path: root/systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug
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Diffstat (limited to 'systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug b/systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug
index 0ce8ccbd74..c6349b896d 100644
--- a/systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug
+++ b/systems/knuth/dist/errata/mf84.bug
@@ -2321,10 +2321,117 @@ done1: if (link(p)<>null) then free_node(link(p),knot_node_size);
link(p):=s; beta:=-y_coord(h);
+573. Don't restrict the length of the banner line, leave it system-dependent code
+(Udo Wermuth, 02 April 2017)
+@x module 61
+incorrect, but the discrepancy is not serious since we assume that the banner
+and base identifier together will occupy at most |max_print_line|
+character positions.
+incorrect, but the discrepancy is not serious since we assume that this
+part of the program is system dependent.
+@^system dependencies@>
+574. Defeat interactions during batch mode (Xiaosa Zhang, 27 June 2020)
+@x module 78
+@ @<Get user's advice...@>=
+loop@+begin continue: clear_for_error_prompt; prompt_input("? ");
+@ @<Get user's advice...@>=
+loop@+begin continue: if interaction<>error_stop_mode then return;
+ clear_for_error_prompt; prompt_input("? ");
+575. Don't exit to editor if no input file is at the bottom line
+(Xiaosa Zhang, 03 July 2020)
+@x module 79
+"E": if file_ptr>0 then
+"E": if file_ptr>0 then if input_stack[file_ptr].name_field>=256 then
+@x module 80
+if file_ptr>0 then print("E to edit your file,");
+if file_ptr>0 then if input_stack[file_ptr].name_field>=256 then
+ print("E to edit your file,");
+576. Keep date and time in system variables, use them in opening banner
+(Udo Wermuth, 11 December 2020)
+@x module 194
+Since standard \PASCAL\ cannot provide such information, something special
+is needed. The program here simply specifies July 4, 1776, at noon; but
+users probably want a better approximation to the truth.
+Note that the values are |scaled| integers. Hence \MF\ can no longer
+be used after the year 32767.
+@p procedure fix_date_and_time;
+begin internal[time]:=12*60*unity; {minutes since midnight}
+internal[day]:=4*unity; {fourth day of the month}
+internal[month]:=7*unity; {seventh month of the year}
+internal[year]:=1776*unity; {Anno Domini}
+Since standard \PASCAL\ cannot provide such information, something special
+is needed. The program here simply assumes that suitable values appear in
+the global variables \\{sys\_time}, \\{sys\_day}, \\{sys\_month}, and
+\\{sys\_year} (which are initialized to noon on 4 July 1776,
+in case the implementor is careless).
+Note that the values are |scaled| integers. Hence \MF\ can no longer
+be used after the year 32767.
+@p procedure fix_date_and_time;
+begin sys_time:=12*60;
+sys_day:=4; sys_month:=7; sys_year:=1776; {self-evident truths}
+internal[time]:=sys_time*unity; {minutes since midnight}
+internal[day]:=sys_day*unity; {day of the month}
+internal[month]:=sys_month*unity; {month of the year}
+internal[year]:=sys_year*unity; {Anno Domini}
+@x module 196
+@ Of course we had better declare another global variable, if the previous
+routines are going to work.
+@ Of course we had better declare a few more global variables, if the previous
+routines are going to work.
+ {date and time supplied by external system}
+@x module 790
+print_int(round_unscaled(internal[day])); print_char(" ");
+for k:=3*m-2 to 3*m do wlog(months[k]);
+print_char(" "); print_int(round_unscaled(internal[year])); print_char(" ");
+print_dd(m div 60); print_char(":"); print_dd(m mod 60);
+print_int(sys_day); print_char(" ");
+for k:=3*sys_month-2 to 3*sys_month do wlog(months[k]);
+print_char(" "); print_int(sys_year); print_char(" ");
+print_dd(sys_time div 60); print_char(":"); print_dd(sys_time mod 60);
+@x module 1211
+fix_date_and_time; init_randoms((internal[time] div unity)+internal[day]);@/
+fix_date_and_time; init_randoms(sys_time+sys_day*unity);@/
999. The absolutely final change (to be made after my death)
@x module 2
-@d banner=='This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818' {printed when \MF\ starts}
+@d banner=='This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182' {printed when \MF\ starts}
@d banner=='This is METAFONT, Version $e$' {printed when \MF\ starts}