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+\section{\ukt\ membership report}
+I would like to thank all those members who responded
+promptly in renewing membership for 1995.
+The 1995 membership (as at 16th January 1995) is:
+UKTUG (student)& 1\\
+UKTUG and full TUG&67\\
+UKTUG and basic TUG& 4\\
+UKTUG and full TUG (student)& 4\\
+UKTUG and basic TUG (student)& 0\\
+UKTUG Institutional& 2\\
+full TUG& 2\\
+basic TUG& 0\\
+full TUG (student)& 0\\
+basic TUG (student)& 0\\
+I have replied to every renewal, either by email, fax or paper mail so
+if you have paid and not received an acknowledgement please contact
+me. This will be the last issue of Baskerville that 1994 members will
+receive and I would appreciate details as to why members are not
+renewing. Elsewhere you will read a letter from a member who decided
+not to renew and we trust that the points raised have been covered. In
+this way we hope to continue to improve the service you get from the
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+P.S. If I am in time and if there is room please insert in Baskerville
+UK TeX User Group OzTeX licence
+I would like to remind members who have taken advantage of the
+licence the group has for OzTeX that it is only valid whilst
+the user is a member of the group. If a member does not renew then
+they should pay the shareware fee direct to Andrew Trevorrow.
+Peter Abbott
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+\title{Report of the 1994 \shortuktug\ AGM}
+\author[R.~A.~Bailey]{R. A. Bailey\\
+Hon.\ Secretary, 1991--95}
+% Template for voting table: could be macroised. % RRR
+% \begin{tabular}{lr}
+% For& \\
+% Against & \\
+% Abstentions & \\
+% \end{tabular}
+ \begin{tabular}{lr@{}l}
+ For& #1 & \\
+ Against & #2 & \\
+ Abstentions & #3 & #4
+ \end{tabular}\end{quote}
+\newcommand{\nemcon}{{\it nem.\ con}}
+%and here is a macro left over from Chris's days as secretary!
+\def\ithead#1{\advance\Hit by 1\leftline{{\bf \the\Hit. #1 }}}
+\subsubsection*{Official report of the AGM of the UK \TeX\ Users
+Group, held at the University of Warwick (The Staff Club Quiet Room, Rootes
+Building)\\ on Wednesday
+19~October 1994 at 1100 hours }
+There were about twenty members present. The following is a
+brief summary of the business transacted; it is categorized by,
+roughly, the numbered agenda items.
+\ithead{Report of the 1993 AGM}
+This report had already been published in \BV~3.2.
+Copies were also available at the meeting. The report
+was received as correct.
+\ithead{Chairman's Report} The Chairman, C.~A.~Rowley, made his
+report, which is printed following this article.
+ \ithead{Approval of Accounts}
+The Treasurer, P.~Abbott, gave his report.
+Copies of the unaudited accounts for
+1993--94 were presented. When audited, the accounts will appear in \BV.
+A report on membership appears separately.
+The following points were made during the discussion of the report.
+\item Although the financial year runs from 1~August to 31~July, these
+accounts covered the period 31~August 1993 to 31~July 1994 only, because the
+accounts had been closed late the previous year.
+%%% Chris says don't put the next item in writing in public
+%\item The listed income of \pounds 666.68 for the \LaTeX3 Project consisted of
+%\pounds 215.00 in direct donations and \pounds 451.68 transferred from the
+%general fund to the \LaTeX3 project. The latter amount balanced the sum
+%transferred by the NTG from their \LaTeX3 Project fund to their general fund.
+%In this way the \UKTUG\ paid the NTG for the NTG CDROMs without any
+%international transfer of funds.
+\item The meeting on 1~May 1993 had been a visit to John Wiley and Sons,
+at Chichester, arranged by G.~Granger. Because of the generosity of Wiley,
+the Group had incurred no expenditure on this meeting.
+The meeting thanked John Wiley and Sons for its generosity.
+\item Although TUG~'93 had been run by a separate committee, it had used the
+\UKTUG\ bank account to save on bank charges. Therefore the accounts show some
+items connected with TUG~'93 which do not formally form part of \shortuk's
+activities: there should be no such items in future accounts.
+ \ithead{Appointment of Auditor(s)}
+The Treasurer reported that Colin Smith would audit the accounts for 1993--94.
+Colin Smith was reappointed auditor for 1995.
+ \ithead{Membership Fees}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+\it The membership fee for 1995 shall be \pounds 20.00 for full membership or
+\pounds 10.00 for full-time student membership. Anyone who joins the UK \TeX\
+Users' Group on or after 1~October 1994 will, for the above fee, become a
+member until 31~December 1995, although they will be ineligible to vote on
+business of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group until 1~January 1995.
+P.~Abbott, in his personal capacity, then proposed an amendment: that the
+second sentence be replaced by
+Any individual member who pays his or her subscription for one calendar year
+before the end of the previous calendar year shall be entitled to pay at the
+rate for the previous calendar year.
+R.~Fairbairns seconded the amendment, which was passed \nemcon. The amended
+motion was then passed \nemcon.
+ \ithead{Meetings Fees}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+Meetings and workshops shall be costed to break even. The surcharge for
+shall be the greater of \pounds 10 and rounded 10\% of the members' meeting
+There shall be a
+discount for booking before a specified date.
+J.~Fine then proposed an amendment: that the word {\em ordinarily\/} be
+inserted after the second occurrence of the word {\em shall}.
+M.~Clark seconded the amendment, which was passed \nemcon. The amended
+motion was then passed \nemcon.
+ \ithead{Institutional Membership}
+The Committee Secretary reported that,
+in accordance with Clauses 2(1) and 15(2) of
+the Constitution, the Committee had determined that the regulations for
+institutional members should be:
+Each institutional member shall
+nominate a single person as a point of contact.
+\item The person so nominated shall
+receive five copies of each issue of \BV.
+For each institutional member,
+up to 20~people from that institution shall be allowed to attend
+\UKTUG\ meetings at the members' rate, so long as they identify
+themselves, on the booking form, as being among their institution's quota.
+There was some discussion of this issue, with members pointing out that the
+regulations should specify the
+voting rights, if any, and eligibility for Committee membership, of persons
+belonging to an institutional member. It was agreed that the Committee would
+resolve these issues, and publish revised regulations early enough that
+Institutional Membership would be available for 1995.
+The revised regulations are published elsewhere in this issue of \BV.
+\ithead{The institutional members annual subscription}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+\it The membership fee for 1995 shall be \pounds 100.00 for institutional
+This was passed \nemcon\ with one abstention. However, the Committee
+was asked to consider whether, in future, the quoted sum of {\em
+ \pounds 100\/} could be replaced by a phrase such as {\em five times
+ the annual subscription for a full member\/} so that there would not
+need to be a separate vote on the level of the subscription for
+institutional members.
+\ithead{Election of Committee}
+Of the previous
+committee (excluding the Chair), P.~Abbott (as Treasurer), M.~Clark,
+J.~Fine and A.~S.~Jeffrey continued. Of those retiring, R.~Fairbairns
+stood for re-election. Further nominations for committee membership
+had been received for D.P.~Carlisle and C.~Hewlett. These three people
+were all elected to the committee, bringing the total size of the
+committee to seven (excluding the Chair).
+Subsequently, the committee co-opted R.~A.~Bailey and S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz.
+\ithead{Report on \BV} S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz, the current editor the Group's
+newsletter \BV, gave a short report on the first full year in which
+\BV\ had appeared at intervals of approximately two months. He
+thanked the members of the Committee for their help and support, and
+all contributors. He encouraged all members to send in articles for
+publication in \BV. \ithead{Topics for Meetings} The membership made
+the following suggestions for meetings.
+\item Basic training. (This idea provoked much discussion, because although
+there always seems to be a demand for basic training, those training courses
+that are organized by the \UKTUG\ do not attract many participants. It was
+suggested that perhaps the Group should simply provide trainers at meetings
+organized by others, or pass on names of professional (La)\TeX\ trainers.)
+\item A meeting for university academic registrars, or members of their
+departments, to address such issues as: regulations for the appearance of
+PhD theses set in (La)\TeX; databases for syllabuses of modules in modular
+\item Front ends to \TeX, with demonstrations and stalls where participants
+could try out the front ends on PCs.
+\item Conversion between word-processing packages and \TeX.
+\item Organization by the
+\UKTUG\ of part of the next Euro\TeX\ meeting, which will
+be in Maastricht in 1995.
+ \ithead{The Archive}
+reported that the `Aston Archive' had been successfully moved to
+Cambridge, where it was now housed at the University of Cambridge Computer
+It was being run on a shoestring, but its home was secure. It was being
+run by the volunteer labour of R.~Fairbairns, M.A.~Johnson and S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz.
+The meeting expressed its sincere thanks to R.M.~Needham, the head of
+the University of Cambridge Computer Centre, for allowing the Archive
+to be mounted there.
+ \ithead{Services to Members}
+P.~Abbott and R.~Fairbairns reported that the Committee had increased its range
+of services to members during the year (for more details, see the Chair's
+report). In addition, a special issue of \BV\ devoted to 100 Frequently Asked
+Questions would be published in December 1994.
+P.~Abbott asked if the Group should have a fax number. The Committee said that
+it would look into the suggestion.
+ \ithead{Thanks}
+P.~Abbott thanked the retiring members of the Committee for their work.
+P.~Taylor thanked P.~Abbott for creating the Archive at Aston and maintaining
+it there for so many years.
+The meeting closed at about 1300 hours.
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+%%% An article for Baskerville, intended to be the third of n parts
+\title[Maths in \LaTeX: Part~3]{Maths in \LaTeX: Part~3, Different Sorts of Mathematical Object}
+\author[R. A. Bailey]{R.~A.~Bailey\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London}
+\newcommand{\book}[1]{{\it #1},}
+\newcommand{\publish}[2]{{\rm #1, #2,}}
+\newcommand{\byear}[1]{{\rm (#1).}}
+%%% Dear Mr Editor, I should like the content of exercises
+%%% to come out in what all copy-editors call ROMAN, not in what
+%%% Frank Mittelbach calls roman. And this should be irrespective
+%%% of the surrounding text.
+\newcommand{\latexword}[1]{{\normalfont\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\lamport}{{\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/} by Leslie
+\newcommand{\shortlamp}{{\it The Manual}}
+This is the third in a sequence of tutorials on typesetting Mathematics in
+\LaTeX. The first two appeared in issues~4.4 and~4.5 of \BV. The series
+includes some things which can be found in \Cite{leslie}, but I am
+working in more things which, while straightforward and necessary for
+Mathematical work, are not in \Cite{leslie} or \Cite{newleslie}.
+In case you missed the first two
+tutorials, two warnings are now repeated.
+I expect you, the reader, to do some work. Every so
+often comes a group of exercises, which you are supposed to do. Use \LaTeX\ to
+typeset everything in the exercise except sentences in italics, which are
+instructions. If you are not satisfied that you can do the exercise, then tell
+me. Either write
+to me
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College\\
+Mile End Road\\
+London E1 4NS
+with hard copy of your input and output,
+or email me at \mbox{\tt}
+with a copy of the
+smallest possible piece of \LaTeX\ input file that contains your
+attempt at the answer.
+In either case
+I will include a solution in the following issue of \BV: you will remain
+anonymous if you wish.
+A word on the controversial issue of fonts.
+Fonts in Mathematics are handled differently in \LaTeX\ 2.09,
+in NFSS, and in the new standard \LaTeX, \LaTeXe.
+Rather than compare these systems every time that I mention fonts, I
+usually limit myself to \LaTeX\ 2.09.
+When you upgrade to \LaTeXe, all these commands will still work, so long as
+you use the standard styles \latexword{article}, \latexword{report} and
+\latexword{book}. In the `Answers' section below I expand a little on the
+dangers of using the font-changing commands given in
+Many of the more complicated Mathematical things in this tutorial are
+not documented in \Cite{leslie} or in \Cite{newleslie}. The
+\LaTeX\ team warns me that they feel no obligation to support commands
+that are not in \Cite{newleslie}, so there is a danger that some of
+these things may change. However, everything given here works, in
+both \LaTeX\ 2.09 and in \LaTeXe, as at January 1995.
+Some of the tricks described in this tutorial are at the edge of what you can
+conveniently do without using the \latexword{amstex} package. That package is
+undergoing change at the moment: I hope that by the time I reach the end of
+this sequence of tutorials the \latexword{amstex}
+ package will have stabilized enough for someone
+to write an article explaining how to use it, including giving better methods
+than I can give here.
+I promised to answer all questions arising from this series of articles (as far
+as I can).
+\subsection{Uneven subscripts}
+In \BV~4.5 Malcolm Clark asks about uneven baselines in subscripts. He gives a
+method of ensuring that all subscripts have the same baseline. I think that
+many Mathematical writers will not require that; nonetheless, some of us are
+uncomfortable with the unevenness in a single term such as
+The easy way around this is to put a dummy superscript on the $z_1$, because
+it is the superscript on the $z_2$ that is pushing the $2$ down: thus
+\verb+4 z_1^{} z_2^3+ \qquad $4 z_1^{} z_2^3$.
+\subsection{Roman text in notation}
+He also muses on whether to use \verb+\textrm+ or \verb+\mathrm+ or \verb+\rm+
+in subscripts, if you are using \LaTeXe. My advice is never to use
+\verb+\textrm+ in
+Mathematical notation. In the first place, \verb+\textrm+ does {\em not\/}
+give you roman type, according to such expert references as
+\Cite{hart,chamb,chicago}, all of whom say that `roman' type is upright, as
+opposed to italic. All that \verb+\textrm+ does is give you back serifs and
+proportional spacing, if you had turned them off. Perhaps he meant
+\verb+\textup+. But, secondly, I don't think that you should use {\em any\/}
+of the commands \verb+\text...+ in Mathematical notation, because their effect
+depends on the surrounding text font but notation should be independent of the
+surrounding text. For example, try the following and compare the output:
+{\rm $x_{\textup{big}} + \textup{size}_3$}
+{\bf $x_{\textup{big}} + \textup{size}_3$}
+{\bf $x_{\textrm{big}} + \textrm{size}_3$}
+%{\rm $x_{\textup{big}} + \textup{size}_3$}
+%{\bf $x_{\textup{big}} + \textup{size}_3$}
+%{\bf $x_{\textrm{big}} + \textrm{size}_3$}
+Malcolm was concerned because he wanted to obey the instruction in
+\Cite{companion} to always use commands like \verb+\textit{...}+ rather than
+switches like \verb+\it+. The trouble with that instruction is
+%In fact, I disagree quite strongly with the suggestion in \Cite{companion} that
+%we should refrain from using commands like \verb+\rm+.
+that the new commands
+\verb+\text...+ all work in a relative way. In my experience of writing
+(a lot of)
+Mathematics I have {\em never\/} needed such a relative change. I always need
+to specify my fonts absolutely, so that, say, the font chosen for long names of
+variables to be analysed does not change as the surrounding text font changes.
+Of course, it is sensible to do this with a macro such as \verb+\variablename+;
+but that macro needs to call something with a syntax similar to
+\verb+\textsl{...}+ but which makes an absolute font change. I tried to
+persuade the \LaTeX\ team to include commands like \verb+\basesl{...}+,
+\verb+\basett{...}+ for such absolute changes, but I failed. Since the team
+wants to reserve the right to remove switches like \verb+\tt+ at some future
+time, this means that most of us will have to write our own macros, with our
+own idiosyncratic names, something like the following:
+ {\normalfont\ttfamily}
+% {{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+\subsection{Spaces in subscripts}
+Malcolm also asked how to get spaces into subscripts.
+If I need to put a verbal phrase in a subscript then I use \verb+\rm+ and put
+in the interword spaces by hand.
+\verb+\sum_{p{\rm\ is\ prime}} \frac{1}{p}+\\[\jot]
+$\displaystyle\sum_{p{\rm\ is\ prime}} \frac{1}{p}$
+\subsection{Empty set}
+Kathleen Lyle has queried the symbol I gave last time for the empty set, with
+the command \verb+\emptyset+. She points out that \Cite{companion} shows a
+different symbol given by this command, a symbol which looks like a circle with
+a diagonal line through it and which is much closer to a
+Mathematician's idea of the empty set than is~$\emptyset$. But \Cite{companion}
+also gives the command \verb+\varnothing+, available with the package
+\latexword{amssymb}, which produces the symbol~$\emptyset$.
+It appears that Knuth made a mistake in using the name \verb+\emptyset+ for the
+glyph which most of us think of as a variant form of zero. To correct this
+mistake, the AMS has redefined the command \verb+\emptyset+ to
+produce the symbol more like the empty set and given us \verb+\varnothing+ for
+the sake of those authors who really do want a zero with a line through it.
+It is a pity that \Cite{companion} does not say that its
+\verb+\emptyset+ is the AMS one rather than the Knuth one.
+What to do when a software author makes a mistake like this is a controversial
+question. Personally,
+much as I prefer the AMS's empty set, I deplore such redefinition of a command,
+ because it
+destroys portability of documents. Suppose that I write a document without the
+\latexword{amssymb} package and use \verb+\emptyset+. I may send this document
+to someone (perhaps the AMS itself\/) who always uses the \latexword{amssymb}
+package when compiling documents. Even though I have made no explicit calls to
+commands defined by the package, my empty sets will come out looking different.
+A topologist may be content with the change; a computer scientist may not. In
+either case the document is printed with different symbols in the two cases,
+and this really should not happen. I think that it would have been better if
+the AMS had used a different name, such as \verb+\trueemptyset+, for their empty
+set: then authors with access to the \latexword{amssymb} package could choose
+whether or not to include
+at the start of their files.
+\section{A Spaced-out Interlude}
+Traditionally, there are certain lengths of space (depending on the type size)
+which are always used in certain places in Mathematical typesetting. The most
+useful are the {\it quad\/} space and the two-quad space. When I was a
+copy-editor I used to just put the marks for these two types of space in the
+appropriate places in the copy; I did not have to know how big they were.
+Neither do you. In displayed Maths, use \verb+\qquad+ to obtain a two-quad
+space between a formula and a short verbal condition or justification.
+y \in Y \qquad\mbox{by defintion of~$Y$}
+If there
+are two short formulas linked in a display by a short verbal phrase (perhaps
+only one word) use \verb+\quad+ to produce a quad space on either side of the
+A \subseteq B \quad\mbox{and}\quad A \ne B
+\subsection{Other Spaces}
+A sequence of much smaller horizontal spaces that you can insert yourself is,
+in increasing order of magnitude,
+\verb+\,+ \quad \verb+\:+ \quad \verb+\;+ \quad \verb*+\ +
+%a \thinspace b \medspace c \thickspace d
+%rubbish, the last two don't exist
+They are called {\it thin space}, {\it medium space}, {\it thick space\/} and
+{\it interword space\/} respectively; their size also depends on the current
+type size.
+The thin space is usually needed after the \verb+!+ in factorials and often
+needed after a square root.
+\verb+\sqrt{3} \, a+ & $\sqrt{3} \, a$\\
+\verb+5!\,4!+ & $5!\,4!$
+It is also used before each $dx$~term in an integral. On the other hand, in
+multiple integrals the integral signs may be too far apart, in which case the
+{\it negative\/} thin space \verb+\!+ should be inserted between them.
+For consistency, these adjustments should all be made via macros. For example,
+will make \verb+\sqrtsp+ into the command for a square root with a little extra
+space, and a macro for factorials can be made similarly. For the integral signs
+you can use
+or the rather different solution provided in \latexword{amstex}. A suitable
+macro for the $dx$ is
+\newcommand{\diff}[1]{\, d #1}
+which has the added advantage that if you believe that only variables should be
+in Maths italic then the \verb+{\, d #1}+ can be changed to
+\verb+{\, {\rm d} #1}+.
+%These adjustments are all rather finicky, and should usually be left until the
+%document is almost complete.
+The useful command \verb+\phantom+ allows you to leave a space whose horizontal
+and vertical dimensions are those of its argument. For example, if you want to
+define the notation $[\phantom{x}]$ as the least-integer function without
+specifying a dummy variable, you can type \verb+[\phantom{x}]+.
+All digits are the same width, so \verb+\phantom{0}+ produces a phantom digit.
+It is very useful in tables of data when all other methods of alignment fail.
+Make yourself a macro for it.
+There are also horizontal and vertical phantoms \verb+\hphantom+ and
+\verb+\vphantom+ respectively. Each of these measures only one dimension of its
+\subsection{Horizontal Expanders}
+In the first tutorial we saw that \verb+\widehat+ and \verb+\widetilde+ expand
+as far as necessary (up to a given upper bound) to cover their arguments. The
+following commands also expand horizontally to match the arguments:
+\verb+\overline+ & \verb+\underline+\\
+\verb+\overrightarrow+ & \verb+\overleftarrow+\\
+\verb+\overbrace+ & \verb+\underbrace+
+You can use a superscript to put a label on an overbrace, and a subscript with
+an underbrace.
+n\bar{y}^2 +
+\overbrace{(y_1-\bar{y})^2 + \cdots +
+(y_n-\bar{y})^2}^{\rm sum\ of\ squares}
+n\bar{y}^2 +
+\overbrace{(y_1 - \bar{y})^2 + \cdots + (y_n - \bar{y})^2}^{\rm sum\
+of\ squares}
+\[(x_1 + x_2)^3 = x_1^3 + 3x_1^2x^{}_2 + 3x_1^{}x_2^{2} + x_2^3\]
+\[\sum_{n\ {\rm divides}\ 10} n = 18\]
+In geometry, $\overrightarrow{AB} + \overrightarrow{BC} = \overrightarrow{AC}$.
+We define $P_g$ by
+\[t(vP_g) = (t^{g^{-1}})v \qquad\mbox{for $v\in {\bf R}^{\cal T}$.}\]
+2^a \times 2^b = \underbrace{2 \times \cdots \times 2}_{a\ \rm factors} \times
+ \underbrace{2 \times \cdots \times 2}_{b\ \rm factors}
+ = 2^{a+b}.
