path: root/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test/')
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--- /dev/null
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+package Test::More;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#---- perlcritic exemptions. ----#
+# We use a lot of subroutine prototypes
+## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
+# Can't use Carp because it might cause C<use_ok()> to accidentally succeed
+# even though the module being used forgot to use Carp. Yes, this
+# actually happened.
+sub _carp {
+ my( $file, $line ) = ( caller(1) )[ 1, 2 ];
+ return warn @_, " at $file line $line\n";
+our $VERSION = '1.302133';
+use Test::Builder::Module;
+our @ISA = qw(Test::Builder::Module);
+our @EXPORT = qw(ok use_ok require_ok
+ is isnt like unlike is_deeply
+ cmp_ok
+ skip todo todo_skip
+ pass fail
+ eq_array eq_hash eq_set
+ plan
+ done_testing
+ can_ok isa_ok new_ok
+ diag note explain
+ subtest
+=head1 NAME
+Test::More - yet another framework for writing test scripts
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Test::More tests => 23;
+ # or
+ use Test::More skip_all => $reason;
+ # or
+ use Test::More; # see done_testing()
+ require_ok( 'Some::Module' );
+ # Various ways to say "ok"
+ ok($got eq $expected, $test_name);
+ is ($got, $expected, $test_name);
+ isnt($got, $expected, $test_name);
+ # Rather than print STDERR "# here's what went wrong\n"
+ diag("here's what went wrong");
+ like ($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);
+ unlike($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);
+ cmp_ok($got, '==', $expected, $test_name);
+ is_deeply($got_complex_structure, $expected_complex_structure, $test_name);
+ SKIP: {
+ skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;
+ ok( foo(), $test_name );
+ is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+ };
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = $why;
+ ok( foo(), $test_name );
+ is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+ };
+ can_ok($module, @methods);
+ isa_ok($object, $class);
+ pass($test_name);
+ fail($test_name);
+ BAIL_OUT($why);
+ my @status = Test::More::status;
+B<STOP!> If you're just getting started writing tests, have a look at
+L<Test::Simple> first. This is a drop in replacement for Test::Simple
+which you can switch to once you get the hang of basic testing.
+The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing
+utilities. Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics,
+facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated
+data structures. While you can do almost anything with a simple
+C<ok()> function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output.
+=head2 I love it when a plan comes together
+Before anything else, you need a testing plan. This basically declares
+how many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature
+The preferred way to do this is to declare a plan when you C<use Test::More>.
+ use Test::More tests => 23;
+There are cases when you will not know beforehand how many tests your
+script is going to run. In this case, you can declare your tests at
+the end.
+ use Test::More;
+ ... run your tests ...
+ done_testing( $number_of_tests_run );
+B<NOTE> C<done_testing()> should never be called in an C<END { ... }> block.
+Sometimes you really don't know how many tests were run, or it's too
+difficult to calculate. In which case you can leave off
+In some cases, you'll want to completely skip an entire testing script.
+ use Test::More skip_all => $skip_reason;
+Your script will declare a skip with the reason why you skipped and
+exit immediately with a zero (success). See L<Test::Harness> for
+If you want to control what functions Test::More will export, you
+have to use the 'import' option. For example, to import everything
+but 'fail', you'd do:
+ use Test::More tests => 23, import => ['!fail'];
+Alternatively, you can use the C<plan()> function. Useful for when you
+have to calculate the number of tests.
+ use Test::More;
+ plan tests => keys %Stuff * 3;
+or for deciding between running the tests at all:
+ use Test::More;
+ if( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) {
+ plan skip_all => 'Test irrelevant on MacOS';
+ }
+ else {
+ plan tests => 42;
+ }
+sub plan {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->plan(@_);
+# This implements "use Test::More 'no_diag'" but the behavior is
+# deprecated.
+sub import_extra {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $list = shift;
+ my @other = ();
+ my $idx = 0;
+ my $import;
+ while( $idx <= $#{$list} ) {
+ my $item = $list->[$idx];
+ if( defined $item and $item eq 'no_diag' ) {
+ $class->builder->no_diag(1);
+ }
+ elsif( defined $item and $item eq 'import' ) {
+ if ($import) {
+ push @$import, @{$list->[ ++$idx ]};
+ }
+ else {
+ $import = $list->[ ++$idx ];
+ push @other, $item, $import;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @other, $item;
+ }
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ @$list = @other;
+ if ($class eq __PACKAGE__ && (!$import || grep $_ eq '$TODO', @$import)) {
+ my $to = $class->builder->exported_to;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$to\::TODO"} = \our $TODO;
+ if ($import) {
+ @$import = grep $_ ne '$TODO', @$import;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @$list, import => [grep $_ ne '$TODO', @EXPORT];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+=over 4
+=item B<done_testing>
+ done_testing();
+ done_testing($number_of_tests);
+If you don't know how many tests you're going to run, you can issue
+the plan when you're done running tests.
+$number_of_tests is the same as C<plan()>, it's the number of tests you
+expected to run. You can omit this, in which case the number of tests
+you ran doesn't matter, just the fact that your tests ran to
+This is safer than and replaces the "no_plan" plan.
+B<Note:> You must never put C<done_testing()> inside an C<END { ... }> block.
+The plan is there to ensure your test does not exit before testing has
+completed. If you use an END block you completely bypass this protection.
+sub done_testing {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->done_testing(@_);
+=head2 Test names
+By convention, each test is assigned a number in order. This is
+largely done automatically for you. However, it's often very useful to
+assign a name to each test. Which would you rather see:
+ ok 4
+ not ok 5
+ ok 6
+ ok 4 - basic multi-variable
+ not ok 5 - simple exponential
+ ok 6 - force == mass * acceleration
+The later gives you some idea of what failed. It also makes it easier
+to find the test in your script, simply search for "simple
+All test functions take a name argument. It's optional, but highly
+suggested that you use it.
+=head2 I'm ok, you're not ok.
+The basic purpose of this module is to print out either "ok #" or "not
+ok #" depending on if a given test succeeded or failed. Everything
+else is just gravy.
