path: root/web/nuweb/os2/nuweb087.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/nuweb/os2/nuweb087.txt')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/nuweb/os2/nuweb087.txt b/web/nuweb/os2/nuweb087.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..376c0dd0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/nuweb/os2/nuweb087.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+I have uploaded including sources by Preson Briggs and
+the os/2 binary to :
+hobbes (,
+now: /incoming
+suggested: /os2/unix/tex
+cdrom (,
+now: /os2/incoming
+suggested: /os2/tex
+and CTAN (
+now: /incoming
+suggested: tex-archive/web/nuweb/os2/ (needs to be created).
+Replaces: Nothing really, except hopefully DOS versions of nuweb,
+ running on some OS/2 machines.
+Brief description:
+I was looking in news groups for a tool for literate programming (web)
+that'd allow me to use Fortran. (Extended) Pascal, and C and was portable
+to or available for OS/2. I came accross an interesting FAQ for the
+comp.literate.programming, and I got his personal reply:
+Preston Briggs ( wrote:
+: >Also, my desire to have a version that (i) runs on OS/2 and (ii)
+: >possibly incorporates Extended ANSI Pasal, while (iii) being based on
+: >fweb to allow also g77 and gcc codes, made me think the -- for me very
+: >unusual -- cross posting would enlarge my cross section and hence the
+: >chance for an event ...
+: Lots of us have given up on the idea of pretty printing all our code,
+: and use language-independent tools. For OS/2, you might check out
+: nuweb and funnelweb. I wrote nuweb and unsurprisingly prefer it. I
+: use it with C, C++, Fortran, Scheme, and Makefiles. Others have used
+: it with Perl and such, but since it's language independent, you won't
+: have any trouble with any flavor of Pascal, etc.
+: You can grab a copy via anonymous ftp from, in the
+: directory public/preston.
+To make it short: here is the working OS/2 version, with executable,
+sources, and docs.
+All you need to use it is:
+a) LaTeX installed on your system (2.09 or 2e are fine)
+b) print the nuwebman.dvi or files, read them
+c) an editor
+d) the emx runtime system (, from, or
+, for instance), version 0.9a fix pack 06 or
+ later installed. If you don't have it already installed
+ fetch the index of one of these sites, and search (grep) for
+ the pattern "", or, if you can use regular expressions,
+ "^". Then download and istall it. It contains the runtime
+ system in a dynamic link library which is shared by many other
+ programmes (say, gnu file utils, vi, emacs, less, probably even
+ emTeX programmes). This allows the executables to stay small and lean
+ but they won't run without it.
+e) put nuweb.exe in your path.
+It seems that this is the right tool for cs people who don't crave nice,
+mathematical pretty print stuff (like some physicists prefer), and for
+projects that involve mixing of languages, or involve languages that
+other webs don't know about. (I like fweb, too, but fweb can't do
+Extended Pascal, as an example, and so nuweb seems to be it for that
+Stefan A. Deutscher 8-Mar-1996 | (+1-423-) voice fax
+The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | UTK : 974-7838 974-7843
+Department of Physics and Astronomy | ORNL : 574-5897 574-1118
+401, A. H. Nielsen Building | home : 522-7845 522-7845
+Knoxville, T.N. 37996-1200, USA | email:
+ ... in Germany: |