From 1feacf4295bab2d8f05aa0f5fbd1d902559bef36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Norbert Preining Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 03:02:18 +0000 Subject: CTAN sync 202403240302 --- .../template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex | 259 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 259 insertions(+) create mode 100644 macros/latex/contrib/cs-techrep/template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/cs-techrep/template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex') diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/cs-techrep/template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/cs-techrep/template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9122c3ddf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/macros/latex/contrib/cs-techrep/template/cs-techrep-example-neumann.tex @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +\documentclass[conference,a4paper,flushend]{cs-techrep} +\pdfoutput=1 % pdflatex hint for (within first 5 lines) + +% Class iaria.cls loads biblatex / biber with predefined options +\addbibresource{embedded.bib} % its content is declared below, embedded within this tex-file +\addbibresource{webdev_commons.bib} % includes REST, React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Docker, AWS-*, Socket.IO, and many more! +\addbibresource{cpn_all_all.bib} % includes all previous CyberLytics@OTH-AW technical reports + +% ====================================================================== +% EDIT THESE: + +\cstechrepAuthorListTex{Christoph P.\ Neumann\,\orcidlink{0000-0002-5936-631X}} +% Team example: +%\cstechrepAuthorListTex{Vorname1 Nachname1, Vorname2 Nachname2, Vorname3 Nachname3, Vorname4 Nachname4,\\ Vorname5 Nachname5, Vorname6 Nachname6, Christoph P.\ Neumann\,\orcidlink{0000-0002-5936-631X}} +\cstechrepAuthorListBib{Christoph P. Neumann} +% Team example: +%\cstechrepAuthorListBib{Vorname1 Nachname1 and Vorname2 Nachname2 and Vorname3 Nachname3 and Vorname4 Nachname4 and Vorname5 Nachname5 and Vorname6 Nachname6 and Christoph P. Neumann} + +\cstechrepTitleTex{The cs-techrep Example of a Technical Report in Computer Science and Software Engineering} + % IF you need manual linebreaks in the titel, then clone the title without linebreaks for BibTeX: +\cstechrepTitleBib{{\cstechrepTitleTex}} +%\cstechrepTitleBib{The cs-techrep \LaTeX{} Class Example of a Software Engineering Technical Report} + +\cstechrepDepartment{CyberLytics\-/Lab at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Media, and Computer Science} +%\cstechrepDepartment{CyberLytics\-/Lab an der Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik} % DE +\cstechrepInstitution{Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg\-/Weiden} +\cstechrepAddress{Amberg, Germany} +%\cstechrepAddress{Amberg, Deutschland} % DE +\cstechrepSeries{Technical Reports} +%\cstechrepSeries{Technische Berichte} % DE +\cstechrepYear{2024} +\cstechrepMonth{3} +\cstechrepNumber{CL-\cstechrepYear{}-42} +\cstechrepLang{english} % en-US +%\cstechrepLang{ngerman} % DE + +% Special remark on babel/csquotes terminology in regard with US-vs-UK: +% en-US = [english]/[american]/[usenglish] (+ [canadian]) +% en-UK = [british] /[ukenglish] (+ [australian]) +% For cs-techrep (like ACM), the recommended english variant is en-US! + +% DO NOT DELETE THIS: +\filecontentsForceExpansion|[] % force command expansion inside a filecontents* environment +\begin{filecontents*}[overwrite]{selfref.bib} + @TECHREPORT{selfref, + author = {|cstechrepAuthorListBib}, + title = {\cstechrepTitleBib}, + institution = {\cstechrepInstitution, \cstechrepDepartment}, + series = {\cstechrepSeries}, + number = {\cstechrepNumber}, + year = {|cstechrepYear}, + month = {|cstechrepMonth}, + langid = {|cstechrepLang}, + } +\end{filecontents*} + +% ====================================================================== +% EDIT THIS: + +\begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{embedded.bib} + @online{ieee2015howto, + author = {Michael Shell}, + title = {How to Use the {IEEEtran} \LaTeX\ Class}, + url = {}, + year = {2015} + } + @online{ieee2018formattingrules, + author = {{IEEE}}, + title = {Conference Template and Formatting Specifications}, + url = {}, + year = {2018} + } + @online{iaria2014formattingrules, + author = {{IARIA}}, + title = {Formatting Rules}, + url = {}, + year = {2014} + } + @online{iaria2009editorialrules, + _author = {Cosmin Dini}, + author = {{IARIA}}, + title = {Editorial Rules}, + url = {}, + year = {2009} + } + @online{languagetool, + author = {{LanguageTooler GmbH}}, + title = {{LangueTool}}, + url = {} + } + @online{overleaf, + author = {{Digital Science UK Limited}}, + title = {{Overleaf}}, + url = {} + } +\end{filecontents} + +\usepackage{fontawesome} % i.a., \faWarning{} +\usepackage{relsize} % i.a., \textsmaller{...} +\usepackage{lipsum} % for blindtext + +% ====================================================================== + +% cf. +% Usage: +% singular, within sentence = \ac{gui} +% singular, beginning of sentence = \Ac{gui} +% plural, within sentence = \acp{gui} +% plural, beginning of sentence = \Acp{gui} +\begin{acronym} + \acro{gui}[GUI]{Graphical User Interface} + \acro{ide}[IDE]{Integrated Development Environment} +\end{acronym} + +% +% +\hyphenation{block-chain block-chains Ethe-re-um} + +\begin{document} +\selectlanguage{\cstechrepLang} + +\maketitle + +\begin{abstract} + \lipsum[1][3-10] + \{\,\faWarning{}The abstract does neither mention a teaching module nor a team/project, + it is a summary of the content of the technical report, thus, the objectives and architecture.\} +\end{abstract} + +% A list of IEEE Computer Society appoved keywords can be obtained at +% +\begin{IEEEkeywords} + template; lorem ipsum. +\end{IEEEkeywords} + +\section{Introduction and Objectives \textbar{} Functional Requirements \textbar{} Problem Statement} + +The cs-techrep formatting is adopted both from \textsmaller{IEEE} \cite{ieee2018formattingrules} and \textsmaller{IARIA} \cite{iaria2014formattingrules} styles. +The cs-techrep \LaTeX\ class is based on \textsmaller{IEEE}tran class \cite{ieee2015howto}. +In addition, be aware of the supplementary \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules \cite{iaria2009editorialrules} \faWarning{} that provide a beginner-friendly set of further advices. +It is recommended to use a grammar tool, e.\,g., the LanguageTool \cite{languagetool} browser plugin in combination with Overleaf \cite{overleaf}. + +The pipe symbol \textquote{\textbar{}} in the headings represents alternatives. Choose one and remove the others. The selectively provided quoted terms are special German alternatives. + +The problem statement needs to be written from perspective of a subject-matter expert (\textquote{Fachkonzept}). Like an elevator pitch / mission statement \faWarning{}. NOT from a technical perspective. + +\section{Optional: Related Work \textbar{} State of the Art \textbar{} Methods \textbar{} Data Acquisition} +\lipsum[2] + +\section{Architectural Goals} % \textbar{} \textquote{Architekturziele}} +Provides +(1) a visualization of the external systems and users with which the system interacts (\textquote{Kontextabgrenzung}), +(2) the most important technical and organizational preconditions (\textquote{Rahmenbedingungen}), +(3) quality/non-functional requirements (\textquote{Qualitätsziele}), and/or +(4) architectural style design decisions with formative patterns of the solution (\textquote{Architekturstil}) +as well as (5) the applied programming language. + +\section{Architecture of FancyName \textbar{} Results \textbar{} Structural Design \textbar{} \textquote{Bausteinsicht}} + +\subsection{Technology Stack \textbar{} Overall System} %\textbar{} \textquote{Gesamtsystem}} +Provides +(1) design decisions based on the previously defined requirements and +(2) a visualization of the functional structure at top level including relationships (\textquote{Grobe Zerlegung}), thus, gives an overview on modules, frameworks, and middleware. + +In discussions of multi-tier architecture, layer is often used interchangeably -- and mistakenly -- for tier. They aren't the same. A \textquote{layer} refers to a functional division of the software, but a \textquote{tier} refers to a functional division of