path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6')
24 files changed, 12929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bask6_6.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bask6_6.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1b3af91f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bask6_6.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+\setlength\@dblfptop{0\p@ \@plus 1fil}
+\setlength\@dblfpsep{8\p@ \@plus 1fill}
+\setlength\@dblfpbot{0\p@ \@plus 1fil}
+\BASKed*{Robin Fairbairns}
+\title{The \TeXLive{} Guide, version 2}
+\author[Sebastian Rahtz and Michel Goossens]{%
+Sebastian Rahtz\\
+Michel Goossens\\
+\input tex-live
+\input live-app
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/baskerv.cls b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/baskerv.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73ca347d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/baskerv.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+% Baskerville.cls:
+% Adrian Clark
+% Sue Brooks
+% Sebastan Rahtz
+% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE
+% for LaTeX2e
+% 29.5.94 added ISSN
+% 2.6.94 corrected \ukt\ macro
+% 7.6.94 centered captions
+% 15.8.94 changed editor names etc
+% 2.11.94 use Alan Jeffrey's code for paths, emails, URLs etc
+% from faq.sty
+% put PA address in mast head
+% Journals use two-sided printing.
+% 1.12.94 cleaned again for FAQ issue.
+% 6.12.94 more little fixes for FAQ issue
+% 14.3.95 parameterized date
+% 12.6.95 removed JF
+% 8.95 worked on to make HH run. color and array need to go back
+% 1996/02/06 DPC
+% Added fontmatter and submissiondates environments
+% Added \BASKed \BASKed* \BASKyear \BASKmonth
+% \BASKtitle \BASKheadparone and \BASKheadpartwo
+% commands set the `fixed' texts on the masthead.
+\ProvidesClass{bask64}[1996/02/06 v3.12 Baskerville newsletter class]
+ \ifvmode\leavevmode\fi
+ \lefthyphenmin=256\setlanguage\language
+ \FAQverbFamily\hyphenchar\the\font`#1\relax
+ \def\@tempa{#2}%
+ \expandafter\@faq@strip\meaning\@tempa\@faq@strip
+ \hyphenchar\the\font\m@ne
+% Document markup:
+\makeatother % because @ is a delimiter here, it had better have the
+ % same catcode as it will when the macro's invoked
+\def\Email|#1@#2|{\FAQverb\-{#1@}\penalty10\FAQverb\.{#2}} % email
+\def\FTP|#1|{\FAQverb\.{#1}} % FTP site
+\def\File|#1|{\FAQverb\/{#1}} % file name
+%\def\CTAN{\FAQverb\/} % CTAN path
+\def\Newsgroup|#1|{\FAQverb\.{#1}} % newsgroup
+%\def\path|#1|{\FAQverb\/{#1}} % generic path
+% fonts to use
+\DeclareFontShape{T1}{mbvx}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * mbvx/m/it}{}
+% absolute requirements for every run
+% the good ol' TUGboat acronym sizing macro
+\lineskip 1\p@
+\normallineskip 1\p@
+ \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt\@xiipt
+ \abovedisplayskip 8\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@
+ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
+ \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus3\p@
+ \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+ \let\@listi\@listI}
+ \@setfontsize\small\@ixpt{10.5}%
+ \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@
+ \abovedisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus1\p@
+ \belowdisplayshortskip \abovedisplayshortskip
+ \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep 2\p@}%
+ \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+ \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@viiipt{9}%
+ \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@
+ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus\p@
+ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus2\p@
+ \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep 2\p@}%
+ \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\oddsidemargin -2.5pc \evensidemargin -2.5pc
+\marginparwidth 4pc % don't use marginal notes...
+\marginparsep 0.5pc % the UK TUG newsletter
+\topmargin -3pc
+\headheight 12\p@
+\headsep 15\p@
+\topskip 10\p@
+\footskip 15\p@
+\textheight 250mm % height of text on a page (A4 paper)
+\textwidth 180mm % total width of a page
+\columnseprule 0.5\p@ % width of line in the inter-column gutter
+\columnsep 10mm % space between columns
+\tolerance 9999 % make those columns justify
+\footnotesep 6\p@
+\skip\footins 19.5\p@ plus 12\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+\floatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+\textfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@
+\intextsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@
+\dblfloatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@
+\dbltextfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@
+\@fptop 0\p@ plus 0fil
+\@fpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil
+\@fpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil
+\@dblfptop 0\p@ plus 0fil
+\@dblfpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil
+\@dblfpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil
+\marginparpush 5\p@
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\parindent 12\p@
+\parskip \z@ plus .1\p@
+\partopsep 0\p@ plus 1\p@
+\@lowpenalty 51
+\@medpenalty 151
+\@highpenalty 301
+\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty
+% ****************************************
+% * SKIPS *
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ {-24\p@ \@plus -12\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 1\p@}
+ {\raggedright\Large\bfseries}}
+% {-24\p@ \@plus -12\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {-10\p@ \@plus -5\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 1\p@}
+ {\raggedright\Large\bfseries}[\@title]}
+\def\section{%\typeout{** section!}%
+\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}
+ {-12\p@ \@plus -6\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {6\p@}
+ {\raggedright\large\bfseries}}
+ {-4\p@ \@plus -2\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@}
+ {\raggedright\normalsize\itshape}}
+ {-6\p@ \@plus -3\p@ \@minus -1\p@}
+ {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@}
+ {\raggedright\normalsize\it}}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus -1\p@}
+ {-0.5em}
+ {\normalsize\bfseries}}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus 1\p@}
+ {-0.5em}
+ {\normalsize\it}}
+ \setcounter{section}{0}
+ \setcounter{subsection}{0}
+ \def\thesection{\Alph{section}}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\thenewarticle {\Alph{newarticle}}
+% ****************************************
+% * LISTS *
+% ****************************************
+\leftmargini \@indentskip
+\leftmarginii 1pc
+\leftmarginiii 1pc
+\leftmarginiv 1pc
+\leftmarginv 1pc
+\leftmarginvi 1pc
+\labelsep 0.5em
+% label macros for Range-Left and Range-Right labels
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+\def\itemize{\ifnum \@itemdepth >3 \@toodeep
+ \else \advance\@itemdepth \@ne
+ \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}%
+ \list{\csname\@itemitem\endcsname}%
+ {\let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}%
+ \fi}
+% ENUMERATE with optional argument to set left margin...
+\def\enumerate{\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep \else
+ \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ \fi
+ \@ifnextchar [{\@enumeratetwo}{\@enumerateone}%
+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}
+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%
+ {\usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}}
+\arraycolsep 5\p@
+\tabcolsep 6\p@
+\arrayrulewidth .5\p@
+\doublerulesep 1.5\p@
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+%% Volume Number (ie Year - 1990)
+%% Issue Number (ie Month/2, roughly); * form for `multiple issues'
+% Editor, Star form for Guest editor
+\def\BASKed{\@ifstar{\BASK@ed{Guest }}{\BASK@ed{}}}
+\def\BASK@ed#1#2{\gdef\BASK@editor{#1Editor: #2}}
+%% Year (4 digits)
+% Month (as a Word)
+ \begingroup
+ \vspace*{-\headheight}%
+ \@maketitle
+ \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \endgroup
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+\centerline{{\bfseries \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}}
+ \medskip
+ \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users'
+ Group\hfill \BASK@editor\hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\
+ \expandafter\@maketitle@no\BASK@no}%
+ \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930
+ \hfill \thismonth\ \thisyear}%
+ \medskip
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \BASK@headparone\unskip\par
+ \ignorespaces\BASK@headpartwo\unskip}
+% The frontmatter environment should contain a sequence of article
+% environments that are run into two columns. It inserts the masthead
+% across both columns, and the table of contents at the start of
+% column one.
+\typeout{start of \string\frontmatter}%
+ \vspace*{-1cm}% Would make more sense to incorporate this into
+ % \maketitle, but leave it like this for compat.
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\makeBSKtitle]%
+ \tableofcontents
+\typeout{end of \string\frontmatter}}
+ \end{multicols}}
+% The Journal title command.
+% You probably only want to change this if you want to use a design-size
+% font rather than let \scaletowidth scale for some special issue.
+ \bfseries
+ \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{%
+ B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}
+% The first paragraph. Needs to be reset if a special issue used a
+% different font set.
+Articles may be submitted via electronic mail to
+\texttt{}, or on MSDOS-compatible discs,
+to Sebastian Rahtz, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford
+Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, to whom any correspondence
+concerning \BV\ should also be addressed. This \BV\ is set in Monotype
+Baskerville, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal
+text, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is
+undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns. Back
+issues from the previous 12 months may be ordered from \ukt\ for
+\pounds2 each; earlier issues are archived on \textsc{ctan} in
+% The second paragraph.
+Please send \ukt\ subscriptions, and book or software orders, to
+Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+Fax/telephone: 0121 476 2159. Email
+enquiries about \ukt\ to \protect\texttt{}.}
+\def\and{\end{tabular}\vskip 6pt\par
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\author{\@ifnextchar [{\@authortwo}{\@authorone}}
+\gdef\@shortauthor{Dummy Author}
+\def\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}}
+\gdef\@longtitle{Dummy Title}
+% \ps@empty defined in LATEX.TEX
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\hfill\emph{\@title}\hfill}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill
+ Volume \BASK@vol, \expandafter\@evenhead@no\BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\it\@shortauthor \hfill \@title}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill
+ Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{}
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\@tocrmarg {2pc}
+% \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+% \section*{Contents} \@starttoc{toc}
+% \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi \par\vspace{12\p@}}
+ \addvspace{2.25em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ {\normalsize\rm
+ \leavevmode \hspace*{3pc}
+ #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss \ }}\par
+ \nobreak \global\@nobreaktrue
+ \everypar{\global\@nobreakfalse\everypar{}}\endgroup}
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfil\kern\z@}
+% \addvspace{1.0em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \@tempdima 1.5em % width of box holding section number
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ \leavevmode
+ #1\dotfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Figures\@mkboth{List of Figures}{List of Figures}}
+ \@starttoc{lof} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Tables\@mkboth{List of Tables}{List of Tables}}
+ \@starttoc{lot} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ \small
+ {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .1pt\relax
+ \clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000\sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+ \def\@noitemerr{\@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist}
+\long\def\@makecaption#1#2{\vskip 6\p@
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small{\bfseries #1.} #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >.8\hsize
+ \hbox to\hsize{%
+ \hfill\parbox{.8\hsize}{\small{\bfseries #1.} #2\par}\hfill}
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfill\box\@tempboxa\hfill}
+ \fi
+ \vskip 6\p@
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Shorthands for non-English abbreviations and words.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\etc{{\foreign etc.}} % etc.
+\def\eg{{\foreign e.g.~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.
+\def\egc{{\foreign e.g.,~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.,
+\def\ie{{\foreign i.e.~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.
+\def\iec{{\foreign i.e.,~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.,
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Tex-related mnemonics.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \setbox2\vbox to\ht0{\kern.07ex\hbox{%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \math@fontsfalse
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ \kern-.5\wd2
+ \box2
+ }}
+ $\mathcal{A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}%
+ \kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+\def\LAMSTeX{L\kern -0.4 em \raise 0.3 ex \hbox {$\scriptstyle \mathcal{A}$}%
+ \kern -0.25 em \lower 0.4 ex \hbox {$\cal M$}%
+ \kern -0.1 em \hbox {$\mathcal{S}$}-\TeX}
+ $\mathcal{S}$-\LaTeX}}
+ $\mathcal{S}$}}
+\def\MakeIndex{{\itshape MakeIndex}}
+% SliTeX from the SliTeX Documentation
+ S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{\textsc{i}}%
+ \kern-.03em\TeX}
+\def\POBox{P.\thinspace O.~Box }
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX hax}
+\def\UKTUG{UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
+\newcommand{\payuk}{UK TeX Users' Group}
+ \makebox[\linewidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\Newline}
+ \makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}}
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Additional commands.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% article is for smaller articles with single-column titles.
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \Section[\@title]{\@longtitle}%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\SSection{\@longtitle}]%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% FAQ version of article ?
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section*{\@longtitle}]%
+ \global\let\@author\@empty}
+ \global\let\@author\@empty\end{multicols}%
+% Use like a 4 column tabular but with no preamble argument.
+ \begin{center}%
+ \begin{tabular}{ll@{}l@{}l}
+ \BASK@subtitle{Issue}&
+ \BASK@subtitle{Submit material\\ for publication}&
+ \BASK@subtitle{Submit last-\\minute notices}&
+ \BASK@subtitle{Anticipated\\ posting date}\\[2pt]}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}}
+% rotated italic head on submission dates table
+ \kern-5pt\relax
+ \rotatebox{45}{\itshape\begin{tabular}[b]{@{}l@{}}#1\end{tabular}}}
+% --- Macros for cross-referencing tables and figures.
+% --- Output the attribution at the end of an article.
+ \ifx\@author\emptysig\else
+ \begin{flushright}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}\@author\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}\fi}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}#1\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\newcommand{\meta}[1]{{$\langle$\itshape #1\/$\rangle$}}
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@.psz}#1{{.eps}{.bb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+% no rule in footcols
+ \vskip \skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \footnotesize
+ \multicolsep\z@\relax
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \@parboxrestore
+ % {\showoutput\batchmode\showbox\footins}%
+ \raggedcolumns
+ \bgroup \columnseprule 0\p@
+ \begin{multicols}{\the\ftn@col@number}%
+ \unvbox \footins
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \egroup
+% available for inter-article dinglines
+\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.bbl b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.bbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5f50e056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.bbl
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+Originally for \LaTeX{} 2.09 but updated for \LaTeX2e. Mostly superceded by
+ \LaTeX2e support for a4 paper but defines the extra option of widemargins.
+ The \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.\\
+A bundle of \LaTeX{}/\BibTeX{} files and sample documents to aid those
+ producing papers and journal articles according to the guidelines of the
+ American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)\\
+\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style for American Chemical Society\\
+This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text are spelled out in full
+ at least once. It also provides an environment to build a list of acronyms.\\
+Using address lists in \LaTeX\\
+Styles for American Geophysical Union.\\
+An extended \LaTeX{} with better modularity\\
+\LaTeX{} environments for typesetting algorithms\\
+Defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work with the
+ \href{\#algorithmic}{algorithmic} package.\\
+System binaries for Alpha running Linux\\
+System binaries for Alpha running OSF 3.2\\
+A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and mfnfss. Similar to
+ \href{\#psfont}{psfont} with the PostScript specific code removed.\\
+An Amiga port of the complete UNIX-TeX system.\\
+A set of miscellaneous \TeX{} fonts from the American Mathematical Society that
+ augment the standard set normally distributed with \TeX. The set includes:
+ Extra mathematical symbols; Blackboard bold letters (uppercase only;) Fraktur
+ letters; Subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold; Greek letters;
+ Subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; Added sizes of the
+ Computer Modern small caps font; Cyrillic fonts (from the University of
+ Washington); Euler math fonts.\\
+A collection of loosely related files that are distributed together by the
+ American Mathematical Society. These files are miscellaneous enhancements to
+ \LaTeX{} whose aim is superior information structure of mathematical
+ documents and superior printed output.\\
+American Mathematical Society plain \TeX{} macros\\
+Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers.\\
+\LaTeX{} class and \BibTeX{} style used to format text according to the
+ American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th ed.)
+ specifications for manuscripts or, with an option to the package, in an APA
+ journal style format or as a regular document.\\
+Fonts for typesetting APL programs\\
+Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic\\
+Miscellaneous macros by Donald Arseneau.\\
+Support for IBM extended ASCII font.\\
+Astronomical (planetary) symbols.\\
+Header files for dvips to make colour separations\\
+Generating tabular setups\\
+Multilingual support for \LaTeX.\\
+Style for typesetting backgammon boards\\
+Computer Modern and AMS font in PostScript Type1 form.\\
+Fonts for making barcodes.\\
+Diagram macros by Michael Barr.\\
+Basic \LaTeX{} system\\
+An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing many of the Zapf
+ dingbats fonts.\\
+Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with \LaTeX{} support\\
+Basic \BibTeX{} styles\\
+Basic \BibTeX{} documentation\\
+Nelson Beebe's collection of \TeX-related bibliographies, and \BibTeX{} style
+ files\\
+Typeset a \LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by Don Knuth and
+ used in his book ``Concrete Mathematics''.\\
+\BibTeX{} styles by Joachim Schrod\\
+Kees van der Laan's BLUe format, a concise but expressive document preparation
+ system modelled on Knuth's manmac\\
+This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode. (Similar to the AMS
+ |\boldsymbol| command, but taking more care over spacing, delimiters etc.)\\
+Nicer layout of tables\\
+Diagram macros by Francois Borceux\\
+Macros for typesetting Bridge diagrams\\
+Adds infix expressions to perform arithmetic in the \LaTeX{} commands
+ |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|, |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|.\\
+Plain macros for making nice calendars\\
+Nicer calligraphic letters.\\
+Comprehensive bibliography manager (prototype citation engine for \LaTeX3).
+ Will become \BibTeX{} 1.0 on release. Under development.\\
+Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption width,
+ style, font. Many aspects are tunable as options.\\
+Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle\\
+\LaTeX{} support for Concrete fonts\\
+Macros and fonts for typesetting Chinese Chess board diagrams\\
+Cellular table construction\\
+Generate changebars in \LaTeX{} documents.\\
+A \LaTeX{} style file for using compound numbers in chemistry documents. It
+ works like |\cite| and the |\thebibliography|, using |\fcite| and
+ |\theffbibliography| instead. It allows compound names in documents to be
+ numbered and does not affect the normal citation routines.\\
+Macros for typing chemical symbols\\
+Adobe chess font\\
+Fonts for Cherokee scripts\\
+Fonts for typesetting chess boards\\
+Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams. Several electrical symbols like
+ resistor, capacitor, transistors etc., are defined. The symbols can be
+ connected with wires.\\
+Language for drawing circuit diagrams\\
+Fonts for Cirth\\
+Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations: [8,11-16].\\
+Computer Modern fonts\\
+Computer Modern Bright fonts\\
+Alternative Russian encoding support\\
+Extra Computer Modern fonts, from the American Mathematical Society\\
+A Computer Modern Pica variant\\
+Type1 versions of PostScript fonts, from Blue Sky and Y \& Y\\
+Support for variant code pages.\\
+Support for colour separation when using dvips\\
+Concrete math fonts derived from Computer Modern math fonts using parameters
+ from Concrete text fonts. A \LaTeX{} package providing the necessary font
+ definition code is included.\\
+Concrete fonts\\
+ppchtex is a package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas. The package
+ is a separate module of the context macro package for \TeX{} (context is a
+ full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully supports advanced
+ interactive documents).\\
+Setting |\count1| to |\count9|\\
+Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts\\
+Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles\\
+Czech/Slovak-tuned \MF{} Computer Modern fonts\\
+\LaTeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting\\
+Plain \TeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting\\
+Draws curves in the \LaTeX{} picture environment using parabolas between points
+ with continuous slope at points. Equivalent to technical pens with compasses
+ and French curves.\\
+Package generating customized \BibTeX{} bibliography styles from a generic file
+ using docstrip.\\
+Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'\\
+Macros for parsing date strings\\
+Provides a more flexible numbering of equations, subequations, and `recycled'
+ equations, including `partial' equation numbers (`3a', `3b' etc.).\\
+Fonts for typesetting Devanagari\\
+Macros for constructing interactive \LaTeX{} scripts\\
+German letter DIN style.\\
+Basic documentation for \TeXLive{}\\
+Recommended documentation for \TeXLive{}\\
+Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers\\
+Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey diagonally across the
+ background (or at the bottom) of each (or selected) pages of the document.\\
+General drawing macros entirely in \TeX\\
+A \LaTeXe{} macro for dropping the first character(s) (or word(s)) of a
+ paragraph. This is an extension of the \LaTeX{} 2.09 package
+ \href{\#dropcaps}{dropcaps}. This package automatically takes care of finding
+ the font name.\\
+Macros for the DANTE publication\\
+Computer Duerer fonts.\\
+Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver\\
+Basic support files for dvips\\
+Font for making EAN barcodes.\\
+Macros for simplying the writing of equations\\
+The ec fonts support the complete \LaTeX{} T1 encoding, as defined at the 1990
+ TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland. They are intended to be as stable as the
+ cm fonts are, i.e. there shall be no more changes to the tfm files. The ec
+ fonts also contain a Text Companion Symbol font, called tc, featuring many
+ usefull characters needed in typesetting, for example oldstyle digits,
+ currency symbols (including the newly created Euro symbol), the permille
+ sign, copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft sign, and
+ many others. Recent releases of \LaTeX2e support the ec fonts. The dc fonts,
+ which were termed as preliminary versions, will dissappear from the
+ archives.\\
+`European' (T1 encoded) version of the Concrete fonts\\
+A macro package for typesetting scholarly critical editions\\
+A set of \TeX{} macros for \LaTeX{} implementing several extensions to EPIC and
+ the \LaTeX{} picture drawing environment, including the drawing of lines at
+ any slope, the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of dotted and
+ dashed lines much faster with much less \TeX{} memory, and providing several
+ new commands for drawing ellipsis, arcs, splines, and filled cirlces and
+ ellipsis.\\
+Macros and EIAD fonts\\
+Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals\\
+Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script\\
+Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document with
+ markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]'' appearing in the text (by default)
+ near to where the figure (or table) would normally have occurred.\\
+Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael Urban\\
+Printing addresses on enevlopes\\
+A \LaTeX2e{} package for producing mailing envelopes and labels, including
+ barcodes and address formatting according to the US Postal Service rules.
+ Redefines the standard |\makelabels| command of the \LaTeX2e{} letter
+ documentclass.\\
+Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format, adding support for
+ bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of
+ files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and
+ commutative diagrams.\\
+An extensive document which explains how to use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
+ files in \LaTeXe{} documents. Includes explanations of Bounding Boxes, and
+ more.\\
+Style for different equation numbering\\
+More generalised equation arrays with numbering.\\
+Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for math in \LaTeX{}
+ documents. ``The underlying philosophy of Zapf's Euler design was to capture
+ the flavor of mathematics as it might be written by a mathematician with
+ excellent handwriting.'' [concrete-tug] The euler package is based on Knuth's
+ macros for the book ``Concrete Mathematics''. The text fonts for the Concrete
+ book are provided by the beton package.\\
+\LaTeX{} package which provides hooks into \cs{selectfont}.\\
+Hooks for taking action at every |\shipout|\\
+Package for typesetting exam scripts\\
+Exam questions can be multiple choice or free form long/short answer questions.
+ Options include the typesetting of the exam itself, an exam showing all the
+ answers and a collection of questions and answers. Questions can be
+ parametrized. Use of a random generator provides for automatic shuffling of
+ multiple choice items.\\
+Expanded description environments\\
+This package allows the user to export/import the values of \LaTeX{} registers
+ (counters, rigid and rubber lengths only). It is definitely NOT for
+ faint-hearted users.\\
+Support for sophisticated control of page headers and footers in \LaTeX2e. It
+ supercedes \href{\#fancyheadings}{fancyheadings}.\\
+Better control over page headers and footers in \LaTeX. This is an up-to-date
+ version for \LaTeX. For \LaTeX2e{} it is now called
+ \href{\#fancyhdr}{fancyhdr}.\\
+Sophisticated handling of verbatim text, to write it out, read it in, and
+ typeset it\\
+Document class for preparing faxes.\\
+Fonts for African languages, complimentary to Computer Modern.\\
+Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams.\\
+Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and
+ tables. Introduces the boxed float and the ruled float. You can define your
+ own floats and improve the behaviour of the old ones. Also incorporates the H
+ option of the superceded \href{\#here}{here} package. You can select this as
+ automatic default with |\floatplacement{figure}{H}|\\
+Allows text to be wrapped around figures.\\
+Float text around figures and tables which do not span the full width of a
+ page. This is an improved version of floatfig. It is more or less similar
+ floatingtable. The tables/figures can be set left/right or alternating on
+ even/odd pages. Works with the \href{\#multicol}{multicol} package. Doesn't
+ work well in the neighbourhood of list environments unless you change your
+ \LaTeX{} document.\\
+This package provides six predefined chapter headings. Each can be modified
+ using a set of simple commands. Optionally one can modify the formatting
+ routines in order to create additional chapter headings. This package was
+ previously known as FancyChapter.\\
+A \LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies. Can be used with
+ \href{\#fancybox}{fancybox} to place a variety of borders around the
+ slides.\\
+\TeX{} macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to \TeX{} metric and
+ virtual font format\\
+Miscellaneous \MF{} input files\\
+Karl Berry's scheme for naming fonts in \TeX\\
+Extra line and circle fonts for \LaTeX\\
+More sophisticated footnotes.\\
+Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1, rather than being
+ numbered sequentially through the document.\\
+Prebuilt \TeX{} format and \MF{} base files\\
+Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real
+ numbers of high precision.\\
+Style for French typography\\
+A \LaTeX{} class for writing letters.\\
+Providing \LaTeX{} access to various font families\\
+Fonts for the Older Futhark script\\
+A document class for \LaTeX 2e and serves for formatting formless letters in
+ german or english language.\\
+Government Binding styles.\\
+Useful general documentation\\
+Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific to the \TeXLive{} \CDROM.\\
+A package which allows \LaTeXe\ users to customise page layout (page sizes)
+ using an easy and flexible user interface. You can specify
+ |\geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in}, top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}|. This is an
+ update of the now superseded pagesize package.\\
+Style for German typography.\\
+German variants of standard \BibTeX{} styles\\
+Fonts and macros for typesetting go games\\
+Gothic and ornamental initial fonts by Yannis Haralambous\\
+The primary \LaTeX{} package for the support of the inclusion of graphics
+ generally produced with other tools. This package aims to give a consistent
+ interface to including the file types that are understood by your printer
+ driver.\\
+Fonts for gray scales\\
+Pointing hand fonts\\
+Extra harpoons, using the graphics package\\
+The Harvard bibliography style family.\\
+Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles\\
+Fancy boxing effects\\
+Drawing histograms with the \LaTeX{} picture environment\\
+System binaries HP running hpux10.20\\
+System binaries HP running hpux9.05\\
+Various \TeX{} documentation converted to HTML\\
+Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for
+ HyperTeX dvi viewers\\
+Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for
+ HyperTeX dvi viewers, or translation to Acrobat.\\
+Collection of hyphenation patterns\\
+System binaries for Intel machines running Linux\\
+System binaries for Intel PC running FreeBSD 2.2\\
+System binaries for Intel Pentium Pro running Linux\\
+Allows typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions and closures, for
+ the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions journals.\\
+Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings\\
+A package to automatically generate an Author Index based on citations made
+ using \BibTeX. It requires the use of the harvard and index packages and
+ \LaTeX2e.\\
+Documentation in GNU info form\\
+Controlling inpout encoding\\
+Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts\\
+Class and package files for typesetting ISO International Standard documents.
+ Several standard documents have been printed by ISO from camera-ready copy
+ prepared using \LaTeX{} and these files. One set of files is for generic ISO
+ typesetting and the other is an extension set of packages for typesetting ISO
+ 10303 standards.\\
+Macro package on top of \LaTeX{} to typeset \TeX{} output of Jade DSSSL
+ implementation\\
+Miscellaneous macros, mostly for making use of extra fonts by J\"org Knappen\\
+Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod\\
+A document class for German law students.\\
+Knuth's own documentation, including the \TeX book and the \MF book\\
+A replacement for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on European
+ rules of typography and paper formats as laid down by Jan Tschichold.\\
+Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams.\\
+Support for printing sheets of sticky labels (but could also be used for
+ business cards). The number of rows and columns of labels, and their size,
+ can be changed.\\
+A merge of the best in AMS\TeX{} and \LaTeX\\
+Reference the number of pages in your \LaTeX{} document (as in a page footer
+ that says: Page N of M).\\
+Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts\\
+Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with reference possible through the
+ \LaTeX{} |\ref| and |\pageref| cross reference mechanism. Version 2.00
+ supports numbering of one in five lines and switching the line numbers from
+ the left to the right side of the page in twoside mode.\\
+Package for pretty-printed program listings, with support for a range of
+ languages\\
+Macros for localizing \TeX{} register allocations\\
+\MF{} font for drawing logic diagrams\\
+A new generation format\\
+Short introduction to \LaTeX\\
+Modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features of the tabularx
+ package (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table) with those of the
+ longtable package (multi-page tables).\\
+Class for documented \LaTeX2e classes.\\
+Miscellaneus \LaTeX{} styles.\\
+Font metrics and \LaTeX{} font description files for standard 35 PostScript
+ fonts\\
+Support for LY1 \LaTeX{} encoding, ie the Y\&Y texnansi encoding\\
+System binaries for Next boxes running Nextstep 3\\
+Macros for mail merging\\
+Documentation for the Makeindex program.\\
+A new sans-serif font family\\
+Support for multiple character sets and encodings\\
+Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter\\
+A package which provides access to some interesting chars of the Text Companion
+ fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode.\\
+Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as custumoary in physics
+ journals\\
+Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding, including support for |@|, a doafter
+ command, footnotes, mathenv for various alignment in maths, list handling,
+ trivial maths oddments, rewrite of \LaTeX{}'s |tabular| and |array|
+ environments, varbatim handling, and syntax diagrams.\\
+A package to provide something similar to `multiple master' fonts, but using
+ \MF; you specify a font by a set of \MF{} parameters, and \TeX{} makes up a
+ .mf file to generate the required font; this package is not integrated with
+ NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun.\\
+\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the Knuthian `logo' fonts
+ described in `The \MF{}book' and the \MF{} and \MP{} logos in \LaTeX{}
+ documents.\\
+Small support files for \MF\\
+Font description files for extra fonts like yinit and ygoth\\
+Macros which generate \MF{} code for drawing pictures\\
+a \MF{} package for generating (encapsulated PostScript) files readable by
+ CorelDRAW!, Adobe Illustrator and Fontographer. \MF{} writes PostScript code
+ to a LOG-file, and from the LOG-file the code can be extracted by either
+ \TeX{} or AWK. DOS batch files, \TeX{} source, and AWK source are placed in
+ the subdirectory PROGS.\\
+A set of useful macro tools\\
+Table of contents per chapter.\\
+System binaries for SGI box running Irix 4.0.5\\
+System binaries for SGI box running Irix 5.3\\
+System binaries for SGI box running Irix 6.3\\
+System binaries for MIPS machine running Ultrix 4.4\\
+Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX\\
+Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX 209\\
+Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society\\
+Towards a more rational and modular \LaTeX, by Matt Swift; a set of powerful
+ tools\\
+A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number lines, can number
+ lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.\\
+Basic Metapost support files\\
+A package which provides the command |\mpfootnotemark|, which can be used in
+ the same way as |\footnotemark|. The difference between these two macros is
+ that within minipage environments the latter uses the standard footnote
+ marker style (defined by |\thefootnote|), while the new command uses the
+ minipage footnote marker style (defined by |\thempfootnote|).\\
+\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style files for a respectably close approximation to APA
+ (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style.\\
+Examples from \emph{Mathematical \TeX{} by Example} by Arvind Borde\\
+Typesetting music with \TeX.\\
+Extended MusicTeX, with better slurs\\
+Another letter package\\
+Drawing Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams\\
+A bibliography style that handles author-year and numbered references.\\
+Format algoritms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.\\
+Macros for making newsletters\\
+A modified version of the theorem-style which provides generation of lists of
+ theorems.\\
+Support for fancy framing of pages\\
+Nomenclature package for producing lists of symbols using the capabilities of
+ the MakeIndex program.\\
+Versions of the standard \LaTeX{} article and report classes, rewritten to
+ reflect a more European design, by the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group\\
+Macros for numbering lines.\\
+Macros for typesetting Object Z\\
+OCR font\\
+Fonts for OCR-A\\
+Fonts for OCR-A\\
+Fonts for typesetting Ogham script\\
+Support for Polish typography and the ogonek\\
+Font information needed to load the |cmmi| and |cmmib| fonts for use to produce
+ oldstyle numbers\\
+Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali\\
+Macros to use to the OT2 Cyrillic encoding\\
+This package provides two macros which can be used as building blocks for the
+ parsing of text. For an example of their use, see the
+ \href{\#calendar}{calendar} package.\\
+The Pandora font family\\
+A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers for journals.
+ Introduces new layout options and font commands for sections/parts. Defines a
+ new keywords environment, and subtitle and institution commands for the title
+ section. New commands for revisions. And more.\\
+Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns of text to be typeset.
+ Useful for typesetting two languages side-by-side.\\
+Diagram package, using LAMS\TeX{} fonts, by Paul Burchard.\\
+Damian Cugley's macro tools.\\
+Documentation in PDf format\\
+Macro packages for variant \TeX{} which writes PDF format\\
+\MF{} Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern\\
+PHYSE format\\
+A \TeX{} format for physicists\\
+Insert pictures into paragraphs. (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum does not recommend
+ this package. \href{\#picins}{Picins} is recommended instead.)\\
+Picture drawing macros for \LaTeX.\\
+Macro tools by Mike Piff\\
+Miscellaneous useful macros for plain \TeX\\
+Basic Plain \TeX{} macros\\
+Computer Modern variant fonts for Polish\\
+\LaTeX{} graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be used with generic
+ plain \TeX\\
+A set of extensions to \LaTeX{} picture environment, including a wider range of
+ vectors, and a lot more box frame styles.\\
+Page preparation for prepress, color separation, crop-marks, color and gray
+ scale bars, booklet preparation, etc.\\
+Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document\\
+Additional functionality to \LaTeX2e label--reference mechanism. It allows the
+ author to ``preformat'' all types of labels.\\
+The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a parameterized way of typesetting
+ programs with \TeX/\LaTeX{} commands inside. The file `keywords.sty' allows
+ use and define sets of keywords that will be typeset with different fonts,
+ according to the wish of the user.\\
+Typesetting programs and algorithms\\
+Macros for building proof trees\\
+Postscript fonts for use with \TeX{} and \LaTeX.\\
+A set of macros and a PostScript header which allows \LaTeX{} constructions
+ (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over
+ Encapsulated PostScript figures. The user can use his/her favorite drawing
+ tool to create an EPS figure, placing simple text ``tags'' where each
+ replacement is to be placed. PSfrag will automatically remove those tags from
+ the figure and replace them with the \LaTeX{} construction that the user
+ specifies, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.\\
+A \TeX{} format from SLAC\\
+A small package that makes \LaTeX{} default to `standard' PostScript fonts. It
+ is basically a merger of the \href{\#times}{times} and
+ \href{\#mathptm}{mathptm} styles from the psnfss suite of packages. You must
+ have installed standard \LaTeX{} and PSNFSS PostScript fonts to use this
+ package. The main novel feature is that the pslatex package tries to
+ compensate for the visual differences between the Adobe fonts by scaling
+ Helvetica by 90\%, and `condensing' Courier (ie scaling horizontally) by
+ 85\%. The package is supplied with a (unix) shell file for a `pslatex'
+ command that allows standard \LaTeX{} documents to be processed, without
+ needing to edit the file.\\
+Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common PostScript fonts\\
+Extra styles and encodings for PS fonts, including Y\&Y encoding support\\
+Replacement for core \LaTeX{} picture macros to use PostScript |\special|
+ commands\\
+An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most
+ \TeX{} macro packages, including Plain \TeX, \LaTeX, AmSTeX, and AmS-LaTeX.
