. Also, two kinds of enforcement mechanisms are considered: enforcement through utility transfers and enforcement through repetition.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: D2, D7.}, journal = {Games and Economic Behavior}, keywords = {folk theorem,mechanism design,partnership,team moral hazard}, number = 2, sortname = {Aspremont, Claude and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, } @article{d'Aspremont-2003-CorrelationIndependenceAndBayesian, title = {Correlation, Independence, and {{Bayesian}} Incentives}, author = {{d'Aspremont}, Claude and Cr{\'e}mer, Jacques and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, year = 2003, month = oct, volume = 21, pages = {281--310}, issn = {0176-1714, 1432-217X}, doi = {10.1007/s00355-003-0260-8}, journal = {Social Choice and Welfare}, number = 2, sortname = {Aspremont, Claude and Cr{\'e}mer, Jacques and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, } @article{d'Aspremont-2004-BalancedBayesianMechanisms, title = {Balanced Bayesian Mechanisms}, author = {{d'Aspremont}, Claude and Cr{\'e}mer, Jacques and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, year = 2004, volume = 115, pages = {385--396}, issn = {0022-0531}, doi = {10.1016/j.jet.2003.07.001}, abstract = {In the transferable utility case, a number of authors have identified conditions on beliefs that guarantee the existence of Bayesian incentive compatible mechanisms with balanced transfers. We present a new, easy to interpret, condition and we show that it is (strictly) more general than all the other conditions found in the literature. We also study conditions guaranteeing the Bayesian implementability of all social decision rules with balanced budget mechanisms.}, journal = {Journal of Economic Theory}, keywords = {Bayesian implementation,Bayesian incentive compatibility,Mechanism design}, number = 2, sortname = {Aspremont, Claude and Cr{\'e}mer, Jacques and {G{\'e}rard-Varet}, Louis-Andr{\'e}}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Book @Book{krugman91:_geogr_trade, author = {Paul R. Krugman}, title = {Geography and Trade}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1991, address = {Cambridge, MA} } @book{helpman91:_inter_trade_trade_polic, editor = {Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin}, title = {International Trade and Trade Policy}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1991, address = {Cambridge, MA} } @Book{fujita99jp:_spatial_econom, author = {Masahisa Fujita and Paul R. Krugman and Anthony J. Venables}, title = {The Spatial Economy}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = 1999 } @Book{Ryza15:_advan_analy_spark_patter_learn_data_scale, author = {Sandy Ryza and Uri Laserson and Sean Owen and Josh Wills}, title = {Advanced Analytics with Spark Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale}, publisher = {O'reilly \& Associates Inc}, year = 2015, } @book{goldin:katz:2008, author = {Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz}, title = {The Race between Education and Technology}, publisher = {The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2008} } @Book{kusuoka06:_advan_mathem_econom, editor = {Kusuoka, Shigeo and Yamasue, Akira}, title = {Advances in Mathematical Economics}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2006, volume = 8, address = {New York} } @book{jones84:_handb_inter_econom, editor = {Ronald W. Jones and Peter B. Kenen}, title = {Handbook of International Economics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 1984, volume = 1, address = {Amsterdam} } @book{jones85:_handb_inter_econom, editor = {Ronald W. Jones and Peter B. Kenen}, title = {Handbook of International Economics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 1985, volume = 2, address = {Amsterdam} } @book{jones97:_handb_inter_econom, title = {Handbook of International Economics}, editor = {Jones, Ronald W. and Grossman, Gene M. and Kenen, Peter B. and Rogoff, Kenneth}, volume = 3, year = 1997, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam} } @book{Attwood09:Mainstreaming, title = {Mainstreaming Sex: the Sexualization of Western Culture}, editor = {Feona Attwood}, publisher = {I.~B. Tauris}, year = 2009, } @book{attwood2010porn, title = {Porn.com: Making Sense of Online Pornography}, editor = {Feona Attwood}, year = 2010, publisher = {Peter Lang} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Incollection @InCollection{krugman91:_is_bilat_bad, author = {Paul R. Krugman}, title = {Is Bilateralism Bad?