path: root/systems/mac/support/excalibur/Excalibur-dictionaries/Catalan-ReadMe.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'systems/mac/support/excalibur/Excalibur-dictionaries/Catalan-ReadMe.txt')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/mac/support/excalibur/Excalibur-dictionaries/Catalan-ReadMe.txt b/systems/mac/support/excalibur/Excalibur-dictionaries/Catalan-ReadMe.txt
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+++ b/systems/mac/support/excalibur/Excalibur-dictionaries/Catalan-ReadMe.txt
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+\copyright{} Joan Dol\c{c} 1999
+--(Vegeu el text en catal\`{a} al final del document)--
+This dictionary, on the contrary of all the commercial dictionaries I
+know, contains a big number of verbal forms and others forms
+considered secondary but absolutely normative, used in an important
+part of the catalonian linguistic area, and mainly in valencian
+To make a good use of it, it is necessary to write your text with
+smart quotes or to activate the ``single quote marks end of word''
+option in ``Options/Words Boundaries'' menu.
+It serves as ``read only''. It is recommended to add new words in a
+complementary dictionary (a ``personal dictionary'') that, in this
+case, I will thank you for sending me.
+This dictionary is free use and distribution, except for commercial
+uses. In a reasonable and modest correspondence, I ask its users no to
+change its name, as that this unaltered document will always be
+enclosed with the dictionary.
+You can send me any commentary to this address: <>
+Version 3.0 (June 2002)
+I have completed, as far as it has been possible, the conjugation of
+all the verbs, as much in their south-western flexion (valencian),
+like the eastern. Femenine forms and plural ones have been completed
+also, as much of the names as of adjectives. The dictionary now has
+547,363 terms. I consider my work finished.
+Version 2.5 (May 1999)
+- The inflection of the second person in verbs pertaining to the first
+ conjugation (as ``parlar'') has been completed in a systematic way.
+ This means that 46.416 new entries have been enclosed.
+Version 2.0 (February 1998)
+- Valencian (or south-occidental variant) verbal inflection has been
+ completed, except for the second person.
+- The first version has been corrected word by word; mistakes found
+ have been corrected and some barbarisms and localisms have been
+ eliminated.
+- Many geographic nouns and proper nouns (concerning catalonian
+ linguistic area as well as from any other origins) have been
+ enclosed depending on its frequency of use.
+- Many others terms have been enclosed, until a total of 286.622
+ entries.
+Version 1.0 (June 1997)
+- First version of catalan dictionary for Excalibur. About 242.000
+ entries are enclosed.
+\copyright{} Joan Dol\c{c} 2002
+Aquest diccionari, a difer\`{e}ncia de tots els diccionaris comercials
+que conec, cont\'{e} un gran nombre de formes verbals i formes
+considerades secund\`{a}ries, per\`{o} plenament normatives,
+utilitzades a bona part de l\`{a}\`{a}rea ling\"{u}\'{\i}stica
+catalana, m\'{e}s que m\'{e}s a terres valencianes.
+Per a que funcione correctament, cal que utilitzeu als vostres textos
+cometes tipogr\`{a}fiques o que activeu l'opci\'{o} ``single quote
+marks end of word'' del men\'{u} ``Options/Word Boundaries''.
+\'{E}s de ``lectura nom\'{e}s''. \'{E}s recomanable d'afegir les noves
+paraules a un diccionari complementari (un diccionari ``personal'')
+que, arribat el cas, us agrairia que em f\'{e}sseu a mans.
+Aquest diccionari \'{e}s de lliure \'{u}s i distribuci\'{o}, excepte
+per a finalitats comercials. En justa i modesta correspond\`{e}ncia,
+demane als seus usuaris que no alteren el seu nom, i que vaja
+acompanyat sempre d'aquest document inalterat.
+Em podeu fer arribar qualsevol comentari a <>
+Versi\'{o} 3.0 (juny del 2002)
+He completat, fins on m'ha estat posible, la conjugaci\'{o} de tots els verbs, tant en la seua flexi\'{o} sud-occidental (valenciana), com oriental. Han estat completades tamb\'{e} les formes femenines i de plural, tant de noms com d'adjectius. El diccionari t\'{e} ara 547.363 mots. Done per acabada la tasca.
+Versi\'{o} 2.5 (maig de 1999)
+-Ha estat completada, de forma sistem\`{a}tica, la conjugaci\'{o} de
+ la segona persona dels verbs pertanyents a la primera declinaci\'{o}
+ (mod: ``parlar''). Aix\`{o} ha suposat l\`{a}adici\'{o} de 46.416
+ nous mots.
+Versi\'{o} 2.0 (Febrer de 1998)
+-Ha estat completada la flexi\'{o} verbal valenciana (o
+ sud-occidental), exceptuant les formes de la segona persona.
+-Ha estat corregida la primera versi\'{o}, paraula a paraula; s'han
+ corregit els errors que hi han estat trobats, i s'han eliminat alguns
+ barbarismes i localismes.
+-S'han incl\`{o}s nombrosos noms propis i geogr\`{a}fics, tant de
+ l'\`{a}mbit ling\"{u}\'{\i}stic catal\`{a} com de qualsevol altre
+ origen, en funci\'{o} de llur freq\"{u}\`{e}ncia d'\'{u}s.
+-S'han incl\`{o}s molts altres termes, fins a un total de 286.622.
+Versi\'{o}1.0 (Juny de 1997)
+Primera versi\'{o} del diccionari catal\`{a} per a
+l\`{a}Excalibur. Cont\'{e} aproximadament 242.000 mots.