+ Included are macros for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and
+ overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide variety of graphics
+ (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support;
+ There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables.\\
+Donald Knuth's punk font\\
+\LaTeX{} macros for typesetting trees\\
+For defining systematic mnemonic abbreviations, starting with |`| for math
+ symbols and |\"| for arrows, from the amssymb and stmaryrd packages\\
+\LaTeX{} package which defines new commands |\Centering|, |\RaggedLeft|, and
+ |\RaggedRight| and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which
+ set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation.\\
+Use RCS (revision control system) tags in \LaTeX{} documents.\\
+Macros for real arithmetic calculations\\
+Variant report and article styles\\
+Styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and
+ Optical Society of America, Only works in compatibility mode under
+ \LaTeX2e{}.\\
+A macro package for use with epsf.tex which allows PostScript labels in an eps
+ file to be replaced by \TeX{} labels\\
+A package built on the standard \LaTeX{} graphics package to perform all the
+ different sorts of rotation one might like, including complete figures and
+ tables and captions.\\
+Rotate floats.\\
+Redefines the `plain' pagestyle. The page numbers are now in the lower right
+ corner.\\
+System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 3.2.5\\
+System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 4.1.1\\
+Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization scheme to build fonts
+ at true design sizes\\
+A package to scale a document by \ensuremath{\sqrt{2}}. This is useful if you
+ are preparing a document on e.g. A5 paper and want to print on A4 paper to
+ achieve a better resolution.\\
+Variant report / book styles\\
+Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and compilers. Includes
+ T-diagrams, various derivation symbols and inference threes.\\
+Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and whistles.\\
+Provides commands and environments for doing double and one-and-a-half line
+ spacing based on pt size. If a different spacing is required then the
+ |\setstretch{baselinestretch}| command is supported. The spacing environment
+ takes one argument which is the baselinestretch to use, e.g.,
+ |\begin{spacing}{2.5}|.\\
+A tool to shade the background of any box - text, figure, table etc., using
+ Plain(La) \TeX.\\
+Package that allows declarations of the form |\newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem}|
+ or |\newshadetheorem{}[]{}| or |\newshadetheorem{}{}[]| to produce shaded
+ boxes from the usual command |\begin{theorem}| \ldots |\end{theorem}|. The
+ color package is required\\
+Show label commands in the margin.\\
+Styles for SIAM publications\\
+Document class for formatting papers according to the specifications for
+ submission to the annual ACM Siggraph conference\\
+A class package for the easy production of a slide collection with annotations.
+ Builds on the report style (or variants).\\
+Support for all 4 shapes of Small caps in DC1.3 where SC becomes a family,
+ rather than a shape (|\scshape| is replaced by |\scfamily|). Thus you can
+ write |\bf\scfamily\slshape| to get small caps bold slanted\\
+Package for typesetting song lyrics\\
+System binaries for Sparc running Linux\\
+System binaries for Sparc running Solaris 2.4\\
+System binaries for Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.5\\
+System binaries for Sparc running SunOS 4.1.3\\
+Macros to set bitmaps with \TeX\\
+\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the `cmssq' fonts, i.e.
+ Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation Style. The \LaTeX{} package also defines
+ a |chapterquotes| environment as an example application.\\
+A \TeX{} format designed to help students write short reports and essays. It
+ provides the user with a suitable set of commands for such a task. It is also
+ more robust than plain \TeX{} and \LaTeX.\\
+St Mary Road symbols for functional programming.\\
+Package for subequation numbering\\
+Equation array with sub numbering.\\
+Figures divided into subfigures.\\
+A multi-page tables package.\\
+Miscellaneous macros by Matt Swift\\
+An advanced table package\\
+Diagram macros by Paul Taylor\\
+Examples from Arvind Borde's \emph{\TeX{} by Example}\\
+Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael Urban\\
+Various extra support file for dvips\\
+Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.\\
+Macros from \emph{\TeX{} in Practice}\\
+Basic material for \TeXLive{}\\
+\TeX{} format from the University of Washington\\
+Supports the Text Companion fonts which provide many text symbols (such as
+ baht, bullet, copyright, musicalnote, onequarter, section, and yen) in the
+ TS1 encoding.\\
+Package to support fitting of text to a given width of height by scaling the
+ font\\
+Merge text in \TeX{} and \LaTeX. Useful, for example, in mail merge.\\
+A class for producing a thesis based on the report class for a more European
+ and more flexible look. Supports options like noindent, noitemization,
+ headline, nocenter, crosshair, and chapterbib.\\
+Package for typesetting time sheets\\
+Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters\\
+Standard \LaTeX2e{} tools, for extended tabular, verbatim and theorem support\\
+Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or phrases to fit them
+ into a specified length. Any chain of symbols (including spaces) in the
+ current font may be treated.\\
+Tree macros\\
+Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary node sizes in \LaTeX,
+ using an external C program to do much of the hard work.\\
+Macros for TUGboat articles (plain and \LaTeX{}\\
+A package that removes the restriction when using scalable versions of the cm
+ fonts (Type1 Bakoma, or versions from BSR/Y\&Y, or True Type versions from
+ Kinch, PCTeX etc.) where \LaTeX{} restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes.\\
+Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly from \LaTeX. Can handle
+ almost all of HTML2, and most of the math fragment of the draft HTML3.\\
+This package provides a \LaTeX2e document class named `ua-thesis' for
+ typesetting theses and dissertations in the official format required by the
+ University of Arizona. Moreover, there is a fully compatible alternative
+ document class `my-thesis' for private ``nice'' copies of the dissertation,
+ and the respective title pages are available as separate packages to work
+ with ``any'' document class.\\
+A modified version of the standard \LaTeX{} REPORT style that is accepted for
+ use with University of California PhD dissertations and Masters theses.\\
+Extra mathematical characters\\
+An interface to inputenc for using alternate input encodings\\
+Package for page frames\\
+Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is considered bad style in
+ typesetting. See also \href{\#ulem}{ulem} which is a specific package for
+ \LaTeX.\\
+Useful documentation; various \LaTeX{} guides, FAQ, fontname docs etc\\
+Produces a thesis that meets the requirements of the Graduate School of The
+ University of Texas at Austin :-)\\
+University of Washington thesis\\
+Typesetting VDM schemas\\
+Macros for more convenient representation of vectors in \LaTeX2e, both
+ symbolically and as implicit or explicit rows/columns of elements\\
+Styles for economics working papers and journals\\
+This class provides necessary macros to prepare your Curriculum Vitae or
+ Resume.\\
+Verbatim macros via plain \TeX\\
+Defines a command which produces a version number in the .dvi-file when
+ \LaTeX{} is run.\\
+The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts)\\
+Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts
+ (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not automatically included in
+ NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up important space and aren't necessary if one
+ makes use of the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join, box,
+ diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apprle, ocircle, invneg, logof, varint,
+ male, female, phone, clock, lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley,
+ various electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs, astronomy,
+ etc.\\
+Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.\\
+System binaries for Windows 32\\
+\MF{} fonts for Old English, Indic languages in transcription, and American
+ Indian languages\\
+Washington State University IPA phonetic fonts\\
+Typesetting chemical structures.\\
+Sophisticated macros and fonts, originally designed for commutative diagrams,
+ but with general applicability.\\
+Extended maths fonts for \LaTeX.\\
+A package for typesetting Young-Tableaux mathematical symbols for the
+ representations of groups, providing two macros, |\yng(#1)| and |\young(#1)|
+ to generate the whole Young-Tableaux.\\
+Macro package developed at MIT\\
+Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications\\
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.blg b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.blg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d4748ed17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/bv66.blg
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Warning--I'm ignoring a4's extra "modified" field
+--line 16 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring a4's extra "modified" field
+--line 17 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring aiaa's extra "modified" field
+--line 148 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring altfont's extra "modified" field
+--line 213 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring amsfonts's extra "modified" field
+--line 245 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring amslatex's extra "modified" field
+--line 259 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring amstex's extra "modified" field
+--line 338 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring answers's extra "modified" field
+--line 359 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring apa's extra "modified" field
+--line 373 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring barcodes's extra "modified" field
+--line 492 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring bbding's extra "modified" field
+--line 509 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring bm's extra "modified" field
+--line 647 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring calrsfs's extra "modified" field
+--line 744 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring chemcono's extra "modified" field
+--line 846 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring chemsym's extra "modified" field
+--line 858 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring dinbrief's extra "modified" field
+--line 1224 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring dropping's extra "modified" field
+--line 1321 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ean's extra "modified" field
+--line 1368 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ec's extra "modified" field
+--line 1449 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring envlab's extra "modified" field
+--line 1546 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring epslatex's extra "modified" field
+--line 1587 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring everysel's extra "modified" field
+--line 1631 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring export's extra "modified" field
+--line 1670 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring fancyhdr's extra "modified" field
+--line 1725 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring fc's extra "modified" field
+--line 1763 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring footnote's extra "modified" field
+--line 1905 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring fribrief's extra "modified" field
+--line 1954 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring geometry's extra "modified" field
+--line 2050 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring hyperref's extra "modified" field
+--line 2216 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring indxcite's extra "modified" field
+--line 2253 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring isostds's extra "modified" field
+--line 2291 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring jura's extra "modified" field
+--line 2327 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mathcomp's extra "modified" field
+--line 2734 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mdwtools's extra "modified" field
+--line 2793 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mff's extra "modified" field
+--line 2813 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mftoeps's extra "modified" field
+--line 2842 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring moreverb's extra "modified" field
+--line 2957 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mpfnmark's extra "modified" field
+--line 2973 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring mslapa's extra "modified" field
+--line 2986 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring newthm's extra "modified" field
+--line 3075 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring numline's extra "modified" field
+--line 3126 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ocr-a's extra "modified" field
+--line 3141 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ocr-b's extra "modified" field
+--line 3149 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring overword's extra "modified" field
+--line 3213 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring paper's extra "modified" field
+--line 3261 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring pmgraph's extra "modified" field
+--line 3428 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring poligraf's extra "modified" field
+--line 3440 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring pslatex's extra "modified" field
+--line 3572 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ragged2e's extra "modified" field
+--line 3700 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring revtex's extra "modified" field
+--line 3779 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring scale's extra "modified" field
+--line 3880 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring shadbox's extra "modified" field
+--line 3929 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring smallcap's extra "modified" field
+--line 4058 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring startex's extra "modified" field
+--line 4118 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring tracking's extra "modified" field
+--line 4489 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring type1cm's extra "modified" field
+--line 4562 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring uaclasses's extra "modified" field
+--line 4592 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring amiweb2c's extra "modified" field
+--line 8 of file tex-live.bib
+(There were 58 warnings)
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catalog.bib b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catalog.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d266ef192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catalog.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,5021 @@
+% edited from version copied from CTAN April 12th 1997
+% \def\filedate{1997/05/19}\def\fileversion{3.0}
+ abstract = {Originally for \LaTeX{} 2.09 but updated for \LaTeX2e.
+ Mostly superceded by \LaTeX2e support for a4 paper but
+ defines the extra option of widemargins. The
+ \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.},
+ author = {Nico Poppelier and Johannes Braams},
+ email = { and},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ntgclass},
+ keywords = {a4, paper sizes},
+ version = {v1.2e},
+ also = {geometry,a4wide},
+ modified = {4 May 1996 07:18:08},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 07:50:57},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Increases the width of the printed area of the a4 page.
+ The \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.},
+ also = {geometry,a4},
+ modified = {18 May 1996 11:33:54}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Macros to expand abbreviations to text and insert the
+ proper following space depending on context. These macros
+ can also expand to one thing the first time they are used
+ and another thing on subsequent invocations (to
+ automatically spell-out abbreviations or acronyms at their
+ first use). A generic facility is also provided for
+ suffixes like |1900\BC| and |6:00\PM|, which correctly
+ handles following periods.}
+ abstract = {A package designed to notate tunes stored in an ascii
+ format (henceforth abc notation). One of the most important
+ aims of abc notation, and perhaps one that distinguishes it
+ from most, if not all, computer-readable musical languages
+ is that it can be easily read by humans. The package
+ produces files that can be processed with
+ \href{\#musictex}{MusicTeX}.},
+ author = {Chris Walshaw},
+ ctan = {support/abc2mtex/},
+ email = {},
+ doc = {INTRO.html},
+ version = {1.6},
+ modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:50:01}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX2e class file for making ``books of abstracts'',
+ commonly used on conferences. It is based on report class,
+ however |\chapter| has been redefined and shouldn't be
+ used.},
+ author = {Havlik Denis},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ email = {havlik@MERLIN.PAP.UNIVIE.AC.AT},
+ modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:28:20}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/achemso/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style for American Chemical Society},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:57:14}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/acronym/},
+ abstract = {This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text
+ are spelled out in full at least once. It also provides an
+ environment to build a list of acronyms.}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/postscript/adobe/},
+ abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for a large
+ set of Adobe fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/adrlist/},
+ abstract = {Using address lists in \LaTeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Provides macros which can add a specified number of days
+ to the current date (as specified in |\today|) and print
+ it. Intended for use, for example, in invoices payable
+ within 14 days from today etc. Has only been tested with
+ Czech dates. A version supporting English dates is expected
+ soon.},
+ author = {Zdenek Wagner},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ modified = {5 Mar 1997 11:25:37}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Implements a command that causes the commands specified in
+ its argument to be expanded after the curent page is
+ output. Useful to flush floats, for example.}
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} thesis/dissertation class for US Air Force
+ Institute Of Technology},
+ author = {Joel D. Young},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/afthesis/},
+ email = {jdyoung@AFIT.AF.MIL},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:08:54}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/aguplus/},
+ abstract = {Styles for American Geophysical Union.},
+ version = {15b},
+ author = {P.W.Daly},
+ email = {daly@LINPWD.MPAE.GWDG.DE},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:38:39}
+ abstract = {A bundle of \LaTeX{}/\BibTeX{} files and sample documents
+ to aid those producing papers and journal articles
+ according to the guidelines of the American Institute of
+ Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)},
+ author = {Bil Kleb},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/aiaa/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.0},
+ modified = {12 Mar 1997 09:10:26},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/akletter/},
+ abstract = {An advanced letter document class which extends \LaTeX{}'s
+ usual letter class. Provides support for building your own
+ letterhead; can mark fold points for window envelopes; and
+ more. Documentation in German, but sample file is
+ sufficient for a basic understanding.},
+ author = {Axel Kielhorn},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:55:33}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/alatex/},
+ abstract = {An extended \LaTeX{} with better modularity},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/alg/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} environments for typesetting algorithms},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/algorithms/},
+ abstract = {Defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work
+ with the \href{\#algorithmic}{algorithmic} package.},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/algorithms/},
+ abstract = {Provides an environment for describing algorithms. Within
+ an algorithmic a number of commands for typesetting popular
+ algorithmic constructs are available.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Defines the alltt environment which is like the verbatim
+ environment except that |\| and braces have their usual
+ meanings. Thus, other commands and environments can appear
+ within an alltt environment.},
+ also = {moreverb,verbatim,vrb},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:23:49}
+ abstract = {A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and
+ mfnfss. Similar to \href{\#psfont}{psfont} with the
+ PostScript specific code removed.},
+ author = {Sebastian Kirsch},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/altfont},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {1 Jul 1996 21:06:06},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Part of the \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution,
+ this package adapts the commutative diagram macros of
+ AMS-\TeX{} for use in \LaTeX{}.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.2a},
+ also = {amslatex},
+ modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:34:08}
+ texlive = {ams2},
+ ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ abstract = {A set of miscellaneous \TeX{} fonts from the American
+ Mathematical Society that augment the standard set normally
+ distributed with \TeX. The set includes: Extra mathematical
+ symbols; Blackboard bold letters (uppercase only;) Fraktur
+ letters; Subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold;
+ Greek letters; Subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum
+ and product; Added sizes of the Computer Modern small caps
+ font; Cyrillic fonts (from the University of Washington);
+ Euler math fonts.},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.2},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:43:40}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/},
+ abstract = {A collection of loosely related files that are distributed
+ together by the American Mathematical Society. These files
+ are miscellaneous enhancements to \LaTeX{} whose aim is
+ superior information structure of mathematical documents
+ and superior printed output.},
+ home = {},
+ version = {1.2},
+ email = {},
+ also = {amsmath,amscd,amstext},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:40:28},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {ams2}
+ abstract = {Version of \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} for version
+ 2.09 of \LaTeX{}.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/amslatex},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ also = {amslatex},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:46:01}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/},
+ abstract = {This package is the principal package in the
+ \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution. I adapts for
+ use in \LaTeX{} most of the mathematical features found in
+ \href{\#amstex}{AMS-\TeX{}}.},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ also = {amslatex},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 16:15:32}
+ abstract = {AMS-TeX article preprint document style.},
+ author = {American Mathematical Society},
+ ctan = {macros/amstex/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1a},
+ also = {amsppt1},
+ modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:42:35}
+ abstract = {AMS-TeX conversion file to provide compatibility between
+ amsppt.sty version 1 and amsppt.sty version 2.},
+ author = {American Mathematical Society},
+ ctan = {macros/amstex/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1b},
+ also = {amsppt},
+ modified = {25 Sep 1996 09:41:18}
+ abstract = {Defines names for all the math symbols in the AMS symbol
+ fonts (msam and msbm). If not used with AMS-TeX, amssym.tex
+ must be used with amssym.def (q.v.).},
+ author = {American Mathematical Society},
+ ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/plaintex/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1},
+ also = {amssym,msam,msbm,amsfonts,amssymb},
+ modified = {25 Sep 1996 09:44:00}
+ abstract = {Part of the AMSFonts distribution, this \LaTeX{} option
+ defines symbol names for all the math symbols in the fonts
+ MSAM and MSBM, of the \href{\#amsfonts}{AMSFonts} package.},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/doc/latex/},
+ also = {amsfonts},
+ modified = {11 Nov 1996 20:19:40}
+ texlive = {ams2},
+ ctan = {macros/amstex/},
+ abstract = {American Mathematical Society plain \TeX{} macros},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:47:35}
+ abstract = {Part of the \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution,
+ this package defines a |\text| macro, which makes it easy to
+ incorporate fragments of text inside a displayed equation
+ or a sub or superscript. Font sizes are automatically
+ scaled in sub/superscripts.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/},
+ email = {},
+ also = {amslatex},
+ modified = {11 Nov 1996 20:24:24}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/answers/},
+ abstract = {Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers.},
+ also = {exams},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {29 May 1996 13:08:24}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/apa/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} class and \BibTeX{} style used to format text
+ according to the American Psychological Association
+ Publication Manual (4th ed.) specifications for manuscripts
+ or, with an option to the package, in an APA journal style
+ format or as a regular document.},
+ author = {Thanassi Protopapaswrites},
+ also = {apacite,mslapa},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {20 May 1996 10:06:40}
+ abstract = {A \BibTeX{} style which closely follows the APA style
+ citation, claiming to provide the closest match.},
+ author = {Erik Meijer},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/},
+ email = {},
+ also = {apa,mslapa},
+ modified = {12 Jul 1996 10:10:07}
+ texlive = {lang3},
+ ctan = {language/arabtex/},
+ abstract = {Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Support for the Bengali language.},
+ author = {Muhammad Masroor Ali},
+ ctan = {language/bengali/arosgn},
+ version = {2.1},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:32:18}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {An extended implementation of the array and tabular
+ environments which implements options to format columns.
+ The ! option, for example, is introduced with this
+ package.}
+ abstract = {Eplain macros for arrow theoretic diagrams.},
+ author = {Steven T. Smith},
+ ctan = {macros/eplain/arrow.tex},
+ email = {},
+ version = {v1.0 dated 20 Jan 1992},
+ modified = {7 Nov 1996 19:31:04}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Donald Arseneau.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/ascii/},
+ abstract = {Support for IBM extended ASCII font.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/astro/},
+ abstract = {Astronomical (planetary) symbols.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package to remove a lot of tedious typing that ends up
+ in \LaTeX{} documents, by expanding the number of short
+ command names available. The new command names begin with
+ the `|@|' character, rather than the conventional `|\|', so
+ you can tell them apart.},
+ author = {Mark Wooding},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools/},
+ doc = {},
+ version = {1.02},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:27:11}
+ ctan = {support/auctex/},
+ abstract = {Emacs Lisp support files for \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {dvips3},
+ abstract = {Header files for dvips to make colour separations},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/babel/},
+ version = {3.6},
+ author = {Johannes L. Braams},
+ email = {jlbraams@CISTRON.NL},
+ abstract = {Multilingual support for \LaTeX.},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:26:33}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/ps-type1/bakoma/},
+ abstract = {Computer Modern and AMS font in PostScript Type1 form.},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:26:36}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Provides the barenv environment for bar charts.}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/barcodes/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for making barcodes.},
+ also = {code128,ean},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:43:47}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/barr/},
+ abstract = {Diagram macros by Michael Barr.},
+ author = {Michael Barr},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ author = {Peter M|ller Neergaard},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/bbding/},
+ abstract = {An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing
+ many of the Zapf dingbats fonts.},
+ modified = {13 May 1996 06:15:45},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {fonts3}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/bbm/},
+ abstract = {Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with
+ \LaTeX{} support},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {bibtex2},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/beebe/},
+ abstract = {Nelson Beebe's collection of \TeX-related bibliographies,
+ and \BibTeX{} style files},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/beton/},
+ abstract = {Typeset a \LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts
+ designed by Don Knuth and used in his book ``Concrete
+ Mathematics''.},
+ also = {euler},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:24:30}
+ abstract = {A stand-alone tool for indexing \BibTeX{} documents to be
+ searched using the corresponding \href{\#biblook}{biblook}
+ tool.},
+ author = {Nelson Beebe},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 14:53:39}
+ abstract = {A Windows95 tool that uses the CGI (common gateway
+ interface) protocol so that \BibTeX{} files can be managed
+ remotely using an HTTP-server on the server side and a
+ Web-browser such as Netscape on the client side.},
+ author = {Anders Möller},
+ ctan = {systems/msdos/},
+ email = {moller@MSI.SE},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:40:47}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/biblist/},
+ abstract = {\BibTeX{} styles by Joachim Schrod},
+ author = {Joachim Schrod},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A stand-alone tool for searching \BibTeX{} documents which
+ have been indexed by \href{\#bibindex}{bibindex}},
+ author = {Nelson Beebe},
+ home = {},
+ version = {2.8},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 14:53:39}
+ abstract = {A tool to take input from a BIDS email message (generated
+ using one of the downloading formats) to \BibTeX.},
+ author = {Anthony Stone},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/bids/},
+ platform = {Perl},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:54:10}
+ abstract = {Sort a bibliography.},
+ author = {Nelson H. F. Beebe},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.11},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 10:28:11}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/psfonts/bitstrea/},
+ abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for the free
+ Bitstream fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A fully 8-bit adaptation of \BibTeX{} 0.99.},
+ author = {Niel Kempson},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/8-bit},
+ modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:05:26}
+ abstract = {Command line manipulation of \BibTeX{} files:
+ Pretty-printing data bases; Syntactic checks with error
+ recovery; Semantic checks. Sorting and merging of data
+ bases; Generation of uniform reference keys according to
+ predefined rules or according to user specification;
+ Selecting references used in one publication which are
+ found by analyzing an .aux file; Controlled rewriting of
+ fields utilising regular expressions to specify the
+ rewriting rules; Macro (String) expansion to eliminate the
+ need of extra string definitions; Collecting statistics
+ about one or more data bases.},
+ author = {Gerd Neugebauer},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool/},
+ home = {},
+ doc = {bibtool.dvi.gz},
+ modified = {31 May 1996 08:26:57}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/blu/},
+ abstract = {Kees van der Laan's BLUe format, a concise but expressive
+ document preparation system modelled on Knuth's manmac},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode.
+ (Similar to the AMS |\boldsymbol| command, but taking more
+ care over spacing, delimiters etc.) },
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/bm/},
+ home = {},
+ version = {1.0a},
+ modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:30:22},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex2}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/booktabs/},
+ abstract = {Nicer layout of tables},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {PostScript related macros for landscape, mirror etc. of
+ \TeX{} documents},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ abstract = {A very old (\LaTeX{} 2.09) style for producing boxed
+ minipages. Refer to \LaTeX2e's usrguide.tex for an
+ example of how to define your own boxed minipage
+ with little effort in \LaTeX2e{} using the lrbox
+ environment.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:30:29}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/borceux/},
+ abstract = {Diagram macros by Francois Borceux},
+ author = {Francois Borceux},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {German private letter class with address boxes for window
+ envelopes, a hook to put a figure or any kind of box in the
+ top right corner, fold-marks (option falt), setting the
+ text in informal \tt (option tt), configurable by a
+ configuration file.},
+ author = {Stephan Boettcher},
+ email = {},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14}
+ abstract = {A utility to prettyprint C and C++ source files using
+ cweb.},
+ author = {Werner Lemberg},
+ ctan = {web/c_cpp/c2cweb/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.5},
+ modified = {29 Nov 1996 15:27:19}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/calc/},
+ doc = {},
+ abstract = {Adds infix expressions to perform arithmetic in the
+ \LaTeX{} commands |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|,
+ |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|.},
+ author = {Kresten Krab Thorup and Frank Jensen},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:09:07}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/},
+ abstract = {Plain macros for making nice calendars},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package for calendars and timetables. Includes, for
+ example, a package which organizes date items in a format
+ suitable for conference schedules, itineraries, academic
+ teaching timetables and the like.},
+ author = {Frank Bennett},
+ authorurl = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/calendar},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {18 Mar 1997 13:07:53}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/calrsfs/},
+ abstract = {Nicer calligraphic letters.},
+ also = {rsfs},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 09:16:09}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/camel/},
+ abstract = {Comprehensive bibliography manager (prototype citation
+ engine for \LaTeX3). Will become \BibTeX{} 1.0 on release.
+ Under development.},
+ version = {1.0t},
+ modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:31:57}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/caption/},
+ abstract = {Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such
+ as the caption width, style, font. Many aspects are tunable
+ as options.},
+ author = {Harald Axel Sommerfeldt},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 20:23:42}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/caption/},
+ abstract = {Newer version of the caption package. Extends caption
+ capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption
+ width, style, font. Many aspects are tunable as options.}
+ abstract = {Defines a command |\captionof| for putting a caption to
+ something that's not a float},
+ author = {Robin Fairbairns},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:04:36}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Multi-case equations with big brace, and a number for each
+ case.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ version = {2.2},
+ platform = {LaTeX2e},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:14:30}
+ abstract = {A catalogue of what's available on CTAN. Includes
+ \BibTeX{} source and HTML browseable versions. Oh, by the
+ way, you are currently looking at it.},
+ author = {Graham Williams},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {help/Catalogue},
+ modified = {22 May 1996 16:49:04}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/cellular/},
+ abstract = {Cellular table construction},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/changebar/},
+ abstract = {Generate changebars in \LaTeX{} documents.},
+ author = {Johannes Braams},
+ version = {3.2c},
+ modified = {3 Dec 1996 16:27:45}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/},
+ abstract = {Support multiple bibliographies, one for each |\include|
+ file.},
+ version = {1.6},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:13:07}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX{} style file for using compound numbers in
+ chemistry documents. It works like |\cite| and the
+ |\thebibliography|, using |\fcite| and |\theffbibliography|
+ instead. It allows compound names in documents to be
+ numbered and does not affect the normal citation routines.},
+ author = {Stefan Schulz},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/chemcono/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:28:23},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/chemsym/},
+ abstract = {Macros for typing chemical symbols},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {19 Jun 1996 09:45:18}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cherokee/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for Cherokee scripts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/},
+ abstract = {A bibliography style.}
+ ctan = {support/chktex/},
+ abstract = {This program catches some typographic errors \LaTeX{}
+ overlooks, and can be viewed as Lint for \LaTeX. Filters
+ are also provided for checking the \LaTeX{} parts of CWEB
+ documents.},
+ author = {Jens T. Berger Thielemann},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:51:58}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/circ/},
+ abstract = {Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams. Several
+ electrical symbols like resistor, capacitor, transistors
+ etc., are defined. The symbols can be connected with
+ wires.},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:12:11}
+ abstract = {A set of macros for drawing electric circuits containing
+ fundamental elements, amplifiers, transistors, and basic
+ logic gates to include in \TeX, \LaTeX, or similar
+ documents.},
+ author = {Dwight Aplevich},
+ ctan = {graphics/circuit_macros},
+ version = {4.2},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:49:43}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cirth/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for Cirth},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/},
+ abstract = {Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations:
+ [8,11-16].},
+ version = {3.6},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:10:42}
+ abstract = {A macro package which enables the use of
+ Chinese/Japanese/Korean with \LaTeX2e.},
+ ctan = {language/chinese/CJK},
+ version = {4.1.2},
+ author = {Werner Lemberg},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:54:15}
+ texlive = {fonts1},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/},
+ abstract = {Computer Modern fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/cmbright/},
+ abstract = {Computer Modern Bright fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cmcyralt/},
+ abstract = {Alternative Russian encoding support},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Extra Computer Modern fonts, from the American
+ Mathematical Society},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cmpica/},
+ abstract = {A Computer Modern Pica variant},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package for handling the `cmtt' font better. It
+ introduces a special encoding for the font, and provides a
+ command which allows you to use all the characters without
+ the disadvantages of verbatim text.},
+ author = {Mark Wooding},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools},
+ modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:43:59}
+ abstract = {TeX-PS macros for color separation and substitution.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/cmyk-hax/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ abstract = {A set of barcode macros for the Code 128 standard.},
+ author = {Petr Olsak},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/code128},
+ also = {barcodes,ean},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:42:22}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/codepage/},
+ abstract = {Support for variant code pages.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/},
+ abstract = {Allows text and page background colors to be set.},
+ also = {pstricks,shading},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:56:07}
+ texlive = {dvips3},
+ abstract = {Support for colour separation when using dvips},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {graphics/pstricks/inputs/},
+ abstract = {Lets you shade or color the cells in the alignment
+ environments such as |\halign| and \LaTeX's tabular and
+ array environments.}
+ abstract = {Add colour to \LaTeX{} tables.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ ctan = {macros/contrib/supported/carlisle/},
+ modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:40:22}
+ abstract = {Enables the printing of counter values with a separator
+ every three digits, ``12,345'' or ``12 345''},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:35:17}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Selectively include/exclude pieces of text. The user can
+ define new comment versions, and each is controlled
+ separately. Special comments can be defined where the user
+ specifies the action that is to be taken with each comment
+ line.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Macros for writing about macros, most often used to
+ supplement the `ltxdoc' class.},
+ author = {Matt Swift},
+ version = {0.92 (beta)},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:11:57}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ home = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/concmath/},
+ abstract = {Concrete math fonts derived from Computer Modern
+ math fonts using parameters from Concrete text fonts.
+ A \LaTeX{} package providing the necessary font
+ definition code is included.},
+ author = {Ulrik Vieth},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1995/02/28},
+ also = {concrete,euler},
+ modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV}
+ abstract = {A class which provides the necessary macros to prepare a
+ (classical) concert programme.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/concprog/},
+ modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:37:54}
+ abstract = {A wrapper to load up the appropriate packages to use the
+ concrete fonts.},
+ author = {Jim Hefferon},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:57:24}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/concrete/},
+ abstract = {Concrete fonts},
+ author = {Donald Knuth},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/count1to/},
+ abstract = {Setting |\count1| to |\count9|},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {lang3},
+ ctan = {language/croatian/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/curves/},
+ abstract = {Draws curves in the \LaTeX{} picture environment using
+ parabolas between points with continuous slope at points.