+An inner product $\langle\phantom{\chi},\phantom{\chi}\rangle$ is defined
+on~$G^*$ by
+\langle\theta,\phi\rangle = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g\in G} \theta(g)
+If~ $\overline{\phantom{\chi}}$ denotes complex conjugation, then
+\overline{\xi + \zeta} = \overline{\xi} + \overline{\zeta}\quad\mbox{and}\quad
+\overline{\xi\zeta} = \overline{\xi}\,\overline{\zeta}.
+\[ \int \! \int \phi(r, \theta) \, dr \, d\theta \]
+{}^6 C_2 = \frac{6!}{4!\,2!}
+\section{Operators and relations}
+In the second tutorial I introduced various things that could have their
+limits, or ranges, typed in as sub- and super-scripts: standard functions with
+English names, like \verb+\log+; repeated binary operators, like \verb+\sum+;
+and the integral sign \verb+\int+. \TeX\ thinks of all of these as
+\latexword{operator}s. Some operators have the limits set above and
+below in dispayed Maths, but to the right in text; others always have their
+limits set to the right. You can override these defaults by using one of the
+commands \verb+\limits+, \verb+\nolimits+, \verb+\displaylimits+ after the
+name of the operator. The integral sign normally has its limits set to the
+right: if you want them set above and below type \verb+\int\limits+.
+\verb+\int_0^2 x^3 \, dx=4+ &
+$\int_0^2 x^3 \, dx = 4$\\[\jot]
+\verb+\int\limits_0^2 x^3 \, dx=4+ &
+$\int\limits_0^2 x^3 \, dx = 4$
+If you want
+the limits to be above and below if the operator happens to be in displayed
+Maths, but to the right otherwise, use \verb+\displaylimits+ instead of
+\verb+\limits+. Finally, to ensure that the limits always come to the right,
+use \verb+\nolimits+.
+If you want to change the size of the operator as well as the position of its
+limits, you probably need to see the section on styles below.
+The standard functions with English names already provided by \TeX\ cannot be
+enough for the whole of Mathematics. You make new ones by using \verb+\mathop+,
+usually inside a \verb+\newcommand+. For example,
+\newcommand{\var}{\mathop{\rm Var}\nolimits}
+\var X \geq 0
+\newcommand{\var}{\mathop{\rm Var}\nolimits}
+\[\var X \geq 0\]
+(If you have \LaTeXe, you may feel safer using \verb+{\mathrm{Var}}+ in place of
+\verb+{\rm Var}+.)
+You may put one of \verb+\limits+, \verb+\nolimits+,
+after the contents of the \latexword{mathop}, to specify how sub- and
+super-scripts should behave. Putting nothing is equivalent to putting
+There is a school of thought that all operators should be in the same font, so
+that the \verb+\rm+ in the definition of \verb+\var+ should be replaced by a
+command like \verb+\operatorfont+, which would, of course, be defined in the
+style file or in the preamble to the document. I do not agree with this. It is
+not at all unusal to use bold for the expectation operator while retaining
+roman for the variance.
+If you make a single letter into an \latexword{operator}, it will be vertically
+centred, which may not be what you intend:
+\newcommand{\ee}{\mathop{\rm E}\nolimits}
+\[\ee X + \ee Y = \ee(X+Y)\]
+\newcommand{\ee}{\mathop{\rm E}\nolimits}
+\[\ee X + \ee Y = \ee(X+Y)\]
+To override this, put the single letter in a box:
+...\mathop{\mbox{\rm E}}...
+\subsection{Novel uses of operators}
+In the first tutorial I said that you did not need to think of the
+symbol~\verb+'+ as a superscript. Usually you do not, but \TeX\ always does, so
+you occasionally get unexpected results. You might want to write
+$\mathop{\sum\nolimits'}$ for a variant of the usual summation, perhaps to
+indicate omission of all~$i$ for which $\lambda_i=0$, as in
+\[\mathop{\sum\nolimits'}_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{\lambda_i} P_i.\]
+If you use \verb+\sum'+ it will come out as
+in display,
+and even worse things happen when you try to put limits on. Writing
+cures the problem about placing the dash, but then you no longer have an
+\latexword{operator} to put limits on. So you need to make the whole of
+$\sum\nolimits'$ into an \latexword{operator}:
+If you look closely you will now see that the limits are centred on the whole
+of $\summ$. This is logical, but may not be exactly what you intended. I do not
+know how to do the illogical but more aesthetically pleasing version, but a
+method is provided in \latexword{amstex}.
+Sometimes you want to put a range of summation under (or over) the middle of a
+pair of summation signs. Do this by turning the pair of summation signs into an
+\[\twosum_{1<i<j<n} x_i x_j\]
+\[\twosum_{1<i<j<n} x_i x_j\]
+To get two ranges of summation under a summation sign, make an
+\latexword{operator} containing the summation sign and the interior range(s),
+and then put a subscript on that:
+\[\mathop{\sum_{j=1}^{n}}_{j\ne i} Y_j\]
+\[\mathop{\sum_{j=1}^{n}}_{j\ne i} Y_j\]
+You would normally do this only in displayed Maths.
+%% the line below is what DEK says: it comes out just the same.
+%%\[\sum_{\scriptstyle j=1 \atop \scriptstyle j\ne i}^{n} Y_j \]
+\subsection{Binary operators}
+\TeX\ does not class ordinary binary operators as \latexword{operator}s.
+Use \verb+\mathbin+ to make something into an infix binary operator.
+For example,
+\verb+$n\mathbin{**}r$+ gives $n\mathbin{**}r$. (What does \verb+$n**r$+
+Usually this is
+done with a \verb+\newcommand+.
+Even a single symbol may need to be explicitly turned into a
+\latexword{mathbin}, if it is not one already, so that the spacing and
+linebreaks around it are correct: this is as true for single symbols that
+already exist as for those that you build up laboriously out of pieces.
+If the new binary operator is (part of) an
+English word, you will need to specify the font, just as for \verb+\mathop+.
+\subsection{Binary relations}
+In the same way, \verb+\mathrel+ is used to make new binary relations. The
+considerations are similar to those for \latexword{mathbin}s. Note that
+\latexword{mathbin}s and \latexword{mathrel}s are different in several subtle
+ways, such as the spacing around them, the linebreaks near them, and their
+behaviour when they do not find themselves between two ordinary symbols
+(compare \verb+$n**r$+ with \verb+$n==r$+). If you are not a Mathematician you
+will probably have to ask the author of the document whether a particular
+squiggle is an operator or a relation.
+If the new relation consists of two parts, one on top of the other, you can
+make the new relation in one step with \verb+\stackrel+.
+\verb+\Phi\stackrel{\rm rev}{\sim}\Psi+
+\Phi\stackrel{\rm rev}{\sim}\Psi
+When \verb+\sum+ appears in displayed Maths it is larger than in text Maths,
+and has its limits in a different place. However, once it is inside a fraction
+or an array, even in displayed Maths, it reverts to its appearance in text
+Maths. To force one style or the other, precede \verb+\sum+ with either
+\verb+\displaystyle+ or \verb+\textstyle+.
+\verb+\[\frac{\sum_i x_i}{n}\]+
+$\displaystyle\frac{\sum_i x_i}{n}$
+\verb+\[\frac{\displaystyle\sum_i x_i}{n}\]+\\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle\sum_i x_i}{n}$
+These two commands can affect the appearance of many items in Maths mode,
+including \verb+\frac+.
+There are analogous commands \verb+\scriptstyle+, which sets the following
+items as if they were in a subscript, and \verb+\scriptscriptstyle+, which sets
+them as if they were in a second-level subscript.
+None of these four commands takes an argument. They are all switches, like
+\verb+\rm+ and \verb+\large+, and
+apply until the end of the current subformula
+(such as the numerator of a \verb+\frac+).
+%obey the normal scoping rules. hoho, not quite, they don't obey environments
+If $f$~is a probability density function then
+\[\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} f = 1.\]
+\newcommand{\cov}{\mathop{\rm Cov}\nolimits}
+We assume that $Y$ is a random vector with
+$$\cov Y = \sum_{\alpha\in A} \xi_\alpha S_\alpha,$$
+where the $S_\alpha$ are known
+symmetric matrices satisfying $S_\alpha S_\beta =
+\delta_{\alpha\beta} S_\alpha$ and $\sum_{\alpha\in A} S_\alpha = I$.
+\newcommand{\expect}{\mathop{\mbox{\bf E}}\nolimits}
+The definition of variance is: $\var X = \expect\left(X - \expect X\right)^2$.
+\newcommand{\opt}{\mathop{\rm opt}\limits}
+The optimize function $\opt$ is defined so that
+$\opt_{i=1}^n M_i$ is equal to $\max\{\max_i M_i, 0\}$.
+\mathop{\sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{n}}_{j\ne i} y_i y_j
+ = \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i \right)^2 - \sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i^2.
+\mathop{\sum_{0 < i < m}}_{0 < j < n} P(i,j).
+Define the operator~$\fplus$ on finite sets of integers as follows.
+If $A$~and~$B$ are two finite sets of integers, then
+$A\fplus B$ is the multiset of integers in which the number
+of times that $n$ occurs is equal to \[\left|\{(a,b): a\in A,\ b\in B,\
+\newcommand{\rw}{\mathbin{\rm rw}}
+We want to write our wreath products in reverse order, so we put
+$G\rw H = H\wr G$.
+The relation~$\aunt$ is said to be symmetric if
+\[ x \aunt y \quad \mbox{implies} \quad y \aunt x.\]
+The strong law of large numbers states that if $X_1$, $X_2$, \ldots\ are
+independent and identically distributed with finite fourth moment then
+\frac{X_1 + \cdots + X_n}{n} \stackrel{\rm a.s.}{\longrightarrow} Y,
+where $\Pr[Y=E(X_1)] = 1$.
+Define the relation $\odddiv$
+on the natural numbers by
+$n\odddiv m$ if $n\mid m$ and $m/n$ is odd.
+This is a partial order.
+Create a binary operator for the colon in $G\bincolon H$ and compare it with
+`:' and \verb+\colon+.
+%$G:H$ and $G\colon H$
+Redo Exercise~16 with a built-up fraction instead of the solidus, with the
+large operators remaining the same size.})
+\prod_{k\ge 0} \frac{1}{(1 - q^kz)} =
+\sum_{n\ge 0} z^n }{\displaystyle\prod_{1\le
+k\le n} (1 - q^k)}
+Redo Question~\ref{lln} with the `a.s.'\ in normal-sized type.
+More on binomial coefficients:
+ \scriptstyle 1\leq n \leq m\atop
+\scriptstyle 1\leq r \leq n}
+ \frac{n!}{r!\,(n-r)!} \quad=\quad \sum_{n=1}^{m} 2^n \quad=\quad 2^{m+1} -2.
+\pistar_{i=0}^{m} f(\lambda_i)
+%\writer{Oxford University Press}
+\book{Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers}
+\publish{Oxford University Press}{Oxford}
+\book{The Chambers Dictionary}
+\publish{Chambers Harrap}{Edinburgh}
+\book{The Chicago Manual of Style}
+\publish{The University of Chicago Press}{Chicago}
+\writer{Goossens,~M., Mittelbach,~F. \& Samarin,~A.}
+\book{The \LaTeX\ Companion}
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\book{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+first edition,
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\book{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+second edition,
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.brf b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.brf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feb4e9b83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.brf
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\backcite {Steinbach}{{B}{11}{section.6.2}}
+\backcite {Taupin}{{B}{11}{section.6.2}}
+\backcite {defuria}{{E}{13}{section.6.5}}
+\backcite {kuykens}{{G}{14}{section.6.7}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{A}{17}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {hart,chamb,chicago}{{4}{18}{subsection.7.2.4}}
+\backcite {companion}{{4}{18}{subsection.7.2.4}}
+\backcite {companion}{{6}{18}{subsection.7.2.6}}
+\backcite {companion}{{6}{18}{subsection.7.2.6}}
+\backcite {companion}{{6}{18}{subsection.7.2.6}}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.rep b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.rep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dd6c96b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.rep
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(section.1.1) <Welcome back>
+(section.1.2) <\emph {Baskerville}\ articles needed>
+(section.1.3) <A dozen from 1994: 9--3 to the good>
+(section.1.4) <News section>
+(newarticle.2) <Letter to {\relax \fontsize {8}{9}\selectfont \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@ \def \leftmargin \leftmargini \parsep \z@ \topsep 2\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \itemsep \z@ plus.1\p@ {\leftmargin \leftmargini \topsep 1\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \parsep \z@ \itemsep 2\p@ }\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip UK}TUG>
+(newarticle.3) <{\boldmath $\Omega $}: an extension of the TeX\ System. March 16th, CERN>
+(newarticle.4) <The TeX\ Users' Group goes to Florida!>
+(newarticle.5) <Portable documents: Acrobat, SGML and TeX>
+(newarticle.6) <MIDI2TeX{}, a MusicTeX{}\ tool>
+(section.6.1) <Introduction>
+(section.6.2) <MusicTeX{}>
+(section.6.3) <What is wrong with it?>
+(section.6.4) <Other musical file formats, MIDI>
+(section.6.5) <Development of MIDI2TeX{}>
+(section.6.6) <Portability>
+(section.6.7) <The program's features>
+(section.6.8) <Availability>
+(section.6.9) <The future>
+(section.6.10) <An example>
+(newarticle.7) <Maths in LaTeX: Part\nobreakspace {}3, Different Sorts of Mathematical Object>
+(section.7.1) <Recall>
+(section.7.2) <Answers>
+(section.7.5) <A Spaced-out Interlude>
+(section.7.6) <Exercises>
+(section.7.7) <Operators and relations>
+(section.7.8) <Exercises>
+(newarticle.8) <Elements of SGML>
+(newarticle.9) <Book Review --- `Making TeX\ Work'>
+(newarticle.10) <Malcolm's Gleanings>
+(section.10.1) <Whom the gods would destroy\dots >
+(section.10.2) <Garnered gleanings>
+(section.10.3) <Chimes at midnight>
+(section.10.4) <Message in a bottle>
+(section.10.5) <What next?>
+(newarticle.11) <Report of the 1994 {\relax \fontsize {8}{9}\selectfont \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@ \def \leftmargin \leftmargini \parsep \z@ \topsep 2\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \itemsep \z@ plus.1\p@ {\leftmargin \leftmargini \topsep 1\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \parsep \z@ \itemsep 2\p@ }\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip UK}TUG\ AGM>
+(newarticle.12) <Membership notes>
+(section.12.1) <Institutional Membership>
+(section.12.2) <{\relax \fontsize {8}{9}\selectfont \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@ \def \leftmargin \leftmargini \parsep \z@ \topsep 2\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \itemsep \z@ plus.1\p@ {\leftmargin \leftmargini \topsep 1\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \parsep \z@ \itemsep 2\p@ }\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip UK}TUG\ membership report>
+(newarticle.13) <Chair's report on 1993--94>
+(newarticle.14) <The UK TeX\ Users Group>
+(section.14.1) <Group aims and activities>
+(section.14.2) <Programme of meetings for 1995>
+(newarticle.15) <Obtaining TeX>
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..295349f1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/bask5_1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\typeout{SPQR \meaning\raggedright}
+\input editor
+\input letter
+\input omega
+\input tug95
+\input burnard
+\input kuykens
+\input bailey
+\input fine
+\input review
+\input clark
+\input agm
+\title{Membership notes}
+\author{Peter Abbott}
+\input inst
+\input abbott
+\input chair
+\input standard
+\input books
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/baskerv.cls b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/baskerv.cls
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+% Baskerville.cls:
+% Adrian Clark
+% Sue Brooks
+% Sebastan Rahtz
+% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE
+% for LaTeX2e
+% 29.5.94 added ISSN
+% 2.6.94 corrected \ukt\ macro
+% 7.6.94 centered captions
+% 15.8.94 changed editor names etc
+% 2.11.94 use Alan Jeffrey's code for paths, emails, URLs etc
+% from faq.sty
+% put PA address in mast head
+% Journals use two-sided printing.
+% 1.12.94 cleaned again for FAQ issue.
+% 6.12.94 more little fixes for FAQ issue
+\ProvidesClass{baskerv}[\filedate, Baskerville newsletter class \fileversion]
+\DeclareFontShape{T1}{mbv}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * mbv/m/it}{}
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+ \list{\csname\@itemitem\endcsname}%
+ {\let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}%
+ \fi}
+% ENUMERATE with optional argument to set left margin...
+\def\enumerate{\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep \else
+ \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ \fi
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+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}
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+ {\usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}}
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+ \begingroup
+ \vspace*{-\headheight}%
+ \@maketitle
+ \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \endgroup
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+\centerline{{\bfseries \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}}
+ \medskip
+ \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users'
+ Group\hfill Editor: Sebastian Rahtz\hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\ No.~\BASK@no}
+ \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930
+\hfill \thismonth\ \thisyear}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent Articles may be submitted via electronic mail to
+ \texttt{}, or on MSDOS-compatible discs,
+ to Sebastian Rahtz, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford
+Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, to whom any correspondence
+concerning \BV\ should also be addressed. \BV\ is set in Monotype
+Baskerville and Gill Sans, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal
+text, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is
+undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine. Back
+issues from the previous 12 months may be ordered from \ukt\ for
+\pounds2 each; earlier issues are archived on \textsc{ctan} in
+Please send \ukt\ subscriptions, and book or software orders, to
+Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+Fax/telephone: 0121 476 2159. Email
+enquiries about \ukt\ to \protect\texttt{}.
+ }
+\def\and{\end{tabular}\vskip 6pt\par
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}}
+%\def\@abstract{\list{}{\leftmargin \z@\rightmargin\z@
+% \parsep 0\p@ \@plus 1\p@}\item[]\normalsize{\bfseries Summary}\\}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\author{\@ifnextchar [{\@authortwo}{\@authorone}}
+\gdef\@shortauthor{Dummy Author}
+\gdef\@title{Dummy Article Title}
+\gdef\@longtitle{Dummy Article Title}
+\def\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}}
+\gdef\@longtitle{Dummy Title}
+% \ps@empty defined in LATEX.TEX
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+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\hfill\emph{\@title}\hfill}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\it\@shortauthor \hfill \@title}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{}
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\@tocrmarg {2pc}
+% \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+% \section*{Contents} \@starttoc{toc}
+% \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi \par\vspace{12\p@}}
+ \addvspace{2.25em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ {\normalsize\rm
+ \leavevmode \hspace*{3pc}
+ #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss \ }}\par
+ \nobreak \global\@nobreaktrue
+ \everypar{\global\@nobreakfalse\everypar{}}\endgroup}
+\def\dotfil{\cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfil\kern\z@}
+% \addvspace{1.0em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \@tempdima 1.5em % width of box holding section number
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ \leavevmode
+ #1\dotfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Figures\@mkboth{List of Figures}{List of Figures}}
+ \@starttoc{lof} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Tables\@mkboth{List of Tables}{List of Tables}}
+ \@starttoc{lot} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ \small
+ {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .1pt\relax
+ \clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000\sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+ \def\@noitemerr{\@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist}
+\long\def\@makecaption#1#2{\vskip 6\p@
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small{\bfseries #1.} #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ \small{\bfseries #1.} #2\par
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfill\box\@tempboxa\hfill}
+ \fi
+ \vskip 6\p@
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Shorthands for non-English abbreviations and words.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\etc{{\foreign etc.}} % etc.
+\def\eg{{\foreign e.g.~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.
+\def\egc{{\foreign e.g.,~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.,
+\def\ie{{\foreign i.e.~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.
+\def\iec{{\foreign i.e.,~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.,
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Tex-related mnemonics.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \setbox2\vbox to\ht0{\kern.07ex\hbox{%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \math@fontsfalse
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ \kern-.5\wd2
+ \box2
+ }}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\mathcal{A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+\def\LAMSTeX{L\kern -0.4 em \raise 0.3 ex \hbox {$\scriptstyle \mathcal{A}$}%
+ \kern -0.25 em \lower 0.4 ex \hbox {$\cal M$}%
+ \kern -0.1 em \hbox {$\mathcal{S}$}-\TeX}
+ $\mathcal{S}$-\LaTeX}}
+\def\MakeIndex{{\itshape MakeIndex}}
+% SliTeX from the SliTeX Documentation
+\def\SLiTeX{S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{\textsc{i}}\kern-.03em\TeX}
+\def\POBox{P.\thinspace O.~Box }
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX hax}
+\def\UKTUG{UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
+\def\ukt{{\footnotesize UK}TUG}
+\newcommand{\payuk}{UK TeX Users' Group}
+ \makebox[\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\Newline}
+ \makebox[0.5\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}}
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Additional commands.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \Section{\@longtitle}%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section{\@longtitle}]%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section*{\@longtitle}]%
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}}
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}\end{multicols}%
+% --- Macros for cross-referencing tables and figures.
+% --- Output the attribution at the end of an article.
+ \ifx\@author\emptysig\else
+ \begin{flushright}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}\@author\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}\fi}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}#1\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}}
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- The following macros are taken from Adrian F. Clark's LaTeX style
+% --- file `dates.sty', which provides fairly flexible date inclusions.
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\today{\thisdayofweek\ \thisdayth\ \thismonth\ \thisyear}
+\def\thisdayth{\thisday \ifcase\day
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\st\fi}
+\def\thismonth{\ifcase\month\or \January\or \February\or \March\or
+ \April\or \May\or \June\or \July\or \August\or \September\or
+ \October\or \November\or \December\fi}
+% --- Names of days of the week and the months.
+% --- This makes it easier to change them for languages other than English.
+% --- (And that's why they're not \@Sunday, etc).
