path: root/web/yacco2/compiler/grammars/la_expr.lex
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1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/yacco2/compiler/grammars/la_expr.lex b/web/yacco2/compiler/grammars/la_expr.lex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8484a893f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/yacco2/compiler/grammars/la_expr.lex
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+ Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2014
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author.
+FILE: la_expr.lex
+Dates: 20 May 2005
+Purpose: Grammar's look ahead boundary expression syntax
+@i "/usr/local/yacco2/copyright.w"
+@** |la_expr| grammar.\fbreak
+Evaluate the lookahead expression making sure
+that the elements are well formed.
+It's output is a set of enumerated values of Terminals
+that is deposited into |T_parallel_la_boundary|'s |la_first_set_|.
+|la_expr_lexical| creates its input token container.
+As a help to my outputting of the CWEB document,
+i rebuild the source la expression while parsing it
+and also deposit it back into |T_parallel_la_boundary|'s |cweb_la_srce_expr|.
+This source expression gets outputted as part of a thread's cweb doc's banner.
+Let's review the problem:\fbreak
+There are ``+'' or ``-'' operators that add or remove elements from the set.
+How can the removal operator exist when Terminal elements are played with?
+There are 2 situations that define groups of elements:\fbreak
+\ptindent{1) eolr---a terminal representing all terminals including self}
+\ptindent{2) rule---where 1st element of each subrule is a terminal or a rule}
+The interesting part is recursion of a rule containing a rule.
+Of course recurse is devine.
+A subtlty creeps in on the use of the ``eolr'' terminal.
+It was created to lower fat-city of lookahead sets
+and to save the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused by typing.
+If the ``eolr'' is the only terminal present in the lookahead expression
+ then it's singular.
+When operators are applied to it, it deconsolidates all its contents
+minus itself to allow for the operators to become effective.
+For example A - eolr + B is a round about way to just have B in its set.
+This could be taken as an error but i'm in a ``benign state of mind''
+as the song goes.
+Let's review what ``eolr'' can stand for.
+If the lookahead boundary takes on all contexts,
+then it represents all terminals:
+no refinement to the run context is needed.
+This is a lookahead(0) context.
+This could be represented by the empty set but
+i didn't want to complicate the parsing algorithm to deal
+with this situation and so it's a xxx(1) lookahead
+where u plug in your favorite
+bottomup algo descriptin in place of the hootch.
+When refinement to the contents within the lookahead
+boundary is required,
+the ``eolr'' is followed
+by the subtraction operator to remove the ambiguous component(s)
+from the boundary: ambiguity only shows up when
+lring the grammar. The ``eolr'' coupled with the removal operator
+ is not a universal rule but is dictated by
+the amount of effort the grammar writer needs
+to declare the lookahead boundary.
+For the explicit coders, each specific terminal can be stated
+by the addition operator
+but as an aid to the grammar writer
+a rule definition can do the same thing and reduce
+the size of the written lookahead expression.
+This coding indirection can be more
+explicit by intent of a well chosen rule's name.
+It costs a bit more in coding a rule definition but it is more flexible
+in modification and in the reading of a grammar.
+A rule definition is allowed where its only purpose is use within
+a lookahead expression.
+One can still define rules and not use them: a bit
+ of junk code or dangling thoughts...
+but to each their own.
+\O2 only honks when an undefined rule is referenced in a subrule.\fbreak
+The |set_difference| algorithm is buggy with MS.
+So write my own!
+The bugs are:\fbreak
+ \ptindent{1) does not work A $-$ B where B is empty}
+ \ptindent{2) A $-$ B have data and the resulting set is empty}
+Item 2 throws an error: ``map/set iterators are not incrementable'' from VS2005.
+Another misfortune sequential reading of a set is not gauranteed
+to be in ascending order. So use find probe to determine membership.
+Exploding ``eolr'':\fbreak
+It means use-all-terminals.
+What is considered a Terminal?
+Every terminal except itself and the meta terminals:
+\PARshift{}, \ALLshift,\QUEshift{}, \INVshift{}, \REDshift{}, \TRAshift{}.
+In parsing, the metaterminals represent contextual positions within the fsa state
+ that act as action triggers. They only get actioned if they are present within
+ the current fsa's parse state.
+ Their actions are ordered: shifts take precedence over reduce.
+ The first shift tried is the current token in the parse stream.
+ After this the metaterminals are tried in the following order: \fbreak
+ \ptindent{\INVshift{} acts as an epsilon}
+\ptindent{\ALLshift{} as the all shift}
+\ptindent{\REDshift{} represents in a reduced LA set the \PARshift{} operator}
+\ptindent{\TRAshift{} is the transience operator used by \O2's linker}
+\ptindent{\QUEshift{} is the wild error catching operator; the unexpected Tes}
+Added support for Rule recycling as an new/delete optimization.
+As rules are recycled, make sure that any temporary variables are
+initialed properly or the part residues will haunt u.
+Basically cleared the temporary set variable |fset_| in |Rt| and |Ra| rules
+before its use.