+ Equivalent to technical pens with compasses and French
+ curves.}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/custom-bib/},
+ email = {},
+ abstract = {Package generating customized \BibTeX{} bibliography
+ styles from a generic file using docstrip.},
+ author = {P. W. Daly},
+ version = {382},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:24:49}
+ abstract = {CWEB for the Commodore Amiga with SAS/C++ 6.56, MS/DOS
+ with Borland C++ 3.1, and UNIX with CC or GCC. \TeX{}
+ macros and CWEB macros are provided for German, French, and
+ Italian program documentation on any machine.},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {web/c_cpp/cwebbin},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:41:09}
+ abstract = {Typeset crossword puzzles.},
+ author = {Gerd Neugebauer},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/other/gene/crossword/},
+ email = {gerd@MAILHOST.UNI-KOBLENZ.DE>},
+ modified = {28 Nov 1996 10:09:18}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/dancers/},
+ abstract = {Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Contains the source code for a \TeX{} installation under UNIX
+ (TeX, current release of \LaTeX2e, \MF, \BibTeX,
+ MakeIndex, drivers for X11, HP LaserJet and PostScript).},
+ ctan = {systems/unix/dante-src/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:29:55}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/dc/},
+ author = {Jorg Knappen},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.3pl4},
+ abstract = {The Extended/European (Cork) Computer Modern fonts.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {2 Jun 1996 11:09:21}
+ abstract = {A set of .vf and .tfm files for using the dc-fonts with
+ so-called ``Gemeine'' or oldstyle numerals. It also
+ contains a Bourne shell script which I used to create this
+ set of virtual fonts.},
+ author = {Sebastian Kirsch},
+ ctan = {fonts/dco},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:14:54}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Align on the decimal point of numbers in tabulars.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Add delimiters (parentheses etc.) around arrays (nesting
+ brackets are automatically inserted).}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/deleq/},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ abstract = {Provides a more flexible numbering of equations,
+ subequations, and `recycled' equations, including `partial'
+ equation numbers (`3a', `3b' etc.).},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:56:51}
+ texlive = {lang3},
+ ctan = {language/devanagari/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Devanagari},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/dialogl/},
+ abstract = {Macros for constructing interactive \LaTeX{} scripts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/dinbrief/},
+ abstract = {German letter DIN style.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {4 Nov 1996 09:56:05}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Contains the definitions that are necessary to format the
+ documentation of package files (Literate \LaTeX) which
+ incorporate both the documentation and the code.},
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:19:13}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Makes a package documentation file smaller by removing
+ comments and other sections of the document
+ conditionally.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/dotseqn/},
+ abstract = {Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Defines the spacing environment which you can use anywhere
+ in your document. This package is superceded by
+ \href{\#setspace}{setspace}.}
+ abstract = {A font based on the Computer Modern Roman family of fonts
+ by D. E. Knuth. It is useful for typesetting the
+ mathematical symbols for the natural numbers (N), whole
+ numbers (Z), rational numbers (Q), real numbers (R) and
+ complex numbers (C).},
+ author = {Olaf Kummer},
+ authorurl = {
+ wimis/kummer.html},
+ ctan = {fonts/doublestroke},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.0},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:56:41}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ platform = {\LaTeX2e{}},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/draftcopy/},
+ abstract = {Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey
+ diagonally across the background (or at the bottom) of each
+ (or selected) pages of the document.},
+ version = {2.8},
+ author = {Juergen Vollmer},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {21 May 1996 12:52:54}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Prints a header on each page including date and time and
+ the string DRAFT.}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/dratex/},
+ abstract = {General drawing macros entirely in \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite},
+ abstract = {Print the tags instead of the numbers for |\cite| and
+ |\bibitem|.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/dropcaps/},
+ also = {dropping},
+ author = {Fred Lauwers},
+ abstract = {Use dropped capitals to start a paragraph.},
+ modified = {19 Jun 1996 13:38:04}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeXe{} macro for dropping the first character(s) (or
+ word(s)) of a paragraph. This is an extension of the
+ \LaTeX{} 2.09 package \href{\#dropcaps}{dropcaps}. This
+ package automatically takes care of finding the font name.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/dropping/},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:58:12},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/duerer/},
+ abstract = {Computer Duerer fonts.},
+ author = {Alan Hoenig},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A DVI driver to produce an ASCII representation of the
+ document. The patch file dvi2tty.patch fixes a string
+ termination bug which affects some systems (most notably
+ Linux) and cleans up the Makefile.},
+ ctan = {dviware/dvi2tty/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 20:12:43}
+ abstract = {Copy and concatenate DVI files.},
+ ctan = {dviware/dvicopy/},
+ modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:30:05}
+ abstract = {Concatenates dvi files.},
+ ctan = {dviware/dvibook/Dviconcat/},
+ modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:10:15}
+ texlive = {generic1},
+ ctan = {dviware/dvips/},
+ abstract = {Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/ean/},
+ abstract = {Font for making EAN barcodes.},
+ also = {barcodes,code128},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:44:26}
+ abstract = {A macro package for writing custom bibliographies with a
+ simple sintax.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:54:36}
+ abstract = {A simple package for writing block matrices with equal
+ column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various
+ kinds of rules between rows and columns.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.4},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:25:39}
+ abstract = {A simple package for writing equations.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.5},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:19}
+ abstract = {A simple package for writing block matrices, essentially
+ an array enviroment with more kinds of lines and
+ reentrant.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.1},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:32}
+ abstract = {A simple package for writing tables, with equal column
+ widths > or equal rows heights or both, with various >
+ kinds of rules~(lines) between rows and columns.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ version = {0.4},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:27:08}
+ abstract = {A simple package for writing vectors in a C-like
+ fashion.},
+ author = {Enrico Bertolazzi},
+ email = {},
+ version = {0.6},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:51}
+ abstract = {The ec fonts support the complete \LaTeX{} T1 encoding, as
+ defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland.
+ They are intended to be as stable as the cm fonts are, i.e.
+ there shall be no more changes to the tfm files. The ec
+ fonts also contain a Text Companion Symbol font, called tc,
+ featuring many usefull characters needed in typesetting,
+ for example oldstyle digits, currency symbols (including
+ the newly created Euro symbol), the permille sign,
+ copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft
+ sign, and many others. Recent releases of \LaTeX2e support
+ the ec fonts. The dc fonts, which were termed as
+ preliminary versions, will dissappear from the archives.},
+ author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz},
+ ctan = {fonts/jknappen/ec/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:08:49},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {fonts2}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/edmac/},
+ abstract = {A macro package for typesetting scholarly critical
+ editions},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {graphics2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/eepic/},
+ abstract = {A set of \TeX{} macros for \LaTeX{} implementing several
+ extensions to EPIC and the \LaTeX{} picture drawing
+ environment, including the drawing of lines at any slope,
+ the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of
+ dotted and dashed lines much faster with much less \TeX{}
+ memory, and providing several new commands for drawing
+ ellipsis, arcs, splines, and filled cirlces and ellipsis.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/elsevier/},
+ abstract = {Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/elvish/},
+ abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A Windows interface to emTeX.},
+ author = {Allin Cottrell},
+ ctan = {systems/msdos/emtex-contrib/emtexgi/},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:32:36}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/endfloat/},
+ abstract = {Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the
+ document with markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]''
+ appearing in the text (by default) near to where the figure
+ (or table) would normally have occurred.},
+ modified = {21 Jun 1996 14:52:55}
+ abstract = {Accumulates footnotes and places them at the end of the
+ document. Based on a very old version of \LaTeX{} (1991).},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ author = {John Lavagnino},
+ email = {lav@brandeis.bitnet},
+ also = {fnpara,footnote,footnpag,stblftnt},
+ modified = {3 Sep 1996 09:20:05}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/engwar/},
+ abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael
+ Urban},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment
+ which determines the style in which the counter is
+ printed.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/envbig/},
+ abstract = {Printing addresses on enevlopes},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX2e{} package for producing mailing envelopes and
+ labels, including barcodes and address formatting according
+ to the US Postal Service rules. Redefines the standard
+ |\makelabels| command of the \LaTeX2e{} letter
+ documentclass.},
+ author = {Boris Veytsman},
+ authorurl = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/envlab},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:36:01},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {formats2},
+ ctan = {macros/eplain/},
+ abstract = {Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format,
+ adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents,
+ enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered
+ equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and
+ commutative diagrams.},
+ author = {Karl Berry},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:10:25}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/},
+ abstract = {Include Encapsulated PostScript in \LaTeX{} documents.}
+ abstract = {An extension to epsf.tex/sty extension, e.g. draft
+ printing of bounding boxes.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ abstract = {An extensive document which explains how to use
+ Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files in \LaTeXe{} documents.
+ Includes explanations of Bounding Boxes, and more.},
+ author = {Keith Reckdahl},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {info/},
+ version = {1.9},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:50:44},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {doc2}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/eqnarray/},
+ abstract = {More generalised equation arrays with numbering.}
+ abstract = {Ethiopian language support for the babel package. This is
+ a collection of fonts and \TeX{} macros that enable you to
+ typeset the characters of the languages of Ethiopia. The
+ fonts are based on EthTeX which was originally distributed
+ by Abass B. Alamnehe. The \TeX{} macros use the Babel package
+ by Johannes L. Braams.},
+ author = {Olaf Kummer},
+ ctan = {language/ethiopia/ethiop/latex},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:54:35}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/euler/},
+ abstract = {Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts
+ for math in \LaTeX{} documents. ``The underlying philosophy
+ of Zapf's Euler design was to capture the flavor of
+ mathematics as it might be written by a mathematician with
+ excellent handwriting.'' [concrete-tug] The euler package
+ is based on Knuth's macros for the book ``Concrete
+ Mathematics''. The text fonts for the Concrete book are
+ provided by the beton package.},
+ also = {beton},
+ modified = {5 Jun 1996 10:03:48}
+ author = { (Martin Schroeder)},
+ version = {1.00},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/everysel},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} package which provides hooks into \cs{selectfont}.},
+ modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:29:40},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/everyshi/},
+ abstract = {Hooks for taking action at every |\shipout|},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/exams},
+ abstract = {Exam questions can be multiple choice or free form
+ long/short answer questions. Options include the
+ typesetting of the exam itself, an exam showing all the
+ answers and a collection of questions and answers.
+ Questions can be parametrized. Use of a random generator
+ provides for automatic shuffling of multiple choice
+ items.},
+ also = {answers},
+ modified = {29 May 1996 13:09:04}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/expdlist/},
+ abstract = {Expanded description environments},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {This package allows the user to export/import the values
+ of \LaTeX{} registers (counters, rigid and rubber lengths
+ only). It is definitely NOT for faint-hearted users.},
+ author = {Jean-Pierre Drucbert},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/export/},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:45:06},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Implements scaling of the `cmex' fonts.},
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:53:11}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/inputs/},
+ abstract = {Provides variants of |\fbox|: |\shadowbox|, |\doublebox|,
+ |\ovalbox|, |\Ovalbox|, with helpful tools for using box
+ macros and flexible verbatim macros. You can box
+ mathematics, floats, center, flushleft, and flushright,
+ lists, and pages.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ abstract = {This package provides six predefined chapter headings.
+ Each can be modified using a set of simple commands.
+ Optionally one can modify the formatting routines in order
+ to create additional chapter headings. This package was
+ previously known as FancyChapter.},
+ author = {Ulf Lindgren},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fncychap/},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:41:01}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ author = {Piet van Oostrum},
+ authorurl = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/fancyheadings/},
+ abstract = {Better control over page headers and footers in \LaTeX.
+ This is an up-to-date version for \LaTeX. For \LaTeX2e{} it
+ is now called \href{\#fancyhdr}{fancyhdr}.},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:24:43}
+ author = {Piet van Oostrum},
+ authorurl = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyhdr/},
+ doc = {fancyhdr.dvi},
+ version = {1.99b},
+ abstract = {Support for sophisticated control of page headers and
+ footers in \LaTeX2e. It supercedes
+ \href{\#fancyheadings}{fancyheadings}.},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:26:41},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ abstract = {Sophisticated handling of verbatim text, to write it out,
+ read it in, and typeset it},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {doc2},
+ ctan = {usergrps/uktug/faq/},
+ abstract = {The New \TeX{} Frequently Asked Questions, maintained by
+ the UK \TeX{} Users Group.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fax/},
+ abstract = {Document class for preparing faxes.},
+ doc = {faxdoc.dvi},
+ author = {J.B.Rhebergen and J.H.M. de Jonge},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 09:32:37}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/jknappen/fc/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for African languages, complimentary to Computer
+ Modern.},
+ version = {1.3},
+ author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:24:12}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf/},
+ abstract = {Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other)
+ diagrams.},
+ author = {Thorsten Ohl},
+ email = {},
+ doc = {},
+ version = {1.08},
+ modified = {30 May 1996 06:34:12}
+ ctan = {tools/filehdr},
+ abstract = {A colleciton of tools to support \BibTeX{} style format for
+ file/package descriptions.}
+ abstract = {A C program to flatten a latex file into a single file, by
+ explicitly including the files inclued by |\include| and
+ |\input| commands. Also, if \BibTeX{} is being used, then
+ includes the .bbl file into the resulting file. Thus,
+ creating a stand alone latex file that can be emailed to
+ someone else.},
+ author = {Sariel Har-Peled},
+ ctan = {support/flatex/},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.21},
+ platform = {Linux},
+ also = {flatten},
+ modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:59:43}
+ abstract = {A program to flatten a \LaTeX{} root file by copying
+ |\input| and |\include| files into the root file.},
+ author = {Peter Wilson},
+ ctan = {/support/flatten},
+ also = {flatex},
+ modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:36:48}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/float/},
+ abstract = {Improves the interface for defining floating objects such
+ as figures and tables. Introduces the boxed float and the
+ ruled float. You can define your own floats and improve the
+ behaviour of the old ones. Also incorporates the H option
+ of the superceded \href{\#here}{here} package. You can
+ select this as automatic default with
+ |\floatplacement{figure}{H}|},
+ modified = {25 May 1996 07:26:32}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/floatflt/},
+ abstract = {Allows text to be wrapped around figures.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/floatflt},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ abstract = {Float text around figures and tables which do not span the
+ full width of a page. This is an improved version of
+ floatfig. It is more or less similar floatingtable. The
+ tables/figures can be set left/right or alternating on
+ even/odd pages. Works with the \href{\#multicol}{multicol}
+ package. Doesn't work well in the neighbourhood of list
+ environments unless you change your \LaTeX{} document.},
+ modified = {19 Jun 1996 09:51:50}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Typeset footnotes in run-on paragraphs, instead of one
+ above another.},
+ also = {endnotes,footnote,footnpag,stblftnt},
+ author = {Chris Rowley and Dominik Wujastyk},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:23:00}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/foiltex/},
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies. Can be used
+ with \href{\#fancybox}{fancybox} to place a variety of
+ borders around the slides.},
+ author = {James (Jim) Hafner},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1},
+ also = {seminar,slidenotes},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:21:48}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {fonts/utilities/fontinst/},
+ abstract = {\TeX{} macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to
+ \TeX{} metric and virtual font format},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts1},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous \MF{} input files},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {texlive1},
+ abstract = {Karl Berry's scheme for naming fonts in \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ abstract = {Extra line and circle fonts for \LaTeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/fontsmpl.dtx},
+ abstract = {Print a sample of a font.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/footnote/},
+ author = { (Robin Fairbairns)},
+ abstract = {More sophisticated footnotes.},
+ also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnpag,ftnright,stblftnt},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:25:06}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/footnpag/},
+ abstract = {Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from
+ 1, rather than being numbered sequentially through the
+ document.},
+ author = {Joachim Schrod},
+ email = {},
+ also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,stblftnt},
+ modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:26:38}
+ texlive = {texlive2},
+ abstract = {Prebuilt \TeX{} format and \MF{} base files},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/generic/formlett.sty},
+ abstract = {Letters to multiple receivers.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ abstract = {Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations
+ for fixed point real numbers of high precision.},
+ author = {Michael Mehlich},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/fp},
+ modified = {4 Nov 1996 09:45:28}
+ texlive = {lang2},
+ ctan = {language/french/},
+ abstract = {Style for French typography},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX{} class for writing letters.},
+ author = {Alexander Fries},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fribrief/},
+ email = {BP016@FS1-DVZ-FHKOELN.DVZ.FH-Koeln.DE},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:35:55},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {\LaTeX document-style option to make footnotes available in
+ any environment, except inside floats.},
+ author = {Kresten Krab Thorup},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ email = {},
+ also = {footnote},
+ modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:43:47}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Footnotes in two column documents.},
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach},
+ email = {},
+ also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,stblftnt},
+ modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:20:55}
+ abstract = {Full page pictures.},
+ author = {Bruce Shawyer},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/fullpict/},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:34:51}
+ abstract = {A `Literate Programming' tool, which produces
+ documentation for programs in \TeX{} or \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Tony Coates},
+ ctan = {web/funnelAC/},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {25 Jun 1996 12:38:19}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/futhark/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for the Older Futhark script},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/g-brief/},
+ abstract = {A document class for \LaTeX 2e and serves for formatting
+ formless letters in german or english language.},
+ version = {2.1},
+ author = {Michael Lenzen},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:01:37}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/gb4e/},
+ abstract = {Government Binding styles.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A simple compilation of the genealogical symbols found in
+ the `wasy' and `gen' font. Essentially adda the male and
+ female symbols to Knuth's `gen' font. It avoids loading two
+ fonts when you need only genealogical symbols.},
+ author = {Denis Roegel},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/genealogy},
+ modified = {31 May 1996 14:10:08}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific
+ to the \TeXLive{} \CDROM.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package which allows \LaTeXe\ users to customise page
+ layout (page sizes) using an easy and flexible user
+ interface. You can specify |\geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in},
+ top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}|. This is an update of the now
+ superseded pagesize package.},
+ author = {Umeki Hideo},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/geometry},
+ also = {vmargin,typearea,a4,a4wide},
+ version = {1.05},
+ modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:30:57},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {language/german/},
+ abstract = {Style for German typography.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {graphics/gnuplot/},
+ abstract = {Generate almost any type of chart you wish and save it in
+ \LaTeX{} format or as EPS (or in any of a dozen other
+ formats).}
+ abstract = {A package to faciliate the use of gnuplot pslatex output
+ in \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Stephan Boettcher},
+ email = {},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/},
+ abstract = {The primary \LaTeX{} package for the support of the
+ inclusion of graphics generally produced with other tools.
+ This package aims to give a consistent interface to
+ including the file types that are understood by your
+ printer driver.},
+ also = {graphicx},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:16:13}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/},
+ abstract = {Better support for graphics. Builds upon the
+ \href{\#graphics}{graphics} package.},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:47:22}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {For producing graph paper.}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/utilityfonts/gray/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for gray scales},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Primarily intended for use with xdvi and dvips, this
+ utility allows the use of PostScript fonts with xdvi.},
+ author = {Paul Vojta},
+ ctan = {fonts/utilities/gsftopk/},
+ version = {1.11},
+ modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:08:05}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/hands/},
+ abstract = {Pointing hand fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Defines a variant of the caption command to produce
+ captions with hanging indentation.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/harpoon/},
+ abstract = {Extra harpoons, using the graphics package},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {bibtex2},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/},
+ abstract = {The Harvard bibliography style family.}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/harvmac/},
+ abstract = {Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Provides the H option for floats in \LaTeX{} to mean that
+ the float should really be placed here. It has been removed
+ from CTAN at the request of the author. \LaTeX2e{} now has
+ a ! option and [!ht] usually does what the user of H
+ expects and has the big advantage of guaranteeing that
+ floats stay in the right order. See the
+ \href{\#float}{float} package for an alternative which does
+ include H for \LaTeX2e{}.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ modified = {25 May 1996 07:24:51}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hh/},
+ abstract = {Fancy boxing effects},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays.}
+ ctan = {language/korean/HLaTeX},
+ abstract = {Support for Korean documents written in Korean standard
+ KSC codes for \LaTeX2e.}
+ abstract = {Hyphenation patterns for the Croatian language for use
+ with T1 (and OT1) encoding as supported in DC fonts.}
+ texlive = {doc2},
+ ctan = {support/html/},
+ abstract = {Various \TeX{} documentation converted to HTML},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyper/},
+ abstract = {Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert
+ |\special| commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers},
+ author = {Michael Mehlich},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:04:32}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref/},
+ abstract = {Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert
+ |\special| commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers, or
+ translation to Acrobat.},
+ author = {Sebastian Rahtz},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:34:22}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ieeepes},
+ abstract = {Allows typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions
+ and closures, for the IEEE Power Engineering Society
+ Transactions journals.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ifacmtg/},
+ abstract = {Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Conditionals in \LaTeX2e documents.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Indent first paragraph after section header.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ abstract = {A package to automatically generate an Author Index based
+ on citations made using \BibTeX. It requires the use of the
+ harvard and index packages and \LaTeX2e.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/indxcite/},
+ author = {James Ashton},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {24 Jun 1996 15:17:51}
+ texlive = {doc2},
+ abstract = {Documentation in GNU info form},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {fonts/gothic/yinit/},
+ abstract = {A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial
+ dropped capitals.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Controlling inpout encoding},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/ipa/},
+ abstract = {Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Class and package files for typesetting ISO International
+ Standard documents. Several standard documents have been
+ printed by ISO from camera-ready copy prepared using \LaTeX{}
+ and these files. One set of files is for generic ISO
+ typesetting and the other is an extension set of packages
+ for typesetting ISO 10303 standards.},
+ author = {Peter Wilson},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/isostds},
+ modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:42:34},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Italian hyphenation.},
+ author = {Claudio Beccari},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {languages/italian/},
+ version = {4.2},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 15:59:11}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jknappen/},
+ author = {J\"org Knappen},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous macros, mostly for making use of extra
+ fonts by J\"org Knappen},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/js-misc/},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod},
+ author = {Joachim Schrod},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A document class for German law students.},
+ author = {Felix Braun},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jura/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:33:08},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {A package supporting the generation and correction of
+ multiple option tests as appears in TUGBoat Volume 17,
+ Number3: ``Fast and secure multiple option tests''.},
+ author = {Jordi Saludes},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/knst},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:44:44}
+ texlive = {doc3},
+ ctan = {systems/knuth/},
+ abstract = {Knuth's own documentation, including the \TeX book and the
+ \MF book},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package to perform internal translation from the KOI-8
+ encoding (de-facto standard of the UNIX world) to the so
+ called ``alternative encoding'' used by most Cyrillic
+ packages. You still need one of these packages for the
+ actual Russian typesetting. The style works with all major
+ Cyrillic packages: cmcyr, cmcyralt, LH.},
+ author = {Uri Blumenthal},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koi8},
+ email = {},
+ also = {rawprint},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:48:21}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ author = { (Markus Kohm)},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koma-script/},
+ abstract = {A replacement for the article/report/book classes with
+ emphasis on European rules of typography and paper formats
+ as laid down by Jan Tschichold.},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:29:26}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/kuvio/},
+ abstract = {Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/labels/},
+ abstract = {Support for printing sheets of sticky labels (but could
+ also be used for business cards). The number of rows and
+ columns of labels, and their size, can be changed.}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/lamstex/},
+ abstract = {A merge of the best in AMS\TeX{} and \LaTeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/lastpage/},
+ abstract = {Reference the number of pages in your \LaTeX{} document
+ (as in a page footer that says: Page N of M).}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} is a (and probably the most) popular macro package
+ for \TeX. It provides many basic document formating
+ commands extended by many of the packages included
+ in this current list. To get \LaTeX, get either the
+ contents of the ``base'' directory or the
+ ``unpacked'' directory in the above CTAN location.},
+ also = {latex2e,latex209},
+ modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:53:10}
+ texlive = {formats2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/},
+ abstract = {The pre-1993 \LaTeX, now no longer supported},
+ also = {latex2e,latex},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {4 Jul 1996 10:07:05}
+ abstract = {Documentation on \LaTeX2e{} in OS/2 hypertext format and
+ html.},
+ author = {Rolf Niepraschk},
+ ctan = {info/latex2e-help-texinfo/},
+ email = {niepraschk@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De},
+ doc = {latex2e_toc.html},
+ also = {latex,latex209},
+ modified = {4 Jul 1996 09:53:38}
+ ctan = {support/latex2html/},
+ home = {},
+ abstract = {A Perl program that translates \LaTeX{} source files into
+ HTML (HyperText Markup Language). For each source file
+ given as an argument the translator will create a directory
+ containing the corresponding HTML files.},
+ modified = {8 Jul 1996 23:00:59}
+ ctan = {support/latex2rtf/},
+ author = {Fernando Dorner and Andreas Granzer},
+ abstract = {Translates \LaTeX{} text into RTF (Rich Text Format as
+ used by Microsoft Word)},
+ also = {tex2rtf},
+ modified = {25 Jun 1996 08:59:03}
+ abstract = {A cad drawing package.},
+ author = {John Leis},
+ ctan = {systems/msdos/latexcad},
+ email = {},
+ version = {v18},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:25:35}
+ ctan = {support/latexmk},
+ abstract = {An excellent utility for Unix which Deals with the task of
+ running \LaTeX{} the appropriate number of times to ensure
+ cross-references, etc., are completely defined. Also
+ supports printing and viewing.},
+ platform = {perl},
+ author = {Evan McLean},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.0},
+ also = {latexn},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:30:28}
+ abstract = {A csh script to run latex as many times as needed (and
+ hopefully no more) on a given file to resolve cross
+ references, and to ensure that the table of contents and
+ index (if any) are up-to-date.},
+ author = {John Collins},
+ ctan = {support/latexn/},
+ also = {latexmk},
+ modified = {26 Jan 1997 10:18:25}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Show the page layout.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/levy/},
+ abstract = {Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/lgreek/},
+ abstract = {Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {support/lgrind/},
+ abstract = {Prepares various programming language source code (e.g.,
+ C, C++, Pascal, BASIC, Modula-2, Fortran, RATFOR, Yacc,
+ PostScript, Prolog, MLisp, Icon, \LaTeX, Perl, CSH, Bourne
+ Shell, assembler, 68000 assembler, asm68, VMS assembler,
+ ISP, LDL, Linda, MODEL, MatLab, Russell) for
+ pretty-printing within \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Michael Piefel},
+ version = {34},
+ email = {piefel@HP832.INFORMATIK.HU-BERLIN.DE},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:51:48}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/lineno/},
+ home = {},
+ doc = {},
+ abstract = {Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with reference
+ possible through the \LaTeX{} |\ref| and |\pageref| cross
+ reference mechanism. Version 2.00 supports numbering of one
+ in five lines and switching the line numbers from the left
+ to the right side of the page in twoside mode.},
+ also = {numline},
+ author = {Stephan Boettcher},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 08:42:04}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Text ellipses that are better for text ellipses than
+ |\dots|, by the standard of the Chicago Manual of Style.},
+ version = {1.2},
+ author = {Matt Swift},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:30:25}
+ abstract = {Document style for submissions to Springer-Verlag's
+ Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/},
+ modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:48:06}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX{} wrapper file and bibliography for the complete
+ series/journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science
+ (1973--1996).},
+ author = {Nelson H. F. Beebe},
+ authorurl = {},
+ ctan = {info/biblio/},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.07},
+ modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:44:47}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/localloc/},
+ abstract = {Macros for localizing \TeX{} register allocations},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/lollipop/},
+ abstract = {A new generation format},
+ author = {Victor Eijkhout},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Support for tables longer than a page.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ email = {},
+ also = {supertabular},
+ modified = {21 Jun 1996 08:12:11}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Defines a lost of symbols macro.}
+ abstract = {Put selected parts of document in landscape. Modifies the
+ margins and rotates the page contents but not the page
+ number. Useful, for example, with large multipage tables,
+ compatible with longtable and supertabular.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/},
+ modified = {7 Nov 1996 19:36:31}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ ctan = {info/lshort/},
+ abstract = {A short introduction to \LaTeX2e},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ltablex/},
+ abstract = {Modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features
+ of the tabularx package (auto-sized columns in a fixed
+ width table) with those of the longtable package
+ (multi-page tables).}
+ abstract = {A program to replace \LaTeX{} commands by user-defined
+ characters. Typical uses are for deTeXing and
+ pretty-printing, or for replacing \LaTeX{} commands by
+ SGML, HTML, and RTF tags, etc.},
+ author = {Peter Wilson},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {support/ltx2x/},
+ platform = {C},
+ doc = {},
+ modified = {26 Jan 1997 10:24:09}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base},
+ abstract = {The core \LaTeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Class for documented \LaTeX2e classes.}
+ abstract = {An MSDOS utility which recursively searches a file for
+ input (and include) statements, writing a list of files
+ which are input to stdout and to a batch file which sets an
+ environmental variable LTXINPUT to point to this filelist.
+ The C source, MSDOS binary, documentation and test files
+ are included in the distribution.},
+ author = {Jim Green},
+ ctan = {support/ltxinput/},
+ modified = {26 Nov 1996 16:30:38}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneus \LaTeX{} styles.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base},
+ abstract = {The core source files for \LaTeX2e},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {\BibTeX{} for the Macintosh. This is the most up-to-date
+ version of the port of \BibTeX{} which is distributed with
+ \href{\#oztex}{OzTeX}.},
+ author = {Vince Darley},
+ authorurl = {},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.1.2},
+ platform = {MacOS},
+ also = {oztex},
+ modified = {7 Nov 1996 13:35:35}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mailing/},
+ abstract = {Macros for mail merging},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {texlive1},
+ ctan = {indexing/makeindex/},
+ abstract = {Documentation for the Makeindex program.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/malvern/},
+ abstract = {A new sans-serif font family},
+ author = {Damian Cugley},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mapcodes/},
+ abstract = {Support for multiple character sets and encodings},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/maple/},
+ abstract = {Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Export Maple worksheets to \LaTeX2e.}
+ abstract = {A package which provides access to some interesting chars
+ of the Text Companion fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode.},
+ author = {Tilmann Boess},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mathcomp/},
+ email = {},
+ also = {textcomp},
+ modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:30:31},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex2}
+ abstract = {Creates math fonts that match Type1 outline fonts (Times,
+ Palatino, and others) for typesetting math with \TeX.},
+ author = {Alan Hoenig},
+ ctan = {fonts/utilities/mathkit/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:17:44}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/psnfss},
+ abstract = {Extends the usage of the Postscript \href{\#times}{times}
+ fonts to the math environment.}
+ ctan = {support/mathspad},
+ abstract = {An XWindows WYSIWYG structure editor implementing stencils
+ which define two views of a document, the on-screen view
+ and the output view (which might be \LaTeX, \TeX, HTML,
+ trof).}
+ abstract = {The Mathtime fonts have a number of characters remapped to
+ positions different from the ones normally used by the
+ corresponding \TeX{} CM-fonts. For the symbol font
+ ``operators'' the corresponding mathtime style files use the
+ Times Roman font (often called something like: ptmr or
+ ptmr7t or ptmrq).},
+ author = {Aloysius Helminck},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/metrics/adobe/mathtime},
+ modified = {29 May 1996 10:39:52}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mcite/},
+ abstract = {Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as
+ custumoary in physics journals},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding, including support for
+ |@|, a doafter command, footnotes, mathenv for various
+ alignment in maths, list handling, trivial maths oddments,
+ rewrite of \LaTeX{}'s |tabular| and |array| environments,
+ varbatim handling, and syntax diagrams.},
+ author = {Mark Wooding},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {20 May 1996 10:29:15}
+ abstract = {A tool based on \MF{} for producing precise technical
+ illustrations, creating scalable postscript instead of
+ bitmaps.},
+ author = {John Hobby},
+ ctan = {graphics/metapost/},
+ modified = {25 Jun 1996 10:58:40}
+ abstract = {A package to provide something similar to `multiple
+ master' fonts, but using \MF; you specify a font by a
+ set of \MF{} parameters, and \TeX{} makes up a .mf file to
+ generate the required font; this package is not integrated
+ with NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun.},
+ author = {Sasha Berdnikov},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mff},
+ modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:27:31},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex1},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mflogo/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the
+ Knuthian `logo' fonts described in `The \MF{}book' and the
+ \MF{} and \MP{} logos in \LaTeX{} documents.},
+ author = {Ulrik Vieth},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1995/12/04 v1.5c},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV}
+ abstract = {a \MF{} package for generating (encapsulated
+ PostScript) files readable by CorelDRAW!, Adobe
+ Illustrator and Fontographer. \MF{} writes
+ PostScript code to a LOG-file, and from the LOG-file the
+ code can be extracted by either \TeX{} or AWK. DOS batch
+ files, \TeX{} source, and AWK source are placed in the
+ subdirectory PROGS.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {graphics/MF-PS/mftoeps/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {fonts3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/mfnfss/},
+ abstract = {Font description files for extra fonts like yinit and
+ ygoth},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/midnight/},
+ abstract = {A set of useful macro tools},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A tool to convert diagrams from Frame Maker's MIF format
+ to XFig's format, and vice versa.},
+ author = {Mikael Lundqvist},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {20 Nov 1996 11:23:52}
+ abstract = {A popular distribution of \TeX{} and friends for Windows95
+ and Windows-NT. Features include very easy installation.},
+ author = {Christian Schenk},
+ ctan = {systems/win32/miktexppc},
+ email = {cschenk@BERLIN.SNAFU.DE},
+ version = {1.07},
+ platform = {Windows-NT},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:49:24}
+ abstract = {Part of the plain \TeX{} graphics collection which allows the
+ use of \LaTeX's graphics, colour, and picture mode commands
+ in plain \TeX{} based formats.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/graphics/},
+ modified = {20 May 1996 10:13:07}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/minitoc/},
+ abstract = {Table of contents per chapter.},
+ version = {27},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:20:36}
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/mla},
+ abstract = {Do citations according to the `MLA style sheet'.}
+ abstract = {Support for multilingual bibliographies.},
+ author = {Wenzel Matiaske},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mlbib/},
+ version = {10},
+ modified = {5 Nov 1996 09:15:29}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/mnras/},
+ abstract = {Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
+ Society},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A collection of \MF{} mode_def's. It also includes
+ common definitions for write/white printers, `special'
+ information, and landscape mode.},
+ ctan = {fonts/modes/},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {18 Nov 1996 10:31:58}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/psfonts/monotype/},
+ abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for a large
+ set of Monotype fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Towards a more rational and modular \LaTeX, by Matt
+ Swift; a set of powerful tools},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {A collection of defining, expansion, and debugging
+ commands that support `elegant' programming in \LaTeX.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/moreverb/},
+ abstract = {A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number
+ lines, can number lines in an included file, can produce
+ boxed verbatims, etc.},
+ also = {alltt,verbatim,vrb},
+ modified = {29 May 1996 11:58:07},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {A package which provides the command |\mpfootnotemark|,
+ which can be used in the same way as |\footnotemark|. The
+ difference between these two macros is that within minipage
+ environments the latter uses the standard footnote marker
+ style (defined by |\thefootnote|), while the new command
+ uses the minipage footnote marker style (defined by
+ |\thempfootnote|).},
+ author = {Wolfgang Kowarschick},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/mpfnmark},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:30:22},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mslapa/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style files for a respectably close
+ approximation to APA (American Psychological Association)
+ citation and reference style.},
+ also = {apacite,apa},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {12 Jul 1996 10:06:59}
+ abstract = {A package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS (``MathTime
+ complete'') fonts in \LaTeX2e. Everything is included, incl.
+ (patched) font metrics, except, of course, the Type1 fonts
+ themselves. The package cooperates with the AMS packages
+ (amsmath, amssymb, etc.) T1 and OT1 encodings (as operators
+ fonts!) are fully supported. It does not assume you own any
+ other commercial (non-resident) fonts. This package has no
+ connection with the ``mathtime'' package by Frank
+ Mittelbach & David Carlisle, commissioned by Y&Y.},
+ author = {Drahoslav Lim},
+ ctan = {fonts/mt11p/},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:21:04}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/mtbe/},
+ abstract = {Examples from \emph{Mathematical \TeX{} by Example} by
+ Arvind Borde},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach},
+ email = {},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} package to mix single and multiple columns.