+All of the following print "ok" or "not ok" depending on if the test
+succeeded or failed. They all also return true or false,
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+ ok($got eq $expected, $test_name);
+This simply evaluates any expression (C<$got eq $expected> is just a
+simple example) and uses that to determine if the test succeeded or
+failed. A true expression passes, a false one fails. Very simple.
+For example:
+ ok( $exp{9} == 81, 'simple exponential' );
+ ok( Film->can('db_Main'), 'set_db()' );
+ ok( $p->tests == 4, 'saw tests' );
+ ok( !grep(!defined $_, @items), 'all items defined' );
+(Mnemonic: "This is ok.")
+$test_name is a very short description of the test that will be printed
+out. It makes it very easy to find a test in your script when it fails
+and gives others an idea of your intentions. $test_name is optional,
+but we B<very> strongly encourage its use.
+Should an C<ok()> fail, it will produce some diagnostics:
+ not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
+ # Failed test 'sufficient mucus'
+ # in foo.t at line 42.
+This is the same as L<Test::Simple>'s C<ok()> routine.
+sub ok ($;$) {
+ my( $test, $name ) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->ok( $test, $name );
+=item B<is>
+=item B<isnt>
+ is ( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+ isnt( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+Similar to C<ok()>, C<is()> and C<isnt()> compare their two arguments
+with C<eq> and C<ne> respectively and use the result of that to
+determine if the test succeeded or failed. So these:
+ # Is the ultimate answer 42?
+ is( ultimate_answer(), 42, "Meaning of Life" );
+ # $foo isn't empty
+ isnt( $foo, '', "Got some foo" );
+are similar to these:
+ ok( ultimate_answer() eq 42, "Meaning of Life" );
+ ok( $foo ne '', "Got some foo" );
+C<undef> will only ever match C<undef>. So you can test a value
+against C<undef> like this:
+ is($not_defined, undef, "undefined as expected");
+(Mnemonic: "This is that." "This isn't that.")
+So why use these? They produce better diagnostics on failure. C<ok()>
+cannot know what you are testing for (beyond the name), but C<is()> and
+C<isnt()> know what the test was and why it failed. For example this
+ my $foo = 'waffle'; my $bar = 'yarblokos';
+ is( $foo, $bar, 'Is foo the same as bar?' );
+Will produce something like this:
+ not ok 17 - Is foo the same as bar?
+ # Failed test 'Is foo the same as bar?'
+ # in foo.t at line 139.
+ # got: 'waffle'
+ # expected: 'yarblokos'
+So you can figure out what went wrong without rerunning the test.
+You are encouraged to use C<is()> and C<isnt()> over C<ok()> where possible,
+however do not be tempted to use them to find out if something is
+true or false!
+ # XXX BAD!
+ is( exists $brooklyn{tree}, 1, 'A tree grows in Brooklyn' );
+This does not check if C<exists $brooklyn{tree}> is true, it checks if
+it returns 1. Very different. Similar caveats exist for false and 0.
+In these cases, use C<ok()>.
+ ok( exists $brooklyn{tree}, 'A tree grows in Brooklyn' );
+A simple call to C<isnt()> usually does not provide a strong test but there
+are cases when you cannot say much more about a value than that it is
+different from some other value:
+ new_ok $obj, "Foo";
+ my $clone = $obj->clone;
+ isa_ok $obj, "Foo", "Foo->clone";
+ isnt $obj, $clone, "clone() produces a different object";
+For those grammatical pedants out there, there's an C<isn't()>
+function which is an alias of C<isnt()>.
+sub is ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->is_eq(@_);
+sub isnt ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->isnt_eq(@_);
+*isn't = \&isnt;
+# ' to unconfuse syntax higlighters
+=item B<like>
+ like( $got, qr/expected/, $test_name );
+Similar to C<ok()>, C<like()> matches $got against the regex C<qr/expected/>.
+So this:
+ like($got, qr/expected/, 'this is like that');
+is similar to:
+ ok( $got =~ m/expected/, 'this is like that');
+(Mnemonic "This is like that".)
+The second argument is a regular expression. It may be given as a
+regex reference (i.e. C<qr//>) or (for better compatibility with older
+perls) as a string that looks like a regex (alternative delimiters are
+currently not supported):
+ like( $got, '/expected/', 'this is like that' );
+Regex options may be placed on the end (C<'/expected/i'>).
+Its advantages over C<ok()> are similar to that of C<is()> and C<isnt()>. Better
+diagnostics on failure.
+sub like ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->like(@_);
+=item B<unlike>
+ unlike( $got, qr/expected/, $test_name );
+Works exactly as C<like()>, only it checks if $got B<does not> match the
+given pattern.
+sub unlike ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->unlike(@_);
+=item B<cmp_ok>
+ cmp_ok( $got, $op, $expected, $test_name );
+Halfway between C<ok()> and C<is()> lies C<cmp_ok()>. This allows you
+to compare two arguments using any binary perl operator. The test
+passes if the comparison is true and fails otherwise.
+ # ok( $got eq $expected );
+ cmp_ok( $got, 'eq', $expected, 'this eq that' );
+ # ok( $got == $expected );
+ cmp_ok( $got, '==', $expected, 'this == that' );
+ # ok( $got && $expected );
+ cmp_ok( $got, '&&', $expected, 'this && that' );
+ ...etc...
+Its advantage over C<ok()> is when the test fails you'll know what $got
+and $expected were:
+ not ok 1
+ # Failed test in foo.t at line 12.
+ # '23'
+ # &&
+ # undef
+It's also useful in those cases where you are comparing numbers and
+C<is()>'s use of C<eq> will interfere:
+ cmp_ok( $big_hairy_number, '==', $another_big_hairy_number );
+It's especially useful when comparing greater-than or smaller-than
+relation between values:
+ cmp_ok( $some_value, '<=', $upper_limit );
+sub cmp_ok($$$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->cmp_ok(@_);
+=item B<can_ok>
+ can_ok($module, @methods);
+ can_ok($object, @methods);
+Checks to make sure the $module or $object can do these @methods
+(works with functions, too).