+% --- Counters. Note that we use the same registers as TeX holds other
+% --- things in (e.g., \count0 holds the page number). This requires
+% --- that \@savestyle, \@setstyle, and \dayofweek perform all
+% --- their register manipulations within a group. This may seem
+% --- a bit messy, but it saves having eight registers permanently set
+% --- aside just for date calculation.
+\def\@cent{\count0 } % century number (1979 == 20)
+\def\@diy{\count1 } % day in the year
+\def\@dow{\count2 } % gets day of the week
+\def\@epact{\count3 } % age of the moon on Jan. 1
+\def\@golden{\count4 } % Moon's golden number
+\def\@leap{\count5 } % leap year fingaler
+\def\@x{\count6 } % temp register
+\def\@y{\count7 } % another temp register
+ \scriptsize\@setstyle#1\fam=-1 }}}$}}
+% --- Macros to save and restore the font family.
+\def\@setstyle{\ifcase\count0\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\rm% what's family 3?
+ \or\it\or\sl\or\bfseries\or\tt\fi}
+% --- The day of the week (\Sunday, etc.) is inserted into the text
+% --- by \dayofweek. (This uses registers \@dow, \@leap, \@x and \@y.)
+% --- I acquired this from elsewhere; it was apparently written by
+% --- Martin Minow, now a DEC employee.
+ \@leap=#2 \advance\@leap by -14 \divide\@leap by 12
+ \advance\@leap by #1
+ \@dow=#2 \advance\@dow by 10
+ \@y=\@dow \divide\@y by 13 \multiply\@y by 12
+ \advance\@dow by -\@y \multiply\@dow by 13 \advance\@dow by -1 \divide\@dow by 5
+ \advance\@dow by #3 \advance\@dow by 77
+ \@x=\@leap \@y=\@x \divide\@y by 100 \multiply\@y by 100 \advance\@x by -\@y
+ \multiply\@x by 5 \divide\@x by 4 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 400 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 100 \multiply\@x by 2 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \@x=\@dow \divide\@x by 7 \multiply\@x by 7 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \ifcase\@dow \Sunday\or \Monday\or \Tuesday\or \Wednesday\or
+ \Thursday\or \Friday\or \Saturday\fi}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\newcommand{\meta}[1]{{$\langle$\itshape #1\/$\rangle$}}
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@psz}#1{{eps}{bb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+% no rule in footcols
+ \vskip \skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \footnotesize
+ \multicolsep\z@\relax
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \@parboxrestore
+ % {\showoutput\batchmode\showbox\footins}%
+ \raggedcolumns
+ \bgroup \columnseprule 0\p@
+ \begin{multicols}{\the\ftn@col@number}%
+ \unvbox \footins
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \egroup
+% available for inter-article dinglines
+% breakable, no brackets, cites
+\def\@cite#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}}
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/books.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/books.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..643692c947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/books.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+\def\@title{Book list}
+\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Addison-Wesley Books}}\\
+The \TeX\ book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13448 9&paper&20.50\\
+The \TeX\ book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13447 0&hard&29.50\\
+\TeX\ the program&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13437 3&hard&34.00\\
+The \MF book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13444 6&paper&18.50\\
+The \MF book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13445 4&hard&29.50\\
+\MF\ the program&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13438 1&hard&34.00\\
+Computer Modern Type\-faces&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13446 2&hard&34.00\\
+3:16 Bible texts illuminated\kern0pt&Donald E Knuth&0 895 79252 4&paper&19.50\\
+The CWEB system of structured documentation&
+Donald E Knuth \& Silvio Levy&0 201 57569 8&paper&17.00\\
+\LaTeX: a document preparation system, second edition&
+Leslie Lamport&0 201 52983 1&paper&24.00\\
+The \LaTeX\ Companion&Michael Goossens, Frank Mittelbach \& Alexander Samarin&
+0 201 54199 8&paper&24.00\\
+Introduction to \TeX&Norbert Schwarz&0 201 51141 X&paper&19.50\\
+A guide to \LaTeX&Helmut Kopka \& Patrick Daly&0 201 56889 6&paper&22.00\\
+\TeX\ by topic&Victor Eijkhout&0 201 56882 9&paper&22.00\\
+\TeX\ for the impatient&Paul~W~Abrahams, Kath\-ryn Hargreaves \& Karl Berry&
+0 201 51375 7&paper&20.50\\
+Postscript language program manual&Adobe&0 201 18127 4&paper&24.00\\
+Postscript language, tutorial \& cook\-book&Adobe&0 201 10179 3&paper&15.00\\
+Portable Document Format Reference Manual&Adobe&0 201 62628 4&paper&18.50\\
+The Postscript Font hand\-book&Jonathon~Grosvenor, Kay Morrison \& Alexander Pim&
+0 201 56893 4&paper&22.00\\
+Postscript by example&Henry McGilton \& Mary Campione&0 201 63228 4&paper&23.00\\
+Thinking in Postscript&Glenn Reid&0 201 52372 8&paper&18.50\\
+Collier's rules for desktop design and typography&David Collier&0 201 54416 4&paper&15.00\\
+Interactive Typography&David~Collier \& Ian Martin&0 201 63167 9&cd-rom&tba\\
+\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{O'Reilly Books}}\\
+4.4BSD-Lite CD-ROM Companion& &1 56592 092 9&& 26.55\\
+4.4BSD System Manager's Manual& &1 56592 080 5&& 19.80\\
+4.4BSD User's Reference Manual& &1 56592 075 9&& 19.80\\
+4.4BSD User's Supplementary Documents& &1 56592 076 7&& 19.80\\
+4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual& &1 56592 078 3&& 19.80\\
+4.4BSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents& &1 56592 079 1&& 19.80\\
+Notable Speeches of the Information Age (tape)& Barlow&1 56592 992 6&& 6.75\\
+Power Programming with RPC& Bloomer&0 937175 77 3&& 19.80\\
+The Frame Handbook& Branagan, Sierra&1 56592 009 0&& 26.55\\
+Learning GNU Emacs& Cameron&0 937175 84 6&& 18.45\\
+ORACLE Performance Tuning& Corrigan&1 56592 048 1&& 32.40\\
+Sendmail& Costales&1 56592 056 2&& 22.00\\
+Using C on the UNIX System& Curry&0 937175 23 4&& 16.65\\
+SCO UNIX in a Nutshell& Cutler&1 56592 037 6&& 6.75\\
+Checking C Programs with lint& Darwin&0 937175 30 7&& 8.55\\
+sed / awk& Dougherty&0 937175 59 5&& 18.45\\
+High Performance Computing& Dowd&1 56592 032 5&& 17.35\\
+Software Portability with imake& DuBois&1 56592 055 4&& 16.65\\
+Connecting to the Internet& Estrada&1 56592 061 9&& 10.75\\
+!\%@::A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing / Networks 4e& Frey&1 56592 046 5&& 6.75\\
+Essential System Administration& Frisch&0 937175 80 3&& 19.80\\
+POSIX.4: Programming for the Real World& Gallmeister&1 56592 074 0&& 19.76\\
+PGP: Pretty Good Privacy& Garfinkel&1 56592 098 8&& 11.95\\
+Practical UNIX Security& Garfinkel&0 937175 72 2&& 19.80\\
+UNIX in a Nutshell- System V /Solaris 2.0 2e& Gilly&1 56592 001 5&& 6.75\\
+Understanding and Using COFF& Gircys&0 937175 31 5&& 14.65\\
+Using Netnews& Harrison&1 56592 101 1&& 16.65\\
+TCP/IP Network Administration& Hunt&0 937175 82 X&& 19.80\\
+Multi-Platform Code Management& Jameson&1 56592 059 7&& 26.55\\
+Migrating to Fortran 90& Kerrigan&1 56592 049 X&& 16.65\\
+Linux Network Administrator's Guide& Kirch&1 56592 087 2&& 16.65\\
+The Mosaic Handbook for the Macintosh& Koman&1 56592 096 1&& 19.80\\
+The Mosaic Handbook for Microsoft Windows& Koman&1 56592 094 5&& 19.80\\
+The Mosaic Handbook for the X Window System& Koman, Ferguson&1 56592 095 3&& 19.80\\
+ The Whole Internet Users Guide /Catalog 2e& Krol&1 56592 063 5&& 16.65\\
+Learning the vi Editor 5e& Lamb&0 937175 67 6&& 14.65\\
+lex /yacc 2e& Levine&1 56592 000 7&& 19.80\\
+POSIX Programmer's Guide& Lewine&0 937175 73 0&& 23.20\\
+Exploring Expect: A Tcl-based Toolkit for Automating Interactive Programs& Libes&1 56592 090 2&& 19.75\\
+DNS / BIND& Liu&1 56592 010 4&& 19.80\\
+Managing Internet Information Services& Liu, Peek, Jone, Buus, Nye&1 56592 062 7&& 19.75\\
+System Performance Tuning& Loukides&0 937175 60 9&& 16.65\\
+UNIX for FORTRAN Programmers& Loukides&0 937175 51 X&& 16.65\\
+Understanding Japanese Information Processing& Lunde&1 56592 043 0&& 20.65\\
+Security and Networks (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 997 7&& 6.75\\
+Networked Information and Online Libraries (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 998 5&& 6.75\\
+European Networking (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 999 3&& 6.75\\
+Global Network Operations (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 993 4&& 11.25\\
+Mobile IP Networking (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 994 2&& 6.75\\
+The Future of the Internet Protocol (tape)& Malamud&1 56592 996 9&& 16.65\\
+Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats& Murray, vanRyper&1 56592 058 9&& 39.60\\
+Managing Projects with make 2e& Oram&0 937175 90 0&& 11.95\\
+Practical C Programming 2e& Oualline&1 56592 035 X&& 16.65\\
+MH /xmh: E-Mail for Users/Programmers 2e& Peek&1 56592 027 9&& 19.80\\
+UNIX Power Tools with CD-ROM& Peek&0 553 35402 7&& 39.60\\
+Love Your Job!& Powers&1 56592 036 8&& 8.55\\
+Building a Successful Software Business& Radin&1 56592 064 3&& 16.65\\
+Understanding DCE& Rosenberry&1 56592 005 8&& 16.65\\
+Distributing Applications Across DCE and Windows NT& Rosenberry&1 56592 047 3&& 16.65\\
+Learning the Korn Shell& Rosenblatt&1 56592 054 6&& 18.45\\
+Computer Security Basics& Russell&0 937175 71 4&& 19.80\\
+Smileys& Sanderson&1 56592 041 4&& 4.00\\
+Learning Perl& Schwartz&1 56592 042 2&& 16.65\\
+guide to Writing DCE Applications 2e& Shirley&1 56592 045 7&& 22.50\\
+Managing NFS and NIS& Stern&0 937175 75 7&& 18.45\\
+Programming with curses& Strang&0 937175 02 1&& 8.55\\
+termcap /terminfo& Strang&0 937175 22 6&& 14.65\\
+Manging UUCP and Usenet 10e& Todino&0 937175 93 5&& 18.45\\
+Using UUCP and Usenet& Todino&0 937175 10 2&& 14.65\\
+Learing the UNIX Operating System 3e& Todino&1 56592 060 0&& 6.10\\
+Programming Perl& Wall&0 937175 64 1&& 19.80\\
+Making \TeX\ Work& Walsh&1 56592 051 1&& 19.75\\
+\multicolumn{5}{|l|}{\emph{The X Window System Series}}\\
+The X Window System in a Nutshell& X Window System, Release 6, Companion CD&1 56592 084 8&& 19.75\\
+X Protocol Reference Manual Vol 0& Nye&1 56592 008 2&& 23.20\\
+Xlib Programming Manual Vol 1& Nye&1 56592 002 3&& 23.20\\
+Xlib Reference Manual Vol2& Nye&1 56592 006 6&& 23.20\\
+X Window System User's Guide Vol 3& Quercia&1 56592 014 7&& 23.20\\
+X Window system User's Guide Vol 3M& Quercia&1 56592 015 5&& 23.20\\
+X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual Vol 4& Nye&1 56592 003 1&& 23.20\\
+X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual Vol 4M& Nye&1 56592 013 9&& 23.20\\
+X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manual Vol 5& Flanagan&1 56592 007 4&& 23.20\\
+Motif Programming Manual Vol 6A& Heller&1 56592 016 3&& 23.20\\
+Motif Reference Manual Vol 6B& Ferguson&1 56592 038 4&& 23.20\\
+XView Programming Manual Vol 7A& Heller&0 937175 87 0&& 23.20\\
+XView Reference Manual Vol 7B& Van Raalte&0 937175 88 9&& 25.65\\
+X Window System Administrator's Guide Vol 8& Mui&0 937175 83 8&& 19.80\\
+X User Tools& Mui, Quercia&1 56592 019 8&& 33.25\\
+Motif Tools: Streamlined GUI Design and Programming with the Xmt Library& Flanagan&1 56592 004 9&& 36.45\\
+Programmer's Supplement to X11, R6& Nye&1 56592 089 9&& 16.65\\
+PEXlib Programing Manual& Gaskins&1 56592 028 7&& 29.70\\
+PEXlib Reference Manual& Talbott&1 56592 029 5&& 26.55\\
+PHIGS Programming Manual (softcover)& Gaskins&0 937175 85 4&& 28.35\\
+PHIGS Programming Manual (hardcover)& Gaskins&0 937175 92 7&& 39.55\\
+PHIGS Reference Manual& Kosko&0 937175 91 9&& 26.55\\
+X Resource: Issue 11 (Back Issues Available)& Ferguson&1 56592 068 6&& 9.85\\
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/burnard.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/burnard.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..375b1ea486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/burnard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+\title{Portable documents: Acrobat, SGML and \TeX}
+\author[Lou Burnard]{Lou Burnard\\Oxford University Computing Service\\\texttt{}}
+ \noindent This joint meeting of the UK \TeX{} Users Group and the
+BCS Electronic Publishing Specialist Group in London on January 19th
+attracted a large and mixed audience of academics, \TeX{} hackers,
+publishers, and software developers, with representatives from most
+UK organizations active in the field of electronic publishing and
+document management. I was expecting rather more disagreement about
+the relative merits of the various approaches now available for the
+creation of portable documents; in the event, the path of SGML-based
+righteousness, with appropriate concessions to the practical merits
+of PostScript-based systems, was apparently endorsed by the
+First of the seven speakers was David Brailsford from Nottingham
+University, who described Adobe's Acrobat as `a \emph{de facto} industry
+standard'. His presentation of exactly how the various components of
+this product worked together, and could be made to interact with both
+\LaTeX{} and SGML, was very clear and refreshingly free of hype. The
+choice of PDF (which is effectively a searchable and structured form of
+Postscript, in which logical structure and hypertextual links are
+preserved along with the imaging information) as an archival format was
+a pragmatic one for journals such as EPodd where fidelity to every
+detail of presentation was crucial. The availability of a free Acrobat
+reader was also a plus point. He characterized the difficulties of
+mapping the logical links of a \LaTeX{} or SGML document on to the
+physical links instantiated in a PDF document as a classic case of the
+importance of `late binding', and revealed the open secret that
+Adobe's free PDF reader would soon be upgraded to recognise and act on
+HTML-style anchors. A demonstration of the Acrobat-based electronic
+journal project CAJUN is already available online at
+David Barron, from Southampton, gave an excellent overview of what
+exactly is implied by the phrase `portable document'. Documents are not
+files, but compound objects, combining text, images and time-based media.
+There is a growing awareness that electronic resources should be
+regarded as virtual documents, repositories of information from which
+many different actual documents may be generated. These developments
+all make `portability' (defined as the ability to render documents --
+with varying degrees of visual fidelity -- in different hardware or
+software environments) very difficult. Portability was of crucial
+importance, not only for publishers wishing to distribute in the
+electronic medium, and not only for specific user communities wishing
+to pool information, but also for all of us. Information available only
+in a non-portable electronic form was information at the mercy of
+technological change. He cited as portability success stories the
+widespread use of PostScript and \LaTeX{} as a distribution medium by the
+research community, referring to the Physics preprint library at Los
+Alamos as a case where this had now become the normal method of
+publication. By contrast, the success of the World Wide Web seemed to
+be partly due to its use of a single markup language (HTML) which
+effectively takes rendering concerns entirely out of the hands of
+authors. From the archival point of view, however, none of the
+available standards seemed a natural winner: hypertext was still too
+immature a technology, and there were still many intractable problems
+in handling multiple fonts and character sets. Professor Barron
+concluded with a brief summary of the merits of SGML as providing a
+formal, verifiable and portable definition for a document's structure,
+mentioning in passing that Southampton are developing a TEI-based
+document archive with conversion tools going in both directions
+betweeen SGML and RTF, and SGML and \LaTeX{}. Looking to the future, he saw
+the IBM/Apple Opendoc architecture as offering the promise of genuinely
+portable dynamic documents, which could be archived in an SGML form once
+The third speaker of the morning, Jonathan Fine, began by insisting
+that the spaces between words were almost as important as the words
+themselves. I felt that he wasted rather a lot of his time on
+this point, as he did later on explaining how to pronounce `\TeX'
+(surely unnecessary for this audience) before finally describing a
+product he is developing called `Simsim' (Arabic for sesame, which is a
+trademark of British Petroleum we learned). This appears to be a set of
+\TeX\ macros for formatting SGML documents directly, using components of
+the ESIS to drive the formatter, but I did not come away with any clear
+sense of how his approach differed from that already fairly widely
+used elsewhere.
+Peter Flynn, from University College Cork, did his usual excellent job
+of introducing the Wondrous Web World, focussing inevitably on some of
+its shortcomings from the wider SGML perspective, while holding out the
+promise that there is a real awareness of the need to address them.
+What the Web does best, in addition to storage and display of portable
+documents, is to provide ways of hypertextually linking them. Its
+success raises important and difficult issues about the nature of
+publishing in the electronic age: who should control the content and
+appearance of documents -- the user, the browser vendor, or the
+originator? Publishing on the Web also raises a whole range of
+fundamental and so far unresolved problems in the area of intellectual
+property rights, despite the availability of effective authentication
+and charging mechanisms. He highlighted some well-known `attitude'
+problems -- not only are most existing HTML documents invalid, but
+no-one really cares -- and concluded that the availability of better
+browsers, capable of handling more sophisticated DTDs, needed to be
+combined with better training of the Web community for these to be
+The three remaining presentations, we were told after a lunch in
+spartan surroundings, would focus on the real world, which seemed a little
+harsh on the previous speakers. Geeti Granger from John Wiley described
+the effect on a hard-pressed production department of going over to the
+use of SGML in the creation of an eight volume Chemical Encyclopaedia.
+Her main conclusions appeared to be that it had necessitated more
+managerial involvement than anticipated, largely because of the
+increased complexity of the production process. She attributed this
+partly to the need for document analysis, proper data flow procedures,
+progress reports etc., though why these should be a consequence of
+using SGML I did not fully understand. More persuasively, she reported
+the difficulty the project had had in finding SGML-aware suppliers, in
+designing a DTD in advance of the material it described, in agreeing on
+an appropriate level of encoding and in getting good quality typeset
+Martin Key, from Elsevier, described in some detail the rationale and
+operation of the Computer Aided Production system used for Elsevier's
+extensive stable of academic journals. Authors are encouraged to submit
+material in a variety of electronic forms, including \LaTeX{}, for which
+Elsevier provide a generic style sheet. Other formats are converted and
+edited using an inhouse SGML-aware system (apparently implemented in
+WordPerfect 5, though I may have misheard this). This uses their own
+DTD, based on Majour, with extensions for maths, which seemed to be a
+major source of difficulty. Documents will be archived in SGML or PDF
+in something called an electronic warehouse, of which no details were
+vouchsafed. Both PDF and SGML were seen as entirely appropriate formats
+for online journals, CD-ROM and other forms of electronic delivery. The
+advantages of SGML lay in its independence of the vagaries of
+technological development, and its greater potential. However,
+potential benefits always had to be weighed against current costs; like
+any other business, Elsevier was not interested in experimentation for
+its own sake.
+The last speaker was Michael Popham, formerly of the SGML Project at
+Exeter, and now of the CTI Centre for Textual Studies at Oxford. His
+presentation did a fairly thorough demolition job on the popular notion
+that there is still not much SGML-aware software in the world, starting
+with a useful overview of the SGML context -- the ways in which SGML
+tools might fit into particular parts of an enterprise -- and then
+listing a number of key products organized by category. It was nice to
+hear the names of so many real SGML products (auto-taggers, authoring
+aids, page layout systems, transformation tools, document management
+systems, browsers and parsers) being aired, after a long day obsessed
+by Acrobat and \LaTeX{}. He concluded with a useful list of places where
+up-to-date product information can be found, and a reminder that the
+field is rapidly expanding, with new tools appearing all the time.
+The day concluded with an informal panel session, onto which I was
+press ganged, which effectively prevented me from taking notes, but
+also gave me the chance to promote the recently-published DynaText
+version of the TEI Guidelines, which I did shamelessly. I also remember
+Malcolm Clark asking, tongue firmly in cheek, why everyone couldn't
+just use Word, and being somewhat agreeably surprised by the number of
+people in the audience who were able to tell him the answer, and in no
+uncertain terms. Other topics addressed included auto-tagging, whether
+maths and formulae should be encoded descriptively or presentationally,
+whether Microsoft will still be around in the next century, and whether
+we would ever learn how to format documents for electronic presentation
+as well as we could on paper.
+ \emph{Editor's note:} Jonathan Fine contacted \BV\ to say that he
+ feels Lou Burnard's report (which was posted to the Text Encoding
+ Initiative list) misrepresents his talk, misstating its
+ central thesis regarding the space between words. Jonathan asks
+ readers to reserve judgement until an article based on his talk is
+ published in \BV. In the meantime he will send a copy of the OHP
+ slides to anyone who asks.