}, booktitle = {International Trade and Trade Policy}, pages = {9-23}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1991, editor = {Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin}, address = {Cambridge, MA} } @incollection{lucas76:_econom_polic_evaluat, author = {Lucas, Jr., Robert E.}, year = 1976, title = {Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique}, booktitle = {The {Phillips} Curve and Labor Markets}, pages = {19-46}, editors = {Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer}, volume = 1, series = {Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy}, publisher = {North-Holland}, address = {Amsterdam}, doi = {10.1016/S0167-2231(76)80003-6}, } @incollection{DeGorter2002, author = {De Gorter, Harry and Swinnen, Johan}, booktitle = {Handbook of Agricuultural Economics}, chapter = {36}, doi = {10.1016/S1574-0072(02)10023-5}, editor = {Gardner, B. and Rausser, G.}, isbn = {9780444510792}, issn = {15740072}, keywords = {Q18,collective action,commodity policy,developmental paradox,instrument choice,lobbying,politician-voter,public goods,rent-seeking,revealed preference,status quo bias,trade bias}, pages = {1893--1943}, publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.}, title = {Political Economy of Agricultural Policy}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1574007202100235}, volume = {2}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {2002} } @InCollection{borgers95:_note_implem_stron_domin, author = {Tilman Borgers}, title = {A Note on Implementation and Strong Dominance}, booktitle = {Social Choice, Welfare, and Ethics: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, UK.}, year = 1995, editor = {William A. Barnett and Herve Moulin and Maurice Salles and Norman J. Schofield}, pages = {277-287} } @incollection{goldin:katz:2011, author = {Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz}, title = {Mass Secondary Schooling and the State: The Role of State Compulsion in the High School Movement}, booktitle = {Understanding Long-Run Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Kenneth L. Sokoloff}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, address = {Chicago, IL}, year = {2011}, editor = {D. Costa and N. Lamoreaux}, chapter = {9}, pages = {275-310}, } @incollection{balistreri20131513, title = {Computing General Equilibrium Theories of Monopolistic Competition and Heterogeneous Firms}, editor = {Peter B. Dixon and Dale W. Jorgenson}, chapter = {23}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {1}, pages = {1513 - 1570}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling SET, Vols. 1A and 1B}, issn = {2211-6885}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-444-59568-3.00023-7}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444595683000237}, author = {Edward J. Balistreri and Thomas F. Rutherford}, keywords = {New trade theory, computable general equilibrium, intraindustry trade, trade policy, climate policy}, abstract = {This chapter considers alternatives to the Armington formulation of international trade found in most computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. International trade structures consistent with the monopolistic competition models suggested by Krugman (1980) and Melitz (2003) are presented in a computational setting. The Melitz structure of heterogeneous firms is particularly appealing given its consistency with micro-level findings on firm sizes and export behavior. We broaden the accessibility of these advanced trade theories for CGE modelers, and strengthen the link between contemporary CGE analysis and the broader trade community. Small-scale examples of all three theories (Armington, Krugman and Melitz) are introduced under a unified treatment. This is helpful in translating the advanced theories into an environment that is more familiar to CGE modelers. It is also helpful in showing how the different approaches affect outcomes, in a relatively transparent setting. Moving to an applied setting, we offer our approach to calibration and computation of models that include the Melitz heterogeneous firms structure. Our applications include an analysis of economic integration and subglobal climate policy in a model calibrated to the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) data. We do find that the heterogeneous firms structure matters for conclusions drawn from empirical CGE analysis. In our analysis of economic integration we find endogenous entry leading to important variety effects. We also find important productivity effects related to the competitive selection of more productive firms. In our examination of subglobal climate policy we see substantial trade diversion in the Melitz structure. This exacerbates the problem of carbon leakage and impacts the emissions yields from carbon-based tariffs.} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Unpublished @unpublished{ishikawa03:_green_gas_emiss_contr_open_econom, author = {Jota Ishikawa and Kazuharu Kiyono}, title = {Greenhouse-Gas Emission Controls in an Open Economy}, year = 2003, month = nov, note = {{COE-RES} Discussion Paper Series, Center of Excellence Project, Graduate School of Economics and Institute of Economics Research, Hitotsubashi University} } @unpublished{rutherford00:_gtapin_gtap_eg, author = {Thomas F. Rutherford and Sergey V. Paltsev}, title = {{GTAPinGAMS} and {GTAP-EG}: Global Datasets for Economic Research and Illustrative Models}, month = sep, year = 2000, url = {http://www.mpsge.org/gtap5/index.html}, access = {29th June, 2013}, note = {Working Paper, University of Colorad, Department of Economics} } @unpublished{takeda2015a, author = {Takeda, Shiro and Arimura, Toshi H. and Sugino, Makoto}, title = {Labor Market Distortions and Welfare-Decreasing International Emissions Trading}, url = {http://www.waseda.jp/fpse/winpec/assets/uploads/2015/06/No.E1422Takeda_Arimura_Sugino.pdf}, year = {2015}, note = {WINPEC Working Paper Series No.E1422, March 2015} } @unpublished{Babiker-1999-KyotoProtocoland, author = {Mustafa H. Babiker and John M. Reilly and Henry D. Jacoby}, title = {The {Kyoto} Protocol and Developing Countries}, note = {MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (Report No.56)}, month = {October}, year = 1999, owner = {stakeda.lab}, timestamp = {2010.04.08} } @UNPUBLISHED{Babiker-1999-JapaneseNuclearPower, author = {Mustafa H. Babiker and John M. Reilly and A. Denny Ellerman}, title = {{Japanese} Nuclear Power and the {Kyoto} Agreement}, note = {The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (Report No. 51)}, month = {August}, year = {1999}, owner = {stakeda.lab}, timestamp = {2010.03.26} } @UNPUBLISHED{RePEc:nbr:nberwo:4269, title = {A Simple Theory of Multinational Corporations and Trade with a Trade-Off Between Proximity and Concentration}, author = {Brainard, S. Lael}, year = {1993}, note = {NBER Working Paper No. 4269}, institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc}, type = {NBER Working Papers}, number = {4269}, abstract = {This paper develops a two-sector, two-country model, where firms in a differentiated products sector choose between exporting and multinational expansion as alternative modes of foreign market penetration, based on a trade-off between proximity and concentration advantages. The differentiated sector is characterized by multi-stage production, with increasing returns at the corporate level associated with some activity such as R&D, scale economies at the plant level, and a variable transport cost that rises with distance. A pure multinational equilibrium, where two-way horizontal expansion across borders completely supplants two-way trade in differentiated products, is possible even in the absence of factor proportion differences. It is more likely the greater are transport costs relative to fixed plant costs, and the greater are increasing returns at the corporate level relative to the plant level. The model also establishes conditions for a mixed equilibrium, in which national and multinational firms coexist.}, url = {http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:nbr:nberwo:4269} } @Unpublished{vohra18:_maxim_farsig_stabl_set, author = {Rajiv Vohra and Debraj Ray}, title = {Maximality in The Farsighted Stable Set}, nameorder = {random}, year = 2018, url = {https://debrajray.