+ Allows you to shift between two and one columns anywhere.},
+ modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:22:47}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/},
+ abstract = {Creates tabular cells spanning multiple rows.}
+ abstract = {Reference page for musictex.}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ ctan = {macros/musictex/},
+ abstract = {Typesetting music with \TeX.},
+ also = {abc2mtex},
+ modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:59:30}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ ctan = {macros/musixtex/},
+ abstract = {Extended MusicTeX, with better slurs},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {bibtex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/natbib/},
+ abstract = {A bibliography style that handles author-year and numbered
+ references.},
+ author = {Patrick W. Daly},
+ version = {65},
+ email = {daly@LINPWD.MPAE.GWDG.DE},
+ modified = {5 Feb 1997 07:48:56}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/newalg/},
+ abstract = {Format algoritms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/newsletr/},
+ abstract = {Macros for making newsletters},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A modified version of the theorem-style which provides
+ generation of lists of theorems. },
+ author = {Andreas Schlechte},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/newthm/},
+ email = {inas@MIB.HARZ.DE},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:30:36},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/niceframe/},
+ abstract = {Support for fancy framing of pages},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A locally developed style to inhibit all indentation.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/nomencl},
+ abstract = {Nomenclature package for producing lists of symbols using
+ the capabilities of the MakeIndex program.}
+ abstract = {A program to convert NotaBene4 (including ancient Greek
+ and all the symbols of logic) files to \LaTeX{} format. With
+ this conversion program and its utilities, you can use
+ NotaBene for editing (seeing all the accents, the Greek
+ chars, etc.) and, at the very final stage of document
+ preparation, convert it to \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Guido Milanese},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {21 Nov 1996 16:56:44}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ntgclass/},
+ abstract = {Versions of the standard \LaTeX{} article and report
+ classes, rewritten to reflect a more European design, by
+ the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/numline/},
+ abstract = {Macros for numbering lines.},
+ also = {lineno},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:02:33}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/objectz/},
+ abstract = {Macros for typesetting Object Z},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/ocr-a},
+ abstract = {Fonts for OCR-A},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {18 May 1996 14:10:28}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/ocr-b},
+ abstract = {Fonts for OCR-A},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {18 May 1996 14:10:28}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/ogham/},
+ abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Ogham script},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/ogonek/},
+ abstract = {Support for Polish typography and the ogonek},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/oldstyle/},
+ abstract = {Font information needed to load the |cmmi| and |cmmib|
+ fonts for use to produce oldstyle numbers},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {If the document has only one page, omit page number. The
+ page number must be produced by the usual means of
+ |\thepage|.},
+ author = {Mike Piff},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:08:11}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/osmanian/},
+ abstract = {Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/ot2cyr/},
+ abstract = {Macros to use to the OT2 Cyrillic encoding},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/},
+ abstract = {Supports compressed, sorted lists of superscript numerical
+ citations.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ version = {3.6},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:11:52}
+ abstract = {This package provides two macros which can be used as
+ building blocks for the parsing of text. For an example of
+ their use, see the \href{\#calendar}{calendar} package.},
+ author = {Frank Bennett},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/overword/},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:37:08},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {An excellent version of \TeX{} for the Macintosh.},
+ author = {Andrew Trevorrow},
+ ctan = {systems/mac/oztex/},
+ version = {2.1},
+ modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:36:34}
+ abstract = {German version of \href{\#oztex}{oztex}.},
+ author = {Lothar Meyer-Lerbs},
+ ctan = {systems/mac/oztex-german/},
+ email = {g07m@ZFN.UNI-BREMEN.DE},
+ also = {oztex},
+ modified = {31 Jan 1997 09:01:46}
+ ctan = {graphics/pagedraw},
+ abstract = {A free vector-graphics program capable of creating EPS
+ files suitable for inclusion in \TeX{} documents.}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/pandora/},
+ abstract = {The Pandora font family},
+ author = {Neenie Billiwalla},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers
+ for journals. Introduces new layout options and font
+ commands for sections/parts. Defines a new keywords
+ environment, and subtitle and institution commands for the
+ title section. New commands for revisions. And more.},
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/paper},
+ author = {Wenzel Matiaske},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1g},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ modified = {20 May 1996 06:33:20}
+ abstract = {Free \TeX{} fonts in PostScript (Type1) format. Contains
+ the families: Computer Modern (designed by D. Knuth); Euler
+ (H. Zapf); Computer Modern Cyrillic (N. Glonty and A.
+ Samarin); Special \LaTeX{} fonts.},
+ author = {Basil K. Malyshev},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/ps-type1/paradissa},
+ modified = {14 Jun 1996 16:18:31}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/parallel/},
+ abstract = {Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns
+ of text to be typeset. Useful for typesetting two languages
+ side-by-side.}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX{} package to break long strings at convenient
+ places. The strings might be directory paths, email
+ addresses, URLs, etc.},
+ author = {Philip Taylor},
+ email = {P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk},
+ ctan = {macros/eplain/},
+ modified = {25 Jun 1996 09:13:30}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pb-diagram/},
+ author = {Paul Burchard},
+ abstract = {Diagram package, using LAMS\TeX{} fonts, by Paul
+ Burchard.},
+ version = {4.1},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:10:25}
+ abstract = {Support for Hebrew.},
+ author = {Rama Porrat},
+ ctan = {languages/hebrew/fonts/pccode},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:32:14}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/pdcmac/},
+ abstract = {Damian Cugley's macro tools.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/phonetic/},
+ abstract = {\MF{} Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \BibTeX{} style derived from apalike with author names
+ in all caps.},
+ ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/},
+ modified = {14 Jun 1996 12:35:55}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/phyzzx/},
+ abstract = {A \TeX{} format for physicists},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/picinpar/},
+ abstract = {Insert pictures into paragraphs. (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum
+ does not recommend this package. \href{\#picins}{Picins} is
+ recommended instead.)}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/picins/},
+ abstract = {Insert pictures into paragraphs.}
+ texlive = {graphics2},
+ ctan = {graphics/pictex/},
+ abstract = {Picture drawing macros for \LaTeX.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/},
+ abstract = {Macro tools by Mike Piff},
+ author = {Mike Piff},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {\MF{} package for the Klingon language with okuda
+ orthography.},
+ author = {Olaf Kummer},
+ ctan = {fonts/okuda/modified/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:28:28}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/},
+ abstract = {The plain.sty package defines an environment which allows
+ plain \TeX{} commands in \LaTeX.}
+ texlive = {plain1},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous useful macros for plain \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {plain1},
+ abstract = {Basic Plain \TeX{} macros},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {language/polish/plfonts/},
+ abstract = {Computer Modern variant fonts for Polish},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be
+ used with generic plain \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A macro package that implements many (em)TeX related
+ features for the EPM editor. A menu item is added to the
+ EPM menu, a new toolbar is provided, and hotkeys for some
+ (La)TeX commands are defined.},
+ author = {Petr Mikulik},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {systems/os2/pmcstex},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:47:48}
+ abstract = {A set of extensions to \LaTeX{} picture environment,
+ including a wider range of vectors, and a lot more box
+ frame styles.},
+ author = {Sasha Berdnikov},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pmgraph/},
+ modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:29:09},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Page preparation for prepress, color separation,
+ crop-marks, color and gray scale bars, booklet preparation,
+ etc.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/cmyk-hax/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {generic3}
+ abstract = {A package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas.
+ The package is a separate module of the context macro
+ package for \TeX{} (context is a full featured, parameter
+ driven macro package, which fully supports advanced
+ interactive documents).},
+ author = {Hans Hagen},
+ ctan = {macros/context/ppchtex/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {15 Jan 1997 09:54:55}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/prelim2e/},
+ abstract = {Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a
+ document},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/prettyref/},
+ abstract = {Additional functionality to \LaTeX2e label--reference
+ mechanism. It allows the author to ``preformat'' all types
+ of labels.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/progkeys/},
+ abstract = {The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a
+ parameterized way of typesetting programs with
+ \TeX/\LaTeX{} commands inside. The file `keywords.sty'
+ allows use and define sets of keywords that will be typeset
+ with different fonts, according to the wish of the user.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/program/},
+ abstract = {Typesetting programs and algorithms},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Enables one to put a PostScript drawing behind a \TeX{}
+ box. The drawing is parametrised by the position and the
+ size of the \TeX{} box.}
+ abstract = {A PostScript program for converting one-page PostScript
+ files into and EPS (encapsulated PostScript) files
+ acceptable by CorelDRAW!(R), Adobe Illustrator(TM) and
+ Fontographer(R).},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {support/ps_conv/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ abstract = {Intended as a replacement for \href{\#psfonts}{psfonts} of
+ \href{\#psnfss}{psnfss}, psfont uses one file for
+ redefining all default fonts instead of one file for each
+ font. It also contains all parts of psfonts.dtx which are
+ not covered by this general concept (i.e., the pifonts,
+ mathptm and two .fd-files for Adobe Symbol and Adobe Zapf
+ Dingbats). This file is specific to PostScript fonts.},
+ author = {Sebastian Kirsch},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/altfont},
+ email = {},
+ also = {psfonts,psnfss},
+ modified = {1 Jul 1996 21:00:54}
+ ctan = {fonts/psfonts/},
+ abstract = {Postscript fonts for use with \TeX{} and \LaTeX.},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {fonts2}
+ texlive = {graphics2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/psfrag/},
+ abstract = {A set of macros and a PostScript header which allows \LaTeX{}
+ constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be
+ precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript
+ figures. The user can use his/her favorite drawing tool to
+ create an EPS figure, placing simple text ``tags'' where each
+ replacement is to be placed. PSfrag will automatically
+ remove those tags from the figure and replace them with the
+ \LaTeX{} construction that the user specifies, properly
+ aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.},
+ author = {Michael Grant},
+ email = {mcgrant@RASCALS.STANFORD.EDU},
+ version = {3.03},
+ modified = {31 Jan 1997 08:56:24}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/psizzl/},
+ abstract = {A \TeX{} format from SLAC},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A small package that makes \LaTeX{} default to `standard'
+ PostScript fonts. It is basically a merger of the
+ \href{\#times}{times} and \href{\#mathptm}{mathptm} styles
+ from the psnfss suite of packages. You must have installed
+ standard \LaTeX{} and PSNFSS PostScript fonts to use
+ this package. The main novel feature is that the pslatex
+ package tries to compensate for the visual differences
+ between the Adobe fonts by scaling Helvetica by 90\%, and
+ `condensing' Courier (ie scaling horizontally) by 85\%. The
+ package is supplied with a (unix) shell file for a
+ `pslatex' command that allows standard \LaTeX{} documents to
+ be processed, without needing to edit the file.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pslatex},
+ modified = {2 Aug 1996 12:28:03},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex2}
+ abstract = {Concatenate Postscript files, if they have been generated
+ by the same program (e.g., dvips).},
+ modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:12:01}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/psnfss/},
+ abstract = {Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common
+ PostScript fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Replacement for core \LaTeX{} picture macros to use
+ PostScript |\special| commands},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A free (but copyright) Unix program that extracts ASCII
+ text from PostScript and PDF (Acrobat) files. pstotext uses
+ Ghostscript, but does a more careful job with kerned
+ characters and nonstandard font encodings than
+ Ghostscript's ps2ascii utility.},
+ author = {Paul McJones},
+ home = {}
+ ,
+ email = {},
+ modified = {31 Oct 1996 13:39:09}
+ texlive = {graphics2},
+ ctan = {graphics/pstricks/},
+ abstract = {An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is
+ compatible with most \TeX{} macro packages, including Plain
+ \TeX, \LaTeX, AmSTeX, and AmS-LaTeX. Included are macros
+ for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and
+ overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide
+ variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a
+ flexible interface and with color support; There are macros
+ for coloring or shading the cells of tables.},
+ also = {color,shading},
+ modified = {30 May 1996 11:20:11}
+ ctan = {support/psutils/},
+ abstract = {Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents, including
+ page selection and rearrangement, resizing the page,
+ arrangement into signatures for booklet printing, and page
+ merging for n-up printing. Utilities include psbook,
+ psselect, pstops, psnup, psresize, epsffit.}
+ abstract = {Fast and easy previewing of PostScript documents! A
+ PostScript preamble providing an interactive environement
+ for previewing PostScript documents. The current version
+ can drive Ghostscript 4.03 interpreter and assumes
+ conformance of the document to the Adobe PostScript
+ structuring conventions. Batch files provided for DOS,
+ however ps_view can be adapted to any operating system.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {support/ps_view/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/punk/},
+ abstract = {Donald Knuth's punk font},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A DOS graphics program for \LaTeX{} for use on IBM Compatible
+ PCs. It generates output for PicTeX and EPIC for \LaTeX{}
+ 2.09. It can also be very easily configured for \LaTeX2e
+ output. Qfig requires a VGA or EGA screen to work.},
+ author = {William Ofosu-Amaah},
+ ctan = {support/qfig/},
+ version = {1.1},
+ platform = {DOS},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:15:06}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/qobitree/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} macros for typesetting trees},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/qsymbols/},
+ abstract = {For defining systematic mnemonic abbreviations, starting
+ with |`| for math symbols and |\"| for arrows, from the
+ amssymb and stmaryrd packages},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/generic},
+ abstract = {Provides any \TeX{} format (including \LaTeX) with
+ `raggedleft' and `raggedcenter' formatting of paragraphs
+ while maintaining full control of hyphenation and degree of
+ raggedness.}
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} package which defines new commands |\Centering|,
+ |\RaggedLeft|, and |\RaggedRight| and new environments
+ Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which set ragged text
+ and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation.},
+ author = { (Martin Schroeder)},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ragged2e},
+ modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:48:41},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {A package to typeset syntax diagrams.},
+ author = {Klaus Georg Barthelmann},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/rail2e/},
+ email = {},
+ doc = {},
+ also = {syngen},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:23:40}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Will turn a range of citations into something like
+ [1..3].},
+ also = {cite},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:31:55}
+ abstract = {A package for ``quick and dirty'' printing of raw (i.e.
+ non-TeX) Russian texts by persons who do not have Russian
+ printer fonts (but have Cyrillic \TeX). It makes various
+ symbols ``normal'' letters and converts the ``unisex''
+ quote character \" into Russian-style << and >> quotes.},
+ author = {Boris Veytsman},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koi8},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:50:40}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rcs},
+ abstract = {Use RCS (revision control system) tags in \LaTeX{}
+ documents.}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/realcalc/},
+ abstract = {Macros for real arithmetic calculations},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX2e{} class file to typeset recipes.},
+ author = {Maurizio Moreti},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/recipe/},
+ modified = {26 Nov 1996 16:28:13}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/refman/},
+ abstract = {Variant report and article styles},
+ author = {Axel Kielhorn},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:55:57}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Set the font size relative to the current font size.}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/revtex/},
+ abstract = {Styles for American Physical Society, American Institute
+ of Physics, and Optical Society of America, Only works in
+ compatibility mode under \LaTeX2e{}.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ home = {},
+ version = {3.1},
+ modified = {31 Oct 1996 13:44:58}
+ abstract = {Contains \MF{} sources for fonts of uppercase script
+ letters for use as symbols in scientific and mathematical
+ typesetting, in contrast to the informal script fonts such
+ as that used for the `calligraphic' symbols in the \TeX{} math
+ symbol font.},
+ author = {Ralph Smith},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/rsfs/},
+ also = {calrsfs},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:57:19}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX2e package for type-setting Romanian in a
+ multi-lingual \TeX{} environment.},
+ author = {Adrian Rezus},
+ ctan = {languages/romanian/RomanianTeX/},
+ email = {adriaan@CS.KUN.NL},
+ modified = {15 Nov 1996 14:57:19}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotating/},
+ abstract = {A package built on the standard \LaTeX{} graphics package
+ to perform all the different sorts of rotation one might
+ like, including complete figures and tables and captions.},
+ also = {graphics},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:45:47}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotfloat/},
+ abstract = {Rotate floats.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rplain/},
+ abstract = {Redefines the `plain' pagestyle. The page numbers are now
+ in the lower right corner.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A ruler for \TeX.},
+ author = {Victor Eijkhout},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/ruler.tex},
+ copying = {Copyright by the author but freely redistributable for
+ free},
+ modified = {22 May 1996 16:04:57}
+ abstract = {A scribe to \LaTeX{} converter. The patchfile
+ s2latex.patch provides a port to ANSI C and cleans up the
+ Makefile.},
+ ctan = {support/s2latex/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 20:13:54}
+ abstract = {Provides a means of expressing `typed' references (as it
+ were) within a document.},
+ author = {James Ashton},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/saferef/},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {4 Feb 1997 09:57:44}
+ ctan = {language/sanskrit/},
+ abstract = {A font and pre-processor suitable for the production of
+ documents written in Sanskrit.},
+ author = {Charles Wikner},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:03:33}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/cm/sauter/},
+ abstract = {Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization
+ scheme to build fonts at true design sizes},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package to scale a document by
+ \ensuremath{\sqrt{2}}. This is useful if you are
+ preparing a document on e.g. A5 paper and want to
+ print on A4 paper to achieve a better resolution.},
+ author = {Soren Sandmann Pedersen},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/scale/},
+ email = {sandmann@DAIMI.AAU.DK},
+ modified = {31 Oct 1996 09:50:09},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/script/},
+ abstract = {Variant report / book styles},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ author = {Peter M|ller Neergaard},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/},
+ abstract = {Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and
+ compilers. Includes T-diagrams, various derivation symbols
+ and inference threes.},
+ modified = {13 May 1996 06:13:26}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/},
+ abstract = {Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and
+ whistles.},
+ also = {foiltex,slidenotes},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:32:44}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/setspace/},
+ abstract = {Provides commands and environments for doing double and
+ one-and-a-half line spacing based on pt size. If a
+ different spacing is required then the
+ |\setstretch{baselinestretch}| command is supported. The
+ spacing environment takes one argument which is the
+ baselinestretch to use, e.g., |\begin{spacing}{2.5}|.}
+ abstract = {A tool to shade the background of any box - text, figure,
+ table etc., using Plain(La) \TeX.},
+ author = {Dmitry A. Glazkov},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/shadbox},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {5 Aug 1996 12:14:57},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/shadethm/},
+ abstract = {Package that allows declarations of the form
+ |\newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem}| or
+ |\newshadetheorem{}[]{}| or |\newshadetheorem{}{}[]| to
+ produce shaded boxes from the usual command
+ |\begin{theorem}| \ldots |\end{theorem}|. The color package
+ is required},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \LaTeX{} Style file for putting text on a shaded
+ background. Requires a PostScript printer and dvi-file
+ converter.},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/shading/},
+ version = {1.3},
+ also = {color,pstricks},
+ modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:55:09}
+ abstract = {Shadows.},
+ author = {Mauro Orlandini},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:39:52}
+ abstract = {A package intended for simple documents with some Hebrew
+ (using some words, an address, a short abstract, without
+ fussing around with TeX--Xet, hebrew screen fonts or
+ keyboard encodings).},
+ author = {Stephan Boettcher},
+ email = {},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.01},
+ modified = {3 Jul 1996 15:23:38}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Show label, ref, cite and bib keys.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/showlabels/},
+ abstract = {Show label commands in the margin.}
+ texlive = {generic3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/siam/},
+ abstract = {Styles for SIAM publications},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/siggraph/},
+ abstract = {Document class for formatting papers according to the
+ specifications for submission to the annual ACM Siggraph
+ conference},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Support for thr sinhala language.},
+ author = {Vasantha Saparamadu},
+ ctan = {languages/sinhala},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.1.1},
+ modified = {31 Oct 1996 09:54:37}
+ abstract = {A set of files for typing the Tibetan language in \TeX{} or
+ \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Sam Sirlin},
+ ctan = {language/tibetan/sirlin},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:13:00}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Provides the commands |\itswitch|, |\slswitch|,
+ |\textitswitch|, and |\textslswitch|.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/slidenotes},
+ abstract = {A class package for the easy production of a slide
+ collection with annotations. Builds on the report style (or
+ variants).},
+ also = {foiltex,seminar},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:33:29}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {This is a standard \LaTeX{} class for production of
+ overhead transparencies (foils). Can be used in conjunction
+ with lscape and fancyheadings, for example.}
+ abstract = {Support for all 4 shapes of Small caps in DC1.3 where SC
+ becomes a family, rather than a shape (|\scshape| is replaced
+ by |\scfamily|). Thus you can write |\bf\scfamily\slshape| to
+ get small caps bold slanted},
+ author = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/smallcap},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 15:57:18},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {This package activates the minus sign such that it guesses
+ whether to print as a hyphen or as minus sign in text mode
+ (which is one of the most common typografical errors in
+ \LaTeX{} texts).},
+ author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jknappen},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {5 Nov 1996 09:14:21}
+ abstract = {Various \TeX{} related files for typesetting documents
+ written in Spanish, including hyphenation and
+ dictionaries.},
+ author = {Julio Sánchez},
+ ctan = {language/spanish},
+ modified = {21 May 1996 13:04:45}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/},
+ abstract = {Reduces the amount of white space on the page (by reducing
+ the size of various skips. Apparently does not work with
+ \LaTeX2e, but an updated version is available from
+ \href{}{Piet van Oostrum}.}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {graphics/bit2spr/},
+ abstract = {Macros to set bitmaps with \TeX},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ssqquote/},
+ abstract = {\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the
+ `cmssq' fonts, i.e. Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation
+ Style. The \LaTeX{} package also defines a |chapterquotes|
+ environment as an example application.},
+ author = {Ulrik Vieth},
+ version = {1994/08/21 v1.3},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV}
+ abstract = {A \TeX{} format designed to help students write short reports
+ and essays. It provides the user with a suitable set of
+ commands for such a task. It is also more robust than plain
+ \TeX{} and \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Dag Langmyhr},
+ ctan = {macros/startex},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:23:19},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {formats3}
+ abstract = {A package using a technique for ensuring that footnotes in
+ section titles and the like didn't migrate into the table
+ of contents, etc.},
+ author = {Robin Fairbairns},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK},
+ also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,footnpag,ftnright,stblftnt},
+ modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:28:59}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/stmaryrd/},
+ abstract = {St Mary Road symbols for functional programming.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/subeqnarray/},
+ abstract = {Equation array with sub numbering.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/subfigure/},
+ abstract = {Figures divided into subfigures.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/supported/supertablar/},
+ abstract = {A multi-page tables package.},
+ author = {Johannes L. Braams},
+ email = {},
+ version = {4.0a},
+ also = {longtable},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:18:22}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/swift/},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Matt Swift},
+ author = {Matt Swift},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A tool for generating syntax diagrams from BNF. The
+ diagrams use the \LaTeX{} picture mode and can be included in
+ any \LaTeX2e document.},
+ author = {Jens Kloecker},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {contrib/syngen},
+ version = {0.4},
+ modified = {19 Nov 1996 08:42:42}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/base/},
+ abstract = {Implements the |\syntaxonly| declaration used for running
+ a document through \LaTeX{} without actually getting any
+ output.}
+ abstract = {Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays (tabular
+ lineskip)},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ version = {3.5},
+ platform = {LaTeX2e, LaTeX2.09},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:17:27}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Tabulars that widen automatically.}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/taylor/},
+ abstract = {Diagram macros by Paul Taylor},
+ author = {Paul Taylor},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/tbe/},
+ abstract = {Examples from Arvind Borde's \emph{\TeX{} by Example}},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {IBM's TechExplorer is a plugin for Netscape which allows
+ you to view \TeX{} source files in Netscape as if you were
+ using a dvi viewer. Available only for Windows 3.1 and
+ Windows95. Free but has a restrictive license.},
+ home = {},
+ modified = {14 Jun 1996 12:39:14}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/tengwar/},
+ abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael
+ Urban},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package which allows the user to set tensor-style super
+ and subscripts with offsets between successive indices.},
+ author = {Mike Piff},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 08:52:37}
+ abstract = {This package is intended to print a term calendar for use
+ in planning a class. It has a flexible mechanism for
+ specifying which days of the week are to be included and
+ for inserting text either regularly on the same day each
+ week, or on selected days, or for a series of consecutive
+ days. It also has a flexible mechanism for specifing class
+ and nonclass days. Text may be inserted into consecutive
+ days so that it automatically flows around nonclass days.},
+ author = {Bill Mitchell},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/termcal/},
+ modified = {14 Jan 1997 10:10:12}
+ abstract = {Examples of the AmSLaTeX package.}
+ ctan = {systems/unix/teTeX/},
+ abstract = {A \TeX{} distribution for Unix/Linux which is very easy to
+ install and customise with well organised inputs tree, and
+ fast file searching.)}
+ abstract = {A summary of \TeX{}-commands used to create mathematical
+ formulae (and certain other special characters). It can be
+ viewed on any machine that runs OS/2.},
+ ctan = {systems/os2/doc/TeX-Math/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {8 Jul 1996 14:14:25}
+ abstract = {Translates \LaTeX{} text into RTF (Rich Text Format used
+ by Microsoft Word), into Windows Help RTF, into HTML and
+ into wxHelp. Implemented using the free C++ class library
+ wxWindows.},
+ ctan = {support/tex2rtf/},
+ doc = {},
+ author = {Julian Smart},
+ email = {},
+ home = {},
+ platform = {SunOS, Solaris, Windows 3.1},
+ also = {latex2rtf},
+ modified = {25 Jun 1996 08:56:43}
+ abstract = {A list of packages for converting between \LaTeX{} and
+ \TeX{} documents and a variety of other formats including
+ RTF, Word, and Wordperfect.},
+ author = {Wilfried Hennings},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {help/wp-conv/},
+ home = {},
+ also = {texperf,wp2latex},
+ modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:25:23}
+ texlive = {graphics3},
+ ctan = {graphics/texdraw/},
+ home = {},
+ abstract = {Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A \TeX{} shell for OS/2},
+ author = {Frank Stippich},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {systems/os2/texed},
+ version = {1.22},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:05:22}
+ abstract = {Converts texinfo to HTML.},
+ author = {Tim Singletary},
+ authorurl = {}
+ ,
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {2 Jul 1996 10:33:31}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/tip/},
+ abstract = {Macros from \emph{\TeX{} in Practice}},
+ author = {Stephan von Bechtolsheim},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A WordPerfect to \LaTeX{} conversion program.},
+ author = {John Forkosh},
+ ctan = {support/texperf},
+ email = {},
+ also = {texconv,wp2latex},
+ modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:08:55}
+ abstract = {Simple \LaTeX{} drawing program for OS/2 PM. Uses
+ the picture environment.},
+ author = {Tim Bahnes},
+ ctan = {graphics/texsketch/},
+ version = {103},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:53:45}
+ texlive = {formats3},
+ ctan = {macros/text1/},
+ abstract = {\TeX{} format from the University of Washington},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {fonts/psfonts/ts1/},
+ abstract = {Supports the Text Companion fonts which provide many text
+ symbols (such as baht, bullet, copyright, musicalnote,
+ onequarter, section, and yen) in the TS1 encoding.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/textfit/},
+ abstract = {Package to support fitting of text to a given width of
+ height by scaling the font},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/textmerg/},
+ abstract = {Merge text in \TeX{} and \LaTeX. Useful, for example, in
+ mail merge.},
+ modified = {31 May 1996 08:43:05}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Enhancements to the theorem environments, giving more
+ choice in theorem layout.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/thesis/},
+ abstract = {A class for producing a thesis based on the report class
+ for a more European and more flexible look. Supports
+ options like noindent, noitemization, headline, nocenter,
+ crosshair, and chapterbib.},
+ version = {1f},
+ author = {Wenzel Matiaske},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {20 May 1996 10:22:19}
+ abstract = {Tables with captions and notes all the same width.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ platform = {LaTeX2e, LaTeX2.09},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:16:24}
+ abstract = {Defines a macro |\now| to print the current time.},
+ author = {Mike Piff},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/},
+ modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:04:45}
+ abstract = {Use Postscript Times Roman as the default font.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Cross-reference titles of sections and floats with
+ caprions just like |\ref| and |\pageref|.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ version = {2.0},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:19:50}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/},
+ abstract = {Various macros for handling the titles of books, journals,
+ etc. that handle following spacing and punctuation
+ intelligently. Especially useful for bibliographic
+ databases.}
+ author = {Thomas Moor},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {dviware/tmview},
+ abstract = {SVGA-lib based DVI-previewer. Fast, offers xdvi-like
+ anti-aliasing, text-string searching, arbitrary-zooming,
+ bookmarks, some of the hypertex features.},
+ version = {96.05},
+ platform = {linux, gcc, SVGA-lib 1.28 or up, programming language C},
+ maintained-by = {Thomas Moor <>},
+ maintained-at = {,},
+ copying = {freely redistributable},
+ keywords = {dvi previewer, svgalib},
+ modified = {4 May 1996 07:56:44}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/tools/},
+ abstract = {Standard \LaTeX2e{} tools, for extended tabular, verbatim
+ and theorem support},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {Defines a command |\topcapt| which does the same as
+ caption, except that it places itself correctly when put
+ above the figure/table that it's a caption of.},
+ author = {Robin Fairbairns},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:04:36}
+ abstract = {Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or
+ phrases to fit them into a specified length. Any chain of
+ symbols (including spaces) in the current font may be
+ treated.},
+ author = {Dmitry A. Glazkov},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/tracking},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {5 Aug 1996 12:11:48},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Easy transformations of Postscript objects, scaling,
+ rotation, etc.},
+ author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz},
+ ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/treesvr/},
+ abstract = {Tree macros},
+ author = {Peter van Roose},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/trees/tree_tex/},
+ abstract = {Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary
+ node sizes in \LaTeX, using an external C program to do
+ much of the hard work.}
+ abstract = {Truncate text to a specified width.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ version = {2.0},
+ modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:23:52}
+ abstract = {The tsconfig program tries to make the confguration of the
+ TeXShell by J. Schlegelmilch easier, especially if you have
+ a lot of computers with different processors.},
+ author = {Dirk Nitschke},
+ ctan = {support/TeXshell/tsconfig/},
+ email = {},
+ platform = {PC},
+ also = {texshell},
+ modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:48:24}
+ abstract = {A Tibetan Transcript Transliterator for \LaTeX.},
+ author = {Beat Steiner},
+ ctan = {language/tibetan/steiner/},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {19 Mar 1997 08:34:45}
+ texlive = {doc3},
+ abstract = {Tables of contents from TUGboat},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A package that removes the restriction when using scalable
+ versions of the cm fonts (Type1 Bakoma, or versions from
+ BSR/Y\&Y, or True Type versions from Kinch, PCTeX etc.)
+ where \LaTeX{} restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes.},
+ author = {David Carlisle},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/type1cm/},
+ email = {carlisle@MA.MAN.AC.UK},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:50:06},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/script/},
+ abstract = {Set page margins.},
+ also = {geometry,vmargin},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 13:18:22}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/},
+ abstract = {Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly
+ from \LaTeX. Can handle almost all of HTML2, and most of
+ the math fragment of the draft HTML3.}
+ abstract = {This package provides a \LaTeX2e document class named
+ `ua-thesis' for typesetting theses and dissertations in the
+ official format required by the University of Arizona.