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+\author{Chris Rowley}
+\title{Chair's report on 1993--94}
+First, a big thank you to all my colleagues on the Committee for all
+their hard work during the last year.
+The notable innovation in 1994 has been the regular appearance of \BV.
+Under the editorship of Sebastian Rahtz, and with Robin Fairbairns and
+Jonathan Fine as publisher and distributor, issues of our newsletter
+now reach members approximately every two months. It contains an
+interesting variety of \TeX-related articles in addition to notices of
+meetings and subscription forms. In my opinion, \BV\ is the best in
+content and, by a wide margin, in timeliness of all the journals and
+newsletters produced by \TeX\ user groups. Thanks to Sebastian, Robin
+and Jonathan, and also to all those who have written items for \BV.
+Four meetings were held during the year. A meeting on `Front Ends to \TeX' was
+held at Aston University on 20~October 1993, after the AGM. This was
+organized by
+Sebastian Rahtz and Peter Abbott, and was attended by about 30~people. Talks
+and demonstrations were given by
+Adrian Clark, Nikos Drakos, Jonathan Fine, Christopher Mabb and Sebastian
+On 18~January 1994 a meeting was held at Rewley House in Oxford on the
+theme `Choosing and Using PostScript Fonts with \TeX'. It was
+organized by Alan Jeffrey, Sebastian Rahtz and Ian Hall, and was
+attended by about 30~people. Talks were given by Angus Duggan, Alan
+Jeffrey, Sebastian Rahtz and Will Shaman, and the meeting concluded
+with a panel session.
+The big meeting of the year was the two-day meeting at the University
+of Warwick: `\LaTeXe: the conference', on 21--22~March 1994. It was
+organized by Malcolm Clark and me. The talks by members of
+the \LaTeX3 Project Team (Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Alan
+Jeffrey, Frank Mittelbach and me) and Michel Goossens
+introduced the audience of 80 to the philosophy and features of the
+new standard version of \LaTeX, which had been released in beta-test
+in December 1993 and whose first full release was in June 1994.
+On 11~July 1994 a training meeting `\LaTeX\ fonts and graphics: a hands-on
+tutorial' was held in Cambridge. The organizers were Robin Fairbairns and
+Jonathan Fine; the trainer was Alan Jeffrey, and extra training material was
+provided by David Carlisle. The 13~participants found the meeting very
+worthwhile: it was a pity that no more people wanted to attend.
+Thanks to all the organizers, speakers and trainers for making these meetings
+possible. Especial thanks to Malcolm Clark, who so successfully was the local
+organizer for the residential meeting.
+Other members of the Committee may have been less visible, but have
+been doing sterling work in the background. For example, Peter Abbott
+is to be congratulated on sorting out the Group's accounts and
+financial position. Peter has also increased the range of services
+available to members, who can now buy, in addition to a range of
+books, disc sets of em\TeX{} and Oz\TeX{} at cost price, and the CDROM
+of \TeX ware produced by the NTG.
+The `Aston Archive' has hitherto been strictly separated from the
+\UKTUG. However, during the year it was brought to the Committee's
+attention that the Archive might not be able to continue at Aston
+University. The Committee felt that the Archive is a considerable
+service to members of the \shortuk, and so took upon itself the
+investigation of another suitable home for it. After the investigation
+of several possible homes, a smooth transfer of the Archive to
+Cambridge University has now been achieved. Thanks to Roger Needham at
+Cambridge for authorizing this; and to Robin Fairbairns, Martyn
+Johnson and Sebastian Rahtz for organizing the changeover and
+maintaining this UK node of the CTAN.
+A brief history of the relationship between \TeX{} and Aston
+university has already appeared in these annals but I should like to
+formally record here the enormous debt of gratitude owed by this group
+and the world-wide \TeX{} community to Peter Abbott for organising the
+large range of activities that made Aston the centre of the \TeX{}
+universe for many years.
+Finally, I should say something about TUG and our relationship with
+it. As a result of discussions at the TUG meeting at Santa Barbara in
+July 1994, the relationship between TUG and the various other user
+groups has come under scrutiny. It is possible that the role of TUG
+will change. There were further discussions at the Euro\TeX\ meeting
+in Gda\'nsk in September 1994, but the picture is still far from
+clear. I will keep members of \shortuk\ informed of developments.
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+\title{Malcolm's Gleanings}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+\section{Whom the gods would destroy\dots}
+At a recent (networking) conference I received a pamphlet about an
+organisation named Dante (Delivery of Advanced Networking Technology
+to Europe). What or whom do you associate with this name? Naturally I
+think first of Dante Alighieri and his romance with Beatrice, then the
+firm who presses my favourite extra virgin olive oil, and lastly our
+German sister \TeX\ organisation. I was therefore fascinated to hear a
+bit of unsupported scurrilous gossip which maintained that the German
+\textsc{Dante} were challenging this new network organisation to change its
+name --- presumably to avoid any possible confusion. This story is
+probably untrue. Another piece of unsupported news was that \textsc{Dante} was
+reluctant to support Haralambous' and Plaice's Omega project since it
+was thought to compete with NTS. Such a sad and blinkered view is
+clearly not worthy of the largest \TeX\ organisation in Europe, which
+boasts openly of its financial health. This gossip must therefore be
+malicious and\slash or mischievous. Expunge it from your minds!
+\section{Garnered gleanings}
+In a flier headed \emph{Quality without compromise} the Royal
+Society announces its intention of using \TeX\ to handle papers for
+\emph{Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences}. The plan
+seems to be to encourage authors to submit \TeX\ files on disk. Wonder
+why they don't get an email link? A positive intention is to reduce
+publication times, with a `fast stream' time of only 15 months. I'm
+sure we wish them luck.
+And in the Royal Statistical Society's \emph{News} the virtues of
+the 4\TeX\ CD is extolled, and is given a `best buy' rating. Allan
+Reese (for it was he) omits to reveal how one might obtain this gem
+(albeit flawed), and more important, misses an opportunity to bring
+this group to the attention of those purveyors of lies and damn lies.
+\section{Chimes at midnight}
+I have a weakness for the late Orson Welles. I doubt if there is any
+of his work that I can say that I didn't enjoy to some (positive)
+extent. Even his last rambling and chaotic film, \emph{Don Quixote},
+has moments of poetry and grace which provide echoes with his youthful
+output. There is an obvious identification between Quixote and Welles.
+The film was a labour of love which spanned something like twenty
+years, and absorbed the proceeds of less `honourable' projects, like
+those sherry ads. In the end, it was unfinished, andit was his
+widow(?) who completed the film. To adopt the mantle of the venerable
+Don is a perilous undertaking, and perhaps the relative lack of
+success that Welles enjoyed in the latter part of his career was a
+response to this identification. What then can we expect for another
+who has adopted this same mantle, Don Hosek? Don, or as he is now,
+D~A~Hosek, is the prime mover of \emph{Quixote Digital Typography} (I
+suspect he \emph{is} the entirety of QDT\dots). The latest venture of
+QDT is \emph{Serif} (sub-titled \emph{The Magazine of Type \&
+ Typography}). This is a quarterly magazine, and so far I have seen
+only the inaugural issue which was published late in 1994.
+What is \emph{Serif} about? I've lost the prospectus (which was
+interesting enough to encourage me to part with some money for a
+subscription), so we depend on the contents to guide us. Oddly there is
+no manifesto or statement of aims in the magazine. The contents include
+discussions of typefaces, analogue and digital, a taxonomy of
+letterforms, examination of the output of some contemporary foundries,
+book reviews\dots\ On the whole quite varied and potentially
+different. QDT has managed to acquire a number of quite
+notable type-people to contribute: Robert Bringhurst (who I hadn't
+heard of as a typographer, despite an excellent pedigree, but who I
+recall as a poet), Charles Bigelow (probably known to \TeX ies under
+the guise of `Bigelow and Holmes', joint creators of Lucida), Gunnar
+Swanson (a frequent contributor to the \texttt{typo-l} list server),
+and of course, Don Hosek himself.
+I have to admit I found the contributions hard to thole. There was an
+air of introspective, insider exclusivity which I found frankly
+irritating. The whole thing came across as either precious or
+precocious. Take for example the insistence of describing Trump
+Medieval as Trump Medi\"eval. In German it is often necessary to
+indicate a `missing' `a' with a dieresis or umlaut. It isn't needed in
+English where both medieval and mediaeval are acceptable (according to
+the OED). Nor is this a form used by either Linotype or Monotype in
+their catalogues. So why use it here, unless as a form of snobbery?
+Maybe I'm just irredeemably ignorant. So much read like Irene Handl's
+famous send up of a Critics' Forum, although I would change her quote
+from `there was a certain ragged earnestness, combined with a subtlety,
+about it, which I found irresistible' to `entirely resistible', and I'm
+uncertain about the subtlety. Maybe that's it: maybe it \emph{is} a
+send up --- but how elaborate. No, I suspect that we are being expected
+to take it earnestly.
+Probably there is much good stuff here (although I'd take issue with
+describing photography as `modern' in 1890: the daguerreotype dates
+from 1839, and the glass negative from 1851), but it seems designed to
+impress rather than to inform. But who is it intended to impress? It
+can't be those with merely a passing interest in type: it must be those
+devoured by the subject --- are there enough of them, and will they
+read this? Typographers (in a wide sense) are just as pig-headed and
+opinionated as the rest of us, perhaps even more so, and one could
+easily see factional in-fighting developing between them.
+An interesting feature of the magazine is that it is set entirely in
+\TeX. Don did discuss and demonstrate some of the techniques he used to
+achieve this at last year's TUG conference in Santa Barbara (a most
+excellent talk). But: I do notice a few infelicities --- not to do with
+\TeX\ particularly, but to do with proof reading. There is one \TeX\
+failing however: there are far too many hyphens. Three successive
+hyphens are not uncommon, but the maximum number in a row (or at the
+end of a row) was at least~5. This occurs in a paragraph of~23 lines,
+where there are, in total, 10~hyphens. Let's be entirely fair and
+note that the magazine is set double column, with a measure of about
+35--38 characters. That is fairly short: we are talking about 8~words
+to the line. Hyphens can be tweaked by appropriate loading of the
+right parameters, but I think this demonstrates that \TeX's line
+breaking algorithm is not actually as good as we claim it is. Working
+with lines of the length that Knuth uses in the \TeX book, it is
+possible to minimise hyphens and to ensure that successive hyphens are
+rare. Working with narrow measure, \TeX\ all too often throws up
+its hands and rolls over on its back. Still on hyphenation, I found
+\mbox{coor-dinates} rather unexpected. There are also a couple of
+widow lines which could have been avoided, but this I suspect has more
+to do with proofing than \TeX. Otherwise we have both Morris' and
+Morris's, `teh' for `the' (not uncommon, but even a spell checker finds
+this), Updikes' (who was this man Updikes? is he related to Updike?)
+and the odd \mbox{`e nd'} (again easy to find with a spell checker).
+I'll be interested to see what the next few issues bring, but right at
+this moment I'm not too sanguine. Maybe if I knew why the issue was
+dedicated to St Therese of Lisieux (no accents this time) I would be
+enlightened. I just hope we shouldn't be lighting candles to St Jude.
+\section{Message in a bottle} \TUB\ 15(2) arrived some time before
+Christmas, looking thin and wan at about 70~pages. I have bemoaned the
+late arrival of \TUB\ in this column before. Daily I await the other
+two promised editions for~1994. One will be the conference proceedings,
+but I suspect the other normal issue will also be thin and
+weedy. I tried raising the issue of the timeliness of \TUB\ at the TUG
+AGM at Aston in~1993, to have the discussion turned round by Phil
+Taylor who viewed any criticism of \TUB\ as a criticism of its editor,
+the inestimable Barbara Beeton. Better to have it high quality but
+late I was told, and the audience applauded. I despair. If \TeX\ is a
+production quality tool then we have to explain the non-appearance of
+\TUB\ very carefully. A few years ago, when \TUB\ was similarly late,
+rumours started to circulate that TUG itself had gone out
+of existence. This warning was obviously not enough. Perhaps the
+changes in editorial policy noted in this issue will eventually
+overcome the scheduling difficulties.
+There were a few gems however: the report of the NTS (New Typesetting
+System) comprises ten (canonical?) points. One discusses the logo they
+should use. As I think Thora Hird used to say, `get the shoes right,
+and everything else falls into place'. Sebastian was right: `a pox on a
+logos'. And apparently the \LaTeX3 project team has decided that
+\LaTeXe\ is \LaTeX, and \LaTeX\ is \LaTeX209. I'm reminded of the
+venerable Leslie Lamport's wisdom on the pronunciation of \LaTeX\ (or
+was that \LaTeX209?) `\dots\ best determined by usage, not
+fiat'. Continuing a fairly recent tradition, \TUB\ also contains
+abstracts of other \TeX\ journals, including these very same Annals. I
+find these \emph{Gleanings} occupying an inordinate amount of space,
+perhaps because it is easier to summarise trivia than substance.
+\section{What next?} Since TUG moved its offices to Santa Barbara
+there have been earthquakes and floods. The Los Angeles earthquake of
+94 didn't do much damage locally --- only a few more cracks in the
+building TUG inhabits. The floods earlier this year did affect SB quite
+badly, although again the TUG office survived. Maybe the Tugboat notion
+wasn't so bad after all. As for plague --- well, phylloxera is endemic
+in the Napa Valley. Were I in philosophical mood, I might see
+these events as an allegory on TUG itself.
+\section{Morphic resonances} By one of those amazing coincidences, the
+meeting held by the group in January this year on SGML, Acrobat and
+\TeX\ was closely paralleled by a similarly titled meeting held by
+\textsc{Gut}enberg. This isn't the first time we have independently
+come up with very similar themes for meetings (the \LaTeXe\ meetings
+occurred about the same time too). The easy answer to why this should
+be is that they are the relatively hot subjects of the time. No
+collusion at all, although maybe our editor's frequent trips to Geneva
+to talk to Michel Goossens (President of \textsc{Gut}enberg) could
+explain a lot.\footnote{`Talk'? Honest hard labour, he means --- Editor.}
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+\section{Welcome back}
+It is a pleasure to thank Robin Fairbairns for his sterling work in
+masterminding our special \BV\ `FAQ' issue at the end of 1994. Many
+people assisted him in getting good, reliable, questions and answers,
+and we will maintain them in future. \emph{Please}, therefore,
+report back to Robin any inaccuracies or omissions. We will reissue the
+list at the end of 1995, but in the meanwhile it is on the CTAN
+archives, on a WWW site, and in Acrobat format, for easy consultation.
+Contact a \ukt\ committee member if you need help finding it.
+\section{\BV\ articles needed}
+As \BV\ starts a new year, determined to keep on coming
+out on time, your help is badly needed.
+It's time to write \BV\ articles for 1995. Get your writing hats on
+to `delight fellow \TeX\ users with your words of wisdom'.
+\emph{Please note the following copy deadlines}:
+\em \rotatebox{35}{Issue}&
+\em \Thead{Submit material}&
+\em \Thead{Last-minute notices}&
+\em \Thead{Posting date}\\
+5.2&Apr 10&Apr 14&May 5\\
+5.3&Jun 5 &Jun 9 &Jun 23\\
+Each issue of \BV\ has a special theme, although articles on any
+\TeX-related subject are always welcome.
+\BV\ 5.2 will have papers on SGML, Acrobat etc following the
+January meeting which is briefly reported in this issue.
+\section{A dozen from 1994: 9--3 to the good}
+\def\YY#1{\advance\Hit by 1 \paragraph*{($-$) #1}}
+\def\XX#1{\advance\Hit by 1 \paragraph*{($+$) #1}}
+Last year was a pretty good one for \TeX, I think. A lot of action, a
+lot of changes, and plenty of discussion. How can you keep up with it
+all? I find it a big job to scan the messages on various mailing
+lists, browse the Usenet \texttt{comp.text.tex} and read some \TeX\
+publications; and I am not as assiduous as many. I do have an
+advantage over most people, though --- I see all the Comprehensive
+\TeX\ Archive Network activity, as
+one of the small team of volunteer managers; just skimming the nightly
+logs of the mirroring process gives a fascinating insight into
+the busy world of developers continuously making new versions of
+things available; it's a rare day when there is \emph{no} change in the
+archives. So maybe it will not be too unreasonable of me to attempt a
+review of the my favourites of 1994, and some of the turkeys. I'll
+take the chance to off\-load some favourite prejudiced opinions.
+\XX{\LaTeXe, of course} Aided and abetted by the `three men and a dog'
+\emph{\LaTeX\ Companion}, \LaTeXe\ has been a great success so far
+as I can tell. It was so undeniably needed, and so (largely) well
+done, that it has made \LaTeX\ use a pleasure again. \LaTeXe\ itself
+perhaps is most valuable for style designers and maintainers, but
+taken in conjunction with the \emph{Companion}, there can be few users
+who do not find life a little easier this year. As an example of the
+hidden treasures, do you realize that if you use T1 encoding, and mark
+up accented words in the conventional way, they are translated on
+input into 8-bit codes and thus hyphenated?
+\XX{NTG sensible article
+ class} Who amongst you has never cursed the default \LaTeX\
+`article' style? Have a look at the Dutch `artikel' styles in the
+`ntgclass' directory on the archives, recently updated for \LaTeXe. I
+use them for lots of my work now, and find them very refreshing.
+\XX{Eddi4\TeX, the corner shop \TeX\ shell} Ulrich Jahnze's shareware
+DOS shell for \TeX, Eddi4\TeX, is based around a friendly, but
+powerful, editor (the right way of going about it, in my view). It has
+extensible menus, a good macro language, online help, and is easy to
+maintain. Many have found that the superstore 4\TeX\ CD suits them,
+but I prefer something simple that doesn't run my life. This shell is
+admirably humble, but really does have the features you need.
+\XX{MetaPost at last} Groupies of Donald Knuth will know
+that he swears by John Hobby's MetaPost\footnote{Oh, a pox on logos!
+ No, this isn't set properly, because I never seem to have Knuth's
+ slightly amended \emph{logo} font to hand.}
+ as his drawing tool of choice;
+this is a version of \MF\ which produces PostScript code rather than
+GF font format. It has been around for a few years, but just at the
+end of the year, AT\&T finally allowed John to make it publicly
+available. Now everyone who is so inclined can use the enormously
+powerful \MF\ engine to describe their pictures (and use \TeX\ for
+labelling, of course) and get good portable output. John Hobby has
+recently written a graphing add-on, which is a joyful prospect for those
+of us who have been keening for \emph{grap} ever since they stopped
+using \emph{troff}.
+\XX{Poor man's PostScript previewing} P.
+Pianowski and B. Jackowski have written a little set of PostScript
+procedures which magically add zooming, page selection, and so on to
+plain GhostScript; if you don't want to run up Windows, and its cranky
+Ghostview, then this is extraordinarily liberating. If you have never
+needed such things, forget you read this, but for cognoscenti, it's on
+CTAN in \texttt{support/psview}.
+\XX{BaKoMa, or The Man from Protvino} I don't know how he does it, but
+the quality of Basil Malyshev's PostScript Type1 versions of the CM
+fonts, and the newly added AMS fonts (the BaKoMa family) is excellent,
+and means that I really can forget complicated \MF\ sources and weird PK
+fonts, without spending any money.
+\XX{CD relief}
+I do a lot of \TeX\ at home, un-networked. How wonderful it
+has been to have the Prime Time Freeware CD of the CTAN archives to
+hand. No more directories full of `just in case' copies. No more
+expensive and slow downloads of vital \texttt{.bst} files. OK, so some
+bits are out of date now, but there'll be a new release in the summer,
+so I can continue my more relaxed \TeX\ lifestyle.
+\XX{Hyper\TeX, and rich Acrobat from \LaTeX} Adobe released version 2
+of Acrobat this year, and their Portable Document Format; it coincided
+with maturing work by the loose Hyper\TeX\ group (described by Arthur
+Smith in \emph{Baskerville} 4.5), and the release of an enhanced
+\emph{dvips} which can pass on hypertext information via the `pdfmark'
+operator to PDF. This means that \LaTeX\ can be set up to produce,
+automatically, very rich Acrobat documents. The whole Hyper\TeX\ thing
+is encouraging, because it shows that there is plenty of life yet in
+\XX{The AMS} The American Mathematical Society has stuck by
+\TeX; they have kept up alongside \LaTeXe\ with a major update to
+\AMSLaTeX; they document and support their macros and fonts. Better
+yet, they think creatively about the electronic future of scholarly
+publishing and maths, and look at SGML working with \TeX\ as the way
+forward. I hope they keep showing us the way.
+\YY{\TeX\ under DOS} I
+am writing this article in a hotel in New York. Luckily, I was able to
+borrow a portable PC from work just before I left; but, my goodness,
+what a palaver it was to put together a useful \TeX\ system to take
+with me to prepare \emph{Baskerville}! I ended up with:
+\item An em\TeX\ kernel set of programs, and a \LaTeX\ format;
+\item the RSX loader to allow em\TeX\ to work in a Windows DOS box;
+ usage requires only 10 years of experience;
+\item dvips, which I had to recompile myself to get dynamic
+ decompression of PostScript files;
+\item GhostScript, to preview pages properly (I like to see my
+ figures, my colours, my rotations etc --- is that unreasonable?);
+\item A set of Type1 PostScript fonts---Baskerville, Computer Modern,
+ Monotype Times, Lucida (maths fonts for work), and (unreleased
+ beta) DC fonts (we do \emph{Baskerville} with T1 encoding, and use
+ Computer Modern as the typewriter font);
+\item Gnuemacs, to edit files in a civilised way; and Eddi4\TeX, as a
+ DOS \TeX\ shell for when I felt strange;
+\item Battalions of \texttt{sty}, \texttt{cls}, \texttt{fd},
+ \texttt{tfm}, and \texttt{vf} files I might end up pulling in by
+ accident or design.
