path: root/support/translit/koi8-win.rus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/translit/koi8-win.rus')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/translit/koi8-win.rus b/support/translit/koi8-win.rus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20c6e9ebf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/translit/koi8-win.rus
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#hacked from koi8-gos.rus
+# 6 Dec 1995
+# only the column out_seq is changed.
+#----good luck--
+# Jan Labanowski,, Dec. 30, 1992 -- original author
+# File koi8-win.rus
+# This is a transliteration data file for converting from KOI8 (Relcom)
+# KOI8 is meant to be GOST 19768-74, to Microsoft Code Page 1251 used as
+# its Windows fonts and Russian key code.
+# To be used with translit.c program by Jan Labanowski
+ 1 file version number
+ " " # string delimiters
+ [ ] # list delimites
+ { } # regular expression delimiters
+#starting sequence
+#ending sequence
+ 0 # number of input SHIFT sequences, only one set of input characters
+ 0 # number of output SHIFT sequences, only one set of output characters
+# conversion table
+# inp_set_numb inp_seq out_set_numb out_seq
+ 0 "\0xB3" 0 "\0xA8" #capital Yo
+ 0 "\0xA3" 0 "\0xB8" #small yo
+ 0 "\0xE1" 0 "\0xC0" #capital A
+ 0 "\0xE2" 0 "\0xC1" #capital Be
+ 0 "\0xF7" 0 "\0xC2" #capital Ve
+ 0 "\0xE7" 0 "\0xC3" #capital Ghe
+ 0 "\0xE4" 0 "\0xC4" #capital De
+ 0 "\0xE5" 0 "\0xC5" #capital Ie
+ 0 "\0xF6" 0 "\0xC6" #capital Zhe
+ 0 "\0xFA" 0 "\0xC7" #capital Ze
+ 0 "\0xE9" 0 "\0xC8" #capital I
+ 0 "\0xEA" 0 "\0xC9" #capital short I
+ 0 "\0xEB" 0 "\0xCA" #capital Ka
+ 0 "\0xEC" 0 "\0xCB" #capital El
+ 0 "\0xED" 0 "\0xCC" #capital Em
+ 0 "\0xEE" 0 "\0xCD" #capital En
+ 0 "\0xEF" 0 "\0xCE" #capital O
+ 0 "\0xF0" 0 "\0xCF" #capital Pe
+ 0 "\0xF2" 0 "\0xD0" #capital Er
+ 0 "\0xF3" 0 "\0xD1" #capital Es
+ 0 "\0xF4" 0 "\0xD2" #capital Te
+ 0 "\0xF5" 0 "\0xD3" #capital U
+ 0 "\0xE6" 0 "\0xD4" #capital Ef
+ 0 "\0xE8" 0 "\0xD5" #capital Kha
+ 0 "\0xE3" 0 "\0xD6" #capital Tse
+ 0 "\0xFE" 0 "\0xD7" #capital Che
+ 0 "\0xFB" 0 "\0xD8" #capital Sha
+ 0 "\0xFD" 0 "\0xD9" #capital Shcha
+ 0 "\0xFF" 0 "\0xDA" #capital hard sign (Ier)
+ 0 "\0xF9" 0 "\0xDB" #capital Y (Iery)
+ 0 "\0xF8" 0 "\0xDC" #capit soft sign(Ierik)
+ 0 "\0xFC" 0 "\0xDD" #capit reverse rounded E
+ 0 "\0xE0" 0 "\0xDE" #capital Yu
+ 0 "\0xF1" 0 "\0xDF" #capital Ya
+ 0 "\0xC1" 0 "\0xE0" #small a
+ 0 "\0xC2" 0 "\0xE1" #small be
+ 0 "\0xD7" 0 "\0xE2" #small ve
+ 0 "\0xC7" 0 "\0xE3" #small ghe
+ 0 "\0xC4" 0 "\0xE4" #small de
+ 0 "\0xC5" 0 "\0xE5" #small ie
+ 0 "\0xD6" 0 "\0xE6" #small zhe
+ 0 "\0xDA" 0 "\0xE7" #small z
+ 0 "\0xC9" 0 "\0xE8" #small i
+ 0 "\0xCA" 0 "\0xE9" #small short i
+ 0 "\0xCB" 0 "\0xEA" #small ka
+ 0 "\0xCC" 0 "\0xEB" #small el
+ 0 "\0xCD" 0 "\0xEC" #small em
+ 0 "\0xCE" 0 "\0xED" #small en
+ 0 "\0xCF" 0 "\0xEE" #small o
+ 0 "\0xD0" 0 "\0xEF" #small pe
+ 0 "\0xD2" 0 "\0xF0" #small er
+ 0 "\0xD3" 0 "\0xF1" #small es
+ 0 "\0xD4" 0 "\0xF2" #small te
+ 0 "\0xD5" 0 "\0xF3" #small u
+ 0 "\0xC6" 0 "\0xF4" #small ef
+ 0 "\0xC8" 0 "\0xF5" #small kha
+ 0 "\0xC3" 0 "\0xF6" #small tse
+ 0 "\0xDE" 0 "\0xF7" #small che
+ 0 "\0xDB" 0 "\0xF8" #small sha
+ 0 "\0xDD" 0 "\0xF9" #small shcha
+ 0 "\0xDF" 0 "\0xFA" #small hard sign (ier)
+ 0 "\0xD9" 0 "\0xFB" #small y (iery)
+ 0 "\0xD8" 0 "\0xFC" #small soft sign (ierik)
+ 0 "\0xDC" 0 "\0xFD" #small rev rounded e
+ 0 "\0xC0" 0 "\0xFE" #small yu
+ 0 "\0xD1" 0 "\0xFF" #small ya