path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_1/treas.tex
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+\title{\ukt\ Business Reports}
+%Rosemary Bailey\\Honorary Secretary\\
+%Peter Abbott\\Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary
+\section{Membership of UK \TeX\ Users Group (1994)}
+This issue of \BV\ is being posted to 1993 members. Below I present
+the details of the 1992/3 Income and Expenditure and Balance sheet.
+The cost of distributing each issue of \BV\ is quite considerable and
+the group's funds, whilst reasonably healthy, cannot stand avoidable
+expenditure. Please renew your membership as soon as possible. I am
+grateful to those who have already paid, as it helps the committee to
+plan its expenditure for the year. 1994 memberships have been
+acknowledged by email (or paper mail if no email is available). Please
+contact me if you have renewed and {\bf not} received an
+\subsection{Membership Data}
+& \bf 1993 & \bf 1994 \\
+UKTUG & 31 & 11\\
+TUG & 11\\
+TUG and UKTUG &136 & 47\\
+TUG and UKTUG (student) & 3 & 3\\
+\raisebox{-8pt}[0pt][0pt]{\noindent (as at 7th January 1994)}
+\section{\ukt\ accounts 1 October 1992 to 19 August 1993}
+\subsection{Statement of Income and Expenditure}
+INCOME & & \\
+Membership (see separate table) & & \pounds{}6,248.80 \\
+\LaTeX{}3.0 contributions & & \pounds{}402.50 \\
+UK Book sales & & \pounds{}43.30 \\
+Sale of mailing labels & & \pounds{}45.00 \\
+Income from meetings & & \\
+\ \ October 1992 & \pounds{}230.00 & \\
+\ \ January 1993 & \pounds{}982.50 & \\
+\ \ April 1993 & \pounds{}1,878.89 & \\
+Subtotal & \pounds{}3,091.39 & \pounds{}3,091.79 \\
+ & & \\
+TUG'93 Conference fees & \pounds{}35,640.79 & \pounds 35,640.79 \\
+ & & \\
+Total income & & \pounds{}45,472.09 \\
+ & & \\
+ & & \\
+Postage, copying, stationery & \pounds{}400.92 & \\
+Committee Expenses & \pounds{}429.20 & \\
+\TeX{} and TUG News Printing & \pounds{}4,053.06 & \\
+Books & \pounds{}59.88 & \\
+Meeting costs: EPS & \pounds{}191.24 & \\
+\ \ October 1992 & \pounds{}304.60 & \\
+\ \ January 1993 & \pounds{}509.23 & \\
+\ \ April 1993 & \pounds{}3,400.94 & \\
+Bank charges & \pounds{}30.00 & \\
+Bounced cheque & \pounds{}10.00 & \\
+\LaTeX{}3.0 fund & \pounds{}263.00 & \\
+TUG'93 conference & \pounds{}28,197.58 & \\
+Subtotal & \pounds 37,849.65 & \\
+ & & \\
+Total expenditure & & \pounds 37,849.65 \\
+ & & \\
+SURPLUS & & \pounds 7,622.44 \\
+ & & \\[-6pt]
+\subsection{Balance sheet}
+Debtors: TTN & \pounds 4,053.06 & \\
+\ \ TUG(\TeX{}hax) & \pounds{}3,338.90 & \\
+Cash in hand & \pounds 0.00 & \\
+Cash in bank & \pounds{}13,494.35 & \\
+Total assets & \pounds{}20,886.31 & \pounds 20,886.31 \\
+ & & \\
+Creditors: TUG'93 & (\pounds{}7,443.21) & \\
+\ \ TUG memb.~fees & (\pounds{}4,549.00) & \\
+\ \ Donation to TUG'93 travel fund & (\pounds{}500.00) & \\
+\ \ \LaTeX{}3.0 fund & (\pounds{}389.50) & \\
+Total liabilities & (\pounds{}12,881.71) & (\pounds{}12,881.71) \\
+ & & \\
+BALANCE & & \pounds{}8,004.60 \\
+ & & \\[-6pt]
+\subsection{Position with regard to opening balance}
+OPENING BALANCE & \pounds{}5,872.22 & \\
+SURPLUS & \pounds{}7,622.44 & \\
+CLOSING BALANCE & \pounds{}13,494.66 &
+\subsection{Table of membership income 1992--1993}
+ & Total & UK TUG & TUG \\
+\ \ 1 @ \pounds{}7.50 & \pounds{}7.50 & \pounds{}7.50 & --- \\
+\ 17 @ \pounds{}15.00 & \pounds{}255.00 & \pounds{}255.00 & --- \\
+\ \ 2 @ \pounds{}27.50 & \pounds{}55.00 & \pounds{}15.00 & \pounds{}40.00 \\
+\ \ 9 @ \pounds{}40.00 & \pounds{}360.00 & --- & \pounds{}360.00 \\
+\ \ 1 @ \pounds{}45.00 & \pounds{}45.00 & --- & \pounds{}45.00 \\
+100 @ \pounds{}49.50 & \pounds{}4,950.00 & \pounds{}1350.00 & \pounds{}3,600.00 \\
+\ \ 2 @ \pounds{}54.50 & \pounds{}109.00 & \pounds{}37.00 & \pounds{}72.00 \\
+\cline{2-2} \cline{3-3} \cline{4-4}
+Subtotals & \pounds{}5,781.50 & \pounds{}1,664.50 & \pounds{}4,117.00 \\
+\subsection{Notes to the accounts}
+\item The membership shown in the INCOME is at variance with the figure shown
+in the table. This is due to delays in clearing cheques.
+\item The balance sheet is shown below in a revised form to show clearly our
+ & 30/9/92 & 31/8/93 \\
+Cash in bank & 5,872.22 & 13,494.35 \\
+Represented by & & \\
+TUG funds & 3,376.80 & 7,493.80 \\
+UKTUG funds & 3,967.14 & 5,059.80 \\
+TTN (chargeable to TUG) & (1,471.72) & (4,053.06) \\
+TeXhax (chargeable to TUG) & & (3,338.90) \\
+TUG93 & & 7,443.21 \\
+TUG93 Travel fund & & 500.00 \\
+\LaTeX 3 Fund & & 389.50 \\
+ & 5,872.22 & 13,494.35 \\
+\item These accounts were prepared by Ian Hall and presented to the AGM on
+20th October 1993.
+\section{The \ukt\ committee}
+C.~A.~Rowley & Chair\\
+P.~Abbott & Treasurer \& Membership Secretary\\
+R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\
+S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz & \BV\ editor\\
+R. Fairbairns\\
+\section{How to contact the \ukt}
+To enquire about joining the \ukt, or about forthcoming meetings, either
+\item write (including your full postal address) to
+J.~Fine,\\ 203~Coldhams Lane,\\
+Cambridge CB1~3HY,
+\item send an email message to \[\mbox{\ttfamily
+Please note that the group does not have a fax number.