+ can_ok('Foo', qw(this that whatever));
+is almost exactly like saying:
+ ok( Foo->can('this') &&
+ Foo->can('that') &&
+ Foo->can('whatever')
+ );
+only without all the typing and with a better interface. Handy for
+quickly testing an interface.
+No matter how many @methods you check, a single C<can_ok()> call counts
+as one test. If you desire otherwise, use:
+ foreach my $meth (@methods) {
+ can_ok('Foo', $meth);
+ }
+sub can_ok ($@) {
+ my( $proto, @methods ) = @_;
+ my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless($class) {
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( 0, "->can(...)" );
+ $tb->diag(' can_ok() called with empty class or reference');
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ unless(@methods) {
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( 0, "$class->can(...)" );
+ $tb->diag(' can_ok() called with no methods');
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ my @nok = ();
+ foreach my $method (@methods) {
+ $tb->_try( sub { $proto->can($method) } ) or push @nok, $method;
+ }
+ my $name = (@methods == 1) ? "$class->can('$methods[0]')" :
+ "$class->can(...)" ;
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( !@nok, $name );
+ $tb->diag( map " $class->can('$_') failed\n", @nok );
+ return $ok;
+=item B<isa_ok>
+ isa_ok($object, $class, $object_name);
+ isa_ok($subclass, $class, $object_name);
+ isa_ok($ref, $type, $ref_name);
+Checks to see if the given C<< $object->isa($class) >>. Also checks to make
+sure the object was defined in the first place. Handy for this sort
+of thing:
+ my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'Some::Module' );
+where you'd otherwise have to write
+ my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+ ok( defined $obj && $obj->isa('Some::Module') );
+to safeguard against your test script blowing up.
+You can also test a class, to make sure that it has the right ancestor:
+ isa_ok( 'Vole', 'Rodent' );
+It works on references, too:
+ isa_ok( $array_ref, 'ARRAY' );
+The diagnostics of this test normally just refer to 'the object'. If
+you'd like them to be more specific, you can supply an $object_name
+(for example 'Test customer').
+sub isa_ok ($$;$) {
+ my( $thing, $class, $thing_name ) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $whatami;
+ if( !defined $thing ) {
+ $whatami = 'undef';
+ }
+ elsif( ref $thing ) {
+ $whatami = 'reference';
+ local($@,$!);
+ require Scalar::Util;
+ if( Scalar::Util::blessed($thing) ) {
+ $whatami = 'object';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $whatami = 'class';
+ }
+ # We can't use UNIVERSAL::isa because we want to honor isa() overrides
+ my( $rslt, $error ) = $tb->_try( sub { $thing->isa($class) } );
+ if($error) {
+ die <<WHOA unless $error =~ /^Can't (locate|call) method "isa"/;
+WHOA! I tried to call ->isa on your $whatami and got some weird error.
+Here's the error.
+ }
+ # Special case for isa_ok( [], "ARRAY" ) and like
+ if( $whatami eq 'reference' ) {
+ $rslt = UNIVERSAL::isa($thing, $class);
+ }
+ my($diag, $name);
+ if( defined $thing_name ) {
+ $name = "'$thing_name' isa '$class'";
+ $diag = defined $thing ? "'$thing_name' isn't a '$class'" : "'$thing_name' isn't defined";
+ }
+ elsif( $whatami eq 'object' ) {
+ my $my_class = ref $thing;
+ $thing_name = qq[An object of class '$my_class'];
+ $name = "$thing_name isa '$class'";
+ $diag = "The object of class '$my_class' isn't a '$class'";
+ }
+ elsif( $whatami eq 'reference' ) {
+ my $type = ref $thing;
+ $thing_name = qq[A reference of type '$type'];
+ $name = "$thing_name isa '$class'";
+ $diag = "The reference of type '$type' isn't a '$class'";
+ }
+ elsif( $whatami eq 'undef' ) {
+ $thing_name = 'undef';
+ $name = "$thing_name isa '$class'";
+ $diag = "$thing_name isn't defined";
+ }
+ elsif( $whatami eq 'class' ) {
+ $thing_name = qq[The class (or class-like) '$thing'];
+ $name = "$thing_name isa '$class'";
+ $diag = "$thing_name isn't a '$class'";
+ }
+ else {
+ die;
+ }
+ my $ok;
+ if($rslt) {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 1, $name );
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 0, $name );
+ $tb->diag(" $diag\n");
+ }
+ return $ok;
+=item B<new_ok>
+ my $obj = new_ok( $class );
+ my $obj = new_ok( $class => \@args );
+ my $obj = new_ok( $class => \@args, $object_name );
+A convenience function which combines creating an object and calling
+C<isa_ok()> on that object.
+It is basically equivalent to:
+ my $obj = $class->new(@args);
+ isa_ok $obj, $class, $object_name;
+If @args is not given, an empty list will be used.
+This function only works on C<new()> and it assumes C<new()> will return
+just a single object which isa C<$class>.
+sub new_ok {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->croak("new_ok() must be given at least a class") unless @_;
+ my( $class, $args, $object_name ) = @_;
+ $args ||= [];
+ my $obj;
+ my( $success, $error ) = $tb->_try( sub { $obj = $class->new(@$args); 1 } );
+ if($success) {
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ isa_ok $obj, $class, $object_name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $class = 'undef' if !defined $class;
+ $tb->ok( 0, "$class->new() died" );
+ $tb->diag(" Error was: $error");
+ }
+ return $obj;
+=item B<subtest>
+ subtest $name => \&code, @args;
+C<subtest()> runs the &code as its own little test with its own plan and
+its own result. The main test counts this as a single test using the
+result of the whole subtest to determine if its ok or not ok.
+For example...
+ use Test::More tests => 3;
+ pass("First test");
+ subtest 'An example subtest' => sub {
+ plan tests => 2;
+ pass("This is a subtest");
+ pass("So is this");
+ };
+ pass("Third test");
+This would produce.