+ Moreover, there is a fully compatible alternative document
+ class `my-thesis' for private ``nice'' copies of the
+ dissertation, and the respective title pages are available
+ as separate packages to work with ``any'' document class.},
+ author = {Marcel Oliver},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/},
+ modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:05:52},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ucthesis/},
+ abstract = {A modified version of the standard \LaTeX{} REPORT style
+ that is accepted for use with University of California PhD
+ dissertations and Masters theses.}
+ abstract = {Hyphenation patterns for British English. This replaces
+ the earlier version of 1992, by adding a short list of
+ hyphenation exceptions. The actual patterns themselves are
+ unchanged.},
+ author = {Dominik Wujastyk},
+ ctan = {language/hyphenation/},
+ version = {2.0},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:37:20}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is
+ considered bad style in typesetting.},
+ also = {underlin},
+ modified = {28 May 1996 16:34:03}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ulsy/},
+ abstract = {Extra mathematical characters},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/umlaute/},
+ abstract = {An interface to inputenc for using alternate input
+ encodings},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/generic/},
+ abstract = {Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is
+ considered bad style in typesetting. See also
+ \href{\#ulem}{ulem} which is a specific package for \LaTeX.},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ abstract = {Check filesystem tree (or union of several trees) for
+ unique leaf names; useful for spotting ambiguities that
+ path-searching programs could trip over. For each
+ non-unique leaf name found, it prints out ``ls'' and
+ ``md5'' information for each candidate file.},
+ author = {Martyn Johnson},
+ ctan = {support/uniqleaf},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {2 Aug 1996 12:44:23}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {A form of \verb that allows linebreaks at certain
+ characters or combinations of characters, accepts
+ reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to
+ another command. It is intended for email addresses,
+ hypertext links, directories/paths, etc., which normally
+ have no spaces.},
+ author = {Donald Arseneau},
+ email = {},
+ version = {1.2},
+ modified = {3 Jul 1996 15:23:38}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/psfonts/urw/},
+ abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for free URW
+ fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/utthesis/},
+ abstract = {Produces a thesis that meets the requirements of the
+ Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin :-)}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/uwthesis/},
+ abstract = {University of Washington thesis},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Intelligent page references.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/vdm/},
+ abstract = {Typesetting VDM schemas},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/vector/},
+ abstract = {Macros for more convenient representation of vectors in
+ \LaTeX2e, both symbolically and as implicit or explicit
+ rows/columns of elements},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {A better verbatim environment.},
+ also = {alltt,moreverb,vrb},
+ modified = {29 May 1996 11:58:52}
+ texlive = {plain3},
+ ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/vertex/},
+ abstract = {Styles for economics working papers and journals},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A system to support the writers of virtual fonts; this is
+ written in Turbo Pascal, and sources are included.},
+ author = {Sasha Berdnikov},
+ ctan = {systems/msdos/utilities/vfcomb},
+ platform = {DOS},
+ modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:25:22}
+ abstract = {A set of scripts and Perl files which aim to make the
+ installation of families of PostScript fonts and creation
+ of necessary virtual fonts outline fonts `virtually'
+ automatic. Uses fontinst.},
+ author = {Alan Hoenig},
+ ctan = {fonts/utilities/vfinst},
+ platform = {Unix and MS-DOS},
+ version = {0.8},
+ modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:48:27}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/vita/},
+ abstract = {This class provides necessary macros to prepare your
+ Curriculum Vitae or Resume.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Provides a macro to set various margins as well as
+ dimensions for header/footer and page dimensions. Most
+ common paper sizes and two sided printing are supported.},
+ also = {geometry,typearea},
+ modified = {12 Jun 1996 13:14:31}
+ abstract = {A Vietnamese extension of the cmr fonts. Contains \MF{}
+ source files, .tfm files, and various \LaTeX2e{} and plain
+ \TeX{} files for VISCII encoding.},
+ author = {Werner Lemberg},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {fonts/vietnamese/vncmr},
+ modified = {19 Jul 1996 08:45:39}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/vrb/},
+ abstract = {Verbatim macros via plain \TeX},
+ also = {alltt,moreverb,verbatim},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/vrsion/},
+ abstract = {Defines a command which produces a version number in the
+ .dvi-file when \LaTeX{} is run.},
+ author = {Mats Dahlgren},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:57:49}
+ abstract = {A package for adding a vertical numbering to the general
+ text so that the text can be properly referenced. The
+ vertical ruler can be scaled and moved freely. Supports
+ \LaTeX{} and plain \TeX{}.},
+ author = {Zhuhan Jiang},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ modified = {24 Oct 1996 11:15:39}
+ texlive = {fonts3},
+ ctan = {fonts/wasy/},
+ abstract = {The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts)},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex2},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/wasysym/},
+ abstract = {Makes some additional characters available that come from
+ the wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not
+ automatically included in NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up
+ important space and aren't necessary if one makes use of
+ the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join,
+ box, diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apprle, ocircle,
+ invneg, logof, varint, male, female, phone, clock,
+ lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley, various
+ electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs,
+ astronomy, etc.},
+ author = {Axel Kielhorn},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:40:52}
+ abstract = {Web2c version 7.0 for win32, including a complete
+ collection of \TeX{} related executables.},
+ author = {Fabrice POPINEAU},
+ ctan = {systems/win32/web2c},
+ email = {popineau@ESEMETZ.ESE-METZ.FR},
+ platform = {Win32},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:25:11}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/williams/},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.},
+ author = {Peter Williams},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ abstract = {A state-of-the-art text editor and Shell for Windows95
+ (and Windows NT or Windows 3.x). Can edit huge, multiple,
+ text files in the usual Windows95 way (c.f. Word). It uses
+ a Multiple Documents Interface (MDI) and follows or extends
+ Windows' Standards in every respect. WinEdit supports
+ (\LaTeX) Syntax Highlighting and Input/Output ASCII Code
+ Translation Tables and has comprehensive context-sensitive
+ Help. The Shell can be customised to run with different
+ utilities and is particularly suitable for writing \TeX{}
+ documents. By defining utilities (such as \TeX{}, \LaTeX{},
+ \BibTeX{}, DVI Driver, Spell Checker), most of the common
+ tasks while writing a \TeX{} document or a project are
+ reduced to clicking a Tool Bar Button or selecting a Menu
+ Command.},
+ author = {Aleksander Simonic},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {systems/win32/winedt/},
+ copying = {Shareware},
+ platform = {Win32},
+ version = {1.41-b},
+ modified = {19 Mar 1997 08:28:52}
+ abstract = {A flexible, 32-bit Windows-TeX-editor with
+ Highlight-O-Matic syntax-highlighting.},
+ ctan = {systems/win32/wtex95/},
+ author = {Michael Mücke},
+ email = {},
+ version = {2.0},
+ modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:37:49}
+ abstract = {A program to simplify Windows Metafile Graphics (WMF)
+ containing either vector-images or bitmaps into
+ Encapsulated PostScript format having tight bounding-boxes
+ (WinNT and Win95) at exactly the same size as the
+ WMF-originals.},
+ author = {Wolfgang Schulter},
+ ctan = {support/wmf2eps/},
+ doc = {readme.txt},
+ platform = {Windows-NT},
+ modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:13:31}
+ ctan = {support/wp2latex-5_1/},
+ abstract = {Convert WordPerfect 5.0 or 5.1 files into \LaTeX.},
+ also = {texconv, texperf}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/},
+ abstract = {Produces figures which text can flow around. Does not work
+ in combination with list environments, but can be used in a
+ parbox or minipage, and in twocolumn format.}
+ texlive = {fonts2},
+ ctan = {fonts/wsuipa/},
+ abstract = {Washington State University IPA phonetic fonts},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/xarticle/},
+ abstract = {A class that allows use of 7pt, 8pt and 9pt style options.
+ Not fully compatible with article class though.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/src/},
+ abstract = {Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.}
+ abstract = {A dvi previewer for the X Window System.},
+ author = {Paul Vojta},
+ ctan = {dviware/xdvi},
+ home = {},
+ email = {},
+ modified = {28 Jun 1996 10:08:55}
+ abstract = {A variant of \href{\#xdvi}{xdvi}. This version has better
+ code for recursive searching for font files in
+ subdirectories, but the PostScript handling code is older.},
+ author = {Paul Vojta},
+ email = {},
+ ctan = {dviware/xdvik},
+ modified = {28 Jun 1996 10:11:23}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {References to other \LaTeX{} documents.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/},
+ abstract = {Define commands that don't eat spaces.}
+ abstract = {An X11 \TeX{} menu built on Tcl/Tk. It provides a simple
+ and comfortable graphical user interface to control file
+ and directory selection, directory creation, vi, emacs,
+ \TeX, \LaTeX, previewing, etc.},
+ author = {Roland Weibezahn},
+ ctan = {support/xtem_texmenu/},
+ home = {},
+ email = {l44@IWD.UNI-BREMEN.DE},
+ version = {5.23},
+ modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:46:38}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/xymtex/},
+ abstract = {Typesetting chemical structures.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {graphics2},
+ ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/xypic/},
+ abstract = {Sophisticated macros and fonts, originally designed for
+ commutative diagrams, but with general applicability.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/yhmath/},
+ author = {Yannis Haralambous},
+ abstract = {Extended maths fonts for \LaTeX.},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ ctan = {fonts/gothic/yinit/},
+ abstract = {A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial
+ dropped capitals.}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/youngtab},
+ abstract = {A package for typesetting Young-Tableaux mathematical
+ symbols for the representations of groups, providing two
+ macros, |\yng(#1)| and |\young(#1)| to generate the whole
+ Young-Tableaux.}
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/yplan97/},
+ abstract = {Print a vertical-type daily planner (i.e., months along
+ the top, days downwards), with each 6-month period fitting
+ onto a single A4 (or US letter) sheet.},
+ author = {Dick Nickalls},
+ email = {},
+ doc = {Yplan97.doc},
+ modified = {13 Nov 1996 09:37:08}
+ texlive = {latex3},
+ ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/zed-csp/},
+ abstract = {Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catextra.bib b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catextra.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1e6fa1e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/catextra.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/apl},
+ abstract={Fonts for typesetting APL programs}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex209/contrib/autotab},
+ abstract={Generating tabular setups}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/other/bg},
+ abstract={Style for typesetting backgammon boards}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex209/contrib/misc/bridge},
+ abstract={Macros for typesetting Bridge diagrams}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Macros and fonts for typesetting Chinese Chess board diagrams}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/cheq},
+ abstract={Adobe chess font}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/chess},
+ abstract={Fonts for typesetting chess boards}
+ texlive={graphics3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={graphics/circuit\_macros},
+ abstract={Language for drawing circuit diagrams}
+ texlive={fonts2},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky},
+ abstract={Type1 versions of PostScript fonts, from Blue Sky and Y \& Y}
+ texlive={generic3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ author = {Hans Hagen},
+ ctan = {macros/context/},
+ email = {},
+ abstract = {ppchtex is a package that can be used to typeset
+ chemical formulas.
+ The package is a separate module of the context macro
+ package for \TeX{} (context is a full featured, parameter
+ driven macro package, which fully supports advanced
+ interactive documents).}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/other/crosswrd},
+ abstract={Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/dates},
+ abstract={Macros for parsing date strings}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy},
+ abstract={Macros for simplying the writing of equations}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/eiad},
+ abstract={Macros and EIAD fonts}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/other/gene/eqname},
+ abstract={Style for different equation numbering}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/other/gene/fundus},
+ abstract={Providing \LaTeX{} access to various font families}
+ texlive={bibtex2},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={biblio/bibtex/contrib/germbib},
+ abstract={German variants of standard \BibTeX{} styles}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/gothic},
+ abstract={Gothic and ornamental initial fonts by Yannis Haralambous}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/go},
+ abstract={Fonts and macros for typesetting go games}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/histogr},
+ abstract={Drawing histograms with the \LaTeX{} picture environment}
+ texlive={plain3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/plain/contrib/js-misc},
+ author = {Joachim Schrod},
+ email = {},
+ abstract={Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/psnfssx/ly1},
+ abstract={Support for LY1 \LaTeX{} encoding, ie the Y\&Y texnansi
+ encoding }
+ texlive={graphics3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={graphics/mfpic},
+ abstract={Macros which generate \MF{} code for drawing pictures}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/akletter/myletter},
+ abstract={Another letter package}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/nassflow},
+ abstract={Drawing Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams}
+ texlive={formats3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/physe},
+ abstract={PHYSE format}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ author={Paul Taylor},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/proofs},
+ abstract={Macros for building proof trees}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/psnfssx},
+ abstract={Extra styles and encodings for PS fonts, including Y\&Y
+ encoding support}
+ texlive={generic3},
+ abstract={A macro package for use with epsf.tex which allows PostScript
+labels in an eps file to be replaced by \TeX{} labels},
+ author={Colin Rourke},
+ email={},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/generic/rlepsf}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/subeqn},
+ abstract={Package for subequation numbering}
+ texlive={plain3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/generic/tap},
+ abstract={An advanced table package}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/timesht},
+ abstract={Package for typesetting time sheets}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/tipa},
+ abstract={Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/niceframe},
+ abstract={Package for page frames}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={fonts/wnri},
+ abstract={\MF{} fonts for Old English, Indic languages in
+ transcription, and American Indian languages}
+ texlive={formats3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/ytex},
+ abstract={Macro package developed at MIT}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ ctan={macros/jadetex},
+ abstract={Macro package on top of \LaTeX{} to typeset \TeX{} output
+ of Jade DSSSL implementation}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Fonts and macro package for drawing timing diagrams}
+ texlive={generic2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/tugboat},
+ abstract={Macros for TUGboat articles (plain and \LaTeX{}}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={OCR font}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ ctan={Macros for package management},
+ abstract={}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Package for pretty-printed
+ program listings, with support for a range of languages}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={\MF{} font for drawing logic diagrams}
+ texlive={latex},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={\LaTeX{} support for Concrete fonts}
+ texlive={fonts2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Czech/Slovak-tuned \MF{} Computer Modern fonts}
+ texlive={latex},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={\LaTeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting}
+ texlive={plain2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Plain \TeX{} support for Czech/Slovak typesetting}
+ texlive={fonts3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={`European' (T1 encoded) version of the Concrete fonts}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Package for typesetting exam scripts}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/editorial.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/editorial.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..075f32ba3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/editorial.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\title{Editorial: what's this issue all about?}
+Your committee has long aimed to ensure that the \acro{UK} makes a
+valuable contribution to the world of \TeX: for example, it is
+possible to claim that the \acro{UK} \TeX{} archive led the world in
+comprehensive provision, and members of your committee continue to
+take active part in maintaining the internationally-linked \acro{CTAN}
+system of archives.
+The idea of maintaining the \acro{UK}'s profile motivated us to
+produce the `Frequently Asked Questions' (\FAQ) issues that appeared
+as `Christmas Editions' of Baskerville for 1994 and 1995. At the time
+that we decided to prepare the 1994 \FAQ{}, we had noted the
+great value of the \acro{NTG}'s 4All\TeX{} which had at the time just
+been released. We knew then that we could not hope to produce a
+\CDROM{} in the short term, but we agreed at the time that a similar
+disc, targeted at Unix\textsuperscript{TM} systems would be a useful thing
+to have. The rest is history (and is well explained in the
+documentation of the \CDROM{}, that constitutes the only `article' of
+this issue of \BV).
+Members will recall that we offered the first version of this \CDROM{}
+to them, for sale. Considering the economics of the matter, and given
+an assurance that useful software for other platforms (notably
+Microsoft- and \acro{OS}/2-based \acro{PC}s and Macintoshes) could be
+included on the disc, your committee decided to circulate every member
+with a copy in lieu of two issues of \BV.
+I would welcome feedback from members on their views of the value of
+the offering, and what (if anything) we might do to improve it. I
+continue to maintain the \FAQ{}: would members welcome its
+republication, perhaps as Baskerville Vol.~7 No.~6\Dash nominally the
+1997 Christmas edition?
+As I mentioned in a brief `post-editorial' in Baskerville Vol.~6
+No.~4, the extreme lateness of that issue was almost exclusively my
+fault. As a result, this double issue is following very closely on
+the heels of the last, and Vol.~7 No.~1 is also in an advanced stage
+of preparation. We maintain the fond hope that we will have brought
+ourselves up-to-date before the end of 1997, but~\dots\ we continue to
+rely, to a large extent, on external sources of articles for \BV.
+Please do submit them to Sebastian Rahtz, as mentioned in the banner
+line of each issue of \BV!
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/fancyvrb.rc b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/fancyvrb.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fd06a54a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/fancyvrb.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+\ProvidesFile{fancyvrb.rc}[\filedate\space fancyvrb customization
+by Sebastian Rahtz]
+% Define verbatim and example environments:
+% Verbatim - indented like quote environment, \small font.
+% nVerbatim - Like "Verbatim", but numbered.
+% example - code and output, side by side
+% example* - one above other
+% example** - one above other, with frames
+% Example - Rendered as PS, like original, side by side
+% Example* - Rendered as PS, one above other
+% Example** - Rendered as PS, one above other, with frames
+% Escape - Rendered as PS, with *no* verbatim text
+% PSTExample - PSTricks picture, like original, side by side
+% GridPSTExample - PSTricks (gridded) picture, like original, side by side
+% The example environments have the following steps in common:
+% 1. Save example verbatim to numbered example file
+% 2. Input file verbatim or EPS file
+% 3. Input again
+% All of them save their text as files in the \EXdir directory
+% (this needs a trailing / as part of the definition)
+% variable features
+ \arabic{chapter}-\arabic{section}-\arabic{eps@counter}}
+%\immediate\openout\exepsfile \EXdir\jobname.expslist\relax
+ {\ifx\\#1\\\else\typeout{Change EPS input to #1}\fi
+ \includegraphics[#1]{\EXdir\EXprefix#2.eps}}
+ {\underline{\EXdir\EXprefix#2}}%
+ \leavevmode
+ \global\advance\c@side@count by 1
+ \label{\thechapter.\theside@count}%
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \ifthenelse{\isodd{\pageref{\thechapter.\theside@count}}}{%
+ \makebox[\fullwidth][l]{\@@Display{#1}\hspace{5mm}
+ \BVerbatimInput[fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\EXprefix\theeps@counter}}%
+ }{%
+ \makebox[\fullwidth][r]{\@@Display{#1}\hspace{5mm}
+ \BVerbatimInput[fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\EXprefix\theeps@counter}}%
+ }%
+ \endtrivlist
+ \egroup
+ \savebox{\@display}{%
+ \raisebox{\depth}{\usebox{\@display}}%
+ \multiply\topsep by 2
+ \global\advance\c@eps@counter\@ne
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \write\@auxout{\string
+ \newlabel{ex-\theeps@counter}{{\theeps@counter}{\noexpand\the\c@page}}}}
+ \@tempa
+ \nobreak
+ \VerbatimEnvironment
+ \catcode`\<=12
+ \begin{VerbatimOut}{\EXdir\EXprefix\theeps@counter.tex}%
+ \end{VerbatimOut}%
+ %\typeout{Here is example \theeps@counter}%
+ \rput[b]{0}(#1){\psframebox[linecolor=gray]{{\small\theeps@counter}}}%
+\def\EndRuleExample{\vskip 7pt \hrule height 1.5pt\relax}
+ \begingroup
+ \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+ \edef\reserved@a{\immediate\write\FV@OutFile{#1}}
+ \reserved@a
+ \endgroup
+ {\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}%
+ \immediate\write\FV@OutFile{\the\@temptokena}%
+ }%
+ \@bsphack
+ \begingroup
+ \FV@UseKeyValues
+ \FV@DefineWhiteSpace
+ \def\FV@Space{\space}%
+ \FV@DefineTabOut
+ \def\FV@ProcessLine{\immediate\write\FV@OutFile}%
+ \immediate\openout\FV@OutFile #1\relax
+ \Write@Ex{\string\documentclass{\EXclass}}%
+ \Write@Ex{\string\nonstopmode}%
+% notice that this different command to write the preamble
+% commands means that all verbatim code gets the current
+% preamble commands printed out
+ \Write@OneEx{\PreambleCommands}%
+ \Write@Ex{\string\pagestyle{empty}}%
+ \Write@Ex{\EX@extra}%
+ \Write@Ex{\string\begin{document}}%
+ \let\FV@FontScanPrep\relax
+ \FV@Scan}
+% allows for numbered verbatim carrying on where the last
+% ended
+ \def\@tempa{#1}\def\@tempb{auto}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \def\FV@SetLineNo{%
+ \c@FancyVerbLine\FV@CodeLineNo
+ \advance\c@FancyVerbLine\m@ne}%
+ \else
+ \def\@tempb{continue}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \def\FV@SetLineNo{}%
+ \else
+ \def\@tempb{last}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \let\FV@SetLineNo\relax
+ \else
+ \def\FV@SetLineNo{\c@FancyVerbLine#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% here are the environment definitions
+ \def\PictureSize{(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}%
+ \def\Write@Ex##1{}%
+% \def\Write@OneEx##1{}
+ \BeginExample
+ }
+ \EndExample
+ \SideBySideEx{%
+ %\ifgrid\vskip 8pt \else\relax\fi
+ \expandafter\pspicture\PictureSize
+ \ifgrid\usergrid\else\relax\fi
+ \input{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+ \endpspicture
+ %\ifgrid\vskip 8pt \fi
+ }%
+ \def\PictureSize{(-.2,-.5)(#1,#2)}%
+ \def\Write@Ex##1{}%
+% \def\Write@OneEx##1{}
+ \BeginExample
+ }
+ \EndExample
+ \expandafter\pspicture\PictureSize
+ \usergrid
+ \input{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+ \endpspicture
+ \hspace{16pt}%
+ \BVerbatimInput[gobble=0,fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+% side by side
+ \def\Write@Ex##1{}%
+% \def\Write@OneEx##1{}
+ \BeginExample}%
+ {\EndExample\SideBySideEx{\input{\EXdir\theeps@counter}}}
+% one above the other
+ {\def\Write@Ex##1{}\def\Write@Ex##1{}\BeginExample}%
+ {%
+ \EndExample
+ \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \begin{center}
+ \leavevmode\input{\EXdir\theeps@counter}\par
+ \end{center}
+% one above the other, line numbered
+ {\def\Write@Ex##1{}\def\Write@Ex##1{}\BeginExample}%
+ {%
+ \EndExample
+ \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,
+ fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \begin{center}
+ \leavevmode\input{\EXdir\theeps@counter}\par
+ \end{center}
+% with a frame, one above the other
+ frame=topline,framerule=1.5pt]{\EXdir\theeps@counter}%
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \EndRuleExample
+% now the ones which write stuff for an EPS file
+% for side by side examples, the text width of the separate file
+% needs to be half the normal width.
+ \def\EX@extra{%
+ \string\makeatletter
+ \string\@tempdima\string\textwidth
+ \string\textwidth\ExampleFraction\string\@tempdima
+ \string\addtolength{\string\textwidth}{-6mm}
+ \string\makeatother}
+ \edef\FancyVerbStopString{\string\end{document}}%
+ \edef\FancyVerbStartString{\string\begin{document}}%
+% side by side
+ \HalfWidth
+ \BeginExample} %
+ {\EndExample
+% first verbatimcode, then actual example
+ {\EndExample
+ \Setup@Escape
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \begin{center}\leavevmode\def\baselinestretch{1}%
+ \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,fontsize=\small]{\EXdir\EXprefix\theeps@counter}%
+ \EPSinput{\theeps@counter}%
+ \end{center}%
+% one above the other, framed
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,fontsize=\small,
+ frame=topline,framerule=1.5pt]{\EXdir\EXprefix\theeps@counter}%
+% no verbatim text at all, just to run the thing separately
+ \IdentifyExample{-1,0}%
+ [\EscapeParameters]{\theeps@counter}
+% compatibility with Michel, with moreverb, and verbatim package
+% input files verbatim, numbered and unnumbered
+% verbatim in various sizes; these are all Verbatim, ie flush left,
+% not LVerbatim, which uses a list, and is indented
+% numbered
+ firstnumber=continue,numbers=left}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/hyperref.cfg b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/hyperref.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cbd1a2c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/hyperref.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/live-app.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/live-app.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e19b6564c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/live-app.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+\section{The \file{texmf.cnf} file}
+% original texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.
+% (If you change or delete `original' on the previous line, the
+% distribution won't install its version over yours.)
+% Public domain.
+% What follows is a super-summary of what this .cnf file can
+% contain. Please read the Kpathsea manual for more information.
+% texmf.cnf is generated from, by replacing @var@ with the
+% value of the Make variable `var', via a sed file texmf.sed, generated
+% (once) by kpathsea/Makefile (itself generated from kpathsea/
+% by configure).
+% Any identifier (sticking to A-Za-z_ for names is safest) can be assigned.
+% The `=' (and surrounding spaces) is optional.
+% No % or @ in, for the sake of autogeneration.
+% (However, %'s and @'s can be edited into texmf.cnf or put in envvar values.)
+% $foo (or ${foo}) in a value expands to the envvar or cnf value of foo.
+% Earlier entries (in the same or another file) override later ones, and
+% an environment variable foo overrides any texmf.cnf definition of foo.
+% All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so you can use
+% variables before they are defined.
+% If a variable assignment is qualified with `.PROGRAM', it is ignored
+% unless the current executable (last filename component of argv[0]) is
+% named PROGRAM. This foo.PROGRAM construct is not recognized on the
+% right-hand side. For environment variables, use FOO_PROGRAM.
+% Which file formats use which paths for searches is described in the
+% various programs' and the kpathsea documentation.
+% // means to search subdirectories (recursively).
+% A leading !! means to look only in the ls-R db, never on the disk.
+% A leading/trailing/doubled : in the paths will be expanded into the
+% compile-time default. Probably not what you want.
+% Part 1: Search paths and directories.
+% The root of everything below.
+% You can set an environment variable to override this if you're testing
+% a new TeX tree, without changing anything else.
+% You may wish to use one of the $SELFAUTO... variables here so TeX will
+% find where to look dynamically. See the manual and the definition
+% below of TEXMFCNF.
+% If you have multiple trees, you can use shell brace notation, for example:
+% TEXMF = {/usr/local/mytex,/usr/local/othertex}
+% and also set TEXMFDBS to /usr/local/mytex:/usr/local/othertex.
+TEXMFMAIN = $prefix/share/texmf
+% Where to look for ls-R files. There need not be an ls-R in the
+% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
+% Where you want generated files to go. Choose one of the texmf trees
+% listed in $TEXMF. The following is the default:
+% The TeX inputs and fonts directories.
+texdir = {$TEXMFLOCAL/tex,!!$TEXMFMAIN/tex}
+omegadir ={$TEXMFLOCAL/omega,!!$TEXMFMAIN/omega}
+fontdir = {$TEXMFLOCAL/fonts,!!$TEXMFMAIN/fonts}
+dbtex = $texdir
+dbomega = $omegadir
+dbfonts = $fontdir
+% TeX input files -- i.e., anything to be found by \input or \openin,
+% including .sty, .eps, etc.
+TEXINPUTS = .;$dbtex//
+% LaTeX 2e specific macros are stored in latex.
+% latex209 is not supported, at the request of the authors of LaTeX
+latex_inputs = .;$dbtex/latex//;$dbtex/generic//
+TEXINPUTS.latex = $latex_inputs
+TEXINPUTS.latextex = $latex_inputs
+% Omega
+TEXINPUTS.lambda2e = .;$dbomega/lambda//;$latex_inputs
+TEXINPUTS.lambda = .;$dbomega/lambda//;$latex_inputs
+% Fontinst needs to read afm files.
+TEXINPUTS.fontinst = .;$dbtex//;$dbfonts/afm//
+% Plain TeX. Have the command tex check all directories as a last
+% resort, we may have plain-compatible stuff anywhere.
+plain_inputs = $dbtex/plain//;$dbtex/generic//
+TEXINPUTS.textex = .;$dbtex//;$plain_inputs
+TEXINPUTS.tex = .;$plain_inputs;$dbtex// = .;$dbomega//;$plain_inputs;$dbtex//
+% INITEX. May as well make this separate so it can search on disk;
+% initex is seldom run, and might be used directly after files have been
+% added, when ls-R may not up be to date.
+TEXINPUTS.initex = .;$texdir//
+TEXINPUTS.iniomega = .;$omegadir//;$texdir//
+% Earlier entries override later ones, so put this last.
+TEXINPUTS.viromega = .;$dbomega//;$dbtex//
+TEXINPUTS = .;$dbtex//
+% Metafont, MetaPost inputs.
+MFINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/metafont//;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/source//
+MPINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/metapost//
+% Dump files (fmt/base/mem) for vir{tex,mf,mp} to read (see
+% web2c/INSTALL), and string pools (.pool) for ini{tex,mf,mp}. It is
+% silly that we have six paths and directories here (they all resolve to
+% a single place by default), but historically ...
+TEXFORMATS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+MFBASES = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+MPMEMS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+TEXPOOL = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+MFPOOL = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+MPPOOL = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+% If you have a read-only central font directory and therefore need to
+% cache MakeTeXPK-created fonts locally, set this as appropriate and
+% also set the `vartexfonts' feature in MT_FEATURES in MakeTeXnames.cnf.
+VARTEXFONTS = /var/tex/fonts
+% Device-independent font metric files.
+VFFONTS = .;$dbfonts/vf//
+TFMFONTS = .;$dbfonts/tfm//;$VARTEXFONTS/tfm//
+% The $MAKETEX_MODE below means the drivers will not use a cx font when
+% the mode is ricoh. If no mode is explicitly specified, kpse_prog_init
+% sets MAKETEX_MODE to /, so all subdirectories are searched. See the manual.
+% xdvi needs to find bitmaps for PostScript fonts, which can be
+% generated by the standalone program gsftopk, among others.
+PKFONTS.xdvi = .;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/pk/{$MAKETEX_MODE,modeless}//
+% Similarly for the GF format, which only remains in existence because
+% Metafont outputs it (and MF isn't going to change).
+GFFONTS = .;$dbfonts/gf/$MAKETEX_MODE//
+% A backup for PKFONTS and GFFONTS. Not used for anything.
+GLYPHFONTS = .;$dbfonts
+% For and included map files used by MakeTeXPK.
+% See ftp;//
+TEXFONTMAPS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/fontname
+% BibTeX bibliographies and style files.
+BIBINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/bibtex/bib//
+BSTINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/bibtex/bst//
+% MFT style files.
+MFTINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/mft//
+% PostScript headers, prologues (.pro), encodings (.enc) and fonts.
+TEXPSHEADERS = .;$TEXMFLOCAL/dvips;$dbmain/dvips//;$dbfonts/type1//
+% PostScript Type 1 outline fonts.
+T1FONTS = .;$dbfonts/type1//;$TEXMFLOCAL/dvips//;$dbmain/dvips//
+% PostScript AFM metric files.
+AFMFONTS = .;$dbfonts/afm//
+% Dvips' config.* files (this name should not start with `TEX'!).
+TEXCONFIG = .;$TEXMFLOCAL/dvips;$dbmain/dvips//
+% Makeindex style (.ist) files.
+INDEXSTYLE = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/makeindex//
+% Used by DMP (ditroff-to-mpx), called by makempx -troff.
+TRFONTS = /usr/lib/font/devpost
+MPSUPPORT = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/metapost/support
+% For xdvi to find mime.types and .mailcap, if they do not exist in
+% $HOME. These are single directories, not paths.
+% (But the default mime.types, at least, may well suffice.)
+MIMELIBDIR = $prefix/etc
+MAILCAPLIBDIR = $prefix/etc
+% TeX documentation and source files, for use with kpsewhich.
+TEXDOCS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/doc//
+TEXSOURCES = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/source//
+% Omega-related fonts and other files.
+OFMFONTS = .;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}//ofm//
+OPLFONTS = .;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}//opl//
+OVFFONTS = .;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}//ovf//
+OVPFONTS = .;{$dbfonts,$VARTEXFONTS}//ovp//
+OTPINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/omega/otp//
+OCPINPUTS = .;{$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/omega/ocp//
+% For MakeTeX.common,, ls-R.
+web2cdir = {$TEXMFLOCAL,$dbmain}/web2c
+% The MakeTeX* scripts rely on KPSE_DOT. Do not change it.
+% This definition isn't used from this .cnf file itself (that would be
+% paradoxical), but the compile-time default in paths.h is built from it.
+% The SELFAUTO* variables are set automatically from the location of
+% argv[0], in kpse_set_progname.
+% About the /. construction;
+% 1) if the variable is undefined, we'd otherwise have an empty path
+% element in the compile-time path. This is not meaningful.
+% 2) if we used /$VARIABLE, we'd end up with // if VARIABLE is defined,
+% which would search the entire world.
+% The TETEXDIR stuff isn't likely to relevant unless you're using teTeX,
+% but it doesn't hurt.
+% Part 2; Non-path options.
+% Write .log/.dvi/etc. files here, if the current directory is unwritable.
+% If a dynamic file creation fails, log the command to this file, in
+% either the current directory or TEXMFOUTPUT. Set to the
+% empty string or 0 to avoid logging.
+MISSFONT_LOG = missfont.log
+% Set to a colon-separated list of words specifying warnings to suppress.
+% To suppress everything, use TEX_HUSH = all; this is equivalent to
+% TEX_HUSH = checksum;lostchar;readable;special
+% Enable system commands via \write18{...}?
+shell_escape = 0
+% Allow TeX \openout on filenames starting with `.' (e.g., .rhosts)?
+openout_any = 0
+% Enable the MakeTeX... scripts by default? These must be set to 0 or 1.
+% Particular programs can and do override these settings, for example
+% dvips's -M option. Your first chance to specify whether the scripts
+% are invoked by default is at configure time.
+% These values are ignored if the script names are changed; e.g., if you
+% set DVIPSMAKEPK to `foo', what counts is the value of the environment
+% variable/config value `FOO', not the `MAKETEXPK' value.
+% What MetaPost runs to make MPX files. This is passed an option -troff
+% if MP is in troff mode. Set to `0' to disable this feature.
+MPXCOMMAND = makempx
+% Part 3; Array and other sizes for TeX (and Metafont and MetaPost).
+% If you want to change some of these sizes only for a certain TeX
+% variant, the usual dot notation works, e.g.,
+% main_memory.hugetex = 20000000
+% If a change here appears to be ignored, try redumping the format file.
+% Memory. Must be less than 8,000,000.
+% main_memory is relevant only to initex, extra_mem_* only to non-ini.
+% Thus, have to redump the .fmt file after changing main_memory; to add
+% to existing fmt files, increase the other. (To get an idea of how
+% much, try \tracingstats=2 in your TeX source file;
+% web2c/tests/memtest.tex might also be interesting.)
+% To increase space for boxes (as might be needed by, e.g., PiCTeX),
+% increase extra_mem_bot.
+main_memory = 263000 % words of memory available; also applies to mf&mp
+main_memory.hugetex = 1100000
+extra_mem_top = 0 % extra high memory for chars, tokens, etc.
+extra_mem_bot = 0 % extra low memory for boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc.
+% Words of font info for TeX (total size of all TFM files, approximately).
+font_mem_size = 100000
+font_mem_size.hugetex = 400000
+font_mem_size.pdftex = 400000
+% Total number of fonts. Must be >= 50 and <= 2000 (without changes).
+font_max = 500
+font_max.hugetex = 900
+% Extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which allows 10K
+% names as distributed).
+hash_extra = 0
+hash_extra.hugetex = 10000
+hash_extra.pdftex = 10000
+% Max number of characters in all strings, including all error messages,
+% help texts, font names, control sequences. These values apply to TeX and MP.
+pool_size = 125000
+pool_size.hugetex = 500000
+pool_size.pdftex = 500000
+% Minimum pool space after TeX/MP's own strings; must be at least
+% 25000 less than pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.
+string_vacancies = 25000
+string_vacancies.hugetex = 45000
+string_vacancies.pdftex = 45000
+max_strings = 15000 % max number of strings
+max_strings.hugetex = 55000 % max number of strings
+max_strings.pdftex = 55000 % max number of strings
+pool_free = 5000 % min pool space left after loading .fmt
+% Hyphenation trie. As distributed, the maximum is 65535; this should
+% work unless `unsigned short' is not supported or is smaller than 16
+% bits. This value should suffice for UK English, US English, French,
+% and German (for example). To increase, you must change
+% `ssup_trie_opcode' and `ssup_trie_size' in (and rebuild TeX);
+% the trie will then consume four bytes per entry, instead of two.
+% US English, German, and Portuguese; 30000.
+% German; 14000.
+% US English; 10000.
+trie_size = 64000
+hyph_size = 1000 % number of hyphenation exceptions, >610 and <32767.
+buf_size = 3000 % max length of input lines or control sequence names
+nest_size = 100 % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups)
+max_in_open = 15 % simultaneous input files and error insertions
+param_size = 500 % simultaneous macro parameters
+save_size = 4000 % for saving values outside current group
+save_size.pdftex = 30000 % for saving values outside current group
+save_size.hugetex = 30000 % for saving values outside current group
+stack_size = 300 % simultaneous input sources
+% These work best if they are the same as the I/O buffer size, but it
+% doesn't matter much. Must be a multiple of 8.