the software that runs on infrastructure separate from the other divisions. The Contacts app on your phone, for example, is a three-layer application, but a single-tier application, because all three layers run on your phone. + +In discussions concerning multi-tier architecture, the term \textquote{layer} is frequently misused interchangeably with \textquote{tier}, despite their distinct meanings. A layer denotes a functional partition within the software, whereas a tier signifies a functional division that operates on separate infrastructure from other divisions/tiers. For instance, the Camera app or Settings app on your phone exemplifies a three-layer application but remains a single-tier application since all three layers run on your phone. + + +\subsection{Presentation Tier \textbar{} Frontend} +\lipsum[3] + +\subsection{Application Tier \textbar{} Backend \textbar{} \textquote{Anwendungskern}} +\lipsum[4] + +\subsection{Data Tier \textbar{} Persistence} +\lipsum[5] + +\subsection{Optional: Infrastructure and Deployment \textbar{} Distribution Perspective \textbar{} \textquote{Verteilungssicht}} +Provides (1) information about configuration, exact software versions, SBOM, DevOps, Cloud, AWS, and others. +Should add (2) security-related considerations or disclaimers. +Could include (3) a software bill of materials (SBOM), at least for the major libraries or frameworks. + + +\section{Discussion \textbar{} Evaluation \textbar{} \\ Lessons Learned \textbar{} Impediments} +\lipsum[6] + +\section{Conclusion and Future Work \textbar{} \\ \textquote{Fazit und Ausblick}} +\lipsum[7] + + +%%% Advisor +\nocite{StNe23foodfresh} + +%%% First-Author +\nocite{NeLe13adhocCoop} +\nocite{Neumann2012lni} +\nocite{NeLe12alphaFlow} +\nocite{NeHL12hydra} +\nocite{NeWL12offsync} +\nocite{NSWL11alphaadaptive} +\nocite{NeFL10oxdbs} +\nocite{NeLe10alphaUC} +\nocite{NeLe09alphaflow} +\nocite{NeLe09dmps} +\nocite{NHSL09oxdbs} % DE +\nocite{NeWL09xdsrig} % DE +\nocite{NRDL09deus} + +%%% Co-Authorship +\nocite{LeNe24vocattllm} +\nocite{PANP23seccloudfogai} +\nocite{WaNe12alphaoffsync} +\nocite{ToNe11alphaprops} +\nocite{FDI+10esmmog} +\nocite{JBN+10fcmdb} +\nocite{ILN+09semrttx} +\nocite{IND+09lzatav} % DE +\nocite{MeNe04testejb} + +%%% Monographic Work +\nocite{Neumann2013dissBook} +\nocite{Neumann2012dissPreprint} +\nocite{neumann2005da} +\nocite{neumann2004sa} + +%%% TechRep / Non-Peer-Reviewed + +\nocite{SaNe24othfb} + +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-Neunerln} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BDCC-TeamRot-CompVisPipeline} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BDCC-TeamBlau-NauticalNonsense} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamGruen-TorpedoTactics} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamCyan-Stockbird} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamBlau-FancyChess} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023WS-SWT-TeamRot-SGDb} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2023WS-SWT-TeamGruen-OPCUANetzwerk} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-WoIstMeinGeld} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamWeiss-TwitterDash} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamRot-Reddiment} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamGruen-ExplosionGuy} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamCyan-OTHWiki} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2022WS-SWT-TeamGruen-Graphvio} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-CovidDashboard} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamRot-FireForceDefense} +\nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamGruen-MedPlanner} + +\nocite{NeRL12deus} +\nocite{LNR+11egr} + +% ======== References ========= +%\vfill % To end last page and thus get bibliography "behind" subfigure example, only this allows pbalance to level columns at the last page correctly (but no other balance-package can handle this situation better than pbalance, either). % However, pbalance ist not compatible with arxiv. +\begingroup +\sloppy +\printbibliography[notcategory=selfref] +\endgroup + +\end{document} -- cgit v1.2.3