From e0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Norbert Preining Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 13:46:59 +0900 Subject: Initial commit --- .../h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 230 insertions(+) create mode 100644 macros/latex/contrib/h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex') diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b41689a89 --- /dev/null +++ b/macros/latex/contrib/h2020proposal/template-ict/template-ict.tex @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +%% EU ICT Proposal LaTeX template +%% V1.0 +%% Based on the h2020proposal.cls LaTeX class for writing EU H2020 RIA proposals. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2010, Giacomo Indiveri +%% +%% This latex class is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +%% (at your option) any later version. +%% +%% h2020proposal.cls is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +%% GNU General Public License for more details. +%% +%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +%% along with h2020proposal.cls. If not, see . +%% +%% Contributors: Elisabetta Chicca +%% +%% Disclaimer: The template is based on the document provided by the EU Participants Portal +%% h2020-call-pt-ria-ia_en, Version 1.4, 21 May 201 +%% +%% Use the original source and the documentation for reference. We make no +%% representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, +%% reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the original template. +%% In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or +%% consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of, or in connection +%% with, the use of this template and/or class. +%% +%% Makes use of the memoir class. Read the optimum memman documentation for +%% info on how to customize your proposal. + + +%\documentclass[]{h2020proposal} % Remove 'draft' option for final version +\documentclass[draft]{h2020proposal} % Use 'draft' option to show comments and labels + +% For in-line comments use: +% \marginpar{comment text} + +%% Extra Packages +%% ======== +%\usepackage{fontspec}% Latin Modern by default with xelatex + +%% LaTeX Font encoding -- DO NOT CHANGE +\usepackage[OT1]{fontenc} + +%% Input encoding 'utf8'. In some cases you might need 'utf8x' for +%% extra symbols. Not all editors, especially on Windows, are UTF-8 +%% capable, so you may want to use 'latin1' instead. +%\usepackage[utf8,latin1]{inputenc} + +%% Babel provides support for languages. 'english' uses British +%% English hyphenation and text snippets like "Figure" and +%% "Theorem". Use the option 'ngerman' if your document is in German. +%% Use 'american' for American English. Note that if you change this, +%% the next LaTeX run may show spurious errors. Simply run it again. +%% If they persist, remove the .aux file and try again. +\usepackage[english]{babel} + +%% For underlined wrapped text. +\usepackage{soul} + +%% This changes default fonts for both text and math mode to use Herman Zapfs +%% excellent Palatino font. Do not change this. +\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % Not needed with xelatex + +%% The AMS-LaTeX extensions for mathematical typesetting. Do not +%% remove. +\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,mathrsfs} + +%% Gantt Charts in LaTeX +\usepackage{pgfgantt} + +%% LaTeX' own graphics handling +\usepackage{graphicx} + +%% Fancy character protrusion. Must be loaded after all fonts. +\usepackage[activate]{pdfcprot} + +%% Nicer tables. Read the excellent documentation. +\usepackage{booktabs} + +% Compressed itemized lists (with a * at the end) +\usepackage{mdwlist} + +%% Nicer URLs. +\usepackage{url} + +%% Configure citation styles +\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress,square]{natbib} +\def\bibfont{\footnotesize} %for smaller fonts in the biblio section + +%% Hyper Ref package. In order to operate correctly, it must be the last package declared +\usepackage[colorlinks,pagebackref,breaklinks]{hyperref} + +%% Extra package options +\hypersetup{ + hypertexnames=true, linkcolor=blue, anchorcolor=black, + citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue +} + +\urlstyle{rm} %so it doesn't use a typewriter font for urls. +\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.jpg,.pdf,.mps,.png} % for pdflatex +\graphicspath{{img/} {./}} %put all figures in these dirs + +\newcommand{\alert}[1]{{\color{red}\textbf{#1}}} + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%% ======================================================== +%% IMPORTANT store proposal information in global variables +%% ======================================================== +\title{Full Title of the Proposal ($<$200 chars)} +\shortname{ACRONYM} +\titlelogo{}{0.25} % file name and scale +\fundingscheme{Research and Innovation Action} +\topic{Work Programme topic addressed} +\coordinator{Name of coordinator}{email}{fax} +\participant{University