+ 1..3
+ ok 1 - First test
+ # Subtest: An example subtest
+ 1..2
+ ok 1 - This is a subtest
+ ok 2 - So is this
+ ok 2 - An example subtest
+ ok 3 - Third test
+A subtest may call C<skip_all>. No tests will be run, but the subtest is
+considered a skip.
+ subtest 'skippy' => sub {
+ plan skip_all => 'cuz I said so';
+ pass('this test will never be run');
+ };
+Returns true if the subtest passed, false otherwise.
+Due to how subtests work, you may omit a plan if you desire. This adds an
+implicit C<done_testing()> to the end of your subtest. The following two
+subtests are equivalent:
+ subtest 'subtest with implicit done_testing()', sub {
+ ok 1, 'subtests with an implicit done testing should work';
+ ok 1, '... and support more than one test';
+ ok 1, '... no matter how many tests are run';
+ };
+ subtest 'subtest with explicit done_testing()', sub {
+ ok 1, 'subtests with an explicit done testing should work';
+ ok 1, '... and support more than one test';
+ ok 1, '... no matter how many tests are run';
+ done_testing();
+ };
+Extra arguments given to C<subtest> are passed to the callback. For example:
+ sub my_subtest {
+ my $range = shift;
+ ...
+ }
+ for my $range (1, 10, 100, 1000) {
+ subtest "testing range $range", \&my_subtest, $range;
+ }
+sub subtest {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->subtest(@_);
+=item B<pass>
+=item B<fail>
+ pass($test_name);
+ fail($test_name);
+Sometimes you just want to say that the tests have passed. Usually
+the case is you've got some complicated condition that is difficult to
+wedge into an C<ok()>. In this case, you can simply use C<pass()> (to
+declare the test ok) or fail (for not ok). They are synonyms for
+C<ok(1)> and C<ok(0)>.
+Use these very, very, very sparingly.
+sub pass (;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->ok( 1, @_ );
+sub fail (;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ return $tb->ok( 0, @_ );
+=head2 Module tests
+Sometimes you want to test if a module, or a list of modules, can
+successfully load. For example, you'll often want a first test which
+simply loads all the modules in the distribution to make sure they
+work before going on to do more complicated testing.
+For such purposes we have C<use_ok> and C<require_ok>.
+=over 4
+=item B<require_ok>
+ require_ok($module);
+ require_ok($file);
+Tries to C<require> the given $module or $file. If it loads
+successfully, the test will pass. Otherwise it fails and displays the
+load error.
+C<require_ok> will guess whether the input is a module name or a
+No exception will be thrown if the load fails.
+ # require Some::Module
+ require_ok "Some::Module";
+ # require "Some/";
+ require_ok "Some/";
+ # stop testing if any of your modules will not load
+ for my $module (@module) {
+ require_ok $module or BAIL_OUT "Can't load $module";
+ }
+sub require_ok ($) {
+ my($module) = shift;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $pack = caller;
+ # Try to determine if we've been given a module name or file.
+ # Module names must be barewords, files not.
+ $module = qq['$module'] unless _is_module_name($module);
+ my $code = <<REQUIRE;
+package $pack;
+require $module;
+ my( $eval_result, $eval_error ) = _eval($code);
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( $eval_result, "require $module;" );
+ unless($ok) {
+ chomp $eval_error;
+ $tb->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+ Tried to require '$module'.
+ Error: $eval_error
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _is_module_name {
+ my $module = shift;
+ # Module names start with a letter.
+ # End with an alphanumeric.
+ # The rest is an alphanumeric or ::
+ $module =~ s/\b::\b//g;
+ return $module =~ /^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+=item B<use_ok>
+ BEGIN { use_ok($module); }
+ BEGIN { use_ok($module, @imports); }
+Like C<require_ok>, but it will C<use> the $module in question and
+only loads modules, not files.
+If you just want to test a module can be loaded, use C<require_ok>.
+If you just want to load a module in a test, we recommend simply using
+C<use> directly. It will cause the test to stop.
+It's recommended that you run C<use_ok()> inside a BEGIN block so its
+functions are exported at compile-time and prototypes are properly
+If @imports are given, they are passed through to the use. So this:
+ BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', qw(foo bar)) }
+is like doing this:
+ use Some::Module qw(foo bar);
+Version numbers can be checked like so:
+ # Just like "use Some::Module 1.02"
+ BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', 1.02) }
+Don't try to do this:
+ use_ok('Some::Module');
+ ...some code that depends on the use...
+ ...happening at compile time...
+ }
+because the notion of "compile-time" is relative. Instead, you want:
+ BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module') }
+ BEGIN { ...some code that depends on the use... }
+If you want the equivalent of C<use Foo ()>, use a module but not
+import anything, use C<require_ok>.
+ BEGIN { require_ok "Foo" }
+sub use_ok ($;@) {
+ my( $module, @imports ) = @_;
+ @imports = () unless @imports;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my %caller;
+ @caller{qw/pack file line sub args want eval req strict warn/} = caller(0);
+ my ($pack, $filename, $line, $warn) = @caller{qw/pack file line warn/};
+ $filename =~ y/\n\r/_/; # so it doesn't run off the "#line $line $f" line
+ my $code;
+ if( @imports == 1 and $imports[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
+ # probably a version check. Perl needs to see the bare number
+ # for it to work with non-Exporter based modules.
+ $code = <<USE;
+package $pack;
+BEGIN { \${^WARNING_BITS} = \$args[-1] if defined \$args[-1] }
+#line $line $filename
+use $module $imports[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $code = <<USE;
+package $pack;
+BEGIN { \${^WARNING_BITS} = \$args[-1] if defined \$args[-1] }
+#line $line $filename
+use $module \@{\$args[0]};
+ }
+ my ($eval_result, $eval_error) = _eval($code, \@imports, $warn);
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( $eval_result, "use $module;" );
+ unless($ok) {
+ chomp $eval_error;
+ $@ =~ s{^BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at .*$}
+ {BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at $filename line $line.}m;
+ $tb->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+ Tried to use '$module'.