+dvi_buf_size = 16384 % TeX
+gf_buf_size = 16384 % MF
+% It's probably inadvisable to change these. At any rate, we must have:
+% 45 < error_line < 255;
+% 30 < half_error_line < error_line - 15;
+% max_print_line < 60 ;
+% These apply to Metafont and MetaPost as well.
+error_line = 79
+half_error_line = 50
+max_print_line = 79
+\section{Catalogue of Packages}\label{cat}
+\caption{\protect\TeXLive{} packages}\\
+\emph{Package} & \emph{Collection} & \emph{Description}\\
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{Catalogue of Packages \emph{continued}}\\
+\emph{Package} & \emph{Collection} & \emph{Description}\\
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/ltx-logo.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/ltx-logo.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cc01e9698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/ltx-logo.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% A package to generate LaTeX logos using the code developed for
+% TUGboat.
+ \csname @LaTeX@#1/#2/#3\endcsname{{#4}{#5}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The default values are as used in the source of \LaTeX{} itself:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Redefine \cs{LaTeX} to choose the parameters for the current font,
+% or to use the default value otherwise:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \csname @LaTeX@\f@family/\f@series/\f@shape\endcsname
+ \ifx\reserved@a\relax\let\reserved@a\@LaTeX@default\fi
+ \expandafter\@LaTeX\reserved@a}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here's the body of what was originally \cs{LaTeX}, pulled out with its
+% roots dripping onto the smoking ruin of original \LaTeX, and then
+% bits stuck in on the side.
+% \cs{@LaTeX@default} provides parameters as one finds in the
+% original; other versions are added as needed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\sbox\z@ T%
+ \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ }%
+ \kern-#2em%
+ \TeX}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Three more defined in the initial version, for bold CM sans (which is
+% used as \cs{SecTitleFont}), and CM italic medium and bold:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{cmss}{bx}n{.3}{.15}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{cmr}m{it}{.3}{.27}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{cmr}{bx}{it}{.3}{.27}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{mbvx}{m}{n}{.27}{.08}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{mbvx}{m}{it}{.23}{.10}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{mbvx}{b}{n}{.23}{.10}%
+ \DeclareLaTeXLogo{mbvx}{b}{it}{.21}{.10}%
+\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{ltx-logo}{No LaTeX logo shapes defined
+ for font family \CurrentOption\space-- yet}}
+% \end{macrocode}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/mailings.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/mailings.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0eac7960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/mailings.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{Mailings for members}
+The committee has been asked, by a member, for a mailing list of
+members of the group. We find, on consulting the Data Protection
+Registrar, that we may not legally provide such a list, and we are
+investigating what is needed so that we should be able to supply such
+lists in future. It seems clear that members must be offered an
+In the interim, we are offering members of the group the opportunity
+of promoting occasional mailings. We have offered such facilities, on
+an \emph{ad hoc} basis, in the past: we have carried fliers for books,
+and on one occasion for the \emph{Scientific Word} system. Our
+mailing mechanisms are not sophisticated, and significant insertions
+may attract an extra charge, as will an insertion that increases the
+mail cost.
+Members who wish to take advantage of this service should contact the
+membership secretary, in the first instance.
+\end{article} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.eps b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e08e126d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,1995 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Creator: dvipsk 5.58f Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software
+%%Title: picture.dvi
+%%BoundingBox: 120 397 440 655
+%%DocumentFonts: LucidaSans-Bold LucidaSans LucidaSans-Italic
+%%+ LucidaSans-Typewriter LucidaNewMath-Symbol
+%DVIPSCommandLine: dvipsk -j -E picture -o picture.eps
+%DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed
+%DVIPSSource: TeX output 1996.05.20:1353
+/TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N
+/X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /isls false N /vsize 11 72 mul N /hsize 8.5 72
+mul N /landplus90{false}def /@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}
+ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
+isls{landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div
+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
+TR matrix currentmatrix dup dup 4 get round 4 exch put dup dup 5 get
+round 5 exch put setmatrix}N /@landscape{/isls true N}B /@manualfeed{
+statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B /FMat[1 0 0 -1 0
+0]N /FBB[0 0 0 0]N /nn 0 N /IE 0 N /ctr 0 N /df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn
+begin /FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N string /base X
+array /BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N end dup{/foo
+setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[}B /df{/sf 1 N /fntrx
+FMat N df-tail}B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]N df-tail}B /E{
+pop nn dup definefont setfont}B /ch-width{ch-data dup length 5 sub get}
+B /ch-height{ch-data dup length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{128 ch-data dup
+length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{ch-data dup length 2 sub get 127 sub}B
+/ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B /ch-image{ch-data dup type
+/stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /id 0 N /rw 0 N /rc 0 N /gp
+0 N /cp 0 N /G 0 N /sf 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S dup /base get 2
+index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx 0 ch-xoff
+ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff setcachedevice
+ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff .1 add]/id
+ch-image N /rw ch-width 7 add 8 idiv string N /rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N{
+rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub /rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B /G{{id gp get
+/gp gp 1 add N dup 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B /adv{cp add /cp
+X}B /chg{rw cp id gp 4 index getinterval putinterval dup gp add /gp X
+adv}B /nd{/cp 0 N rw exit}B /lsh{rw cp 2 copy get dup 0 eq{pop 1}{dup
+255 eq{pop 254}{dup dup add 255 and S 1 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}
+B /rsh{rw cp 2 copy get dup 0 eq{pop 128}{dup 255 eq{pop 127}{dup 2 idiv
+S 128 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}B /clr{rw cp 2 index string
+putinterval adv}B /set{rw cp fillstr 0 4 index getinterval putinterval
+adv}B /fillstr 18 string 0 1 17{2 copy 255 put pop}for N /pl[{adv 1 chg}
+{adv 1 chg nd}{1 add chg}{1 add chg nd}{adv lsh}{adv lsh nd}{adv rsh}{
+adv rsh nd}{1 add adv}{/rc X nd}{1 add set}{1 add clr}{adv 2 chg}{adv 2
+chg nd}{pop nd}]dup{bind pop}forall N /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]
+}if nn /base get cc ctr put nn /BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{dup dup
+length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{
+cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin
+0 0 moveto /V matrix currentmatrix dup 1 get dup mul exch 0 get dup mul
+add .99 lt{/QV}{/RV}ifelse load def pop pop}N /eop{SI restore showpage
+userdict /eop-hook known{eop-hook}if}N /@start{userdict /start-hook
+known{start-hook}if pop /VResolution X /Resolution X 1000 div /DVImag X
+/IE 256 array N 0 1 255{IE S 1 string dup 0 3 index put cvn put}for
+65781.76 div /vsize X 65781.76 div /hsize X}N /p{show}N /RMat[1 0 0 -1 0
+0]N /BDot 260 string N /rulex 0 N /ruley 0 N /v{/ruley X /rulex X V}B /V
+{}B /RV statusdict begin /product where{pop product dup length 7 ge{0 7
+getinterval dup(Display)eq exch 0 4 getinterval(NeXT)eq or}{pop false}
+ifelse}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 -.1 TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley
+false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 -.1 TR rulex ruley
+scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B /QV{gsave
+transform round exch round exch itransform moveto rulex 0 rlineto 0
+ruley neg rlineto rulex neg 0 rlineto fill grestore}B /a{moveto}B /delta
+0 N /tail{dup /delta X 0 rmoveto}B /M{S p delta add tail}B /b{S p tail}
+B /c{-4 M}B /d{-3 M}B /e{-2 M}B /f{-1 M}B /g{0 M}B /h{1 M}B /i{2 M}B /j{
+3 M}B /k{4 M}B /w{0 rmoveto}B /l{p -4 w}B /m{p -3 w}B /n{p -2 w}B /o{p
+-1 w}B /q{p 1 w}B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{
+3 2 roll p a}B /bos{/SS save N}B /eos{SS restore}B end
+% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
+% Created 1994/6/23. Source file was pstricks.doc
+% Version 0.93a, 93/03/12.
+% For use with Rokicki's dvips.
+/tx@Dict 200 dict def tx@Dict begin
+/ADict 25 dict def
+/CM { matrix currentmatrix } bind def
+/SLW /setlinewidth load def
+/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
+/CP /currentpoint load def
+/ED { exch def } bind def
+/L /lineto load def
+/T /translate load def
+/TMatrix { } def
+/RAngle { 0 } def
+/Atan { /atan load stopped { pop pop 0 } if } def
+/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def
+/NET { neg exch neg exch T } def
+/Pyth { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+/PtoC { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def
+/PathLength@ { /z z y y1 sub x x1 sub Pyth add def /y1 y def /x1 x def }
+/PathLength { flattenpath /z 0 def { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
+} { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ } {} { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
+/pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop } if z } def
+/STP { .996264 dup scale } def
+/STV { SDict begin normalscale end STP } def
+/DashLine { dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def
+PathLength } ifelse /b ED /x ED /y ED /z y x add def b a .5 sub 2 mul y
+mul sub z Div round z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div dup y mul
+/y ED x mul /x ED x 0 gt y 0 gt and { [ y x ] 1 a sub y mul } { [ 1 0 ]
+0 } ifelse setdash stroke } def
+/DotLine { /b PathLength def /a ED /z ED /y CLW def /z y z add def a 0 gt
+{ /b b a div def } { a 0 eq { /b b y sub def } { a -3 eq { /b b y add
+def } if } ifelse } ifelse [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if
+] a 0 gt { 0 } { y 2 div a -2 gt { neg } if } ifelse setdash 1
+setlinecap stroke } def
+/LineFill { gsave abs CLW add /a ED a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
+2 copy idtransform exch Atan rotate idtransform pop /a ED .25 .25
+itransform translate pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
+Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def clip newpath 2 setlinecap systemdict
+/setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if x2 x1 sub 1 add { x1
+a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore }
+/BeginArrow { ADict begin /@mtrx CM def gsave 2 copy T 2 index sub neg
+exch 3 index sub exch Atan rotate newpath } def
+/EndArrow { @mtrx setmatrix CP grestore end } def
+/Arrow { CLW mul add dup 2 div /w ED mul dup /h ED mul /a ED { 0 h T 1 -1
+scale } if w neg h moveto 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto gsave fill
+grestore } def
+/Tbar { CLW mul add /z ED z -2 div CLW 2 div moveto z 0 rlineto stroke 0
+CLW moveto } def
+/Bracket { CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div /x ED mul CLW add /y ED /z CLW 2
+div def x neg y moveto x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke 0
+CLW moveto } def
+/RoundBracket { CLW mul add dup 2 div /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def 0 CLW
+2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if 1 1 moveto .85 .5 .35 0 0 0
+curveto -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto }
+/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
+/EndDot { { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse /b ED 0 z DS SD b { 0 z DS
+CLW sub SD } if 0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub moveto } def
+/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
+/closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
+load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
+/NArray { aload length 2 div dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if /n exch
+cvi def } def
+/NArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop } if
+f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
+/Line { NArray n 0 eq not { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub
+def n { Lineto } repeat CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if } def
+/Arcto { /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def a r /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 }
+ifelse { pop } repeat a } def
+/CheckClosed { dup n 2 mul 1 sub index eq 2 index n 2 mul 1 add index eq
+and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if } def
+/Polygon { NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if n 3 lt { n { pop pop }
+repeat } { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if n 2 mul -2 roll /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1
+ED /x1 ED x1 y1 /x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def /y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def x1 y1
+moveto /n n 2 sub def n { Lineto } repeat x1 y1 x0 y0 6 4 roll Lineto
+Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse } def
+/Diamond { /mtrx CM def T rotate /h ED /w ED dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul
+neg /d ED /a w h Atan def /h d a sin Div h add def /w d a cos Div w add
+def } ifelse mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2
+div /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
+setmatrix } def
+/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup 0 eq {
+pop } { CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
+div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def } ifelse mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
+d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
+setmatrix } def
+/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
+def } def
+/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
+def } def
+/CC { /l0 l1 def /x1 x dx sub def /y1 y dy sub def /dx0 dx1 def /dy0 dy1
+def CCA /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def /dy dy0 l1 c exp
+mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos
+abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
+/y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def /dy l1 dy mul
+m mul neg def } def
+/IC { /c c 1 add def c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if }
+ifelse /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def CCA /dx 0 def /dy 0 def }
+/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
+/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
+/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
+/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
+/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
+/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
+/OpenCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { BOC /n n 3 sub def
+n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse } def
+/AltCurve { { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
+/Points ED n 2 mul -2 roll } { false NArray } ifelse n 4 lt { n { pop
+pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
+/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
+CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
+repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
+/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
+/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
+/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore }
+/FontDot { DS 2 mul dup matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
+rotate matrix concatmatrix exch findfont exch makefont setfont } def
+/Rect { x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto
+x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
+/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
+y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
+exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
+/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
+x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
+ifelse } def
+/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
+/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
+pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
+/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
+} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
+aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
+/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
+2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
+ifelse } def
+/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
+6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
+/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
+sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
+/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
+sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
+x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
+y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
+/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
+if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
+/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
+round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
+round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
+0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
+/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
+if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
+{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
+exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
+div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
+dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
+dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
+pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
+stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
+{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
+w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ]
+dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
+n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
+div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
+1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
+dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
+{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
+exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
+/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
+1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
+exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
+mul neg d } def
+/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
+/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
+/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
+def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
+dup a add ] cvx def } def
+/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
+cvx def } def
+/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
+/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
+/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
+/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
+abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
+div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
+h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
+/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
+mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
+{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
+exch } def
+/BeginOL { dup (all) eq exch TheOL eq or { IfVisible not { Visible
+/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
+} if } ifelse } def
+/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
+/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
+neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
+/IfVisible true def } def
+%%Title: Dot Font for PSTricks
+%%Creator: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
+%%Creation Date: May 7, 1993
+10 dict dup begin
+ /FontType 3 def
+ /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def
+ /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def
+ /Encoding 256 array def
+ 0 1 255 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
+ Encoding
+ dup (b) 0 get /Bullet put
+ dup (c) 0 get /Circle put
+ dup (C) 0 get /BoldCircle put
+ dup (u) 0 get /SolidTriangle put
+ dup (t) 0 get /Triangle put
+ dup (T) 0 get /BoldTriangle put
+ dup (r) 0 get /SolidSquare put
+ dup (s) 0 get /Square put
+ dup (S) 0 get /BoldSquare put
+ dup (q) 0 get /SolidPentagon put
+ dup (p) 0 get /Pentagon put
+ (P) 0 get /BoldPentagon put
+ /Metrics 13 dict def
+ Metrics begin
+ /Bullet 1000 def
+ /Circle 1000 def
+ /BoldCircle 1000 def
+ /SolidTriangle 1344 def
+ /Triangle 1344 def
+ /BoldTriangle 1344 def
+ /SolidSquare 886 def
+ /Square 886 def
+ /BoldSquare 886 def
+ /SolidPentagon 1093.2 def
+ /Pentagon 1093.2 def
+ /BoldPentagon 1093.2 def
+ /.notdef 0 def
+ end
+ /BBoxes 13 dict def
+ BBoxes begin
+ /Circle { -550 -550 550 550 } def
+ /BoldCircle /Circle load def
+ /Bullet /Circle load def
+ /Triangle { -571.5 -330 571.5 660 } def
+ /BoldTriangle /Triangle load def
+ /SolidTriangle /Triangle load def
+ /Square { -450 -450 450 450 } def
+ /BoldSquare /Square load def
+ /SolidSquare /Square load def
+ /Pentagon { -546.6 -465 546.6 574.7 } def
+ /BoldPentagon /Pentagon load def
+ /SolidPentagon /Pentagon load def
+ /.notdef { 0 0 0 0 } def
+ end
+ /CharProcs 20 dict def
+ CharProcs begin
+ /Adjust {
+ 2 copy dtransform floor .5 add exch floor .5 add exch idtransform
+ 3 -1 roll div 3 1 roll exch div exch scale
+ } def
+ /CirclePath { 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath } def
+ /Bullet { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath fill } def
+ /Circle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .9 .9 scale CirclePath eofill } def
+ /BoldCircle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
+ /BoldCircle { CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
+ /TrianglePath {
+ 0 660 moveto -571.5 -330 lineto 571.5 -330 lineto closepath
+ } def
+ /SolidTriangle { TrianglePath fill } def
+ /Triangle { TrianglePath .85 .85 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
+ /BoldTriangle { TrianglePath .7 .7 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
+ /SquarePath {
+ -450 450 moveto 450 450 lineto 450 -450 lineto -450 -450 lineto
+ closepath
+ } def
+ /SolidSquare { SquarePath fill } def
+ /Square { SquarePath .89 .89 scale SquarePath eofill } def
+ /BoldSquare { SquarePath .78 .78 scale SquarePath eofill } def
+ /PentagonPath {
+ -337.8 -465 moveto
+ 337.8 -465 lineto
+ 546.6 177.6 lineto
+ 0 574.7 lineto
+ -546.6 177.6 lineto
+ closepath
+ } def
+ /SolidPentagon { PentagonPath fill } def
+ /Pentagon { PentagonPath .89 .89 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
+ /BoldPentagon { PentagonPath .78 .78 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
+ /.notdef { } def
+ end
+ /BuildGlyph {
+ exch
+ begin
+ Metrics 1 index get exec 0
+ BBoxes 3 index get exec
+ setcachedevice
+ CharProcs begin load exec end
+ end
+ } def
+ /BuildChar {
+ 1 index /Encoding get exch get
+ 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
+ } bind def
+/PSTricksDotFont exch definefont pop
+% PostScript header file
+% For the PSTricks gradient fillstyle.
+% Version: 0.94
+% Date: 93/05/12
+% For copying restrictions, see pstricks.doc or pstricks.tex.
+% Based on some EPS files by leeweyr! (W. R. Lee).
+% Syntax:
+% R0 G0 B0 R1 G1 B1 MidPoint NumLines Angle GradientFill
+/tx@GradientDict 40 dict def
+tx@GradientDict begin
+/GradientFill {
+ rotate
+ /MidPoint ED
+ /NumLines ED
+ /LastBlue ED
+ /LastGreen ED
+ /LastRed ED
+ /FirstBlue ED
+ /FirstGreen ED
+ /FirstRed ED
+ % This avoids gaps due to rounding errors:
+ clip
+ pathbbox %leave llx,lly,urx,ury on stack
+ /y ED /x ED
+ 2 copy translate
+ y sub neg /y ED
+ x sub neg /x ED
+ % This avoids gaps due to rounding errors:
+ LastRed FirstRed add 2 div
+ LastGreen FirstGreen add 2 div
+ LastBlue FirstBlue add 2 div
+ setrgbcolor
+ fill
+ /YSizePerLine y NumLines div def
+ /CurrentY 0 def
+ /MidLine NumLines 1 MidPoint sub mul abs cvi def
+ MidLine NumLines 2 sub gt
+ { /MidLine NumLines def }
+ { MidLine 2 lt { /MidLine 0 def } if }
+ ifelse
+ MidLine 0 gt
+ {
+ /Red FirstRed def
+ /Green FirstGreen def
+ /Blue FirstBlue def
+ /RedIncrement LastRed FirstRed sub MidLine 1 sub div def
+ /GreenIncrement LastGreen FirstGreen sub MidLine 1 sub div def
+ /BlueIncrement LastBlue FirstBlue sub MidLine 1 sub div def
+ MidLine { GradientLoop } repeat
+ } if
+ MidLine NumLines lt
+ {
+ /Red LastRed def
+ /Green LastGreen def
+ /Blue LastBlue def
+ /RedIncrement FirstRed LastRed sub NumLines MidLine sub 1 sub div def
+ /GreenIncrement FirstGreen LastGreen sub NumLines MidLine sub 1 sub div def
+ /BlueIncrement FirstBlue LastBlue sub NumLines MidLine sub 1 sub div def
+ NumLines MidLine sub { GradientLoop } repeat
+ } if
+} def
+/GradientLoop {
+ 0 CurrentY moveto
+ x 0 rlineto
+ 0 YSizePerLine rlineto
+ x neg 0 rlineto
+ closepath
+ Red Green Blue setrgbcolor fill
+ /CurrentY CurrentY YSizePerLine add def
+ /Blue Blue BlueIncrement add def
+ /Green Green GreenIncrement add def
+ /Red Red RedIncrement add def
+} def
+% END
+% PostScript prologue for pst-coil.tex.
+% Created 1993/3/12. Source file was pst-coil.doc
+% Version 0.93a, 93/03/12.
+% For use with Rokicki's dvips.
+/tx@CoilDict 40 dict def tx@CoilDict begin
+/CoilLoop { /t ED t sin AspectSin mul t 180 div AspectCos mul add t cos
+lineto } def
+/Coil { /Inc ED dup sin /AspectSin ED cos /AspectCos ED /ArmB ED /ArmA ED
+/h ED /w ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED x0 y0 translate y1 y0 sub x1 x0
+sub 2 copy Pyth /TotalLength ED Atan rotate /BeginAngle ArmA AspectCos
+Div w h mul Div 360 mul def /EndAngle TotalLength ArmB sub AspectCos Div
+w h mul Div 360 mul def 1 0 0 0 ArrowA ArmA 0 lineto /mtrx CM def w h
+mul 2 Div w 2 Div scale BeginAngle Inc EndAngle { CoilLoop } for
+EndAngle CoilLoop mtrx setmatrix TotalLength ArmB sub 0 lineto CP
+TotalLength 0 ArrowB lineto } def
+/AltCoil { /Inc ED dup sin /AspectSin ED cos /AspectCos ED /h ED /w ED
+/EndAngle ED /BeginAngle ED /mtrx CM def w h mul 2 Div w 2 Div scale
+BeginAngle sin AspectSin mul BeginAngle 180 div AspectCos mul add
+BeginAngle cos /lineto load stopped { moveto } if BeginAngle Inc
+EndAngle { CoilLoop } for EndAngle CoilLoop mtrx setmatrix } def
+/ZigZag { /ArmB ED /ArmA ED 2 div /w ED w mul /h ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED
+/x0 ED x1 y1 translate y0 y1 sub x0 x1 sub 2 copy Pyth /TotalLength ED
+Atan rotate TotalLength ArmA sub ArmB sub dup h div cvi /n ED n h mul
+sub 2 div dup ArmA add /ArmA ED ArmB add /ArmB ED /x ArmB h 2 div add
+def mark 0 0 ArmB 0 n { x w /w w neg def /x x h add def } repeat
+TotalLength ArmA sub 0 TotalLength 0 } def
+% PostScript header file
+% For putting text along curve with textpath.tex and PSTricks
+% Version: 0.93b, for use with PSTricks v0.93a.
+% Date: 94/04/20
+% For copying restrictions, see pstricks.doc or pstricks.tex.
+/tx@TextPathDict 40 dict def
+tx@TextPathDict begin
+% Syntax: <dist> PathPosition -
+% Function: Searches for position of currentpath distance <dist> from
+% beginning. Sets (X,Y)=position, and Angle=tangent.
+{ /targetdist exch def
+ /pathdist 0 def
+ /continue true def
+ /X { newx } def /Y { newy } def /Angle 0 def
+ gsave
+ flattenpath
+ { movetoproc } { linetoproc } { } { firstx firsty linetoproc }
+ /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop /X 0 def /Y 0 def } if
+ grestore
+} def
+/movetoproc { continue { @movetoproc } { pop pop } ifelse } def
+{ /newy exch def /newx exch def
+ /firstx newx def /firsty newy def
+} def
+/linetoproc { continue { @linetoproc } { pop pop } ifelse } def
+ /oldx newx def /oldy newy def
+ /newy exch def /newx exch def
+ /dx newx oldx sub def
+ /dy newy oldy sub def
+ /dist dx dup mul dy dup mul add sqrt def
+ /pathdist pathdist dist add def
+ pathdist targetdist ge
+ { pathdist targetdist sub dist div dup
+ dy mul neg newy add /Y exch def
+ dx mul neg newx add /X exch def
+ /Angle dy dx atan def
+ /continue false def
+ } if
+} def
+{ /String exch def
+ /CharCount 0 def
+ String length
+ { String CharCount 1 getinterval ShowChar
+ /CharCount CharCount 1 add def
+ } repeat
+} def
+% Syntax: <pathlength> <position> InitTextPath -
+{ gsave
+ currentpoint /Y exch def /X exch def
+ exch X Hoffset sub sub mul
+ Voffset Hoffset sub add
+ neg X add /Hoffset exch def
+ /Voffset Y def
+ grestore
+} def
+{ PathPosition
+ dup
+ Angle cos mul Y add exch
+ Angle sin mul neg X add exch
+ translate
+ Angle rotate
+} def
+{ /Char exch def
+ gsave
+ Char end stringwidth
+ tx@TextPathDict begin
+ 2 div /Sy exch def 2 div /Sx exch def
+ currentpoint
+ Voffset sub Sy add exch
+ Hoffset sub Sx add
+ Transform
+ Sx neg Sy neg moveto
+ Char end tx@TextPathSavedShow
+ tx@TextPathDict begin
+ grestore
+ Sx 2 mul Sy 2 mul rmoveto
+} def
+% End
+% PostScript prologue for pst-node.tex.
+% Created 1994/6/7. Source file was pst-node.doc
+% Version 0.93a, 93/03/12.
+% For use with Rokicki's dvips.
+/tx@NodeDict 400 dict def tx@NodeDict begin
+tx@Dict begin /T /translate load def end
+/NewNode { gsave /next ED dict dup 3 1 roll def exch { dup 3 1 roll def }
+if begin tx@Dict begin STV CP T exec end /NodeMtrx CM def next end
+grestore } def
+/InitPnode { /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep Cos mul NodeSep Sin mul } def
+} def
+/InitCnode { /r ED /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep r add dup Cos mul exch
+Sin mul } def } def
+/GetRnodePos { Cos 0 gt { /dx r NodeSep add def } { /dx l NodeSep sub def
+} ifelse Sin 0 gt { /dy u NodeSep add def } { /dy d NodeSep sub def }
+ifelse dx Sin mul abs dy Cos mul abs gt { dy Cos mul Sin div dy } { dx
+dup Sin mul Cos Div } ifelse } def
+/InitRnode { /Y ED /X ED X sub /r ED /l X neg def Y add neg /d ED Y sub
+/u ED /NodePos { GetRnodePos } def } def
+/DiaNodePos { w h mul w Sin mul abs h Cos mul abs add Div NodeSep add dup
+Cos mul exch Sin mul } def
+/TriNodePos { Sin s lt { d NodeSep sub dup Cos mul Sin Div exch } { w h
+mul w Sin mul h Cos abs mul add Div NodeSep add dup Cos mul exch Sin mul
+} ifelse } def
+/InitTriNode { sub 2 div exch 2 div exch 2 copy T 2 copy 4 index index /d
+ED pop pop pop pop -90 mul rotate /NodeMtrx CM def /X 0 def /Y 0 def d
+sub abs neg /d ED d add /h ED 2 div h mul h d sub Div /w ED /s d w Atan
+sin def /NodePos { TriNodePos } def } def
+/OvalNodePos { /ww w NodeSep add def /hh h NodeSep add def Sin ww mul Cos
+hh mul Atan dup cos ww mul exch sin hh mul } def
+/GetCenter { begin X Y NodeMtrx transform CM itransform end } def
+/XYPos { dup sin exch cos Do /Cos ED /Sin ED /Dist ED Cos 0 gt { Dist
+Dist Sin mul Cos div } { Cos 0 lt { Dist neg Dist Sin mul Cos div neg }
+{ 0 Dist Sin mul } ifelse } ifelse Do } def
+/GetEdge { dup 0 eq { pop begin 1 0 NodeMtrx dtransform CM idtransform
+exch atan sub dup sin /Sin ED cos /Cos ED /NodeSep ED NodePos NodeMtrx
+dtransform CM idtransform end } { 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED pop
+XYPos } ifelse } def
+/AddOffset { 1 index 0 eq { pop pop } { 2 copy 5 2 roll cos mul add 4 1
+roll sin mul sub exch } ifelse } def
+/GetEdgeA { NodeSepA AngleA NodeA NodeSepTypeA GetEdge OffsetA AngleA
+AddOffset yA add /yA1 ED xA add /xA1 ED } def
+/GetEdgeB { NodeSepB AngleB NodeB NodeSepTypeB GetEdge OffsetB AngleB
+AddOffset yB add /yB1 ED xB add /xB1 ED } def
+/GetArmA { ArmTypeA 0 eq { /xA2 ArmA AngleA cos mul xA1 add def /yA2 ArmA
+AngleA sin mul yA1 add def } { ArmTypeA 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
+ArmA AngleA XYPos OffsetA AngleA AddOffset yA add /yA2 ED xA add /xA2 ED
+} ifelse } def
+/GetArmB { ArmTypeB 0 eq { /xB2 ArmB AngleB cos mul xB1 add def /yB2 ArmB
+AngleB sin mul yB1 add def } { ArmTypeB 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
+ArmB AngleB XYPos OffsetB AngleB AddOffset yB add /yB2 ED xB add /xB2 ED
+} ifelse } def
+/InitNC { /b ED /a ED /NodeSepTypeB ED /NodeSepTypeA ED /NodeSepB ED
+/NodeSepA ED /OffsetB ED /OffsetA ED tx@NodeDict a known tx@NodeDict b
+known and dup { /NodeA a load def /NodeB b load def NodeA GetCenter /yA
+ED /xA ED NodeB GetCenter /yB ED /xB ED } if } def
+/LPutLine { 4 copy 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub Atan /NAngle ED 1 t sub
+mul 3 1 roll 1 t sub mul 4 1 roll t mul add /Y ED t mul add /X ED } def
+/LPutLines { mark LPutVar counttomark 2 div 1 sub /n ED t floor dup n gt
+{ pop n 1 sub /t 1 def } { dup t sub neg /t ED } ifelse cvi 2 mul { pop
+} repeat LPutLine cleartomark } def
+/BezierMidpoint { /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED
+/t ED /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def /bx x2 x1 sub 3
+mul cx sub def /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx
+sub def /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul
+add cx t mul add x0 add ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add
+y0 add 3 ay t t mul mul mul 2 by t mul mul add cy add 3 ax t t mul mul
+mul 2 bx t mul mul add cx add atan /NAngle ED /Y ED /X ED } def
+/HPosBegin { yB yA ge { /t 1 t sub def } if /Y yB yA sub t mul yA add def
+} def
+/HPosEnd { /X Y yyA sub yyB yyA sub Div xxB xxA sub mul xxA add def
+/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
+/HPutLine { HPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED HPosEnd } def
+/HPutLines { HPosBegin yB yA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
+} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { dup Y check { exit
+} { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark HPosEnd
+} def
+/VPosBegin { xB xA lt { /t 1 t sub def } if /X xB xA sub t mul xA add def
+} def
+/VPosEnd { /Y X xxA sub xxB xxA sub Div yyB yyA sub mul yyA add def
+/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
+/VPutLine { VPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED VPosEnd } def
+/VPutLines { VPosBegin xB xA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
+} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { 1 index X check {
+exit } { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark
+VPosEnd } def
+/HPutCurve { gsave newpath /SaveLPutVar /LPutVar load def LPutVar 8 -2
+roll moveto curveto flattenpath /LPutVar [ {} {} {} {} pathforall ] cvx
+def grestore exec /LPutVar /SaveLPutVar load def } def
+/NCCoor { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def
+GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
+LPutVar LPutLine } def /HPutPos { LPutVar HPutLine } def /VPutPos {
+LPutVar VPutLine } def LPutVar } def
+/NCLine { NCCoor tx@Dict begin ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB lineto pop pop
+end } def
+/NCLines { false NArray n 0 eq { NCLine } { 2 copy yA sub exch xA sub
+Atan /AngleA ED n 2 mul dup index exch index yB sub exch xB sub Atan
+/AngleB ED GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 n 2 mul 4 add 4 roll xA1
+yA1 ] cvx def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutPos {
+LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
+ifelse } def
+/NCCurve { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1
+roll mul /ArmA ED mul /ArmB ED /ArmTypeA 0 def /ArmTypeB 0 def GetArmA
+GetArmB xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 tx@Dict begin ArrowA end xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 tx@Dict
+begin ArrowB end curveto /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ]
+cvx def /LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def /HPutPos { { HPutLines
+} HPutCurve } def /VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def } def
+/NCAngles { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
+def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx transform exch pop mtrx
+itransform /y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2
+yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1
+yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def
+/HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def } def
+/NCAngle { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def xB2
+yB2 mtrx itransform pop xA1 yA1 mtrx itransform exch pop mtrx transform
+/y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1
+tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1 ]
+cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
+VPutLines } def } def
+/NCBar { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def
+xA2 yA2 mtrx itransform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx itransform pop sub dup 0 mtrx
+transform 3 -1 roll 0 gt { /yB2 exch yB2 add def /xB2 exch xB2 add def }
+{ /yA2 exch neg yA2 add def /xA2 exch neg xA2 add def } ifelse mark ArmB
+0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict
+begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx
+def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
+VPutLines } def } def
+/NCDiag { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if
+xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end
+/LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
+LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
+/NCDiagg { GetEdgeA GetArmA yB yA2 sub xB xA2 sub Atan 180 add /AngleB ED
+GetEdgeB mark xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin
+false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
+LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
+/NCLoop { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
+def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform loopsize add /yA3 ED /xA3 ED /xB3 xB2 yB2
+mtrx transform pop def xB3 yA3 mtrx itransform /yB3 ED /xB3 ED xA3 yA3
+mtrx itransform /yA3 ED /xA3 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2
+xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false
+Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ]
+cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
+VPutLines } def } def
+/NCCircle { NodeSepA 0 NodeA 0 GetEdge pop 2 div dup 2 exp r r mul sub
+abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add exch 2
+copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360 mul
+add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED }
+def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a
+add AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c
+57.2957 r Div def /y ED /x ED } def
+/NCBox { /d ED /h ED /AngleB yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleA AngleB
+180 add def GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /dx d AngleB sin mul def /dy d AngleB cos
+mul neg def /hx h AngleB sin mul neg def /hy h AngleB cos mul def
+/LPutVar [ xA1 hx add yA1 hy add xB1 hx add yB1 hy add xB1 dx add yB1 dy
+add xA1 dx add yA1 dy add ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos
+{ xB yB xA yA LPutLine } def /VPutPos { HPutPos } def mark LPutVar
+tx@Dict begin false Polygon end } def
+/NCArcBox { /l ED neg /d ED /h ED /a ED /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan
+def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def /tA AngleA a sub 90 add def /tB tA a 2
+mul add def /r xB xA sub tA cos tB cos sub Div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if def
+/x0 xA r tA cos mul add def /y0 yA r tA sin mul add def /c 57.2958 r div
+def /AngleA AngleA a sub 180 add def /AngleB AngleB a add 180 add def
+GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /AngleA tA 180 add yA yA1 sub xA xA1 sub Pyth c mul
+sub def /AngleB tB 180 add yB yB1 sub xB xB1 sub Pyth c mul add def l 0
+eq { x0 y0 r h add AngleA AngleB arc x0 y0 r d add AngleB AngleA arcn }
+{ x0 y0 translate /tA AngleA l c mul add def /tB AngleB l c mul sub def
+0 0 r h add tA tB arc r h add AngleB PtoC r d add AngleB PtoC 2 copy 6 2
+roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r d add tB PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat 0
+0 r d add tB tA arcn r d add AngleA PtoC r h add AngleA PtoC 2 copy 6 2
+roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r h add tA PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat }
+ifelse closepath /LPutVar [ x0 y0 r AngleA AngleB h d ] cvx def /LPutPos
+{ LPutVar /d ED /h ED /AngleB ED /AngleA ED /r ED /y0 ED /x0 ED t 1 le {
+r h add AngleA 1 t sub mul AngleB t mul add dup 90 add /NAngle ED PtoC }
+{ t 2 lt { /NAngle AngleB 180 add def r 2 t sub h mul t 1 sub d mul add
+add AngleB PtoC } { t 3 lt { r d add AngleB 3 t sub mul AngleA 2 t sub
+mul add dup 90 sub /NAngle ED PtoC } { /NAngle AngleA 180 add def r 4 t
+sub d mul t 3 sub h mul add add AngleA PtoC } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
+y0 add /Y ED x0 add /X ED } def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos {
+LPutPos } def } def
+/Tfan { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def GetEdgeA w xA1 xB sub yA1 yB
+sub Pyth Pyth w Div CLW 2 div mul 2 div dup AngleA sin mul yA1 add /yA1
+ED AngleA cos mul xA1 add /xA1 ED /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 m { xB w add yB xB
+w sub yB } { xB yB w sub xB yB w add } ifelse xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos
+{ LPutLines } def /VPutPos@ { LPutVar flag { 8 4 roll pop pop pop pop }
+{ pop pop pop pop 4 2 roll } ifelse } def /VPutPos { VPutPos@ VPutLine }
+def /HPutPos { VPutPos@ HPutLine } def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin
+/ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath end } def
+/LPutCoor { NAngle tx@Dict begin /NAngle ED end gsave CM STV CP Y sub neg
+exch X sub neg exch moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
+/LPut { tx@NodeDict /LPutPos known { LPutPos } { CP /Y ED /X ED /NAngle 0
+def } ifelse LPutCoor } def
+/HPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { d Cos mul Sin div flag not { neg }
+if h Cos mul Sin div flag { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
+ifelse } ifelse s add flag { r add neg } { l add } ifelse X add /X ED }
+/VPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { l Sin mul Cos div flag { neg } if
+r Sin mul Cos div flag not { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
+ifelse } ifelse s add flag { d add } { h add neg } ifelse Y add /Y ED }
+%%BeginFont: LucidaSans-Bold
+% @psencodingfile{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "14 April 1995",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360",
+% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+% checksum = "xx",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts to be used with TeX."
