From 7cda3a1cc32bd43dab837e2b73046dab2aeaec98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Norbert Preining Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 03:01:22 +0000 Subject: CTAN sync 202308310301 --- fonts/metsymb/AUTHORS | 1 + fonts/metsymb/CHANGELOG | 27 + fonts/metsymb/ | 76 ++ fonts/metsymb/ | 182 ++++ fonts/metsymb/LICENSE | 11 + fonts/metsymb/ | 104 +++ fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.afm | 66 ++ fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.dtx | 532 +++++++++++ fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.enc | 258 ++++++ fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.ins | 43 + fonts/metsymb/source/ | 1 + fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.otf | Bin 0 -> 14904 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.pdf | Bin 0 -> 332267 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.pfb | Bin 0 -> 8625 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.sfd | 1379 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.tfm | Bin 0 -> 420 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.mplstyle | 2 + fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.pdf | Bin 0 -> 32716 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/ | 35 + fonts/metsymb/source/testfont.pdf | Bin 0 -> 49177 bytes fonts/metsymb/source/umetsymb.fd | 3 + 21 files changed, 2720 insertions(+) create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/AUTHORS create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/CHANGELOG create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/ create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/ create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/LICENSE create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/ create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.afm create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.dtx create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.enc create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.ins create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/ create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.otf create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.pdf create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.pfb create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.sfd create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.tfm create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.mplstyle create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.pdf create mode 100755 fonts/metsymb/source/ create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/testfont.pdf create mode 100644 fonts/metsymb/source/umetsymb.fd (limited to 'fonts/metsymb') diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/AUTHORS b/fonts/metsymb/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc0bdc9b27 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Original author: Frédéric P.A. Vogt, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/CHANGELOG b/fonts/metsymb/CHANGELOG new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7d5a31d8c --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/CHANGELOG @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +All notable changes to metsymb will be documented in this file. + +The format is inspired from [Keep a Changelog]( +This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( + + +## [v1.2.0] +### Added: + - [fpavogt, 2022-10-07] Added first design of Cl, Cm, Ch cloud symbols. + - [fpavogt, 2022-10-07] Prepare the CTAN release (+ .gitattributes, doc cleanup) +### Fixed: +### Changed: + - [fpavogt, 2022-10-10] Small modifications of the cloud genera symbols to match the cl-cm-ch design (radius, slope). +### Deprecated: +### Removed: +### Security: + +## [v1.1.0] +### Added: + - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Added dedicated (and unique) CHANGELOG. +### Changed: + - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Moved glyph design from Fontforge to LaTeX/TikZ. + - [fpavogt, 2022-09-10] Cleaned-up the documentation. + +## [v1.0.0] +### Added: + - [fpavogt, 2021-08-26] Initial version, with symbols of oktas and cloud genera. diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/ b/fonts/metsymb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1544d8723 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, +level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal +appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at + +[homepage]: + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see + diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/ b/fonts/metsymb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04a87a2ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/ @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +# Contributing guidelines + +## Table of contents + +- [Code of conduct](#code-of-conduct) +- [Scope](#essential-things-to-know-about-metsymb) +- [Package content](#package-content) +- [Contributing new symbols](#contributing-new-symbols) +- [Updating the metsymb font (maintainers)](#updating-the-metsymb-font) +- [Releasing new symbols (maintainers)](#releasing-new-symbols) + + +## Code of conduct +This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [metsymb Code of Conduct]( By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to []( + + +## Scope + +metsymb is being developed inside a dedicated [Github repository]( under the [MeteoSwiss organization]( + +User contributions are welcome and will be examined in details. So are bug reports and suggestions for new symbols, which are **best submitted as [Github Issues](**. + +metsymb is meant to ease the access to vectorial definitions of meteorological symbols used by scientists and engineers. In order to be included in metsymb, symbols should be: + * formally defined and/or approved by a renowned scientific authority, such as the World Meteorological Organization, + * used and recognized internationally, and + * regularly employed in a professional context. + +A [dedicated Github issue template]( was created to make sure [new symbol requests]( are properly motivated. + + +## Package content + +What follows is a (brief) description of the more "exotic" files included in the metsymb repo: + - `.github/`: contains all the Github-related magic, including custom issue templates, custom + pull-request templates, and specific Actions for CI/CD purposes. + + - `source/`: contains the actual metsymb TeX package files. These include: + * ``: a crude, basic, absolutely-not-to-be-trusted bash script to automate the manual installation of the metsymb TeX package. + * `metsymb.sfd`: the FontForge save file, used to assign glyphs to characters of the metsymb font. + * `metsymb.afm`, `metsymb.enc`, `metsymb.pfb`, `metsymb.tfm`, and `metsymb.otf`: the different font files required by LaTeX, generated using FontForge. + * `umetsymb.fd`, ``, `metsymb.ins`, `metsymb.dtx`: the actual LaTeX package files. + * ``, and `metsymb_mwe.mplstyle`: demo files to illustrate the use of metsymb with `matpolotlib`. With metsymb successfully installed, running `` will generate + `metsymb_mwe.png` and `metsymb_mwe.pdf`. + * `metsymb.pdf`: the compiled documentation of the metsymb TeX package. + * `testfont.pdf`: the metsymb font table (see below). + + - `tickz_glyphs/`: contains all the individual TikZ reference codes for the metsymb glyphs. Each + glyph is designed inside a dedited `.tex` file, which gets compiled in a matching `.pdf` file. + The latter is then converted manually (see below) to a matching `.svg` file, that is used to load + the symbol inside FontForge. + + - `.gitattributes`: fine-tunes which files get included in the Github releases' `.zip`, to ensure these are CTAN-ready. + + +## Contributing new symbols +The addition of new symbols (or the modification of existing ones) is a three phase process: + * Creation/modification of the symbol in a stand-alone, custom, LaTeX document using TikZ syntax. + * Inclusion into the metsymb OpenType font via FontForge. + * Creation of dedicated LaTeX commands in the metsymb package. + +The first step is the hardest one, but also the one where user contributions are the easiest. Here is a detailed walkthrough of what it entails: + +0. Fork the metsymb Github repository. + +1. [For a new symbol] Create a file `symbol_name.tex` by copying [`tikz_glyphs/blank/blank.tex`]( + +2. Use [TikZ commands]( to draw the new symbol. This is the hardest part ! Use custom styles with parsimony. If warranted, new styles should be defined in [`ref_styles.tex`](, in order to make them available to all other symbols, and ease the maintenance of the package. + +3. Compile `symbol_name.tex`: + ``` + pdflatex symbol_name.tex + ``` + +4. Convert the resulting PDF to SVG: + ``` + pdf2svg symbol_name.pdf symbol_name.svg + ``` + +5. Submit a Pull Request (that should include `symbol_name.tex`, `symbol_name.pdf`, and `symbol_name.svg`) against the develop branch of the repo. + + +Once a Pull Request is issued, the metsymb devs will be notified automatically. + + +## Updating the metsymb font + +When a new set of symbols has been assembled, the package maintainers will need to include them in the OpenType metsymb font, and tie them to shortcuts in the metsymb LaTeX package. Here's a step-by-step walkthrough of these tasks: + + +1. Modify `metsymb.sfd` directly with FontForge. + + 1.0. Choose a new/existing glyph, and open the corresponding editor. + + 1.1. Import the SVG file of the symbol generated using LaTeX/TikZ. Under `Options`, ensure that + `Scale to Fit` is selected. + + 1.2. Cleanup the glyph via `Element -> Overlap -> Remove Overlap` (after selecting all nodes). + :warning: If certain elements are "white", their order must first be reversed via `Element -> Reverse Order`. + + 1.3. Check the glyph validity via `Elements -> Find Problems ...`. Make sure to tick the box `Paths -> Intersecting paths & Check missing extrema`. + + 1.4. Repeat steps 1.1 to 1.3 for each new/updated glyph. + + 1.5. Update the font version under `Element -> Font info -> PS Names`. + + 1.6. Keep the encoding to `TeX Base (8r)` under `Encoding -> Reencode`. + +2. Create the `.tfm`, `.enc`, `.pfb`, `.asm` files by exporting the font via `File -> Generate Fonts ... -> PS Type1 (Binary)` with `Options -> Output TFM & ENC`. + +3. Create the `.otf` file by exporting the font via `File -> Generate Fonts... -> OpenType (CFF)` + +4. Update `metsymb.dtx`: + + 4.1. For new symbols, add new macros under the *Implementation* section. + + 4.2. For new symbols, add a dedicated table under the *Usage* section. + + 4.3. For new symbols, update the abstract. + + 4.4. Adjust the version in `metsymb.dtx` around l.19. + +5. Run `latex metsymb.ins`. + +6. Copy the following files in the appropriate location of your Tex-tree, in my case (OS X 10.15): + ``` + cp metsymb.tfm /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.afm /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.pfb /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.otf /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/metsymb/ + cp umetsymb.fd /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.sty /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/metsymb/ + cp /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.enc /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/metsymb/ + ``` + +7. Tell TeX about these new files: + ``` + sudo mktexlsr + sudo updmap-sys --enable Map + sudo updmap-sys + ``` + +8. Create the font table: + ``` + pdftex testfont + ``` + When prompted for the font name, type `metsymb`, then request a `\sample`, and `\bye`. + +9. Run the Python example via `python`. + +10. Generate the pdf of the documentation via `pdflatex metsymb.dtx`, and check it carefully. + + :warning: when adding new symbols, the checksum will likely need to be adjusted in `metsymb.dtx`. This value corresponds to the number of `\` in the code. If/when things blow up in your face when compiling the `.dtx` file, just update the checksum value with the one in the error message. + +:wave: The bash file `` can be used to automate steps 5-10 with the command `sh`. **Mind the TeX-tree paths in there, that will most certainly need to be adjusted to your needs !