path: root/support/texlab/docs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/texlab/docs/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/support/texlab/docs/ b/support/texlab/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b3599cce1..0000000000
--- a/support/texlab/docs/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Configuration
-This document describes the configuration settings
-that the server will query from the LSP client / extension.
-## texlab.rootDirectory
-Defines the directory from which the source files get compiled.
-You may need to set this property for multi-folder projects
-where TexLab fails to detect the root document.
-**Type:** `string | null`
-**Default value**: `null`
-Defines the executable of the LaTeX build tool.
-**Type:** `string`
-**Default value:** `latexmk`
-Defines additional arguments that are passed to the configured LaTeX build tool.
-Note that flags and their arguments need to be separate
-elements in this array.
-To pass the arguments `-foo bar` to a build tool,
-`` needs to be `["-foo", "bar"]`.
-The placeholder `%f` will be replaced by the server.
-- `%f`: The path of the TeX file to compile.
-**Type:** `string[]`
-**Default value:** `["-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "%f"]`
-Set this property to `true` if you want to execute a forward search after a build.
-**Type:** `boolean`
-**Default value:** `false`
-Set this property to `true` if you want to compile the project after saving a file.
-**Type:** `boolean`
-**Default value:** `false`
-## texlab.auxDirectory
-Defines the directory containing the build artifacts.
-Note that you need to set the output directory in `` too,
-if you want to change the build directory.
-In this case, use the `-outdir` flag for `latexmk`.
-**Type:** `string`
-**Default value:** `.` (the same directory as the TeX file)
-## texlab.forwardSearch.executable
-Defines the executable of the PDF previewer.
-The previewer needs to support [SyncTeX](
-**Type:** `string | null`
-**Default value:** `null`
-## texlab.forwardSearch.args
-Defines additional arguments that are passed to the configured previewer to perform the forward search.
-The placeholders `%f, %p, %l` will be replaced by the server.
-- `%f`: The path of the current TeX file.
-- `%p`: The path of the current PDF file.
-- `%l`: The current line number.
-**Type:** `string[] | null`
-**Default value:** `null`
-## texlab.chktex.onOpenAndSave
-Lint using [chktex]( after opening and saving a file.
-**Type:** `boolean`
-**Default value:** `false`
-## texlab.chktex.onEdit
-Lint using [chktex]( after editing a file.
-**Type:** `boolean`
-**Default value:** `false`
-## texlab.diagnosticsDelay
-Delay in milliseconds before reporting diagnostics.
-**Type:** `integer`
-**Default value:** `300`
-## texlab.diagnostics.allowedPatterns
-A list of regular expressions used to filter the list of reported diagnostics.
-If specified, only diagnostics that match _at least one_ of the specified patterns
-are sent to the client.
-See also [`texlab.diagnostics.ignoredPatterns`](#texlabdiagnosticsignoredpatterns).
-If both `allowedPatterns` and `ignoredPatterns` are set,
-then allowed patterns are applied first. Afterwards, the results are filtered with the ignored patterns.
-**Type:** `RegExp[]`
-**Default value:** `[]`
-## texlab.diagnostics.ignoredPatterns
-A list of regular expressions used to filter the list of reported diagnostics.
-If specified, only diagnostics that match _none_ of the specified patterns
-are sent to the client.
-See also [`texlab.diagnostics.allowedPatterns`](#texlabdiagnosticsallowedpatterns).
-**Type:** `RegExp[]`
-**Default value:** `[]`
-## texlab.formatterLineLength
-Defines the maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) when formatting BibTeX files.
-**Type:** `integer`
-**Default value:** `80`
-## texlab.bibtexFormatter
-Defines the formatter to use for BibTeX formatting.
-Possible values are either `texlab` or `latexindent`.
-**Type:** `string`
-**Default value:** `texlab`
-## texlab.latexFormatter
-Defines the formatter to use for LaTeX formatting.
-Possible values are either `texlab` or `latexindent`.
-Note that `texlab` is not implemented yet.
-**Type:** `string`
-**Default value:** `latexindent`
-## texlab.latexindent.local
-Defines the path of a file containing the `latexindent` configuration.
-This corresponds to the `--local=file.yaml` flag of `latexindent`.
-By default the configuration inside the project root directory is used.
-**Type:** `string`
-**Default value:** `null`
-## texlab.latexindent.modifyLineBreaks
-Modifies linebreaks before, during, and at the end of code blocks
-when formatting with `latexindent`.
-This corresponds to the `--modifylinebreaks` flag of `latexindent`.
-**Type:** `boolean`
-**Default value:** `false`