+% }
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
+% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
+ /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
+ /ogonek /ring /.notdef
+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
+ /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there down to here.
+ /grave /quotesingle
+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
+ /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+ /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+% 0x30
+ /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
+ /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question
+% 0x40
+ /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+% 0x50
+ /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W
+ /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+% 0x60
+ /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
+ /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
+% 0x80
+ /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin
+ /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl
+ /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft
+ /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+% 0x90
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft
+ /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash
+ /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright
+ /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis
+% 0xA0
+ /.notdef % nobreakspace
+ /exclamdown /cent /sterling
+ /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
+ /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft
+ /logicalnot
+ /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen
+ /registered
+ /macron
+% 0xD0
+ /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+ /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+ /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright
+ /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+% 0xC0
+ /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+ /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+% 0xD0
+ /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
+ /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+ /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+% 0xE0
+ /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde
+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
+ /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+% 0xF0
+ /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
+ /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+ /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
+TeXDict begin /rf{findfont dup length 1 add dict begin{1 index /FID ne 2
+index /UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
+exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics
+exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type /integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
+dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
+ifelse}forall Metrics /Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict
+end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont /setfont load]cvx def}def
+/ObliqueSlant{dup sin S cos div neg}B /SlantFont{4 index mul add}def
+/ExtendFont{3 -1 roll mul exch}def /ReEncodeFont{/Encoding exch def}def
+TeXDict begin /SDict 200 dict N SDict begin /@SpecialDefaults{/hs 612 N
+/vs 792 N /ho 0 N /vo 0 N /hsc 1 N /vsc 1 N /ang 0 N /CLIP 0 N /rwiSeen
+false N /rhiSeen false N /letter{}N /note{}N /a4{}N /legal{}N}B
+/@scaleunit 100 N /@hscale{@scaleunit div /hsc X}B /@vscale{@scaleunit
+div /vsc X}B /@hsize{/hs X /CLIP 1 N}B /@vsize{/vs X /CLIP 1 N}B /@clip{
+/CLIP 2 N}B /@hoffset{/ho X}B /@voffset{/vo X}B /@angle{/ang X}B /@rwi{
+10 div /rwi X /rwiSeen true N}B /@rhi{10 div /rhi X /rhiSeen true N}B
+/@llx{/llx X}B /@lly{/lly X}B /@urx{/urx X}B /@ury{/ury X}B /magscale
+true def end /@MacSetUp{userdict /md known{userdict /md get type
+/dicttype eq{userdict begin md length 10 add md maxlength ge{/md md dup
+length 20 add dict copy def}if end md begin /letter{}N /note{}N /legal{}
+N /od{txpose 1 0 mtx defaultmatrix dtransform S atan/pa X newpath
+clippath mark{transform{itransform moveto}}{transform{itransform lineto}
+}{6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform{
+itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll curveto}}{{
+closepath}}pathforall newpath counttomark array astore /gc xdf pop ct 39
+0 put 10 fz 0 fs 2 F/|______Courier fnt invertflag{PaintBlack}if}N
+/txpose{pxs pys scale ppr aload pop por{noflips{pop S neg S TR pop 1 -1
+scale}if xflip yflip and{pop S neg S TR 180 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get
+ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip
+not and{pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0
+TR}if yflip xflip not and{ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR}if}{noflips{TR
+pop pop 270 rotate 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{TR pop pop 90 rotate 1
+-1 scale ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg
+TR}if xflip yflip not and{TR pop pop 90 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg
+sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip not and{TR pop pop 270 rotate ppr 2 get ppr
+0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR}if}ifelse scaleby96{ppr aload pop 4 -1 roll add
+2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div 2 copy TR .96 dup scale neg S neg S TR}if}N /cp
+{pop pop showpage pm restore}N end}if}if}N /normalscale{Resolution 72
+div VResolution 72 div neg scale magscale{DVImag dup scale}if 0 setgray}
+N /psfts{S 65781.76 div N}N /startTexFig{/psf$SavedState save N userdict
+maxlength dict begin /magscale false def normalscale currentpoint TR
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+/psf$x psfts currentpoint /psf$cy X /psf$cx X /psf$sx psf$x psf$urx
+psf$llx sub div N /psf$sy psf$y psf$ury psf$lly sub div N psf$sx psf$sy
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+moveto}N /endTexFig{end psf$SavedState restore}N /@beginspecial{SDict
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+@SpecialDefaults count /ocount X /dcount countdictstack N}N /@setspecial
+{CLIP 1 eq{newpath 0 0 moveto hs 0 rlineto 0 vs rlineto hs neg 0 rlineto
+closepath clip}if ho vo TR hsc vsc scale ang rotate rwiSeen{rwi urx llx
+sub div rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div}{dup}ifelse scale llx neg lly neg TR
+}{rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div dup scale llx neg lly neg TR}if}ifelse
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+lineto closepath clip}if /showpage{}N /erasepage{}N /copypage{}N newpath
+}N /@endspecial{count ocount sub{pop}repeat countdictstack dcount sub{
+end}repeat grestore SpecialSave restore end}N /@defspecial{SDict begin}
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+/SaveX currentpoint /SaveY X N 1 setlinecap newpath}N /st{stroke SaveX
+SaveY moveto}N /fil{fill SaveX SaveY moveto}N /ellipse{/endangle X
+/startangle X /yrad X /xrad X /savematrix matrix currentmatrix N TR xrad
+yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc savematrix setmatrix}N end
+TeXDict begin /setcmykcolor where{pop}{/setcmykcolor{dup 10 eq{pop
+setrgbcolor}{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll
+}repeat setrgbcolor pop}ifelse}B}ifelse /TeXcolorcmyk{setcmykcolor}def
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+setgray}def /TeXcolorhsb{sethsbcolor}def /currentcmykcolor where{pop}{
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+known{pop pop}{X}ifelse}B /GreenYellow{0.15 0 0.69 0 setcmykcolor}DC
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+2535 y Fe(T)1113 2557 y(E)1148 2535 y(X)f(Directory)e(Structure)g
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+ 1744 1818 a 1770 1849 a Fd(http://www.ens)q
+(.f)q(r/)q(gut)q(/)59 b Fc(\017)53 b Fd(http://www.tex.)q(ac)q(.u)q(k/)
+q(UK)q(TU)q(G/)59 b Fc(\017)53 b Fd(http://www.tug.)q(or)q(g/)5323
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+1885 y(E)4413 1849 y(X)g(Users)f(Group)5444 1818 y
+ currentpoint newpath moveto /show /tx@TextPathSavedShow load def
+ 5444
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diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bad076064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/picture.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\manual=manfnt %logo10 doesn't have what we need
+\def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
+% top of circle
+{\Size{1.2cm}{1cm}\bfseries \TeX\ Live 2}
+\rput(0,34){\begin{minipage}{8cm}\centering \textbf{April 1997}\\[3mm]
+\Size{9}{10.5}Ready-to-run \TeX\ system for Linux, DEC, HP, IBM,
+NeXT, SGI, and Sun Unix systems, \\
+based on Karl Berry's Web2c 7.0\\
+% bottom of circle
+ISO 9660 with\\Rock Ridge extensions\end{minipage}}
+Inclut \'egalement le \\
+distribution \TeX\ de \\GUTenberg pour Windows
+Macros, fonts, documentation in the\\
+\emph{{\TeX} Directory Structure} standard.\\[2mm]
+Editor: Sebastian Rahtz
+{\ttfamily} ~$\bullet$~
+{\ttfamily} ~$\bullet$~
+{\ttfamily} }
+GUTenberg $\bullet$
+ UK \TeX\ Users Group $\bullet$
+\TeX\ Users Group}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul-sep.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul-sep.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d13cd4f591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul-sep.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b52390433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/regul.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+\title{The \UKTUG}
+\section*{The 1995--96 \ukt\ committee}
+R.~Fairbairns & Chair\\
+P.~Abbott & Treasurer and \\ & Membership Secretary\\
+D.~P.~Carlisle & Committee Secretary\\
+M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\
+% & \BV\ editor\\
+K.~Bazargan; S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz; M.~D.~Wooding.
+\section*{Book Discounts for \protect\ukt\ members}
+%The UK \TeX\ User group has been in discussion with a number of
+%publishers to arrange discounts on publications which may be of
+%interest to members.
+We have arrangements with Addison-Wesley for
+their well-known \TeX-related publications, and with International
+Thomson Publishing to supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \&
+Associates Inc.\ series of books to members.
+The agreed list of books, together with the discounted (at least 20\%)
+price, is distributed occasionally with \BV, but is always available
+from the Treasurer, Peter Abbott. The quoted price includes the cost
+of postage and packing.
+%We would like to extend this service to members. If you have contacts
+%with the sales and marketing parts of any publisher who publishes
+%relevant books, please inform us and we will try to
+%arrange something mutually convenient and beneficial.
+We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members
+of the \UKTUG\ and/or members of \acro{TUG}. Please send your
+order and cheque (in \acro{UK} \pounds) to Peter Abbott (address in
+\BV\ masthead).
+Make cheques payable to `\acro{UKTUG}' please.
+Books from Addison-Wesley are delivered direct but books from
+O'Reilly will be routed through \ukt. \emph{In all cases} please
+notify Peter Abbott
+by email, phone, fax or letter when books are delivered. This service
+is unfortunately not a speedy process
+\title{Obtaining \TeX}
+\author{edited by Peter Abbott}
+\subsection*{From the network -- CTAN}
+The \acro{UK} \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{} is part of the
+(Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating network of
+archives on the Internet organised by the
+\TeX\ Users Group.
+%The main archives follow the same structure
+%and have identical files ({\tt}
+%and {\tt}).
+The \acro{CTAN} archives run an enhanced \emph{ftp} server which supports
+dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive creation options.
+Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for
+information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist
+you. Please read {\tt} for a brief overview.
+%Details of where to find public domain, or shareware,
+%\TeX\ packages for different machines and operating
+%systems are given below.
+ Please report any problems with \acro{CTAN} archives via email to
+ \texttt{}.
+%\subsection*{CTAN directories}
+The main directories which make up \acro{CTAN} are listed below; readers are
+referred to Graham Williams' \emph{\TeX{} and \LaTeX{} Catalogue}
+which is available from \acro{CTAN} as \path|help/Catalogue/catalogue.html|
+\item[biblio] bibliography-related files, such as
+ \BibTeX.
+\item[digests] back issues of \TeX-related periodicals
+\item[dviware] contains the various \texttt{dvi}-to-whatever filters
+ and drivers
+\item[fonts] fonts, both sources and pre-compiled
+\item[graphics]utilities and macros related to graphics
+\item[help] overviews of the archive and the \TeX\ system
+\item[info] files and tutorials which document various aspects of \TeX
+\item[indexing] utilities and related files for indexing
+\item[language] material for typesetting non-English documents
+\item[macros] macros packages for \TeX\ and style files
+\item[support] programs which can be used in support of \TeX
+\item[systems] complete system setups, organized by operating
+ system
+\item[tools] the various archiving tools used on CTAN
+\item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities
+%\subsection*{CTAN -- CDROM}
+\subsection*{Unix -- CD-ROM}
+\acro{GUT}enberg and \ukt, in collaboration with \acro{TUG} and
+\acro{NTG}, have produced
+a plug-and-play \acro{CD}-\acro{ROM} based on Thomas Esser's \textrm{te}\TeX{}
+As it uses the \acro{ISO} 9660 standard, the platform-independent
+files can, in principle, be read on all operating systems which are
+compatible with that format.
+Unix executables for the following platform/operating system
+combinations are included: Digital alpha-osf (2.0 and 3.2), Hewlett
+Packard hpux (9.01 and 10.01), Intel i386 bsdi2.0, freebsd (2.0.5 and
+2.1.0) netbsd (1.0 and 1.1), Intel i486 (linux and linuxaout), m68k
+(linux, linuxoldld, and nextstep3), mips (irix 5.2, 5.3 and ultrix4.4)
+IBM RS6000 (aix3.2 and aix4.1.1) Sparc Solaris (2.4 and 2.5) and Sunos
+For full details see the article in \BV\ 6.2.
+The \acro{CD} is available to members of \TeX\ user groups at
+\pounds15 and to non-members at \pounds25. Order the disk from Peter
+Abbott; see the section `\acro{PC} and Mac disks' for details.
+%\subsection*{Unix tapes}
+%The group no longer offers Unix tapes: we recommend the \TeX{} Live
+%\acro{CD} to Unix users.
+\subsection*{DOS -- CD-ROM}
+\ukt\ distributes the comprehensive 4All\TeX\ \acro{CD}-\acro{ROM},
+created by the
+Dutch \TeX\ Users'
+Group (\acro{NTG}), now in its 3rd edition. This costs \pounds25 for 2
+\acro{CD}s, and is for \acro{DOS} users.
+\subsection*{PC and Mac disks}
+The \ukt\ distributes an em\TeX\ kit for \acro{PC}s,
+and an Oz\TeX\ kit for Macintosh. The cost covers copying and postage
+costs, together with the shareware fee for Oz\TeX\ (and other Mac programs)
+and Eddi4\TeX.
+Each set costs \pounds30,
+and is available from Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak,
+Birmingham B29~4LB. Cheques must be payable to \lq{}UKTUG\rq{}. Please note
+that this service \emph{is available to \ukt\ members only.} Each set
+comes with an installation guide, and (at least) full \TeX\ and \MF, a
+previewer, a PostScript driver, and \acro{CM} fonts. Two update disks a year
+will be sent out automatically, with the current version of \LaTeXe,
+and other goodies. A subscription service is available for
+subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to 3 disks a
+year with any material from the \acro{CTAN} archives, but this will be
+supplied \lq{}as is\rq{}, without instructions.
+Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari \acro{ST} etc. may be directed to: The Fast
+Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone 01602 455250, fax 01602
+455305. They also supply a variety of \TeX-related software in Atari format.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/spiel.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/spiel.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..364809fd5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/spiel.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Your committee has long aimed to ensure that the \acro{UK} makes a
+valuable contribution to the world of \TeX: for example, it is
+possible to claim that the \acro{UK} \TeX{} archive led the world in
+comprehensive provision, and members of your committee continue to
+take active part in maintaining the internationally-linked \acro{CTAN}
+system of archives.
+The idea of keeping the \acro{UK}'s profile motivated us to produce
+the `Frequently Asked Questions' (\FAQ) issues that we issued as
+`Christmas Editions' of Baskerville for 1994 and 1995. At the time
+that we decided to prepare the 1994 \FAQ{}, we were stirred by the
+great value of the \acro{NTG}'s 4All\TeX{} which had at the time just
+been released
+As members will be aware, \uktug{} has supported the idea of a
+`general \CDROM{} distribution' of \TeX{} for a long time. The first
+such disc to appear was the \acro{NTG}'s 4All\TeX{} distribution, and
+we have sold very many copies of the various versions of that disc.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bib b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1734036eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ abstract = {An Amiga port of the complete UNIX-TeX system.},
+ author = {Andreas Scherer},
+ ctan = {systems/amiga/amiweb2c/},
+ email = {Scherer@PHYSIK.RWTH-AACHEN.DE},
+ version = {2.0},
+ modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:17:03},
+ modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <>},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries HP running hpux10.20}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries HP running hpux9.05}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Windows 32}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Sparc running Linux}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Sparc running Solaris 2.4}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Sparc running SunOS 4.1.3}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Intel PC running FreeBSD 2.2}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Intel Pentium Pro running Linux}
+ texlive = {bibtex1},
+ abstract = {Basic \BibTeX{} styles},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}
+ texlive = {bibtex2},
+ modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR},
+ abstract = {Basic \BibTeX{} documentation}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Alpha running Linux}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Alpha running OSF 3.2}
+ texlive={latex1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/base},
+ abstract={Basic \LaTeX{} system}
+ texlive={texlive1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Basic documentation for \TeXLive{}}
+ texlive={texlive2},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Recommended documentation for \TeXLive{}}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={usergrps/dante/dtk},
+ abstract={Macros for the DANTE publication}
+ texlive={dvips1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Basic support files for dvips}
+ texlive={doc1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Useful general documentation}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries HP running hpux10.0}
+ texlive={lang1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Collection of hyphenation patterns}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Intel machines running Linux}
+ texlive={latex1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={info/lshort},
+ author={Tobias Oetiker},
+ abstract={Short introduction to \LaTeX}
+ texlive={fonts2},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Font metrics and \LaTeX{} font description files for
+standard 35 PostScript fonts}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Next boxes running Nextstep 3}
+ texlive={fonts1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Small support files for \MF}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for SGI box running Irix 4.0.5}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for SGI box running Irix 5.3}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for SGI box running Irix 6.3}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for MIPS machine running Ultrix 4.4}
+ texlive={latex2},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX 209}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/other/misc},
+ abstract={Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX}
+ texlive={metapost1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={graphics/metapost},
+ abstract={Basic Metapost support files}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 3.2.5}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 4.1.1}
+ texlive={latex3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/latex/contrib/supported/songbook},
+ abstract={Package for typesetting song lyrics}
+ texlive={systems1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={System binaries for Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.5}
+ texlive={generic3},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ ctan={macros/generic/TeX-PS},
+ abstract={Various extra support file for dvips}
+ texlive={texlive1},
+ modified={12 Apr 1997},
+ abstract={Basic material for \TeXLive{}}
+ texlive={doc2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Documentation in PDf format}
+ texlive={plain2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ ctan={systems/pdftex},
+ abstract={Macro packages for variant \TeX{} which writes PDF format}
+ texlive={doc2},
+ modified={3 May 1997},
+ abstract={Useful documentation; various \LaTeX{} guides, FAQ,
+ fontname docs etc}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.blg b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.blg
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index 0000000000..bc78cf208d
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+This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2c 7.0)
+The top-level auxiliary file: tex-live.aux
+The style file: tex-live.bst
+Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 3000 items from 0.
+Database file #1: catalog.bib
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+--line 2985 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3074 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3125 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ocr-a's extra "modified" field
+--line 3140 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3148 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring overword's extra "modified" field
+--line 3212 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3260 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3427 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring poligraf's extra "modified" field
+--line 3439 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring pslatex's extra "modified" field
+--line 3571 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring ragged2e's extra "modified" field
+--line 3699 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3778 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3879 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 3928 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 4057 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 4117 of file catalog.bib
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+--line 4561 of file catalog.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring uaclasses's extra "modified" field
+--line 4591 of file catalog.bib
+Database file #2: catextra.bib
+Database file #3: tex-live.bib
+Warning--I'm ignoring amiweb2c's extra "modified" field
+--line 8 of file tex-live.bib
+You've used 375 entries,
+ 58 wiz_defined-function locations,
+ 1448 strings with 52735 characters,
+and the built_in function-call counts, 5987 in all, are:
+= -- 0
+> -- 0
+< -- 0
++ -- 0
+- -- 0
+* -- 1870
+:= -- 0
+add.period$ -- 0
+call.type$ -- 375$ -- 0$ -- 0
+cite$ -- 748
+duplicate$ -- 0
+empty$ -- 375$ -- 0
+if$ -- 375$ -- 0$ -- 0
+missing$ -- 0
+newline$ -- 748
+num.names$ -- 0
+pop$ -- 0
+preamble$ -- 0
+purify$ -- 0
+quote$ -- 0
+skip$ -- 0
+stack$ -- 0
+substring$ -- 0
+swap$ -- 0
+text.length$ -- 0
+text.prefix$ -- 0
+top$ -- 0
+type$ -- 0
+warning$ -- 0
+while$ -- 0
+width$ -- 0
+write$ -- 1496
+(There were 58 warnings)
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bst b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1365372110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.bst
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ {
+ name
+ abstract
+ texlive
+ author
+ ctan
+ keywords
+ version
+ also
+ modified
+ }
+ {} % no integer entry variables
+ { label extra.label sort.label } % label entry variables
+STRINGS { s t }
+{ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+{ 'skip$
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ if$
+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
+FUNCTION {TexIndex} {
+ texlive empty$
+ { }
+ { "\bibitem{" cite$ * "}" * write$
+ cite$ "&" * write$
+ texlive "&" * write$
+ newline$
+ abstract "\\" * write$
+ newline$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ITERATE {call.type$}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2318918820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+[\filedate, \fileversion: documentation for TeX Live CD]
+% longtable, but with reduced working space
+% for a proper \acro command (\def to override ltugboat def)
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\TeXLive{\textbf{\TeX{} Live}}
+ \underline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\mf{{\logo METAFONT}\null} \font\logo=logo10
+\def\initex{{\tt INITEX}\null}
+\def\dvips{{\tt dvips}}
+\def\dvidvi{{\tt dvidvi}}
+\def\dvicopy{{\tt dvicopy}}
+\def\psbook{{\tt psbook}}
+\def\psnup{{\tt psnup}}
+\def\psselect{{\tt psselect}}
+\def\pstops{{\tt pstops}}
+\def\MakeTeXPK{{\tt MakeTeXPK}\null}
+\def\GFtoPK{{\tt GFtoPK}\null}
+\def\GFtoDVI{{\tt GFtoDVI}\null}
+\def\GFtype{{\tt GFtype}}
+\def\PKtype{{\tt PKtype}}
+\def\TFtoPL{{\tt TFtoPL}\null}
+\def\PLtoTF{{\tt PLtoTF}\null}
+\def\VFtoVP{{\tt VFtoVP}\null}
+\def\VPtoVF{{\tt VPtoVF}\null}
+\def\AFMtoTFM{{\tt AFM2TFM}\null}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5660597ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tex-live.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1562 @@
+This documentation describes the main features of the \TeXLive{}
+\CDROM{}, a \TeX{}/\LaTeX{} distribution for Unix, Windows32, Amiga and
+NeXT systems, that includes \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \MF{}, \MP, many other
+programs such as Makeindex, dvips, xdvi and \BibTeX{}; and a very
+complete set of macros, fonts and documentation conforming to the
+\emph{\TeX{} Directory Standard} which can be used with nearly every
+\TeX{} setup.
+This \TeX{} package uses the \Webc{} implementation of the programs,
+which tries to make \TeX{}ing as easy as possible, and takes full
+advantage of the efficient and highly customizable Kpathsea library
+from Karl Berry. It can be run either directly from the \CDROM{}, or
+installed on a hard disk.
+The \TeXLive{} runnable systems contain two experimental extensions to
+normal \TeX:
+\item \eTeX, which adds a small but powerful set of new primitives,
+ and the \TeXXeT{} extensions for left to right typesetting; in
+ default mode, \eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+ \path|share/texmf/doc/html/e-tex/etex.htm| on the \CDROM{} for details.
+\item pdf\TeX, which can optionally write Acrobat PDF format instead
+ of \texttt{dvi}; there is no formal documentation for this yet, but the
+ file \path|share/texmf/tex/pdftex/example.tex| shows how it is
+ used. The \LaTeX{} \texttt{hyperref} package has an option `pdftex'
+ which turns on all the program features.
+While \eTeX{} is stable, pdf\TeX{} is under continual development; the
+version on the \CDROM{} may not be stable. Most platforms have version
+0.11 of May 7th, but some have a slightly earlier one of May 5th,
+which may have problems including PNG files.
+The entire GUTenberg distribution for Windows is
+included on the \CDROM{}, ready to install, as are the following
+complete packages:
+\item \OzTeX{} 3.0 for Macintosh
+\item CMacTeX 2.6 for Macintosh
+\item Macintosh utilities (Alpha, Excalibur, etc.)
+\item MikTeX for Windows 95
+\item emTeX for MSDOS and OS/2
+\item \TeX{} shells for Windows
+ and DOS (Winedt, e4t, TeXtelmExtel, emTeXgi)
+These are provided unchanged from \CTAN{}, and have not been integrated
+in any way with the rest of the \CDROM{}.
+\subsection{History and acknowledgements}
+This \CDROM{} distribution is a joint effort by the \TeX{} Users
+Group, the UK \TeX{} Users Group, and the French \TeX{} Users (GUTenberg),
+with the support of the Dutch, German and Czech/Slovak user groups.
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CDROM{} for MSDOS users, and it was
+hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CDROM{} for all
+systems. This was far too ambitious a target, but it did spawn not
+only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CDROM{}, but also the TUG
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory
+ Structure}, which specified how to create consistent and manageable
+collections of \TeX{} support files. The final draft of the TDS was
+published in the December 1995 issue of \TUB{}, and it was clear from
+an early stage that one desirable product would be a model structure
+on \CDROM{}. The \CDROM{} you now have is a very direct result of the
+working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the success of
+the 4All\TeX{} \CDROM{} meant that Unix users would benefit from a
+similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of \TeXLive.
+We undertook to make a new Unix-based TDS \CDROM{} in the autumn of 1995,
+and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal setup, as
+it already had multi-platform support and was built with portability
+across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work began
+seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in May
+1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release of
+his \Webc{} package, which included nearly all the features which Thomas
+Esser had added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the
+\CDROM{} on the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's
+\texttt{texconfig} script.
+We are particularly grateful to: Karl Berry for extra advice,
+encouragement, and (of course) for providing the \Webc{}
+distribution; Thomas Esser, without whose marvellous \teTeX{} package
+this \CDROM{} would certainly not exist, and whose continual
+help makes it a better product; and Ulrik Vieth, for checking
+many assumptions at the start, and providing a great deal of extra
+material for the documentation tree.
+Fabrice Popineau did the excellent port of \Webc{} 7.0 to Windows 95/NT
+and provided much help; Andreas Scherer contributed the Amiga
+compilation; Gregor Hoffleit contributed the TeXview material
+for NextStep users, and the NextStep binaries. At Florida State
+University Supercomputer Research Institute, Mimi Burbank arranged
+access to a slew of different computers to compile \TeX{} on, and
+acted as an essential guinea-pig whenever asked. Michel Goossens
+provided access to computers at CERN, and Robin Fairbairns stepped in
+to provide an Alpha running Linux at Cambridge.
+Some of this documentation is drawn from the \teTeX{} guide by Thomas
+Esser and Dirk Hillbrecht; the catalogue of packages depends very much
+on the ongoing work of Graham Williams
+(\url{}), who kindly agreed to
+allow us to use it here. Mimi Burbank, Robin
+Fairbairns and Ulrik Vieth worked hard to improve this text.
+\subsection{Future versions}
+\emph{This \CDROM{} is not a perfect product!} We plan to re-issue it
+once a year, and would like to provide more help material, more
+utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is all
+done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and a
+great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Corrections, suggestions and additions for future revisions
+should be sent to:
+Sebastian Rahtz\\
+{}7 Stratfield Road\\
+Oxford OX2 7BG\\
+United Kingdom\\
+Updates, notes, and suggestions will be made available on \CTAN{}
+in \path|info/texlive|. A \acro{WWW} page for
+information and ordering details is at
+\section{Structure and contents of the \CDROM{}}
+The \CDROM{} top level directories are:
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} family programs, arranged in separate platform
+\item[info] Documentation in \acro{GNU} `info' format for the \TeX{} system;
+\item[macintosh] The \OzTeX{} and CMacTeX packages ready to install, plus
+ some other utilities;
+\item[man] Documentation in Unix man pages for the \TeX{} system;
+\item[msdos] DOS \TeX{} packages\Dash emTeX, and three \TeX{}
+ shells;
+\item[support] The source of all programs, including the main
+\Webc{} \TeX{} and \MF{} distribution; this directory also
+includes various bits of \TeX-related software which are \emph{not}
+installed by default, such as Musix\TeX{} support programs, and
+a complete set of Ghostscript;
+\item[share] The main support tree of macros, fonts and documentation;
+\item[wingut] The GUTenberg distribution for Windows;
+this consists of compressed archives which must be unpacked and
+installed on a hard disk. Please see the detailed instructions in
+\item[win32] \TeX{} packages for Windows 95 and NT users (MikTeX, and
+ the original package of the Win32 port of \Webc).
+There are also two installation scripts for Unix systems,
+\texttt{} and \texttt{}; we discuss
+them on p.~\pageref{sec:install}.
+\subsection{The TDS tree}
+The \TeXLive{} \texttt{share/texmf} tree consists of various `collections',
+each of which has a set of `packages', of which there are over 400
+on the \CDROM{}. Normal installation allows the
+user to copy all of a collection to a local hard disk from the \CDROM{}, but
+it is also possible to install just one package of a collection.
+Each of the collections is divided into \emph{basic} (1),
+\emph{recommended} (2) and \emph{other} (3). The
+collections are:
+\item[ams] The American Mathematical Society macro packages and fonts
+\item[bibtex] \BibTeX{} styles and databases
+\item[doc] General guides and documentation in various formats, including HTML
+ and PDF
+\item[dvips] Support for Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver
+\item[fonts] Font sources, metrics, PostScript and bitmap forms
+\item[formats] Eplain, Rev\TeX, physxx, texsis, alatex, text1, lollipop, etc.
+\item[generic] Extra macros for use with any format
+\item[graphics] Macro packages for graphics
+\item[lang] Support for non-English languages
+\item[latex] \LaTeX, including official tools and all \LaTeXe\
+ contributed packages
+\item[metapost] Support for \MP
+\item[plain] Macros for plain \TeX
+\item[systems] Binaries for Unix platforms
+\item[texlive] Basic material for the distribution
+The appendix starting on p.~\pageref{cat} lists all the packages in alphabetical order with
+the collection they are found in, and a brief description. Thus all
+packages in collection \texttt{latex1} are what one must have to get
+started with \LaTeX, packages in \texttt{latex2} are recommended for
+most users, and \texttt{latex3} contains optional packages. The
+directory \texttt{share/texmf/lists} contains lists of all files in
+each package (used by the installation package).
+%\section{Installing and using the \CDROM{} under Unix}
+\section{Installation and use under Unix}
+You can use the \TeXLive{} \CDROM{} in three ways:
+\item You can mount the \CDROM{} on your file system, adjust your
+ \texttt{PATH}, and run everything off the \CDROM; this takes very
+ little disk space, and gives you immediate access to everything on
+ the \CDROM; although the performance will not be optimal, it is
+ perfectly acceptable on, for instance, PCs running Linux;
+\item You can install all or part of the system to your local hard
+disk; this is the best method for many people, if they have enough
+disk space to spare (a minimum of about 10 megabytes, or 100 megabytes
+for a recommended good-sized system);
+\item You can install selected packages to work either with your
+existing \TeX{} system or a \TeXLive{} system you installed earlier.
+Each of these methods is described in more detail in the following
+\textbf{Warning: } This \CDROM{} is in ISO 9660 (High Sierra) format, with Rock Ridge
+extensions. In order to take full advantage of the
+\CDROM{} on a Unix system, your system needs to be able to use the
+Rock Ridge extensions. Please consult the documentation for your
+\emph{mount} command to see if it is possible.
+If you have several different machines on a local network, see
+if you can mount the \CDROM{} on one which \emph{does} support Rock Ridge,
+and use it from the others.