of Coordinator}{UoC}{Country1} % First participant is the coordinator +\participant{University of partner 2}{UoP2}{Country2} % as example... +\participant{University of partner 3}{UoP3}{Country3} % as example... +% etc. + +% Page Headers +%\makeoddhead{proposal}{\disptoken{@acronym}}{}{\rightmark} +%\makeevenhead{proposal}{\leftmark}{}{\disptoken{@acronym}} + +%Page Footers +%\makeevenfoot{proposal}{ \thepage }{ \date{\today} }{ \disptoken{@acronym} } +%\makeoddfoot{proposal}{ }{ \date{\today} }{ \thepage } + +%Page Style +\pagestyle{proposal} %use \pagestyle{showlocs} for debugging + +%Heading style +\makeheadstyles{default}{% +\renewcommand*{\chapnamefont}{\normalfont\bfseries} +\renewcommand*{\chapnumfont}{\normalfont\bfseries} +\renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\bfseries} +\renewcommand*{\secheadstyle}{\normalfont\bfseries} +}% +\headstyles{default} + +%Chapter Style +\chapterstyle{section} %Avoid writing the word "Chapter" at the beginning of each proposal section +% other possible valid styles: +% article, bringhurst, crosshead, culver, dash, demo2, ell, southall, tandh, verville, wilsondob +\renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\Large\bfseries} +\renewcommand*{\chapnumfont}{\normalfont\Large\bfseries} + + + +\begin{document} + +\instructions{\centerline{\textbf{Proposal template}}} +\instructions{\centerline{\textbf{(Technical annex)}}} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{\centerline{\textit{\textbf{Research and Innovation actions}}}} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{Please follow the structure of this template when preparing your proposal. It has been designed to ensure that the important aspects of your planned work are presented in a way that will enable the experts to make an effective assessment against the evaluation criteria. Sections 1, 2 and 3 each correspond to an evaluation criterion for a full proposal.} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{Please be aware that proposals will be evaluated as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes were to be made. This means that only proposals that successfully address all the required aspects will have a chance of being funded. There will be no possibility for significant changes to content, budget and consortium composition during grant preparation.} +vskip0.5cm +\instructions{\textbf{First stage proposals:} In two-stage submission schemes, at the first stage you only need to complete the parts indicated by a bracket (i.e. \} ) . These are in the cover page, and sections 1 and 2.} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{\textbf{Page limit:} For full proposals, the cover page, and sections 1, 2 and 3, together should not be longer than 70 pages. All tables in these sections must be included within this limit. The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. The page size is A4, and all margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least 15 mm (not including any footers or headers).} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{The page limit for a first stage proposal is 15 pages.} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{If you attempt to upload a proposal longer than the specified limit, before the deadline you will receive an automatic warning, and will be advised to shorten and re-upload the proposal. After the deadline, any excess pages will be overprinted with a ‘watermark’, indicating to evaluators that these pages must be disregarded.} +\vskip0.5cm +\instructions{Please do not consider the page limit as a target! It is in your interest to keep your text as concise as possible, since experts rarely view unnecessarily long proposals in a positive light.} + + + + + + + + + + + + + +%% TITLE +\maketitle +\instructions{ +Maximum length for Sections 1,2,3: 70 pages including all tables.\\ + +Please use the same participant numbering as that used in the administrative proposal forms. (Not applicable in the case of stage-1 proposals in two stage schemes.)\\ +For first stage proposals, please note that this table will be used to check whether or not you comply with any minimum requirements linked to participation as set out in the eligibility criteria of the relevant work programme. +} + +\vspace{-1em} +\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents} +\setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{1.0em plus 0.3em minus 0.1em} +\renewcommand{\cftchapterbreak}{\addpenalty{-4000}} +\makeparticipantstable +\tableofcontents* +%\input{abstract} +\pagebreak + + + +%% Main proposal + +%% Fixed proposal structure - Do not change +\input{excellence} % Section I +\input{impact} % Section II +\input{implementation} % Section III + + +\clearpage + +\input{members} % Section IV +\input{ethics} % Section V + +\appendix + +\input{appendix} % Appendix + +\backmatter + +\bibliographystyle{plain} +\bibliography{refs} + +\end{document} -- cgit v1.2.3