+ Error: $eval_error
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _eval {
+ my( $code, @args ) = @_;
+ # Work around oddities surrounding resetting of $@ by immediately
+ # storing it.
+ my( $sigdie, $eval_result, $eval_error );
+ {
+ local( $@, $!, $SIG{__DIE__} ); # isolate eval
+ $eval_result = eval $code; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
+ $eval_error = $@;
+ $sigdie = $SIG{__DIE__} || undef;
+ }
+ # make sure that $code got a chance to set $SIG{__DIE__}
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = $sigdie if defined $sigdie;
+ return( $eval_result, $eval_error );
+=head2 Complex data structures
+Not everything is a simple eq check or regex. There are times you
+need to see if two data structures are equivalent. For these
+instances Test::More provides a handful of useful functions.
+B<NOTE> I'm not quite sure what will happen with filehandles.
+=over 4
+=item B<is_deeply>
+ is_deeply( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+Similar to C<is()>, except that if $got and $expected are references, it
+does a deep comparison walking each data structure to see if they are
+equivalent. If the two structures are different, it will display the
+place where they start differing.
+C<is_deeply()> compares the dereferenced values of references, the
+references themselves (except for their type) are ignored. This means
+aspects such as blessing and ties are not considered "different".
+C<is_deeply()> currently has very limited handling of function reference
+and globs. It merely checks if they have the same referent. This may
+improve in the future.
+L<Test::Differences> and L<Test::Deep> provide more in-depth functionality
+along these lines.
+B<NOTE> is_deeply() has limitations when it comes to comparing strings and
+ my $path = path('.');
+ my $hash = {};
+ is_deeply( $path, "$path" ); # ok
+ is_deeply( $hash, "$hash" ); # fail
+This happens because is_deeply will unoverload all arguments unconditionally.
+It is probably best not to use is_deeply with overloading. For legacy reasons
+this is not likely to ever be fixed. If you would like a much better tool for
+this you should see L<Test2::Suite> Specifically L<Test2::Tools::Compare> has
+an C<is()> function that works like C<is_deeply> with many improvements.
+our( @Data_Stack, %Refs_Seen );
+my $DNE = bless [], 'Does::Not::Exist';
+sub _dne {
+ return ref $_[0] eq ref $DNE;
+## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking)
+sub is_deeply {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( @_ == 2 or @_ == 3 ) {
+ my $msg = <<'WARNING';
+is_deeply() takes two or three args, you gave %d.
+This usually means you passed an array or hash instead
+of a reference to it
+ chop $msg; # clip off newline so carp() will put in line/file
+ _carp sprintf $msg, scalar @_;
+ return $tb->ok(0);
+ }
+ my( $got, $expected, $name ) = @_;
+ $tb->_unoverload_str( \$expected, \$got );
+ my $ok;
+ if( !ref $got and !ref $expected ) { # neither is a reference
+ $ok = $tb->is_eq( $got, $expected, $name );
+ }
+ elsif( !ref $got xor !ref $expected ) { # one's a reference, one isn't
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 0, $name );
+ $tb->diag( _format_stack({ vals => [ $got, $expected ] }) );
+ }
+ else { # both references
+ local @Data_Stack = ();
+ if( _deep_check( $got, $expected ) ) {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 1, $name );
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 0, $name );
+ $tb->diag( _format_stack(@Data_Stack) );
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _format_stack {
+ my(@Stack) = @_;
+ my $var = '$FOO';
+ my $did_arrow = 0;
+ foreach my $entry (@Stack) {
+ my $type = $entry->{type} || '';
+ my $idx = $entry->{'idx'};
+ if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+ $var .= "{$idx}";
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+ $var .= "[$idx]";
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
+ $var = "\${$var}";
+ }
+ }
+ my @vals = @{ $Stack[-1]{vals} }[ 0, 1 ];
+ my @vars = ();
+ ( $vars[0] = $var ) =~ s/\$FOO/ \$got/;
+ ( $vars[1] = $var ) =~ s/\$FOO/\$expected/;
+ my $out = "Structures begin differing at:\n";
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#vals ) {
+ my $val = $vals[$idx];
+ $vals[$idx]
+ = !defined $val ? 'undef'
+ : _dne($val) ? "Does not exist"
+ : ref $val ? "$val"
+ : "'$val'";
+ }
+ $out .= "$vars[0] = $vals[0]\n";
+ $out .= "$vars[1] = $vals[1]\n";
+ $out =~ s/^/ /msg;
+ return $out;
+sub _type {
+ my $thing = shift;
+ return '' if !ref $thing;
+ for my $type (qw(Regexp ARRAY HASH REF SCALAR GLOB CODE VSTRING)) {
+ return $type if UNIVERSAL::isa( $thing, $type );
+ }
+ return '';
+=head2 Diagnostics
+If you pick the right test function, you'll usually get a good idea of
+what went wrong when it failed. But sometimes it doesn't work out
+that way. So here we have ways for you to write your own diagnostic
+messages which are safer than just C<print STDERR>.
+=over 4
+=item B<diag>
+ diag(@diagnostic_message);
+Prints a diagnostic message which is guaranteed not to interfere with
+test output. Like C<print> @diagnostic_message is simply concatenated
+Returns false, so as to preserve failure.
+Handy for this sort of thing:
+ ok( grep(/foo/, @users), "There's a foo user" ) or
+ diag("Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right");
+which would produce:
+ not ok 42 - There's a foo user
+ # Failed test 'There's a foo user'
+ # in foo.t at line 52.
+ # Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right.
+You might remember C<ok() or diag()> with the mnemonic C<open() or
+B<NOTE> The exact formatting of the diagnostic output is still
+changing, but it is guaranteed that whatever you throw at it won't
+interfere with the test.
+=item B<note>
+ note(@diagnostic_message);
+Like C<diag()>, except the message will not be seen when the test is run
+in a harness. It will only be visible in the verbose TAP stream.
+Handy for putting in notes which might be useful for debugging, but
+don't indicate a problem.