+If only Y\&Y drivers understood virtual fonts, or I had three weeks to
+spare sorting out the reencoding of my fonts to the bizarre Windows
+encoding, I'd have brought the excellent \emph{dviwindo} as a
+previewer. But I still couldn't have previewed my pictures.
+What a mess. It took me hours to make it all go together. Why can't I
+use, or recommend, an unequivocally good and complete \TeX\ for DOS
+and Windows, at any price?
+\YY{\TeX\ user group politics} Like rats
+packed in a cage, \TeX ies just can't stop mauling each other. TUG is
+rendered impotent by the inability of its directors\footnote{The
+ author of this piece is a director of TUG, and as guilty as others.}
+to agree on what to do about \TeX\ worldwide; \DANTE{} withdrew its
+Special Director from TUG in pique at something no-one else
+understood; the French quarrel publicly about disk sets; the British
+slyly insert prima donna activists into all \TeX\ projects. Thousands
+of \TeX\ users and developers worldwide happily help each other in a
+great spirit of cooperation --- why can't the user groups work
+\YY{\LaTeXe, I'm afraid} `They' keep changing it, you know.
+Documents come out differently before and after Christmas, styles
+mysteriously crack in new places with brace fatigue; \AMSLaTeX\
+appears and vanishes like the Cheshire cat. Colour madness permeates
+the kernel. Can the redoubtable Frank Mittelbach hold together his
+talented team?
+\section{News section}
+\subsection{Winter \LaTeX\ Release}
+The second full release of \LaTeXe\ was placed on the CTAN archives on
+December 17th. This release fixes problems reported since June and
+incorporates the new `inputenc' package as a standard method of
+supporting 8-bit input.
+The document \texttt{ltnews02.tex} contains more details of the new features.
+See also the WWW page on \texttt{}
+\LaTeX\ is available from CTAN hosts in the directory
+\path|macros/latex/base|, and a ready `unpacked' version
+is available in \path|macros/latex/unpacked|. Note that
+this includes all the files in `base' so you do not need both
+Unfortunately a couple of small bugs are present in the release.
+These are fixed in the file
+\path|macros/latex/base/ltpatch.ltx| which is
+automatically applied when you install.
+\subsection{UKTeX is dead, long live TeXhax}
+({\itshape David Osborne posted the following on 23rd December:})
+With the welcome emergence of the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network,
+there's no longer any need for a UK-oriented digest, originally
+created to announce developments of the UK \TeX\ Archive which Peter
+Abbott set up at Aston University. The digest was Peter's idea,
+modelled on the TeXhax Digest, and he acted as editor/moderator for
+the first few years of its existence. Looking back, I see I (DO) took over
+the editing of the digest with the V90 \#21 issue and that from the
+beginning of 1987 to date, 336 digests were produced.
+However, don't despair! The intention is to merge UKTeX into TeXhax,
+which will continue to act as a question, answer and announcement
+forum for the global \TeX\ community. The electronic distribution lists
+of the two digests will be merged and, for a while at least,
+contributions addressed to UKTeX will still be accepted but will
+appear in TeXhax, starting early in 1995. Initially, it's intended to
+produce TeXhax at weekly intervals, to maintain the timeliness of
+UKTeX for announcements, but this frequency may be modified in the
+light of experience, depending on the volume of contributions.
+So, my sincere thanks go to all those who have encouraged and
+supported UKTeX in the past, particularly to Peter Abbott. I
+encourage your support of the TeXhax Digest and welcome your
+contributions to it in 1995 and beyond.
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+\title{Elements of SGML}
+\author{Jonathan Fine}
+\def \jfmacro #1{\smallskip\noindent\vadjust{\nobreak}{\itshape #1}}
+\noindent I don't have time to write a proper column for this issue, but I did
+not want too long to go by before giving the answers to the exercises
+at the last of my last article, in Baskerville~4(5). So here are the
+\jfmacro {When was the SGML standard published? }
+The standard was published in 1986. Although an
+international standard, it is still far from being a \emph{de facto}
+standard in most of areas of application. One reason for this is
+resistance from the owners of proprietary document formats, as used
+by word processors, desktop and larger publishing systems and so
+Would it be a sound commercial move for the owners of, say
+{\em Word\/} to open it up so that it could be used with someone
+else's formatting software? Such as \TeX\ equipped with suitable
+macros? Should such happen then the next thing you know someone else
+will be bring out a word processor front-end {\em without\/} any
+formatting capabilities at all, but relying on the back end
+previously provided. And before you know where you are, {\em Word\/}
+will be just one of a number of competing software products all
+capable of operating on the same documents. {\em Word\/} is a
+registered trademark of Microsoft. At Bridewell I asked the panel
+what must fail if SGML is to succeed, to which Lou Burnard replied
+``Proprietary data formats,'' which answer I cannot improve upon.
+\jfmacro {Who are the five persons involved in text
+processing? Who is the sixth? }
+In the article I listed author, designer, typesetter, implementor and
+publisher. The sixth was the reader. Each has a different interest
+in the document. Probably this list is a simplification. Geeti
+Granger in her talk at Bridewell (see elsewhere in this issue for a
+brief summary) described the production process for an encyclopedia
+of Chemistry that John Wiley has recently produced. This occupied
+two detailed transparencies. There are also editor, subeditor,
+proofreaders, picture editors and so forth. It is traditional, and
+for good reason, when establishing a database to spend a period
+analysing the size and structure of the data to be stored, and the
+operations that will need to be performed on it. And this before
+writing any but prototype code.
+It seems sensible to follow this tradition when building a publishing
+application based on SGML. This design should be performed by an
+expert (either hire one, or become one yourself, or at least follow
+someone else's good example) in the documents you are hoping to
+create, store and process using SGML and SGML-compliant software.
+Just as with other computer applications, beware of trusting the
+technical expert in the language who does not understand the activity
+whose facilitation is intended. This applies double to applications
+which involve significant interaction among people and thus to SGML
+applications almost without exception. Deciding on data-storage
+standards for text is considerably more subtle than the design of a
+business order processing database. And that in itself is easy
+enough to get wrong. Good experts in SGML document design (and I am
+not one) are worth good money.
+\jfmacro {How does SGML differ from other computer languages? }
+So far as I know, the purpose of all other computer languages is to
+describe in one way or another what it is that a computer should do.
+In other words they are languages for the writing of programmes.
+SGML is a language for the creation (and storage) of structured
+documents. There is no sense in SGML of anything doing anything. To
+use the technical terms, it is all syntax and no semantics. (Some
+complain that with \TeX\ it is the other way around.)
+SGML is deliberately neutral as to what might be done to the
+document. It may be stored, spell-checked, formatted, edited or
+deleted. Or transmitted across the World Wide Web. All this is none
+of the concern of SGML, although needs must be carefully considered
+and specified if an SGML-based application is to be successful. I
+like to think of SGML as being ASCII for structured documents. And
+is ASCII a computer language?
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the prolog? Who writes it? }
+The prolog contains the document type declaration, which specifies
+the markup elements and in which combinations, that can occur in the
+document instance. Technically an SGML document consists of a prolog
+and a document instance conforming to the markup declared in the
+prolog. Very often
+<!DOCTYPE message SYSTEM "message.dtd" >
+is used to refer to an external entity which contains the element and
+entity declarations. All this is a little technical and should be
+hidden from authors (and readers).
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the SGML declaration? }
+Usually the SGML declaration is implied, which means that the
+software will supply or assume that a standard SGML declaration is to
+be used or will be applied. However it does contains important
+information about how the following document is to be parsed. For
+example, it indicates whether omitted tags, short references, or
+other markup minimization devices may be used. It also declares
+whether the case is significant in entity and tag names. It also
+gives capacity information, such as the maximum allowed length of
+identifiers. In short, it sets all manner of switches that control
+the parsing of the following document, and indicates to the parsing
+software what capabilities it will require. An SGML declaration can
+also be written for parsing software, which indicates the documents
+it is capable of parsing.
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the document instance?
+Who writes it? }
+At last! The author's words, written by the author (or in some cases
+a ghost writer).
+\jfmacro {How many lines in a sonnet? Is that every sonnet? }
+Trick question. Most sonnets have fourteen lines, but Shakespeare's
+sonnet~126 (O~thou my lovely boy, who in thy power) has but twelve.
+The pedants (oops, experts) can argue as to whether it really is then
+a sonnet, but when all is done, it had better appear in the
+appropriate place when Shakespeare's sonnets are stored or printed. An
+old adage has it that altogether most of a computer program is
+devoted to dealing with the exceptions. Or to put it another way,
+the devil hides in the details. This is one of the attractions of
+\verb"tex" the program. There's almost nowhere for the bugs to hide.
+\jfmacro {What is the difference between
+{\em mark up} and {\em markup}? }
+An easy one. The first is a verb, the second a noun. The words
+{\em mark down} and {\em markdown} have a similar relation although
+quite different meanings.
+\jfmacro {What is a declaration? }
+In SGML markup constructions are declared, which then makes them
+available for use. There is an SGML declaration (which makes SGML
+available one assumes), and then a document type declaration which in
+turn contains element, entity and attribute declarations. Other
+features of SGML are also activated via declarations. Even comments
+are enabled as text within comment declarations, according to the
+terminology of the standard.
+\jfmacro {How is SGML a compromise? Between whom?
+Is this good or bad? }
+A complete answer to this question would be the whole past, present
+and future history of SGML. It is a document standard, so the more
+features and power it provides the happier those who store documents
+will be. But if too much power is required, the implementors will be
+scared off or, perhaps worse, implement only an idiosyncratic subset
+of the language. Perhaps part of the success of HTML is due to it
+being strong enough to be useful to users, and weak enough to be
+implemented by developers.
+If too much is required of authors they will simply not use it. Thus,
+a considerable part of the language is concerned with making life
+easier for the author to create a valid SGML document instance using
+an ordinary text editor. One of the functions of an SGML parser is
+to relieve the application programmer of the burden of accomodating
+(and perhaps getting wrong) these author-friendly features. The
+question of the allowable content models (a topic we have not yet
+discussed) has been a subject of much complaint and disagreement from
+and amongst implementors and document type designers. This question
+is the subject of an Annex to the International Standard.
+\jfmacro {(Experts only) In explaining SGML for beginners, have
+I made any false statements? }
+Almost certainly yes. Mostly omissions I hope, and only the whitest
+of lies. I would welcome hearing of any corrections that might help
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+\def\UKTUG{UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+ {\makebox[\textwidth]{#1\leaders\hrule\hfill
+ \qquad #2\leaders\hrule\hfill}}
+\newcommand{\when}{Tuesday, April 4th, 1995}
+\newcommand{\where}{University of Warwick}
+\newcommand{\daytitle}{\BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex\ training: a tutorial with
+hands-on practice}
+The two most important support packages for \LaTeX\ are \BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex.
+In this day of intensive training, we offer you a half-day's tutorial in each.
+The training will be in a computer laboratory, with ample opportunity to
+practise the use of these packages while the tutors are there to guide you.
+What we expect from you are:
+aquaintance with computers;
+ acquaintance with \LaTeX.
+The course will be based on
+Unix, accessed through X-terminals (PCs running Vista eXceed).
+A variety of editors is
+available, including jove, emacs and vi.
+The cost includes handouts, tea/coffee and sandwiches.
+\large \bf \MakeIndex\ Course Topics
+\item What's involved in creating an index?
+\item The role of \MakeIndex.
+\item Strategies for getting a raw index.
+\item Features and limitations of \MakeIndex.
+\item Multiple indexes per document.
+\item Special index entries.
+\item Free-flow question and answer session.
+\large \bf \BibTeX\ Course Topics
+\item Using \BibTeX\ on a sample document referring to a
+ sample \BibTeX\ database.
+\item Adding extra references.
+\item Adding references that are not cited in the text.
+\item Putting items into a \BibTeX\ database.
+\item Different `standard' bibliography styles.
+\item Other bibliography styles available from CTAN.
+\item {\it The time}: 4~April 1995, 0930--1730.
+\item {\it The place}: University of Warwick, Computing Services Training Room.
+\item {\it The tutors}: Joachim Schrod (Darmstadt) and David Rhead (Nottingham)
+\item {\it The cost}: (To \shortuk\ members) \pounds 50, or \pounds70
+to non-members. A purchase order, with order number is an acceptable
+alternative method of payment, but will attract a \pounds10 surcharge on
+the amount due.
+\item{\it Accommodation}:
+There is no residential component to the course, but
+it is possible to arrange accommodation on
+campus, at about \pounds 25 per night (including breakfast). There
+are also numerous small hotels and bed and breakfast places in the
+vicinity. If you require this service, contact the local organiser,
+Malcolm Clark, \emph{well in advance}. This
+is not any part of the course. You
+are responsible for settling any accommodation bills yourself.
+\bf Return by March 24th, 1995
+\LARGE\bf\where, \when
+\huge\bf Booking Form
+I wish to attend the \UKTUG\ training day on \when:
+\ruled{Name: }
+\ruled{Organisation: }
+\ruled{Address: }
+\partruled{Telephone: }{Email: }
+\ruled{Please specify any special dietary requirements: }
+ &Payment enclosed$^{\ref{payment},\ref{cheques},\ref{no-vat}}$ &\\
+or&purchase order number$^{\ref{purchase-order}}$ &\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Signed:}&\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Date:} &\\ \cline{3-3}
+\item Payment for the training day,
+ refreshments and a light lunch
+ will be \pounds50 for
+members of \UKTUG{} (or other \TeX\ user groups)
+and \pounds70 for non-members.\label{payment}
+\item Sterling cheques should be made payable to
+`UK \TeX\ Users Group'.\label{cheques}
+\item A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an
+acceptable alternative method of payment, but
+will attract a \pounds10 surcharge on the amount due.\label{purchase-order}
+\item Return the completed form to arrive by March 24th, 1995.
+We cannot guarantee enrollment after that date. If you are unable to
+return the form by then, but are definitely coming, contact
+the local organiser by email, telephone, fax or mail to secure a place.
+\item If your requirements are not met by the options offered,
+contact the local organizer.
+\item Note that VAT is not chargeable.\label{no-vat}
+Return the completed booking form, together
+with your payment, to arrive {\bf before} March 24th, 1995, to
+the local organizer:
+\begin{tabular}{ll@{ }l}
+Malcolm Clark &&\\
+Computing Services&tel:& 01203 523365\\
+University of Warwick&fax:& 01203 523267\\
+Coventry CV4 7AL &email &\tt
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+\section{Institutional Membership}
+At its meeting in November 1994, the Committee of \shortuk\ decided upon the
+following regulations for institutional membership of the \UKTUG, with effect
+from the beginning of 1995.
+Each institutional member shall give the
+\UKTUG\ its name in its preferred form for
+inclusion in a list of institutional members.
+\item Each institutional member shall
+nominate a single person as {\it contact person}, and inform the
+\UKTUG\ of that
+person's address.
+\item Each institutional member shall nominate up to
+five people from that institution to be deemed
+individual members of the
+\UKTUG\ for the purposes of eligibility to serve on the
+committee and eligibility to vote. The contact person may, but need not, be one
+of these nominated people.
+\item The designated contact person shall
+receive five copies of all written material sent to individual members of the
+\UKTUG, including each issue of \BV, information about forthcoming meetings
+and information about elections. It is the responsibility of the contact person
+to forward this material to the nominated people.
+For each institutional member,
+up to 20~people from that institution shall be allowed to attend
+\UKTUG\ meetings at the members' rate, so long as they identify
+themselves, on the booking form, as being among their institution's quota.
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+\title{\midi2tex, a \musictex\ tool}
+\author[Hans J.P. Kuykens]{Hans J.P. Kuykens\\\texttt{}}
+\itshape This article was first published in Dutch in the NTG journal
+\MAPS{} in 1994. We thank the author and \MAPS{} for allowing us to
+print it here.
+I must have been eight or nine years old. The NINT museum of technology
+in Amsterdam was my favourite because visitors were allowed to touch
+everything. The steering console of a trolley car was exciting because
+it made exactly the same rumbling sound when you used the throttle wheel.
+There were wheels to turn and knobs to push. My grandfather and I spent
+many hours strolling and playing in this museum. During one of our
+visits we did a guided tour through the computer department. In a
+separate room stood a giant, growling and buzzing monster. This beast
+still lived on punch cards. One of the more amusing demonstration
+programs controlled a line printer. By varying the typing speed it
+was possible to generate a tune. Prehistoric computer music, of course.
+However, this made such an impression on me\ldots\
+A computer that could sing, wow!
+This example of computer music is of course nothing compared to the
+abilities that modern computers presently offer to the musician.
+Nowadays, the computer is applied in different ways in music.
+One application is {\em sequencing}: simply recording and playing tunes.
+The computer functions as a sort of merry-go-round organ. The organ-book
+is replaced by a computer file that stores the musical information.
+In this application the computer normally does not produce the sounds.
+One step further the computer {\em is} responsible for the generation of
+the sound waves. In this case one speaks of {\em sampling}. Sound is digitized
+and recorded or played by the computer. If digitized sounds are mixed
+with the objective to create new sounds one speaks of {\em synthesis}.
+In the academic field computers are also used for {\em analysis} of the
+structure of music, mostly classical. How does Bach do it? Are there
+tricks or can we recognize typical patterns? Can we learn those tricks
+and teach a computer to automatically generate a similar composition?
+Thus, current computer technology can help the musician significantly
+with composition or performance of his musical ideas.
+The computer has also proved to be a valuable tool for the generation of
+graphical output. This led to a revolution in the tools and methods
+used in the graphical industry. Nowadays, generation of sheet music
+can also be performed with a computer. Clear-cut programs are available,
+sometimes included with a sequencer program, for the development of
+sheet music. \TeX\ has proved to be a perfect tool for typesetting of
+text. However, this software package has more to offer and it appeared
+to be suitable for the layout of sheet music as well.
+As \TeX\ became popular, it seemed that it might be suitable
+for ordering other things than text. Andrea Steinbach and Angelika
+Schofer \Cite{Steinbach} were the first who attempted to combine \TeX\
+and music. They generated the necessary font files and a first set of
+macro files for the creation of sheet music using \TeX: \mtex.
+The drawback of their system was that only a limited number of parallel
+staffs could be generated. This must have been the motivation for Daniel
+Taupin, a physicist from France, to enhance this system.
+He based his work on the code of Steinbach and Schofer and developed a set of
+macro files that broke through the barriers of \mtex. He named this package
+\musictex\ \Cite{Taupin}. Also Steinbach and Schofer continued to work
+on \mtex\ and also this system has found its way to many users.
+However, the enhanced flexibility of \musictex\ has led to a wider acceptance
+of this system. In recent years it has evolved into an extensive music
+notation package that allows not only to code traditional sheet music but
+also more exotic forms.
+\section{What is wrong with it?}
+When I first \TeX ed a \musictex\ file I was thrilled by the excellent
+quality of the output. Undoubtedly suitable for publications.
+\musictex, being built on
+\TeX, uses ASCII input files. These files store the codes that
+represent the musical information and here, to my opinion, lies the
+bottleneck of the system.
+The computer keyboard is very suitable for the generation of a source
+text file for \TeX. If one types a `{\tt K}' in the input this character
+will also appear in the output. With sheet music this is quite a different
+story as there are no musical notes on the computer keyboard. In \musictex\
+this problem is solved by coding the notes with \TeX\ commands.
+A note is characterized by two parameters: pitch and length. In sheet
+music pitch is represented by the vertical position of a note on a staff.
+The length of the note is specified by the type of symbol.
+For example, a semibreve is represented by an open oval without a stick.
+Coding a single note in \musictex\ thus requires two identifiers.
+This is solved by using a command that represents the length of the note
+(the type of symbol) and an additional parameter to specify pitch
+(the vertical position of the symbol on the staff).
+As an example the scale of C is coded. The first note is a semibreve
+and each subsequent note is half as long as the previous one. \\
+\verb@\wh c \hu d \qu e \cu f \ccu g \cccu h \ccccu i@\\
+this produces the following score :\\
+Of course to code a more serious music piece we need more tools:
+i.e., multiple staffs, different keys, incidentals, ornaments.
+To show that \musictex\ is also suitable to code more complex
+musical pieces an example of the \musictex\ manual is copied here
+(Brahm's Intermezzo Op.~117,1, coded by Miguel Filgueiras).
+\noindent This was coded as:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+\def\freqbarno{9999}% no bar numbers
+\cleftoksi={6000}\generalsignature{-3}% 3 flats
+Coding a piece of music for \musictex\ thus involves editing an
+ASCII file with this type of commands. No-one (musician or
+ programmer) is going to take this in `at a glance'; the file is
+ simply crammed with \TeX{} commands; as a result, coding
+with \musictex\ is a laborious and time consuming
+task. That's what's wrong with it.
+\section{Other musical file formats, MIDI}
+The computer has proved to be a powerful and versatile tool for sequencing.
+Many software packages are now available on most personal computers.
+Initially programmers of such software did not bother about standards
+of music files. You just had to stick to their product. Many different
+file formats occurred that were not exchangeable.
+Along with the development of computers a growing interest occurred in
+electronic instruments. A tidal wave of keyboards and synthesizers was
+poured out over the market. The need occurred to connect instruments with
+each other and to computers to allow a full-size orchestra sound with only a
+few boxes of electronics.
+Different manufacturers' instruments did
+ not understand each other. Control of different companies'
+ sound modules was impossible or hardly possible.
+This problem was soon recognized and about ten years ago musicians
+and manufacturers of electronic instruments formed a group
+to define some standards. MIDI was the result: Musical Instrument
+Digital Interface. Initially a communication protocol was developed that
+allowed electronic instruments to communicate with each other. MIDI was
+adopted by all companies and nowadays most keyboards and synthesizers
+are equipped with a MIDI interface.
