From e0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Norbert Preining Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 13:46:59 +0900 Subject: Initial commit --- macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx | 263 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 263 insertions(+) create mode 100644 macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx') diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5eaac0fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/macros/latex/contrib/rutitlepage/rutitlepage.dtx @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +% \iffalse meta-comment +% +% rutitlepage - A Radboud University titlepage +% Copyright 2017-2019 Mart Lubbers ( +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 +% of this license or (at your option) any later version. +% The latest version of this license is in +% +% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX +% version 2005/12/01 or later. +% +%<*driver> +% \fi +\ProvidesFile{rutitlepage.dtx}[2019/05/09 v2.3 Radboud University Titlepage] +% \iffalse +\documentclass{ltxdoc} +\usepackage{rutitlepage} +\usepackage{booktabs} +\usepackage{url} +\GetFileInfo{rutitlepage.dtx} + +\urlstyle{tt} +\def\thetitle{A Radboud University titlepage} +\title{\thetitle} +\date{\filedate{}} +\author{Mart Lubbers} + +\begin{document} + \DocInput{\filename} + \PrintChanges{} +\end{document} +% +% \fi +% +% \changes{v2.3}{2019/05/08}{Minor patches and typos} +% \changes{v2.2}{2019/05/08}{Fixed packaging, copyright year} +% \changes{v2.1}{2018/11/10}{Fix bug for default layout in manual, rename images} +% \changes{v2.0}{2018/10/16}{New layout following the guidelines} +% \changes{v1.0}{2017/05/30}{Initial package} +% \maketitle +% +% \section{Introduction} +% \texttt{rutitlepage} is an unofficial \LaTeX{} package to generate titlepages +% for Radboud University. It uses official vector logos by the university. The +% package depends on \texttt{geometry}, \texttt{graphicx}, \texttt{ifpdf}, +% \texttt{keyval} and \texttt{iflang}. The logo changes when +% \texttt{babel-dutch} is loaded; this package does not depend on it. +% +% \subsection{Contributors} +% \texttt{rutitlepage} is maintained by Mart Lubbers but work has been done by +% (in order of date of contribution): +% \begin{itemize} +% \item Camil Staps\footnote{\url{}} +% \item Daan Sprenkels\footnote{\url{}} +% \item Chris Kamphuis\footnote{\url{}} +% \end{itemize} +% +% Previously, this titlepage flew around on the university for at least several +% years in many forms. I'm not sure who created it first but credits to them! +% +% \section{Usage} +% \DescribeMacro\maketitleru +% This macro creates the actual titlepage. +% It has several options that can be passed in a \texttt{keyval} manner (see the examples below). +% All options are optional. The available options are: +% +% \medskip +% \begin{tabular}{lp{.5\linewidth}lp{.15\linewidth}} +% \toprule +% Option & Description & Layouts\footnotemark & Default\\ +% \midrule +% \texttt{authors} +% & The name(s) of the primary author(s). +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17} & \texttt{\textbackslash{}@author}\\ +% \texttt{authorstext} +% & A text describing the author(s). +% & \texttt{t} & \texttt{Author:}\\ +% \texttt{colour} +% & Gives the logo colours. No value needed. +% & \texttt{17}\\ +% \texttt{course} +% & The name of the course. +% & \texttt{t}\\ +% \texttt{date} +% & The date. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17} & \texttt{\textbackslash{}@date}\\ +% \texttt{institution} +% & The institution the document was written at. +% & \texttt{t} & Radboud University Nijmegen\footnotemark\\ +% \texttt{layout} +% & The layout: \texttt{traditional} or \texttt{seventeen}. +% See the examples below. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17} & \texttt{seventeen}\\ +% \texttt{nextpagenr} +% & The page number of the next page. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17} & \texttt{\textbackslash{}thepage+1}\\ +% \texttt{others} +% & Groups of other important people, besides the author(s). +% The syntax is: \texttt{\{Header\}\{Names\}}. +% For more than one group, use: \texttt{\{\{\dots\}\{\dots\},\{\dots\}\{\dots\}\}}. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17}\\ +% \texttt{subtitle} +% & The italic text under the title. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17}\\ +% \texttt{title} +% & The main document title. +% & \texttt{t}, \texttt{17} & \texttt{\textbackslash{}@title}\\ +% \bottomrule +% \end{tabular} +% \addtocounter{footnote}{-1} +% \footnotetext{Describes in which layouts the key is applicable. +% \texttt{t} stands for `traditional'; \texttt{17} for `seventeen'. +% See the \texttt{layout} option and the examples below.} +% \addtocounter{footnote}{1} +% \footnotetext{When \texttt{babel-dutch} is loaded, +% `Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen'.