+ note("Tempfile is $tempfile");
+sub diag {
+ return Test::More->builder->diag(@_);
+sub note {
+ return Test::More->builder->note(@_);
+=item B<explain>
+ my @dump = explain @diagnostic_message;
+Will dump the contents of any references in a human readable format.
+Usually you want to pass this into C<note> or C<diag>.
+Handy for things like...
+ is_deeply($have, $want) || diag explain $have;
+ note explain \%args;
+ Some::Class->method(%args);
+sub explain {
+ return Test::More->builder->explain(@_);
+=head2 Conditional tests
+Sometimes running a test under certain conditions will cause the
+test script to die. A certain function or method isn't implemented
+(such as C<fork()> on MacOS), some resource isn't available (like a
+net connection) or a module isn't available. In these cases it's
+necessary to skip tests, or declare that they are supposed to fail
+but will work in the future (a todo test).
+For more details on the mechanics of skip and todo tests see
+The way Test::More handles this is with a named block. Basically, a
+block of tests which can be skipped over or made todo. It's best if I
+just show you...
+=over 4
+=item B<SKIP: BLOCK>
+ SKIP: {
+ skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+ ...normal testing code goes here...
+ }
+This declares a block of tests that might be skipped, $how_many tests
+there are, $why and under what $condition to skip them. An example is
+the easiest way to illustrate:
+ SKIP: {
+ eval { require HTML::Lint };
+ skip "HTML::Lint not installed", 2 if $@;
+ my $lint = new HTML::Lint;
+ isa_ok( $lint, "HTML::Lint" );
+ $lint->parse( $html );
+ is( $lint->errors, 0, "No errors found in HTML" );
+ }
+If the user does not have HTML::Lint installed, the whole block of
+code I<won't be run at all>. Test::More will output special ok's
+which Test::Harness interprets as skipped, but passing, tests.
+It's important that $how_many accurately reflects the number of tests
+in the SKIP block so the # of tests run will match up with your plan.
+If your plan is C<no_plan> $how_many is optional and will default to 1.
+It's perfectly safe to nest SKIP blocks. Each SKIP block must have
+the label C<SKIP>, or Test::More can't work its magic.
+You don't skip tests which are failing because there's a bug in your
+program, or for which you don't yet have code written. For that you
+use TODO. Read on.
+## no critic (Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn)
+sub skip {
+ my( $why, $how_many ) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ # If the plan is set, and is static, then skip needs a count. If the plan
+ # is 'no_plan' we are fine. As well if plan is undefined then we are
+ # waiting for done_testing.
+ unless (defined $how_many) {
+ my $plan = $tb->has_plan;
+ _carp "skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+ if $plan && $plan =~ m/^\d+$/;
+ $how_many = 1;
+ }
+ if( defined $how_many and $how_many =~ /\D/ ) {
+ _carp
+ "skip() was passed a non-numeric number of tests. Did you get the arguments backwards?";
+ $how_many = 1;
+ }
+ for( 1 .. $how_many ) {
+ $tb->skip($why);
+ }
+ no warnings 'exiting';
+ last SKIP;
+=item B<TODO: BLOCK>
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = $why if $condition;
+ ...normal testing code goes here...
+ }
+Declares a block of tests you expect to fail and $why. Perhaps it's
+because you haven't fixed a bug or haven't finished a new feature:
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "URI::Geller not finished";
+ my $card = "Eight of clubs";
+ is( URI::Geller->your_card, $card, 'Is THIS your card?' );
+ my $spoon;
+ URI::Geller->bend_spoon;
+ is( $spoon, 'bent', "Spoon bending, that's original" );
+ }
+With a todo block, the tests inside are expected to fail. Test::More
+will run the tests normally, but print out special flags indicating
+they are "todo". L<Test::Harness> will interpret failures as being ok.
+Should anything succeed, it will report it as an unexpected success.
+You then know the thing you had todo is done and can remove the
+TODO flag.
+The nice part about todo tests, as opposed to simply commenting out a
+block of tests, is it's like having a programmatic todo list. You know
+how much work is left to be done, you're aware of what bugs there are,
+and you'll know immediately when they're fixed.
+Once a todo test starts succeeding, simply move it outside the block.
+When the block is empty, delete it.
+=item B<todo_skip>
+ TODO: {
+ todo_skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+ ...normal testing code...
+ }
+With todo tests, it's best to have the tests actually run. That way
+you'll know when they start passing. Sometimes this isn't possible.
+Often a failing test will cause the whole program to die or hang, even
+inside an C<eval BLOCK> with and using C<alarm>. In these extreme
+cases you have no choice but to skip over the broken tests entirely.
+The syntax and behavior is similar to a C<SKIP: BLOCK> except the
+tests will be marked as failing but todo. L<Test::Harness> will
+interpret them as passing.
+sub todo_skip {
+ my( $why, $how_many ) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( defined $how_many ) {
+ # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
+ _carp "todo_skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+ unless $tb->has_plan eq 'no_plan';
+ $how_many = 1;
+ }
+ for( 1 .. $how_many ) {
+ $tb->todo_skip($why);
+ }
+ no warnings 'exiting';
+ last TODO;
+=item When do I use SKIP vs. TODO?
+B<If it's something the user might not be able to do>, use SKIP.
+This includes optional modules that aren't installed, running under
+an OS that doesn't have some feature (like C<fork()> or symlinks), or maybe
+you need an Internet connection and one isn't available.
+B<If it's something the programmer hasn't done yet>, use TODO. This
+is for any code you haven't written yet, or bugs you have yet to fix,
+but want to put tests in your testing script (always a good idea).
+=head2 Test control
+=over 4
+=item B<BAIL_OUT>
+ BAIL_OUT($reason);
+Indicates to the harness that things are going so badly all testing
+should terminate. This includes the running of any additional test scripts.
+This is typically used when testing cannot continue such as a critical
+module failing to compile or a necessary external utility not being
+available such as a database connection failing.
+The test will exit with 255.
+For even better control look at L<Test::Most>.