+Now that they were busy organizing standards this group also decided to
+tackle the problem of the many musical file formats. They developed a
+standard file format: the MIDI file.
+This file allows the exchange of musical pieces created with different programs.
+There is no musical software company that is foolish enough to
+exclude support of this file format.
+Most sequencers now have the ability to import such MIDI files.
+\section{Development of \midi2tex}
+So, there I was. On the one hand a beautiful music notation package,
+\musictex, needing very complicated ASCII input. On the other hand MIDI
+files that could easily be recorded using a keyboard and sequencing program
+but lacking the ability to print nice sheet music.
+The link seemed so obvious. Surely, I thought, someone has
+already solved this problem with a program which translates MIDI files
+into \musictex\ source code. I scanned the Internet but found nothing. There
+seemed to be no other alternative than to grab a chair, sit at my
+keyboard and code it myself. The first action was to get my hands on a good
+book about MIDI. I came home with: `MIDI programmer's handbook' by Steven De
+Furia and John Scacciaferro \Cite{defuria}, an excellent book which
+explains the architecture in detail and contains many programming
+examples. I intended to develop just a small utility that would only
+translate the notes in the MIDI file into their \musictex\ equivalents. I
+started programming on my Atari~ST in Pascal. However, while developing the
+code the number of design specs grew. In the long term it evolved into a
+program that created a ready-to-compile \musictex\ source file from a standard
+MIDI file. Command line parameters allowed altering specific options of the
+I realized I had ended up with a piece of software that a lot of other
+computer music minded people would enjoy as well. A shame if it would die a
+lonely death in my computer. So, I decided to release the program as
+shareware in Cyberspace. In August 1992 I released version P 1.0. Initially,
+I distributed the package by email but when the number of requests exceeded
+one hundred (so people really {\em were\/} interested!) I decided to place the
+package on an FTP server. Of course many bug-reports followed that
+have led to further updates of the package.
+The first versions of the program were only available for Atari~ST and MS-DOS
+machines. Many requests reached me to port the code to other machines as well.
+However, Pascal is very poorly supported on other computer systems.
+If a Pascal compiler was available at all, it appeared that my
+source code was not compatible with that compiler.
+The programming language C is much more
+suitable for porting code to other computers due to standardization (ANSI-C).
+Many people inquired about the availability of C source code.
+That did not exist. At that moment the source had already grown to several
+thousand lines of code. My knowledge about C was minimal. So, translating the
+whole bunch into C by myself was not a realistic option. Finally, I learned
+that programs existed that could do a major part of the translation process
+automatically. Steve Chamberlain in the U.S. than poured all the Pascal
+source files into the P2C (Pascal to C) program. The resulting C source files
+than had been lying for a few months on a dusty shelf on the hard disk of
+my computer until I received a small note from Ad Verbruggen, who
+works at DIMES, Delft University. He worked with a Macintosh, was familiar with
+C and most important he had the energy and spare time to teach the crippled
+C code to run. In concert with each other we worked out the C code until
+it functioned correctly on both the Mac and the PC. This version C~1.0 was
+released in the winter 1993--94. Immediately messages reached us that the
+program also compiled successfully on other systems. The goal was reached:
+\midi2tex\ was now available on most computer systems.
+\section{The program's features}
+Currently two versions are available: the C-version~1.3 of which only the
+source is available and P~1.3; a Pascal version. Before the release of
+version C~1.0 I could not resist to implement some new ideas in the Pascal
+version. In Pascal I program twice as fast as in C, for that reason the
+Pascal version was not yet put on a side track.\\
+Version C~1.3 offers the following features :
+\item[\underline{S}kip tracks]
+Suppress output of specified tracks in the MIDI file.
+\item[comb\underline{I}ne tracks]
+Two or more staffs are combined as one instrument ( for example left
+and right hand of a piano piece).
+\item[\underline{B}ass clef]
+The specified staffs are coded using the bass clef.
+The specified staffs are coded using the alto key (1..4).
+Reorder the tracks in the MIDI file to the staffs.
+Quantization the start time and length of the notes in the MIDI file.
+\item[\underline{K}ey sign]
+Specify the number of flats or sharps with which the piece is to be coded.
+In addition, some layout parameters can be altered. Version P~1.3 offers
+the ability to automatically merge a text file into the generated code.
+\midi2tex\ is not a magic tool; it was developed simply
+to automate translation of the notes in a
+MIDI file into \musictex. In many cases it is still necessary to fine tune
+the resulting source code by hand. For a more extensive description of
+the program the reader should to read the manual that is included
+in the software package \Cite{kuykens}.
+\musictex\ is freeware and available on the Internet through anonymous FTP
+from the CTAN archives.
+Both executables and C source code are available.
+The package will soon also be distributed on a number of shareware
+CD-ROMS including the 4\TeX\ CD-ROM from NTG. \musictex\ has a
+discussion group on the Internet where information, problems and solutions
+are exchanged through email. Registration for this discussion group can be
+done by sending a request to {\tt}.
+\section{The future}
+The development of \midi2tex\ was performed on a fairly irregular basis.
+It is expected that this trend will continue. To further enhance portability
+to other systems some minor bugs will be removed. Due to the limited
+demands on the design the performance of the package is not optimal.
+Vertical alignment of notes is not always correct. Solving this problem
+is not so trivial and together with Ad Verbruggen and Dave Benson, a
+professor in mathematics in the USA, we are currently trying to
+find better algorithms.
+The first versions of \musictex\ did not support the coding of triplets.
+As a result, this option was also not included in \midi2tex.
+In a future release the option to merge a text file will also be implemented
+in the C version.
+There is a lot of work still to be done. With the ongoing development of
+\musictex\ new features become available: coding of percussion, guitar chords,
+\section{An example}
+This article would not be complete without an example of the output of
+\midi2tex\ and \musictex, in Figure \ref{midi1}.
+In consideration of the available space only
+one page of \musictex\ source code is given below.
+S.~De~Furia and J.~Scacciaferro.
+\newblock {\em MIDI programmer's handbook}.
+\newblock M \& T Publishing, Inc., 1989.
+H.J.P. Kuykens.
+\newblock {\em \midi2tex, a MIDI to \musictex\ translation program}.
+\newblock Dapperstraat 273$^{c}$, 1093 BS Amsterdam, 1993.
+\newblock Email: \texttt{}
+A.~Steinbach and A.~Schofer.
+\newblock M{\TeX}.
+\newblock Master's thesis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universit{\"a}t, Bonn,
+ Germany, 1987,1988.
+Daniel Taupin.
+\newblock {\em Music\TeX, Using \TeX~ to write polyphonic or instrumental
+ music}.
+\newblock Laboratoire de Physique ds Solides, Orsay, France, June 1992.
+\newblock (Version 4.52, (latest version is 5.07)).
+\caption{\midi2tex\ and \musictex\ output}\label{midi1}
+% MIDI2TeX C-version V 1.3 translation
+% of MIDI file :
+% Written by Hans Kuykens, Ad Verbruggen
+\hsize 160mm \vsize 240mm
+\medskip\centerline{\moyen \thename}
+\rightline{translation by MIDI2TeX}
+\rightline{by H.J.P. Kuykens}
+%measure 1
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zqp d\qup f&\ibbl1h{0}\qb1{_i}\qb1h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0G&\zq g\cu {_i}&\tbl2\qb2{^k}\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu F&\zq h\ql j&\ql m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ds &\ds &\qs \ibbl3m{0}\qb3m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\cl M&\zq h\cl j&\qb3n\tbl3\qb3o\enotes\relax
+%measure 2
+\NOtes\ql {_b}&\zq k\ql {_i}&\ibbl3m{0}\qb3{_p}\qb3o\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu I&\zq f\ibu2i{-1}\qh2i&\ibbl4i{0}\qb4{^k}\qb4{=k}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq d\tbu2\qh2f&\qb4j\tbl4\qb4i\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl0{^K}{0}\qb0M&\zh c\hu f&\ibu5h{0}\qh5h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu1{=K}{0}\qh1{=K}&&\qu f\enotes\relax
+%measure 3
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/letter.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/letter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b77b118f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/letter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+\title{Letter to \ukt}
+\itshape The \ukt\ committee thought it might be useful to publish
+the following letter from a member, and our response --- Editor.
+\parskip 3pt
+\parindent 0em
+Dear Peter,
+Thank you for the \TeX\ info and \BV.
+I regret to say I shall not be renewing my membership of the
+UK Users' Group. While Oz\TeX{} 1.7 has got round the problem
+of processing larger text files, it is so much slower (about
+four times) than Oz\TeX{} 1.4 that I generally still use the
+old version. What a waste of disk space! Although \TeX{} is a
+wonderful piece of software and I use it every week, I am
+afraid that membership of UKTUG has been rather
+disappointing as it has not provided a single piece of
+information which is any use, such as why \LaTeXe\ is so much
+slower, or what anyone is doing about it. Also, why is digit
+8 in scriptsize (8) missing the top left hand corner? Why do
+we need all those PK-files with umpteen megabytes for each
+font size instead of using Mac outline font file? Why
+doesn't `File/Send PostScript...' display replies from the
+printer (PostScript writestring, etc.)? How to display
+rotated text for individual items (not whole pages as Oz\TeX{}
+User Guide, page 32)?
+John Smeathers
+\itshape The following reply was put together by Peter Abbott from
+input by the \ukt\ committee.
+We would suggest the last issue of Baskerville has provided
+\emph{every} member (and I include myself) with valuable
+help and information.
+\LaTeXe\ has a large number of new features, and a much more
+flexible font selection scheme. Unfortunately, the price paid
+for the extra functionality is that \LaTeXe\ uses more memory and is
+slower than \LaTeX 2.09.
+For documents in 2.09 compatibility mode,
+\LaTeXe{} can be 75\% slower than 2.09. For documents in 2e native
+mode, \LaTeXe{} can be 25\% slower than 2.09. These figures vary
+widely between documents, and \LaTeXe{} performs much better on long
+documents than on short ones.
+So in summary, in the last 5 years, \LaTeX\ has slowed by about 25\%
+and uses about 15\% more memory. This figures are much better than
+almost any commercially available package, and are caused by the
+new functionality \LaTeX\ provides.
+ The \LaTeX\ project team is aware that \LaTeX\ has to run on machines
+with limited memory or processor power, and where possible they are
+making \LaTeX\ more efficient. But during 1993--95, the \LaTeX\
+project team is responding to user demands for flexibility and
+functionality, and there will always be a compromise between
+responding to user demands for efficiency and for functionality.
+Oz\TeX{} can use any outline fonts, either commercial or public domain ones.
+You can get all the Computer Modern and AMS fonts in Type1 format
+in public domain versions.
+For rotated text, you will be able to use dvips, which comes with Oz\TeX{} v1.8,
+if you renew membership. Alternatively you can
+obtain Oz\TeX{} 1.8 from other sources and pay Andrew Trevorrow
+direct the shareware fee. One of the benefits of membership
+of UKTUG is that when new versions are released they are
+distributed to UKTUG members who have paid the additional
+\pounds 5 fee (the first year fee is \pounds 30).
+File/Send PostScript is provided to avoid having to purchase
+a utility. Normal printing does report back from the printer
+The UK \TeX\ User Group has paid for a shareware licence for
+its members to use Oz\TeX{}. The group does not have any
+responsibility for maintenace/updating or improvement to the
+software. In common with all application software, new releases
+bring new features and improvements which usually require
+more facilities such as memory or disc space. Likewise
+newer versions can be slower and indeed there have been major
+changes to the Mac operating system which are not penalty
+Finally, the group has organised a number of meetings and other
+related activities which are open to members at preferential
+rates. There is of course the added bonus of discussing problems
+with others at meetings and the group actively supports the
+UK \TeX\ Archive which can be accessed by non connected members
+through me. The committee are continually looking at ways to
+improve the services offered to members.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/midi2tex.txt b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/midi2tex.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66a43c551a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/midi2tex.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Replied: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 12:33:38 +0000
+Replied: " (Frans Goddijn) "
+Return-Path: <>
+Received: from (no rfc931) by
+ with SMTP (PP-6.5) outside; Sat, 5 Nov 1994 00:13:33 +0000
+Received: from iafnl by via EUnet id AA29853 (5.65b/CWI-3.3);
+ Sat, 5 Nov 1994 01:13:28 +0100
+Received: from by with UUCP
+ id AA12312 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Fri, 4 Nov 1994 22:21:04 +0100
+Received: by (GIGO 0.99 pl1) id AA02651; 04 Nov 94 22:15:15 +0100
+From: (Frans Goddijn)
+Date: 04 Nov 94 20:16:52 +0100
+Subject: English translation of MIDI2TEX article in MAPS by author Hans Kuykens
+Message-Id: <>
+Organization: TeX, LaTeX & 4allTeX on FGBBS [31] 85-217041
+X-Mail-Agent: GIGO+ sn 13 at fgbbs vsn 0.99 pl1
+* Original message addressed to: (2:512/214.99).
+* Carbon copies sent to: 1 other recipient.
+Dear Sebastian,
+herewith I'm sending you the english translation, by the author, of the
+MIDI2TEX article in the new MAPS.
+I did some minor editing on the original: Hans prefers hard spaces after, say,
+\musictex, which gives a space before a colon, full stop etc. I took that
+Hope you like it!
+Met hartelijke groet!
+ FG
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1645f4660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+\NOtes \wh c \hu d \qu e \cu f \ccu g \cccu h \ccccu i\enotes%
+\parindent 1cm
+\def\freqbarno{9999}% no bar numbers
+\cleftoksi={6000}% F- and G-clefs
+\generalsignature{-3}% 3 flats
+% MIDI2TeX C-version V 1.3 translation
+% of MIDI file :
+% Written by Hans Kuykens, Ad Verbruggen
+\hsize 160mm \vsize 240mm
+\medskip\centerline{\moyen \thename}
+\rightline{translation by MIDI2TeX}
+\rightline{by H.J.P. Kuykens}
+%measure 1
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zqp d\qup f&\ibbl1h{0}\qb1{_i}\qb1h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0G&\zq g\cu {_i}&\tbl2\qb2{^k}\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu F&\zq h\ql j&\ql m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ds &\ds &\qs \ibbl3m{0}\qb3m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\cl M&\zq h\cl j&\qb3n\tbl3\qb3o\enotes\relax
+%measure 2
+\NOtes\ql {_b}&\zq k\ql {_i}&\ibbl3m{0}\qb3{_p}\qb3o\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu I&\zq f\ibu2i{-1}\qh2i&\ibbl4i{0}\qb4{^k}\qb4{=k}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq d\tbu2\qh2f&\qb4j\tbl4\qb4i\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl0{^K}{0}\qb0M&\zh c\hu f&\ibu5h{0}\qh5h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu1{=K}{0}\qh1{=K}&&\qu f\enotes\relax
+%measure 3
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zqp d\qup f&\ibbl1h{0}\qb1{_i}\qb1h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0G&\zq g\cu {_i}&\tbl2\qb2{^k}\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu F&\zq h\ql j&\ql m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ds &\ds &\qs \ibbl3m{0}\qb3m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\cl M&\zq h\cl j&\qb3n\tbl3\qb3o\enotes\relax
+%measure 4
+\NOtes\ibu0J{0}\qh0{_I}&\zqp k\qlp {_i}&\ibbl5m{0}\qb5{_p}\qb5o\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl2K{0}\qb2M&\zq b\tbu4\qh4d&\qu f\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbl2\qb2K&\zq a\cu c&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu3{=K}{0}\qh3{=K}&\soupir &\soupir \enotes\relax
+%measure 5
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zq m\ibbl0{_i}{-1}\qb0k\tbl0\qb0{_i}&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq m\ql k&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu I&&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq p\ibl1i{0}\qb1k&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu I&\zq n\nbbl1\qb1{^k}\tbl1\qb1i&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq n\ql k&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu I&&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq p\cl n&\enotes\relax
+%measure 6
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zq m\ibbl2{_i}{-1}\qb2k\tbl2\qb2{_i}&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq m\ql k&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu I&&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq p\ibl3k{0}\qb3k&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu0J{0}\qh0I&\zq n\tbl3\qb3{^k}&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0J&\zq m\ibl4j{0}\qb4{=k}&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu1{^K}{0}\qh1K&\zq {^k}\tbl4\qb4j&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu1\qh1{^K}&\zq {=k}\cl i&\enotes\relax
+%measure 7