+(fsm-id "la_expr.lex"
+,fsm-filename la_expr
+,fsm-namespace NS_la_expr
+,fsm-class Cla_expr {
+ user-prefix-declaration
+#include "o2_externs.h"
+extern void XLATE_SYMBOLS_FOR_cweave(const char* Sym_to_xlate,char* Xlated_sym);
+ ***
+ user-declaration
+ public:
+ char ddd_[1024*32];
+ int ddd_idx_;
+ yacco2::CAbs_lr1_sym* gps_for_error_reporting_;
+ void copy_str_into_buffer(std::string* Str);
+ void copy_kstr_into_buffer(const char* Str);
+ void unionize_sets(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Add_to_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* B_set);
+ void set_differences(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Add_to_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* B_set);
+ void explode_eolr(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set);
+ void add_element_to_set(T_in_stbl* Elem,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Set_to_add_to);
+ void add_rule_to_set
+ (NS_yacco2_terminals::rule_def* Rule
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Set_to_add_to
+ ,std::set<int>* Rules_already_processed);
+ ***
+ user-implementation
+ void Cla_expr::copy_str_into_buffer(std::string* Str){
+ const char* y = Str->c_str();
+ int x(0);
+ for(;y[x]!=0;++x,++ddd_idx_)ddd_[ddd_idx_] = y[x];
+ ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0;
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::copy_kstr_into_buffer(const char* Str){
+ const char* y = Str;
+ int x(0);
+ for(;y[x]!=0;++x,++ddd_idx_)ddd_[ddd_idx_] = y[x];
+ ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0;
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::unionize_sets(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Add_to_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* B_set){
+ if(A_set->find(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]) !=A_set->end()){
+ Add_to_set->insert(A_set->begin(),A_set->end());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(B_set->find(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]) !=B_set->end()){
+ Add_to_set->insert(B_set->begin(),B_set->end());
+ return;
+ }
+ Add_to_set->insert(A_set->begin(),A_set->end());
+ Add_to_set->insert(B_set->begin(),B_set->end());
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::explode_eolr(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set){
+ A_set->clear();
+ T_enum_phrase* e_p = O2_T_ENUM_PHASE;
+ A_set->insert(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eog]);// eog
+ int tt = e_p->total_enumerate();
+ for(int x=8;x<tt;++x){// balance of meta Ts bypassed. Start from RC
+ A_set->insert(STBL_T_ITEMS[x]);
+ }
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::set_differences(T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Add_to_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* A_set
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* B_set){
+ if(A_set->find(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]) !=A_set->end()){
+ explode_eolr(A_set);
+ }
+ if(B_set->find(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]) !=B_set->end()){
+ explode_eolr(B_set);
+ }
+ if(A_set->empty() == true){
+ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_empty_set_removal_in_la_expr;
+ sym->set_rc(*gps_for_error_reporting_,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ parser__->set_stop_parse(true);
+ parser__->set_abort_parse(true);
+ }
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_ITER_type Ai = A_set->begin();
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_ITER_type Aie = A_set->end();
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_ITER_type Bie = B_set->end();
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_ITER_type AinBi;
+ for(;Ai != Aie;++Ai){
+ AinBi = B_set->find(*Ai);
+ if(AinBi != Bie){
+ continue; // bypass
+ }
+ Add_to_set->insert(*Ai);
+ }
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::add_element_to_set(T_in_stbl* Elem,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Set_to_add_to){
+ if(Set_to_add_to->find(STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]) != Set_to_add_to->end()) return;
+ if(Elem == STBL_T_ITEMS[LR1_Eolr]){
+ Set_to_add_to->clear();
+ }
+ Set_to_add_to->insert(Elem);
+ }
+ void Cla_expr::add_rule_to_set
+ (NS_yacco2_terminals::rule_def* Rule
+ ,T_IN_STBL_SET_type* Set_to_add_to
+ ,std::set<int>* Rules_already_processed){
+ using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals;
+ int r_id = Rule->enum_id();
+ if(Rules_already_processed->find(r_id) !=Rules_already_processed->end()) return;
+ Rules_already_processed->insert(r_id);
+ AST* r_t = Rule->rule_s_tree();
+ set<yacco2::INT> elem_filter;
+ elem_filter.insert(NS_yacco2_T_enum::T_Enum::T_T_subrule_def_);
+ tok_can_ast_functor ast_functor;
+ ast_prefix_wbreadth_only pwbo(*r_t,&ast_functor,&elem_filter,true);
+ tok_can<AST*> tok_can(pwbo);
+ for (int xxx = 0;tok_can.operator[](xxx) != yacco2::PTR_LR1_eog__;++xxx){
+ T_subrule_def* sr_def = (T_subrule_def*)tok_can.operator[](xxx);
+ vector<CAbs_lr1_sym*>* elems_list = sr_def->subrule_elems();
+ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = (*elems_list)[0];
+ int id = sym->enumerated_id__;
+ switch(id){
+ case NS_yacco2_T_enum::T_Enum::T_T_eosubrule_: break;
+ case NS_yacco2_T_enum::T_Enum::T_refered_T_: {
+ refered_T* rt = (refered_T*)sym;
+ add_element_to_set(rt->t_in_stbl(),Set_to_add_to);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NS_yacco2_T_enum::T_Enum::T_refered_rule_: {
+ refered_rule* rt = (refered_rule*)sym;
+ rule_def* r = rt->Rule_in_stbl()->r_def();
+ add_rule_to_set(r,Set_to_add_to,Rules_already_processed);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:{
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ***
+ constructor
+ ddd_idx_ = 0;
+ ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0;
+ gps_for_error_reporting_ = 0;
+ ***
+ op
+ ddd_idx_ = 0;
+ ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0;
+ gps_for_error_reporting_ = 0;
+ ***
+,fsm-version "1.0",fsm-date "24 mar 2004",fsm-debug "false"
+,fsm-comments "Parse the lookahead expression after chaffe removed.")
