path: root/systems/knuth/local/binarydemo.p-sparc
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Diffstat (limited to 'systems/knuth/local/binarydemo.p-sparc')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/knuth/local/binarydemo.p-sparc b/systems/knuth/local/binarydemo.p-sparc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13371e071c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/knuth/local/binarydemo.p-sparc
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+program bdemo(output); {demonstrates binary file I/O in Pascal,
+ using external C routines to help out}
+label 9999;
+const namelength=100;
+type byte=-128..127;
+ bytefile=packed file of byte;
+ UNIXfilename=packed array[1..namelength] of char;
+var fname:UNIXfilename;
+ bfile:bytefile;
+ k,l:integer;
+#include "bdemo_ext.h"
+procedure printstatus(n:integer);
+var x:byte;
+begin if testeof(bfile) then writeln('Byte ',n:1,' is EOF')
+else begin read(bfile,x); writeln('Byte ',n:1,' is ',x:1);
+ end;
+begin if argc=1 then {no file name argument given on command line}
+ begin writeln('Creating test file btest');
+ fname:='btest';
+ if not testwriteaccess(fname) then
+ begin writeln('I couldn''t create it!'); goto 9999;
+ end;
+ rewrite(bfile,fname);
+ for k:=-128 to 127 do write(bfile,k);
+ end
+else begin argv(1,fname); k:=1;
+ while (k<namelength)and(fname[k]<>' ') do k:=k+1;
+ writeln('Examining file ',fname:k,':');
+ end;
+if not testreadaccess(fname) then
+ begin writeln('I couldn''t read it!'); goto 9999;
+ end;
+writeln('The file is ',l:1,' bytes long');
+if l>0 then
+ begin printstatus(2);
+ if l>1 then
+ begin movetobyte(bfile,l-2); printstatus(l-1);
+ end;
+ movetobyte(bfile,l-1); printstatus(l);
+ printstatus(l+1);
+ movetobyte(bfile,l div 2); printstatus(l div 2 + 1);
+ movetobyte(bfile,1); printstatus(2);
+ end;