+\NOtes\ibl0M{0}\qb0M&\zq k\ql {_i}&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl1M{-1}\qb1a&\zq h\ql j&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbl1\qb1M&&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq c\ql M&\zq h\ibbu2j{-1}\qh2j\tbu2\qh2f&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq h\ql j&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\zq c\ql M&&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq m\cl h&\enotes\relax
+%measure 8
+\NOtes\zq d\ql M&\zq k\ibbu0{_i}{-1}\qh0{_i}\tbu0\qh0f&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq k\ql i&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\zq d\ql M&&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq m\ibu1j{0}\qh1i&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq c\ql M&\zq h\nbbu1\qh1j\tbu1\qh1f&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq h\ql j&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\zq c\ql M&&\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes&\zq m\cl h&\enotes\relax
+%measure 9
+\NOtes\zq f\zq {_b}\ql I&\ibbl2h{0}\qb2k\qb2{_i}&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq I\ql b&\zq p\ibl3k{0}\qb3m&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes&\zq n\tbl3\qb3k&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu0K{0}\qh0J&\zq l\zq j\ibbl4g{1}\qb4g\zq m\tbbl4\qb4k&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0K&\zq n\tbl4\qb4l&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu1L{-1}\qh1L&\zq e\ibbu5i{0}\qh5g\zq f\tbbu5\qh5h&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu1\qh1J&\zq g\tbu5\qh5i&\enotes\relax
+%measure 10
+\NOtes\ibl0M{0}\qb0M&\zq h\zq f\ibl4c{-1}\qb4c&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbl0\qb0M&\zq m\zq j\tbl4\qb4h&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibu1J{0}\qh1{_I}&\zq n\zq k\ibl5g{-1}\qb5{_i}&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu1\qh1J&\zq l\zq j\tbl5\qb5g&\pause \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq a\ibl2{^K}{0}\qb2M&\zq m\ql j&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq N\tbl2\qb2{^K}&&\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq {=K}\ibu3M{0}\qh3M&\soupir &\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\zq J\tbu3\qh3{^K}&&\enotes\relax
+%measure 11
+\NOtes\qu {_I}&\zq d\qu f&\ibbl0h{0}\qb0{_i}\qb0h\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu I&\zq d\qu f&\ibl1k{0}\qb1k\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu I&\zh d\hu {_h}&\ql m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu I&&\qs \ibbl2m{0}\qb2m\enotes\relax
+%measure 12
+\NOtes\ibu0{_I}{0}\qh0{_I}&\zq d\cu f&\cu {_i}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0I&\zq m\ql k&\ql {_o}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu1\qh1I&\zq n\ibbl4{_i}{0}\qb4{^k}\zq
+\NOtes\ibl2{^K}{0}\qb2{^K}&\zq n\qb4{^k}\zq
+\NOtes\tbl2\qb2M&\zq k\cl i&\cl {^k}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl3K{-1}\qb3N&\soupir &\soupir \enotes\relax
+%measure 13
+\NOtes\qu J&\zq e\qu g&\ibbl0{_i}{0}\qb0j\qb0{_i}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu J&\zq g\ql j&\ibl1l{0}\qb1l\enotes\relax
+\temps\NOtes\qu J&\zq l\ql {_i}&\ql n\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\qu J&\zq g\qu i&\qs \ibbl2n{0}\qb2n\enotes\relax
+%measure 14
+\NOtes\ibu0J{0}\qh0J&\zq e\cu g&\cl j\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu0\qh0J&\zq n\ql l&\ql {_p}\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbu1\qh1J&\zq o\ibbl4j{0}\qb4m\zq
+\NOtes\ibl2M{1}\qb2M&\zq m\tbl4\qb4j&\qb0o\tbl0\qb0n\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbl2\qb2a&\zq h\ibu5j{0}\qh5j&\cl m\enotes\relax
+\NOtes\ibl3M{0}\qb3N&\nbbu5\qh5h\tbu5\qh5f&\soupir \enotes\relax
+\NOtes\tbl3\qb3M&\zq h\ibbu3m{-1}\qh3m\tbu3\qh3f&\enotes\relax
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music1.eps b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music1.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9061af2cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/music1.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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+%%Title: music.dvi
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+%DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -Pcmps -E -p 1 -n 1 -o music1.eps music
+%DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed
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+ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
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+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
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+1854 y Fe(2)p 707 2004 V 1 w(!)p 807 2004 4 133 v 808
+1871 a(!)p 907 2004 4 150 v 908 1854 a(!)p 711 1987 299
+16 v 707 2012 303 16 v 1006 2004 4 167 v 1007 1838 a(!)p
+1144 2502 4 108 v 1106 2502 a(!)p 1106 1929 V 1107 1821
+a(!)p 1144 2402 102 16 v 1244 2518 4 125 v 1206 2518
+a(!)1205 2186 y(!)1166 2153 y(2)p 1244 2186 4 150 v 1248
+2137 a(\()1206 2153 y(!)p 1106 1937 103 16 v 1174 1821
+a(4)p 1205 1929 4 108 v(!)p 1355 2535 4 117 v 1317 2535
+a(!)1317 2170 y(!)p 1317 2286 4 150 v 1318 2137 a(!)p
+1317 1904 4 117 v 1318 1788 a(!)1405 2518 y(?)1405 2220
+y(?)1405 1921 y(@)p 1516 1921 4 133 v 1517 1788 a(!)1617
+2535 y(-)p 1616 2535 4 117 v -116 x(!)1616 2170 y(!)1617
+2286 y(-)p 1616 2286 4 150 v -149 x(!)p 1616 1921 V 1617
+1771 a(!)p 1520 1904 200 16 v 1517 1929 203 16 v 1704
+1756 64 4 v 1716 1921 4 167 v 1717 1755 a(!)p 1843 2520
+4 734 v 1853 1753 a Fb(4)1873 2485 y Fe(2)p 1951 2485
+4 125 v(!)1913 2120 y(!)1966 2110 y Fc(.)1873 2153 y
+Fe(2)p 1913 2269 4 150 v 1 w(!)1966 2143 y Fc(.)1873
+1738 y Fe(2)p 1901 1756 64 4 v 1913 1921 4 183 v 1 w(!)p
+2001 1756 64 4 v 2013 1921 4 167 v 2014 1755 a(!)p 1951
+2369 201 16 v 2151 2469 4 108 v 2113 2469 a(!)p 2113
+1921 4 150 v 2114 1771 a(!)p 1917 1904 299 16 v 1913
+1929 303 16 v 2212 1921 4 133 v 2213 1788 a(!)p 2350
+2452 4 108 v 2312 2452 a(!)2280 1821 y(4)p 2312 1987
+4 167 v 1 w(!)g(6)p 2411 1987 V(!)p 2350 2352 201 16
+v 2479 2452 a(4)p 2549 2452 4 108 v(!)p 2549 2186 V 2511
+2186 a(!)p 2511 1987 4 150 v 2512 1838 a(!)p 2315 1970
+299 16 v 2312 1995 303 16 v 2611 1987 4 133 v 2612 1854
+a(!)p 2710 2560 4 142 v 2711 2419 a(!)p 2698 2254 64
+4 v 2710 2269 a(!)2549 2078 y Fa(C)2626 2082 y(C)p 2748
+2269 4 181 v 2710 2236 a Fe(!)p 2748 1904 4 117 v 2710
+1904 a(!)p 2710 2568 103 16 v 2810 2560 4 108 v 2811
+2452 a(!)p 2798 2254 64 4 v 2798 2288 V 2810 2286 a(!)p
+2798 2254 V 2848 2286 4 150 v -50 x(\()2810 2253 y(!)2878
+2452 y(6)p 2948 2452 4 108 v(!)2910 2220 y(>)2910 1921
+y(>)p 2948 2352 102 16 v 3047 2469 4 125 v 3009 2469
+a(!)p 3136 2520 4 734 v 3146 1753 a Fb(5)3167 2485 y
+Fe(2)p 3245 2485 4 117 v(!)3207 2087 y(!)p 3207 2286
+4 200 v 3208 2120 a(!)3211 2261 y Fa(B)3248 2263 y(B)3208
+2286 y(B)3248 2288 y(B)3267 2153 y Fe(2)p 3307 2291 4
+138 v 1 w(!)3418 2087 y(!)p 3418 2236 4 150 v 3419 2120
+a(!)p 3568 2485 4 117 v 3530 2485 a(!)p 3617 2055 64
+4 v 3629 2037 a(!)p 3629 2261 4 225 v 3630 2120 a(!)p
+3629 1838 48 17 v 3767 2485 4 117 v 3729 2485 a(!)3729
+2070 y(!)3697 2120 y(4)p 3729 2261 4 191 v 1 w(!)p 3733
+2244 100 16 v 3630 2269 203 16 v 3828 2261 4 108 v 3829
+2153 a(!)3940 2070 y(!)p 3940 2236 4 166 v 3941 2120
+a(!)p 4090 2485 4 117 v 4052 2485 a(!)p 4151 2055 64
+4 v 4163 2037 a(!)4165 2186 y(-)p 4163 2186 4 150 v 4164
+2070 a(!)p 4290 2520 4 734 v 515 3327 3780 4 v 515 3360
+V 515 3393 V 515 3427 V 515 3460 V 515 3028 V 515 3061
+V 515 3095 V 515 3128 V 515 3161 V 515 2729 V 515 2763
+V 515 2796 V 515 2829 V 515 2862 V 515 3460 4 734 v 501
+3458 a(I)493 3159 y(G)493 2860 y(G)645 2693 y Fb(6)667
+3425 y Fe(2)p 746 3425 4 117 v 1 w(!)707 3027 y(!)p 707
+3226 4 200 v 708 3060 a(!)711 3201 y Fa(B)748 3203 y(B)708
+3226 y(B)748 3228 y(B)767 3093 y Fe(2)p 807 3231 4 138
+v 1 w(!)953 3027 y(!)p 953 3176 4 150 v 954 3060 a(!)p
+1137 3425 4 117 v 1099 3425 a(!)p 1187 2995 64 4 v 1199
+2977 a(!)p 1199 3168 4 191 v 1200 3060 a(!)p 1199 2777
+48 17 v 1337 3425 4 125 v 1299 3425 a(!)1299 3010 y(!)p
+1199 3176 103 16 v 1267 3060 a(4)p 1299 3168 4 158 v
+1 w(!)p 1337 3308 102 16 v 1436 3408 4 108 v 1398 3408
+a(!)1398 3027 y(!)1366 3060 y(6)p 1398 3184 4 158 v 1
+w(!)p 1536 3392 4 108 v 1498 3392 a(!)1466 3060 y(4!)p
+1398 3192 103 16 v 1498 3184 4 125 v 1499 3076 a(!)p
+1536 3292 102 16 v 1566 3392 a(4)p 1636 3392 4 108 v(!)1566
+3060 y(6)o(!)1599 3209 y(-)p 1597 3209 4 150 v 1598 3093
+a(!)p 1757 3460 4 734 v 1768 2693 a Fb(7)p 1830 3467
+4 108 v 1831 3359 a Fe(!)1830 3060 y(!)1790 3093 y(2)p
+1830 3209 4 150 v 1 w(!)p 1830 3474 103 16 v 1930 3467
+4 125 v 1931 3342 a(!)p 2029 3467 4 142 v 2030 3325 a(!)2029
+3110 y(!)p 2029 3226 4 150 v 2030 3076 a(!)2029 3467
+y Fa(B)2070 3469 y(B)p 2129 3472 4 113 v 2130 3359 a
+Fe(!)p 2129 2777 48 17 v 2216 3294 64 4 v 2228 3292 a(!)p
+2228 3475 4 183 v 2229 3359 a(!)2228 3110 y(!)p 2267
+3110 4 167 v 2229 3076 a(!)2268 2968 y Fa(B)2306 2970
+y(B)2268 2944 y(B)2306 2945 y(B)p 2366 3143 4 195 v 2328
+3143 a Fe(!)2474 3110 y(!)p 2474 3226 4 150 v 2475 3076
+a(!)p 2608 3294 64 4 v 2620 3292 a(!)p 2620 3475 4 183
+v 2621 3359 a(!)2766 3027 y(!)2768 3226 y(-)p 2766 3226
+4 200 v 2767 3110 a(!)p 2926 3460 4 734 v 2937 2693 a
+Fb(8)p 2987 3294 64 4 v 2999 3276 a Fe(!)p 2999 3475
+4 200 v 3000 3359 a(!)2999 3060 y(!)2959 3093 y(2)p 3037
+3093 4 133 v(!)3038 2985 y Fa(B)3076 2987 y(B)3038 2960
+y(B)3076 2962 y(B)p 3137 3143 4 178 v 3099 3143 a Fe(!)3245
+3060 y(!)p 3245 3209 4 150 v 3246 3093 a(!)p 3379 3294
+64 4 v 3391 3276 a(!)p 3391 3475 4 200 v 3392 3359 a(!)3490
+3027 y(!)p 3529 3093 4 125 v 3491 3093 a(!)p 3490 2777
+48 17 v 3578 3294 64 4 v 3590 3292 a(!)p 3590 3475 4
+183 v 3591 3359 a(!)3590 3110 y(!)p 3628 3110 4 142 v
+3590 3076 a(!)p 3629 3001 102 16 v 3529 2976 201 16 v
+3728 3143 4 175 v 3690 3143 a(!)3836 3110 y(!)p 3836
+3226 4 150 v 3837 3076 a(!)p 3970 3294 64 4 v 3982 3292
+a(!)p 3982 3475 4 183 v 3983 3359 a(!)4128 3027 y(!)4130
+3226 y(-)p 4128 3226 4 200 v 4129 3110 a(!)p 4288 3460
+4 734 v 515 4267 3780 4 v 515 4300 V 515 4333 V 515 4366
+V 515 4400 V 515 3968 V 515 4001 V 515 4034 V 515 4068
+V 515 4101 V 515 3669 V 515 3702 V 515 3736 V 515 3769
+V 515 3802 V 515 4400 4 734 v 501 4398 a(I)493 4099 y(G)493
+3800 y(G)645 3633 y Fb(9)p 695 4234 64 4 v 695 4200 V
+707 4182 a Fe(!)667 4249 y(2!)p 707 4481 4 299 v 708
+4365 a(!)p 707 4182 4 183 v 708 4000 a(!)767 4033 y(2)p
+807 4182 4 150 v 1 w(!)p 907 4182 4 133 v 908 4049 a(!)p
+711 4165 299 16 v 707 4190 303 16 v 1006 4182 4 150 v
+1007 4033 a(!)1106 4365 y(!)p 1106 4481 4 233 v 1107
+4249 a(!)p 1094 3935 64 4 v 1106 3917 a(!)p 1106 4107
+4 191 v 1107 3966 a(!)1205 3950 y(!)p 1106 4115 103 16
+v 1205 4107 4 158 v 1206 4000 a(!)p 1205 3717 48 17 v
+1343 4348 4 125 v 1305 4348 a(!)1305 3983 y(!)1305 4016
+y(!)p 1305 4199 4 216 v 1306 4066 a(!)1405 3966 y(!)1309
+4174 y Fa(\002)1346 4172 y(\002)p 1405 4194 4 228 v 1406
+4000 a Fe(!)p 1343 4232 201 16 v 1543 4332 4 108 v 1505
+4332 a(!)1504 3950 y(!)1305 4199 y Fa(\003)1383 4195
+y(\003)p 1504 4189 4 240 v 1505 3983 a Fe(!)p 1642 4315
+4 108 v 1604 4315 a(!)1604 4099 y(!)p 1642 4099 4 200
+v 1604 4066 a(!)1704 4083 y(!)p 1643 3933 102 16 v 1742
+4083 4 183 v 1704 4049 a(!)1642 4207 y Fa(C)1719 4211
+y(C)p 1841 4348 4 132 v 1803 4348 a Fe(!)1803 4066 y(!)p
+1642 3908 201 16 v 1841 4066 4 167 v 1803 4033 a(!)p
+1993 4400 4 734 v 1961 3633 a Fb(10)p 2066 4406 4 108
+v 2067 4298 a Fe(!)2066 4049 y(!)2066 4083 y(!)p 2054
+4134 64 4 v 2066 4240 4 191 v 2067 4132 a(!)p 2066 4414
+103 16 v 2165 4406 4 108 v 2166 4298 a(!)2165 3966 y(!)2165
+4016 y(!)2066 4240 y Fa(B)2106 4242 y(B)p 2165 4245 4
+279 v 2166 4049 a Fe(!)2225 4365 y(2)p 2303 4365 4 125
+v(!)2265 3950 y(!)2265 4000 y(!)2225 4033 y(2)p 2265
+4174 4 225 v 1 w(!)p 2303 4248 102 16 v 2403 4348 4 108
+v 2365 4348 a(!)2365 3983 y(!)2365 4016 y(!)2265 4174
+y Fa(B)2306 4176 y(B)p 2365 4179 4 196 v 2366 4066 a
+Fe(!)p 2365 3717 48 17 v 2464 4265 a(!)p 2464 4440 4
+175 v 2465 4298 a(!)2464 3966 y(!)p 2464 4132 4 166 v
+2465 4016 a(!)2564 4282 y(!)p 2464 4448 103 16 v 2532
+4332 a(4)p 2564 4440 4 158 v 1 w(!)g(6)o(!)p 2702 4332
+4 142 v 2664 4298 a(!)2663 4099 y(>)2763 4348 y(!)p 2702
+4198 102 16 v 2731 4332 a(4)p 2801 4348 4 158 v(!)p 2952
+4400 4 734 v 2920 3633 a Fb(11)2986 4365 y Fe(2)p 3064
+4365 4 117 v(!)3026 4116 y(!)p 3064 4116 4 150 v 3026
+4083 a(!)2986 3734 y(2)p 3026 3883 V 1 w(!)p 3125 3883
+4 133 v 3126 3750 a(!)p 3225 3883 4 150 v 3226 3734 a(!)p
+3029 3866 299 16 v 3026 3891 303 16 v 3324 3883 4 167
+v 3325 3717 a(!)p 3462 4365 4 117 v 3424 4365 a(!)3424
+4116 y(!)p 3462 4116 4 150 v 3424 4083 a(!)p 3424 3809
+4 108 v 3425 3701 a(!)p 3424 3817 103 16 v 25 w(4)p 3524
+3809 4 108 v 1 w(!)p 3738 4365 4 117 v 3700 4365 a(!)3700
+4116 y(")3657 4049 y(2)p 3738 4116 4 183 v 3 w(")p 3700
+3784 4 117 v 3701 3667 a(!)p 3838 4365 V 3800 4365 a(!)3787
+3800 y(@)p 3899 3800 4 133 v 3900 3667 a(!)p 3999 3800
+4 150 v 4000 3651 a(!)p 3903 3783 200 16 v 3900 3808
+203 16 v 4058 3634 a(2)p 4086 3636 64 4 v 4098 3800 4
+167 v 1 w(!)p 4288 4400 4 734 v 515 5207 3780 4 v 515
+5240 V 515 5273 V 515 5306 V 515 5340 V 515 4908 V 515
+4941 V 515 4974 V 515 5007 V 515 5041 V 515 4609 V 515
+4642 V 515 4675 V 515 4709 V 515 4742 V 515 5340 4 734
+v 501 5338 a(I)493 5039 y(G)493 4740 y(G)603 4572 y Fb(12)667
+5305 y Fe(2)p 746 5305 4 108 v 1 w(!)707 5056 y(!)p 746
+5056 4 150 v 750 5006 a(\()708 5022 y(!)667 4674 y(2)p
+746 4674 4 117 v 750 4657 a(\()708 4674 y(!)p 746 5205
+102 16 v 845 5305 4 108 v 807 5305 a(!)807 4906 y(!)p
+807 5055 4 150 v 808 4939 a(!)767 4574 y(2)p 795 4576
+64 4 v 807 4690 4 117 v 1 w(!)p 945 5305 4 108 v 907
+5305 a(!)p 945 5205 102 16 v 1044 5305 4 108 v 57 w(!)1006
+4890 y(!)974 4939 y(4)p 1006 5105 4 216 v 1 w(!)1106
+4906 y(!)1074 4939 y(6)p 1106 5105 4 200 v 1 w(!)p 1006
+4740 4 150 v 1007 4591 a(!)p 1106 4740 4 133 v 1107 4607
+a(!)1174 5271 y(4)p 1205 5379 4 108 v(!)1205 4890 y(!)1174
+4939 y(4)p 1205 5105 4 216 v(!)1305 4906 y(!)p 1010 5088
+299 16 v 1006 5113 303 16 v 1265 4973 a(2)p 1305 5105
+4 200 v 1 w(!)p 1205 4740 4 150 v 1206 4591 a(!)p 1010
+4723 299 16 v 1006 4748 303 16 v 1305 4740 4 133 v 1306
+4607 a(!)p 1205 5387 203 16 v 1405 5379 4 142 v 1406
+5238 a(!)1405 4939 y(!)1406 5089 y(-)p 1405 5089 4 150
+v -116 x(!)1373 4640 y(4)1406 4757 y(-)p 1405 4757 4
+117 v -117 x(!)p 1504 5379 4 158 v 1505 5222 a(!)1504
+5039 y(>)1504 4740 y(>)1504 5379 y Fa(B)1545 5381 y(B)p
+1604 5384 4 113 v 1605 5271 a Fe(!)p 1738 5340 4 734
+v 1707 4572 a Fb(13)p 1847 5288 4 117 v 1809 5288 a Fe(!)1809
+5039 y(!)p 1847 5039 4 150 v 1809 5006 a(!)p 1809 4807
+V 1810 4657 a(!)1869 4674 y(2)p 1909 4807 4 133 v 1 w(!)p
+2008 4807 4 150 v 2009 4657 a(!)p 1812 4790 299 16 v
+1809 4815 303 16 v 2108 4807 4 167 v 2109 4640 a(!)p
+2246 5288 4 117 v 2208 5288 a(!)2208 5006 y(!)p 2208
+5122 4 166 v 2209 4956 a(!)p 2208 4732 4 108 v 2209 4624
+a(!)p 2208 4740 103 16 v 2307 4732 4 125 v 2308 4607
+a(!)p 2464 5288 4 117 v 2426 5288 a(!)2426 4923 y(!)2386
+4973 y(2)p 2426 5089 4 166 v 1 w(!)p 2426 4707 4 117
+v 2427 4591 a(!)p 2564 5288 V 2526 5288 a(!)2526 5006
+y(!)p 2564 5006 4 150 v 2526 4973 a(!)2514 4740 y(@)p
+2625 4723 4 133 v 2626 4591 a(!)p 2713 4576 64 4 v 2725
+4723 4 150 v 2726 4574 a(!)p 2629 4707 200 16 v 2626
+4731 203 16 v 2813 4576 64 4 v 2825 4723 4 167 v 2826
+4557 a(!)p 2958 5340 4 734 v 2927 4572 a Fb(14)p 3068
+5288 4 108 v 3030 5288 a Fe(!)3030 5039 y(!)p 3068 5039
+4 150 v -50 x(\()3030 5006 y(!)3031 4773 y(-)p 3030 4773
+4 117 v -116 x(!)p 3068 5188 102 16 v 3168 5288 4 108
+v 3130 5288 a(!)3129 4890 y(!)p 3129 5039 4 150 v 3130
+4923 a(!)3090 4557 y(2)p 3117 4576 64 4 v 3129 4674 4
+117 v(!)p 3267 5288 4 108 v 3229 5288 a(!)p 3267 5188
+102 16 v 3367 5288 4 108 v 58 w(!)p 3317 4875 64 4 v
+3329 4873 a(!)p 3329 5089 4 216 v 3330 4906 a(!)3428
+4890 y(!)p 3333 5072 100 16 v 3428 5089 4 200 v 3429
+4923 a(!)p 3317 4576 64 4 v 3329 4723 4 150 v 3330 4574
+a(!)p 3428 4723 4 133 v 3429 4591 a(!)p 3528 5346 4 108
+v 3529 5238 a(!)3528 4906 y(!)p 3329 5097 203 16 v 3528
+5089 4 183 v 3529 4956 a(!)p 3516 4576 64 4 v 3528 4723
+4 150 v 3529 4574 a(!)p 3332 4707 299 16 v 3329 4731
+303 16 v 3628 4723 4 133 v 3629 4591 a(!)3528 5346 y
+Fa(\003)3606 5342 y(\003)p 3727 5336 4 132 v 3728 5205
+a Fe(!)3727 4989 y(!)p 3765 4989 4 142 v 3727 4956 a(!)3729
+4723 y(-)p 3727 4723 4 117 v 3728 4607 a(!)p 3827 5346
+4 125 v 3828 5222 a(!)p 3865 4989 4 142 v 3827 4989 a(!)p
+3866 4881 102 16 v 3766 4856 201 16 v 3965 5022 4 175
+v 3927 5022 a(!)3827 4740 y(>)p 3827 5354 203 16 v 4026
+5346 4 108 v 4027 5238 a(!)4026 4989 y(!)p 4064 4989
+4 216 v 4026 4906 a(!)4065 4798 y Fa(B)4103 4800 y(B)4065
+4773 y(B)4103 4775 y(B)p 4164 5022 4 245 v 4126 5022
+a Fe(!)p 4259 5340 4 734 v 4273 5340 20 734 v eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/omega.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/omega.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df3fd5562b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/omega.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+\title{Omega: an extension of the \TeX\ System.
+ March 16th, CERN}
+\author[Michel Goossens]{Dr. Michel Goossens\\
+CN Division, CERN\\
+CH-1211 Geneva 23, \\Switzerland\\
+\emph{Phone:} (+41 22) 767-3363, \emph{Email:} \texttt{}}
+The \TeX\ program was originally developed in the
+mid seventies by Donald Knuth to typeset
+mathematical texts in the English language. Since
+then \TeX\ has made inroads in broader and broader
+areas of scientific, literary and other scholarly
+activities in many countries around the world. In
+1991, Knuth froze \TeX, in the interest of
+stability, among other reasons. However, he
+allows the \TeX\ code to be used as the basis for
+further developments, so long as the resulting
+system is distributed under a different name.
+The $\Omega$ package is an extension of \TeX\ developed by John
+Plaice (Universit\'e Laval, Canada) and Yannis
+Haralambous (Lille, France). Its first release,
+currently under beta-test, aims primarily at
+improving \TeX's multilingual abilities.
+On Thursday, March 16th, 1995, $\Omega$, the first
+generally available extended version of \TeX, will
+be presented to the world at CERN (Geneva,
+Switzerland). In $\Omega$ all characters and
+pointers into data-structures are 16-bit wide,
+instead of 8-bit, thereby eliminating many of the
+trivial limitations of \TeX. $\Omega$ also allows
+multiple input and output character sets, and
+uses programmable filters to translate from one
+to the other. Internally, $\Omega$ uses the
+universal 16-bit Unicode standard character set.