** + + +## Releasing new symbols + +It is unlikely that metsymb will be subject to a regular release cycle. +As a consequence, the release procedure is --for now at least-- rather manual (:scream:). +Here are the steps to follow, should a new release be warranted: + +1. If warranted, update the copyright years in the following files: + + README, LICENSE, metsymb.ins, metsymb.dtx, and metsymb.sfd (via FontForge) + + :warning: Mind the multiple copyright entries in some of these files ! + +2. Follow all the steps of the previous Section to update all files. + +3. If warranted, update the list of authors in `AUTHORS`. + +4. Update the CHANGELOG. + +5. Issue a Pull Request on Github onto the `master` branch, that will be reviewed by the metsymb devs. + + :warning: Direct commits to `master` are forbidden ! + +6. Once all has been reviewed and merged, create a new release on Github. + +7. Upload the release's `.zip` onto CTAN. diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/LICENSE b/fonts/metsymb/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3409c87f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Copyright 2021-2023 MeteoSwiss, contributors listed under AUTHORS + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/ b/fonts/metsymb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4feae5bf61 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/ @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +# metsymb + +metsymb is a **LaTeX package** that introduces vectorial definitions of professional meteorological symbols. Individual symbols are first designed using [TikZ]( They are then bundled into a dedicated font with [FontForge](, and eventually tied to dedicted LaTeX commands. The metsymb **OpenType font** is a side-product that can be used on its own. + +This README contains information about the metsymb source code and repository. + +**For the description of the metsymb LaTeX package, see [this file](source/metsymb.pdf).** + + +## Table of contents + +- [License and Copyright](#license-and-copyright) +- [Installation](#installation) +- [Troubleshooting and bug reports](#troubleshooting-and-bug-reports) +- [Suggesting new symbols](#suggesting-new-symbols) +- [Contributing](#contributing) + + +## License and Copyright + +The metsymb package is released under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license. The terms of this license are available at, and in the LICENSE file included in the package. + +The copyright (C) 2021-2023 of metsymb is owned by MeteoSwiss. The contributors to the code are listed in AUTHORS. + + +## Installation + +Depending on your needs, you may want to install metsymb: +- [as a LaTeX package](#install-metsymb-as-a-latex-package), or +- [as an OpenType font](#install-metsymb-as-an-opentype-font) + + +### Install metsymb as a LaTeX package +Since metsymb includes a new font, its manual installation is a bit hairier (:scream:) than regular packages. **It is thus strongly recommended to use your favorite TeX package +manager to install metsymb, given that it lives on CTAN**. + +Should you be willing/requireds to install the package manually nonetheless, here are some guidelines: + + 1. Download the latest metsymb [release]( + If you are interested in the latest changes, you can also clone the [metsymb Github repo]( directly. + + 2. Create the TeX `.sty` file: + ``` + cd some/path/to/metsymb/source/ + latex metsymb.ins + ``` + + 3. Many of the package files will need to be placed under specific locations within your TeX-tree, + which I shall call `tex_loc` for simplicity. + + In my case (Mac OSX 10.15), `tex_loc = /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/`. To find your own `tex_loc`, you can try the following command: `kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`. In case of trouble, the following resources may prove useful: + * + * + + Having identified your `tex_loc`, place the following files where they belong in the tree: + ``` + cp metsymb.tfm tex_loc/fonts/tfm/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.afm tex_loc/fonts/afm/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.pfb tex_loc/fonts/type1/public/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.otf tex_loc/fonts/opentype/public/metsymb/ + cp umetsymb.fd tex_loc/tex/latex/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.sty tex_loc/tex/latex/metsymb/ + cp tex_loc/fonts/map/dvips/metsymb/ + cp metsymb.enc tex_loc/fonts/enc/dvips/metsymb/ + ``` + + 4. At this point, we need to tell TeX about these new files. Run the following commands to do so: + ``` + sudo mktexlsr + sudo updmap-sys --enable Map + sudo updmap-sys + ``` + :warning: `sudo` is required under OS X, but not necessarily elsewhere ? + + :wave: The bash file `` can be used to automate these different steps with the command `sh`. Before you run it blindly, **mind the TeX-tree paths in there, that will most certainly need to be adjusted to your needs !** + +And that's it ! + +You should now be able to compile the metsymb documentation with the command: `pdflatex metsymb.dtx`. + +You should also be able to run the Python example with the command: `python`. + +If these two commands work, you have successfully installed the metsymb package manually, and can now access it in your LateX documents and matplotlib figures. :tada: + + +### Installing metsymb as an OpenType font + +Deploy the [`metsymb.otf`]( file on your system like you would any other OpenType font, and you should +have access to its symbols in your favorite text editor. + + +## Troubleshooting and bug reports + +If you encounter any issue when installing or using metsymb, you can check if it has already been reported [here]( If not, please create a new [Github Issue]( to report it and get help. + + +## Suggesting new symbols + +If your favorite meteorological symbol is not yet included in metsymb, +you can suggest its inclusion by creating a new [Github Issue]( + +## Contributing + +If you simply cannot wait to see your favorite symbol included inside metsymb, you should check our [contributing guidelines]( diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.afm b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.afm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b98018ab11 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.afm @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +StartFontMetrics 2.0 +Comment Generated by FontForge 20201107 +Comment Creation Date: Mon Oct 10 11:49:05 2022 +FontName metsymb +FullName metsymb +FamilyName metsymb +Weight Regular +Notice (Copyright (c) 2021-2022, MeteoSwiss. Created by F.P.A. Vogt; +ItalicAngle 0 +IsFixedPitch true +UnderlinePosition -100 +UnderlineThickness 50 +Version 001.200 +EncodingScheme TeX-Base-Encoding +FontBBox 49 -101 964 801 +CapHeight 525 +StartCharMetrics 47 +C 33 ; WX 1000 ; N exclam ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 34 ; WX 1000 ; N quotedbl ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 35 ; WX 1000 ; N numbersign ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 36 ; WX 1000 ; N dollar ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 37 ; WX 1000 ; N percent ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 38 ; WX 1000 ; N ampersand ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 39 ; WX 1000 ; N quoteright ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 40 ; WX 1000 ; N parenleft ; B 49 -101 951 801 ; +C 41 ; WX 1000 ; N parenright ; B 50 -101 951 800 ; +C 42 ; WX 1000 ; N asterisk ; B 49 -100 951 801 ; +C 43 ; WX 1000 ; N plus ; B 50 80 951 620 ; +C 44 ; WX 1000 ; N comma ; B 156 -76 845 775 ; +C 45 ; WX 1000 ; N hyphen ; B 49 -100 951 695 ; +C 46 ; WX 1000 ; N period ; B 49 249 951 700 ; +C 47 ; WX 1000 ; N slash ; B 49 -100 964 515 ; +C 48 ; WX 1000 ; N zero ; B 49 -101 964 515 ; +C 49 ; WX 1000 ; N one ; B 50 109 951 591 ; +C 50 ; WX 1000 ; N two ; B 50 325 951 376 ; +C 51 ; WX 1000 ; N three ; B 49 -101 951 556 ; +C 52 ; WX 1000 ; N four ; B 49 -101 951 576 ; +C 53 ; WX 1000 ; N five ; B 49 -101 951 350 ; +C 54 ; WX 1000 ; N six ; B 49 -101 951 556 ; +C 55 ; WX 1000 ; N seven ; B 49 -101 951 556 ; +C 56 ; WX 1000 ; N eight ; B 50 109 951 606 ; +C 57 ; WX 1000 ; N nine ; B 50 109 951 326 ; +C 58 ; WX 1000 ; N colon ; B 50 325 951 376 ; +C 59 ; WX 1000 ; N semicolon ; B 50 325 951 376 ; +C 60 ; WX 1000 ; N less ; B 49 -101 951 626 ; +C 61 ; WX 1000 ; N equal ; B 49 -101 951 576 ; +C 62 ; WX 1000 ; N greater ; B 49 -100 964 515 ; +C 63 ; WX 1000 ; N question ; B 49 -100 964 515 ; +C 64 ; WX 1000 ; N at ; B 49 -88 950 150 ; +C 65 ; WX 1000 ; N A ; B 49 -88 964 740 ; +C 66 ; WX 1000 ; N B ; B 49 -88 964 740 ; +C 67 ; WX 1000 ; N C ; B 49 -101 951 526 ; +C 68 ; WX 1000 ; N D ; B 49 -88 964 740 ; +C 69 ; WX 1000 ; N E ; B 262 -101 738 526 ; +C 70 ; WX 1000 ; N F ; B 49 -88 864 613 ; +C 71 ; WX 1000 ; N G ; B 50 325 951 620 ; +C 72 ; WX 1000 ; N H ; B 50 325 951 620 ; +C 73 ; WX 1000 ; N I ; B 50 -26 951 376 ; +C 74 ; WX 1000 ; N J ; B 61 -96 951 695 ; +C 75 ; WX 1000 ; N K ; B 49 -100 951 343 ; +C 76 ; WX 1000 ; N L ; B 49 -100 951 695 ; +C 77 ; WX 1000 ; N M ; B 49 -100 951 343 ; +C 78 ; WX 1000 ; N N ; B 50 -100 951 343 ; +C 79 ; WX 1000 ; N O ; B 49 -88 951 763 ; +EndCharMetrics +EndFontMetrics diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.dtx b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.dtx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea8ed26f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.dtx @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +% \iffalse meta-comment +% +% Copyright (C) 2021-2023 MeteoSwiss, originally written by Frédéric P.A. Vogt +% +% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the BSD-3-Clause License. +% The terms of this license are available at: +% +% +% +% SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +% +% +% \fi +% +% \iffalse +%\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2005/12/01] +%\ProvidesPackage{metsymb} +% [2022/09/10 v1.2 The meteorological symbols package] +% +%<*driver> +\documentclass{ltxdoc} +\usepackage[margin=1.2in]{geometry} % For more reasonable margins +\usepackage{tocloft} % For a better table of content in the doc +\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % Idem +\usepackage{color} % For using colors +\usepackage{tabularx} % For the tables +\usepackage{graphicx} % For the demo Python plot +\usepackage{listings}% For including code +\lstset{ + basicstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the code + frame=single, % add a frame around code + } +\usepackage{hyperref} % For the colored table of contents +\hypersetup{ + colorlinks=true, + linkcolor=red, + %filecolor=magenta, + urlcolor=blue, + %pdftitle={Overleaf Example}, + %pdfpagemode=FullScreen, + } +\usepackage{amsmath} % For proper mathematical notations +\usepackage{metsymb} +\EnableCrossrefs +\CodelineIndex +\RecordChanges +\begin{document} +\DocInput{metsymb.dtx} +\end{document} +% +% \fi +% +% \CheckSum{188} +% +% \CharacterTable +% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +% +% +% \changes{v1.1}{2022/09/10}{Changelog moved to} +% \changes{v1.0}{2021/08/26}{Initial version, with okta and cloud symbols.} +% +% \GetFileInfo{metsymb.sty} +% +% \DoNotIndex{} +% +% \title{The \textsf{metsymb} package\thanks{This document +% corresponds to \textsf{metsymb}~\fileversion, +% dated \filedate.}} +% \author{Frédéric P.A. Vogt \\ \texttt{}} +% +% \maketitle +% +% \begin{abstract} +% \noindent This package introduces commands to generate professional meteorological symbols with vectorial quality. As of \today, these include: oktas (\zerookta, \oneokta, \twooktas, \ldots), cloud genera (\cirrus, \cirrostratus, \nimbostratus, ...), and C$_\text{L}$--C$_\text{M}$--C$_\text{H}$ cloud codes (\clIII, \cmVI, \chIX, \ldots). This package essentially introduces a new font in which each symbol is assigned to a glyph, which can then be called individually from \LaTeX\ documents via dedicated commands. +% \end{abstract} +% +% \tableofcontents +% +% \section{Why \textsf{metsymb} ?} +% +% The creation of this package was motivated by the fact that in 2021, there were no dedicated Unicode elements for \href{}{okta} and \href{}{cloud genera} symbols. To the best of my knowledge, no \LaTeX\ package provides a uniform set of these symbols either\footnote{If you know of one, please let me know and I shall list it here !}.\\ +% +% \noindent This package is a direct attempt to remedy to this unfortunate state of affair. Individual symbols are designed using TikZ\footnote{\url{}}. They are then bundled into a dedicated font with FontForge\footnote{\url{}}. Individual glyphs of this metsymb font are then tied to dedicted \LaTeX\ commands via this package.\\ +% +% \noindent One key element of the metsymb symbols is that they are \textbf{designed using explicit (mathematical) TikZ commands}. This evidently helps to maintain a uniform look between the symbols, but also --and perhaps more importantly-- it ensures that each symbol can be faithfully reproduced with different software in the future (should the need arise). +% \section{Usage} +% +% Using the \textsf{metsymb} package is straightforward. By importing it via a not-so-surprising \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{metsymb\}} in the preamble of your documents, you will gain access to the commands listed in Tables~\ref{tbl:oktas} to \ref{tbl:clcmch}. +% +% \begin{table}[htb!] +% \centering +% \caption{\textsf{metsymb} commands for the okta symbols.