path: root/web/yacco2/compiler/o2/intro.w
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diff --git a/web/yacco2/compiler/o2/intro.w b/web/yacco2/compiler/o2/intro.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..233feef680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/yacco2/compiler/o2/intro.w
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+@q file: intro.w@>
+@q% Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2015@>
+@q% /*@>
+@q% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public@>
+@q% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this@>
+@q% file, You can obtain one at>
+@q% */@>
+@** Summary of \O2 --- Yacco${_2}$'s nickname.\fbreak
+The compiler / compiler's formal name is \Yacco2 but call me \O2.
+\Yacco2 can be morphed many ways; here are some hints: sound of a cold, molecular contortions.
+Do your own expletives.
+@*2 Component overview running \O2.\fbreak
+I use a ``.lex'' extension to distinguish a grammar file.
+This is not hard coded. You can choose your own memory mnemonics for any of my files.
+The ``.T'' file extension identifies the Terminal vocabulary.
+Its components are described later in the document.
+The Lrk and Rc terminals are pre-assembled and reside in the
+``\Whereyacco2/library/grammars'' account.
+My original thought was to allow the compiler writer to experiment with his own
+terminal definitions for all classes: LR constants, raw characters, errors, and terminals.
+From experience, only the last 2 classes are local to each language being defined.
+Please note, the ``header'' files are absent from the diagram due to space constraints.
+The salient ones to note are:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) the enumeration of the vocabulary's symbols}
+\ptindent{2) headers for fsm, and the terminal classifications: lrk,error,rc,and T}
+Per compiled ``xxx.lex'' grammar, the 2 status files ``xxx\_tracings.log'' and ``xxx\_errors.log''
+hold the text-only compiled results lodged within the local grammar's folder.
+``T-Alphabet'' gets gened when the ``-t'' option is inputted
+to gen the Terminal vocabulary.
+It is a file by defined order of all the terminals's literal names
+ used as comments against the outputted lookahead tables
+to make sense of their compressed set definitions.
+Its file name is built from the grammar's ``T-enumeration'' construct
+using its filename and adding
+a ``.fsc'' extension.
+\Olinker cross checks the number of terminals defined
+ in the ``no-of-T'' value in each grammar's ``fsc'' file against this file.
+Out-of-sync values indicates that new terminals have been added to
+either the ``error'' or ``terminal'' class terminals vocabulary
+ without gening up the grammar with the ``-t'' and/or ``-err'' option(s).
+The ``yyy.fsc'' file is the grammar writer's handcrafted file containing
+references to these ``xxx.fsc'' files
+and the T-Alphabet file for \Olinker to
+compile. Its name can be anything but i use the ``.fsc'' as a memory jog.
+Please see \Olinker's documentation on its raison d'\^etre and make file comments.
+@*3 Tracing facilities.\fbreak
+Some of the more important tracing facilities are as follows where their mnemonic
+replaces the ``xx'': \fbreak
+\ptindent{TH --- dynamic trace of the grammar's parse stack when its ``debug option is true}
+\ptindent{T --- trace terminals fetched across all grammars}
+\ptindent{AR --- trace arbitration when grammar's debug switch is true}
+\ptindent{MSG --- dynamic threading messages between the co-operatives}
+Please see \O2's library documentation concerning
+each tracing variable when set to 1 within your
+program by the programmer: ``yacco2::YACCO2\_xx\_\_ = 1;''
+starts their specific scribblings.
+There are other less important trace variables not listed above.
+The turned on \O2's library trace facility will log to ``xxx\_tracings.log' file where `xxx'
+represents the grammar being parsed without its extension.
+As the ``xxx\_tracings.log'' is text-only content, this allows the use of a general text editor
+to browse its material.
+If the editor has indigestion due to its volume, a script can be written to postprocess
+it for study by the ``sed'' / ``grep'' combo or using just the ``split'' utility.
+@*2 Grammar anatomy.\fbreak
+The grammar is composed of your traditional
+components: start rule, non-terminal vocabulary,
+terminal vocabulary, and 2 additional parts: fsm and syntax directed code.
+``fsm'' (short for finite state machine) is a packaging agent.
+It houses all the grammar's software generated parts along with
+the c++ syntax directed code within the grammar
+ associated with their directives.