+These improvements will not only make it a lot
+easier for \TeX\ users to cope with multiple or
+complex languages (e.g., Khmer, Arab, Indic,
+Chinese, Japanese) in one document, but will also
+form the basis for future developments in other
+areas, such as native color support and hypertext
+The standard distribution of $\Omega$ also includes the Unicode \TeX\
+encoding, a new standard font encoding that is a superset of Unicode
+for --- at this moment --- the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Arabic
+character sets. The first font using this encoding, Universal Computer
+Modern, is based on existing \MF\ code prepared by different national
+\TeX\ users' groups. The UCM font is built using the Virtual \MF\
+mechanism, which ensures that users can use the alphabets that they
+need without having to manipulate huge files.
+The presentations on the 16th of March will take place in the CN
+Amphitheatre (Bld. 31, 3rd Floor). They will start with a general
+introduction of the $\Omega$ system, explaining how it is or can be
+implemented on various computer platforms. Then, the presentation of
+examples of high quality typography will show how the use of the
+Unicode/ISO 10646 character code makes it easier to handle a complete
+set of Cyrillic, Latin, Greek, Arab, Hebrew, and other characters in
+one document. At the end of the day a round-table discussion will
+allow the participants to provide input to the $\Omega$ team about which
+features they would like to see improved or added to the system. All
+participants will obtain a free copy of the software to take home with
+them. More technical discussions between implementors can be organized
+for the next day.
+This day is sponsored by GUTenberg, the \TeX\ local user group
+of the French speaking community. Other sponsors would be much
+appreciated since we would like to invite as many
+representatives from different LUGs and language communities as
+possible to let everyone benefit from the possibilities of this
+new system for typesetting complex languages.
+Information about $\Omega$ can be found in the Proceedings of the 1994
+TUG Conference, \emph{TUGboat} 15(3). Contact TUG at
+\texttt{} for ordering these (over 240 page) proceedings if
+you are not (yet) a member of TUG. A somewhat updated version of the
+same material appeared in the Proceedings of the 8th European \TeX\
+Conference in Gdansk, which
+can be obtained by sending 15 DM (postage included) to
+W{\l}odek Bzyl,
+Instytut Matematyki,
+Uniwersytet Gda\'nski,
+Wita Stwosza 57,
+PL 80-952, Poland.
+To register for the $\Omega$ day, or to receive further details, contact the
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/review.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/review.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2024534968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/review.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+\title{Book Review --- `Making \TeX\ Work'}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+ title="Making TeX Work",
+ author="Norman Walsh",
+ publisher="O'Reilly &
+ Associates, Inc.",
+ address="Sebastopol, CA",
+ ISBN="1-56592-051-1",
+ pages=483}
+This is truly a niche market book. Until I read it, I didn't realise
+there was a need for it. Basically it tries to describe the many tools
+and tool fragments which exist for use with \TeX\ (and \MF). In
+general terms we are talking of tools available through the Internet,
+and most probably those available at your nearest convenient \CTAN\
+host. It is therefore encyclopedic rather than especially
+profound. You are unlikely to gain any new insights into the working
+of \TeX\ and its friends, but you will probably meet lots of new
+friends, whose existence you never even imagined (I excuse a couple of
+people from this: almost inevitably our esteemed editor will be aware
+of everything mentioned here, and probably has a list of other tools
+which should have been included). Given the nature of the Internet
+world, and \TeX, this can be no more than a snapshot which is probably
+already out of date: for example, the IP address for
+\texttt{} has changed.\footnote{For the curious, it is now
+ --- Editor}
+The book was first published in April 1994, and by July had been
+reprinted with `minor corrections'. The reprinted edition was one of
+the goodies at last year's TUG conference in Santa Barbara. Thank you
+O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc.
+\NW{} describes \CTAN\ as `a fully-mirrored anonymous FTP hierarchy on
+three continents' -- but the three continents are North America,
+Europe and, er, Europe. He makes the common mistake of equivalencing
+UK with England. World Wide Web makes an appearance indirectly, rather
+than as a \CTAN\ supported service (so much easier to use); to be fair
+he does mention the WWW interface available through O'Reilly's server,
+If you try this \textsc{url}\footnote{If you are
+confused by all this stuff, help may be at hand. We hope
+that a future edition of \BV\ will discuss the
+\TeX\ resources available through World Wide Web, and give
+some clear pointers, as well as filling in some of the
+background.}, you will find it would have been better
+to go straight to
+You may be concluding by now that we are strongly oriented towards electronic
+networks. This is true, although \NW{} does list some ways of obtaining
+distributions through more traditional means. But imagine you wanted to get
+hold of em\TeX\ or Oz\TeX: \NW{} merely refers you to \CTAN\ for em\TeX\
+and omits any contact at all for Oz\TeX. This despite the trailer at the
+end of issues of TeXhax
+with details of how to obtain this software on disc.
+Similarly he seems to have missed the (admittedly fairly recent)
+\textsc{cd-rom} offerings from both the Dutch-speaking users group and from
+PrimeTime Software which contain gobs of material useful to those with and
+without electronic connection -- let's not forget that those of us on
+SuperJanet are still a minority. Many \TeX\ users still access a network (if
+they access one at all) over a telephone line, and the thought of downloading
+all these files, even if you can locate them, is daunting.
+We are also fairly Unix oriented. This is hardly surprising, given
+that this is an O'Reilly book, and they have made their name by
+producing books, which if not 100\% Unix in flavour, are at least very
+oriented towards Unix and GNU/Free Software Foundation. Thus
+there is a sort of assumption that you can probably write
+\emph{Perl}, and fairly readily modify the \emph{Perl} scripts
+which \NW{} includes. He uses \emph{Perl} because it is a scripting
+language available on all the platforms he discusses -- Unix, MSDOS
+(and Windows), OS/2 and the Macintosh. Sadly he doesn't tell me how to
+get hold of \emph{Perl}. It is this Unix bias which leads him to
+assert that `Unix is probably the most common \TeX\ platform' and to
+go on to note that the emphasis of the book is Unix workstations
+running X11 producing output for PostScript and HP LaserJet printers.
+\NW{} suggests that his description of \TeX\ is really for the systems
+administrator who wants to know a bit more about this behemoth which
+he has been persuaded to let occupy her or his system. The computer
+naive, or just those wanting to get on with some documents are given
+scant regard. Although he does include some discussion of MSDOS and
+of OS/2, this is really because many tools have been ported to these
+platforms from Unix. The inclusion of the Macintosh is intriguing, but
+other than ghettoising it by giving it its own exclusive chapter out
+of the sixteen, it makes little appearance, and the repeated themes of
+command lines and restricted file names does demonstrate that it was
+something of an afterthought. The really useful fact of Mac filenames
+-- that they should not contain a blank space if you hope to use
+\LaTeX, is omitted.
+In general, there also seems to be a bias towards \TeX, rather than
+the more accessible extensions like \LaTeX, although again \NW{} does
+mention \LaTeX, Lollipop (a little surprisingly) and Texinfo
+(unsurprisingly, although again demonstrating the Unix bias).
+I have some misgivings when I start with \NW{}'s description `What is
+\TeX'. The first aesthetic principle which he ascribes to \TeX\ is:
+`The right margin is justified' (page~3). Besides being a rather
+contested aesthetic principle, \TeX\ of course allows you to set
+ragged right, or ragged left (or even both). He also claims `ladders
+are avoided'. None of my books on typography mention ladders: I assume
+them to be equivalent to rivers, and while this is certainly a claim
+by Knuth \& Plass, \emph{and} I have yet to see rivers created by
+\TeX, I'm still not convinced of its universal truth.
+I'm made uncomfortable by the first table (page~9), where among the
+special characters for plain \TeX, \NW{} suggests using \verb+<+ for
+!` (the usual recommendation is to access it by \verb+!`+), and
+\verb+>+ for ?` (usually \verb+?`+). This smacks of the shortcut `it
+works!' approach which always makes me nervous. He also notes the use
+of \verb+|+ to obtain an em-dash! I begin to despair. This way lies
+madness. And why would you want a `lone' tilde character or an
+underscore in your document? Yes I know they are widely used in Unix
+for paths in directory and file names, but that's hardly mainstream
+\TeX\ usage. I would be wary of defining a command \verb+\big+ in
+plain \TeX\ (as on page 100), since it could easily confuse maths
+typesetting (try \verb+\big\lbrace+ after you have redefined
+\verb+\big+). And it must be incorrect to maintain (page 21) that if a
+document contains `no forward references then it can be formatted in
+one pass'. If it contains no references at all, yes, this is true, but
+if there are any references (i.e.~\verb+\label+ commands) the
+\texttt{aux} file has to be written out fully and read again on the
+next run to resolve the reference(s). In reality this is hardly a
+problem. I've never yet been able to write a document in one `pass'.
+There is always some other reason for having to run \LaTeX\ again.
+Where it does matter is with a document you either receive, or one you
+pick up from a server. You have to know to run it \emph{at least}
+twice, and perhaps more times. Basically, keep running it until
+\LaTeX\ stops carping.
+To me a section entitled, `\TeX\ for beginners' contains a bizarre,
+almost oxymoronic, concept. I no longer believe that you should be
+taught \TeX, until you have mastered \LaTeX. If you need to go further
+than \LaTeX, then it is worthwhile finding out how \TeX\ works. Most
+of us don't really need to know first about macros and registers, far
+less `token lists' (unless of course we already have a few computer
+languages to our credit). There also seems to be some confusion in
+describing what \TeX\ is. \NW{} writes ``\TeX\ allows you to separate
+markup and layout. Logical divisions in the text (chapters, sections,
+itemized lists, etc.) are identified by control sequences''. Yes this
+is true, but it is closer to a description of \LaTeX. On page~14 we
+have a supposed comparison of \TeX\ and \emph{troff} commands,
+except the \TeX\ is \LaTeX. In passing, why \emph{troff}? Surely
+no-one would select \emph{troff} over \LaTeX\ given a free choice.
+Ten or fifteen years ago, and tied to Unix, maybe there was a contest,
+but today? Similarly the \TeX\ macros on page 43 are for \LaTeX\ (to
+be fair, he does say that they are from the \CTAN\ directory
+\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/misc} so I should have been able to work
+that one out by myself. If \NW{}'s contention was that to talk of
+\TeX\ was to imply \LaTeX, I wouldn't mind, but there is just too much
+jumble here, and I'm getting confused. Am I just quibbling? I
+don't think so. The seeds of confusion are being sown.
+Having said all this, I think the book is very useful, and it contains
+answers to many questions. Just ignore the bits about \TeX\ and
+concentrate on the tools. It almost answered my query about PFM files
+and how to convert them to \texttt{tfm}s. Simply by recording where
+many things are in the \CTAN\ archives is a great boon. I can happily
+spend all day searching through \CTAN, but my chances of coming across
+something useful are slim. Now I have a better idea of what is there
+and my searching is more directed. In some areas \NW\ does go into
+reasonable detail -- for example the installation of em\TeX, or
+describing how to use new PostScript fonts in \TeX. He also usefully
+spends a little time and effort describing how to get pictures into
+\TeX, describing the problems and pitfalls, as well as actually doing
+it. It is a useful addition to my library of \TeX\ books, if only
+because it more easily enables me to answer those `is there a public
+domain driver for \textit{xxx}?' questions.
+I'm not sure I enjoy the
+format very much. Paragraphs without indentation and a paragraph
+separation of about one line height make me shudder a bit, but many
+manuals have this sort of form, and maybe that's what \NW\ wanted. I
+don't think it shows \TeX\ off to advantage, although he did make a
+real effort by eschewing Computer Modern and using Garamond instead.
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+%\newcommand{\squad}{\hspace{10pt plus1pt minus1pt}}
+\title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\section{Group aims and activities}
+The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include:
+ \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general
+typographic subjects;
+ \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers;
+ \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where
+ \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers.
+ \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in
+cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives);
+ \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership;
+ \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the
+annual European meetings;
+ \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of
+the UK \TeX\ Users Group).
+ \end{itemize}
+\section{Programme of meetings for 1995}
+\item[April 4th, 1995:] \BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex\ training: a tutorial
+ with hands-on practice. The two most important support packages for
+ \LaTeX\ are \BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex. In this day of intensive
+ training, we offer you a half-day's tutorial in each. The training
+ will be in a computer laboratory, with ample opportunity to practise
+ the use of these packages while the tutors are there to guide you.
+ The place: University of Warwick, Computing Services Training Room.
+ The tutors: Joachim Schrod (Darmstadt) and David Rhead (Nottingham)
+ The cost: To \UKTUG\ members \pounds50, or to non-members \pounds70.
+ Programme organiser: R A Bailey. Local organiser: Malcolm Clark
+ (\texttt{}; tel: 01203 523365).
+\item[June or July, 1995:] \TeX\ and DOS: creating useable systems;
+a training meeting to be organised by Sebastian Rahtz. Location: Oxford.
+\item[June or July, 1995:] ``A meeting of interest to Mathematicians and Computer Scientists.''
+\item[October 1995:] AGM, (possibly at) Queen Mary and Westfield College,
+University of London.
+\noindent All members of \ukt{} will be provided with more details of
+these meetings as they become available. Reports of the meetings will
+appear in \BV, the organ of the group.
+\section*{The 1994--95 \ukt\ committee}
+C.~A.~Rowley & Chair\\
+P.~Abbott & Treasurer and \\ & Membership Secretary\\
+R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\
+S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz & \BV\ editor\\
+\noindent D.~P.~Carlisle; R. Fairbairns; J.~Fine; C.~Hewlett; A.~S.~A.~Jeffrey.
+\section*{Book Discounts for \protect\ukt\ members}
+The UK \TeX\ User group has been in discussion with a number
+of publishers to arrange discounts on publications which
+may be of interest to members. We recently re-established
+our relationship with Addison-Wesley, and
+we also have an arrangement with International Thomson Publishing to
+supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \& Associates Inc.\ series
+of books to members.
+The agreed list of books is listed separately, together with the
+discounted price. The quoted price includes the cost of postage and
+packing. You will note that we are attempting to stem the tide of
+silly prices and round to a convenient 50p. In every case the discount
+is at least 10\%.
+We would like to extend this service to members. If you have contacts
+with the sales and marketing parts of any publisher who publishes
+relevant books, please inform us and we will try to
+arrange something mutually convenient and beneficial.
+We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members
+of the UK \TeX\ User Group and/or members of TUG. Please send your
+order and cheque (in UK \pounds) to Peter Abbott (address in \BV\ masthead).
+Make cheques payable to `UKTUG' please.
+Books from Addison-Wesley are delivered direct but books from
+O'Reilly will be routed through \ukt. \emph{In all cases} please
+notify Peter Abbott
+by email, phone, fax or letter when books are delivered.
+\title{Obtaining \TeX}
+\author{edited by Sebastian Rahtz}
+\subsection*{From the network}
+The UK \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{} is part of the CTAN
+(Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating network of
+archives on the Internet organised by the
+\TeX\ Users Group. The three main archives follow the same structure
+and have identical files ({\tt}, {\tt} and
+The CTAN archives all run an enhanced {\em ftp} server which supports
+dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive creation options.
+Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for
+information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist
+you. Please read {\tt} for a brief overview.
+Details of where to find public domain, or shareware,
+\TeX\ packages for different machines and operating
+systems are given below.
+ Please report any problems with CTAN archives via email to
+ \texttt{}. The entire archive is available on
+ CDROM as the `\TeX cetera' package from Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way,
+ Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA (\texttt{}). This is
+ also distributed by the TUG office, and in the UK by Lasermoon Ltd
+ (email \texttt{}, phone 01329 826444).
+\subsection*{Unix tapes}
+For a complete Unix \TeX\ distribution, a
+1/4 inch cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
+can sent with envelope {\em and} stamps for return postage to:
+ David Osborne\\
+ Cripps Computing Centre, \\
+ University of Nottingham, \\
+ Nottingham NG7 2RD
+Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK.
+\subsection*{PC and Mac disks}
+The \ukt\ distributes an em\TeX\ kit for PCs,
+and an Oz\TeX\ kit for Macintosh. The cost covers copying and postage
+costs, and the shareware fee for Oz\TeX. Each set costs \pounds30,
+and is available from Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak,
+Birmingham B29~4LB. Cheques must be payable to \lq{}UKTUG\rq{}. Please note
+that this service \emph{is available to \ukt\ members only.} Each set
+comes with an installation guide, and (at least) full \TeX\ and \MF, a
+previewer, a PostScript driver, and CM fonts. Two update disks a year
+will be sent out automatically, with the current version of \LaTeXe,
+and other goodies. A subscription service will be available for
+subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to 3 disks a
+year with any material from the CTAN archives, but this will be
+supplied \lq{}as is\rq{}, without instructions.
+Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to: The Fast
+Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone 01602 455250, fax 01602
+455305. They also supply a variety of \TeX-related software in Atari format.
+\hline Name & Environment & CTAN path & Notes\\ \hline
+ em\TeX & DOS, OS/2 & systems/msdos/emtex &the betatest drivers,
+ and 386-specific versions of \TeX\ and MF, are in the {\tt
+ betatest} subdirectory \\
+ sb\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/sbtex & includes latest \TeX\ and
+ \MF\\
+ g\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/gtex & 386-only \TeX\ and \MF,
+ which replace parts of em\TeX, and work with Windows memory
+ management\\
+% \TeX as & DOS & systems/msdos/texas & Large \TeX,
+% which replaces \TeX386 in em\TeX, and works with Windows memory
+% management\\
+ \hline
+ Oz\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/oztex & This package is shareware\\
+ CMac\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/cmactex & Shareware port of Unix \TeX\\
+ Direct\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/directtex & This package is shareware\\
+ \hline
+ pas\TeX & Amiga & systems/amiga/pastex & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/lindner-tex-packed-disks & \\
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/cs-tex & \\
+ \hline
+ web2c \TeX & Unix & systems/unix/web2c & a complete source kit for
+ \TeX\ and \MF, which should compile on most Unix boxes; needs
+ a C compiler.\\
+% sparctex & Sun Sparc & systems/unix/unixkit & \\
+% --- & DEC Alpha & systems/unix/alpha & for Alpha running Unix\\
+% --- & Xenix & systems/unix/xenix & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & VMS & systems/vms &Alpha and VAX versions available \\
+ %\hline
+ %GhostScript & * & support/ghostview & PostScript previewer for
+ %many platforms, including Mac\\
+ %dvips & * & dviware/dvips & popular {\tt dvi} to PostScript
+ %driver\\
+ %--- & --- & biblio/bibtex/styles/contrib & \BibTeX\ style files\\
+ %--- & --- & web/knuth & The files maintained by Don Knuth\\
+ \hline
+The main directories which make up CTAN are listed below; readers are
+referred to David Jones\rq{} {\em Index of \TeX\ Styles and Macros} for
+details of macro packages and individual style files. This can be
+found in CTAN as {\tt info/tex-styles-and-macros.txt}
+\item[biblio] bibliography-related files, such as
+ \BibTeX.
+\item[digests] back issues of \TeX-related periodicals
+\item[dviware] contains the various dvi-to-whatever filters and drivers
+\item[fonts] fonts, both sources and pre-compiled
+\item[graphics]utilities and macros related to graphics
+\item[help] overviews of the archive and the \TeX\ system
+\item[info] files and tutorials which document various aspects of \TeX
+\item[indexing] utilities and related files for indexing
+\item[language] material for typesetting non-English documents
+\item[macros] macros packages for \TeX\ and style files
+\item[support] programs which can be used in support of \TeX
+\item[systems] complete system setups, organized by operating
+ system
+\item[tools] the various archiving tools used on CTAN
+\item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities
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+\title{The \TeX\ Users' Group goes to Florida!}
+ \begin{Article}
+The \TeX\ Users' Group is proud to announce that the sixteenth annual
+meeting will be held at the TradeWinds Hotel, in St.Petersburg Beach
+Florida, July 24-28, 1995. We would like to extend a warm invitation to
+\TeX\ users around the world -- come join us at one of the largest and
+most beautiful resort beaches in Florida, as we explore where \TeX\ is to
+be found and how its users are going far beyond--or are diverging
+from--its initial mathematical context.
+The theme of the meeting will be ``Real World \TeX{}'' and this year we
+plan to have demonstrations of pre- and post-processors, and the active
+participation of developers and vendors, in hopes that you, the user,
+may discover ``hands-on'' just what can be done with \TeX{} and other
+Commercial users of \TeX{} are particularly encouraged to attend. The
+meeting will feature papers of interest to publishers and \TeX{} vendors,
+a panel discussion addressing commercial users' needs and wants, and a
+gallery for displaying samples of \TeX{} work.
+There will be the usual courses associated with the meeting: Intensive
+Courses in \TeX{}, La\TeX{}2e, PostScript, Graphics, and perhaps other topics.
+ The meeting itself will have excellent speakers, panel discussions,
+workshops, poster displays, BoFs and technical demonstrations. A
+preliminary schedule will be forthcoming in February of 1995, so be sure
+to look for updates in TTN, TUGboat and on the WWW, at
+\URL||, and on the CTAN archives
+in \FTP|tex-archive/usergrps/tug| Nearer the time of the conference,
+there will be an online registration form located on the WWW at
+The TUG95 committee will be working with individuals who wish to share
+accomodations, as a way of helping defray expenses. The Bursary Fund
+is also available to assist users who demonstrate need. All
+members are encouraged to consider contributing to the fund.
+To obtain more information about contributing to or applying
+for the Bursary Fund, please contact the TUG office by email to or by post to the address to
+ \TeX{} Users Group,\\
+ P.O. Box 869,\\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869 USA.\\
+ Submission of Abstracts & January 31, 1995\\
+ Preliminary Papers Due & March 31, 1995\\
+ Other Proposals\dag & April 30, 1995\\
+ Preprint Deadline & June 23, 1995\\
+ Meeting Date & July 24 -- July 28, 1995\\
+ Camera Ready Deadline & August 25, 1995\\
+\dag Workshops, panels, posters, demonstrations, etc
+Do you have suggestions or requests for topics to be covered?
+Then, please send email to \Email||, because this is
+your conference and we want to make it the ``best ever''!