}\label{tbl:oktas} +% \vspace{5pt} +% \begin{tabular}{c l c l} +% \zerookta & |\zerookta| & \fiveoktas & |\fiveoktas|\\ +% \oneokta & |\oneokta| & \sixoktas & |\sixoktas|\\ +% \twooktas & |\twooktas| & \sevenoktas & |\sevenoktas|\\ +% \threeoktas & |\threeoktas| & \eightoktas & |\eightoktas|\\ +% \fouroktas & |\fouroktas| & \nineoktas & |\nineoktas| +% \end{tabular} +%\end{table} +% +% \begin{table}[htb!] +% \centering +% \caption{\textsf{metsymb} commands for the cloud genera symbols.}\label{tbl:clouds} +% \vspace{5pt} +% \begin{tabular}{c l c l} +% \cirrus & |\cirrus| & \nimbostratus & |\nimbostratus|\\ +% \cirrocumulus & |\cirrocumulus| & \stratocumulus & |\stratocumulus|\\ +% \cirrostratus & |\cirrostratus| & \stratus & |\stratus|\\ +% \altocumulus & |\altocumulus| & \cumulus & |\cumulus|\\ +% \altostratus & |\altostratus| & \cumulonimbus & |\cumulonimbus| +% \end{tabular} +%\end{table} +% +% \begin{table}[htb!] +% \centering +% \caption{\textsf{metsymb} commands for the C$_\text{L}$, C$_\text{M}$, and C$_\text{H}$ cloud symbols.}\label{tbl:clcmch} +% \vspace{5pt} +% \begin{tabular}{c l c l c l} +% \clI & |\clI| & \cmI & |\cmI| & \chI & |\chI| \\ +% \clII & |\clII| & \cmII & |\cmII| & \chII & |\chII| \\ +% \clIII & |\clIII| & \cmIII & |\cmIII| & \chIII & |\chIII| \\ +% \clIV & |\clIV| & \cmIV & |\cmIV| & \chIV & |\chIV| \\ +% \clV & |\clV| & \cmV & |\cmV| & \chV & |\chV| \\ +% \clVI & |\clVI| & \cmVI & |\cmVI| & \chVI & |\chVI| \\ +% \clVII & |\clVII| & \cmVII & |\cmVII| & \chVII & |\chVII| \\ +% \clVIII & |\clVIII| & \cmVIII & |\cmVIII| & \chVIII & |\chVIII| \\ +% \clIX & |\clIX| & \cmIX & |\cmIX| & \chIX & |\chIX| +% \end{tabular} +%\end{table} +% +% \newpage +% \subsection{Using \textsf{metsymb} with \textsf{matplotlib}} +% +% \noindent \textsf{metsymb} can be used to include meteorological symbols inside Python plots, provided that the use of a system-wide \LaTeX\ installation is enabled via the setting \texttt{text.usetex} in your rcParams\footnote{\url{}}. In fact, the assembly of a dedicated vectorial font to store the \textsf{metsymb} symbols\footnote{instead of a simpler TikZ approach, \href{}{for example}} is directly motivated by the fact that \textsf{matplotlib} \href{}{requires proper font metrics} to include symbols in Python plots.\\ +% +%\noindent The following minimal working example, stored in \texttt{metsymb\} inside the \textsf{metsymb} Github repository, illustrates how one can couple \textsf{metsymb} and \textsf{matplotlib} (see Fig.~\ref{fig:mwe} for the result): +% +% \lstinputlisting[language=Python]{} +% +% \noindent where \texttt{metsymb\_mwe.mplstyle} contains: +% +% \lstinputlisting[language=Python]{metsymb_mwe.mplstyle} +% +% \begin{figure}[htb!] +% \centerline{\includegraphics{metsymb_mwe.pdf}} +% \caption{Result of the \texttt{metsymb\} demonstration script, illustrating how the \textsf{metsymb} package can be used with \textsf{matplotlib}.}\label{fig:mwe} +% \end{figure} +% +% +% \section{Code development and bug reports} +% The \textsf{metsymb} package is being developed inside a dedicated Github repository under the MeteoSwiss organization, located at: \url{}. User contributions are welcome and will be examined in details. So are bug reports and suggestions for new symbols, which are best submitted as \textit{Github Issues} directly on the code's repo at: \url{} +% +% \section{License and copyright} +% The copyright (2021-2023) of \textsf{metsymb} is owned by MeteoSwiss. The code, originally written by Frédéric P.A. Vogt, is released under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause License, available at \url{}. +% +% \section{Ackowledgments} +% The following resources proved immensely useful to assemble the first version of this package: +% \begin{itemize} +% \item \textit{How to Package Your \LaTeX Package}, Scott Pakin (2015): \url{} +% \item The FontForge documentation, and in particular the \textit{FontForge and TeX} article: \url{} +%\item The \textit{\TeX\ font errors: Cheatsheet}: \url{} +% \end{itemize} +% +% \noindent Several StackOverflow users also proved extremely helpful when building \textsf{metsymb}, in particular: +% \begin{itemize} +% \item those that provided clarifications and help \href{}{in this post}, \href{}{in that post}, and \href{}{in that other post}. +% \end{itemize} +% +% \noindent Thank you also to jklymak and anntzer.lee from the \textsf{matplotlib} discourse community for their clarifications in \href{}{this post}. +% +% \section{Font table} +% +% The complete font table for \textsf{metsymb}, generated via the command \texttt{pdftex testfont} with the \texttt{\textbackslash sample} call, is visible in Fig.~\ref{fig:testfont}. +% +% \begin{figure}[htb!] +% \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{testfont.pdf}} +% \caption{Complete font table for \textsf{metsymb}.}\label{fig:testfont} +% \end{figure} +% +% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex\PrintChanges} +% +% \section{Implementation} +% +% The \textsf{metsymb} package very simply defines new commands to fetch individual glyphs from the \texttt{metsymb} font. As such, its \LaTeX\ side is rather simple. +% +% \begin{macro}{\zerookta} +% The 0 okta symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\zerookta}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char33 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\oneokta} +% The 1 okta symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\oneokta}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char34 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\twooktas} +% The 2 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\twooktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char35 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\threeoktas} +% The 3 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\threeoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char36 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\fouroktas} +% The 4 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\fouroktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char37 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\fiveoktas} +% The 5 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\fiveoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char38 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\sixoktas} +% The 6 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\sixoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char39 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\sevenoktas} +% The 7 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\sevenoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char40 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\eightoktas} +% The 8 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\eightoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char41 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\nineoktas} +% The 9 oktas symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\nineoktas}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char42 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cirrus} +% The cirrus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cirrus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char43 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cirrocumulus} +% The cirrocumulus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cirrocumulus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char44 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cirrostratus} +% The cirrostratus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cirrostratus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char45 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\altocumulus} +% The altocumulus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\altocumulus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char46 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\altostratus} +% The altostratus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\altostratus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char47 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\nimbostratus} +% The nimbostratus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\nimbostratus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char48 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\stratocumulus} +% The stratocumulus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\stratocumulus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char49 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\stratus} +% The stratus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\stratus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char50 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cumulus} +% The cumulus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cumulus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char51 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cumulonimbus} +% The cumulonimbus symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cumulonimbus}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char52 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clI} +% The C$_\text{L}=1$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char53 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clII} +% The C$_\text{L}=2$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char54 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clIII} +% The C$_\text{L}=3$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char55 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clIV} +% The C$_\text{L}=4$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clIV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char56 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clV} +% The C$_\text{L}=5$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char57 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clVI} +% The C$_\text{L}=6$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clVI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char58 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clVII} +% The C$_\text{L}=7$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clVII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char59 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clVIII} +% The C$_\text{L}=8$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clVIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char60 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\clIX} +% The C$_\text{L}=9$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\clIX}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char61 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmI} +% The C$_\text{M}=1$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char62 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmII} +% The C$_\text{M}=2$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char63 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmIII} +% The C$_\text{M}=3$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char64 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmIV} +% The C$_\text{M}=4$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmIV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char65 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmV} +% The C$_\text{M}=5$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char66 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmVI} +% The C$_\text{M}=6$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmVI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char67 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmVII} +% The C$_\text{M}=7$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmVII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char68 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmVIII} +% The C$_\text{M}=8$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmVIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char69 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\cmIX} +% The C$_\text{M}=9$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\cmIX}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char70 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chI} +% The C$_\text{H}=1$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char71 