} +% +% \section{Examples} +% The following code generates the two titlepages below: +% +% \medskip +% \noindent{\tt\textbackslash{}maketitleru[\\ +% \null\qquad authors=\{John Doe\},\\ +% \null\qquad date=\{Tomorrow\},\\ +% \null\qquad others=\{\{Supervisor:\}\{Jane Doe\},\{Second reader:\}\{Joanne Dune\}\},\\ +% \null\qquad course=\{Master's Thesis\},\\ +% \null\qquad title=\{The `traditional' layout\},\\ +% \null\qquad subtitle=\{Simple elegance\}]} +% +% \medskip +% \noindent{\tt\textbackslash{}maketitleru[\\ +% \null\qquad layout=seventeen,\\ +% \null\qquad authors=\{John Doe\},\\ +% \null\qquad date=\{Tomorrow\},\\ +% \null\qquad others=\{\{Supervisor:\}\{Jane Doe\},\{Second reader:\}\{Joanne Dune\}\},\\ +% \null\qquad title=\{The `seventeen' layout\},\\ +% \null\qquad subtitle=\{Based on the latest corporate identity guidelines\}]}\\ +% +% \maketitleru[ +% authors={John Doe}, +% date={Tomorrow}, +% others={{Supervisor:}{Jane Doe},{Second reader:}{Joanne Dune}}, +% course={Master's Thesis}, +% layout=traditional, +% title={The `traditional' layout}, +% subtitle={Simple elegance}] +% +% \maketitleru[ +% layout=seventeen, +% authors={John Doe}, +% date={Tomorrow}, +% others={{Supervisor:}{Jane Doe},{Second reader:}{Joanne Dune}}, +% title={The `seventeen' layout}, +% subtitle={Based on the latest corporate identity guidelines}] +%\endinput +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{rutitlepage}[2017/09/07 Mart Lubbers] +\RequirePackage{geometry,graphicx,ifpdf,keyval,iflang} +\def\@rutitleauthors{\@author} +\def\@rutitleauthorstext{Aut\IfLanguageName{dutch}{eu}{ho}r:} +\def\@rutitledate{\@date} +\def\@rutitleinst{Radboud Universit\IfLanguageName{dutch}{eit}{y} Nijmegen} +\def\@rutitletitle{\@title} +\def\@rutitlelayout{seventeen} +\newif\if@rutitlecolour\@rutitlecolourfalse +\define@key{maketitleru}{authors}{\def\@rutitleauthors{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{authorstext}{\def\@rutitleauthorstext{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{colour}[true]{\@rutitlecolourtrue} +\define@key{maketitleru}{course}{\def\@rutitlecourse{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{date}{\def\@rutitledate{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{institution}{\def\@rutitleinst{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{layout}{\def\@rutitlelayout{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{nextpagenr}{\def\@rutitlenextpagenr{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{others}{\def\@rutitleothers{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{subtitle}{\def\@rutitlesubtitle{#1}} +\define@key{maketitleru}{title}{\def\@rutitletitle{#1}} +\newcommand*{\rutitlepage@printothers}[2]{\textit{#1}\\#2} +\newcommand*{\rutitlepage@sepothers}{\\[\baselineskip]} +\newcommand*{\rutitlepage@others}[2]{% + \rutitlepage@printothers{#1}{#2}% + \kernel@ifnextchar,{\rutitlepage@sepothers\rutitlepage@otherslist@}\relax} +\newcommand*{\rutitlepage@otherslist}[1]{% + \expandafter\rutitlepage@others#1} +\def\rutitlepage@otherslist@,#1{\rutitlepage@otherslist{{#1}}} +\newcommand{\rutitle@layout@seventeen}[0]{ + \newgeometry{left=25mm,top=25mm,right=15mm,bottom=10mm,hmarginratio=1:1} + \begin{titlepage}% + \null\vfill% + \parindent0pt + {\Huge\bfseries\@rutitletitle}% + \ifdefined\@rutitlesubtitle{\\[2\baselineskip]\large\it\@rutitlesubtitle\/}\fi\\[4\baselineskip] + {\Large\sc\@rutitleauthors}\\[\baselineskip] + {\large\@rutitledate} + \vfill + + \ifdefined\@rutitleothers\rutitlepage@otherslist\@rutitleothers\fi + \vfill + + \hfill + \ifpdf\includegraphics[width=80mm]{rutitlepage-logo-\IfLanguageName{dutch}{nl-}{}\if@rutitlecolour cmyk\else bw\fi.pdf}\\ + \else\includegraphics[width=80mm]{rutitlepage-logo-\IfLanguageName{dutch}{nl-}{}\if@rutitlecolour cmyk\else bw\fi.eps}\\ + \fi + \end{titlepage} + \restoregeometry% +} +\newcommand{\rutitle@layout@traditional}[0]{ + \newgeometry{hmarginratio=1:1} + \begin{titlepage} + \begin{center} + \ifdefined\@rutitlecourse\textsc{\LARGE\@rutitlecourse}\\[1.5cm]\fi + \ifpdf\includegraphics[height=150pt]{rutitlepage-logo.pdf}\\ + \else\includegraphics[height=150pt]{rutitlepage-logo.eps}\\ + \fi + \vspace{0.4cm} + \textsc{\Large\@rutitleinst}\\[1cm] + \hrule + \vspace{0.4cm} + \textbf{\large\@rutitletitle}\\[0.4cm] + \hrule + \ifdefined\@rutitlesubtitle + \vspace{0.4cm} + \textit{\@rutitlesubtitle}\\[1cm] + \else + \vspace{2cm} + \fi + \begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{flushleft}\large + \textit{\@rutitleauthorstext}\\ + \@rutitleauthors{} + \end{flushleft} + \end{minipage} + \begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{flushright}\large + \ifdefined\@rutitleothers + \renewcommand{\rutitlepage@printothers}[2]{\textit{##1}\\##2} + \renewcommand{\rutitlepage@sepothers}[0]{ + + \vspace{8mm}} + \rutitlepage@otherslist\@rutitleothers + \fi + \end{flushright} + \end{minipage} + \vfill + {\large\@rutitledate} + \end{center} + \end{titlepage} + \restoregeometry% +} +\newcommand{\maketitleru}[1][]{ + \setkeys{maketitleru}{#1} + \ifcsname% + rutitle@layout@\@rutitlelayout\endcsname + \expandafter\csname rutitle@layout@\@rutitlelayout\endcsname + \else + \PackageError{rutitlepage} + {Unknown layout `\@rutitlelayout'.} + {The `layout' key of \maketitleru\space contained an unknown layout.\MessageBreak{} + Check the package documentation for the possible layouts.} + \fi + \ifdefined\@rutitlenextpagenr\setcounter{page}{\@rutitlenextpagenr}\fi% +} -- cgit v1.2.3