From e0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Norbert Preining Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 13:46:59 +0900 Subject: Initial commit --- macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty | 363 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 363 insertions(+) create mode 100644 macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty') diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty b/macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..765151f2cb --- /dev/null +++ b/macros/plain/contrib/tugboat/tugproc.sty @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +%% @texfile{ +%% filename="tugproc.sty", +%% version = "see below \fileversion" +%% date = "see below \filedate", +%% filetype = "was plain TeX macros for TUG Proceedings; now unused", +%% copyright = "Copyright 1990-2016 TeX Users Group. +%% Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file +%% are permitted as long as this file is not +%% modified. Modifications (and redistribution of +%% modified versions) are also permitted, but only if +%% the resulting file is renamed." +%% email = "", +%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", +%% keywords = "tex users group, tugboat, proceedings, plain tex", +%% abstract = "This file contains the plain-based macros +%% that were used in proceedings issues of TUGboat, the +%% Communications of the TeX Users Group. Now unused." +%% } +%% ********************************************************* +%% +%% Use of this file also requires the following files: +%% TUGBOAT.STY (version 1.09+) +%% TUGBOAT.CMN (version 1.08+) (loaded by TUGBOAT.STY) +%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\def\fileversion{v1.22} +\def\filedate{26 Sep 16} + +\message{File `TUGPROC.STY' \fileversion \space\space <\filedate>} + +% initialize year/issue-specific elements for standalone use +\def\mtgyear{1994} +\def\volyr{1994} +\def\volno{15} +\def\issno{3} + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\input tugboat.sty + +\savecat\@ \makeletter\@ +\ifx\tugprocloaded@\undefined \let\tugprocloaded@\end +\else \restorecat\@ \xdef\startingpage{\number\pageno}\endinput \fi + +\newdimen\tubpagelgt +\tubpagelgt=\pagelgt \advance\tubpagelgt 1pc % for running feet + +% fonts + +\font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled 1200 +\font\twelvebf=cmbx10 scaled 1200 +\font\fourteenrm=cmr10 scaled 1440 +\font\fourteenit=cmti10 scaled 1440 +\font\fourteensl=cmsl10 scaled 1440 + +\def\twelvepoint{% + \normalbaselineskip=14pt + \def\rm{\fam\z@\twelverm}% + \textfont\z@=\twelverm + \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf}% + \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf + \normalbaselines \rm} + +\def\fourteenpoint{% + \normalbaselineskip=18pt + \def\rm{\fam\z@\fourteenrm}% + \textfont\z@=\fourteenrm + \def\it{\fam\itfam\fourteenit}% + \textfont\itfam=\fourteenit + \def\sl{\fam\slfam\fourteensl}% + \textfont\slfam=\fourteensl + \normalbaselines \rm} + +\def\AUTHORfont{\twelvepoint\rm} +\def\HEADfont{\twelvepoint\bf} +\def\TITLEfont{\fourteenpoint\rm} +\def\addressfont{\ninepoint\rm} +\def\netaddrfont{\ninepoint\tt} + +\def\br{\unskip\hfil\break} % version for titles +\def\degrade{\def\br{\unskip\space\ignorespaces}% + \let\\\br} % in running heads. + +% running heads & feet +%\newcount\startingpage % Number of first page of article +\newif\ifpreprint \preprinttrue +\def\preprint{\preprinttrue + \ifExtrAbs\breaklines\fi} % (*) +\newif\ifproof \prooffalse \let\filename\relax +\def\Proof{\prooftrue\immediate\write16{File name?} + \immediate\read16 to\filename} +\def\stamp{\ifproof{\tt \filename}\quad\Now\else\space\fi} +\let\midrtitle=\null +\def\rtitlex{% + \ifodd\pageno\degrade\rhtitle\else\rhauthor\fi} +\def\rtitle{% + \hbox to \pagewd{% + \tenpoint + \makestrut[10pt;\z@]% + \ifnum\the\pageno=\startingpage\hfill\stamp\else + \ifodd\pageno + \stamp\hfill\rtitlex + \else + \rtitlex\hfill\stamp + \fi\fi + }% + } + +\ifx\startingpage\undefined \def\startingpage{1001}\fi +\pageno=\startingpage +\def\rfoot{% + \hbox to \pagewd{% + \tenpoint + \makestrut[\z@;0.5pc]% + \ifpreprint + \ifodd\pageno + \pfoottext\hfil\Now\hfil$^.$\number\pageno + \else + \number\pageno$^.$\hfil\Now\hfil\pfoottext + \fi + \else + \ifodd\pageno + \rfoottext\hfil\number\pageno + \else + \number\pageno\hfil\rfoottext + \fi + \fi + }% + } + +\v@lx % normalize publication info for footer +\def\pfoottext{{\smc Preprint}: \mtgyear{} \TUG{} Annual Meeting} +\def\rfoottext{\tenrm\TUB, \volx\Dash + {Proceedings of the \volyr{} Annual Meeting}} + +% midpage redone to align running feet. +\def\midpage#1{% + \vbox{ + \basezero + \hrule height\z@ depth\z@ width\p@ + \ifTrimmarks + \vskip-1in % default offset for laser printers + % this puts top trim at edge of paper + \vbox to \trimlgt \bgroup + \topregister + \vskip \headmargin + \else + \vskip-\rheadlgt % this puts runhead above default offset + \fi + \dlap{\vbox to\tubpagelgt{\vfil + \ifnum\xcol=\numcols \runfoot \else \vbox to \rfootlgt{}\fi}} + \vbox to \pagelgt{ + \ifnum\xcol=\numcols \runhead \else \vbox to \rheadlgt{}\fi + \ifThisIsFirstPage \firsthead \fi + \hbox to \pagewd{#1} % \vsize applied in \pagebody + \ifThisIsFirstPage \firstfoot \fi + \vfil % if no depth, avoid underfull box +% \ifnum\xcol=\numcols \runfoot \else \vbox to \rfootlgt{}\fi + } + \ifTrimmarks \vfill \botregister \egroup \fi + }} + +% *************************************************** +% Bibliography +\def\Hang{1em} +\def\entry #1{\noindent\frenchspacing\hangindent\Hang #1} + +% Appendix +\def\appendix #1\endappendix{\newpage\onecol\centerline{\HEADfont #1}} + +% Box for deadlines: +\newbox\textbox % \twocolcolwd=18.75pc [cf. tugboat.sty] +\long\def\boxit #1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{\vrule\kern3pt + \vbox{\kern3pt\vskip 4pt#1\vskip 4pt\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}} +\long\def\boxedlist #1{$$\boxit{\setbox\textbox=\vbox{\hsize 18pc + \strut{#1}\strut}\box\textbox}$$} % TeXbook, 94 & 223 (exer 21.3) + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +% top matter +\def\endtitle{% + \global\toks@=\expandafter{\the\@argument}% + \endgroup + \edef\thetitle{\ignorespaces\the\toks@\unskip}% + \let\rhtitle\thetitle + } + % If your title is too long for the running head, + % use this to construct a shorter version: +\def\shorttitle{% + \begingroup + \def\CurrentTag{shorttitle}% + \@defaultoptions + \@savingargumenttrue + \@checkoptions} + +\def\endshorttitle{% + \global\toks@=\expandafter{\the\@argument}% + \endgroup + \edef\rhtitle{\ignorespaces\the\toks@\unskip}% + } + +\def\rhauthor{\@defaultauthorlist} + % Use the following for running heads if more than + % one author or author's name is too long to fit: +\def\shortauthor{% + \begingroup + \def\CurrentTag{shortauthor}% + \@defaultoptions + \@savingargumenttrue + \@checkoptions} + +\def\endshortauthor{% + \global\toks@=\expandafter{\the\@argument}% + \endgroup + \edef\rhauthor{\ignorespaces\the\toks@\unskip}% + } + +%\long\def\Abstract #1\endAbstract{\long\def\@abstract{#1}} +\def\abstract{\@abstract[\longargument]} +\def\@abstract{% + \begingroup + \def\CurrentTag{abstract}% + \@defaultoptions + \@savingargumenttrue + \@checkoptions} + +\def\endabstract{% + \global\toks@=\expandafter{\the\@argument}% + \endgroup + \edef\theabstract{\ignorespaces\the\toks@\unskip}% + } + +\newif\ifExtrAbs \ExtrAbsfalse % Extract abstract from paper +\def\breaklines{\begingroup\catcode`\^^M=\active\newlinechar=`\^^M} +\def\endbreaklines{\endgroup} + +\def\prefnote{\@prefnote[\longargument]} +\def\@prefnote{% + \begingroup + \def\CurrentTag{prefnote}% + \@defaultoptions + \@savingargumenttrue + \@checkoptions} + +\def\endprefnote{% + \global\toks@=\expandafter{\the\@argument}% + \endgroup + \edef\theprefnote{\ignorespaces\the\toks@\unskip}% + } + +\let\theprefnote\relax + +\def\@defaultsignature{% + \count@=0 + \loop + \ifnum\count@<\authornumber + \vskip20pt + \advance\count@ by \@ne + \noindent{\AUTHORfont\theauthor{\number\count@}}\endgraf + \noindent{\addressfont\theaddress{\number\count@}}\endgraf + \noindent{\netaddrfont\thenetaddress{\number\count@}}\endgraf + \repeat + } + +\newbox\startbox % \newdimen\startheight +\def\article{% \ifExtrAbs\endbreaklines\fi % (*) + \setbox\startbox=\hbox to\colwd + {\hbox to\pagewd{\vbox{ + \hsize\pagewd\raggedright\advance\rightskip0pt plus 1fil\tenpoint\rm + \let\\\break + \noindent{\TITLEfont\thetitle\endgraf}% + \@defaultsignature + \ifx\theprefnote\relax\else + \vskip 20pt + \hbox to \pagewd{\hfil\vbox{\hsize 0.6\pagewd + \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip0pt plus 1fil \spaceskip\z@skip + \noindent{\bf Author's Note: }\ignorespaces\theprefnote\par}\hfil} + \fi + \vskip 20pt + \hbox to \pagewd{\hfil\vbox{\hsize 0.75\pagewd + \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip0pt plus 1fil \spaceskip\z@skip + \centerline{\bf Abstract}\vskip 5pt + \noindent\theabstract\par}\hfil} + \vskip 1pc}}\hss} + \twocolfigure\box\startbox\endfigure + \ifExtrAbs % (*) + \immediate\write\titleabs{\string\TITLE\string\bf\space + \rhauthor:\ \string\rm \rhtitle;;} + \immediate\write\titleabs{\space} + \immediate\write\titleabs{\string\ABS\string\bf\space + Abstract.\ \theabstract;;} + \immediate\write\titleabs{\space} + \immediate\write\titleabs{\string\endinput} + \immediate\closeout\titleabs \endbreaklines + \fi % (*) +} + +% \head (This writes over a definition in tugboat.sty) +\def\@domainhead{% + \if@removeprewhite\else\vskip\baselineskip\fi + \noindent{\HEADfont\baselineskip15pt % larger type than usual + \raggedright\bf\ignorespaces\the\@argument\unskip\endgraf}% + \if@removepostwhite % usually we want the white space + \else\kern0.5\baselineskip\fi + \nobreak + \gdef\@next{% + \if@allowindent\def\@next{}% usually we don't want to indent here + \else\def\@next{\DeleteOptionalSpacesandPars{\noindent\ignorespaces}}\fi + \@next + }% + } + +\restorecat\@ + +% \Trimmarkstrue % for final copy +% \overfullrule=0pt + +\endinput + +%% ********************************************************* + +Change History +-------------- +1.22 update header; remark that this is no longer used; no changes to code. + + + +1.11 changed TUG address in header to Santa Barbara + parameterized dates, etc., in running footers + initialized them at top of file instead of in footer text + +1.10 changed \tenrm to \tenpoint in definitions of \rtitle and \rfoot + so that \sl will be properly defined if used in that context + +1.09 removed \smallcode definition; it is now in tugboat.sty + increased width of abstract from 60-75% of text width + added standard headers, prepared for archive installation + +1.08 changed \start to \startingpage + added definition of \startingpage at top of file so running heads + will be empty on first page of article + +1.07 removed \Pageno + added check for previous input + altered \\ in running heads + +Previous: + +%%% TUGPROC.sty 11-mar-90 (*) 15-mar-90 30-mar-90 10-apr-90 +%%% 26-jun-90 [changed running feet, page numbers, \start] +%%% 28-jun-90 [added \stamp, \ifproof] 29-jun-90 [\Proof] +%%% TUGPROC.sty 03-feb-90 (renamed 13-feb-90) 20-feb-90 +%%% +%%% Supplementary header file for TUG Proceedings volume +%%% for use with plain TeX. No longer used. +%%% +%%% (*) This version writes the title and abstract into +%%% a file, for use in preparing the Title-Abstract-Bio +%%% section in the program. Author-Title and Abstract are +%%% written into a file as one-liners; if these lines are +%%% too long, they should be reformatted manually before +%%% the file is \input. -- cgit v1.2.3