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chII} +% The C$_\text{H}=2$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char72 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chIII} +% The C$_\text{H}=3$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char73 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chIV} +% The C$_\text{H}=4$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chIV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char74 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chV} +% The C$_\text{H}=5$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chV}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char75 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chVI} +% The C$_\text{H}=6$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chVI}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char76 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chVII} +% The C$_\text{H}=7$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chVII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char77 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chVIII} +% The C$_\text{H}=8$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chVIII}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char78 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \begin{macro}{\chIX} +% The C$_\text{H}=9$ cloud symbol: +% \begin{macrocode} +\newcommand{\chIX}{{\usefont{U}{metsymb}{m}{n} \char79 }}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% +% \Finale +\endinput \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.enc b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.enc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1150104058 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.enc @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +/TeX-Base-Encoding [ + /.notdef % 0x00 + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + /.notdef + 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Vogt +%% +%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the +%% conditions of the BSD-3-Clause License. +%% The terms of this license are available at: +%% +%% +%% +%% SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +%% +%% +\input docstrip.tex +\keepsilent +\usedir{tex/latex/metsymb} +\preamble +This is a generated file. + +Copyright (C) 2021-2023 MeteoSwiss, originally written by Frédéric P.A. Vogt. + +This file may be distributed and/or modified under the +conditions of the BSD-3-Clause License. +The terms of this license are available at: + + + +SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + +\endpreamble +\generate{\file{metsymb.sty}{\from{metsymb.dtx}{package}}} +\Msg{*********************************************************} +\Msg{*} +\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the} +\Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX:} +\Msg{*} +\Msg{* \space\space metsymb.sty} +\Msg{*} +\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file metsymb.dtx} +\Msg{* through LaTeX.} +\Msg{*} +\Msg{* Happy TeXing!} +\Msg{*********************************************************} +\endbatchfile \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/ b/fonts/metsymb/source/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27b7e2af49 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +metsymb metsymb +VStem: 900.09 50.0039<-100.021 -99.9424 -49.9395 268.601> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 360.671875 m 1 + 950.09375 207.107421875 950.09375 53.54296875 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.5107421875 -58.4150390625 61.376953125 -53.9560546875 c 2 + 936.4453125 514.217773438 l 1 + 963.624023438 472.249023438 l 1 + 159.381835938 -49.939453125 l 1 + 317.545451175 -49.939453125 l 1 + 528.394577238 86.9309895833 739.244642488 223.801432292 950.09375 360.671875 c 1 +900.08984375 -49.939453125 m 1 + 900.08984375 268.600585938 l 1 + 409.377785428 -49.939453125 l 1 + 900.08984375 -49.939453125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: exclam +Encoding: 33 33 1 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<374.232 625.752> 750.045 50.0039<374.232 625.752> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<224.274 475.781> 900.09 50.0039<224.274 475.781> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +925.091796875 350.052734375 m 1025 +900.08984375 350.052734375 m 0 + 900.08984375 570.939453125 720.994140625 750.044921875 499.959960938 750.044921875 c 0 + 279.0703125 750.044921875 99.9677734375 570.942382812 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 129.026367188 279.063476562 -49.939453125 499.959960938 -49.939453125 c 0 + 721.001953125 -49.939453125 900.08984375 129.030273438 900.08984375 350.052734375 c 0 +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: quotedbl +Encoding: 34 34 2 +Width: 1000 +Flags: W +HStem: -99.9424 50.7712<376.788 474.959 524.962 623.19> 749.276 50.7727<376.785 474.959 524.962 623.192> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<226.576 473.479> 474.959 50.0029<-49.1712 749.276> 900.09 50.0039<226.575 473.48> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +524.961914062 -49.1721349261 m 1 + 734.350038417 -36.2812131617 900.08984375 137.426566619 900.08984375 350.052734375 c 0 + 900.08984375 562.548037825 734.34324306 736.376304383 524.961914062 749.276987556 c 1 + 524.961914062 -49.1721349261 l 1 +474.958984375 -49.1712298946 m 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 265.712859255 736.368295221 99.9677734375 562.545829824 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 137.427872842 265.706914073 -36.2732246255 474.958984375 -49.1712298946 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: numbersign +Encoding: 35 35 3 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<374.232 623.45> 325.051 474.998<476.807 633.819> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<224.274 473.479> 474.959 475.135<326.888 483.851> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +899.321863134 325.05078125 m 1 + 474.958984375 325.05078125 l 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 265.712859255 736.368295221 99.9677734375 562.545829824 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 129.026367188 279.063476562 -49.939453125 499.959960938 -49.939453125 c 0 + 712.604023841 -49.939453125 886.421306635 115.68960245 899.321863134 325.05078125 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: dollar +Encoding: 36 36 4 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.7712<376.788 474.959 524.962 623.19> 325.051 474.998<524.962 633.819> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<226.576 473.479> 474.959 475.135<326.888 483.851> 474.959 50.0029<-49.1712 325.051> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0xf0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0xf0 +524.961914062 325.05078125 m 1xe8 + 524.961914062 -49.1721349261 l 1 + 726.080730337 -36.7903108187 886.930732691 123.957000805 899.321863134 325.05078125 c 1 + 524.961914062 325.05078125 l 1xe8 +474.958984375 -49.1712298946 m 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 265.712859255 736.368295221 99.9677734375 562.545829824 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 137.427872842 265.706914073 -36.2732246255 474.958984375 -49.1712298946 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: percent +Encoding: 37 37 5 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 899.991<476.808 633.816> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<226.576 473.479> 474.959 475.135<216.203 483.851> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +474.958984375 -49.1712298946 m 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 265.712859255 736.368295221 99.9677734375 562.545829824 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 137.427872842 265.706914073 -36.2732246255 474.958984375 -49.1712298946 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: ampersand +Encoding: 38 38 6 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 899.991<476.808 633.816> 325.051 50.0039<100.737 474.959> +VStem: 49.9648 50.7709<226.829 325.051 375.055 473.228> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0xa0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0xa0 +474.958984375 325.05078125 m 1x60 + 100.735753658 325.05078125 l 1 + 113.126716139 123.958718117 273.970908554 -36.7826056998 474.958984375 -49.1712298946 c 1 + 474.958984375 325.05078125 l 1x60 +474.958984375 375.0546875 m 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 273.981435438 736.878359793 113.134876642 576.032106437 100.736671503 375.0546875 c 1 + 474.958984375 375.0546875 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: quoteright +Encoding: 39 8217 7 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 474.997<366.166 474.959> +VStem: 474.959 475.135<375.055 483.851> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +100.736671503 375.0546875 m 1 + 474.958984375 375.0546875 l 1 + 474.958984375 749.276084052 l 1 + 273.981435438 736.878359793 113.134876642 576.032106437 100.736671503 375.0546875 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: parenleft +Encoding: 40 40 8 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -100.012 50.0723<450.772 549.197> 750.045 50.0039<452.341 547.591> +VStem: 49.9648 399.991<215.572 483.85> 549.965 400.129<210.687 483.851> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +925.091796875 350.052734375 m 1025 +950.03515625 350.063476562 m 1024 +449.956054688 746.948873553 m 1 + 449.956054688 -46.845797688 l 1 + 466.337123291 -48.8876743002 483.025710904 -49.939453125 499.959960938 -49.939453125 c 0 + 516.895076524 -49.939453125 533.583927966 -48.8889282686 549.96484375 -46.8494525727 c 1 + 549.96484375 746.952523342 l 1 + 533.58386246 748.993534722 516.895005582 750.044921875 499.959960938 750.044921875 c 0 + 483.02577309 750.044921875 466.337180709 748.992282137 449.956054688 746.948873553 c 1 +193.89945394 20.1553839351 m 0 + 105.371176931 102.319966647 49.9648443106 219.692762567 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 + 950.09375 220.321606853 895.220807386 103.45438309 807.420130668 21.3493736798 c 0 + 726.968430827 -53.9303462207 618.854032788 -100.011718025 499.959960938 -100.01171875 c 0 + 381.761733179 -100.01171875 274.197883229 -54.4173128592 193.89945394 20.1553839351 c 0 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: parenright +Encoding: 41 41 9 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -100.012 900.012<366.173 633.811> +VStem: 50.0234 900.012<216.213 483.85> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 350.063476562 m 0 + 950.03515625 101.4609375 748.5625 -100.01171875 499.959960938 -100.01171875 c 0 + 251.49609375 -100.01171875 50.0234375 101.4609375 50.0234375 350.063476562 c 0 + 50.0234375 598.52734375 251.49609375 800 499.959960938 800 c 0 + 748.5625 800 950.03515625 598.52734375 950.03515625 350.063476562 c 0 +950.03515625 350.063476562 m 1024 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: asterisk +Encoding: 42 42 10 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<376.788 623.19> 750.045 50.0039<374.904 625.083> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<224.913 475.149> 900.09 50.0039<226.828 473.229> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +925.091796875 350.052734375 m 1025 +950.09375 350.052734375 m 0 + 950.09375 101.432617188 748.5625 -99.9423828125 499.959960938 -99.9423828125 c 0 + 251.490234375 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 101.436523438 49.96484375 350.052734375 c 0 + 49.96484375 598.530273438 251.482421875 800.048828125 499.959960938 800.048828125 c 0 + 748.569335938 800.048828125 950.09375 598.534179688 950.09375 350.052734375 c 0 +500.029067097 385.407629099 m 1 + 764.62236874 650.061554561 l 1 + 694.093873327 712.286281978 601.44760804 750.044921875 499.959960938 750.044921875 c 0 + 398.543508709 750.044921875 305.935687728 712.290498424 235.426299364 650.07145289 c 1 + 500.029067097 385.407629099 l 1 +535.375805699 350.052734375 m 1 + 800.011389675 85.3560867688 l 1 + 862.299410651 155.866610586 900.08984375 248.522769909 900.08984375 350.052734375 c 0 + 900.08984375 451.533585295 862.287897614 544.195617369 799.984328209 614.722314271 c 1 + 535.375805699 350.052734375 l 1 +464.682271058 350.052734375 m 1 + 200.06690249 614.728731818 l 1 + 137.773034103 544.201660243 99.9677734375 451.537443447 99.9677734375 350.052734375 c 0 + 99.9677734375 248.518648232 137.761587639 155.860422682 200.039836489 85.34966473 c 1 + 464.682271058 350.052734375 l 1 +500.029067097 314.697839651 m 1 + 235.400166738 50.0078772039 l 1 + 305.911821693 -12.2055099823 398.529160744 -49.939453125 499.959960938 -49.939453125 c 0 + 601.462225622 -49.939453125 