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/RayVohraHistDep.pdf}, note = {September, 2018}, } @Unpublished{saito17:_effec_immig_japan, author = {Saito, Muneyuki and Kato, Shinya and Takeda, Shiro}, title = {Effects of Immigration in Japan: A Computable General Equilibrium Assessment}, url = {https://ssrn.com/abstract=2782708}, year = 2017 } @Unpublished{takeda10:_region_effec_trade_liber_japan, author = {Takeda, Shiro and Kanemi, Ban}, title = {Regional Effects of Trade Liberalization in Japan: A CGE Analysis Based on an Interregional Input-Output Table}, url = {http://shirotakeda.org/assets/files/research/rio_2008/en/takeda-ban-iro-2010-04-15.pdf}, year = 2010 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % inbook @InBook{wong95:_inter_trade_goods_factor_mobil_, author = {{Kar-yiu} Wong}, title = {International Trade in Goods and Factor Mobility}, chapter = 2, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1995, address = {Cambridge, MA}, pages = {23-84} } @inbook{milne-thomson68:_theor_hydrod, author = {Milne-Thomson, L. M.}, title = {Theoretical Hydrodynamics}, pages = 480, publisher = {Ma{C}millan Press}, edition = {5th}, address = {London}, year = 1968 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % inproceedings @inproceedings{wang89:_model_therm_hydrod_aspec_molten, author = {Wang, S. K. and Blomquist, C. A. and Spencer, B. W.}, title = {Modeling of Thermal and Hydrodynamic Aspects of Molten Jet/Water Interactions}, booktitle = {ANS Proc. 1989 National Heat Transfer Conference}, year = 1989, pages = {225-232}, volume = 4, address = {Philadelphia}, month = sep # "~6" } @inproceedings{zhang2016Deep, address = {{Paduva, Italy}}, title = {Deep {{Learning}} over {{Multi}}-Field {{Categorical Data}}}, volume = {9626}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-12-26}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 38th {{European Conference}} on {{IR Research}}}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-30671-1_4}, url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-30671-1_4}, author = {Zhang, Weinan and Du, Tianming and Wang, Jun}, editor = {Ferro, Nicola and Crestani, Fabio and Moens, Marie-Francine and Mothe, Josiane and Silvestri, Fabrizio and Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria and Hauff, Claudia and Silvello, Gianmaria}, month = mar, year = {2016}, keywords = {unread,FM-supported NN (FNN),Sample-based NN (SNN)}, pages = {45-57} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Manual @Manual{brooke03:_gams, author = {Anthony Brooke and David Kendrick and Alexander Meeraus and Ramesh Raman}, title = {{GAMS}: A User's Guide}, year = 2003, organization = {GAMS Development Corporation} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % techreport @techreport{Peri2007, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Peri, Giovanni}, doi = {10.3386/w12956}, institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research}, month = {mar}, title = {Immigrants' Complementarities and Native Wages: Evidence from {California}}, url = {http://www.nber.org/papers/w12956.pdf}, year = {2007} } @TechReport{RePEc:hka:wpaper:2018-037, author = {Piotr Dworczak and Scott Duke Kominers and Mohammad Akbarpour}, title = {Redistribution through Markets}, year = 2018, month = Jun, nameorder = {random}, institution = {Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group}, type = {Working Papers}, url = {https://ideas.repec.org/p/hka/wpaper/2018-037.html}, number = {2018-037}, keywords = {optimal mechanism design; redistribution; Inequality; welfare theorems}, doi = {}, } @techreport{NBERw25205, title = {Electoral Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions}, author = {Garance Genicot and Laurent Bouton and Micael Castanheira}, institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research}, type = {Working Paper}, series = {Working Paper Series}, number = 25205, year = 2018, month = {October}, doi = {10.3386/w25205}, URL = {http://www.nber.org/papers/w25205}, nameorder = {random} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Online @online{stakeda2019web, author = {Shiro Takeda}, year = {2019}, title = {econ.bst: {BibTeX} style file for economics}, url = {https://github.com/ShiroTakeda/econ-bst}, access = {28th Jan, 2019} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Phdthesis @PhdThesis{takeda05:_econom_analy_envir_regul, author = {Shiro Takeda}, title = {An Economic Analysis of Environmental Regulations}, school = {Hitotsubashi University}, year = 2005} % proceedings % techreport % mastersthesis % misc % booklet % -------------------- % Local Variables: % mode: bibtex % fill-column: 80 % code: utf-8-unix % End: