path: root/support/texlab/crates/jsonrpc_derive/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/texlab/crates/jsonrpc_derive/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/support/texlab/crates/jsonrpc_derive/src/ b/support/texlab/crates/jsonrpc_derive/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 283be858db..0000000000
--- a/support/texlab/crates/jsonrpc_derive/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#![recursion_limit = "128"]
-extern crate proc_macro;
-use proc_macro::TokenStream;
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::{export::TokenStream2, *};
-macro_rules! unwrap {
- ($input:expr, $arm:pat => $value:expr) => {{
- match $input {
- $arm => $value,
- _ => panic!(),
- }
- }};
-enum MethodKind {
- Request,
- Notification,
-struct MethodMeta {
- pub name: String,
- pub kind: MethodKind,
-impl MethodMeta {
- pub fn parse(attr: &Attribute) -> Self {
- let meta = attr.parse_meta().unwrap();
- if meta.path().get_ident().unwrap() != "jsonrpc_method" {
- panic!("Expected jsonrpc_method attribute");
- }
- let nested = unwrap!(meta, Meta::List(x) => x.nested);
- let name = unwrap!(&nested[0], NestedMeta::Lit(Lit::Str(x)) => x.value());
- let kind = {
- let lit = unwrap!(&nested[1], NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(x)) => &x.lit);
- let kind = unwrap!(lit, Lit::Str(x) => x.value());
- match kind.as_str() {
- "request" => MethodKind::Request,
- "notification" => MethodKind::Notification,
- _ => panic!(
- "Invalid method kind. Valid options are \"request\" and \"notification\""
- ),
- }
- };
- Self { name, kind }
- }
-pub fn jsonrpc_method(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- item
-pub fn jsonrpc_server(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let impl_: ItemImpl = parse_macro_input!(item);
- let generics = &impl_.generics;
- let self_ty = &impl_.self_ty;
- let (requests, notifications) = generate_server_skeletons(&impl_.items);
- let tokens = quote! {
- #impl_
- #[async_trait::async_trait]
- impl #generics jsonrpc::RequestHandler for #self_ty {
- async fn handle_request(&self, request: jsonrpc::Request) -> jsonrpc::Response {
- use jsonrpc::*;
- match request.method.as_str() {
- #(#requests),*,
- _ => {
- Response::error(Error::method_not_found_error(), Some(
- }
- }
- }
- async fn handle_notification(&self, notification: jsonrpc::Notification) {
- match notification.method.as_str() {
- #(#notifications),*,
- _ => log::warn!("{}: {}", "Method not found", notification.method),
- }
- }
- }
- };
- tokens.into()
-pub fn jsonrpc_client(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let trait_: ItemTrait = parse_macro_input!(item);
- let trait_ident = &trait_.ident;
- let stubs = generate_client_stubs(&trait_.items);
- let attr: AttributeArgs = parse_macro_input!(attr);
- let struct_ident = unwrap!(attr.first().unwrap(), NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(x)) => x);
- let tokens = quote! {
- #[async_trait::async_trait]
- #trait_
- pub struct #struct_ident {
- client: jsonrpc::Client
- }
- impl #struct_ident
- {
- pub fn new(output: futures::channel::mpsc::Sender<String>) -> Self {
- Self {
- client: jsonrpc::Client::new(output),
- }
- }
- }
- #[async_trait::async_trait]
- impl #trait_ident for #struct_ident
- {
- #(#stubs)*
- }
- #[async_trait::async_trait]
- impl jsonrpc::ResponseHandler for #struct_ident
- {
- async fn handle(&self, response: jsonrpc::Response) -> () {
- self.client.handle(response).await
- }
- }
- };
- tokens.into()
-fn generate_server_skeletons(items: &Vec<ImplItem>) -> (Vec<TokenStream2>, Vec<TokenStream2>) {
- let mut requests = Vec::new();
- let mut notifications = Vec::new();
- for item in items {
- let method = unwrap!(item, ImplItem::Method(x) => x);
- if method.attrs.is_empty() {
- continue;
- }
- let ident = &method.sig.ident;
- let param_ty = unwrap!(&method.sig.inputs[1], FnArg::Typed(x) => &x.ty);
- let meta = MethodMeta::parse(method.attrs.first().unwrap());
- let name = &;
- match meta.kind {
- MethodKind::Request => {
- requests.push(quote!(
- #name => {
- let handler = |param: #param_ty| async move {
- self.#ident(param).await
- };
- jsonrpc::handle_request(request, handler).await
- }
- ));
- }
- MethodKind::Notification => {
- notifications.push(quote!(
- #name => {
- let handler = |param: #param_ty| async move {
- self.#ident(param).await;
- };
- jsonrpc::handle_notification(notification, handler).await;
- }
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- (requests, notifications)
-fn generate_client_stubs(items: &Vec<TraitItem>) -> Vec<TokenStream2> {
- let mut stubs = Vec::new();
- for item in items {
- let method = unwrap!(item, TraitItem::Method(x) => x);
- let attrs = &method.attrs;
- let sig = &method.sig;
- let param = unwrap!(&sig.inputs[1], FnArg::Typed(x) => &x.pat);
- let meta = MethodMeta::parse(attrs.first().unwrap());
- let name = &;
- let stub = match meta.kind {
- MethodKind::Request => quote!(
- #sig {
- let result = self.client.send_request(#name.to_owned(), #param).await?;
- serde_json::from_value(result).map_err(|_| jsonrpc::Error::deserialize_error())
- }
- ),
- MethodKind::Notification => quote!(
- #sig {
- self.client.send_notification(#name.to_owned(), #param).await
- }
- ),
- };
- stubs.push(stub);
- }
- stubs