+Rla_expr (){
+ -> Re eog {
+ op
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ if(sf->p1__->fset_.empty() == true){
+ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_la_expr_calc_empty_set;
+ sym->set_rc(*fsm->gps_for_error_reporting_,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ rule_info__.parser__->set_abort_parse(true);
+ }
+ T_parallel_parser_phrase* la_ph = O2_PP_PHASE;
+ T_parallel_la_boundary* la = la_ph->la_bndry();
+ la->la_first_set(sf->p1__->fset_);
+ la->cweb_la_srce_expr((const char*)&fsm->ddd_);
+ ***
+ }
+Re (
+lhs {
+ user-declaration
+ public:
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_type fset_;
+ ***
+ constructor
+ fset_.clear();
+ ***
+ }
+ ){
+ -> Re Rplus Rt {
+ op
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fset_.clear();
+ fsm->unionize_sets(&fset_,&sf->p1__->fset_,&sf->p3__->fset_);
+ ***
+ }
+ -> Re Rminus Rt {
+ op
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fset_.clear();
+ fsm->set_differences(&fset_,&sf->p1__->fset_,&sf->p3__->fset_);
+ ***
+ }
+ -> Re Rerr_bad_oper
+ -> Rt {
+ op
+ fset_.clear();
+ fset_.insert(sf->p1__->fset_.begin(),sf->p1__->fset_.end());
+ ***
+ }
+Rerr_bad_oper (){
+ -> |?| {
+ op
+ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_bad_operator_in_la_expr;
+ sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ rule_info__.parser__->set_abort_parse(true);
+ ***
+ }
+Rt (
+lhs {
+ user-declaration
+ public:
+ T_IN_STBL_SET_type fset_;
+ ***
+ constructor
+ fset_.clear();
+ ***
+ }
+ -> "T-in-stbl" {
+ op
+ fset_.clear();
+ using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals;
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ T_terminal_def* dt = sf->p1__->t_def();
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" ");
+ char xlate_file[Max_cweb_item_size];
+ XLATE_SYMBOLS_FOR_cweave(dt->t_name()->c_str(),xlate_file);
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(xlate_file);
+ fset_.clear();
+ fset_.insert(sf->p1__);
+ ***
+ }
+ -> "rule-in-stbl" {
+ op
+ fset_.clear();
+ using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals;
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ rule_def* rt = sf->p1__->r_def();
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" ");
+ char xlate_file[Max_cweb_item_size];
+ XLATE_SYMBOLS_FOR_cweave(rt->rule_name()->c_str(),xlate_file);
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(xlate_file);
+ std::set<int> already_processed_rules;
+ fsm->add_rule_to_set(rt,&fset_,&already_processed_rules);
+ ***
+ }
+ -> |+| {
+ op
+ fset_.clear();
+ using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals;
+ int id = sf->p1__->enumerated_id__;
+ switch(id){
+ case T_Enum::T_LR1_all_shift_operator_:{
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $|+|$");
+ fsm->add_element_to_set(STBL_T_ITEMS[id],&fset_);
+ break;
+ }
+ case T_Enum::T_LR1_invisible_shift_operator_:{
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $|.|$");
+ fsm->add_element_to_set(STBL_T_ITEMS[id],&fset_);
+ break;
+ }
+ case T_Enum::T_LR1_parallel_operator_:{
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $|||$");
+ fsm->add_element_to_set(STBL_T_ITEMS[id],&fset_);
+ break;
+ }
+ case T_Enum::T_LR1_fset_transience_operator_:{
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $|t|$");
+ fsm->add_element_to_set(STBL_T_ITEMS[id],&fset_);
+ break;
+ }
+ case T_Enum::T_LR1_reduce_operator_:{
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $|r|$");
+ fsm->add_element_to_set(STBL_T_ITEMS[id],&fset_);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:{
+ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_bad_term_in_la_expr;
+ sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true);
+ rule_info__.parser__->set_abort_parse(true);
+ }
+ }
+ ***
+ }
+Rminus (){
+ -> - {
+ op
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->gps_for_error_reporting_=sf->p1__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $-$");
+ ***
+ }
+Rplus (){
+ -> + {
+ op
+ Cla_expr* fsm = (Cla_expr*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__;
+ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(" $+$");
+ ***
+ }
+}// end of rules