694.117891807 -12.2012283611 764.648511583 50.0177653562 c 1 + 500.029067097 314.697839651 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: plus +Encoding: 43 43 11 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 80.0635 48.2871<836.974 865.265> 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 861.771> 571.603 48.3203<836.924 865.229> +VStem: 900.09 50.0039<163.72 286.8 413.305 536.316> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 799.963867188 375.0546875 l 2 + 855.240234375 375.0546875 900.08984375 419.830078125 900.08984375 475.04296875 c 0 + 900.08984375 520.245117188 869.678710938 559.911132812 825.890625 571.602539062 c 1 + 838.79296875 619.922851562 l 1 + 904.435546875 602.396484375 950.09375 542.841796875 950.09375 475.04296875 c 0 + 950.09375 422.859317753 923.397234848 376.91956885 882.949533907 350.052734375 c 1 + 923.397234848 323.1858999 950.09375 277.246150997 950.09375 225.0625 c 0 + 950.09375 157.115234375 904.409179688 97.7294921875 838.862304688 80.0634765625 c 1 + 825.834960938 128.350585938 l 1 + 869.705078125 140.173828125 900.08984375 179.733398438 900.08984375 225.0625 c 0 + 900.08984375 280.275390625 855.240234375 325.05078125 799.963867188 325.05078125 c 2 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: comma +Encoding: 44 44 12 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -75.0195 50.0029<244.849 332.993> 715.586 21G<642.453 658.595> 724.992 50.0039<644.892 755.934> +VStem: 156.021 49.8139<12.7281 136.882> 794.221 49.8157<563.148 686.652> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +251.590820312 158.884765625 m 2xb8 + 222.818537969 140.18230996 205.835398832 108.21924941 205.835398832 74.8838310171 c 0 + 205.835398832 56.506770883 210.996688335 37.7126420275 222.189453125 20.4931640625 c 0 + 240.873046875 -8.3173828125 272.700195312 -25.0166015625 305.981445312 -25.0166015625 c 0 + 314.5625 -25.0166015625 323.296875 -23.90234375 331.962890625 -21.576171875 c 1 + 344.940429688 -69.8759765625 l 1 + 332.047851562 -73.3369140625 318.967773438 -75.01953125 305.981445312 -75.01953125 c 0 + 256.053710938 -75.01953125 208.361328125 -50.0810546875 180.204101562 -6.662109375 c 0 + 163.84765625 18.501953125 156.021484375 46.783203125 156.021484375 74.8232421875 c 0 + 156.021484375 123.8828125 180.092773438 172.045898438 224.391601562 200.83984375 c 2 + 486.365234375 371.034179688 l 1 + 486.365234375 371.034179688 487.22780311 369.706465799 488.645670862 367.52337717 c 1 + 486.370117188 371.037109375 l 1 + 748.502929688 541.244140625 l 2 + 777.257903328 559.86625939 794.22136968 591.79703774 794.22136968 625.104143092 c 0 + 794.22136968 643.468417148 789.064473945 662.251094773 777.883789062 679.452148438 c 0 + 758.899414062 708.658203125 726.915039062 724.9921875 693.981445312 724.9921875 c 0xb8 + 679.831054688 724.9921875 665.421875 721.961914062 651.768554688 715.5859375 c 1xd8 + 651.768554688 715.5859375 630.654222314 760.799335498 630.654222314 760.91871613 c 0 + 630.654222314 760.918845604 630.65424715 760.918922036 630.654296875 760.918945312 c 0 + 651.005859375 770.422851562 672.583984375 774.99609375 693.981445312 774.99609375 c 0 + 743.3359375 774.99609375 791.283203125 750.583984375 819.83984375 706.65234375 c 0 + 836.196289062 681.48828125 844.037109375 653.185546875 844.037109375 625.151367188 c 0 + 844.037109375 576.103515625 819.961914062 527.951171875 775.631835938 499.2421875 c 2 + 513.554754179 329.071573154 l 1 + 513.5546875 329.071289062 l 1 + 251.590820312 158.884765625 l 2xb8 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: hyphen +Encoding: 45 45 13 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.375 950.035> 635.511 21G<748.428 764.556> 644.901 50.0029<750.866 861.954> +VStem: 900.234 49.8099<482.989 606.569> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 -99.9423828125 m 1xb0 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.509765625 -58.4150390625 61.3759765625 -53.95703125 c 2 + 854.462890625 461.033203125 l 2 + 883.27686253 479.717056627 900.234089376 511.632068394 900.234089376 544.934012478 c 0 + 900.234089376 563.331869343 895.058615426 582.153028445 883.84765625 599.400390625 c 0 + 864.948242188 628.517578125 832.953125 644.901367188 799.944335938 644.901367188 c 0xb0 + 785.801757812 644.901367188 771.390625 641.87890625 757.720703125 635.510742188 c 1xd0 + 757.720703125 635.510742188 736.648362791 680.743434254 736.648362791 680.863051227 c 0 + 736.648362791 680.863181215 736.648387676 680.863257928 736.6484375 680.86328125 c 0 + 757.004882812 690.346679688 778.5703125 694.904296875 799.944335938 694.904296875 c 0 + 849.369140625 694.904296875 897.3359375 670.458007812 925.821289062 626.573242188 c 0 + 942.192382812 601.38671875 950.043945312 573.06640625 950.043945312 544.991210938 c 0 + 950.043945312 495.962890625 925.989257812 447.8203125 881.6171875 419.047851562 c 2 + 159.375 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -99.9423828125 l 1xb0 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: period +Encoding: 46 46 14 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 249.946 50.0039<374.232 625.752> 679.942 20G<49.9648 99.9678 900.09 950.094> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<576.768 699.942> 900.09 50.0039<576.766 699.942> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49.96484375 699.942382812 m 1 + 99.9677734375 699.942382812 l 1 + 99.9677734375 479.052734375 279.0703125 299.950195312 499.959960938 299.950195312 c 0 + 720.994140625 299.950195312 900.08984375 479.055664062 900.08984375 699.942382812 c 1 + 950.09375 699.942382812 l 1 + 950.09375 451.4609375 748.569335938 249.946289062 499.959960938 249.946289062 c 0 + 251.482421875 249.946289062 49.96484375 451.46484375 49.96484375 699.942382812 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: slash +Encoding: 47 47 15 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.382 317.545 409.371 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 -99.9423828125 m 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.5107421875 -58.4150390625 61.376953125 -53.9560546875 c 2 + 936.4453125 514.217773438 l 1 + 963.624023438 472.249023438 l 1 + 159.381835938 -49.939453125 l 1 + 317.545279453 -49.939453125 l 1 + 661.385742188 173.286132812 l 1 + 661.385742188 173.286132812 688.562568246 131.425242631 688.562568246 131.31562562 c 0 + 688.562568246 131.315525361 688.562545511 131.315460028 688.5625 131.315429688 c 2 + 409.370656837 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -99.9423828125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: one +Encoding: 49 49 16 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 109.725 50.0039<415.689 578.726> 275.027 50.0039<50.0234 285.761 707.775 950.035> 375.074 50.0039<50.0234 285.773 707.765 950.035> 540.337 50.0039<415.832 578.744> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 375.07421875 m 1 + 50.0234375 425.078125 l 1 + 280.014648438 425.078125 l 1 + 306.872070312 523.090820312 396.481445312 590.340820312 496.73828125 590.340820312 c 0 + 509.7265625 590.340820312 522.861328125 589.213867188 536.020507812 586.895507812 c 0 + 622.10546875 571.712890625 691.078125 508.0859375 713.958007812 425.078125 c 1 + 950.03515625 425.078125 l 1 + 950.03515625 375.07421875 l 1 + 857.6953125 375.07421875 765.35546875 375.07421875 673.015625 375.07421875 c 1 + 669.37109375 395.704101562 l 2 + 656.580078125 468.108398438 599.844726562 524.856445312 527.291015625 537.65234375 c 0 + 516.990234375 539.467773438 506.779296875 540.336914062 496.73828125 540.336914062 c 0 + 413.455078125 540.336914062 339.584960938 480.625 324.625976562 395.715820312 c 2 + 320.989257812 375.07421875 l 1 + 230.66796875 375.07421875 140.345703125 375.07421875 50.0234375 375.07421875 c 1 +50.0234375 275.02734375 m 1 + 50.0234375 325.03125 l 1 + 140.346679688 325.03125 230.670898438 325.03125 320.994140625 325.03125 c 1 + 324.626953125 304.383789062 l 2 + 339.580078125 219.401367188 413.35546875 159.728515625 496.537109375 159.728515625 c 0 + 506.6328125 159.728515625 516.970703125 160.62109375 527.330078125 162.459960938 c 0 + 599.842773438 175.127929688 656.573242188 231.840820312 669.370117188 304.39453125 c 2 + 673.009765625 325.03125 l 1 + 765.3515625 325.03125 857.693359375 325.03125 950.03515625 325.03125 c 1 + 950.03515625 275.02734375 l 1 + 713.965820312 275.02734375 l 1 + 691.094726562 191.90625 622.111328125 128.250976562 535.981445312 113.203125 c 0 + 522.744140625 110.854492188 509.600585938 109.724609375 496.537109375 109.724609375 c 0 + 396.338867188 109.724609375 306.836914062 176.984375 280.008789062 275.02734375 c 1 + 50.0234375 275.02734375 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: two +Encoding: 50 50 17 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 409.973 589.947 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 409.97265625 375.0546875 l 1 + 409.97265625 325.05078125 l 1 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +589.947265625 325.05078125 m 1 + 589.947265625 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 325.05078125 l 1 + 589.947265625 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: three +Encoding: 51 51 18 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 299.971 50.0029<371.679 628.312> 505.065 50.0039<418.323 582.805> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<-100.021 28.2599> 275.017 50.0039<315.115 412.738> 675.031 49.9771<315.076 411.708> 900.09 50.0039<-100.021 28.2584> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +99.9677734375 -100.021484375 m 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 67.8807974739 141.978408783 214.341012284 278.318671084 291.672292303 c 1 + 276.099898252 304.444877194 275.016601567 317.251206303 275.016601562 329.969726562 c 0 + 275.016601562 421.83203125 331.669921875 508.145507812 423.041015625 541.393554688 c 0 + 448.39453125 550.65234375 474.41015625 555.069335938 500.067382812 555.069335938 c 0 + 591.92578125 555.069335938 678.193359375 498.305664062 711.42578125 406.975585938 c 0 + 720.480957031 382.131347656 725.008544922 356.066650391 725.008544922 330.002075195 c 0 + 725.008544922 317.172668986 723.911615464 304.343292352 721.717756547 291.65950271 c 1 + 858.087703868 214.325360007 950.09375 67.8730691749 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 120.864257812 720.994140625 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 279.0703125 299.970703125 99.9677734375 120.868164062 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 +325.671825426 314.962636956 m 1 + 379.278972219 337.51095094 438.167367312 349.973632818 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 561.805657478 349.973632812 620.737510795 337.502939813 674.377945999 314.940812516 c 1 + 674.81364476 319.952686833 675.031494141 324.977506847 675.031494141 330.002319336 c 0 + 675.031494141 350.240478516 671.497558594 370.478515625 664.4296875 389.870117188 c 0 + 638.591796875 460.875976562 571.5234375 505.065429688 500.067382812 505.065429688 c 0 + 480.252929688 505.065429688 460.022460938 501.65625 440.17578125 494.407226562 c 0 + 369.1640625 468.568359375 325.020507812 401.474609375 325.020507812 329.969726562 c 0 + 325.020507812 324.98931995 325.235365914 319.982720171 325.671825426 314.962636956 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: four +Encoding: 52 52 19 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 299.971 50.0029<370.885 629.117> 525.008 50.0029<195.755 804.186> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<-100.021 28.2599> 900.09 50.0039<-100.021 28.2584> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +104.110351562 575.010742188 m 1 + 895.790039062 575.010742188 l 1 + 835.748182627 481.645146196 775.786182508 388.403493862 715.720551858 295.000190596 c 1 + 855.383332975 218.594350684 950.09375 70.3226950594 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 120.864257812 720.994140625 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 279.0703125 299.970703125 99.9677734375 120.868164062 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 70.3314499998 144.68401695 218.611825172 284.316799782 295.014077575 c 1 + 104.110351562 575.010742188 l 1 +670.207774924 316.670148108 m 1 + 804.185546875 525.0078125 l 1 + 195.754882812 525.0078125 l 1 + 329.83051463 316.687282781 l 1 + 382.318810134 338.145578023 439.761230349 349.973632812 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 560.207026959 349.973632812 617.688940944 338.139309725 670.207774924 316.670148108 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 1 +EndChar + +StartChar: five +Encoding: 53 53 20 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<103.074 896.984> 299.971 50.0029<374.58 625.403> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +99.9677734375 -100.021484375 m 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 148.456054688 251.482421875 349.973632812 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 748.569335938 349.973632812 950.09375 148.458984375 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9951165921 900.089836094 -99.9687494045 900.089836094 -99.9423828125 c 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9687494044 99.9677734375 -99.995116592 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 +896.983995651 -49.939453125 m 1 + 872.338252164 147.314176689 704.021668716 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 296.03142204 299.970703125 127.719086072 147.317110385 103.073575003 -49.939453125 c 1 + 896.983995651 -49.939453125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: six +Encoding: 54 54 21 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<103.074 896.984> 299.971 50.0029<372.376 627.614> 505.065 50.0039<418.323 582.805> +VStem: 275.017 50.0039<315.115 412.738> 675.031 49.9771<315.076 411.708> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +99.9677734375 -100.021484375 m 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 67.8807974739 141.978408783 214.341012284 278.318671084 291.672292303 c 1 + 276.099898252 304.444877194 275.016601567 317.251206303 275.016601562 329.969726562 c 0 + 275.016601562 421.83203125 331.669921875 508.145507812 423.041015625 541.393554688 c 0 + 448.39453125 550.65234375 474.41015625 555.069335938 500.067382812 555.069335938 c 0 + 591.92578125 555.069335938 678.193359375 498.305664062 711.42578125 406.975585938 c 0 + 720.480957031 382.131347657 725.008544922 356.066650393 725.008544922 330.002075199 c 0 + 725.008544922 317.172668989 723.911615463 304.343292353 721.717756547 291.65950271 c 1 + 858.087703868 214.325360007 950.09375 67.8730691749 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9951165921 900.089836094 -99.9687494045 900.089836094 -99.9423828125 c 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9687494044 99.9677734375 -99.995116592 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 +896.983995651 -49.939453125 m 1 + 872.338252164 147.314176689 704.021668716 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 296.03142204 299.970703125 127.719086072 147.317110385 103.073575003 -49.939453125 c 1 + 896.983995651 -49.939453125 l 1 +325.671825426 314.962636956 m 1 + 379.278972219 337.51095094 438.167367312 349.973632818 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 561.805657478 349.973632812 620.737510795 337.502939813 674.377945999 314.940812516 c 1 + 674.81364476 319.952686834 675.03149414 324.977506848 675.03149414 330.002319338 c 0 + 675.03149414 350.240478517 671.497558594 370.478515626 664.4296875 389.870117188 c 0 + 638.591796875 460.875976562 571.5234375 505.065429688 500.067382812 505.065429688 c 0 + 480.252929688 505.065429688 460.022460938 501.65625 440.17578125 494.407226562 c 0 + 369.1640625 468.568359375 325.020507812 401.474609375 325.020507812 329.969726562 c 0 + 325.020507812 324.98931995 325.235365914 319.982720171 325.671825426 314.962636956 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: seven +Encoding: 55 55 22 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<103.074 896.984> 299.202 50.0886<371.166 474.959 524.962 628.814> 535.069 20G<487.239 545.997> +VStem: 275.017 50.0039<315.115 412.738> 474.959 50.0029<129.977 299.202 347.786 503.232> 675.031 49.9771<315.076 411.802> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +99.9677734375 -100.021484375 m 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 67.8807974739 141.978408783 214.341012284 278.318671084 291.672292303 c 1 + 276.099898252 304.444877194 275.016601567 317.251206303 275.016601562 329.969726562 c 0 + 275.016601562 421.83203125 331.669921875 508.145507812 423.041015625 541.393554688 c 0 + 448.39453125 550.65234375 474.41015625 555.069335938 500.067382812 555.069335938 c 0 + 591.92578125 555.069335938 678.193359375 498.305664062 711.42578125 406.975585938 c 0 + 720.480957031 382.131347657 725.008544922 356.066650393 725.008544922 330.002075199 c 0 + 725.008544922 317.172668989 723.911615463 304.343292353 721.717756547 291.65950271 c 1 + 858.087703868 214.325360007 950.09375 67.8730691749 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9951165921 900.089836094 -99.9687494045 900.089836094 -99.9423828125 c 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9687494044 99.9677734375 -99.995116592 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 +896.983995651 -49.939453125 m 1 + 873.352409776 139.197307734 717.630648307 287.331738422 524.961914062 299.202764739 c 1 + 524.961914062 129.9765625 l 1 + 474.958984375 129.9765625 l 1 + 474.958984375 299.201865302 l 1 + 282.414796988 287.324370748 126.70433188 139.195269289 103.073575003 -49.939453125 c 1 + 896.983995651 -49.939453125 l 1 +474.958984375 349.290456033 m 1 + 474.958984375 503.232130952 l 1 + 463.339540017 501.527498715 451.693037953 498.613918316 440.17578125 494.407226562 c 0 + 369.1640625 468.568359375 325.020507812 401.474609375 325.020507812 329.969726562 c 0 + 325.020507812 324.98931995 325.235365914 319.982720171 325.671825426 314.962636956 c 1 + 372.001085197 334.449715797 422.27493546 346.403786104 474.958984375 349.290456033 c 1 +524.961914062 349.291120189 m 1 + 577.696905441 346.404546262 628.014021561 334.442309124 674.377945999 314.940812516 c 1 + 674.81364476 319.952686834 675.03149414 324.977506848 675.03149414 330.002319338 c 0 + 675.03149414 350.240478517 671.497558594 370.478515626 664.4296875 389.870117188 c 0 + 641.621315577 452.550468028 586.684274702 494.334247352 524.961914062 503.270910933 c 1 + 524.961914062 349.291120189 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: eight +Encoding: 56 56 23 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 109.725 50.0039<414.242 579.985> 275.027 50.0039<50.0234 198.643 246.287 285.761 707.775 753.771 801.415 950.035> 555.05 50.0029<400.435 599.56> +VStem: 196.084 50.203<325.031 402.419> 753.771 50.2029<325.031 402.421> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 275.02734375 m 1 + 50.0234375 325.03125 l 1 + 196.084122386 325.03125 l 1 + 208.796888582 481.7436879 339.955234253 605.052734375 499.959960938 605.052734375 c 0 + 660.087375242 605.052734375 791.260799911 481.747748107 803.97443811 325.03125 c 1 + 950.03515625 325.03125 l 1 + 950.03515625 275.02734375 l 1 + 713.965820312 275.02734375 l 1 + 691.094726562 191.90625 622.111328125 128.250976562 535.981445312 113.203125 c 0 + 522.744140625 110.854492188 509.600585938 109.724609375 496.537109375 109.724609375 c 0 + 396.338867188 109.724609375 306.836914062 176.984375 280.008789062 275.02734375 c 1 + 50.0234375 275.02734375 l 1 +246.28708095 325.03125 m 1 + 320.994140625 325.03125 l 1 + 324.626953125 304.383789062 l 2 + 339.580078125 219.401367188 413.35546875 159.728515625 496.537109375 159.728515625 c 0 + 506.6328125 159.728515625 516.970703125 160.62109375 527.330078125 162.459960938 c 0 + 599.842773438 175.127929688 656.573242188 231.840820312 669.370117188 304.39453125 c 2 + 673.009765625 325.03125 l 1 + 753.771491345 325.03125 l 1 + 741.219736184 454.133768138 632.476564205 555.049804688 499.959960938 555.049804688 c 0 + 367.582585875 555.049804688 258.838937333 454.138461709 246.28708095 325.03125 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: nine +Encoding: 57 57 24 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 109.725 50.0039<415.689 578.726> 275.027 50.0039<50.0234 285.761 707.775 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 275.02734375 m 1 + 50.0234375 325.03125 l 1 + 140.346679688 325.03125 230.670898438 325.03125 320.994140625 325.03125 c 1 + 324.626953125 304.383789062 l 2 + 339.580078125 219.401367188 413.35546875 159.728515625 496.537109375 159.728515625 c 0 + 506.6328125 159.728515625 516.970703125 160.62109375 527.330078125 162.459960938 c 0 + 599.842773438 175.127929688 656.573242188 231.840820312 669.370117188 304.39453125 c 2 + 673.009765625 325.03125 l 1 + 765.3515625 325.03125 857.693359375 325.03125 950.03515625 325.03125 c 1 + 950.03515625 275.02734375 l 1 + 713.965820312 275.02734375 l 1 + 691.094726562 191.90625 622.111328125 128.250976562 535.981445312 113.203125 c 0 + 522.744140625 110.854492188 509.600585938 109.724609375 496.537109375 109.724609375 c 0 + 396.338867188 109.724609375 306.836914062 176.984375 280.008789062 275.02734375 c 1 + 50.0234375 275.02734375 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: colon +Encoding: 58 58 25 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 325.05078125 l 1 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: semicolon +Encoding: 59 59 26 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 300.004 374.971 624.95 700.055 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +700.0546875 325.05078125 m 1 + 700.0546875 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 375.0546875 l 1 + 950.03515625 325.05078125 l 1 + 700.0546875 325.05078125 l 1 +374.970703125 325.05078125 m 1 + 374.970703125 375.0546875 l 1 + 624.950195312 375.0546875 l 1 + 624.950195312 325.05078125 l 1 + 374.970703125 325.05078125 l 1 +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 300.00390625 375.0546875 l 1 + 300.00390625 325.05078125 l 1 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: less +Encoding: 60 60 27 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<103.074 896.984> 299.971 50.0029<374.58 625.403> 409.729 50.0039<415.689 578.741> 575.031 50.0039<50.0234 285.761 707.773 950.035> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +496.537109375 409.728515625 m 0 + 396.338867188 409.728515625 306.836914062 476.98828125 280.008789062 575.03125 c 1 + 50.0234375 575.03125 l 1 + 50.0234375 625.03515625 l 1 + 140.346679688 625.03515625 230.670898438 625.03515625 320.994140625 625.03515625 c 1 + 324.626953125 604.387695312 l 2 + 339.580078125 519.404296875 413.35546875 459.732421875 496.537109375 459.732421875 c 0 + 506.6328125 459.732421875 516.930664062 460.618164062 527.291015625 462.45703125 c 0 + 599.866210938 475.256835938 656.577148438 531.8671875 669.370117188 604.3984375 c 2 + 673.009765625 625.03515625 l 1 + 765.3515625 625.03515625 857.693359375 625.03515625 950.03515625 625.03515625 c 1 + 950.03515625 575.03125 l 1 + 713.96484375 575.03125 l 1 + 691.088867188 491.913085938 622.092773438 428.39453125 536.020507812 413.213867188 c 0 + 522.783203125 410.865234375 509.600585938 409.728515625 496.537109375 409.728515625 c 0 +99.9677734375 -100.021484375 m 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 148.456054688 251.482421875 349.973632812 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 748.569335938 349.973632812 950.09375 148.458984375 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9951165921 900.089836094 -99.9687494045 900.089836094 -99.9423828125 c 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9687494044 99.9677734375 -99.995116592 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 +896.983995651 -49.939453125 m 1 + 872.338252164 147.314176689 704.021668716 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 296.03142204 299.970703125 127.719086072 147.317110385 103.073575003 -49.939453125 c 1 + 896.983995651 -49.939453125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: equal +Encoding: 61 61 28 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<103.074 896.984> 299.971 50.0029<371.234 628.768> 525.008 50.0029<195.755 804.186> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +104.110351562 575.010742188 m 1 + 895.790039062 575.010742188 l 1 + 835.748182627 481.645146196 775.786182508 388.403493862 715.720551858 295.000190596 c 1 + 855.383332975 218.594350684 950.09375 70.3226950594 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 -99.9951165921 900.089836094 -99.9687494045 900.089836094 -99.9423828125 c 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 99.9677810936 -99.9687494044 99.9677734375 -99.995116592 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 70.3314499998 144.68401695 218.611825172 284.316799782 295.014077575 c 1 + 104.110351562 575.010742188 l 1 +103.073575003 -49.939453125 m 1 + 896.983995651 -49.939453125 l 1 + 872.338252164 147.314176689 704.021668716 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 296.03142204 299.970703125 127.719086072 147.317110385 103.073575003 -49.939453125 c 1 +670.207774924 316.670148108 m 1 + 804.185546875 525.0078125 l 1 + 195.754882812 525.0078125 l 1 + 329.83051463 316.687282781 l 1 + 382.318810134 338.145578023 439.761230349 349.973632812 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 560.207026959 349.973632812 617.688940944 338.139309725 670.207774924 316.670148108 