+Linux, FreeBSD, Sun, SGI and DEC Alpha systems should be able to use
+the \CDROM{} with no problems. We would appreciate receiving detailed advice
+from other system users who also succeed, for future versions of this
+The discussion below about installation assumes you have been able to mount
+the \CDROM{} with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+\subsection{Running \TeXLive{} from the \CDROM}
+The organisation of \Webc{} means that you can run programs simply by
+adding the appropriate directory under \path|bin| on the \CDROM{} to
+your \texttt{PATH}, and the support files will all be found with no further
+ado. The following table shows the list of available directories and
+the systems they apply to.
+alpha-linux \> DEC Alpha Linux\\
+alpha-osf3.2 \> DEC Alpha OS 3.2\\
+amiweb2c \> Amiga\\
+hppa11-hpux9.05 \> HP9000 HPUX 9.05\\
+hppa11-hpux10.20 \> HP9000 HPUX 10.20\\
+i386-linux \> Intel PC with Linux (ELF)\\
+i586-freebsd2.2 \> Intel PC with Free BSD\\
+i686-linux \> Intel Pentium Pro with Linux\\
+mab-nextstep3 \> NextStep 3\\
+mips-irix4.0.5 \> SGI IRIX 4.0.5\\
+mips-irix5.3 \> SGI IRIX 5.3\\
+mips-irix6.3 \> SGI IRIX 6.3\\
+mips-ultrix4.4 \> DECstation Ultrix 4.4\\
+rs6000-aix3.2.5 \> IBM RS 6000 AIX 3.2.5\\
+rs6000-aix4.1.1 \> IBM RS 6000 AIX 4.1.1\\
+sparc-sunos4.1.3 \> Sun Sparc Sunos 4.1.3\\
+sparc-solaris2.5 \> Sun Sparc Solaris 2.5\\
+sparc-solaris2.4 \> Sun Sparc Solaris 2.4\\
+sparc-linux \> Sun Sparc Linux\\
+win32 \> Windows 95 or NT\\
+You may worry that when you subsequently make fonts or change
+configuration, things will go wrong because you cannot change files on
+the \CDROM{}. However, you can maintain a parallel, writeable, \TeX{}
+tree on your hard disk; this is searched before the main tree on the
+\CDROM{}. The default location is \path|/usr/local/texmf|, but you can
+override this by setting the \texttt{TEXMFLOCAL} environment variable.
+Thus \emph{sh} or \emph{bash} users on an Intel PC
+running Linux who mount the \TeXLive{} \CDROM{} on
+\file{/cdrom} by issuing the command:
+mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom
+might add the following to their \texttt{.profile} script:
+export PATH
+If in doubt, ask your local system support guru to help you work out
+how to mount your \CDROM{} or which directory to use for your system.
+Appropriate support files will be installed on your hard disk the
+first time you need them. It is a good idea to immediately run the
+\texttt{texconfig} script to initialize things, and check it all
+\subsection{Installing \TeXLive{} to a hard disk}
+All of the necessary steps to install all or part of the distribution
+on your hard disk are achieved by mounting the \CDROM{}, changing to the
+top-level directory, and typing:
+(On some Unix systems, you may need to use \texttt{sh5} or \texttt{bsh}).
+This works by accessing lists of collections and packages from the \CDROM{},
+and trying to guess what sort of computer system you are on; it should
+start by displaying the following:
+Initializing collections... Done.
+Counting selected collections... Done.
+Calculating disk space requirements for
+ collections...Done.
+Initializing system packages... Done.
+It will then show the main control screen
+(Figure~\ref{ins1}), which lets you change four
+\item the type of system you are on, or want to install for;
+\item the collections you want to install, at \emph{basic},
+\emph{recommended} or \emph{other} level;
+\item the location on your hard disk to put the files;
+\item some runtime behaviour features.
+You choose options by typing a letter or number and pressing return.
+In the example, a Linux ELF system has been detected, the
+default of all collections to recommended level has been chosen, and
+the default installation directory is \path|/usr/local|; note
+that the disk space required for the current installation
+configuration is also displayed. If you make a suggested setup, you
+need about 100 megabytes of disk free; however, the basic setup will
+only take about 10 megabytes, and you can enhance it with selected
+packages as you need them.
+Under the directory you choose for installation, the installation
+script will put the binaries in a subdirectory of \path|bin|, and the
+support tree in \path|share/texmf|.
+===================> TeX Live installation procedure <==========
+===> Note: Letters/digits in brackets indicate menu items <===
+===> for commands or configurable options <===
+ Detected system: Intel PC with Linux (ELF)
+ <C> collections: 21 out of 30, disk space required: 163955 kB
+ <S> systems: 1 out of 20, disk space required: 7946 kB
+ total disk space required: 171901 kB
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR = /usr/local
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] alternate directory for automatically generated fonts
+ [ ] create symlinks in standard directories
+ Other commands:
+ <I> start installation, <H> help, <Q> quit
+Enter command:
+\caption{Installation screen, example 1}\label{ins1}
+Current collections setup: total size : 171901 kB
+ name selection size
+ <1> ams [recommended] 6359 kB
+ <2> bibtex [recommended] 6584 kB
+ <3> doc [recommended] 26531 kB
+ <4> dvips [recommended] 563 kB
+ <5> fonts [recommended] 21862 kB
+ <6> formats [recommended] 1003 kB
+ <7> generic [recommended] 501 kB
+ <8> graphics [recommended] 10373 kB
+ <9> lang [recommended] 3287 kB
+ <W> metapost [recommended] 1280 kB
+ <X> latex [recommended] 28333 kB
+ <Y> plain [recommended] 756 kB
+ <Z> texlive [recommended] 56523 kB
+ SUM: 163955 kB
+ global commands: select <n>one / <b>asic / r<e>commended / <a>ll
+ for all collections
+ <R> return to platform menu
+ <Q> quit
+Enter command to modify current selection:
+\caption{Installation screen, example 2}\label{ins2}
+Collection: Fonts
+Fonts, including metrics, virtual fonts and sources
+ <N> no packages
+ <B> basic packages [ 2007 kB]
+ <E> basic + recommended packages [ 21862 kB]
+ <A> all packages [ 34303 kB]
+ <R> return to collection menu
+ <Q> quit
+Enter command:
+\caption{Installation screen, example 3}\label{ins3}
+The \texttt{options} item lets you decide whether to make new fonts be
+created in another location (if you want the main package mounted
+read-only for most users), and whether to make symbolic links for the
+\emph{man} and \acro{GNU} \emph{info} pages in the `standard' locations.
+When you choose |<C>| for collections, you will see the display of
+available collections, the level of installation selected, and the
+disk space required (Figure \ref{ins2}).
+You can set alternative levels of installation for each collection,
+ranging from \emph{none} to \emph{all}. You can either set this for
+all collections at once, or choose a particular collection and set its
+level (Figure \ref{ins3}).
+When you are finished, return to the main screen, and ask the
+installation to start. It will take each of the collections and
+systems that you requested, consult the list of files on the \CDROM{},
+and build a master list of files to transfer. These will then be
+copied to your hard disk, and the initialization sequence run
+(creating format files etc.). When this has finished, all you need do
+is add the correct subdirectory of \texttt{bin} in the \TeX{}
+installation to your path, and start using \TeX. If you want to move
+the binaries up one level, e.g. from
+to \path|/usr/local/bin|, you need to edit
+\path|share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf| and change
+the line
+prefix = $SELFAUTODIR
+You can of course change the value of \texttt{prefix} to any directory
+you like, and move the support directory there.
+\subsection{Installing individual packages from \TeXLive{} to a hard
+ disk} You may want to use the \TeXLive{} \CDROM{} to either update an
+existing setup, or add features to an earlier installation from the
+\CDROM{}. The main installation program is intended for the first time
+only, and subsequently you should use the \texttt{}
+script on the \CDROM{}. Run this by mounting the \CDROM{}, changing to
+the mounted directory, and typing
+sh \emph{options}
+The script supports nine options; the first four let you set the
+individual package you want to install, the whole collection (i.e.,
+\texttt{ams2}), the name of the mounted \CDROM{} directory, and the name of
+the directory containing the list files (normally these latter two
+will be set automatically):
+\texttt{-{}-package=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-collection=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-cddir=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-listdir=}\emph{name} & \\
+What actually happens is controlled by four more switches; the first
+two allow you to exclude documentation or source files from the
+installation; the third stops the default action of running
+\texttt{MakeTeXls-R} on completion to rebuild the file database, and
+the last does nothing but list the files that would be installed:
+\texttt{-{}-nodoc} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-nosrc} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-nohash} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-listonly} & \\
+Finally, you can specify that instead of installing the files, the script
+should make a \emph{tar} archive in a specified location:
+\texttt{-{}-archive=}\emph{name} & \\
+Thus, if we simply wanted to see the files that make up the package
+\texttt{fancyhdr} before we installed, our command and output would be
+as follows:
+\Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+Other examples of usage are:
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \texttt{arseneau}:
+\begin{verbatim} --package=arseneau
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \texttt{alg} with no source files and no
+\begin{verbatim} \
+ --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc
+\item Install all the packages available in the `extra' Plain \TeX\ collection:
+\begin{verbatim} --collection=plain3
+\item Place all files which are need for PSTricks
+in a tar file in \path|/tmp|:
+\begin{verbatim} --package=pstricks \
+ --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar
+After the installation program has copied all files to their final
+locations, you can call a program called \texttt{texconfig} that
+allows you to configure the system to fit your local needs. This can
+be called at any other time to change your setup, with a full-screen
+(which requires the \prog{dialog} program) or command-line interface.
+It should be used for all maintenance, like changes of installed
+printers, or rebuilding of the file database. Both modes have help text
+to guide you through the facilities.
+\subsection{Building on a new platform}
+If you have a platform for which we have not provided binary sources,
+you will need to compile \TeX{} and friends from scratch. This is not
+as hard as it sounds. What you need is all in the directory
+\texttt{support/texk-7.0} on the \CDROM{}.
+To compile \TeX, you should get gcc, flex and a recent version of \acro{GNU}\,make.
+gcc-2.5.8, flex-2.4.7 and \acro{GNU}\,make-3.72.1 or newer should be fine. You
+may be able to work with other C compilers and Make programs, but
+you will need a good understanding of building Unix programs to sort
+out problems.
+You should first install the support tree from the \TeXLive{} \CDROM{} (do
+a basic install, with no system binaries chosen). Then copy the
+\texttt{texk-7.0} directory to your disk, and run
+ configure -prefix=\$TEXMF
+where \texttt{\$TEXMF}
+is the place where you installed \TeXLive.
+Now type \texttt{make install-exec} and relax\ldots
+\section{A user's guide to the \Webc{} system}
+\begingroup% Sanitizing a few characters for web2c
+\Webc{} contains a set of \TeX-related programs, i.e., \TeX{} itself,
+\MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. The original implementation was by Tomas
+Rokicki, who in 1987 developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system adapting
+change files under Unix, which were primarily the work of Howard
+Trickey and Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the
+system, and during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990,
+Karl Berry took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional
+contributors. The latest result is \Webc{} Version 7, which was
+released in February 1997, and forms the basis of the present
+\TeXLive{} \CDROM{}.
+The \Webc{} 7.0 system runs on Unix, Windows 95/NT, DOS, Amiga, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{}
+and other basic programs written in \texttt{web} and translates them
+into C source code. Moreover, the system offers a large set of macros
+and functions developed to augment the original \TeX{} software. The
+most commonly used components are:
+\item[\prog{bibtex}] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[\prog{dmp}] \prog{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[\prog{dvicopy}] Virtual font expansion.
+\item[\prog{dvitomp}] DVI to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[\prog{dvitype}] DVI to human-readable text.
+\item[\prog{gftodvi}] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[\prog{gftopk}] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[\prog{gftype}] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[\prog{makempx}] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[\prog{mf}] Creating typeface families.
+\item[\prog{mft}] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[\prog{mpost}] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[\prog{mpto}] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[\prog{newer}] Compare modification times.
+\item[\prog{patgen}] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[\prog{pktogf}] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[\prog{pktype}] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[\prog{pltotf}] Property list to TFM.
+\item[\prog{pooltype}] Display WEB pool files.
+\item[\prog{tangle}] WEB to Pascal.
+\item[\prog{tex}] Typesetting.
+\item[\prog{tftopl}] TFM to property list.
+\item[\prog{vftovp}] Virtual font to virtual property list
+\item[\prog{vptovf}] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[\prog{weave}] WEB to \TeX.
+The precise functions and syntax of these programs are described in
+the documentation of the individual packages or of \Webc{} itself.
+However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you to benefit optimally from your \Webc{}
+All programs honor the standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[\texttt{--help\ \ \ }] print basic usage summary.
+\item[\texttt{--verbose}] print detailed progress report.
+\item[\texttt{--version}] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+few configuration files to optimize searching the \TeX{} directory
+tree. \Webc{} 7.0 can handle more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful if one wants to maintain \TeX's
+standard distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To
+speed up file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R},
+containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all
+files ``hanging'' under that root.
+\subsection{\prog{Kpathsea} path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my_file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my_file}, then
+\file{/dir/my_file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+``colon'' (\samp{:}) and ``slash'' (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+p.~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being searched for.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with VF files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new VF file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning transforming all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+%described in the same order as it takes place in the following
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \code{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \code{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \code{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \prog{dvips}' \file{}.
+ A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+ The compile-time default.
+You can see each of these values for a given search path by using the
+debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \code{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{share/texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \samp{.:$TEXMF}, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \file{$TEXMF/texmf.cnf}.
+While reading the description of the format of the file
+\file{texmf.cnf} below, please also refer to p.~\pageref{sec:texmfcnf},
+which lists the \file{texmf.cnf} file on the \CDROM.
+ Comments start with \samp{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line must look like
+ \begin{alltt}
+ \emph{variable}[.\emph{progname}] [=] \emph{value}
+ \end{alltt}%
+ where the ``\texttt{=}'' and surrounding whitespace is optional.
+%% bb -- there's a blank line after the verbatim line; i've put in
+%% a % after \end{alltt} to try to get rid of it.
+ The \var{variable} name may contain any character other than whitespace,
+ \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to \samp{A-Za-z_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \file{\var{progname}} or \file{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+ \var{value} may contain any characters except \samp{\%} and
+ \samp{@}. The \samp{$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available
+ on the right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable
+ (see the definition of the variable \texttt{latex2e_inputs}
+ for example). A \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to
+ \samp{:}\ if running under Unix; this is useful to write a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} which can be used under both Unix and NT.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so you can
+ use variables before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these
+points is shown below:
+% TeX input files -- i.e.,
+% anything found by \input or \openin ...
+latex209_inputs = \
+ .:$TEXMF/tex/latex209//:$TEXMF/tex//
+latex2e_inputs = \
+ .:$TEXMF/tex/latex//:$TEXMF/tex//
+TEXINPUTS.latex209 = $latex209_inputs
+TEXINPUTS.latex2e = $latex2e_inputs
+TEXINPUTS.latex = $latex2e_inputs
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to that in Unix shells. As an general example, the
+following complex path: \verb!~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz! expands to all
+subdirectories under directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in
+\texttt{$USER}'s home directory that contain a directory or file
+\file{baz}. These expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+p.~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next-highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place: it checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb!v{a,b}w! expands to \verb!vaw:vbw!. Nesting is allowed.
+This can be used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, you find the
+following definition:
+texdir = {$TEXMFLOCAL/tex,!!$TEXMFMAIN/tex}
+Then you can write something like:
+TEXINPUTS = .;$texdir//
+which means that after looking in the current directory, first the
+full \code{$TEXMFLOCAL/tex} directory tree (on disk) and then the
+\code{!!$TEXMFMAIN/tex} tree (using the data base file \file{ls-R}
+\emph{only}) will be searched. It is a convenient way for running two
+parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (like on a \CDROM) and the
+other being continuously updated with new versions as they become
+available. By using the \code{$texdir} variable in all definitions,
+one is sure to always search the up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarises the meaning of special characters
+in \KPS{} configuration files.
+\item[\code{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the ``default'' path expansion.
+\item[\code{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\code{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\code{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\code{\{\dots\}}] Brace expansion, e.g., \verb!a{1,2}b! will become
+ \verb!a1b:a2b!.
+\item[\code{//}] Subdirectory expansion. It can occur in the middle or
+ at the end of a path (not at the beginning).
+\item[\code{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\code{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\code{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to adapt
+to ``8.3'' filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{\texttt{ls-R} filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} installation
+hierarchy you wish to search (\code{$TEXMF} by default); most sites
+have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for \file{ls-R} files along the
+\code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{MakeTeXls-R} script coming with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{MakeTeX\dots} scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && ls -LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU}'s \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is always
+up to date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via \code{cron}, so
+that for changes in the installed files\Dash perhaps after installing or
+updating a \LaTeX{} package\Dash the file \file{ls-R} is automatically
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{\texttt{kpsewhich}: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{MakeTeX\dots} scripts).
+kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}
+Options can start with either \samp{-} or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous
+abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+\item[\texttt{--dpi=\var{num}}]\mbox{} Set the resolution to \var{num};
+ this only affects \samp{gf} and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a
+ synonym, for compatibility with \prog{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \var{name}. By default, the format is
+ guessed from the filename. In fact, the recognized filename
+ extensions and the allowable \var{name}s (including any leading
+ \samp{.})\ are the same.
+ You can also specify an integer for \var{name}; this is the only way
+ to specify formats that don't have an associated suffix, such as
+ \MP{} support files and \prog{dvips} configuration files. It's also
+ somewhat faster, since no unused formats need to be initialized.
+ The integers appear in the output of \samp{--help}. Currently
+ recognized file type numbers, with their description, possible file
+ extensions, and the corresponding environment variables (between
+ parentheses%
+ \footnote{You can find definitions for these environment variables
+ in the file \file{texmf.cnf} (p.~\pageref{sec:texmfcnf})})
+as follows:
+ \begin{alltt}
+ 0 \textrm{Generic font files}
+ 1 \textrm{packed font files}
+ 2 \textrm{\TeX{} bitmap font}
+ 3 \textrm{Adobe PostScript font metrics}
+ .afm (AFMFONTS)
+ 4 \textrm{\MF{} memory dump}
+ 5 \textrm{\BibTeX{} bibliography database}
+ 6 \textrm{\BibTeX{} styles}
+ .bst (BSTINPUTS)
+ 7 \textrm{Runtime configuration files}
+ .cnf (TEXMFCNF)
+ 8 \textrm{\Webc{} filename database}
+ 9 \textrm{\TeX{} memory dump}
+ 10 \textrm{\TeX{} generic font maps}
+ 11 \textrm{\MP{} memory dump}
+ 12 \textrm{\MF{} source files}
+ .mf (MFINPUTS)
+ 13 \textrm{\MF{} program strings}
+ 14 \textrm{\MF{} prettyprinter style files}
+ .mft (MFTINPUTS)
+ 15 \textrm{\MP{} sources}
+ .mp (MPINPUTS)
+ 16 \textrm{\MP{} program strings}
+ 17 \textrm{\MP{} support files}
+ 18 \textrm{\OMEGA{} compiled process}
+ .ocp (OCPINPUTS)
+ 19 \textrm{\OMEGA{} font metrics}
+ 20 \textrm{\OMEGA{} property list}
+ 21 \textrm{\OMEGA{} tranlation process files}
+ .otp (OTPINPUTS)
+ 22 \textrm{\OMEGA{} virtual fonts}
+ 23 \textrm{\OMEGA{} virtual property lists}
+ 24 \textrm{graphics/figure}
+ .eps .epsi (TEXPICTS, TEXINPUTS)
+ 25 \textrm{Source input files read by \TeX{}}
+ .tex .ltx .dtx .texi .texinfo
+ .txi .cls .sty .eps .epsi
+ 26 \textrm{\TeX{} documentation}
+ .ps .pdf .doc .txt (TEXDOCS)
+ 27 \textrm{\TeX{} program strings}
+ 28 \textrm{\TeX{} system package sources}
+ .dtx .ins (TEXSOURCES)
+ 29 \textrm{PostScript header/font}
+ 30 Troff \textrm{fonts}
+ 31 \textrm{\TeX{} font metric files}
+ 32 \textrm{PostScript type1 fonts}
+ .pfa .pfb (T1FONTS, T1INPUTS,
+ 33 \textrm{virtual fonts}
+ 34 dvips \textrm{configuration files}
+ config.\emph{xxx}, \emph{xxx}.map (TEXCONFIG)
+ 35 MakeIndex \textrm{style files}
+These environment variables are set by default in the configuration
+file \file{texmf.cnf}. It is only when you want to override one or
+more of the values specified in that file that you might want to set
+them explicitly in your execution environment.
+Note that the \samp{--format} and \samp{--path} options are mutually
+ Set the mode name to \var{string}; this also only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \var{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//}
+ and all the usual expansions are supported.
+ The options \samp{--path} and \samp{--format} are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \var{name}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \samp{.\var{prognam}}
+ feature in configuration files.
+ The default is \samp{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \var{name}.
+ Either a filename extension (\samp{.pk}, \samp{.vf}, etc.) or an
+ integer can be used, just as with \samp{--format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \var{num}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action.
+>> kpsewhich -format=.tex article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls} in the \TeX{} source
+file directories (type \texttt{.tex},
+format type 25). We find it in the subdirectory
+\file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{TEXMF} root directory. To save
+space, in the following examples we will denote with \texttt{\dots}
+the repetitive part \file{/usr/local/share/texmf} preceding each file path.
+>> kpsewhich tugboat.bib
+\BibTeX{} bibliography databases correspond to format type
+Here we located file \file{tugboat.bib}.
+>> kpsewhich
+>> kpsewhich -dpi=300
+>> kpsewhich
+>> kpsewhich -dpi=300
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} correspond to format type
+2. They are used by visualization programs like \prog{dvips} and
+\prog{xdvi}. On our system we found the Computer Modern file
+\file{cmr10} for the mode \texttt{ljfour}, at a base resolution of 600
+dpi (dots per inch). However, when specifying that we are only
+interested in a resolution of 300dpi (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we are told
+there is no such font available on the system. In fact, a program like
+\prog{dvips} or \prog{xdvi} would go off and actually build the
+\texttt{.pk} files at the required resolution using the script
+\prog{MakeTeXPK}. The last two commands look for a file
+\file{}. When specifying no explicit resolution the system
+returns one (at 597 dpi) which is closest to the ``default'' set in
+the \file{MakeTeXPK} script (600 dpi). However, when specifying the
+desired resolution (300 dpi) the full path name of the relevant target
+file is shown.
+Next we turn our attention to \prog{dvips}'s header (format type 29)
+and configuration files (format type 34).
+>> kpsewhich
+>> kpsewhich -format=34
+>> kpsewhich
+We first look at a few of the commonly used files, namely the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our
+attention to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the
+PostScript font map \file{}. Note how we fool the system by
+asking for \file{} as if it had a suffix of \texttt{.map}.
+We now look a little closer at the URW Times PostScript support files.
+The name for these in Berry's font naming scheme is ``\texttt{utm}''.
+The first file we look at is the configuration file, which contains
+the name of the map file.
+>> kpsewhich -format=34 config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+>> kpsewhich
+In this map file, which resides in \prog{dvips}'s \file{urw}
+subdirectory, the file names of the Type1
+PostScript fonts referenced are defined.
+The contents looks like (we only show part of the lines):
+\small{}utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi " ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu " ... <utmr8a.pfb
+%% bb -- i'm pretty sure of this, but thought i should mark it anyhow.
+%Let's, for instance take the Time Regular instance
+Let's, for instance take the Times Regular instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb}, and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree by using a search with format type 32.
+>> kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these few examples how one can easily locate
+the whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you
+suspect that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\prog{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to really investigate how a program resolves
+file references. To make this feasible in a convenient way \KPS{}
+offers various debug levels:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (file tests). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (like \file{ls-R}
+ database, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice you
+will probably always use these levels if you need any debugging.
+Similarly, with the \prog{dvips} program one can, by setting some
+debug switches, follow in detail where files are picked up from.
+Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one
+can get an indication what the problem is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, you can select a debug option by using the
+\code{KPATHSEA_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello_world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+Hello World!
+This little file only used the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look
+how \prog{dvips} prepares the PostScript file.
+>> dvips -d4100 hello_world -o
+In this case we have combined \prog{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \prog{dvips} Reference
+Manual). We get something like shown below (we have rearranged the
+output for easier display).
+debug:start search(file=texmf.cnf, must_exist=1,
+ find_all=1,
+ path=.:/usr/local/bin/texlive:/usr/local/bin:
+ /usr/local/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/local:
+ /usr/local/share/texmf/web2c:
+ /.:/./teTeX/TeX/share/texmf/web2c:).
+kdebug:start search(file=ls-R, must_exist=1,
+ find_all=1,
+ path=/usr/local/texmf:/usr/local/share/texmf).
+kdebug:search(ls-R) =>/usr/local/share/texmf/ls-R
+kdebug:start search(file=aliases, must_exist=1,
+ find_all=1,
+ path=/usr/local/texmf:/usr/local/share/texmf).
+kdebug:search(aliases) =>
+kdebug:start search(, must_exist=0,
+ find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/dvips//).
+kdebug:search( =>
+ /usr/local/share/texmf/dvips/config/
+kdebug:start search(file=/root/.dvipsrc,
+ must_exist=0, find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/dvips//).
+kdebug:search($HOME/.dvipsrc) =>
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(, must_exist=0,
+ find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/dvips//).
+kdebug:search( =>
+ /usr/local/share/texmf/dvips/base/
+First \prog{dvips} locates its working files. It first found
+\file{texmf.cnf} (with the definitions of the paths of the other
+files), then the file data base \file{ls-R} (to optimize file
+searching). It goes on to find the generic configuration file
+\file{}, and then looks for the customization file
+\file{.dvipsrc} (which, in this case is \emph{not found}).
+Finally \prog{dvips} locates the generic map file for PostScript fonts
+\file{} (defining the relation between the internal and
+external names for the PostScript fonts).
+At this point \prog{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+dvipsk 5.66a Copyright 1986-97 Radical Eye Software
+ (
+then goes on to look for the prolog file \file{},
+kdebug:start search(, must_exist=0,
+ find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/dvips//:
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts//type1//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts//type1//).
+kdebug:search( =>
+ /usr/local/share/texmf/dvips/base/
+After having found the file, \prog{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident''
+' TeX output 1997.05.01:1316' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown), and finally for the
+Type1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font (which is found) and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must_exist=1,
+ find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) =>
+kdebug:start search(, must_exist=0,
+ find_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must_exist=0,
+ find_all=0,
+ path=.:/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/dvips//:
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts//type1//:
+ !!/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts//type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) =>
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another of the nice features of \Webc{} 7.0 is its possibility to
+control a number of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via
+the runtime file \file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. A detailed list of
+all set-table parameters can be found in that file (see
+p.~\pageref{sec:texmfcnf}, Part 3 starting at line 261). The most
+interesting values are:
+ Total words of memory available, for \TeX{}, \MF, and \MP. You must
+ make a new format file for each different setting. For instance, you
+ could generate a ``huge'' version of \TeX{}, and call the format
+ file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}. Using the standard way of specifying the
+ program name used by \KPS{} the particular value of the
+ \texttt{main_memory} variable will then be read from
+ \file{texmf.cnf} (See p.~\pageref{sec:texmfcnf}, line 280 for the
+ generic value and line 281 for the ``huge'' one instantiated by
+ \texttt{hugetex}).
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use \PiCTeX.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. On line 297 and 298 of file \file{texmf.cnf} as
+ shown in p.~\pageref{sec:texmfcnf} you see that both the
+ \texttt{hugetex} and \texttt{pdftex} program invocations ask for
+ an extra 10,000 control sequences (the default value of
+ \texttt{hash_extra} is zero, as seen on line 296).
+Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic arrays and
+memory allocation, but since this is extremely difficult to implement
+in present \TeX, these runtime parameters provide a practical compromise
+allowing some flexibility.
+\endgroup%%% for web2c special characters
+\section{Other packages on the \CDROM}
+While the main portion of \TeXLive{}
+(the fonts, macros and documentation) can be used on any
+\TeX{} system, the set of runnable binaries is not suitable for
+everyone. To make the disk as widely useful as possible, we have
+included the original distributions of four complete \TeX{} systems,
+two for Macintosh, one for Windows 95, and one for DOS and
+OS/2. Windows 3.1 users should look at the GUTenberg distribution on
+the \CDROM.
+\subsection[\protect\OzTeX]{\OzTeX\footnote{This section was written by Andrew
+\OzTeX\ is a Macintosh \TeX\ system created by Andrew Trevorrow.
+The \OzTeX\ application includes \TeX, \initex, a DVI previewer,
+a DVI-to-PostScript translator (Tom Rokicki's \dvips) and a driver
+for QuickDraw printers.
+\OzTeX{} also includes \dvidvi, \dvicopy, and Angus Duggan's
+PostScript utilities: \psbook, \psnup, \psselect\ and \pstops.
+The version of \dvips\ included in \OzTeX\ supports Hyper\TeX\ and
+the partial downloading of PostScript fonts.
+It has also been enhanced for Mac users in a number of ways:
+Standard Mac PostScript fonts (LWFN files) can be downloaded,
+fully or partially.
+All \OzTeX-specific \verb|\special| commands are supported,
+such as the inclusion of PICT/PNTG/EPSF files.
+The \dvips\ output can be sent directly to the current printer.
+\OzTeX's previewer has lots of features to make it easy to
+proofread DVI files. It can handle PK and PostScript fonts.
+Anti-aliasing is supported. Virtual fonts are processed on the fly.
+The previewer supports most of the \verb|\special| commands generated
+by \LaTeX's {\tt color}, {\tt graphics}/{\tt x} and {\tt hyperref}
+packages. It recognizes all \dvips-specific \verb|\special|s and
+those it cannot handle (like rotation) are silently ignored.
+\OzTeX\ includes all the most popular formats and macro packages.
+Plain \TeX, \LaTeX, AMS-\TeX, AMS-\LaTeX\ and REV\TeX\ are
+all installed and ready to run.
+\OzTeX\ is easy to extend and customize.
+A default configuration file is read when \OzTeX\ starts up;
+it contains a host of parameters for setting up search paths,
+telling \TeX\ how much memory to allocate for various arrays,
+specifying which TFMs are for PostScript fonts, etc.
+A Config menu makes it easy to load other config files at any time.
+And for even more flexibility, \OzTeX\ can automatically load a
+specified config file just before typesetting, previewing or printing.
+\subsubsection{Additional programs}
+The usual assortment of \TeX-related programs are provided with
+\OzTeX, including \OzMF, a Mac implementation of \mf,
+and \OzMP, a Mac port of John Hobby's \MP{} program
+for producing PostScript pictures using a \mf-like language.
+The following programs are also distributed with \OzTeX,
+courtesy of their authors;
+Bib\TeX\ by Vince Darley; MakeIndex by Rick Zaccone;
+Excalibur, a \TeX/\LaTeX\ spelling checker, by Rick Zaccone
+and Robert Gottshall; and
+AlphaLite, a \TeX/\LaTeX-savvy text editor, by Pete Keleher.
+For the latest information about \OzTeX, keep an eye on the Web page
+at the URL \url{}.
+An even better way to keep up-to-date is to join the {\tt oztex-info}
+mailing list. To subscribe, send some e-mail to
+with the following line in the \emph{body} of the message:
+ subscribe oztex-info
+\OzTeX\ is distributed as shareware, so you are welcome to try it out
+before paying the registration fee.
+The individual fee is US\$30 and the site fee is US\$300.
+See the ``Shareware Fee'' item in \OzTeX's Help menu for details on
+how to pay. E-mail support is provided to registered users.
+Send all queries and comments to Andrew Trevorrow ({\tt}).
+\subsection[CMacTeX]{CMacTeX\footnote{This section is taken from the CMacTeX
+documentation.} }
+CMacTeX is an implementation of \TeX{} for the Macintosh
+by Thomas Kiffe (\url{}). It includes the three
+main parts of any \TeX{} installation\Dash \TeX, \MF{} and dvips. It also
+includes two dvi previewers, a utility for printing dvi files on a non
+PostScript printer, a PostScript previewer and numerous utilities for
+manipulating \TeX{} fonts. Full support for the automatic generation of pk font
+files is an integral part of the distribution. CMacTeX can be configured to
+work in an integrated fashion with BBEdit, Alpha, and MPW\@. It will run on
+any Macintosh with 8 MB of RAM and System 7.
+CMacTeX is shareware. The registration fee is US\$35 for a single-user license
+and US\$150 for a site license.
+Installation instructions can be found in the file
+\subsection[MiKTeX]{MiKTeX\footnote{This section is drawn
+from the documentation.}}
+MiKTeX 1.07 is an implementation by Christian Schenk
+(\url{}) of \TeX{} and \MF{} related
+utilities for Windows NT and Windows 95. The MiKTeX distribution
+includes \TeX; \LaTeXe{} Dec'96 including standard packages; \MF; \MP;
+dvips MakeIndex; \BibTeX; YAP (Yet Another Previewer); TeXware
+(dvitype etc.); \MF ware (gftopk etc.); psutils (psselect, pstops etc.);
+and DVIcopy.
+Installation instructions can be found in the file
+%The emTeX distribution wriiten by Eberhard Mattes
+%(\url{}) is for DOS and OS/2.
+%%% reworded so as to try to get a better line break
+ The emTeX distribution for DOS and OS/2 is wriiten by Eberhard Mattes
+It includes the \TeX{} typesetter, the \MF{} font generation program,
+printer drivers, screen previewers, and tools like \BibTeX{} and
+MakeIndex. It also includes the macro packages \LaTeX\,2.09 and
+\LaTeXe. Fonts are included as pixel files and \MF{} source files.
+Installation instructions can be found in the file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.bbl b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.bbl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..33f28bb1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.bbl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+bv66.bbl \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea7ffc5aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_6/tubdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\title{The \TeXLive{} Guide, version 2}
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz}
+\address{7 Stratfield Road\\Oxford OX2 7BG\\UK}
+\author{Michel Goossens}
+\address{CERN\\CH-211 Geneva 23\\Switzerland}
+\date{May 1997}
+\input tex-live
+\input live-app