+These directives are local to the grammar's rules, subrules, and possibly
+ the grammar's start-run-finish sequence that is handled within the fsm.
+``fsm'' supplies the grammar's c++ namespace,
+ class name, and filename prefix to output the components to.
+@*2 Terminal vocabulary.\fbreak
+From the diagram below, the ``enumeration'' component is a packaging agent that
+receives the outputed enumeration definitions for each terminal class.
+The counting scheme uses the natural numbers
+starting from 0 listing the ``lrk'' constants, followed by each of the
+other components's terminals.
+The last component ``terminals'' is your regular terminal definitions that gets assembled from
+the lexical or syntactical passes, and possibly out into etherland of abstraction.
+All vocabulary elements are tagged this way.
+It is the glue to all the emitted tables.
+For the record, each grammar's non-terminal vocabulary (rules)
+ are enumerated after the terminal enumeration count
+and are defined within the grammar's fsm class definition.
+The rules's subrules are also enumerated and defined there.
+They are not dependent on the Terminal vocabulary.
+@*2 Overview of generating the grammar's pdf and postscript(ps) documents.\fbreak
+There are 2 generated documents using the ``-p'' option emitting
+``cweave'' content and associated ``mpost'' diagrams for compilation:\fbreak
+\INDENT{.35in}{1) grammar with its syntax direct code,}
+\INDENT{.5in}{emitted \O2linker file, and gened lr1 state network}
+\INDENT{.35in}{2) various cross references against the grammar, and lr1 state network}
+\INDENT{.7in}{- symbols used from each rule's subrules symbol string position}
+\INDENT{.7in}{- additional information supporting the lr1 state network in the 1st document}
+\INDENT{1in}{$\bullet$ each lr1 state's rules follow sets}
+\INDENT{1in}{$\bullet$ reducing states subrules with references to their contributors' follow sets}
+\INDENT{1in}{$\bullet$ global lookahead sets with their yield used by the parse reduce operation}
+The below diagram shows the manufacturing
+of a grammar's document.
+Also for each ``pdf'' document generated there is a postscript document to
+remove the dependency of a ``pdf reader'' and its ``gui'' interaction when wanting to
+spool the document for print.
+For example on my Sun Solaris, the program ``pdftops''
+takes a ``pdf'' document and creates an equivalent ``ps'' document.
+Spooling it to a print would use the command line ``lp''.
+@*2 A sample \O2 script where the options are described.\fbreak
+\O2's input data template is $[options]$ filename where options are optional as
+they have preconfigured values.
+Here are the switches that can be inputted to \O2 using the Unix approach to turn
+on the specific option. Each option must be inputted with its own $-$ sign.\fbreak
+{\bf Options}: if they are not present, do not generate\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) -t --- generate the Terminal vocabulary}
+\ptindent{2) -err --- generate the Error vocabulary}
+\ptindent{3) -lrk --- generate the lr k vocabulary: Deprecated not supported}
+\ptindent{4) -rc --- generate the Raw characters vocabulary: Deprecated not supported}
+\ptindent{5) -p --- generate the grammar's documents}
+Points 1 and 2 are usually stable and do not need to be gened. Do so when these
+vocabularies have been modified. Don't forget to regen all the grammars
+and re-run \O2{}linker to reprocess the ``fsc'' files if the number of
+Terminals in the vocabularies has changed as all the Lookahead sets are now different along
+with the enumeration scheme that ties them together.
+Points 3 and 4 cannot be used as they reside in ``\Whereyacco2/library/grammars'' pregened.
+I included them as a memory jog to my
+experiments; if u try to input these deprecated options u'll get an error message.
+Other options were experimented with but found boarderline marginal:
+gen namespace, gen the grammar, and turn on debug of grammar instead of using the editor cycle to
+modify the grammar to be traced. Now namespace and grammar are always generated, and hello editor.
+So out damn spot.
+Here is a batch command file that runs on a Microsoft's NT/XP desktop.
+The same can be done within a ``Unix'' flavour script language like ``Bash''.
+Though it does not illustrate a conditional test as to whether
+the script should continue when the grammar is faulty,
+\O2 returns a 0 to indicate a healthy grammar
+and a 1 to indicate a sick grammar:
+The gory details are in the error log.