+sub BAIL_OUT {
+ my $reason = shift;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->BAIL_OUT($reason);
+=head2 Discouraged comparison functions
+The use of the following functions is discouraged as they are not
+actually testing functions and produce no diagnostics to help figure
+out what went wrong. They were written before C<is_deeply()> existed
+because I couldn't figure out how to display a useful diff of two
+arbitrary data structures.
+These functions are usually used inside an C<ok()>.
+ ok( eq_array(\@got, \@expected) );
+C<is_deeply()> can do that better and with diagnostics.
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@expected );
+They may be deprecated in future versions.
+=over 4
+=item B<eq_array>
+ my $is_eq = eq_array(\@got, \@expected);
+Checks if two arrays are equivalent. This is a deep check, so
+multi-level structures are handled correctly.
+sub eq_array {
+ local @Data_Stack = ();
+ _deep_check(@_);
+sub _eq_array {
+ my( $a1, $a2 ) = @_;
+ if( grep _type($_) ne 'ARRAY', $a1, $a2 ) {
+ warn "eq_array passed a non-array ref";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $max = $#$a1 > $#$a2 ? $#$a1 : $#$a2;
+ for( 0 .. $max ) {
+ my $e1 = $_ > $#$a1 ? $DNE : $a1->[$_];
+ my $e2 = $_ > $#$a2 ? $DNE : $a2->[$_];
+ next if _equal_nonrefs($e1, $e2);
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'ARRAY', idx => $_, vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = _deep_check( $e1, $e2 );
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ last unless $ok;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _equal_nonrefs {
+ my( $e1, $e2 ) = @_;
+ return if ref $e1 or ref $e2;
+ if ( defined $e1 ) {
+ return 1 if defined $e2 and $e1 eq $e2;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1 if !defined $e2;
+ }
+ return;
+sub _deep_check {
+ my( $e1, $e2 ) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $ok = 0;
+ # Effectively turn %Refs_Seen into a stack. This avoids picking up
+ # the same referenced used twice (such as [\$a, \$a]) to be considered
+ # circular.
+ local %Refs_Seen = %Refs_Seen;
+ {
+ $tb->_unoverload_str( \$e1, \$e2 );
+ # Either they're both references or both not.
+ my $same_ref = !( !ref $e1 xor !ref $e2 );
+ my $not_ref = ( !ref $e1 and !ref $e2 );
+ if( defined $e1 xor defined $e2 ) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif( !defined $e1 and !defined $e2 ) {
+ # Shortcut if they're both undefined.
+ $ok = 1;
+ }
+ elsif( _dne($e1) xor _dne($e2) ) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif( $same_ref and( $e1 eq $e2 ) ) {
+ $ok = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($not_ref) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => '', vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( $Refs_Seen{$e1} ) {
+ return $Refs_Seen{$e1} eq $e2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $Refs_Seen{$e1} = "$e2";
+ }
+ my $type = _type($e1);
+ $type = 'DIFFERENT' unless _type($e2) eq $type;
+ if( $type eq 'DIFFERENT' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $ok = _eq_array( $e1, $e2 );
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $ok = _eq_hash( $e1, $e2 );
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = _deep_check( $$e1, $$e2 );
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = _deep_check( $$e1, $$e2 );
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ }
+ elsif($type) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ _whoa( 1, "No type in _deep_check" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _whoa {
+ my( $check, $desc ) = @_;
+ if($check) {
+ die <<"WHOA";
+WHOA! $desc
+This should never happen! Please contact the author immediately!
+ }
+=item B<eq_hash>
+ my $is_eq = eq_hash(\%got, \%expected);
+Determines if the two hashes contain the same keys and values. This
+is a deep check.
+sub eq_hash {
+ local @Data_Stack = ();
+ return _deep_check(@_);
+sub _eq_hash {
+ my( $a1, $a2 ) = @_;
+ if( grep _type($_) ne 'HASH', $a1, $a2 ) {
+ warn "eq_hash passed a non-hash ref";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $bigger = keys %$a1 > keys %$a2 ? $a1 : $a2;
+ foreach my $k ( keys %$bigger ) {
+ my $e1 = exists $a1->{$k} ? $a1->{$k} : $DNE;
+ my $e2 = exists $a2->{$k} ? $a2->{$k} : $DNE;
+ next if _equal_nonrefs($e1, $e2);
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'HASH', idx => $k, vals => [ $e1, $e2 ] };
+ $ok = _deep_check( $e1, $e2 );
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ last unless $ok;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+=item B<eq_set>
+ my $is_eq = eq_set(\@got, \@expected);
+Similar to C<eq_array()>, except the order of the elements is B<not>
+important. This is a deep check, but the irrelevancy of order only
+applies to the top level.
+ ok( eq_set(\@got, \@expected) );
+Is better written:
+ is_deeply( [sort @got], [sort @expected] );
+B<NOTE> By historical accident, this is not a true set comparison.
+While the order of elements does not matter, duplicate elements do.
+B<NOTE> C<eq_set()> does not know how to deal with references at the top
+level. The following is an example of a comparison which might not work:
+ eq_set([\1, \2], [\2, \1]);
+L<Test::Deep> contains much better set comparison functions.
+sub eq_set {
+ my( $a1, $a2 ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ # It really doesn't matter how we sort them, as long as both arrays are
+ # sorted with the same algorithm.
+ #
+ # Ensure that references are not accidentally treated the same as a
+ # string containing the reference.
+ #
+ # Have to inline the sort routine due to a threading/sort bug.
+ # See [ 6782]
+ #
+ # I don't know how references would be sorted so we just don't sort
+ # them. This means eq_set doesn't really work with refs.
+ return eq_array(
+ [ grep( ref, @$a1 ), sort( grep( !ref, @$a1 ) ) ],
+ [ grep( ref, @$a2 ), sort( grep( !ref, @$a2 ) ) ],
+ );
+=head2 Extending and Embedding Test::More
+Sometimes the Test::More interface isn't quite enough. Fortunately,
+Test::More is built on top of L<Test::Builder> which provides a single,
+unified backend for any test library to use. This means two test
+libraries which both use <Test::Builder> B<can> be used together in the
+same program>.