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: greater +Encoding: 62 62 29 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.382 950.035> 494.218 20G<905.642 949.397> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 -99.9423828125 m 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.5107421875 -58.4150390625 61.376953125 -53.9560546875 c 2 + 936.4453125 514.217773438 l 1 + 936.4453125 514.217773438 963.624023438 472.359375 963.624023438 472.249023438 c 2 + 159.381835938 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -99.9423828125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: question +Encoding: 63 63 30 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.382 317.544 409.365 950.035> 494.218 20G<905.642 949.397> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 -99.9423828125 m 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.5107421875 -58.4150390625 61.376953125 -53.9560546875 c 2 + 936.4453125 514.217773438 l 1 + 963.624023438 472.249023438 l 1 + 159.381835938 -49.939453125 l 1 + 317.54394841 -49.939453125 l 1 + 936.446289062 351.8828125 l 1 + 963.624023438 309.913085938 l 1 + 409.365094134 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -99.9423828125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: at +Encoding: 64 64 31 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<201.279 373.409 626.569 798.7> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<64.6349 149.958> 474.959 50.0029<64.6349 149.958> 899.952 50.0039<64.6285 149.958> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49.96484375 149.958007812 m 1 + 99.9677734375 149.958007812 l 1 + 99.9677734375 46.4853515625 183.990234375 -37.537109375 287.463867188 -37.537109375 c 0 + 391.072265625 -37.537109375 474.958984375 46.470703125 474.958984375 149.958007812 c 1 + 524.961914062 149.958007812 l 1 + 524.961914062 46.4853515625 608.983398438 -37.537109375 712.45703125 -37.537109375 c 0 + 816.065429688 -37.537109375 899.952148438 46.470703125 899.952148438 149.958007812 c 1 + 949.956054688 149.958007812 l 1 + 949.956054688 18.900390625 843.669921875 -87.5400390625 712.45703125 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 619.51953125 -87.5400390625 538.973632812 -34.0341796875 499.971679688 43.826171875 c 1 + 461.000976562 -34.029296875 380.498046875 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: A +Encoding: 65 65 32 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<201.001 373.707> 719.254 20G<788.697 949.398> +VStem: 474.959 50.0029<64.6285 149.958> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +474.958984375 149.958007812 m 1 + 524.961914062 149.958007812 l 1 + 524.961914062 18.900390625 418.676757812 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 2 + 49.96484375 163.53125 l 1 + 345.458007812 355.438476562 640.950195312 547.346679688 936.443359375 739.25390625 c 1 + 936.443359375 739.25390625 963.627021354 697.39689598 963.627021354 697.287305222 c 0 + 963.627021354 697.287205012 963.626998625 697.287139708 963.626953125 697.287109375 c 2 + 100.431640625 136.686523438 l 1 + 107.250976562 39.3955078125 188.452148438 -37.537109375 287.463867188 -37.537109375 c 0 + 391.072265625 -37.537109375 474.958984375 46.470703125 474.958984375 149.958007812 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: B +Encoding: 66 66 33 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<201.001 373.436 626.648 798.779> 719.254 20G<788.697 949.398> +VStem: 475.097 50.0029<64.6379 149.958> 900.09 50.0039<64.6349 149.958> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +900.08984375 149.958007812 m 1 + 950.09375 149.958007812 l 1 + 950.09375 18.8857421875 843.666992188 -87.5400390625 712.594726562 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 619.55859375 -87.5400390625 539.0546875 -34.02734375 500.084960938 43.830078125 c 1 + 461.073242188 -34.0341796875 380.4921875 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 2 + 49.96484375 163.53125 l 1 + 345.458007812 355.438476562 640.950195312 547.346679688 936.443359375 739.25390625 c 1 + 936.443359375 739.25390625 963.627021354 697.39689598 963.627021354 697.287305222 c 0 + 963.627021354 697.287205012 963.626998625 697.287139708 963.626953125 697.287109375 c 2 + 100.431640625 136.686523438 l 1 + 107.250976562 39.3955078125 188.452148438 -37.537109375 287.463867188 -37.537109375 c 0 + 391.086914062 -37.537109375 475.096679688 46.4921875 475.096679688 149.958007812 c 1 + 525.099609375 149.958007812 l 1 + 525.099609375 46.470703125 608.986328125 -37.537109375 712.594726562 -37.537109375 c 0 + 816.068359375 -37.537109375 900.08984375 46.4853515625 900.08984375 149.958007812 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: C +Encoding: 67 67 34 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 299.971 50.0029<447.003 552.96> 505.066 20G<49.9648 99.9678 474.959 524.962 899.952 949.956> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<-100.021 26.4665 441.167 525.066> 474.959 50.0029<439.684 525.066> 900.09 50.0039<-100.021 26.4696 441.188 525.066> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49.96484375 525.06640625 m 1 + 99.9677734375 525.06640625 l 1 + 99.9677734375 421.458007812 183.975585938 337.571289062 287.463867188 337.571289062 c 0 + 391.0859375 337.571289062 474.958984375 421.443359375 474.958984375 525.06640625 c 1 + 524.961914062 525.06640625 l 1 + 524.961914062 421.458007812 608.969726562 337.571289062 712.45703125 337.571289062 c 0 + 816.080078125 337.571289062 899.952148438 421.443359375 899.952148438 525.06640625 c 1 + 949.956054688 525.06640625 l 1 + 949.956054688 399.070620699 851.919402778 296.036906607 727.941987019 288.063746844 c 1 + 860.879840325 209.841672273 950.09375 65.3058677582 950.09375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 900.08984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 900.08984375 120.864257812 720.994140625 299.970703125 499.959960938 299.970703125 c 0 + 279.0703125 299.970703125 99.9677734375 120.868164062 99.9677734375 -100.021484375 c 1 + 49.96484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 49.96484375 65.3010953105 139.172680404 209.835431292 272.065914765 288.05908456 c 1 + 148.169008669 295.996106026 49.9648437268 399.032282305 49.96484375 525.06640625 c 1 +555.846735762 346.538802394 m 1 + 532.86332032 366.716060493 513.804523422 391.260383563 499.971679688 418.877929688 c 1 + 486.149961558 391.262546228 467.104426805 366.719230235 444.129287224 346.542237177 c 1 + 462.422304818 348.807144956 481.055218638 349.973632712 499.959960938 349.973632812 c 0 + 518.884424036 349.973632812 537.536055739 348.805966497 555.846735762 346.538802394 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: D +Encoding: 68 68 35 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<200.714 374 626.084 799.344> 124.957 50.0029<159.364 473.44 526.753 898.435> 719.254 20G<788.697 949.398> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +712.594726562 -37.537109375 m 0 + 807.591796875 -37.537109375 886.194335938 33.283203125 898.434570312 124.95703125 c 1 + 526.752929688 124.95703125 l 1 + 538.973632812 33.2724609375 617.47265625 -37.537109375 712.594726562 -37.537109375 c 0 +287.463867188 -37.537109375 m 0 + 382.59765625 -37.537109375 461.200195312 33.2880859375 473.440429688 124.95703125 c 1 + 101.624023438 124.95703125 l 1 + 113.864257812 33.283203125 192.465820312 -37.537109375 287.463867188 -37.537109375 c 0 +49.96484375 149.958007812 m 2 + 49.96484375 163.53125 l 1 + 345.458007812 355.438476562 640.950195312 547.346679688 936.443359375 739.25390625 c 1 + 936.443359375 739.25390625 963.627021354 697.39689598 963.627021354 697.287305222 c 0 + 963.627021354 697.287205012 963.626998625 697.287139708 963.626953125 697.287109375 c 2 + 159.364257812 174.959960938 l 1 + 422.940429688 174.959960938 686.517578125 174.959960938 950.09375 174.959960938 c 1 + 950.09375 149.958007812 l 2 + 950.09375 18.8857421875 843.666992188 -87.5400390625 712.594726562 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 619.55859375 -87.5400390625 539.0546875 -34.02734375 500.084960938 43.830078125 c 1 + 461.073242188 -34.0341796875 380.4921875 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 2 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: E +Encoding: 69 69 36 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 287.567 50.0039<413.478 586.488> 505.066 20G<262.462 312.465 687.455 737.459> +VStem: 262.462 50.0029<-100.021 379.294 439.684 525.066> 687.455 50.0039<-100.021 379.245 439.677 525.066> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +687.455078125 525.06640625 m 1 + 737.458984375 525.06640625 l 1 + 737.458984375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 687.455078125 -100.021484375 l 1 + 687.455078125 379.245117188 l 1 + 644.002929688 323.447265625 576.18359375 287.567382812 499.959960938 287.567382812 c 0 + 423.79296875 287.567382812 355.94140625 323.466796875 312.46484375 379.293945312 c 1 + 312.46484375 -100.021484375 l 1 + 262.461914062 -100.021484375 l 1 + 262.461914062 525.06640625 l 1 + 312.46484375 525.06640625 l 1 + 312.46484375 421.458007812 396.47265625 337.571289062 499.959960938 337.571289062 c 0 + 603.583007812 337.571289062 687.455078125 421.443359375 687.455078125 525.06640625 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: F +Encoding: 70 70 37 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<201.279 373.707> 8.09668 50.0039<228.818 345.948> 592.196 20G<721.263 849.351> +VStem: 49.9648 50.0029<64.6349 149.958> 379.459 50.0039<91.595 149.958> 474.959 50.0029<64.6285 149.958> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +379.458984375 149.958007812 m 1 + 429.462890625 149.958007812 l 1 + 429.462890625 71.65234375 365.87109375 8.0966796875 287.463867188 8.0966796875 c 0 + 209.170898438 8.0966796875 145.602539062 71.666015625 145.602539062 149.958007812 c 2 + 145.602539062 163.53125 l 1 + 375.866210938 313.0859375 606.130859375 462.640625 836.395507812 612.196289062 c 1 + 836.395507812 612.196289062 863.580146352 570.34025083 863.580146352 570.230664584 c 0 + 863.580146352 570.230564382 863.580123623 570.230499082 863.580078125 570.23046875 c 2 + 196.517578125 136.978515625 l 1 + 202.83203125 92.4208984375 241.174804688 58.1005859375 287.463867188 58.1005859375 c 0 + 338.318359375 58.1005859375 379.458984375 99.2783203125 379.458984375 149.958007812 c 1 +474.958984375 149.958007812 m 1 + 524.961914062 149.958007812 l 1 + 524.961914062 18.900390625 418.676757812 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 1 + 99.9677734375 149.958007812 l 1 + 99.9677734375 46.4853515625 183.990234375 -37.537109375 287.463867188 -37.537109375 c 0 + 391.072265625 -37.537109375 474.958984375 46.470703125 474.958984375 149.958007812 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: G +Encoding: 71 71 38 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 861.701> 571.603 48.3203<836.924 865.229> +VStem: 900.09 50.0039<413.309 536.316> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 799.963867188 375.0546875 l 2 + 855.240234375 375.0546875 900.08984375 419.830078125 900.08984375 475.04296875 c 0 + 900.08984375 520.245117188 869.678710938 559.911132812 825.890625 571.602539062 c 1 + 838.79296875 619.922851562 l 1 + 904.435546875 602.396484375 950.09375 542.841796875 950.09375 475.04296875 c 0 + 950.09375 392.173828125 882.76953125 325.05078125 799.963867188 325.05078125 c 2 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: H +Encoding: 72 72 39 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 711.775 761.831 861.701> 571.606 48.3125<687.002 715.262 836.925 865.229> +VStem: 750.02 50.0029<413.047 536.317> 900.09 50.0039<413.309 536.316> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 650.03125 375.0546875 l 2 + 705.28125 375.0546875 750.01953125 419.79296875 750.01953125 475.04296875 c 0 + 750.01953125 520.25390625 719.586914062 559.923828125 675.943359375 571.606445312 c 1 + 688.875 619.918945312 l 1 + 754.385742188 602.3828125 800.022460938 542.833007812 800.022460938 475.04296875 c 0 + 800.022460938 436.631835938 785.581054688 401.590820312 761.831054688 375.0546875 c 1 + 799.963867188 375.0546875 l 2 + 855.240234375 375.0546875 900.08984375 419.830078125 900.08984375 475.04296875 c 0 + 900.08984375 520.245117188 869.678710938 559.911132812 825.890625 571.602539062 c 1 + 838.79296875 619.922851562 l 1 + 904.435546875 602.396484375 950.09375 542.841796875 950.09375 475.04296875 c 0 + 950.09375 392.173828125 882.76953125 325.05078125 799.963867188 325.05078125 c 0 + 549.984375 325.05078125 300.00390625 325.05078125 50.0234375 325.05078125 c 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: I +Encoding: 73 73 40 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -25.0557 21G<649.973 699.976> 74.9326 