+\let\setuplistinghook = \linenumberedlisting
+\let\setuplistinghook = \relax
+The above example uses line numbers delimited by ``:'' at the start of each
+line for commentary purposes.
+Line 3 sets the directory where \O2 resides and repository
+for the temporary files from \O2, ``mpost'' that draws the grammar diagrams,
+while ``cweave'' generates the ``xxx.tex'' file for ``pdftex''
+who completes the document for an ``Adobe'' reader program: for example ``xpdf'' of open source
+or Adobe's reader.
+``cweave'' is one of the programs by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy
+from their book ``The CWEB System of Structured Documentation''.
+Go to the web site ``'' for more information on how to obtain
+``CWEB''. The same comments apply to ``mpost'' written by John D. Hobby of
+`Bell Labs''.
+This is a remake of ``MetaFont''language / ``MetaPost'' program by Donald E. Knuth.
+These programs are grrrreat! More people should be using them.
+The emitted grammar files get placed in the same directory
+of the inputted grammar to \O2.
+Line 6 runs \O2 with its inputted grammar file
+and switches to gen up the Terminal and Error vocabularies
+and gen a printed set of documents.
+\O2 also generates the documentation files
+ ``enumerate\'' and ``enumerate\_grammar.w'' files.
+Lines 7--9 are command lines to create the output document.
+In the example, ``enumerate\_grammar.pdf'' is the final
+file document for printing.
+``enumerate\_grammar.xx'' are figure files generated by mpost from file
+These files are referenced in the ``enumerate\_grammar.w''
+file by cweave who produces an ``enumerate\_grammar.tex'' file for program pdftex.
+All this to say that there can be many generated files before the document is complete.
+Please note the other cross reference document
+is not shown but follows the same run pattern.
+@*2 Some definitions.\fbreak
+This is your normal grammar definition. I interchange this term with ``rule''.
+They are the same. Depending on the context, i also use rule
+in the same sense of a grammar's production.
+To refine the context, the term ``subrule'' indicates one of a rule's productions.\fbreak
+Equivalent to a grammar's production.
+It is one of a rule's right-hand-side string of symbols drawn from
+the non-terminal or Terminal alphabets.
+The string can be empty indicating epsilon.\fbreak
+Please see the mavelous book ``Formal Languages and Their Relationn to Automata''
+by Hopcroft and Ullman for a complete discussion on grammars and their makeup.
+Excellent reading for a 1968 vintage on automata.\fbreak
+Here are some basic definitions used by my lr1 generator.\fbreak
+First set:\fbreak
+Please see |first_set_rules.lex| grammar for a more thorough discussion.
+First set is the set of terminals that begins a string of symbols.
+When the symbol is a rule, then all its subrules contribute to the first set.
+This is a recursive definition as the rule's subrules can also bring in other
+rules' subrules string of symbols that contribute to it.
+If the string's start symbol is a rule and its epsilonable,
+then its right neighbour also contributes. Again if its a rule and epsilonable
+its right neighbour is a contributor: ahh recursive definitions.
+Follow set:\fbreak
+The rule's first set of production strings to the right of a lr state's configuration.
+Here is a simple arithmetic grammar to illustrate follow sets for the ``Closure-only'' state
+where all production strings have their configuration
+position at their very beginning illustrated by ''$ _.$''.
+I use a form of Dewey decimal notation to reference the production's configuration.
+For example ``E.1.2'' means the production of rule ``E'' referencing subrule 1
+of its second symbol is being refered to.
+In this example below the referenced symbol is $+$.
+How follow sets are arrived at is discussed in ``Overview of \O2's state generated components''.