+If you simply want to do a little tweaking of how the tests behave,
+you can access the underlying L<Test::Builder> object like so:
+=over 4
+=item B<builder>
+ my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
+Returns the L<Test::Builder> object underlying Test::More for you to play
+=head1 EXIT CODES
+If all your tests passed, L<Test::Builder> will exit with zero (which is
+normal). If anything failed it will exit with how many failed. If
+you run less (or more) tests than you planned, the missing (or extras)
+will be considered failures. If no tests were ever run L<Test::Builder>
+will throw a warning and exit with 255. If the test died, even after
+having successfully completed all its tests, it will still be
+considered a failure and will exit with 255.
+So the exit codes are...
+ 0 all tests successful
+ 255 test died or all passed but wrong # of tests run
+ any other number how many failed (including missing or extras)
+If you fail more than 254 tests, it will be reported as 254.
+B<NOTE> This behavior may go away in future versions.
+Test::More works with Perls as old as 5.8.1.
+Thread support is not very reliable before 5.10.1, but that's
+because threads are not very reliable before 5.10.1.
+Although Test::More has been a core module in versions of Perl since 5.6.2, Test::More has evolved since then, and not all of the features you're used to will be present in the shipped version of Test::More. If you are writing a module, don't forget to indicate in your package metadata the minimum version of Test::More that you require. For instance, if you want to use C<done_testing()> but want your test script to run on Perl 5.10.0, you will need to explicitly require Test::More > 0.88.
+Key feature milestones include:
+=over 4
+=item subtests
+Subtests were released in Test::More 0.94, which came with Perl 5.12.0. Subtests did not implicitly call C<done_testing()> until 0.96; the first Perl with that fix was Perl 5.14.0 with 0.98.
+=item C<done_testing()>
+This was released in Test::More 0.88 and first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92.
+=item C<cmp_ok()>
+Although C<cmp_ok()> was introduced in 0.40, 0.86 fixed an important bug to make it safe for overloaded objects; the fixed first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92.
+=item C<new_ok()> C<note()> and C<explain()>
+These were was released in Test::More 0.82, and first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92.
+There is a full version history in the Changes file, and the Test::More versions included as core can be found using L<Module::CoreList>:
+ $ corelist -a Test::More
+=head1 CAVEATS and NOTES
+=over 4
+=item utf8 / "Wide character in print"
+If you use utf8 or other non-ASCII characters with Test::More you
+might get a "Wide character in print" warning. Using
+C<< binmode STDOUT, ":utf8" >> will not fix it.
+L<Test::Builder> (which powers
+Test::More) duplicates STDOUT and STDERR. So any changes to them,
+including changing their output disciplines, will not be seem by
+One work around is to apply encodings to STDOUT and STDERR as early
+as possible and before Test::More (or any other Test module) loads.
+ use open ':std', ':encoding(utf8)';
+ use Test::More;
+A more direct work around is to change the filehandles used by
+ my $builder = Test::More->builder;
+ binmode $builder->output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+ binmode $builder->failure_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+ binmode $builder->todo_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+=item Overloaded objects
+String overloaded objects are compared B<as strings> (or in C<cmp_ok()>'s
+case, strings or numbers as appropriate to the comparison op). This
+prevents Test::More from piercing an object's interface allowing
+better blackbox testing. So if a function starts returning overloaded
+objects instead of bare strings your tests won't notice the
+difference. This is good.
+However, it does mean that functions like C<is_deeply()> cannot be used to
+test the internals of string overloaded objects. In this case I would
+suggest L<Test::Deep> which contains more flexible testing functions for
+complex data structures.
+=item Threads
+Test::More will only be aware of threads if C<use threads> has been done
+I<before> Test::More is loaded. This is ok:
+ use threads;
+ use Test::More;
+This may cause problems:
+ use Test::More
+ use threads;
+5.8.1 and above are supported. Anything below that has too many bugs.
+=head1 HISTORY
+This is a case of convergent evolution with Joshua Pritikin's L<Test>
+module. I was largely unaware of its existence when I'd first
+written my own C<ok()> routines. This module exists because I can't
+figure out how to easily wedge test names into Test's interface (along
+with a few other problems).
+The goal here is to have a testing utility that's simple to learn,
+quick to use and difficult to trip yourself up with while still
+providing more flexibility than the existing As such, the
+names of the most common routines are kept tiny, special cases and
+magic side-effects are kept to a minimum. WYSIWYG.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Test::Simple> if all this confuses you and you just want to write
+some tests. You can upgrade to Test::More later (it's forward
+L<Test::Legacy> tests written with, the original testing
+module, do not play well with other testing libraries. Test::Legacy
+emulates the interface and does play well with others.
+L<Fennec> The Fennec framework is a testers toolbox. It uses L<Test::Builder>
+under the hood. It brings enhancements for forking, defining state, and
+mocking. Fennec enhances several modules to work better together than they
+would if you loaded them individually on your own.
+L<Fennec::Declare> Provides enhanced (L<Devel::Declare>) syntax for Fennec.
+L<Test::Differences> for more ways to test complex data structures.
+And it plays well with Test::More.
+L<Test::Class> is like xUnit but more perlish.
+L<Test::Deep> gives you more powerful complex data structure testing.
+L<Test::Inline> shows the idea of embedded testing.
+L<Mock::Quick> The ultimate mocking library. Easily spawn objects defined on
+the fly. Can also override, block, or reimplement packages as needed.
+L<Test::FixtureBuilder> Quickly define fixture data for unit tests.
+L<Test::Harness> is the test runner and output interpreter for Perl.
+It's the thing that powers C<make test> and where the C<prove> utility
+comes from.
+=head2 BUNDLES
+L<Test::Most> Most commonly needed test functions and features.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt> with much inspiration
+from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie
+Slaymaker, Tony Bowden,, chromatic, Fergal Daly and
+the perl-qa gang.
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 BUGS
+See F<> to report and view bugs.
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test::More can be found at
+Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>