50.0039<738.24 861.717> 325.051 50.0039<50.0234 861.701> +VStem: 649.973 50.0029<-25.0557 36.6689> 900.09 50.0039<163.29 286.797> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 325.05078125 m 1 + 50.0234375 375.0546875 l 1 + 799.963867188 375.0546875 l 2 + 882.76953125 375.0546875 950.09375 307.931640625 950.09375 225.0625 c 0 + 950.09375 142.220703125 882.806640625 74.9326171875 799.963867188 74.9326171875 c 0 + 744.713867188 74.9326171875 699.975585938 30.1943359375 699.975585938 -25.0556640625 c 1 + 649.97265625 -25.0556640625 l 1 + 649.97265625 57.7763671875 717.1328125 124.936523438 799.963867188 124.936523438 c 0 + 855.203125 124.936523438 900.08984375 169.823242188 900.08984375 225.0625 c 0 + 900.08984375 280.275390625 855.240234375 325.05078125 799.963867188 325.05078125 c 2 + 50.0234375 325.05078125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: J +Encoding: 74 74 41 +Width: 1000 +HStem: 635.511 21G<748.428 764.556> 644.901 50.0029<750.866 859.461> +VStem: 900.234 49.8099<482.989 605.351> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +799.944335938 694.904296875 m 0x60 + 876.312599924 694.904296875 950.043945312 631.792684618 950.043945312 544.991210938 c 0 + 950.043945312 495.962890625 925.989257812 447.8203125 881.6171875 419.047851562 c 2 + 88.556640625 -95.9248046875 l 1 + 88.556640625 -95.9248046875 61.3759083259 -54.0658530885 61.3759765625 -53.95703125 c 2 + 854.462890625 461.033203125 l 2 + 883.27686253 479.717056627 900.234089376 511.632068394 900.234089376 544.934012478 c 0 + 900.234089376 602.28999499 850.960383691 644.901367188 799.944335938 644.901367188 c 0x60 + 785.801757812 644.901367188 771.390625 641.87890625 757.720703125 635.510742188 c 1xa0 + 757.720703125 635.510742188 736.648362791 680.743434254 736.6484375 680.86328125 c 0 + 757.004882812 690.346679688 778.5703125 694.904296875 799.944335938 694.904296875 c 0x60 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: K +Encoding: 75 75 42 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.37 950.035> 292.204 50.0039<207.78 318.904> +VStem: 357.13 49.8209<130.268 253.795> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +950.03515625 -49.939453125 m 1 + 950.03515625 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.15234375 54.509765625 -58.416015625 61.3759765625 -53.95703125 c 2 + 311.405273438 108.41015625 l 2 + 340.21166489 127.021147218 357.130269135 158.889538355 357.130269135 192.152992431 c 0 + 357.130269135 210.558961684 351.950060787 229.392077087 340.737304688 246.642578125 c 0 + 321.845703125 275.825195312 289.91015625 292.204101562 256.966796875 292.204101562 c 0 + 242.805664062 292.204101562 228.370117188 289.163085938 214.671875 282.748046875 c 1 + 214.671875 282.748046875 193.509688039 327.937179507 193.509688039 328.059330582 c 0 + 193.509688039 328.059465568 193.509713882 328.059545518 193.509765625 328.059570312 c 0 + 213.912109375 337.61328125 235.53515625 342.208007812 256.966796875 342.208007812 c 0 + 306.375 342.208007812 354.295898438 317.708984375 382.744140625 273.764648438 c 0 + 399.115234375 248.578125 406.951171875 220.284179688 406.951171875 192.213867188 c 0 + 406.951171875 143.197265625 382.891601562 95.0673828125 338.48828125 66.37890625 c 2 + 159.370117188 -49.939453125 l 1 + 950.03515625 -49.939453125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: L +Encoding: 76 76 43 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.375 450.074> 635.511 21G<748.428 764.556> 644.901 50.0029<750.866 861.954> +VStem: 900.234 49.8099<482.989 606.569> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +450.07421875 -99.9423828125 m 1xb0 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.1513671875 54.509765625 -58.4150390625 61.3759765625 -53.95703125 c 2 + 854.462890625 461.033203125 l 2 + 883.27686253 479.717056627 900.234089376 511.632068394 900.234089376 544.934012478 c 0 + 900.234089376 563.331869343 895.058615426 582.153028445 883.84765625 599.400390625 c 0 + 864.948242188 628.517578125 832.953125 644.901367188 799.944335938 644.901367188 c 0xb0 + 785.801757812 644.901367188 771.390625 641.87890625 757.720703125 635.510742188 c 1xd0 + 757.720703125 635.510742188 736.648362791 680.743434254 736.648362791 680.863051227 c 0 + 736.648362791 680.863181215 736.648387676 680.863257928 736.6484375 680.86328125 c 0 + 757.004882812 690.346679688 778.5703125 694.904296875 799.944335938 694.904296875 c 0 + 849.369140625 694.904296875 897.3359375 670.458007812 925.821289062 626.573242188 c 0 + 942.192382812 601.38671875 950.043945312 573.06640625 950.043945312 544.991210938 c 0 + 950.043945312 495.962890625 925.989257812 447.8203125 881.6171875 419.047851562 c 2 + 159.375 -49.939453125 l 1 + 450.07421875 -49.939453125 l 1 + 450.07421875 -99.9423828125 l 1xb0 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: M +Encoding: 77 77 44 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<159.37 840.649> 292.204 50.0039<207.78 318.904 681.155 792.295> +VStem: 357.13 49.8209<130.268 253.795> 593.102 49.8288<130.257 253.79> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +549.984375 -49.939453125 m 1 + 840.649414062 -49.939453125 l 1 + 661.409179688 66.3935546875 l 2 + 617.109375 95.0830078125 593.1015625 143.188476562 593.1015625 192.178710938 c 0 + 593.1015625 220.2578125 600.934570312 248.564453125 617.314453125 273.764648438 c 0 + 645.762695312 317.708984375 693.68359375 342.208007812 743.091796875 342.208007812 c 0 + 764.5234375 342.208007812 786.146484375 337.61328125 806.595703125 328.037109375 c 1 + 785.38671875 282.748046875 l 1 + 771.688476562 289.163085938 757.252929688 292.204101562 743.091796875 292.204101562 c 0 + 710.1484375 292.204101562 678.212890625 275.825195312 659.3203125 246.642578125 c 0 + 648.108915255 229.393658794 642.930401162 210.549255978 642.930401162 192.129052843 c 0 + 642.930401162 158.873719861 659.809098803 127.001010934 688.5390625 108.395507812 c 2 + 938.677734375 -53.9541015625 l 2 + 945.545898438 -58.412109375 950.09375 -66.1494140625 950.09375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 950.09375 -88.740234375 938.890625 -99.9423828125 925.091796875 -99.9423828125 c 2 + 549.984375 -99.9423828125 l 1 + 74.966796875 -99.9423828125 l 2 + 61.16796875 -99.9423828125 49.96484375 -88.740234375 49.96484375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 49.96484375 -66.15234375 54.509765625 -58.416015625 61.3759765625 -53.95703125 c 2 + 311.405273438 108.41015625 l 2 + 340.21166489 127.021147218 357.130269135 158.889538355 357.130269135 192.152992431 c 0 + 357.130269135 210.558961684 351.950060787 229.392077087 340.737304688 246.642578125 c 0 + 321.845703125 275.825195312 289.91015625 292.204101562 256.966796875 292.204101562 c 0 + 242.805664062 292.204101562 228.370117188 289.163085938 214.671875 282.748046875 c 1 + 214.671875 282.748046875 193.509688039 327.937179507 193.509688039 328.059330582 c 0 + 193.509688039 328.059465568 193.509713882 328.059545518 193.509765625 328.059570312 c 0 + 213.912109375 337.61328125 235.53515625 342.208007812 256.966796875 342.208007812 c 0 + 306.375 342.208007812 354.295898438 317.708984375 382.744140625 273.764648438 c 0 + 399.115234375 248.578125 406.951171875 220.284179688 406.951171875 192.213867188 c 0 + 406.951171875 143.197265625 382.891601562 95.0673828125 338.48828125 66.37890625 c 2 + 159.370117188 -49.939453125 l 1 + 549.984375 -49.939453125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: N +Encoding: 78 78 45 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -99.9424 50.0029<50.0234 840.649> 292.204 50.0039<681.155 792.295> +VStem: 593.102 49.8288<130.257 253.79> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +50.0234375 -99.9423828125 m 1 + 50.0234375 -49.939453125 l 1 + 840.649414062 -49.939453125 l 1 + 661.409179688 66.3935546875 l 2 + 617.109375 95.0830078125 593.1015625 143.188476562 593.1015625 192.178710938 c 0 + 593.1015625 220.2578125 600.934570312 248.564453125 617.314453125 273.764648438 c 0 + 645.762695312 317.708984375 693.68359375 342.208007812 743.091796875 342.208007812 c 0 + 764.5234375 342.208007812 786.146484375 337.61328125 806.595703125 328.037109375 c 1 + 785.38671875 282.748046875 l 2 + 771.688476562 289.163085938 757.252929688 292.204101562 743.091796875 292.204101562 c 0 + 710.1484375 292.204101562 678.212890625 275.825195312 659.3203125 246.642578125 c 0 + 648.108915255 229.393658794 642.930401162 210.549255978 642.930401162 192.129052843 c 0 + 642.930401162 158.873719861 659.809098803 127.001010934 688.5390625 108.395507812 c 2 + 938.677734375 -53.9541015625 l 2 + 945.545898438 -58.412109375 950.09375 -66.1494140625 950.09375 -74.94140625 c 0 + 950.09375 -88.740234375 938.890625 -99.9423828125 925.091796875 -99.9423828125 c 2 + 50.0234375 -99.9423828125 l 1 +EndSplineSet +Validated: 524289 +EndChar + +StartChar: O +Encoding: 79 79 46 +Width: 1000 +HStem: -87.54 50.0029<201.001 373.436 626.648 798.779> 702.622 21G<505.338 521.466> 712.013 50.0029<507.776 618.864> +VStem: 475.097 50.0029<64.6379 149.958> 657.144 49.8099<550.101 673.681> 900.09 50.0039<64.6349 149.958> +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +900.08984375 149.958007812 m 1xbc + 950.09375 149.958007812 l 1 + 950.09375 18.8857421875 843.666992188 -87.5400390625 712.594726562 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 619.55859375 -87.5400390625 539.0546875 -34.02734375 500.084960938 43.830078125 c 1 + 461.073242188 -34.0341796875 380.4921875 -87.5400390625 287.463867188 -87.5400390625 c 0 + 156.390625 -87.5400390625 49.96484375 18.8857421875 49.96484375 149.958007812 c 2 + 49.96484375 163.53125 l 1 + 237.100585938 285.069335938 424.237304688 406.606445312 611.373046875 528.14453125 c 0 + 640.18701878 546.829013796 657.144245626 578.743844222 657.144245626 612.045579582 c 0 + 657.144245626 630.443321135 651.968771676 649.26435657 640.7578125 666.51171875 c 0 + 621.858398438 695.62890625 589.86328125 712.012695312 556.854492188 712.012695312 c 0xbc + 542.711914062 712.012695312 528.30078125 708.990234375 514.630859375 702.622070312 c 1xdc + 514.630859375 702.622070312 493.558519041 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a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.tfm b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.tfm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25b5cb5d3f Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb.tfm differ diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.mplstyle b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.mplstyle new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1066d88ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.mplstyle @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +text.usetex: True +text.latex.preamble: \usepackage{metsymb} diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.pdf b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf7209680b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/metsymb/source/metsymb_mwe.pdf differ diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/ b/fonts/metsymb/source/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..fd815162fa --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +""" +Copyright (C) 2021 MeteoSwiss, +originally written by F.P.A. Vogt; + +This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions +of the BSD-3-Clause License. +The terms of this license are available at: + + + +SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + +Module content: minimal working example of the metsymb LaTeX package +with matplotlib figures. +""" + +# Import matplotlib +from matplotlib import pyplot as plt + +# Set the proper rcparams elements'./metsymb_mwe.mplstyle') + +# Create a basic figure with some demo text in the center. +plt.close(1) +plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 0.5)) +plt.text(0.5, 0.5, + r'\LARGE Hello World: \threeoktas \nimbostratus \chIX', + ha='center') +plt.axis('off') + +# Export to different format and display on-screen. +plt.savefig('metsymb_mwe.pdf') +plt.savefig('metsymb_mwe.png') diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/testfont.pdf b/fonts/metsymb/source/testfont.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03b29a5474 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/metsymb/source/testfont.pdf differ diff --git a/fonts/metsymb/source/umetsymb.fd b/fonts/metsymb/source/umetsymb.fd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e376dfc60 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/metsymb/source/umetsymb.fd @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +\ProvidesFile{umetsymb.fd} +\DeclareFontFamily{U}{metsymb}{} +\DeclareFontShape{U}{metsymb}{m}{n}{<-> metsymb}{} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3