+ \fbreak
+\+&\it Rule&&{\it subrule's symbols}\cr
+\+&S &$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$E $\bot$\cr
+\+&E &$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$E $+$ T\cr
+\+&&$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$T\cr
+\+&T&$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$T $*$ F\cr
+\+&&$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$F\cr
+\+&F&$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$( E )\cr
+\+&&$\rightarrow$ &$ _.$id\cr
+\settabs\+\indent&mmmmmm&\qquad&followset&\qquad&R.SR.Pos follow setxxxxxx &\qquad&transitions&\cr
+%\settabs 4 \columns
+\+&\it Rule&&{\it follow set}&& {\it R.SR.Pos of follow set}&&{\it with transitions}\cr
+\+&E && $\bot\ +$ &&$\bot$ by S.1.2, $+$ from E.1.2&& $\bot\ +$\cr
+\+&$\uparrow$ && && E.2.2\cr
+\+&T&& $*$&&$*$ by T.1.2&&$*\ \bot\ +$\cr
+\+&$\uparrow$ && && T.2.2\cr
+\+&F&& $\emptyset$&&&&$*\ \bot\ +$\cr
+\hbox{\hskip.5in Table of follow sets for the ``Start state'' of the above grammar}\fbreak
+There are 3 subtleties that are watched for in the follow set calculation:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) rule symbol --- use its ``first set''}
+\ptindent{2) epsilonable rule symbol --- continue to next symbol in follow string for assessment}
+\ptindent{3) end of symbol string reached --- transition}
+Point 3 requires some explanation.
+Its condition means that the rule's right-hand-side has been consumed (or is epsilon)
+ so what's
+it follow set? Nothing?
+No it's the subrule's rule that spawned it that provides more follow set context.
+This context resides in the ``closure'' state of this rule.
+So now there is a transition to this rule's follow set.
+This is the transitive closure of spawning contexts.
+The Table of follow sets shows these transitions with the $\uparrow$ symbol.
+Epsilon rules are chameleon in nature: they supply their first sets and
+also disappear and so u must continue to the next symbol in the follow string
+to complete the follow set while observing the
+end-of-string condition to follow its transitions.
+@*2 Catalogue of \O2's files.\fbreak
+Cweb Documents:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) \Yacco2 parse library}
+\ptindent{2) \o2{}extern --- external routines}
+\ptindent{3) \Yacco2{}stbl --- symbol table}
+\O2's Input files to |cweb|:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) |o2.w| --- master file that starts things off}
+\ptindent{2) |intro.w| --- introduction }
+\ptindent{3) |defs.w| --- basic definitions to gen lr1 network}
+\ptindent{4) |prog.w| --- \o2 cweb code }
+\ptindent{5) |bug.w| --- confessions}
+\ptindent{6) |o2_defs.w| --- details}
+\ptindent{7) |includes.w| --- bring in those grammars for the parsing}
+\ptindent{8) |o2externs.w| --- external routines}
+|cweb| generated files:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) |o2.h| --- compiler definitions}
+\ptindent{2) |o2.cpp| --- \O2 program}
+\ptindent{3) |o2_defs.cpp| --- structure implementations}
+\ptindent{4) |o2_externs.h| --- global definitions used across \o2's source code}
+\O2's generated files where xxx is the grammar's name being compiled:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) |xxx.fsc| --- grammar's first set confessions for Linker}
+\ptindent{2) |xxx.h| --- grammar's header file}
+\ptindent{3) |xxx.cpp| --- automaton code}
+\ptindent{4) |xxxsym.cpp| --- automaton symbols}
+\ptindent{5) |xxxtbl.cpp| --- automaton's state definitions}
+\Yacco2 library memorabilia:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) yacco2 --- library namespace}
+\ptindent{2) ``\Whereyacco2/library'' --- yacco2's library directory}
+\ptindent{3) ${< yacco2.h >}$ --- Yacco2's library header file}
+\ptindent{4) ``library directory/xxxx'' - xxxx is the debug or release of the object library}
+Dependency files from \Yacco2 sub-systems:\fbreak
+\ptindent{|yacco2.h| - basic definitions used by Yacco2}
+\ptindent{|yacco2_T_enumeration.h| - terminal enumeration for Yacco2's terminal grammar alphabet}
+\ptindent{|yacco2_err_symbols.h| - error terminal definitions from Yacco2's grammar alphabet}
+\ptindent{|yacco2_characters.h| - raw character definitions from Yacco2's grammar alphabet}
+\ptindent{|yacco2_k_symbols.h| - constant terminal definitions from Yacco2's grammar alphabet}
+\ptindent{|yacco2_terminals.h| - regular terminal definitions from Yacco2's grammar alphabet}
+\ptindent{|*.h| - assorted grammar definitions from Yacco2 to parse}
+\ptindent{|o2_externs.h| - external support routines for \O2}
+\ptindent{|pass3.lex| --- lex and syntactic phase of grammar}
+\ptindent{|la_expr_source.lex| --- lexical phase of lookahead expression}
+\ptindent{|la_expr.lex| -- syntactic phase of lookahead expression}
+\ptindent{|enumerate_T_alphabet.lex| -- logic grammar to assign each T a number from 0..n}
+\ptindent{|epsilon_rules.lex| -- grammar determines epsilon per rule and pathological conditions}
+\ptindent{|first_set.lex| -- logic grammar to calculate each rule's first set}
+\ptindent{|prt_fs_of_rules.lex| -- logic grammar to print each rule's first set}
+\ptindent{|enumerate_grammar.lex| -- dump aid: enumerate grammar's components}
+\ptindent{|LR1_STATES| --- list of gened lr1 states}
+\ptindent{|LR1_COMMON_STATES| --- common states map having same vectored into symbol}
+\ptindent{|START_OF_RULES_ENUM| --- used in shift / reduce conflict evaluation}
+My external routines use the all upper case approach to names. I know it's like shouting but it
+clues the reader where the heck the routine comes from. I could have
+tempered the all caps approach to a capital letter
+but i'm myopic and becoming
+visually golden in age.
+So my excuses to the reader for this tasteless approach.
+@*2 \O2's language.\fbreak
+There are 3 languages that are actually parsed: 2 in preparation ---
+command line and its contents, and the grammar file.
+A grammar is divided into 4 parts:\fbreak
+\ptindent{a) Finite automaton definition --- basic statements about the grammar}
+\ptindent{b) Parallel parse that defines a threading grammar}
+\ptindent{c) Terminal vocabulary: errors, lr k, raw characters, and terminals}
+\ptindent{d) Rule definitions}
+\let\setuplistinghook = \linenumberedlisting
+\let\setuplistinghook = \relax
+The above source listing is an example of a threaded grammar.
+Starting each source line is a line number suffixed by `:' present
+only for discussion purposes.
+Line numbers 6--10 defines the fsm component.
+Lines 11--19 indicates that the grammar is a thread.
+Though the terminal vocabulary definitions are hidden
+by line 20, it illustrates the file include feature of \O2.
+Lines 22--39 are the rule definitions.
+Each grammar's section has a defining keyword like ``fsm'', ``parallel-parser'', ``rules''
+that introduces the part being defined.
+@*2 C macros.\fbreak
+Originally there were conditionally defined trace variables
+that controlled the inclusion of trace code.
+This was a pain-in-the-seat so now they are global
+variables that test their values.
+I felt the slight speed bump merited the facility without the
+combinatorics of libraries needed for distribution.
+|YACCO2_define_trace_variables| macro defines these global variables used
+by \O2's tracing purposes.
+U can roll your own or just include the macro in your code.
+These variables are dormant until their values are not zero.
+Without their inclusion, a linker message of unresolved variable will be
+regurgitated: they must be present
+when using the \O2 library. It's an easy way to define them within your program.
+Please see \O2 library documentation for a discussion on each trace variable.
+To activate a specific tracing, assignment a non zero value to
+the selected trace variable: set it to 1.
+Here is their catalogue:\fbreak
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_T__| --- trace terminal when fetched}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_TLEX__| --- trace macros of emitted grammar: rules and user emergency macros}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_MSG__| --- trace thread messages}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_MU_TRACING__| --- trace acquire / release of trace mutex}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_MU_TH_TBL__| --- trace acquire / release mutex of thread table}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_MU_GRAMMAR__| --- trace acquire / release each grammar's mutex}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_TH__| --- trace the parse stack: fsa and syntax directed activities }
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_AR__| --- trace arbitrator procedure}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_THP__| --- trace thread performance}
+They are enrobed by namespace yacco2.
+To set the trace variable be sure the namespace is delared: either explicitly
+as in: \fbreak
+\ptindent{|yacco2::YACCO2_T__| = 1;}
+ or implicitly by a ``using namespace yacco2;'' statement
+somewhere preceding the assignment:\fbreak
+\ptindent{using namespace yacco2;}
+\ptindent{|YACCO2_T__| = 1;}
+Each traced output line identifies its type by the trace variable turned on.
+As tracing can be very very volumnious, post evaluating the output thru
+a Bash type filter script makes the log output manageable.
+I say this from experience as some editors blow up due to the size of the traced file.
+Names withheld to protect the innocent.